The Big Game S2 ♠️ E26 ♠️ Phil Hellmuth vs Tony G: INTENSE needling ♠️ PokerStars

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the following program is sponsored by for the last five weeks this table has seen soaring winds and crushing defeats watch 30 second Massimiliano martinez the fearless italian amateur stunned the pros with his youthful bravado wow this is the most aggressive loose cannon I've ever seen and scooped a massive profit now just one man stands in Max's way to claim the ultimate prize does our final loose cannon the retired cop Ken ran Kowski have what it takes to crack the case and take down the loose cannon title but that may be the undercard to the main event you have disgraced it again Tony can you please shut up I'll have to clean out every time I play with you I love it look who's back for a rematch Phil Hellmuth where is he my Satan what a tragedy they linked if you want to wear ear plugs forces collide on the final week of the big game next let's better be my week I'm getting sick of this BS [Music] welcome to another week of the big game from Las Vegas Nevada alongside Joe Stapleton I'm Scott Huff and tonight our sixth and final internet qualifier will have a shot to win the nearly 1 million dollars stacked on the felt the o-5 World Series of Poker Main Event champion is all the way down at the end of the table so he may need someone to pass the sugar hose a nacho bar Baro is an Argentinean pro who took down over a million and a half dollars in tournaments last year starts with 100k Tony G's qualified to be here and he's here for one reason smash Phil Hellmuth and to help him he's brought 400,000 of his closest friends Academy Award nominated actress Jennifer Tilly is here she drew the seat that comes with ear muffs she'll start with a hundred K to her right is 11-time bracelet winner Phil Hellmuth the brat has busted four of the six times he's played on the big game for a nearly 400 K loss so this time out Phil has hired lane back-to-back black as his poker consultant for the session highly unusual Phil's hoping lane to keep him level-headed and says sometimes even Tiger Woods needs someone to take a look at his swing our loose cannon is 51 year old retired cop Ken ran Kowski then spent 30 years on the beat and now spends his time running a coffee shop in British Columbia he's with Amanda Leatherman can describe to me what this opportunity can mean in your life this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity I mean the possibilities are endless if I do well at the table it's good to take me where I want to be in my retirement well you said you were police officer for 30 years you're dealing with criminals with thieves how does that help you at the poker table thirty years I've been doing interviews Amanda I've talked to lots of people I can tell when they're lying I could tell when they're truthful and I find I could get the same tells from people at the poker table so that's what I'm hoping to do today are you scared of that lineup at all who wouldn't be scared of that lineup but I'm just gonna play my cards and I'm gonna have a good time and I'm gonna see where takes me all right can't good luck thank you very much here are the rules for the loose cannon each cannon is staked $100,000 to play he keeps all profits above the initial 100k and at season's end the loose cannon who's won the most money earns a North American Poker Tour passport worth $50,000 and Ken's gonna have to bring his a-game to win that trophy in the passport it will have to top the 163,000 of our leaving loose cannon the Italian Massimiliano Martinez are you officially the first loose cannon to wear a tie on this show can i think i am crazy image maybe it will help my game a little bit tell us about yourself ken I just retired from the police department I spent 30 years as a policeman I retired two months ago how am I gonna bust you now you're an ex-cop ah is that considered the Canadian royal real Canadian mil no this is a municipal police department Vancouver have you ever had to draw a gun plenty of times she's got a boyfriend Ken King 6 for Ken have you ever shot anybody I don't I can see it out on TV how many people have you killed did you work did you work for the CIA King Jack for the brat done let's undercover work Wow Tony G facing a raise from Phil Hellmuth with 9/10 Tony G calls nacho barbed arrow lets it go h7 fresh it makes the call back to the same tricks I'm not gonna let you two just agree to the same old same old stuck in the middle of a triangle in the middle let's hope Tony doesn't cut your ear off and flop 8 Queen Jack Tony GFLOPS the nuts first hand check this isn't even fair Joe checks how many Scott middle pair he's supposed to continue any checks Tony G fires 5000 the paw Ellen that is fine ashram folds almost a full pot size bet these guys rarely fold a pair on the flop Hellmuth calls yeah we're gonna draw draw your gun I