Hell's Kitchen (U.S.) Uncensored - Season 12, Episode 13 - Full Episode

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previously on Hell's Kitchen and Tom was careful not to rock the boat on his new team you really think I went over my mouth in your kitchen this was my night in Chef Ramsay's shop in the dark challenge the chef's had to choose ingredients relying solely on their sense of time and following some disappointing dishes from Keysha I'm gonna [ __ ] choke someone and Jason it's like a mouthful of bullets Melanie impressed flavors good really good indeed but it was Rochelle who triumphed what was a strange combination never caught it never actually quite works winning the challenge and the blue team's respect and then at a special dinner service honoring the charity UNICEF this is one of the most important dinners you've ever cooked each chef was given the task of leaving a course this is my chance to shine and show chef you know what I made us but in spite of Rochelle in the blue kitchen Rochelle keep it going yes and Anton in the red kitchen getting their respective kitchens off to a great start very nice Anton hopefully both teams had their issues Yas Sandra new to the blue team didn't impress anyone with how she supervised the lamb course and three plates with no loud on make a decision Sandra and in the red kitchen it was Keysha who fumbled the tortellini course but she wasn't ready to accept the blame the red team nominated and while the blue team selected Sandra and Gabriel in the end Chef Ramsay chose Sandra's who saw her dream of winning this season's kitchen and a quarter of a million dollars come to an end [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and now the continuation of Hell's Kitchen get out of here I'm so relieved Chef Ramsay told me to get back in line I thought I was going home hey what up I'm still shaken but you still here I know but he knows you didn't quite tell that's why you've been here like he's seen the progress yeah Melanie I feel bad I came in she family I would've never left I didn't leave that's terrible that's a decade if you know me outside of this place I'm not like that we got a coming up as a team we need to put literally a hundred and fifty percent of ourselves on the line and I agree and I need to redeem myself I'm just so happy that we were able to talk it over this drama is not why I'm here he offered me Mississippi old country yes so you better lay low here so here I'm able to see Jana nobody shake her nobody like I feel confident about however for lunch of this plane but it's a point to this point so who do you think's your base threat ah I don't know do you think your biggest threat is as far as confidence and experience yeah of course Melanie feels like I'm a threat to her and I am but honestly I'm not worried about now I need at all me and you are gonna be the last to last Tuesday why are you laughing I just want to get to the ends not knowing what's coming that's the part of Oz [Music] as a new day dawns in Hell's Kitchen a surprise visitor brings a surprise delivery from Chef Ramsay the minions of blink oh is that what they say because red vs. blue designers today one hour wears on you have to design a scrumptious menu before the deadline might be time for you to go right now [Applause] you know that RAF wouldn't want a freestyle battle for sure so red team get downstairs to the patio immediately in an important test of the team's creativity and their ability to work together come on great thing Chef Ramsay has asked each kitchen to create an original fine dining menu for tonight's dinner service okay so we need four F four entrees right yes well I think we storm it ass first you guys feel good with risotto yeah all right risotto up on the board we need to figure out what kind of risotto I was thinking shrimp bisque risotto which is a totally different style and taste to it or you know what I was thinking the pea risotto I get the peas are in right now how about doing a squash risotto like a butternut squash risotto yeah now what a good garnish to go with that beef if you put spinach in there at the end it'll steam itself down yeah but how good is spinach gonna taste the butternut squash actually tastes very good good alright where else can we go with it can we do cranberries with that and the butternut squash I don't think they blend yeah why don't you throw some cranberries up in them gosh there we go every time I make a suggestion Melanie saying how much she hates it this is crazy butternut squash we're just like something else in there like nutmeg sauce or something like that we're thinking too much all right well we noticed the base okay we'll come back to the garnish while the majority of Anton's suggestions hit a sour note with Melanie upstairs in the dorms the blue team we definitely the risotto