Helldivers 2 // Shock Trooper - Arc Build - Lvl 9 Terminid Coop Helldive - All Clear, No Death

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it's been a while since I've watched those movies again the ring which ones L of the Rings oh one R yeah it's been a long time like me spikes Devils you we got files a Synergy kind of remind me of that movie that I can do oral inbound Dey non payload reting Advanced Weaponry seriously throwing [Music] grenade some Dive Right sending out H why did I do that another reinforced can we break this SOS I don't know maybe right kind you use it request appr re use it dis it interact oh no it just tells you what it does just tells you what it is it's also Invincible cuz it just landed on it it's all right we'll just we'll figure it out kick him we throw in an SOS whoever joins we'll kick him just immediately shoot them take their stuff insult to injury Savage so you guys shoot them and then not reinforce them and then kick them yeah wow toxic F that was two of their shots hit nothing they were right in front of me and it locked onto e air strike on the oh I think the first wave is usually small get some get some well that might have not really done what I wanted us behind us oh hello oh RT coming in I just got hit yep it's from behind this rock here our way of life that's not [Music] good oh okay trying to get it where the hell are these guys out of ammo okay you want to do this to me game I'm here I'm going do this eat this Tower and thatou calling down a Stairway stairway reloading on my Mark just it all right all right turret's doing some work yeah St stay away from that Tower I see it I'm going to call resupply calling down Supply I don't have any NES for this location medium uh want me to ret up you all Destroyer join all bro B4 who is that B4 Broly chibi it's R bu out see how about a nice of Li say if he's not okay you'll feel less bad about get uh need ammo uh yeah I will but something weird going on here yeah you spe 200 M I should go back oh it's on my um spec I don't think we're going this way anyway we're going no we're going Southeast right get it's a bug on my screen oh away tagging map Southeast 300 M uh we're going to go clockwise just letting him [Music] there you're a Ms putting in some company but there's a bunker there yes found something help coming a I'm just getting in the bunker if you want to who's dead Warrior was that a uh enemy RT but what's pissing me off is like how can it predict where the [ __ ] like I'm going it doesn't it's just random it's part of what makes it so deadly I think the B plane just killed each other one of I'm getting tossed arounders never die nice thank you ending in an eagle calling in reinforcements all right Warriors not having a good time not at all there's another one on top of this rock [Music] here and there's one behind the guy oh he's got a friend reloading do this not yeah where you at where is it suppli not here where was it [ __ ] probably where I died here loation I got him oh the ground is kind of on fire right now days oh my life Jee all right STS if no one needs grenades here I thly up top take one uh I'll take two m i okay I can do the um Tower if you if I can get an angle terminal what towards you watch out yeah I can see it from here talking oh no he's talking about the tower you see the tower rare sample acquired all right this guy does not this puzzle sou me let's stand around and give more pressure start from the end and then do it Eng terminal it's easier one is getting close located it I'm on it RT rtw Norwest I don't see the r he's dead out of ammo already coming from Far very far south far south yeah far south foric going to and West yeah B head to Pink we can not run this dropping a sou 3 mesty [Music] reload uh Titan how are you making it through that it's a desync I'm guessing wow deyn just sync wait is it the extraction what is it okay that that was a to [Music] 100 does um does people4 need help uh he's behind us he's cool [Music] clri be deag yep it's a nest yep I can throw in a 500 in there oh he sees us requesting oral 10 with the 500 I'll take that I need help yeah on requ have got no more grenades I can finish off out post spotted right I don't see another Nest did you get it right there's one right here okay next to you watch out AC [ __ ] bounc watch out got it nice wait are these V Speers sliding sure possibly EMS M's uh locking down yeah locked me down H okay I'm running away from the B spits and there's a right behind Mark him I see you you don't see them in a sec okay we got aest here uh you striking I don't think I I have another 500 oral inbound em and an AR Tower in the the mine's on the breach there move already coming toward us not only that hunters get up get up I don't have any nades for this me neither I got a 500 Beacon stay away stay away watch out test the tower test the tower you're very close forever reload FL empty Vector that's a 500 kg oh okay never mind didn't matter I was slowed the whole time do you have a for this I got four [ __ ] that's what the well reinfor all right it lied to me all right I'll just reest appr refor I mean it was locking down the nest pretty well it was also locking me down pretty well dropping a pwest guetty that's a lot of guys yeah we can do radar first but radar has like two small right yeah best it sending in an e reing down a support weapon reloading oh trying my heart is not to shoot4 just ran right in front of me I got the heavy East 50 m standing in an eagle okay was he damaged from before yeah I