got a big draw telling one the new turns five of diamonds Phil's big draw now drawing dead he'll be checks Tony bets 15,000 almost pot sized again at a big draw spade bill calls and Tony is loving it river four of hearts no help to fill not that he could get any checks it Tony bets 50,000 Phil's in big trouble if he thinks Tony's just triple barreling is the big draw first hand of the night against Tony G probably making this a harder decision than it should be there's Phil's coach Layne flack watching from the green room and can't help him right now if you didn't want to take to go what my thought maybe would yeah yeah this is an over bat which polarizes Tony's hand to nuts or air and on the first hand of the night it's just gonna seem so much more likely that Tony has air now if you've never seen this show before these two of a relationship like Wiley coyote and the roadrunner usually involves Phil blowing himself up and Tony sticking his tongue out all right he makes the call been doing a lot of talking now now show me your bullets show me what you brought to the game where's your money I'm telling you gonna play with that scrap you're not gonna embarrass yourself yeah I get a game Phil produce pull out your money first alternate Daniel Negreanu can follow the action backstage with Lane but they cannot see the whole cards but my consulting job is ready he had like a rat Raggedy Ann came clean but you didn't even have that Daniel would win that bet Phil just had King Jack and after the first hand the brat loses nearly 3/4 of his stack down to just 28k nice ham and I really stuck it into you there the rule right I put that knife in open up those wounds you were bleeding it all out did you enjoy it Tony you uh you are a real beauty I hope I helped help the fans at home appreciate what they sit on yeah tell me you enjoyed it though you enjoy that pain you're flowing freely now I will I will respond to you I don't usually respond others say that the Tony G show is kind of fun to watch I don't even mind losing to it I think it's kind of funny I'm glad you know you can't get to me staying within conventional bombs in poker so you know you have to like cross all the lines Tony's also able to get the bill but I think he does I think losing I said he's not supposed to be able to but losing sixty five thousand on the person might amplify make that seventy two thousand their coach is your coach we expect Tony to cross every social boundary and across all the lines and the players in most of the world doesn't know how bad is etiquette is what they know one thing is just a game it just stays here Phil I just you come here I destroy you off the table I wish you all the best of luck you leave me that hand very nice I know you destroyed you can never get your money back ken welcome to the big game 149 to go Hellmuth raises to 2000 with big slick I own you you understand Phil I own you I run you it's my game Tony G facing a raise from Phil has to take a breath King deuce false if you did that to you would you just pull out a gun and shoot him police locks there's a difference between being on the streets and being here in an inner studio taking on the best player in the world I mean he proposed to be the best poker player in the world I mean that that's what that's what he's telling us Oh beat me in a hand Phil does that one count and Phil takes that one down as we take a look at the rules of the big game each table lasts exactly 150 the action preflop is pot limit than no limit after the flop blinds are 2 & 4 with a $100 an e all of which is paid by the player on the button and every player begins with at least $100,000 but can rebuy for up to 500 K and this year the loose cannon doesn't have the option to come back to increase his stack this is Ken's once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to listen to Tony GE berate Phil I'm not true there are reruns and the internet you're gonna retire I'm telling you when you crush the again it's time to retire Wow you know what I've never done this before I'm putting it your phone in I've never done this before I'm putting like a piece of like thing in my ear here Jennifer's boyfriend Phil Laak also watching from the green room Tony G ditches the 85 nacho barbed arrow the Argentinian Pro won five tournaments last year raises to 2,000 with a couple of threes Hashem's out on our cannon pocket fours time to see what kind of cannon we got when I lose a big pot I get upset a lot of times it's true but I apologize to that player all the time I shake their hand at the end of the day but you I never have you you are a bad winner and that is that's a class issue ken calls so that's all I'll say Phil out till he makes the call will you have my money well done I have your money it's here it's psyched nice hand it's gonna set you back on that jet purchase to the flop Jack 7 Queen rainbow big with everybody misses since believe the light Phil