seems to be working in perfect harmony wild mushroom asparagus risotto all right go ahead go ahead while mushroom and asparagus we started brainstorming pretty quick trying to start thinking of dishes that the chef likes on his menu crab cake oh yes maybe the Asian slaw like what sesame seed oil yeah you start trying to give a different twist on it we're gonna use the ginger dressing with you meanwhile down on the patio muscle with butter beans you're doing a butternut squash and a butter bean oh she's [ __ ] Wow we can do a tuna slider well we have a seafood though okay what about doing a beef carpaccio yeah all right we need one more what about sliders ahi tuna sliders okay cool okay so you did not just say that what were you saying okay tuna slider any sliders so how did you forget that I just suggested a tone of slider I found are you you cool with all this you're not speaking up I just think we're just going too much to Legrand she's already got us doing this isn't a team menu right now this is Melanie's menu we burnt as a group cuz it's all your ideas I'll throw you under goddamn bus how is this like what he's doing it's similar to have a selection on his menus that's not true at all while one voice seems to be dominating the discussion on the red team back upstairs I think that should just be a meat dish of some kind by itself there is one voice on the blue team that has yet to be heard what do you think we show jump in um I don't know why you cook meat while Rochelle I mean go with a steak or or either New York or the filet no no come on tell us what you are dude there's only four of us we're a man down we need you what do you want to do me I mean come on New York Strip or what are you comfortable with oh my gosh like this should not be this difficult but I've just done catering when so it's a little bit different it's not that I'm not creative it's just you know that lack of experience and also plays into my lack of confidence like it's harder for me to throw out ideas I have a voice speak up um it doesn't matter New York or by either of those mutters put it in put lava men are frustrated by Rachelle's lack of participation downstairs everybody at least put up option for entree joy is encouraging everyone to get involved in the menu plan okay with the bleu cheese crab butter yeah yeah for sure my teammates they remember my signature dish I have a New York Strip well with a blue cheese crap butter that steaks delicious you really like this yeah I definitely think the New York Strip is gonna be when our beer sellers for tonight well we're gonna do this well I'm thinking scallops with a goat cheese pesto topping okay finally if I got my two cents if no cheese pesto I'm free aside to actually give Chef Ramsay my version of house I want to do some crispy ash chicken what happened last time everybody did fried chicken it was kind of disaster this pink honey's [ __ ] raw all of you come here wow this is a joke I wouldn't even go in and chicken that racing today yeah but we should play it safe I think it's [ __ ] disaster I don't think we should even get involved in fastening don't be scared about chicken it's [ __ ] chicken I have no idea why anybody would be so adamant about putting fried chicken on a menu after it just hanged we won't fry to [ __ ] out there chicken fried chicken Scott it runs through my veins for goodness sake first that [ __ ] down it's chicken Wow should one be afraid of chicken oh yeah so we frame the chicken again yes the [ __ ] we are alright both teams have finished designing their menus very nice compose menu and must now prepare all of their dishes for Chef Ramsay to taste critique and approve guys gotta get moving we do not have a lot of time ready for scalps ready for a lesson okay nice golden-brown crust this is the sausage I'm gonna bake two scallops with it why of us laughing on the red team any giving days and someone's last time no room for mistakes with the tuna slider you based on the addressing these with these a little salt and pepper salt then I'm gonna top it with the seasoning seen this eat right I'm guessing this wasn't my dish I think is joy right Little Nemo actually the tuna slider I suggested tuna also you know somehow just get left out of you know so many ideas you are so dramatic stop it while Keysha feels underappreciated in the red kitchen the blue team is closing in on completing their demo dishes for Chef Ramsay's approval Rochelle you burning the crab cake are you [ __ ] serious right so red team are we ready yes my fingers are crossed I'm hoping for the best because I contributed most of the menu really big night so it could bite me in the ass if Chef Ramsay doesn't like it so instantly when I read the menu I've got a seared tuna which is obviously raw and there capatch whose idea was it to draw dishes on there I guess