Helldivers 2 - Something about every Objective

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so first off is the new sharess side adictive these are the easiest to deal with or become the largest threat if you fight alongside them for too long so why I say they're easy to deal with is because now we have the Quasar which allows you to just shoot it twice and that's one Nest down from more than 10050 M away so you're able to take out the shers and you don't use any ammo or anything if you really need to destroy the nests up close you have and you have nothing else to destroy them with like you didn't bring anything you didn't bring eats or Rec cordless rifle or Quasar so now you'll have to run in and put a hell bomb down and hopefully it doesn't get destroyed before you set it off but it's a lot easier since the shers don't alarm the enemies around them unless they're really close before if a Sher saw you then all the enemies would see you and then they would call reinforcements another thing to note here is that the shers used to be able to kill you whenever they would die and run their corpse into you now that seems to do just as much damage as a regular attack does so the second terminate objective the stalker layer so the stalker layer is also a priority Target I feel like every time you see one you should just go kill it before you do anything else uh tidbit every objective can be seen on the map so the Sher Nest can be SE on the map also but you don't really need to see it from the map because you can see it across the map the stalker Nest is on the ground but they are very easy to spot when looking at the map you can then ping the map at at the location you think it's at and it'll ping it as a stalker Nest even if you don't see it so just like the Cher Nest the stalker will start spawning 150 M away from you so if you do see a stalker or multiple stalkers it's because you've come into proximity of them about 150 M so they're really close to you um the soccer Nest comes in two different types one with a pull right next to it it's like a like a little water pool and the other one is just a large Nest but the one the pool you can use that pool to dance with the terides by sring along the edge running them back and forth so the soccer's face is his weak point around the body it's all armored so you got to hit it right in the face that's why it kind of covers it with his Mattis hands but if you hit it just right in the face it will die extremely quickly and it won't fling you away before you could just kind of bypass the stalkers with a slugger you just shoot them and they would get stunned but now that has been patched out so you'll have to use something like the Punisher now so I really like using stun grenades instead of impact grenades I know impact grenades are the meta thing but St grenades are just fun for me so I use St grenades a lot but because of that a lot of times I don't have the ability to kill um termined holes or stalker Nest so what I do is I drop a supply pod or an Expendable anti-tank straty like right at the edge of the stalker Nest to destroy it and then use the Expendable anti-tank to destroy the other Nest so the last termined side objective is going to be the spores Speer there really isn't much to say about the spor spear you can kill it with any weapon from afar you can shoot it with a primary weapon it doesn't matter shotgun it if if you if you can hit it you can kill it from 500 M away it's that's it's that easy the fog at The Spar spe makes doesn't hinder the terminate side at all so they can see you perfectly fine you just can't see them and the last thing about the sport spe is that there's some samples underneath it about probably like four so if you're feeding for samples you know exactly where some are so now on to the termined main objectives we're going to have Purge hatcheries and exterminate terminats not really too much there but Purge hatcheries basically you're going to have three hatcheries that you're going to have to co down and Destroy um they are not equal usually so on Hell dive they come as 31 eggs and then 31 eggs and 60 eggs so there's going to be one Hatchery that has 60 eggs so the best way to do this is to drop initially on the 60 eggs Hatchery which is going to be most likely the hatch tree that is farthest away from the extraction point then you'll drop a nuke on the largest like mound of eggs you can find and that should take out most of those eggs and then you've done the oneir of the mission in like 5 seconds so then you head on to the next Hatchery sometimes these hatcheries can get overwhelming because there's so many nests within it so instead of doing like the reinforcement Loop I'll just kind of run to the next Hatchery almost right away and if you're far enough away from from the Hatchery or from enemies they'll despawn eventually so you can go to the next Hatchery try to kill as many as you can then come back it does take time but if you have too many enemies sometimes it's better for them to despawn than for you to try to kill them all so on to the second type of mission the exterminate terid so ever since they change the spawn rates of little chids the hunters have been way too insane to do this on Hell dive solo so the best thing to do against terminates is to kill them run kill them run just basically just kite until they're all dead but because you spawn in such a small area you cannot Retreat back so they just swarm you so I I just go like full flame build with emps and stuns and best I can get was like medic armor just try to get some cuz you're going to get hit so might as well try to get hit while you're getting Health back right so uh in this mode Terminus cost defitely small terminers are like one ofation um I believe bow Speers are two and then Chargers are 10 and bow Titans are 15 ultimately there isn't