fold into three so nachos drunk dead it's gonna fill me up fill them you have to get back to London that I had a good night's sleep Phil's likely to have a nightmare too tonight any action checks around turn five of Spades another over car to both pairs Tilley checks the hood you gotta be honest what fifty thousand spawn barbed arrow checks I mean today I don't I don't care it would have hurt me like last show or two shows ago I would have been upset but Kent checks just poker man yeah just part reproduce that's just one hand you know Tilley checks I get to play with you the rest of my life I'm sure you'll beat me for 200-300 thousand lots of pubs I hope in a million I hope someone steaks and we play barbero checks that's what I hope to do ken shows the winner's choice that looks good well at least you didn't overplay them oh god I can I was thinking about vibrating my face there we go it's all happening now it's all coming together now Phil what's gonna relax the loose cannon that's what we call an uptick Ken it's a nice it's just the beginning I think it's the one good yeah so the ex-copper collars is first pot on the big game don't go anywhere the action and verbal assaults are just getting started [Music] welcome back to the big game where Tony G has not stopped needling Phil Hellmuth feels today I think what you could show to all your fans is how to lose classy and walk off the studio quietly without making any comments just drifting away into retirement are you obsessed by me Tony write an article I read it like uh someone did a psychological did you read those article online I'm obsessed with you only on the game I'm never obsessed with your personal life I'm always the best for you the game I love I love to play you're a character I love the stimulation because you think that the best play in the world my dreams to beat the best I'm beating you two all the time so imagine how I'm feeling he told me that Tony doesn't get to him talk Polonia except for the noise factor that's a lie except for when he's game obviously works against him because always in those spots he's pointing at stuff this isn't the first time Tony's gotten the best of Phil the bad blood between these two goes back to the beginning of the big I'd almost rather not be playing with Tony G why should I sit down and have a guy attacked me every single time and get inappropriate and cross all the lines clean you know I'm gonna clean you gonna wipe you out bring in a coach is the lowest level a professional poker player would ever fall to imagine every player had a coach in an NBA and telling them how to play when that is disgraceful Phil you are a disgrace to the game there's about 10% of the audience that's watching loves to see you kick me when I'm done oh it's more than that I'll bet it's over ten I'll be honest with you sometimes Tony gee I have to think of muscle fly you don't fight with a fly you shoot a fly away there's a spray can I tell you one thing or not you're just gonna interrupt me I wish that I weren't a bad loser sometimes but it's ten times is better to be a bad winner and you're a bad winner my front [Music] Phil is being the worst player by far the big game you want to deal it four times none real do I feel like I've had bad luck at the show I think that not only have I had bad luck to this point on the show but everybody knows that in the planet however today's a new day it's gonna be an amazing show I'm gonna really look forward to it to see how he performs and if you can handle the stress and depression [Music] I'm ironic that Phil attend to the shoe Tony G away with a $72,000 flyswatter we were hoping to air that package before they had a chance to get into it but it's hard to fill loses three-quarters of a stack on the first hand I own you do you understand wake up I own you I destroy you Amanda we should change the name of the show to way the Tony G and Phil Hellmuth sure I know they already changed it I agree that's the name of Tony G and Phil's a reality show unfortunately spoiler alert Tony puts Phil in a coma on the first episode the action starts on rann Kowski Queen Trey what does your psychiatrist wife say about Tony Kennon fill out we've never even brought Tony's name up they just call him he who should not be named ace King for Tony don't talk about her at night when you're in bed three raises to 4000 Oh Barbara folds we've talked about some players Tony's name come on you haven't been playing the role model of being tiny Tony why are you on my left this fool will play one nice box together jennifer has dominated an out of position but based on Tony's rep she could get into some real trouble here a lot of people think Jennifer may not be an aggressive player but trust me she is her lack of experience isn't so much of a lack anymore after the last couple of years specifically dating Phil lack speaking of aggressive for bets to 12,000 Wow it's better than calling