we never really thought about to audition chef have you done that for easiness in terms of execution or actual delivering flavor delivering flavor chef make sure they're exceptional dishes because they're not cooked right yes right on trace this is a seared scallop with a garlic basil pesto spread who's idea my addition so I got this sweetness coming through in the caramelized top of the scars North sudden now here's my [ __ ] out garlic breath usually unless garlic and the basil lesser that's a good point if my girlfriend besides to eat that she's gonna steak a little bit I don't know if I want to deal with the form next came back to come back for some chicken party crap oh [ __ ] here we go fried chicken with a succotash lima beans acquire that's delicious it looks ugly would you take that off the bone or we step on the bone like that I can take it off the bone I just think it'll give it a little bit more finesse okay as you make it a little bit more sexier he says some random stuff okay it's make it sexy you know Chef Ramsay this is the sexiest restaurant I've ever worked in just come back on the previous experience on a southern nice you remember oh you got a straw I don't wanna go back anywhere near that even Chef Ramsay had the same concerns with the chicken that I did I brought his chicken chef rings I can do this I got this okay no bad thank you sure thank you all right let me show you my basil poutine let's go right Bob mushroom risotto [Music] just taste that guys what's the first thing that comes into your mouth much mushroom mushroom that was phenomenal obviously yes great dish you gotta be stupid in the mouth saying no I'm not like mushrooms so short rib who's my dear mind chef that's delicious delicious Thank You chef next what is that crab cake crab cake [Music] I cannot believe that I got a little bit first thing can you possibly with awesome know there please don't get you'll just get real [ __ ] can you see that can you see that don't serve it I don't want to waste another one for presentation purposes of course our she's very blunt one I'm sorry chef Rochelle crab cake is it stupid stupid-ass mistake and you can't do that you know you just can't do overall a few danger zones a little bit of help with green on their homework on their your menu oh my gosh horrible morning a lot of little things the diamonds add up to one big thing I need you to get organized you need to start getting this kitchen setup you got potatoes that's has nothing to do with getting organized everything needs to be in its place how are we putting simply is that we don't even have everything we need you put what we have in place can't do it what we don't have is get everything that we do have in the great [ __ ] place Rochelle is freaking out I don't know why these are the simple things are you stressing so much calm down let's just get this all done homes about it in stock it handle pressure honestly I hope she's not gonna give up oh man you guys need to go lunch hey you guys are breaking for lunch yes yeah sure [Music] I knew this is Hell's Kitchen but like well it's like more like I know we get down to us with people like I feel like I don't know there's more more stress it scares the crap out of me my UK latest race you there by feel saying what you feel and this summer I really want to do but it's hard yeah like I'm used to it's like type of room environment there's like I'm really hard you don't really China no to bounce back and just realize like okay this just you know competition I'm just gonna prove to Chef Ramsay that I could be his head chef yeah I'll be okay love you both it's just one hour until the doors open and everyone is anxious to get cooking that sounds clean honey Dona the chefs realized that tonight Chef Ramsay's expectations are higher than ever there should be an easy service for us it's worth doing all our own dishes it's [ __ ] they were familiar with you you know it's your own dishes most comfortable Pulido's chop lobsters are done okay as far as the risotto goals I got all the stuff done okay red team lineup please let's go blue team mine up guys [Music] right reading routing tonight it's all about you your menu your creativity and your execution so there is no excuses got it yeah let's go guys jean-philippe open Hell's Kitchen please for red vs. blue menu Lucian let's go [Music] tonight as is customary during red menu versus blue menu each diner has the choice of ordering from either kitchen which sighting and choosing tonight very good and which side will be choosing okay the red team's menu features butternut squash risotto a pan-seared New York Strip seared scallops and buttermilk fried chicken that's my book the butter up usually touch my book the blue team's menu features wild mushroom risotto jumbo crab cake lobster surf and turf and a New York Strip