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what out post spotted what what is that uh oh um what where's the weak oh my actual what the hell is this calling down a support weapon uh uh have they got gunships now have they got gunships as well what is this refor reinforcement budget depleted oh this is not good the reinforcement budget is gone I'm out what the hell they they've got gunships okay what we got launch ICBM we can do this it's going to be easy so the eat is a well it's a strategy available to everyone which is quite forboding Syed I'm still living that autoc Canon life 500 kgr forever and uh you know I do like a good rail gun strike and I I haven't really been used orbital L I do like I just like the air strike though I really love the air strike um we'll get muscle enhancement cuz we've already got Health okay looking good cuz I absolutely hate getting stuck in foliage it does my head in or even just rough terrain right then I'm sure this will go well I'm sure it'll go well it's going to be a disaster I just know it is maybe we'll get the answer to why the eat is available because it seems quite ominous doesn't it it's just have the eat would would would you like the eat for free I would but why would you be giving this for free super Earth why you know there's a there's a certain super Credit Value to all of these strategems they can't just keep giving them away I love this game it's so good what I like though is when there's updates to the game like so there is an update in the moment the level cap is 150 and I think if you've been playing the game at level 50 it's been counting your XP and you just go up in level to wherever you would be uh because I've been I've been playing with people who are like level 60 and level 70 and there's no way they've done that since the update went out so yeah it must have been it must have been tracking so anyway yeah look we got eat available so maybe let's get some eat down awesome use the Liberator and I'm going use it in fully auto mode cuz the Liberator um you know what let's just ye one of these into these Lads here you go mate have some of that have some of that crazy Overkill woo no I thought I hit my Ally did not down support anyway this Liberator I've really been enjoying the Liberator cuz it's got medium armor penetration it's now got fully auto and it's like fully auto is the missing piece of the puzzle the in t you know what we're going to tagging map Northeast 100 m all right that's been destroyed easy dropping a pin North 50 m Sub in your vicinity ah have it he got in the way I absolutely wasn't aiming at him I love the auto Cannon I absolutely love it oh no no no please don't tell me 10,000 times I'm in range of enemy artillery here we got this let's go yeah it's pretty sick well it's didn't do too to be fair I didn't really hit him in the head so can't complain too much but I think against the small ow enemy artillery uh against the smaller Bots I think this is going to be pretty good this Liberator I've just got to remember it will run out of ammo I've got to be aware of that cognizant of it on your head okay there's some ammo let's grab one of them maybe not the most efficient use so the artillery is over there war are of enemy need to pump the fuel through ICBM my man uhoh how about a nice cup of Liber teit you are in enemy artillery stand still you absolute anim okay we got it we killed it I think oh my leg's been destroyed I thought this guy was dead did we kill it is that another one oh ow ow turn around go on oh no I need to reload it's actually a disaster oh this is getting bad that rocket devastate is looking right at me right we need to did they kill that hle I think my team killed the hle located oh no oh no I'm reloading I'm reloading I'm reloading I'm reloading I will help you son don't worry F okay the fuel's being pumped okay this is this is brutal sending in an eag oh my Lord is that oh that's that rocket Devastator isn't it been okay okay this is looking good I'll get ready over here think we got pull this next right let's goh I'm on it let's go tagging map West 200 M right we uh oh [Music] uhoh also heavy armor has been buffed right so it's just better than it was before I think it's got 10% more damage resistant uh resistance but so has [Music] um nice what's that eagle warning you are in enemy artillery massive get out of the game I love you can I love it relo that almost looked like a you joking me are you joking me are you joking me what is going on down there watch that rocket dude get the rocket dude dead tanks have some of that okay have some of that is he Eagle in the factory yes look at this oh that's right on target it did nothing it did nothing hang on I thought that was right on target I mean that Hulk doesn't seem to have moved okay whatever I'll take it a I wasted my Eagle though it's okay okay so finally the artillery is gone um well I guess we can take out this big b o that's a mine we can take out this big base yeah so I think this Liberator it feels really good um I I still want to try the Dominator though the the the Dominator is basically like a bolt gun from Warhammer 40K and now it doesn't extra 100 damage so that could be like insanely powerful what 100 m what out what what is that uh oh um what Ma EMP whereit it's the weak oh my actual what the hell is this uh uh dude some of that is this Star Wars oh my God what the hell what the actual hell uh it's