Tony's got to give Jennifer more credit than she gave him but it's pretty tough to get any of these guys to lay down Ace King before the flop is it that good 12 Tony calls I need to get lucky easy Jennifer I think he meant on the flop flop seven Jack's seven rainbow both players miss Jennifer should see Bette to keep the lead she doesn't know this but that flop is pretty bad for Tony's hand but she checks okay and Tony checks turn King of Hearts top pair for Tony Jennifer's drawing more dead than the Bride of Chucky and it looks like now she's gonna try to off at this that's 12,000 she's trying to rep Tony's hand Tony's not folding Tony quickly calls so we'll see a river Ace of Diamonds two pair for Tony unfortunately top pair now for Jennifer as she checks Tony bets 25k it's one of her most famous lines from Bride of Chucky unfortunately she kind of has to call when we take the race back take it back I'll take it back no really take it back you could take the ACE back then I'll take it back I promise if the ice if the ice winds are you in the pot what do you mean I'm worried like the ice upset you okay I might need it oh my god I don't even before I race you in the first place I was just trying to be clever now look what's happening what do you have here Ice King obviously I mean what else nothing is that you have a place probably has ace king 7 one of those two options and I promise you either have a skein or two sevens promise me if you fall I promise you I don't even have 25,000 is that I'm like a 20 if you want you'll make it 20 I'm gonna make plenty to make it play my good point what a nice guy can you do that I don't think I started out with enough money the floor is gonna allow it none of the other players objecting mica time might save us both money okay cool makes the calls Ice King oh yeah I wouldn't lie and Tony woods another big one all right when you think you're gonna have to reload it was 5,000 to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 this is just a tiny Jeff forget about Tony G show all right you know and you said you had pocket sevens or Ace King I believe you so I don't know why I didn't just fall there he did promise I never lie I would never lie to light it like that yeah what you wanted to see it I did want to see it I knew it I was curious and Phil wanna say what do you want to use well lucky feels got this fill the breath you can tell if it locks not here anymore you can't hear me crying from backstage lock one and updates on 50,000 or more and I think jennifer Tilly lost exactly fifty thousand on the hands so okay bad news Phil Jenn just lost fifty to twenty cheek got a little milk back with more of the Tony G show right after this [Music] welcome back to Las Vegas home of the big game now our loose cannon 51 year old retired cop Ken ran Kowski might look like your average family man but beneath that necktie is an action junkie looking for his next fix my name is Ken Renko ski I'm from Vancouver British Columbia Canada and I'm here on the big game two days after my 21st birthday I joined the back of a police department typically when you get armed in the police department you work for the Patrol for a number of years within about three or four years I ended up getting on the k-9 unit from there I went to plainclothes units from drug squad to Strikeforce which is an elite undercover surveillance squad I got a real rush from that sort of work you know doing surveillance undercover work and the takedowns are very exciting one of my first warrants that I wrote we actually recovered over a million dollars from a marijuana transfer house and that was really big so I was really exciting you know my first warrant the type of a brush you'd get when you're taking down the suspect at the end of the day is just absolutely amazing I mean it's very similar to playing poker that's you know you've got your highs and you got your lows and you know when your hearts pounding and you're moving in and you're coordinated to do a major takedown a violent suspect it's it's it's extremely scary but it's exhilarating and it's exciting with the police department behind me and now being retired now's my chance I want to spend 100% of my energy playing poker and I want to really make my name in the poker world and being here on the big game that could make it happen it could finance my dreams this could be a whole new life for me this could absolutely change my life I do see some similarities between police work and poker but at least in poker you don't have to fill out a ton of paperwork every time you fire so Ken do you play poker in Vancouver I do the casinos they local casino yeah you have a friendly game at your house no I just stick with the casinos action will start on nacho barbero ace-jack who's your favorite player at the table myself not included raises to 1,600 ken is a huge nacho barbero fan who would you emulate at this table in another life