hit him cool still that was fast yeah tagging location orbital inbound payload clockwise going down a s sorry clockwise slight an clock yeah test the tower in Southwest watch out 100 going south it is absolutely bodying these uh I'll take it I'm CU I the M's on top of it no wonder what will happen it'll die no not like not right on top you know what I mean uh yeah I wonder if it tets the calling down supp didn't resupply I got one grenade it did but well after the fact yeah I'm coming for resupply first they're trying to kill the uh oh [ __ ] requ support reloading bu out poost spotted prepare to exterminate reloading looks like a nest outside [Music] US tagging map Northwest 200 M die you pick up hmer yeah I'm good yeah cool cool Sher Nest I only have one two stalkers I see I only have one m so I'm going to leave holes to you mhm I got two nades but uh all of my strikes came back up big small dudes I hear something reloading Southwest the artillery that hit behind us took out a whole group of guys Nest medium Nest yet Shield requesting requesting orbital what happened there uh you're M but I saw them unfortunately it was M under a [ __ ] in the middle couldn't if it's in the way just kill it got him bug Outpost spotted just one parking location South nice I already like this set I don't know how frustrating it is for you guys no no it's it's not bad as long as I can see it he's about to get zapped I think he needs samples yeah how about call down support requ support air strike the uh uh yeah that's that's enough guys I'm throw M over there y if you need grenades re M watch out okay nice yep Point new mag of okay I see it um you don't want to get any closest to the flyest if we got some way of killing it I don't know if we do that we got uh we got eat there's one over here it's going to take a while you spot it cuz I don't see it eat the nest I think we need to move north first to get some on site I wonder how effective the Tesla Tower be against the flyers I think it's too slow like come to me come to me very good angle perfect angle right here where you at yes location oh perfect just come here calling another E wow where the [ __ ] did that bounce I'm out that's a great angle yeah a below below the hood right I think I'm out nice that's one where's the other ones is there more I just marked it's behind the cliff so if you push more towards the North or Northeast we should be able to see it I see Flyers okay that's not good why do I feel like a ghostb the time yeah really breach what the hell Norwest you got him get on top of this Tunnel Bridge Okay oral inbound right up the hill here requesting calling down a incoming the to that's spot sh yet doing great nice do you guys have an angle on the uh watch out behind you y think you got him trying to get an I see the I see the bugs coming in I just don't see the uh calling down a support weapon Mo even further north yep yeah you got an angle hit bu hole West 100 m there you go come this way actually I can see both of them I'm out I need uh I need more uh eats more eats Warrior more eats give me one sec it's a 500 yes that's a 500 right on the Freer nice baby you got the locationwest bug behind you in between us is a just be watch out [ __ ] ping it even Dodge but I think I dodged too early yeah yeah I could shoot you shoot the thing cuz it would have killed one of us yeah just oh two St do you want to do those first or or maybe far enough away I don't know see this guy I'm going for your green and yellow Mark first that's a lot of [ __ ] ow fire in the hole I'm out of ammo [ __ ] I'm calling a re right [Music] here I'm going to take one just with minut okay I think we got a great angle from here oh that's perfect nice holding one and now he's calling we're out of here behind is there another one is it just west okay we're getting shell we are going to start seeing stalker calling down a I'm placing a test Tes going North watch out behind you behind you did he just TK you accidentally accidentally it's okay he's been play well yeah yeah he ISJ you should add him iten just came out a 500 oh I should get him ah he's walking past no he's moving did that hit you okay yeah it hit me and it's nowhere near [ __ ] be oh I just got knocked down I'm up now I don't have enough nades to finish this off there's one more I'm with you I'm with you Northeast close all right I got the big guy nice why am I dying so much lately uh you change your lead out no the same I I can't cover you as effectively I'm essentially trying to rush forward so engaging ear yeah I actually Warrior uh take one of these that'll help you I can't backline oh that's an eagle air strike towards the point Spike you should be fine this this this is um farmer y I kill this freaking guy over here oh come on he's dead fin Freedom Forevers we should do this first heavy reloading that's pretty that's pretty potent against the stalker small one it's in it's in the bodies I can't get to it wow that's just yeah you know what stay away let go let SC St is f we'll come back there they are oh that's glorious they're getting wrecked somebody smoked them who was that that's right I punch the stalker I think he's used I think he's using a break action that's part of it oh there it is I only need to take out this one right what do you want to do the other one as well requesting support requesting Advanced weon did that Miss there we go oh it landed it went through it that's not good just you ninade what the helling down a where did it just drop that almost killed both of us [Music] 200 