Hello Neighbor 2 Just Came Out!

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well um this is quite a surprise out of nowhere hello neighbor 2 has been announced so it's good job i've just been playing hello guest and actually finished it for once hey guys dan here and welcome to the steam page for hello neighbor 2 alpha one so hello neighbor two randomly got announced yesterday out of nowhere and they have provided us with an alpha which we can play right now so i just wanna watch this trailer real quick because i know nothing about it but hello neighbour two is a stealth horror game where you're being stalked by a mysterious creature as you tried to track down mr peterson the neighbor who has disappeared after the events of the first game oh play against an advanced self-learning ai the tracks adapt to every move so the neighbor's not in this hello neighbor the neighbor's gone missing all right let's watch this real quick let's see what what this is about hold on he's simming simming oh wait is this the crow guy here's the crow guy he's just waltzing around the neighbor's house so we need a yellow key that was a was he holding a red key as well or am i just making that up whoa this looks cool hold up this looks insane this is a crime scene yo this the graphics and that looks so nice you break into the neighbor's house and you make tea what's up cameras i definitely need to do that because that was that was helpful in hello guest he's definitely gonna notice you there buddy okay never mind oh he went to get the tea how did he not see him i guess the crow guy doesn't really have eyes does he i'm taking mental notes so that i can do this the house is a mess are the keys up there yoink wait is this just showing us how to complete it i'm so confused oh wait oh no oh no oh he's coming oh he's coming he's calling his beak run oh no you need to get out of here get out of there real quick it just rained the fire this dude's crazy he's so fast as well did he go to the toilet is that what he did there was a drawing of the neighbor on the wall oh no you're dead you're so dead he's got a stick throw it oh what a trip that looked insane this game looks crazy good well that's not gonna work is it he was so mad it was so bad this is a crowbar as well yo he's gonna cut your butt up you need to get out there fast wait that's the setting for this is in the hello guest world he'll get in your car right now oh no oh i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead 2021 also this is a really early preview and now the neighbors burning the crow's mask and what is going on what's the name of the crow the entire time is that what's going on i hope you took notes i hope you took mental notes because uh if not i'm gonna have to i'm gonna have to summon turkey boy 55. i think the fire in here would work well for that uh let's play okay so the menu looks similar to hello guest and is this the neighbor's house it must be i'm gonna hit a new game and see what's on earth is going to happen here come on give me some good story oh this is literally the the bit we've just seen so the neighbors simming he's out playing the sims oh this is different wait he was in there my man was in there wait the neighbor the neighbor was in there what is that oh great yeah great okay this is where we do the ritual for turkey boy 55. um okay not what i was expecting at all this game looks beautiful look at the the art style and stuff yeah look there's the ferris wheel there's some real dodgy looking cable cars i would not get on those wow luckily i've got a bike to get out of here just in case this is my uh oh we've got a a camera and uh a screen oh this is exactly like hello guest okay this is good it tells us the time as well time of day interesting very interesting now that we've played hello guest we actually know how to use the the camera and stuff can i run i can run this place is looking pretty dodgy looks like it's burnt down or is extremely haunted i don't know which one probably both um what else have we got around here it looks like you can walk way further than the first hello neighbor game or you can collect boxes scratch that you can't even touch the boxes never mind oh you can climb them though i don't know why i'd want to do that but you know as i always say you know hello neighbor games always got some weird parkour in them i can literally walk around this whole thing here's the gas station now isn't this where you buy stuff in hello guest why is this car so small this is a tiny car yeah what is happening back here hello yo something that ain't right hold on a second i'm in like the same outfit as hello excuse me what are you doing yeah you better back off buddy you better get out here don't even think about throwing that cone at me he's so stuck this guy is evil i think he just used a fire extinguisher as well which was uh quite interesting now he's out of the house though i'm going straight in don't mind me is he coming for me oh no what is he doing i don't like i'm going in i'm going in neighbor i'm gonna come save you buddy i'm coming in so this is exactly like the trailer oh that's not good is it oh no oh he's coming he's coming he's coming i'm going upstairs no no no no ah no i'm gonna jump him did not jump him oh he's actually got me by the leg yo he lobbed me out my items fell out as well hey what are you doing what is that hello is that a trash bag are