still coming it's still coming ra gun ital stri please where's the rail Cannon where's the rail Cannon what happened to the over ra good oh what the what did they Factory Strider oh my actual god what the hell is that this is what I love about these updates so that's why we've got the eat where's the weak spot on this it's face request appr where is itoy reinforcements oh my God where is it to the where did I die died over here so throwing grenades is it still alive calling down a support weapon you man uh I don't have any answers to that oring down a support weapon I don't even know what's going on in there just throwing an air strike is that thing still in there oh there's a tank what no get off the thing okay that worked sort of where's that Hulk I ruin that Hulk's day ow maybe I should shoot the ones that are actually the danger okay that tank can get out of my face it's not even going to kill it but whatever I have one of them uh I need an eagle rearm please yeah so is this part is that where did that factory thing go what did it die I's just get my Sall sh night hello what the hell was going on well my sample oh my God this is like this is mental It's like Star Wars I'm loving it come on son just go in there Jesus I was like I didn't expect to die that quick I'm going to be honest reinfor cuz I thought I just need those guys and then uh yeah did I get hit with a Turret maybe I got hit with a Turret well I sorted that out the ow let's go come on then bot scub the Bots are watching me like look at this idiot look at this fool I was spamming St I was spamming it holy hell I've lo my one common sample is on the floor it's mission critical it's Mission critical we need it antimaterial rifle yeah that's what we need that's doing some work it must be requesting Advanced Weaponry I'm out that hit the Hulk surely did but it didn't do enough it didn't do enough missed every shot ma empty we can take these we can take themen uh I don't really want to reinforce him there do I I think all did it before me so that's fine all right we shot his gun off so he's no threat go bye another one right I'm I'm desperately going in here to get my uh this is not a good plan it might be [Music] though it's not good plan I was like I'll just throw aade at them it did not work okay I've actually lost my mind that that Walker okay I was going to say is he throwing me in there as a reinforcement but but he's notest re we're getting a bit bogged down on this point ready to liberate is this we don't even need to be here really whatever my one sample maybe I can let them have it maybe I'll let them have it we should just go and get the launch if I'm totally honest cuz it's looking not great for us calling down a support weapon oh no they know about me have some nades yeah throwing grenade they all missed it's fine though I'm out hello hello oh God oh God ow ow oh no our allies dropped two precious samples oh dear we're getting absolutely annihilated so we still need the launch codes and we still need to pump to the ICBM we can do it I know we can do it reporting I've probably got my auto Cannon back yet not yet okay nice stun nade nice stade a oh Lord good actual Lord that was painful if only I could get my weapons back you know I'm I'm absolutely on the stems like it well like I need it taging map Southeast two ow ow okay thank God for A2 in the antimaterial rifle come on auto Cannon yeah new mag new mag ow that's rockets and they're coming from over there I need to help my team though I need to help my team no okay we got him in the head reinfor okay reinforcing this is looking really bad I'm in such a bad position ow ow ow ow ow ow ow okay all I want to do is 500 kg your base have that you let's go don't like that but whatever ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow we literally can't break through just take his gun off so he can't do anything all right you m dropping a pin easy of that of sim is not good ow ow I knew it was coming every time it should not have should not have peaked the rocket Devastator that's a bad idea this mission's been an actual disaster refor just goes to show you though missions don't always go well I'm still reeling from that mobile Factory thing like what the hell I just I want to know how it died okay we really need to not be fighting absolutely everything well this is not the way oh no okay whatever we need to get the autoc cannon in because we've got literally nothing to fight these guys with he's going to throw it I'm throw mine in as well can all have it okay we're back in back in action we en a that didn't do anything but it looked good oh that actually was sick who's shooting at me that's a Hulk rare sample acquired there a Hulk no more okay we're finally pulling it back together that was actually r as hell holy hell ion storm everyone's favorite weather effect uh I got one rare sample out of here but the way things are going I just constantly dying anyway so our samples don't matter I think we need to go over in this direction don't we if memory serves over there yeah Dr a pin Southeast 300 M oh we're going to need to fight through these guys unless we can run around but I think our team just want to take them on so I mean I'm loving it get full health okay really need to Eagle that really need to get that um support I need resupply ah rearm reload uh-oh uh-oh uhoh oh yeah I can call down the eat what am I doing I should just call eats down and