much to say besides you're just going to want tons of crowd control for the light enemies being super numerous and then bug breaches are just everywhere so EMP Mort or stop the breaches in their tracks but it's still a really rough Mission going solo so now we're out of the easy side let's go to the hard side the automaton side so the automat side has a bunch of side objectives uh the first one is going to be destroy the mortar in placement so the mortars are probably the worst side objective to leave standing on the automaton side side so against the automatons chilling behind cover and firing down the enemy is rewarded but with the mortars if you chill behind cover you die and if you move you die by getting shot from the bots so this side objective should take precedence over everything else in the area so the motors have a back plate that you can shoot but you will have to shoot it with something explosive like eats or the quar or the autoc cannon you can't use like your Slugger impact grenades work well too so the mortars can be seen from AF far shooting and they exent on top the base so you can kill them all without having to get into the base so the newest automaton side mission is going to be destroy the gunship facility and this is like a wheelchair looking icon it is basically the shrier nness but on your automaton side the sheres could be destroyed with the quazar though and this can't even be destroyed with the 380 mm orbital so I tried doing nukes on it I tried doing 38 M orbital didn't seem to take it out I had to do hell bomb and hell bomb only so you will have to run in and actually deal with these enemies if you shoot them with a rocket on the nose they don't go down you have to shoot them in their boosters one good thing about the ataman gunships is that you can pretty easily spot them on the map I actually think that this automaton side mission is a little harder than most because you can't just not deal with it you really have to get in there and put a hell bomb down and the gunship when it sees you it calls reinforcements which was something that the Sher Nest used to do but now they have patched that out so I don't know if that's something that they're going to do in the future but with these you will have to kill the reinforcements you'll have to destroy the gunship when it's coming at you then you have to get in close um I guess a good thing about it is that the gunships come out a lot slower than the shers do but it is still the same when the gunships will keep on accumulating if you don't deal with them or have anything to do with them so next up is going to be the anti-air and this is going to be taking out your Eagle strategems so you won't be able to use your Eagle strategems until this is taken care of but it's very similar to the mortars you have to destroy with something explosive you have to use impact grenades it's very straightforward so next up is the strategy Jammer this is a higher level anti air in placement it disables all of your Strat gems not just your Eagles at about 150 M and if you try to throw a straty within this proximity it won't go off also so you have two ways that you can destroy this you can either go destroy the fabricator that's on the side of it or you can go and click on the computer that's in front of it so the next side objective is going to be the microwave the Sam site the surface the air missile and it does exactly what it says it does it actually does shoot down drop ships that are coming near near it I'm GNA guess like 150 meters since that's like the range for everything in this game but yeah this one's really straightforward it just kind of helps out around the area so the SAU on eye or detector Tower can see you from I believe it's 125 to 150 M away the sour on IE will start looking at you closely if you shoot or make noise and then it'll call a drop ships whenever it starts to actually see you the sour and eye can't be destroyed by eagle strikes you have to use a nuke or something larger like a hell bomb but there really isn't much to it besides that so now onto the main automaton missions we're going to have the sabotage Air Base which is going to have three missions in total it's going to have one control tower and then two air bases the control tower is going to take an SSD strategem to be brought down and then you have to grab it and then take it to the terminal once you put the SSD in the terminal it now has power and you can use it to destroy the control center but there is no other way to do it so you will have to do this process you can't like use a nuke or anything explosive you will have to bypass all the enemies get to the spot put the SSD in it then use a terminal to destroy it takes a while but the other two sub objectives are a lot easier so the next subm mission is really straightforward it's just three drop ships that you have to destroy you can use an autoc Cannon or you can use anything explosive you can use like one Eagle air strike and then destroy all three of them so the April second patch brought out that the destroy command Bunker's main mission now has more so before in Hell dive you would only see like three command bunkers now you can go up to four I guess the command bunkers is too easy or easier than the hatcheries so I agree with that all it really took was two nukes kind of thrown across like the the side and then you would kill it so and then you could just run from what I can see though the patch didn't change anything else so it still takes two nukes to kill one bunker it you just have more of them so next up is the exterminate automaton missions and these are exactly what they say are you will be overrun with a ton of automatons and we have to destroy 400 units and each unit costs differently so light units are one Berserkers are two I believe hulks are 10 and tanks are 15 so you want