you bloated yo where's my stuff give me my stuff back where's my binoculars and my no no no leave me alone what is that why is he bulging like that is he taking out the trash am i in the trash can i have my stuff back please sir oh look there's crows here i don't like this place already i hate this place i'm gonna put the camera up so that he doesn't get rid of it when he catches me so in the trailer he put the kettle on the stove and then went upstairs oh oh oh no get out get out get out this is not getting out what is going on yikes oh geez no go go go go go go go go go go go oh he's scary he's real scary i can hear him tip a tap run around oh we can pick up boxes okay this this could be helpful installing my tv i would like that back please no no i can't drive this car can i can i drive the car what is he what was that where is my man setting up i need to get a crowbar what has he just done oh there's an x here x marks the spot ah what was that was it him oh he dropped the trash bag right there i don't like this guy at all i would take the neighbor over this guy any day this dude's quick oh a trumpet why is there a trumpet i can't is this a grave that's like something's been buried there oh my what is going on as long as he stays in there i'm okay with that oh my what i did not mean to do that did i die oh no i'm good um what is going on down here there's a rake that i cannot pick up it doesn't look like i can pick up anything which is uh it's kind of annoying oh wait a second yeah i can't pick this up either i can't pick up the cone that that guy was holding before that's a whole bunch of shoes uh okay okay this guy goes through a lot of shoes man's feet mustang i feel like i just want to try and uh get in the trash to be honest with you there we go where i belong so in the trailer where it kind of showed us what to do we need to get up there but we also need a crowbar oh i thought this is a ladder it is a ladder but it's broken excuse me sir can i have my screen back please is that a no he will never know i'm here i just want to have a look and see what's inside i'm trying to throw this at him bit of his own medicine oh look there's a gas canister there what else is around here chairs cups this guy is grim oh look that's mellow guest those are from hello guests what is happening what kind of machine are you creating here this doesn't go anywhere the worst machine i've ever seen oh is he coming for me what is he doing this is yo my eyes oh just in case we need a shower i think he's outside how do you think he's outside oh that's where the f i wanted a fire extinguisher okay my camera's still up there oh flashlight yes i'm gonna pick this up as well i don't think i need it but i'm gonna pick it up i think he dragged me through here so i think how do i power this gate there must be a lever somewhere yeah i think my stuff is in here she dragged me through the door didn't he little punk oh and there's definitely something going on in there in that middle bit where is this guy i feel like i'm looking for a lever to open something another gas candle i'm just gonna run i want to store this stuff no leave me alone leave him alone no you can't get me i'm in my safe house leave me alone or i'll throw this at you you don't want to get struck by this cone this cone hurts okay right so i want to store this in here and this in here pick up this cone as a weapon and it's night time scared i'm not a fan of this darkness this is a terrible flashlight as well look at this that does not work for me i wonder if can we get through the window maybe let's try and get up here um yeah i think this is gonna be the best way to get in oh you can actually wake yourself up now yeah okay this is like this is like the first alpha isn't it hello neighbor one's alpha was like this yo where are my screens at can i have this back i don't know what i'm doing i'm hiding behind the curtain oh that's weird oh we could be in big trouble here i need to open these things alarm clock i'll take that ah yo get out get out get out i god get out go go go go get out the thing are you kidding me get out the window oh i'm dead i'm dead i'm gonna have to throw this at him i'm gonna have to throw this at him he's gonna have to take this like a man okay which way did i go this way oh he's right there correct i don't know if that worked i might have just made him more angry and now my cone is okay my cone's here what is this uh what could i put in here cone definitely not the cone put this in put this in this is this is the genera oh geez okay that didn't work ah i tried to throw him and now he's gonna throw me up where am i what was that okay i'm gonna you know what i don't know what just happened there but we definitely made it in there seems to be a way up here as well do i get my classic hello neighbor skills out and build a box tower is that what i'm gonna have to do all right let's try and go up here yes oh we made it we actually made it okay so there's more crows here this is where i just got caught i can hide in there if i wanna is there a fire extinguisher there is not is that what i need to do there's nothing in this pot what is happening so there's a generator and nothing else up here all right we can get in this window let's see if there's anything else we can use why is this bag so big why is it so what's in there ah oh he's got me he's got me yeah he's got me he's gonna drag me out