Frank Kowski 10 tre I don't think that would be appropriate to say rate called City might work against me I want to be a poker player I like I like them all equally okay aside from you 25% action folds around to tell you makes the call jack aid for Tony G calls very diplomatic answer smartass you gotta look out Phil Hellmuth I lose all my fame that again yeah I think he means Tony G good stories he knocked me out I wouldn't blame you one other night yeah the ego has landed 610 King rainbow it's good for the story right check check it would be good everybody missed nachos got a gut shot and the best hand with ace high and what is Gentilly doing in there with eight five of diamonds barbed arrow bets 3500 Tilley folds Tony G raises one of his classic quick Bluff raises now we're gonna test you out see if you thought Ice King ice Kings good by the way I don't know about nachos cash game but the kid knows how to play tournaments he makes the call and he knows Tony's up to no good here apparently well go heads up to the turn deuce of Hearts I check Dhoni checks I love that Queen Jack and it sound better Tony's got one of the cards right barbero checks see a river tre of diamonds I check looks like Tony's given up nacho checks behind it he'll win the pot I thought you might have had one of those hands oh he's hi good so good what's caught in the river wasn't easy pad to fall on my hat on our it'll go Nicole 25,000 I have to bed this time Chelsea Barbara nacho ugly Barbara nacho oh sit a mess whoever Jose in that shield I'm not sure but they call you nacho right yeah exactly Oh Ignacio I thought they'd call not sure because it was his favorite food now I know why he seemed underwhelmed by the Taco Bell I'd sent to his dressing room action will start on the 2005 main event champ one of the best-dressed guys in poker Joe Hashem find Joy's cufflinks today ten four folds it over to our loose cannon ken rang Kowski say that five times fast jail ace nine of clubs I will not tens a little early an ace nine is a weak ace but it suited so he could certainly play this as long as he raises I have to specify with some of these canons he does raises to 1500 fill out Jennifer out Tony G with the eight nine of hearts calls Tony G calling out of position and dominated nacho Queen deuce Don can one for the good guys I'm rooting for these hand huh you should have been raising that anyway it was scared you're playing scared scared money can't call that weird a check on the flop flop seven ace five couple of diamonds ran Kowski flops top hair Tony with a geode shot I'm scared of you Tony honestly you see how you pulled on the table are you owning them I can't tell that sarcasm or Argentinian accent he said to himself he's owning people testing out yeah Tony G's bet 22-hundred testing out Ken here who has the best hand and certainly shouldn't fold for one bat and he doesn't makes the call turn ten of clubs and Ken ran Kowski adds the nut flush draw he's already got the best hand so he shouldn't be too shy about getting some money in now I took them Tony checks tony's now open-ended save you money I don't want to bust you that's why Tony so dangerous he talks when he has it talks when he doesn't can fire six thousand Tony G calls might be a little scary for the amateur River King of Hearts no help to Tony not a great card for Ken but not a terrible one either it's been checked to him you can better now you're gonna win the part doesn't matter what you do checking behind totally fine here got these paychecks yeah good in a club Joe I was a good time I shouldn't I should not have cold that was not a clever call I'm I'm the worst player in it's a loose cannon if you want you want to play with me every hand Ken takes down another one and so far the ex-cop is kicking down the door of the big game 8 9 was not looking good on a river why I checked [Music] welcome back to the big game as we take a look at the profit leaderboard after the first 15 hands Tony G is up over 100k after flopping the nuts against Phil Hellmuth taking the Brad for 72k Jennifer Tilly's shipped the rest of that profit to the g stack and now she and Phil will have a tough battle to get back to even I have to make $50,000 back like one thousand at a time I'm saving up for plastic surgery I'm thinking eg dipped into my plastic surgery fund just have to do the old tape behind the ears trick cheap but effective yeah it's even nice I'm going to straddle it of course you are Tony straddling half with Jen's money half with Hellmuth s' barbed arrow with six Trey folds Joe Hachem out I feel I should be winning more I mean I feel like you should be nice especially here to the Argentinian I've been too generous well he sounds exactly like a James Bond villain Canon folds Phil Hellmuth big slick the pot is unopened to this point Phil in the small blind hey you guys are gonna make a move out of position the game raises very nicely down to 2800 can't