thank youal requesting Advanced weaponry I'm just going to throw the PS cuz I want to rearm I got stalkers coming from the north I got the terminal engaging terminal dropping a pin Northeast far sh think gu double dipped didn't want to do you guys need ammo uh Spector I I definitely do in a minute you going to come back here yeah quite far quite near it's a minute and a half so if you can wait for a minute and a half just pull it where you are and take it oh all right not going to worry about it we got one hole this guy's going to get the other OneWest sending in an tagging M North 300 M I missed horribly marking location uh cool resly on you if you need requesting air support it missed again I don't know why the Eagles missing horribly the stalking us usually have a lot of walls around them the angle not throwing grenades requesting orbital strike are you out of NES spec I'm I'm out of everything okay COA resupply in 20 seconds I'm going to be honest I I don't know if we're going to survive enough to do that back shoot yep that didn't happen that was happening requesting that's an air strike on the breach calling in reinforcements behind you Tagg location heavy Northeast close I'm going to try and go in that's another 500 that's a 500 kg okay my shield is somewhere near the nest it's all right it's all right it's all right all right all right there are mines everywhere careful got it AC there it is care those kind of went far considering I don't see the mine uh just stay out of that it's a little decent going on I think yeah let's change host as well after this one I don't think it's you I think the game itself yeah and they fix two things break one thing going down oh this is going the right direction that's true heavy North close oh hi behind behind behind stalker stalker another charger on mys on him located what's that red another one all can't shoot anything EMP reloading F do you have a backpack no get some get some that's a 500 kg if you can get up somewhere safe I'm going to place the test somewhere here I got the terminal two Titans one on you one on you Dees remain I repeat 5 minutes calling in reinforc nice request approved reinforcements on the way [Music] requesting Sentry we have to do the unlocks thren my life for super Earth you spike when it comes down oh he got him all right good for him 50 me requesting orbital calling down Southeast stay out of the southeast reloading got equipment all right throwing Supply Beacon reloading heavy East close supplies here grab yeah cap be for the Tesla Tower is hitting it I hear some stuff but I can't see theming down foric tagging location north an eag there's a strike but should be safe mhm engaging terminal dropping a pin South far we're going to have to do extracts without uh iort supplies make sure you grab supp by we haul ass down there we should actually make it just some time oh that's 2 minutes right ADV by the time we get there there won't be any more Oh you mean just get there and actually extra yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah just blow the Tes Tower if it's in the way here we go gentlemen you have ignited the Torches of Liberty extraction awaits tack calling down a support weapon that's reinforce yeah something to does that weird ass terain here wait who threw that there [ __ ] thre that extraction is available no he he UHS Destroyer departent maybe missclick heavy on my position nice there's ammo [ __ ] here if you want [Music] andad somebody got him stems I'll take he's a there's a guy guarding the uh thing we already opened so I'm not going to worry about it have we already opened it I see yell lights yellow already opened it I could be wrong I think it's we haven't done this yet all right requesting s down oh he's calling on the follow me got a nice Titan watch out there's a he's dead tower on the right super Tower is on the west so don't go west or just kill the tower thank you [ __ ] I don't know where to go don't go west go west it's fine he kill this out jump spect okay I'm okay tornado I'm going to walk my way heal ETA tus 1 minute got a lot on the West I'm going to hug East if you can actually I'll I'll disengage oh hello made him nice nice marking location bugs Southwest oh oh I saw that g tus 20 seconds look how the hunter survived but I didn't apparently etus 10 seconds haveit Taste of democracy one arriving at coordinates tunnel one preparing for touchdown countdown initiated standby for [Music] takeoff getting in extraction complete one be getting a set you have maintained our way of life [Music] got everything yeah we [Music] [Music] did oh nice nice I enjoyed that that build it's PR be fun but uh only in Coop because I was completely riing on you guys for B [Music] Titans yeah superar will never forget the hell divers we lost today nor the incremental game Allied Destroyer has left Squadron a when you get a good random zero rent players I'm going to send him a friend yeah that's good
Channel: Spiked
Views: 3,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Helldivers 2, Helldive, Max Difficulty, Mission, Full Mission, Gameplay, gameplay, playstyle, build, all clear, all objectives, all outposts, terminid, bug, redeemer, loadout, coop, stratagem, tactical, teamplay, 4 player, Hellmire, deathless, no death, arc thrower, arc shotgun, lightning build, tesla tower, ems mortar, ems strike
Id: jATnKfei6sI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 26sec (2666 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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