Helldivers 2 // Shield x HMG - Automaton Solo Helldive w/ Commentary - Al(most) Clear, No Deaths

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hi everyone welcome to another solo hell dive this time we're trying out some more off meta with a ballistic shield SMG and HG run doesn't end quite as I'd expect but the uh build itself performed pretty well so hope you enjoy [Music] it I've got a uh andar dat Miss so going to have to split this into two I got two SSD carry 100 m we try and go anticlockwise first drop the first one off for the second so you can check out the uh description for the full build details but I'm basically running the SMG Defender uh so I can use that with the shield and also when I'm carrying the SSD deploying equipment package big group here it's going to open up more aggressive who needs when you got three impact nades get some get some see what's great about The Shield is you can pretty much bring your own cover uh gives you a lot of time to get those head shot with the SMG um Defender is what I've gone with just more control but range how'd you like the taste you still have to be wary of rockets uh they won't remove the shield from you like they did before but they will knock you down HMG is pretty good for taking on Rocket Devastators if you get the right fire rate I think the default fire rate is pretty good at this kind of range um I like to take it to the high fire rate when I'm taking on Hulks yeah so for heavy Devastators I think um going with the shield and the SMG Defender is better uh just gives you more time to uh tank their shots and hit their head but for the rocket ones you don't really want to be tanking that with your Shield so I switch the HMG have a democracy democracy is on it way what's uh pretty neat with The Shield is even when you're not holding it up uh it will block shots so right now as I'm running with it it's going to be blocking anything uh shooting at me from the left and when it's on my back it's also protecting that as well got to detect the tower here so I brought um Eagle air strikes which I can use to take out Fabricators and also groups of enemies and then the 500 is for stuff like detect the towers or any Walkers if I run into them yeah W should uh block the eye of Saum from seeing me so with this layout you can actually um just plant the hell bomb outside the walls and the explosion will hit the detected Tower through the walls never die uh I can't be want to wait so 500 is me sub objective nearby I think I haven't realized The Shield is on my back right now so one thing you got to be wary of is every time you STM um that will put the shield on your back so if you want to re-equip it you've got to switch to um your support weapon and then back or just switch between the weapons my secondary is the uh Senator I keep hearing uh people asking for Buffs I'm like this thing one shots Troopers it can even um I think it one head shots Devastators as well if you can get the the shot on target turning down equipment package taging map Northeast 300 M so yeah for ssds um again if you've got your shield in your hand uh if you try and pick up an SSD you'll drop the shield for the SSD so what you need to do is switch to your heavy machine gun or whatever uh two-handed weapon you've got yes if you switch first and then pick it up then you'll keep the shield on your back kind of fiddly tagging location never mind objective located Northeast so I'm being pretty direct when I'm uhe 100 assaulting uh objectives but when I'm moving between them I'm still trying to avoid any unnecessary fights T wearing heavy armor so not the fastest but together with a shield that means I am very tanky [Music] yeah I always like doing a horizontal strike in this position out those things old things e one withdrawing to rearm yeah you can you can hear the uh March of incoming patrols so just got to keep an eye out on the radar there they are just across the ridge it is night time um so the visibility range isn't quite as uh good as in daytime can quickly get this done get out of there tagging map Northeast 100 m sub objective near your [Music] [Music] location the meteor storm can be pretty interesting I've had to take out detected talents before which is uh pretty cool when it happens it doesn't seem to alert the enemy as well doesn't count as like you grabbing [Music] agur so much chaos so yeah I'm relying on the HMG to take on um hulks but I'm not really doing it from long distance from about medium to short range is when I can really engage I notice so I tried um I tried aiming down sights uh using the actual first person sights uh the HMG but I find uh it's actually easier to aim without the crossair just democra on it way follow the um Trac and the hit markers much easier and I see what works for youty dispensed the sles kind of get jiggled around anyway when you're firing cuz of all the recoil so I might as well do it in third person administering Freedom yeah impact mes are amazing for any shielded enemies deploying equipment package yeah HS go down very quickly if you can actually just get ey shots it's even faster it's only a few shots but usually with a recoil pattern uh it'll take you a short burst to get those shots in last reload so yeah when I was first playing around with the HMG I was like what is this weapon it has such a small mag compared to the normal mg I was using it against bugs and I was like okay I can kill charges slightly faster uh with as shots but that's about it and it's still way slower than like e or anything and then they slowed down the fire rate the max fire rate even more but then that kind of made me realize okay maybe this is a bot weapon and uh it can penetrate things that the other mg can't so um that's why