ruin them from range did I even yeah cool Down's on the eagle okay uhoh ow ow ow ow ow owow he survived he still survived got to be careful that guy oh I why I'm laughing I'm laughing like some craz craz madman all the odds are against us in this Mission we're actually going to we're getting annihilated the Bots are just there's too many of them there's the rest sample though so we'll get that 4 A2 does ah yes AC requ support okay that's a respectable air strike [Music] reloading what's happening I got shot oh Lord reinforcement budget running low there it is it's not looking good for the mission it's just not looking good okay we need to get around the side here not fight these got his head on see this is the problem if you get especially on hard harder difficulties if you get involved in a massive fight with the Bots it's like and you're not winning like the ties against us there very clearly and then yeah things can go bad but I believe in the team I believe we've got this I believe in the dream there's still 20 minutes we can still do this we can totally still do it uh yeah we can do this I'll just keep saying that to myself we can do it we can absolutely do it that Hulk over there is still messing about okay tag that again 100 m so okay we're behind that massive wave of bots so we should be able to get this done that looks like some what's that at minutes that Devastator in there looks like a Devastator that also looks like a Devastator did they say they were going to spawn more Devastators as well I think that was one of the things right oh I don't really want to fight these guys probably not I should probably wait I don't want to engage those guys these guys though I'll engage these guys hello reting a support hopefully don't get a bot drop an e oh Lord that's a Devastator right on top of me ow Please Mr Devastator how'd you like that okay am I allies on this point uh it's just me uh yeah no thanks thanks allies some somebody destroyed that S4 nice I get lost he shooting into the building ow that is not good St Ste St s Ste Ste St I want this whole okay br going kill him I think my 500 kg if that goes in sweet uh didn't really go in sweet though did it but we'll use that on the tank oh quick quick s Ste okay the tank should be dead this just been what an attack this SP ow ow ow ow ow ow it's it's like physical pain when you get hit by a rocket Devastator okay at least my allies don't sorted me out I'll get the common samples blow this dude away he survived die what die what the actual hell is that happening to that Liberator this has been a war this is actually a war this is right we need to get up there right green knows let's go green let's go what's that guy doing don't him call him he Chums in ah let's reload let's not use the a strike on those dudes we can kill him okay we got this okay the Hulk's dead anti material rifle is absolutely doing damage I mean it's had a huge buff 30% extra damage A1 or A2 is just carrying us oh did I kill that guy before before I went down yeah reinforcing one more nice okay nice feels good have a taste of democracy is that the back of a whole a whole C turret there that's a turret I think I was shooting at there okay anyway let's get cheeky reloading and get moving we don't want to get bogged down with these Bots got to keep going oh no what what a place to run out of stamina yeah I don't want to fight with those boys oh no no no no no no no we really need to just do the we've got four reinforcements left it's not looking great team Dem but yeah democracy does need us I've got no stems I don't need stems I'll be stems in this point oh mind it's a bunker we can do the bunker be Sims on the bunker yes yes let's get it done I'm on it nades love it the game's crashed I can't believe this is crashed oh no okay it didn't crash that is lucky I guess it's so unstable after an update reloading I'll shoot this if you want me to there go Dey oh no my legs I need [Music] St I had it lined up perfect it was lined up so perfect get them oh we Jam we Jam no what's that ammo in here what is that's no that's NAD isn't it iron Storm come on oh hello boys oh no I need to reload hello okay that was ballsy but it's going to work I just know it is cuz our team have got me covered I've lost the ability to reinforce oh whoo whoo wao I thought this reloaded that that's got to be that antimaterial rifle that is sick that weapon sending in an e oh that's going to be massive that's going to be massive oh [Music] this has been a crazy Mission this you see what I mean though guys like forget about meta or anything like that just play the missions where however you get them and they're just crazy sometimes it's like what is actually going on here oh that's the Jammer isn't it requesting Advanced Weaponry oh no he iron storm in progress burito no no it's Jam this is yeah yeah Jam what am I talking about I'm going to smash this bot's facing I steing myself wrong button I still smashed his face in though okay we're getting the job done got the samples there's the Jammer ohop are you having a laugh I love this game it's so good okay there's a massive war over there like what the dedication to that fight is amazing yeah we should just go and do this because we'll just run out of range of the Jammer and it'll all be fine no apparently A2 A2 is like let's go on this Outpost I don't I don't blame A2 I've actually got no ammo A2 any super samples you get them yeah