Helldivers 2 // The Untouchables - 0 Team Deaths, All Clear - Coop Terminid Helldive

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we throw that on a breach too now because of the concentration bonus like it's [ __ ] great for that yeah got go I just I use e strike too much it's so good yeah need something else gun with the upgrade the want really good now yeah I use on is always been good to be honest the kills the fate of all Humanity's children are in your hands kind strike oh we're not oh what the [ __ ] bounce back jump I've stunned you nice I got it you running you're running stole it back I don't want to sto it I feel like this map might be better for it yeah not so many obstacles getting a lot of Titans last time so like all right uh right what happened here do you want to do nests first or objective objective it's fine there's a small Nest also or say just to the west of the got him we got friends 120 going West 120 going west stay I see it good throw good throw good throw all right coming up the middle I'm on the Left Flank last reload that's where the breach is but it's [ __ ] pounding up awesome say hello to democracy reloading all right on your right please lock head shot loading I felt good second one watch your left watch your left he's weak bull Titan yeah I see it I bought the wrong gun ma been there before me all right what did you want I bought the laser can inad of the reip I'll drop a quar for you in a minute I got the terminal no worries back Supply Beacon engaging terminal I'm bringing a charger towards you I have a charger on me oh my God all right it got him is out there's another one son it there's another one on the hill there if you can on the right reloading there's so many [ __ ] on my position your left sending in an eag 500 stay back de got this nest right attacking Southwest 200 M watch your right side loading oh that was close Max empty move with have a taste of democracy you guys move all right moving over to S4 stalker stalker westest oh there's a charger on me heavy East close and I have I'm going to come to you no I got it run towards me run towards me nice dead how many grenades is that going to take care there a body blocking oh I'm so sorry out another one there's a charger yeah I'm going to on your left reload loading he's dead stalker I'm getting bull 120 on the breach somebody 120 stay away charger trying to find the St got to be right behind we'll deal with that big ass okay I see it yep I can you up mhm all right are we doing this Nest that's behind me yeah do six give me a second calling down supplies that would have been a good shot all right on your left recharging oh there go one my Cannon all right does somebody just want to walk in and throw there's so many of them I've got nothing I can s fine we don't have to go in behind uh someone hit that one A3 on your right yeah yeah I need one of these go I'm going to gra a second one go for it all right grab no samples Left [Music] Behind uh dropping a pin North see right in front of us dropping awest or is it empty no it's empty there's um stems and everything you need here as Spike there's stuff behind you yeah don't worry I can out P light aror does anyone need a grenade launcher nope um assistance I'll take am there's plenty of ammo on that point of Interest watch yourself on your right flank heavy North close requesting leaving the mission are sending anle out for that how'd you like the taste of freed got turned around you there you are ending in an eagle in that stop him so he got hit that was awesome that right there yeah small one I got a uh I got one for you st charge uh coming up A3 agress I want to go into the St for the I'm going to tag this I think we got the stock onare sample tagging map North 300 M I need that ammo uh there's some here at this Nest yep yep stupid [ __ ] dog okay say hello to democracy nice all right uh knock on wood the spear is working pretty good right now they got the spear I think a charger over this is good terrain for it yeah um can you turn around and run towards me yeah yeah yeah coming back towards you I run towards that auto cannon on my T stuck on a um Mission at 30 minutes remain I got you I got you I got you F loading we can check the SP for run run run run run we go quite a few you oh wow the left I'll back you upce left this is St him I'll be lock yeah you got to get further get further okay watch left oh they p in let's back off a bit I'm going to throw a Las on died nice you got a little [ __ ] chasing it primary it is a nest right there rare sample acquired I once on you requesting orbital a bounced off his head back up it's too close requesting oral [Music] all right that was pretty [Music] smooth Dr a quazar and a Rover if you need it got it got a sample last reload I'm assuming we've looted the SP here y mhm dropping a pin East should we cut across the middle of the map and then come back to that it's right next to the main objective droing a pin East far oh [ __ ] they're right [ __ ] Southeast yeah I see them there's some bugs to the West behind us just run away m going off yeah M's going to piss him off those draws itself all right the calling down a on your left like there a POI has