Red Team 4 covers table 12 sadly one appetizer won't capucho yes yes let's go I'll bring it up with no I got it Blue team on order 10 or 12 3 mushroom risotto on yes let's go guys earlier two shell dates of our anxiety issues going on so hopefully it should blow us all away Rochelle and Scott start working on their first appetizers the tickets begin to fly in with some early indications on which menu is more popular on order 43 over the blue team 3 mushroom risotto on give me a time 8 minutes see risottos another three visitors now just like like as fast as I can right there for normally tasting risotto let me tell you here we go yes show you're doing awesome Thank You Rochelle keep really strong dogs dogs are incredible you know Egon but yes while Rochelle has her hands full trying to keep up with the demand for the blue team's mushroom risotto the red chefs thank you Wow good use the red team have nothing but time on their hands I know the [ __ ] it was table 31 not one single item from the red team I thought I mean was strong and there people would order a lot but if the blue team we're getting all the orders I'm like oh my god why what's going on chef's table chef yeah on order table 32 putting this on top though it may not be the most favorite menu but don't make any mistakes I'm gonna rise you got a risotto right now Chef Ramsay made it very clear you better not screw up not a big deal here we go chef 34 to life yep nantan yes chef delicious risotto I want to portion not free I'm so sure placing time effort money he did say to me the risottos are perfect so the fact that he gave me a compliment with that yellow I truly believe he respects me half a delegate one orbit breaking my balls [Music] while Anton wastes a perfectly good order of risotto one cupcake with mushroom risotto let's go Jim yes chef pancakes in the oven Richard wastes no time starting his crab cake appetizer let's go yes chef crab cake I don't want a crab cake talk to him baby Jesus done and that's something I'll call I need that [ __ ] crab cake crafting something put down and get out the way trike maneuver around a lamppost [ __ ] me I cupcake cold in the middle Richards yes chef the crab cake was definitely stupid mistake I know better net while Richard refires his crab cake over in the red kitchen I know the six top entree what's going up on tray created by anton is proving very popular scoffs another one quickly yes putting pressure on Melanie at the fish station how those gals believe I'm just trying to make sure you serve them right after all it's my dish my recipe he wants to bake bake that while they're in the oven really yeah Anton come here yes chef I don't get this baked in the sauce [ __ ] it's no sake you understand yeah what the hell is this is she trying to make me look bad you can't fake them in that cloop like a damn [ __ ] diapers that's the white tasty two hours ago yes come on man give it to me oh there goes all these scallops in the trash can as Melanie dumps several improperly made scallop dishes and starts over unscratched back in the blue kitchen richard has delivered his refire crab cake service please table 33 yes hey blue team first entrees fire table 34 one halibut one yield strip yes yes yes and now with the first entree orders coming in the spotlight shifts to Jason on the fish station and Gabriel on meat yes okay let me check Gabriel does not work well under pressure yes yeah I got it resting right now okay I'm not used to working on idiots like this so I just had to kind of like hope for the best ready I'm ready let's do this walking okay first up in New York right here chef unfortunately we're gonna get speared you can't really do that Oh Gabrielle it's under coats I see if it's [ __ ] roll hey are you coming you yokes at worst was its resting chef your information big boys not even [ __ ] cook so how can anything rest when as it comes the chefs get it back a chef yes chef while Gabriel gives his New York Strip a much-needed extra few minutes in the oven [ __ ] man I'm sorry man [ __ ] over in the red kitchen Melanie is delivering her second attempt at scallops which are quickly served to an old acquaintance ladies welcome congratulations for your win today what we have for you is some seared scallops and some fiends herbs Bon Appetit I could have used the scallops cooked a little bit more no voters are very much chef Anika stealth Oh No what table by the executive chef from the motor ship melody chimera that is undercooked the executive chef of montage didn't you meet her yes chef come on melody good job I'm [ __ ] up the scallops for the Michelin star chef Melanie Denise have you undercook first chef tonight right now where's the Scout we don't have any more [ __ ] scallops [ __ ] we did not do enough what are you guys doing there's no more scalps it's not good what