blame the guy for raising H King jet out Queen Jack for Tony G and I have qualified calls fortunately you might double up maybe bill once again the favorite flop King ace 10 the nuts for Tony G again and now filled with top 2 a disastrous situation for Phil Hellmuth I think this one just take it Phil not even bother bidding Phil that's three cash I was kidding it haha and Tony G raises ha ha [Laughter] hold this hand stick it in Tony always talks but he tends to talk more when he has it still folding ace king in this spot is definitely a losing play in the long run especially with Phil stack I got a flush draw I'll be honest with you if you want to leave and show you one of my calves maybe if you showed the Jack of Hearts I'm all-in all right cool brutal I have a flush draw and of straight at the moment a destroy flop the nuts and this both slow playing just get it in I mean you know how many times you want to run one's good I'm happy to run it 20 times have you liked down on this anyway should run it 3 times I don't know what do you think three times yeah three times at least we'll keep it in the game yeah with you three I've been deciding badly lately I'm how many times to run it I'll let you choose Tony how about that three times okay Tony chooses I'm not like the ice is coming the first guy I ran it I ran it once like the last two or three times and every time I missed so I want to keep it again that's why I want to run it like eight times you're gonna catch one of them bill is drawing live there's Phil's coach Layne flack he's left the green room he's gonna get a better look at this one with Amanda on the couch your boys all in with the worst of it right now yeah I just saw the hand yeah there's the coach she's in you see the coach is there going getting massaged was that three times it's been owned two out of two sometimes the statistics a hundred percent owned by Tony Ginnane out played under percent on working on a graphic for that right now mr. G I think they'll needs you King dynamite call coach an Ace or King will make Phil a full house and then if Phil goes and I need you I'm his second lane I should just run it once right once or three times we're great freight times then go back on your word now three times so they're gonna run it three times with the winner of each run taking a third of the pot turn number one Phil makes a boat soldier that ice is coming on yours did you peel it off right away yeah do you feel good right at least you're gonna be in the game I mean you could have missed out every time giving one way to get the ices out of the way out you fill it run it once he would have won the whole pot and now not every time every time on the show I've been wrong yeah every time I said the run at once I've been unlucky like the last two shows every every time I've decided to run a three or four times River one's a king and that's that's being overqualified Phil Phil will take down 2/3 of the pot but he loses one of his outs with that King on the river I mean for all this bad had a kitten behavior if they peeled an ace for me like I knew it was coming - he slow rolled me he's been like as bad as you can be and of course I filled in a so I should not have run this three times I feel terrible for my name I feel guilty I'm sorry I'm sorry being bashing up telling me that's just you Tony we all know that and imagine you trying to take me on all the time fine I'll play with you all the time sir number two deuce of diamonds no help to fill appropriate tone he's acting kind of do you see that's so sick I had to run it three times because I wanted to keep playing Lisa didn't run out five times think about it that would be terrible you're still good house River number two jack of spades Tony wins how close was that not really all that close and Tony will take a third of the pot worth almost 22 K one run to go Phil's got only two cards that'll save him turn number three seven of hearts my flush so flesh hearts won't matter if Phil boats up here comes river number three tray of spades and Tony G gets 2/3 of the pot it's just just so scary on that I was on the show are you gonna have you elected vice to their money back you're fine and you don't lose a little bit text he's gonna place text a Tony G text and just move on to the next time it's not even painful the three certainties in life are death taxes and Phil Hellmuth getting his lunch eaten on the big game so Phil lack the hots and commitment to run at once he's down to just under 22 K oh that's that's looking smaller this goes mr. Tony G thank you dealers a Tony G fan I guess Tony G continues his assault on the table through 16 hands he's up over a hundred and fifteen thousand and the big game continues to get the best of the poker brat you're better off with a small stack because it's more your game so you feel more confident and under less pressure do you ever stop Tony I mean I do really once you're out [Music] as promised the verbal warfare between Tony G and Phil Hellmuth has been legendary I'd reach over Han Phil I beat you over and over and over and over you destroyed you can never get your money back honey you are a real beauty I own you you understand Phil I own you and poor jennifer Tilly has been caught in the crossfire yeah guys say it don't spray it I think Jen's gonna have to shut out the noise through just 17 hands she's already lost over happer buying I'm just gonna like play a little put chips in every now and then to look like I'm playing you know get a little camera time think a little bit and then fold that way I'll make my stack of fifty last you know through five days no no crazy bluffing no just play good part play good on us part time that's what Phil should do too then you would last longer like if you didn't go all crazy the first hand you would be at having a nice stack and kind of enjoying yourself now not feeling I'm the pressure just blinding drifting away dude I feel completely zero pressure I don't know why why why do you keep giving up giving up I'm not like you Tony I don't get down to 20,000 and give up I fight to the end that's why I am what I never give up when I have 20,000 well then why did you think that about me because you're not reloading I raise the next hand against you the second hand is you're gonna try to give it to your sink yourself are not reloading that's what I think you're doing yourself and your fans Tony's Maddy can only get what's in front of Phil hash I'm straddled so it's on Ken things your fans are disgusted we are disgusted by how bad he runs which reminds me I gotta get the newsletter out tens for Tilley my fans love me Tony which is great they didn't they didn't no.6 and no.7 but now I have their love seven till he raises to 1,200 over to Tony G with big slick I'll rise the pop raises to 5,400 it's the second time tonight we've seen Tony reap option of her bar barrel folds hash him in the straddle with ace four spades folds tone III bat Jennifer before when he had a sking I think she's more likely to give him credit now but two tens is a big pocket pair and certainly worth taking a flop with and she will Hashim folded in a so Toni's gonna be a little worse off than normal Tony G and Tilly to the flop nine eight nine till he's still bet I'll make it mine two nines on length of nine Tony continues Oh far what if I run it once I'm back to sixty we gave you three times advice sorry oh no it wasn't you no no wasn't you guys I ran it three times because Tony G because if I was gonna let him choose cuz I made the wrong decision on the show every time I wanted to run at once but I wanted to run it once the last two times and lost on the show Phil's consistently made the wrong decision on the show but right now it's on jennifer Tilly with a decision to make facing a 9 K bed from Tony G Molly she's all in good they're back in the saddle back in this so Tilly's aggressive move helps her add 15 caterers stack if she takes down her third pot of the night boosting her pots one percenters to 17% so far Tony G has been crushing the table though raking 44% of the pots that's a whopping 8 of 18 hands plate and it should come as no surprise that Tony has come out swinging for players playing at least 300 hands in the big game the G is the all-time vpip leader tony's played more than half of the over 600 handsy scene he's known for bringing massive vines and tons of action to the table one side note for all you members of the Bill Perkins fan club yes he has a career of vpip higher than Tony but he hasn't played over 300 hands action will start on the poker Brad Phil Hellmuth having a rough night 8 deuce of spades folds jennifer Tilly Jack deuce she's out Tony G with the 10 Trey I lose things I don't know when you lose give up races to 1400 ace 5 for nacho not a shame to lose like Phil not a shame to fold in the river like Phil is nacho calls 1,400 then Hashem's out ran Kowski the cannon pocket queens let's see how the cannon does in his first AB 3 bet spot raise he's gonna odd 3bet to 4500 Tony G calls a lot of defensive hand so that's what you call it barbed arrow out hopefully that ice king holds up for you I worry about him all the time man is he terrifying King 9 jack on the flop 2 clubs Tony flops a gutshot which is hard enough to make but Ken's got two of his outs Ken's got a gut shot as well he may be a little afraid of that King but he should continue here and does bets 8200 nice bet Tony was only 10 high you're gonna fold Ice King good F 10 Queen no Tony G folds and Ken's gonna take down a nice little pot nice and Ken thank you Ken's playing careful of squared away poker just like as careful squared away wins or not so the loose cannon ex-cop Ken at 6700 to his stack he still got a long way to go to catch Italian Max Martinez for the na PT Passport hope he has some hookups at Interpol back with more poker right after [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back to the big game from Las Vegas Nevada alongside Joe Stapleton I'm Scott Huff and guess what folks it's couch ganon time that's where you at home get to play along by seeing only the loose cannons hole cards remember Ken's a former cop so now he's chasing the nuts rather than doughnuts oh our barrels out my skills are not very smooth Hashim raises to 2,300 we all learned from your greatness at the poker table Tony thank you very much oh that's a nice compliment Tony that really wasn't a compliment pocket queens for an Kowski again definitely looking for a raise so getting there now you use tying them achoo like a nice cheese look like a cheese of it no chewing gum I'll bring some nice chase to put in here is Bill is from Wisconsin raise two five ten three bets of 5k I don't like to see a bigger raise but he's in position so whatevs what are you doing Ken action back on hashim what we're gonna be friends makes the call I haven't played a part with you it's really good to see you in the world champion hey Phil's a world champ 210 King Jack couple of clubs and over card hits we can with a straight draw now as well go ahead son and Hashem checks this board might be kind of scary for two queens but I think Ken could bet it if you want check checking behind fine two turns six of spades Ken's hand does not improve and now Hashem fires that at 7,500 hopefully Ken checked the flop in order to give Joe the opportunity to Bluff at this turn so Ken shouldn't necessarily fold right away but also I don't think it's a very good spot for a raise Hashem was the initial raiser it's possible that Ken's beat but his hand is too strong to lay down to just one bet and even if he is beat he still has outs and will make the call I don't hate this spot for Ken right now but obviously we'd all like him to improve River five of Hearts well Ken didn't improve and I'm afraid of facing another barrel on this river and Joe is reaching for chips how big will the barrel be 12,500 even though I don't love it this is a pretty clear call mathematically Ken's getting three to one which means he only asked to have the best hand less than one out of every four times to be a winner in the long run still 12 five is huge for an amateur to make this call very cold well we're never gonna call what does Joe have jack ten for two pair whoops two parents is a good thing that's good we had you won the flat yeah bad luck that's poker just ask the guy sitting at Jen's right so Hashem will add over twenty five thousand of the canons chips to his stack some probably save yourself money pit ice cream ten may have lost the minimum in the hand but after fighting hard all night to chip up on the last hand his stack suffers a major setback the end of the night with an eighty two hundred dollar deficit Joe Hashem moves up from down under and ends 28k in the black Tony G finishes up 88 k after flopping the nuts twice against Phil Hellmuth the Bratton Asst coach will have to draw up a play to bounce back from a dismal debut alright guys into the night Ken okay had some ups and downs but you're so hanging in there feeling good for the last time but that's okay this there's more hands there's more hands yeah Phil rough night is he getting on your nerves I mean to be honest no he's like a fly I've always wished him away you're like I guess I have to swat him now I mean I don't know I don't want to really hurt it with mine got a SWAT I mean if you think of as money as a fly like buzzing around it's time to SWAT himself alright guys that's it for tonight I'm Amanda Leatherman saying goodbye for now and remember if you've got the cash and the guts there's always a seat open at the big game good night everybody Tony G does a lot of barking on night one and backs it up with his bite for Joe Stapleton this is Scott Hub saying so long from Vegas we got him time I got him I got it I made him down that's all right we have a nice I liked I liked the way play that's twice against two straights crazy I like the way it played the 910 against me elephant 15 was good the 50 was really good you put them in him a lot it's nice actually you got to be honest I'm honest the preceding program was sponsored by
Channel: PokerStars
Views: 624,535
Rating: 4.7635746 out of 5
Keywords: phil hellmuth vs tony g, phil hellmuth vs tony g g blowing up, phil hellmuth, tony g, phil hellmuth pker, tony g poker, joe hachem, jose barbero, jennifer tilly, jennifer tilly poker, Pokerstars big game, the big game, big game season 1, big game season 2, throwback big game, pokerstars, Poker, poker stars, pokerstar, poker star, poker game, poker 2019, poker 2020, poker tournaments, poker videos, poker hands, top poker hands, poker live
Id: OcuRSqs6q20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 5sec (2645 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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