and throw me i mean he kind of just look at this this is so cool i love this and he lobs me so far as well absolute psycho no what do you want no i wasn't i wasn't even ah i was even looking i wasn't looking i wasn't looking let me alone yo he's fast is there anything in here i mean i'll take this house if you really want me to um okay maybe not this did not look nice so he's taking out trash bags it looks like he's clearing up the neighbor's house very kind of him but he's also trapped the neighbor up here so i have no idea what i need to do um are you okay sir what are you up to stop doing that did you see the x appeared that wasn't there before was it or is this where he's learned where i come in well that's kind of advanced but i don't know what happened i think something fell on my head i'm just gonna find something else there's a keypad with a red light oh this just opens yeah i need the i need the crowbar okay there it is uh what else do i need i need a solution oh yes okay we did it right get this off come on bro ah there we go okay we need to hold it and press e nice okay so that's the entrance oh he's right there he's right there oh no no he's got my crowbar gee oh there it is there it is it fruit it flew it flew let me go get it hey come here where is it where is it there it is yes my precious my precious crowbar oh he's added a door oh that ain't fair what no that is not fair you can't do that he's got a fire extinguisher he's doing the parkour that we did in the last in the hello guest game i didn't laugh i didn't laugh i didn't laugh it wasn't me it wasn't me come on you just tripped over a trash bag that has to be funny right you know it oh no he's shut off that window too yeah we're in big trouble here guys don't worry yourself with what i'm up to okay i'm trying to give you a christmas present very early he keeps tripping over the trash bags this is so funny no i wasn't i wasn't laughing i wasn't laughing i wasn't laughing okay i was laughing a little bit but chill yo there is so much to this level what it's not just one house anymore it's a complete neighborhood oh he's coming for me go go go go i kind of wanna he's locked down the whole house though how am i supposed to get in if he's locked down the whole house look he's locked down every window and every door except these ones oh and that's open okay that's the way in beautiful i just want to see what's in here real quick a fan some bottles boxes he's above me isn't he hello he's being mad annoying right now let's go up let's go up let's not go up we're getting killed we're getting killed we're getting killed ah i need to keep an eye on my crowbar he's gonna eat me oh no he's taking me inside why are you taking me inside don't mind if i do see you later fella i'm out what has happened why'd you sleep on a pile of shoes there's a keypad but i don't know what the keypad is for be very quiet okay he's slashed all the paintings he's locked off this room as well but i don't know how i'm supposed to get that where's the lever oh that gets rid of these ones i see oh i got the key let's go i don't know how i did that but i did well there's like wires and stuff in here um yeah sure let's take that typewriter torches i think i'm going to open the rest again let's flick this lever yeah so that opens but it closes the orange it wasn't him at all i did it i'm an idiot so now i can get over here but what do i need the yellow key for i don't want to get caught quick hit it hit it hit it hit it get off get off get off yes um so in the trailer he jumped out of here but why would i need to do that i feel like i need to use this key somewhere else let's just get out let's keep the key safe let's just go let's go run run run no he's coming run move them no legs no no give me that back yo give me that back give me that back he stole all my things yo give me that back you're thief you took my crowbar as well you little you oh you're back up son back up i go to the box i'm afraid to use it but but ah ain't got nothing to feaf off me this time have you where did he put my key and stuff what kind of key is that this is rather annoying i can't tell whether that is red or yellow and i can't get in that hole either can i eat up here oh where'd you put my stuff ah you already see him i did not see him have you got my stuff no out the window into the burnt scary house great i'm just gonna run in just run in there we go i'm gonna hide behind this i don't know if this works he cannot see me i feel like he can see me and smell me i've got the key but now the furnace is back on but i don't actually know how i turned the furnace off in the first place yo where's my crowbar i legit don't see it i thought you would have put it in here oh okay so this is here i have no idea why i'm gonna throw this in here what's the worst that could happen did that affect anything in here oh i did it did it did i had to go back around i don't know if he's stuck or what but i'm kind of happy about it right there's flick of that and then this is now put out it says blue oh now i can grab it okay sweet that bit's done i'm gonna go and see if this can now go on the roof it's my crowbar down here sir oh he's still stuck there that's actually great yo what was that no no no no what was that where did my key just go oh for goodness sake i'm trying to find a yellow key on the yellow floor i'm getting pretty mad at this game right now