should we do it's an interesting dilemma if Melanie feels that I'm a threat to her and wants to make me look bad maybe I should let her bury yourself tonight right I'm on the red team and we need to win I'll be right back we're gonna get scalps let's just go help we didn't do scoffs Nate you don't have scalps gonna give him these bucks yeah here's one right there right there right there is it thank you thank you yeah now that I've have scallops I need a stay focus stop freaking out I could totally do this right behind you thanks to a timely assist by Anton and some generosity from Rochelle in the blue team Melanie scallops thank you very much thank you get fit bases are now receiving positive reviews meanwhile over in the blue kitchen Gabriel's looking for some Redemption with his second attempt at the New York Strip [Music] so this one's confrontation Thank You chef yes thank God service please while Gabriel's New York Strip gets the highest of praise in the dining room back in the kitchen the brigade is focused on keeping the positive momentum going how are you looking whenever you ready you got the garnish any 30 seconds tanks at the top why victory ain't none garnish it we're waiting on garnish [ __ ] these guys are pinging stupid mistakes this late in the game and me and Rochelle are the blue team everyone else sucks what a fire want the garnish up chef yeah you come here you holding the [ __ ] garbage first the garnishes up let's go yard beyond [Music] all of you come here just touch that stone cold for like it's literally like just slightly above frigerator called why is that stone cold there's no excuse of shift I'm getting you back in the oven right now chef how are you waiting on me if the state's raw he's done man he's [ __ ] done done chef as Gabriel slips back into the danger zone over in the red kitchen what Holub up our New York Strip the countdown begins on Katia's signature dish New York Strip back and forth I'm worried about redeeming myself from the last service Keysha pastas undercooked lady chaser come here want to go I want to be here on order off that wouldn't you old strip again there you go girl phone with your steak no brown meat [Music] just thank you [Music] Taisha yeah nicely done while Keysha proves once again how comfortable she is on the meat station out in the dining room the read menu is truly connecting with the diners Wow over in the blue kitchen Gabriel has just delivered his refire state to the pass all right all right all right what is he gonna say what he's gonna say this guy set that yes on order poke another table 24 entree one halibut one ye olde Strip yes yeah let's go yes sir will you put the Brussels spouts you got the garnish push the Brussels spouts behind you held another chapter Brussels spot right now Richard man what the [ __ ] am I always waiting on you darkness [Music] gosh hey that's my garnish for the halibut one brussel sprout for garnish what come on man come on Rochelle he jump on garnish yeah break I got the most experience I don't need anybody work my station never have never will but she will show as the least experienced chef Rochelle takes over for the most experienced chef Richard on the garnish station over in the red kitchen Volkova stubble three one New York Strip one chicken the first order of the night has come in for the most feared item on the red male Joy's fried chicken joy your Coolio let's go joy who's gonna have to own up to that dish and make sure that stuff comes out perfect are you good I'm great this is like do or die for our teams go away go away where's the chicken Oh joy Beasley cooks pretty nice [Music] snaps I was happy there wasn't any hiccups guard please John just like I said that could have been a disaster as Joy's fried chicken is being fully appreciated in the dining room over in the blue kitchen I love it garnish Rochelle is showing no signs of the nervousness that she had earlier and is now driving the garnish station cut face and both kitchens are getting their final orders out to hungry diners [Music] tonight what's a bad service seriously Bloo you came out the gate strong Rhett slow start strong finish so the winning team tonight has to be the red team Blue team unfortunately as the service progressed it's almost like air being let out of a blue red kitchen fall back blue kitchen was deflated I need you to have a really good think and come up with two individuals up for elimination red team the blue team will be losing at least one member so joy Keisha and Melanie I'd like one of you to volunteer to go to the blue team [Music] get out of it good luck girls I mean you watch those guys screwing everything up left and right I feel bad for you girls right it's pretty sad I kind of want to show you guys how we're doing it well Lisa Nunziata how y'all do stuff on the blue thing when I go