it can kill Hulks and uh also Pierce through the Strider armor nice senitor one shot there but yeah that's what the uh hg's Niche is [Applause] so basically yeah it's uh rocket Devastators Hulks and Striders that I'll use the HMG for everything else I'll the uh shield and the SMG oh it's also very good at killing um like uh any enemies objective that have the vents so you can really quickly take down air guns or tanks if you can get behind them just time so I've gone with impact needs um just for clearing crowds more quickly but if you prefer safer uh Hulk kills or just in general crowd control might want to get with stun nades Mission progress BL your uh two strategy should be enough to cover you for any uh Fabricators or objectives that you destroy so yeah someone managed to call off a call a bot drop droing a pin no need to panic if you're out of the area then the bot drop won't actually know where you enemy tactical asset within yeah you have to drop the SSD um to throw strategies you can n from behind the shield sounds pretty handy asset destroy yeah they're faring at my last name position no real need to engage them got some nice hard cover in between us there's the guy yeah do you have to be careful standing near a hellbomb when there's a meter shower coming down here comes the Cavalry you will never destroy our way of life warning you are leaving the mission area delivering payload like look of this planet it's like you're fighting on the moon or something e one with rearm there's a lot of these crates as well same as in uh D desert planets and they're pretty good for providing cover yeah if you crouch to just out of range that would be a cannon di you are moving outside the mission a weird one I'm guessing it aggroed when I took out the last uh Outpost sometimes you can just like walk right in front of them and they w't see you either it's very strange yeah if you just wait them out then they will forget about you okay I think my Eagles already just yet kind of Patrol bit of an ay position 28 seconds yeah I'm going to get flanked how about a nice C got to clear one side ASAP see the recent patch increase the uh the blocking Arc with the shield so I keep backing up shouldn't be able to shoot through me f y shot trying to back up to that crater again I got a Hulk as well pretty nasty there's that crat like about rocking a hard place that I think the meteor shower destroyed the Outpost that's one thing at least you moving outside the mission are going to have to hug this wall or I'm going to be traed you are leaving the mission area you are moving outside the mission area I can't even stay there cuz uh meats are about to hit two seconds warning you are leaving the mission area yeah love the Chas to have y managed to spray and pre camera wasn't even in Focus cuz uh I was out of the combat zone warning you are leaving the mission area all right looks like the M took care of the rest lucky me here comes the caval yeah another Patrol [Music] oh just went very dark there and another bot drop it's getting messy uning democracy Mings what was that rag doll Mission 20 minutes remaining got yeah I don't like being so close to the uh edge of the map so going to try this corner instead tagging map Southwest 100 m checking the mini map for any enemies see where they're coming [Music] from coming in h so that time my shield did get dropped I think it was cuz I was lying down and then the explosion H Eagle One returning to Destroyer forage how' you like the taste of freedom it's awkward you should generally favor oh that was quick yeah it's a little safer if you're on a right corner than a left corner so yeah this is this is what I think the HM strength is it can really take down Devastator as well At Close Range even the AMR or the auto Canon can feel a little awkward trying to get those head shots when they're up close the AMR because of the scope and um Zoom of the AL Cannon because of the uh explosive radius radius yeah it's it's niche but actually pretty good got to pray that cannon turret does Ager I'm already getting flanked on way too many [Music] sides sensible thing would be to just back up regroup and approach from a different angle but trying to play a little more aggressively with this world yeah don't try and um penetrate heavy Devastator on with the HMG it's just a bit too well armored go with explosives for that instead or just yeah try and get the head shots in super Earth finest back in Action strike pleaseing pay I don't find the um Eagle Strike that good taking ons even on Direct hits it doesn't seem to be reliable at killing them but it's just good for clearing this I don't know who's operating that Cannon Tower but they need a race throwing grenades there [Music] go heavy armor buff feels good the night cup of Liberty this armor also has the explosion resistance so attack a bit more from Rockets definitely getting um two bug down in in this SP fight by the time I'm finished new Patrol is spawning it on it way so I really should be moving past it killed them all though oh wait there's more another Hulk haveit of democracy well it is burning time I do actually feel pretty safe with the shield as long as I've got cover blocking one side pretty safely push on another feel place see yeah there's that um shield on your back coming in [Music] [Music] handy there's that F this again got to equip my uh two-hander first since the uh fix of the Rockets they're a lot less scary still got to respect them but not constantly on edge it's a bit too long for me to engage so just going to keep pushing lost a lot of time firefights there STS down equipage this space Arrangement isn't too bad you can take out that group of three Fabricators just to the West with one strike Like an