small rock formation right in front of us watch your left side watch your left side ready I'm going drop a motor right here I think we can run rare sample acquired you know what there's a ton of pois near this Nest I think we might as well go for the pois and then clear the nest together if you're down that Ranger all right on your left you got a lot of pois over there mag's empty yeah I'm covering uh B I've got behind us I'm going tag it you guys okay let me see if I can spot that never mind I [ __ ] died that works I SP a nest right up there mhm if you need help Le come back AC I think we got handled I've going no for this 120 mhm orbital inbound to another B Titan not one close points of interest now that we don't have to worry about so last 20 seconds yeah just tag it and now follow there some to our right yeah there's one watch watch watch your left watch your left watch your left that's my bad got your right that's a charger I'm stunning it tag it there's another one right behind it dead basically check in the nest for loot legs broken back oh what is that what was that was that my bad oh hold on I saw a l bleeding I'm getting bullied watch your left out of ammo yeah I don't know what's going on uh reloading all right I'm going to tag this charger behind usth close there we go watch your back yeah I got it I'm stunning it collected this dude a primary I got the charger again oh I think that's a radar got load load load load load loadad I need to reload got you got you covered behind youing soueast 100 it is let's go get that Spike yeah I'll come with you Patrol off the patrol man right um we can't uh Dodge Titan Dodge the Titan Dodge the Titan it's seeing us it's AG requesting a support all right uh CL me minute down really call back up all right come back towards me yeah you want to back by anym I got him all right oh yeah you got spear charger right now was charger yeah found something get get there's one over here see a lot behind you watch your left yeah ma heavy South Max empty uh let me know if there's a stems I don't see any yeah I don't see any let's goagwest 200 there's a point event that's fine the cannon shoot distra there should be S on this point of interest if you I need I don't see any all right next time he alive uher tricky to honest 5 kg this prob I think it's a small tell me if you need am respect it 50 seconds on the EMS do you want to call in a resl here yeah you guys do resupply cuz I got back got you hold one real quick give me a second position tagging nice done I'm going to quickly do the uh reset station cuz the tower takes a while to R all right oh that's a [ __ ] enemy go resupply I'm on your left can I all right on our left you yeah I see it get get at you can take one more if you need it I've got this one um and then we are heading all the way towards where spike in that I can hit it with a reting support might be dead tag it no that's I'm going toing you oh that way I can hello to democracy he charging backwards what the hellig I'll you I there's nothing near head to the all right there's nades in here if you need them I don't need them anymore I'm doing a 120 come to I'm great can't tell all right this is done let's move on we're going to go for the next 3 I Reon you Cano it from up on this hill in front of us yep oh I'm on it objective critical stratum available what next the it's like running up a real sing ma aving anag nice oh there was a there was a thing right here about that heavy Southeast closeat I am on your right to watch your right SL I am out of ammo spest yep going tag it nice it's leg Dead behind you yeah shot all right CLE watch right right right right right I have a replac all right we get to go um toward this point of interest on the edge of the drop right here Freedom Forever mag's empty requesting reloading bugs your on the somebody let stacked up available there you go calling down objective equipment that took a while yeah I dropped the auto Cannon to cover you [Music] guys yeah here he's hearing an autoc Cannon and a mortar he's dead I got the terminal de requesting T engaging terminal I took a stupid amount of damage it's a bunker you have any you have any supplies left I used already can I already did it I've got you marking location uh let's go dropping a pin West minut on you it's usually s over there here small Patrol to my North all right I think we've been there's no samples this there's a spear here though that's probably what it is oh no this is what somebody died that that uto Cannon doing the Lord's work it's so good y right we have cleaned up on samples look at how many we've got uh 34 out of 37 on rare 36 out of 40 on normal 6 out of six on the super rare which is the most important of interest if you want to head over with them I should be fine solo are you sure yeah I'll meet you at the main objective all right too much of a detail Roger cheers can I even go this way no this is just a massive Rock okay I need to head over with you anyway you running light armor mhm like Wonder normally yeah I've been us using a lot of mediums recently but going back to light feels good it's usually the armed charger in here I think we already took it out okay cool all right I will be on