over there hey [ __ ] dude blue kitchen sus worst-case scenario going to the blue team and being like holy [ __ ] none of these people know how to communicate things are going up in flames and then Chef Ramsay saying well Melanie you really didn't make a difference you want no to one reason why don't wanna go to blue team it's just a penis singing competition over there yeah I'm gonna tell you Jason does get pretty angry sometimes I noticed that so who want a volunteer [Music] we already know who's gonna be going up tonight Richard and Gabriel why should me and Richard go up the mess-ups tonight yeah that's all I have the best on I don't have anything else I'm slowly down cuz I have a headache [Music] tonight out of four people two of us are going up I don't want to go up there any more but chef Jason had no mistakes so I mean you only have one other person I think chef Rochelle should go up I'm gonna agree I'm gonna tell you straight up front during the day she really got messed up yeah for her to get that emotional and start breaking down and crying it's [ __ ] [ __ ] man I think we need to look at a little bit more baby Gabriel pads playing but but she'll kick ass tonight [ __ ] we do [Music] [Music] pretty well done [Music] richard blue team's first nominee and why please first time it needs myself chef I had a problem with the first crab cake I sent out and I just got a little bit behind second nominee and why second omni's Gabriel chef Gabriel y version consistent service tonight I ended up cold steaks they came back not cold raw Richard Gabriel step forward please both of you based on tonight's performance you should be out of it Richard I'm expecting more from you why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen I came here to work for you chef at my age there's no other reason that I want to be here than the work for you I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make a successful service I have a lot more to show you and a lot more to go and my desire and passion has never wavered in any way shape or form Gabriel will you make a mistake you disappear why did you deserve to stay in Hell's Kitchen I never quit on you chef in the challenges and the services I never quit I finished strong every time yeah I messed up but I bounced back put me back in the kitchen give me another chance not doing this is very hard the person leaving Hell's Kitchen Richard give me your jacket the time is done big boy yes chef thank you [Music] I'm 48 years old I was supposed to be here and I did everything anybody else who was 28 did as good or better I want it to be at the end but am I gonna go pout and cry about it [ __ ] no that's been a great experience I do to get in a heartbeat I do it at 49 I really pissed people off Gabriel wake up back in line joy Keysha I'm Melanie which one of you is volunteering to join the blue team major head over there melody [Music] we have four of the blue to fall on the red there are no more excuses left and there is differently nowhere to hide get out of it the right man did not go home tonight Gabriel is just such a little [ __ ] seriously back to Hughes there you go like cook with your grandma or whatever the [ __ ] he does I'm not a quitter so don't label me as a quitter this fight is not over the flame is here and it's hot I'll [ __ ] fight to the end till I die Jason Gabriel and Rochelle step aside because these colors are gonna be blue tomorrow and I'm coming with a vengeance [Music] Richard had more experience than anyone here but it's not experience I'm looking for it's Talent next time on Hell's Kitchen whether we crazy seven when a ridiculous mistake I said number of assaults brings the red kitchen screeching to a halt just manifold obey will it be enough to send Keisha over the edge and win one shot serve something so disgusting oh so foul will it be the last dish they ever serve in Hell's Kitchen and when danceOn dares to open his mouth to chef Andi I understand it sets off a rampage he crossed the land no I was just saying stop talking back that you'll have to see to believe don't think I'm gonna let some little girl get in my face call you [ __ ] talk back to me you will not break me and I'm just going to piss you off more on purpose on the next Hell's Kitchen [Music]
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 215,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hell's Kitchen, Gordon Ramsay, FilmRise, Kitchen Nightmares, Unscripted, Uncensored, Full Episodes, Full Episode, Official, Free, Cooking, Food, Dining, Restaurants, Cooking Competition, Competitive Cooking, Reality, Reality TV, Real, Television, TV, Classic TV
Id: x21G2PYcTts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 54sec (2454 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2019
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