to run this Mission with the squad just like exterminate terminates for how much you get overrun it's extremely hard to do solo I feel like with the terminin you can cheese the area probably like you know one out of five one out of 10 times but I feel like the automatons you would have to get like impossibly lucky to do this consistently slow though emps mortars are really good on these missions I feel like there is a good way to cheese the game with smokes in some ways boosters like extra reinforcements is also good here uh you can try to shoot down the drop ships right from the start to get a ton of kills early and give yourself more time but the drop ships start coming down like immediately so this Mission used to be easier but we were cheesing out the Wind by destroying all the drop Ships coming in one by one so they dev has made it harder it's still doable I feel like with you know four people but one it's almost impossible so that is all for the race specific missions now there's a ton of just neutral and just general missions out there so we're going to go ahead and start with those specifically these three that you can see from your Destroyer before you even drop down so the terminate illegal broadcast is really just like a basic beginner Mission it is there just so that when you're like level one you have something to do it can be destroyed by anything so even if you throw impact grenade at it an eat at it any Eagle Strike it just everything can kill it so the second basic mission is going to be destroy Rogue research and it says specifically destroy all facility buildings and that sounds like there's more than one but there's actually just one and the facility building that you have to destroy is stronger than the other buildings around it so you have to use a hell bomb or a nuke to destroy it you can't use anything else so if you're trying to destroy all the buildings around it it's really just one so the last side objective mission is going to be the upload Escape pod data and it's extremely straightforward you just run up to the Pod whenever you find it on the map you get a strategy to download the data you input the strategy and then after that you just have to stay around the area until the strategy is uploaded I believe if you leave the area it resets I don't really even do these anymore sometimes I just kind of go to them and there's like three to four samples around them grab them and leave so this is my favorite side objective I love how this is in the game it's the radar station this is the best side objective on the map the information it gives you is just so great it just makes everything so much faster once you get this done you can see every objective on the map even the minor areas that you can come across small tidbit on this if you turn the radar to the right it'll go to the left and if you turn the radar to the left it'll go to the right so right side is going to go clockwise and left side it's going to go counterclockwise the next side objective is going to be the sea artillery this is basically five artillery shells that become a strategen when you load it so the one that you want to get the most is going to be the mini nuke which is yellow and the explosive which is red and there is another red one that can have a point on top of it but it could look exactly the same as the explosive and that's Napal and then there is the blue and the gray which is a smoke and an EMP there's a lot of talk about how if you activate the sea artillery it's going to bring enemies to you that's not true and the aspect of them just coming straight for you from across the map it's the sea artillery makes a sound when it turns so once you click the button it starts to turn around and get in position that sound will draw enemies to you if they're next to you oh yeah and drop sprinting makes it faster so now we're on to the neutral main missions and you can see these missions on either the automaton or the termined side the first one we'll cover is the launch the ICBM this is my personal favorite I just love the way the nuke sounds and looks so it comes with what it can come with three submissions like power up the generator retrieve launch code is always there and then Pump Fuel to the ICBM all three of these are going to be guarded the launch codes all that really is is you picking it up so you can just run over there bypass all the enemies pick it up run out but even if you don't get out the launch code stay with you the power generator is very straightforward you just go up to the power generator the terminal start it up like usual and then just do all the task it sets for you to do and the last thing you're going to do is pull the lever so then you have to pump fuel to the ICBM and all that really is is getting over here to this area turning on the terminal and then twisting the tanks sometimes you won't be able to see the tanks because they're gunked up so you just got to shoot the gunk off then twist them so when you are finally at the nuke terminal you go to the terminal you push the button to start it and at this point you can now start manually lifting the hatches for the nuke so a teammate can be or teammates can be lifting up the hatches already while you keep on continuing with the terminal and that right there is probably like the most efficient that you can get you turn it on someone else does all the hatches and then you just keep on going but besides that that's the end of it you finish off the turn animal's tasks and then the N goes off and you're done going on to the or excavation Mission this or excavation always has two submissions which is basically find the source of the ore so whenever you get to these areas on the map you will get a Straten that drops down a ore sensor and the or sensor will pop up you'll have to turn it on like a regular terminal and once