Eagle air strike and then there's just one more fabricator by itself uh off to the north two strikes on out delivering payload Another One Bites the Dust dropping a pin Southwest 200 m looks like the direct hit was what killed the fabricator even um stuff like or a gas strike or smoke strike or Eagle smoke strike onir hits will uh take out a fabricator tagging map out 200 M yeah once I'm at an objective I just ping the next one so I know where I'm running SP Outpost Liberty a bit too chunky scre eag one withdrawing to rearm so all my Eagle strikes are uh being rearmed so no real point trying to wait them out for this um this base might as well push for the others spot out post spotted Mission at 10 minutes remaining dropping a pit Southeast 200 M somehow that nade fell all the way through I'll be [Music] back not sure where that I think it's aiming at where the impact nade landed yeah there's one thing about this build it is pretty close range so you going to press pretty aggressively good thing Shield Eagle back in the fight I do like the uh dismemberment system in this game always funny seeing a an enemy keep pushing towards you when they've got no gun Lefty bit tight on time but takes about a couple couple minutes across the map should be doable grab the SSD finish Sam site destroy the base and then finish off the primary tactical asset near your position ah oh to be a Skyrim [Music] [Music] pulse looks pretty quiet only one dot on the actual point that corner I just passed it's a pretty good one for taking on this style of Sam site nice little corner with [Music] cover dropping a pin North 200 m lovely yeah that Patrol to the right is moving away so can push with that elevation I could have tried um throwing the strikes from up top get a bit more distance but I think I prefer to get nor side anyway since that's where I'm going I always try and find um the wall the boundary wall of the base that gives me the most cover especially from that cannon turret me I should take care of the uh two in the middle attack underway Freedom Forever good get oh yeah that's not going to do it coming inot it's in the Ravine in the pit it's not going to hit it throwing grenad just going to make sure I don't get flanked going coming from two sides right now is the Metate storm going to come in clutch unleashing democracy yes it is who needs a 380 or 120 bar fire in the all right three and a half minutes this isn't one of the primary objectives that will fail um if the extra time hit zero I should still have 2 minutes after hit zero to get to the extract as long as I don't run into any unnecessary fights should be okay can hear still some enemies on point yeah May time to waste package retrieved how about a nice cup of Liberty equipment package almost this tic fail that one minute left Destroyer preparing to leave dropping a pin South far all right going turn it left 90° I could have just gone up there to start with and save some time but sometimes you can't actually hear the Ping from the console it's that far away it's better to be safe delivering payload Super Destroyer leaving low orbit emergency extraction shuttle deployed extraction request confirmed shuttle inbound oh yeah three minutes to extra because of the um strategy calling penalty somehow I'm underwater [Music] there and uh here's where I [ __ ] up the whole mission I've done this before for some reason I assume that once you've aligned the radar and hit it you're good but no there's an access code to punch in uh apologies way to ruin a great run but thought it was worth uh Worth showing anyway cuz I actually really like the rest of the [Music] run you can see that um line of enemies heading to the center of the map so I think one one commenter that that's what happens when they send in a bot drop or Patrol and they can't find you and they'll head to the middle of the map yeah it would have already taken maybe an extra 30 seconds just to finish off the objective 30 seconds I just did not realize yeah I would have I would have had enough time extract's not too far now silly boy G teams one minute in case you're wondering no I still haven't realized if I had I would probably have doubled back and try and finish it off screw the extract but no glorious sacrifice for me yeah otherwise pretty happy with how this build heals 30 seconds you can really play aggressive push enemies kind of might work better on a shorter ranged map like uh jungles both the SMG and the HMG aren't that great at uh long [Music] distance but it is nice to have these for the data missions cuz you can one hand the SMG kic one preparing to depart shuttle launch in 20 seconds extraction complete pelic one beginning Ascent you have escaped death and earned us the opportunity to redeem this defeat I think at this point I was like defeat what do you mean defeat oh [Music] no yeah it would have been tight but if I'd waited at the console I think I would have had just enough time to get on pelicin high command's going to give me a a good refand so yeah hope you enjoy the Run anyway apologies for the disappointment at the end I should have some more SoDo and cor runs coming up soon so stay tuned
Channel: Spiked
Views: 89,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Helldivers 2, Helldive, Max Difficulty, Mission, Full Mission, Gameplay, Stealth, gameplay, playstyle, build, all clear, solo, all objectives, all outposts, no deaths, deathless, loadout, automaton, bot, senator, eagle airstrike, 500kg, ballistic shield, hmg, defender, smg, heavy machine gun, guided run, guided, commentary
Id: 3G0QdvI6XnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 53sec (2693 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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