you in a second engaging terminal coming up the southwest side damn it I should have kept you with me um that's fine um there's probably nothing good in there anyways uh Metals it's been mostly Metals well we're at 10 minutes anyway re tting air support no way they requesting oral you see it no on them yeah I just soled a charger not charger a uh [ __ ] bile Titan nice grats heavy Northeast on my position all right let me get close sending in an [Music] eagle he's down [Music] all right my auto kind of died prematurely uh it it's it's been it's been having issues due to stress Don't Judge it performance iny hey look it it's been it's been a rough it's been a rough year for for you know lovely Creek have yeah they have how many left in Stand 19 out of 30 I'm just going to head over careful that B it's little close uh danger close but I I'll be I'll be fine elest 100 I don't think he sees us yet but he's going to yeah he's coming he's going to see us I'm going to hit him now what is that it's Titan okay but he's about to go away not on my watch for Narnia it's head a got my Knuckles all lined up for nothing really bouncer got him goal is not to light the scientists on fire I think we got it yep dropping a p Freedom triumphs over Ty have to go for the middle of the map we check that one just marked I think they did big deal Mission at 10 minutes remaining calling down a sry all right oh Cliff oh all right you're not going to be you're not going to jump off like I did you're going to run around back uh Safety First safety Last safety always there's currently a bug break yeah I see it is that a uh uh that's the see any big guys I can de 2 minutes on the mortars extraction is available he's far away how'd you like the taste of Freedom reloading [ __ ] get watch your uh watch back got you I'm going tag this Sid's exposed I'm still not him I [Music] want reloading for Prosperity going attack him one more time Adam yeah nice one worse just another one there's just so many guys there don't being coup he does he see us I don't see him where he's walking away the bag of baby Richards on your left watch your left yeah returns locked and load smacked empty around hang on oh there's more coming in let's just get the extracted that's to cut off the uh let me clear this you never destroy our way of life all right calling it call you know what for for Hunter map this Laser cannon has work very well last reload oh yeah he's here just R way guy a [ __ ] let's make sure he comes this way oh on your on your right buddy yeah requesting a support no this a [ __ ] sake shot he's coming for you guys about tag him three got him Tagg he's down dead all right if we get swarmed I still have one more laser remaining I have an auto Cannon now and I had a EMS but I think she's dead Jim throwing Supply Beacon requesting Advanced Weaponry some oh we're only missing one rare and one common I think that's the closest I've got I've held out getting gold I bet you there's some over there but I don't it's not worth it to me we got the ones at the point right we got the most important ones um that one there is a rail gun it doesn't actually have samples on it so we must have missed it somewhere maybe main oh there's two points they might have been in the bunker actually that I went to but you weren't with me oh so this is my fault no no I sent you away wow wait wait to Victor blame hey mate why are you gaslighting me done for you I'm just saying it was your responsibility you were the last Z [ __ ] down a support weon I'm reported you to my democracy opposite I mean I've already brought the the extra don't T me requesting orbital launch in seconds complete beginning a set GG believe the right side I can't remember anybody died I don't think anybody died I don't remember anyone died somebody had to die you I might have died right at the start but maybe [Music] not you know what this is boys this is managed democracy at its finest as you know we landed on a point of interest and then I complained about getting Laser cannon instead of quaza but I don't remember dying no I don't think anybody died Al it was me I probably you're with me the whole time happened early on we've liberated this is it a defense Planet oh like a keeps telling you like oh you your mom's a defense Planet your mom make that Mak sense spat yeah that's all zeros that's mad that's straight zeros across very nice oh nice that was smooth two how' I do bring on level 10 I did all right that one's getting up We reinfor Ready E5 samples extracted in 31 let's go Almost 100% completion including samples that time around yeah it was very smooth
Channel: Spiked
Views: 69,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Helldivers 2, Helldive, Max Difficulty, Mission, Full Mission, Gameplay, gameplay, playstyle, build, all clear, all objectives, all outposts, terminid, bug, redeemer, loadout, coop, stratagem, tactical, teamplay, 4 player, Hellmire, deathless, no death, grenade launcher, breaker, supply backpack, 120MM, orbital barrage, 500kg
Id: Qvyy669IyI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 34sec (2254 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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