you do the first step it's going to call reinforcements on to your position so these reinforcements do not care about the reinforcement timer so if you have enemies on you that just came up from being reinforced it will call second breach of reinforcements down on you a good tipit about the oration is a lot of the times I can do the steps on the sensor before I even finish off the reinforcements if you just keep on keeping on with those terminals you you'll be able to do the or sensor submission before the reinforcements even get to you sometimes so now on to the upload data main mission this one's really straightforward it's just a little harder when you're soloing so this one usually has two sub missions which is to acquire an SSD briefcase and then walk it to the main objective area so the briefcase is the hardest part about this mission is because you will have to use your secondary while you're carrying it and if you only only have one person carrying an SSD all the way to the end and then coming back and getting another SSD takes a while but there really isn't much to say about this one you take the ssds to the end you put the ssds in then you use the terminal and then you upload the main data so on to the transfer e710 to shuttle mission basically you're gassing up some Pelicans the main mission comes with two submissions which are to activate pumps for the oil this is similar to the ICBM fueling all you got to really do is go to a terminal turn it on and then go to the gunky tanks and twist them and once those are twisted that's the end of the submissions the last main mission basically is you hooking up the Pelicans to the oil geyser you have to hook and then unhook the Pelican twice and once it both of them get fueled up you're done with that mission so now the last two main missions are very similar they're evacuating civilians but one is actually harder than than the other so evacuate civilians is a 40-minute Mission and this can have two sub objectives and you have to go and establish communication Uplink which is just like turning on a terminal and calling down the SSD briefcase to upload the data but you don't have to run with it or anything so the very last mission here is you have to evacuate the civilians so there is going to be like these little houses that have little buttons next to them you click on the button and three civilians will run out you have to do about like 20 to 30 civilians so it'll take about 7 to 10 pushes the civilians will draw aggro from nearby enemies a small tidbit here though so if you're using artillery attacks like Eagle strikes or nukes you can make the ground uneven and that causes the civilians to get stuck sometimes so with the ground stopping the civilians from moving you'll have to Nuke that area and hopefully the area that you nuke is going to open up where the civilians can actually walk through it now otherwise you'll have to just restart the whole mission over and just do not feel like doing that so the last mission here is going to be rescue the science teams which is very similar to evacuate priority citizens but it's in a lot smaller of an area and the enemies are a lot more numerous in such a small area I think this is actually like the hardest mission type because at least with the exterminate terminates or exterminate automatons you just have to kill them and this one you have to kill them and protect the citizens and the enemy spawns are extreme closed right now the best way to do this mission is to have four players having one player I feel like is almost completely impossible you have to destroy all of these enemies while protecting the civilians and it's just so hard to go and press the button while protecting them while they're running while killing the enemies so the main way to do this mission right now is to have everyone run away from the main site everybody draws aggro really far away from the where the citizens are you fight the enemies and you call reinforcements on those areas and then one person runs away and goes and starts pressing the button the people who are fighting cannot stop fighting they are meant to kill everything they see but they have to let some enemies live so that those enemies can call reinforcements where they are and then you just want the enemies to stay as far as possible fighting as long as possible while that one person evacuates as many citizens as they can for some reason the rescue the science teams has the same amount of samples as a regular Mission does like a 40-minute Mission not sure why it's the case but because of it the area is a lot smaller than most missions with with these 60 samples and like 30 rare samples and six Super samples that a lot of players are coming in uh as a four and all they're doing is getting all the samples cuz the area is so small and then leaving so you you can use this place as like a sample form if you need to so right now it's April 3rd and a lot of patches are coming out with new missions I feel like this game is going really really fast in the content that it has a lot of the times I try to make a video and it's just like it's my video is done with because the patches came out I feel like everything I said is probably going to become obsolete soon but I hopefully I was able to give some insight and any questions yall had some of these missions are more straightforward than others so I didn't have much to say on a few I don't think I forgot any but I have a feeling I forgot like one well thanks for everyone for watching I had a lot of fun making this video I hope to see y all around laters [Music]
Channel: Wisprs
Views: 21,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xVHRssohO6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 24sec (1404 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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