i'm not gonna lie to you there's not much that makes me mad in games right where did my key just go the key is actually gone and what do you guys want huh what do you guys want are you gonna help me i didn't think so okay well i have successfully lost every single item that i picked up which is uh just fantastic news um no no no you're stuck you're stuck you can't come get me ah no wasn't me yeah kick me out fine fine i don't even care i don't care you've got my key and you've hidden it he now has a lot of traps like a lot of them so if i try and approach the house it's not gonna go well there's a tiny trash bag look how small that is ow no that's so annoying it's in there here we go that's it right that's it that's it that's it okay okay chill all i wanna do to end off this video and then i'm gonna see if i can summon turkey boy in the comment section and see if he knows what to do i wanna try and unlock that lock and see if that lock is the correct one if so all i'd need to do is find my crowbar and then we're good to go but why is this key so small it's gone tiny all of a sudden i'm just gonna shimmy shimmy around the edge oh no i feel like a wild pokemon i'm in the grass i just want to see this why is the key shrunk what did he do to it to make it so small um this isn't even the key is it yo catch this you little punk catch this tiny little trash bag what's up bro no yo i'm so mad at myself i threw it can i see it from up here oh man that sucks so bad he's holding it i think he's holding it i'm sure he's got it i don't know what's going on help help help my brain ah now i'm going to quickly run back in what just happened the key no let go of me i tripped the key is now huge he's got it look what he just tripped over it what is this what is happening the key is ginormous and he's got it yo yo point give me that back give me that back right now i'm gonna throw this oh he threw it at me ow oh that's kind of smart actually where is it gone is it tiny again now wherever you put it i'm just gonna quickly check again and see if it's back where it respawns okay it's definitely not so what do we do now wait there's a trumpet here now with a trash bag in it oh that's what's killing me it's the trash bag dude i'm so confused that's what's shooting me it's a trumpet with a trash bag in it of all the things i didn't think i would say today that was one of them maybe he just took the key and left he definitely threw it at me though also there must be a reason why all of this is open and why this is making a noise and then oh there's a lake as well wait books yo someone has been camping down here i can't pick every anything up but let me see what happens if i go for a swim okay absolutely nothing at you know what i think this is the perfect place this is the uh the ritual lake the summoning lake so everyone put your hands together like this close your eyes oh turkey boy oh turkey boy i summon thee to help me and hello neighbor to alpha one i summon you to the comment section down below and if you don't know how to complete it give me some ideas because i got nothing in a few days you should arise out of this bring out his smartphone tap tap tap a tap and make a comment about how we're gonna do this so this is an alpha this is a pre-release yo there's a cat what the are you turkey boy is this you it's a cat wearing this is the perfect way to finish this out what i was gonna say was um are you the neighbor's cat who's cat are you uh we got pretty far i feel like this isn't alpha there's gonna be there's gonna be bugs and one of the bugs includes items going missing which isn't friendly at all so next time i'm gonna start a new game we know where to get the crowbar we know how to get into the house pretty easily we know how to switch the gates and we know how to turn off the generator by just throwing a random object in the furnace so we get the yellow key and then hopefully the yellow key and the crowbar will help us open the room that is on the top of the neighbors now the crow's house which i think the neighbor is inside of does he keep pooping these out i'm finding these tiny trash bags absolutely everywhere so i am just gonna sit down here and wait for my man to come back see if i can figure out how to open that door guys thank you so much for watching this i'm pretty excited fellow neighbor too i hope it's uh i hope it's as good as the first one if not better it already looks better in terms of the visuals but this whole town and stuff i don't know what's going on but i hope you enjoyed it if you did leave a like that would be greatly appreciated leave a like if you're happy that hello neighbor is out i'll leave a link in the description below as well so you can check out i think it's only on pc at the moment but hey thank you so much for watching i've been dan hope you have an amazing day leave a like subscribe if you're brand new as well to catch up with new hello neighbor videos and new videos i make almost every single day and i'll see you guys in the next one stay safe goodbye [Music] rubber band
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 2,798,811
Rating: 4.9575267 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, gaming, video games, hello neighbor 2
Id: pPHm3dirrVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 35sec (1355 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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