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what is up everyone guys listen up in this video we are going to be fully testing the new Air burst rocket launcher against the automatons we're going to take a look at how it does against normal enemies hulks buildings gunships drop ships Factory Striders we're going to take the shots from different angles just try to figure out what's the most effective way to use this strategem against the automatons or maybe it's just not effective at all so we're going to be answering all of those questions I'm also going to be testing it against my teammates is it going to be an absolute team killing machine if you guys do enjoy the video and only if you do you already know slap the like sub to the channel tons of more content is on the way and now let's get right into it also huge shout out to everybody that hopped in and helped me test out all the friendly fire stuff as you will see later in the video anyway I'm out of here enjoy no you got a total of six shots which is not bad at all and by the way once you drop a resupply you only need two packs to get five of them back first thing I want to check though is how it actually shoots right let's let's take a look at the animation itself boom it goes all over the place that's why you got to be really careful like you can't be anywhere close to this let's try to find some patrols bunch of enemies see how it does when it comes to ad clear here's some Devastators take a shot nothing really happened there which is very unfortunate oh my God the Devastators were like you know what we can do this though got some enemies over here here see what happens okay okay takes those enemies out it didn't kill the other ones okay let's take a shot here this might be a bit too close but let's see if it destroyed them yeah it did can I take a good position here re support nothing died over there huh that's kind of unfortunate we're going to we're going to try that again let's take a shot right over here does it get the kill absolutely nothing again okay okay let's take a look at this first I'm going to try to Direct Hit the building there we go gets it done once again we got to I'm going to Direct Hit the building here somewhere on top that's really cool that is actually really cool you don't even have to aim for the openings you can just Direct Hit the buildings take him out that's very cool and keep in mind once you're doing that it will also destroy most of the things that are going to be around that area Direct Hit incoming nope nothing there we need to move here now I'm going to try to shoot it slightly above see how it spreads right around it right so I feel like targets that are smaller are much harder to hit let's try to aim it above again no it exploded because it noticed an enemy before him so if you want to do that you got to clear everything if there's something in between it will always register that first which in a way is good because it has to have that proximity for it this is going to be insane against Terminus though I will say that take a little bit of High Ground here there's the tank so we're going to go right over here here now we're going to try to Direct Hit It also getting pushed from the other side okay going to move away now so it's it doesn't feel like it's a best pick for single Target now we're going to try a direct hit you it's it's all about that you know kind of spreading kind of damage and that does not deal well against tanks for example get the reload oh there's a ship I want to get rid of this one first I think we shoot this like slightly above the ship no we didn't do anything there maybe we need to Direct Hit the ship when we get the next opportunity we're going to try that strategy we're going to get the reload and then I'm going to go to this base on the left it was a direct hit doesn't take down the ship but I'm pretty sure it killed some stuff below it I'm going to try to spam him in different ways right above them no it's just it doesn't do anything dude what was that three shots yeah nothing nothing nothing nothing let's see what we can do here okay so it just flies next to them let's get the reload let's try it [Music] again did we get one of them at least I or no I don't think so right no see even if we get the kill here even if we get it the the problem will always be that the quazar will do this 10 times easier and more efficiently see what I mean I don't think this is going to do anything to hulks nothing we are going to direct hit him for science I'm probably dead here nope nothing there literally nothing we're going to check that again I'm going to stun this guy take out this guy we need to move away here because I need to get my reload and the reload takes approxim 45 minutes stun him again I'm going to direct hit him one more time and I'm dead now we're going to try to shoot under and above I'm just testing all scenarios here chat we're going to go above this time no does nothing to the Hulk once again pretty sure he's feeling healthy what is this like probably third or fourth shot against him oh again yeah okay that should answer the question against hulks right there I am going to try to shoot under him now and test that out okay we're going to try one more thing which is shoot at his legs he's still alive as you can see from here yeah he's still very healthy chat here's the mission right this is our mission I'm going to throw it above the plane see what happens so it doesn't even register these guys at all doesn't register the planes as enemies here going to try to get closer here nope nothing okay that was a great shot too so it doesn't really do much there mines are better I think they will be I think mines are going to be yeah more versatile for sure okay this should be perfect here I'm going to shoot right above him take one more shot here as I get close to him slightly above him maybe I can somehow yes please there we go yeah I think that was a as close as we could get to the shot right there we're going to keep trying this cuz we do have a good angle here going to try a direct hit this time once again nothing we're going to try to shoot it under him now cuz we've shot quite a few shots above him directly going to pick this up pick this up the resupplies are coming in we're going to go right over there minutes silent With A Gifted Man W another shot see the problem is let's say we kill him by just shooting him like this right let's say we do that it's still like there's so many better things in the game once again we got to go back to the quazar cannon it doesn't even need a backpack slot you don't care about the ammo economy nothing now we're going to go on top once again and see this is a better position maybe we get a better angle here right first I'm going to do it like this absolutely nothing no effect we're going to do a few more shots like that again up top no it registered it registered the other ones that's another thing like if you don't notice the enemies you're in trouble it explodes with proximity on Hell diapers let's let's try this right above them here deoy full repl okay that's not good bro this is not good it it literally registers your teammates in proximity and explodes at the same time so not only do you have have to take into account your enemies what the [ __ ] was that because my teammate was close to me that's literally because my teammate was close to me dude that is crazy X is right next to me I'm going to stay away from him so if he's reloading I I don't think that's going to be a problem look you see that's not a problem problem now he's not going to be reloading and he's just going to stand next to me and then it registers him as an enemy that is crazy I don't like that at all that is crazy let's go let's go baby let's go I mean we literally have the best community of all time oh oh he got no scoped
Channel: Crazymrpipz
Views: 30,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2 airburst rocket, helldivers 2 new support weapons, helldivers 2 new stratagems leak, helldivers 2 new stratagems review, helldivers 2 stratagems, helldivers 2 new stratagems, helldivers 2 airburst launcher, helldivers 2 airburst rpg, helldivers 2 tier list, helldivers 2 best stratagem tier list, best stratagems helldivers 2, helldivers 2 best stratagems, helldivers 2 best build, helldivers 2 best weapons, helldivers 2 guide, Helldivers 2 airburst rocket launcher
Id: xj6ZxiBEt2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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