oh actually we've got all five okay don't uh decision time what's A2 doing is A2 going for this can yeah I bet a I reckon I mean A2 is the goated player in this group he probably going to be able to just do this on their own anyway but we'll we'll support them anyway best reload the weapon you know so I think this Liberator I don't know I'm giving it a strong six out of 10 it's all right I like the fully auto but I don't know maybe my accuracy just been crap though better if I shot him in the head wouldn't it let's get rid of him we still got some Auto cannon shots okay we got T1 with us now oh now that was lucky okay we got no ammo now that's fine the terminals just around here just fight this bot just drill him in a going to reload thank you team let's get the terminal sorted there there any ammo I got the terminal yeah yeah 10 minutes remaining okay uh I don't see any ammo which is sad although I guess we were just call in a resupply 10 minutes remaining though I mean engaging terminal sending in an eag oh it's uh-oh uh-oh thr in reinforcements oh there's a sample there no we can get that sample I got the terminal why isn't this destroying shouldn't this just destroy what happen what's going on with this got a sample falling in oh the hell yeah I'm an idiot uh oh I'm stuck what an idiot I'm not coping the battle I'm foret hell bomb [Music] exist it doesn't take too kindly to being shot to see this guy we need to go though oh no I'm going to get these and get blown up by the hell bomb somehow I survived I didn't get the samples though get the S yeah we need to go yeah we absolutely need to go right we need to get I need ammo for my auto Cannon but I can probably just call down another Auto Cannon okay let's just do that I'm not I'm not wasting the supply Beacon like some absolute idiot there's a ton of guys over there as well okay right let's refresh the auto Cannon right sick okay okay we can fight through these guys don't worry team how many is there we airri them don't A2 what you doing A2 what you doing A2 no absolute madman yeah that antimaterial rifle it's doing damage calling down a support weapon uh uh have they got gunships now have they got gunships as well what is this reinforcing reinforcement budget depleted oh this is not good the reinforcement budget is gone I'm out what the hell they they've got gunships okay what this is sick what this is actually sick so they've got Walkers and gunships the bots of uh the the uh this is actually crazy St hell l to democracy oh they would is that an iron storm though no that's Jam no it's an iron storm look at this sky sky no don't go in there actually don't go in there how about a nice cup of [Applause] Li youo oh cra oh no this is so bad okay the autoc cannon not going to lie I was actually I was my life was flashing in front of my eyes and what who shooting me in the back this just devastates everywhere right you have this and have that okay you your next and I've got no okay excellent timing that should do some damage there attack didn't do as much as I wanted but it didn't know addition reinforc fing approv um I don't actually know where I'm getting hit from oh what this dude just right on top of me okay they're spawning from that Tower what that Tower oh administering freed oh oh Lord you oh my God I'm getting absolutely battered here the one trying to rearm I'm really worried about them devastated is coming around the corner reloading and I've got block that tower that Tower is spawning the the gunships okay we still got quite a lot of time on that okay rocket de these rocket Devastators are the Fain of my existence okay the other guy before we need reload there's two of course there's two there's three of course there's three okay we're burning through these guys okay more drop ships we need to move now please die oh this is sick oh no we' only got 3 minutes we're literally not doing this Mission are we I'm literally caught up in this this is actually sick oh my God this is sick yeah why am I fighting these guys over the I just need to go what am I doing what I tell you what I'm doing I'm enjoying the game that's what I'm doing ow please I've got no STS [Music] please I'm on oh no I'm going to get killed I've got no reinforcements ah oh they're trying to kill me these Bots are we got a supply we have I need I really need to use it really need to use it cuz I'm got no stems I've got nothing okay they don't seem to be shooting at me they are fabricator 100 m my life for super Earth calling in reinforcements oh no oh no I need to reload he's looking right at me he doesn't care he's firing at somebody else okay we lost a guy that's not great um uhoh sending in an eag we need to go over there for extraction uh-oh uh-oh where's he gone is he dead okay nice sick right so we need to get fire the ICBM well we can still do this we're just not going to get oh we're running out oral strike it's still doable oh I don't know about this we're losing our team okay me and A2 A2 is the the carry I believe in A2 dropping a pin West 200 M okay to we've got this Famous Last Words reload that this is this has been one hell of a war but you know like I said guys earlier on in this I mean this is how Hell divers is it's just fun to play in these like mad games it's not the most efficient but who cares what happened I just fell over oh no my guy just fell over was like I've had enough of it just fell down M your position oh we can get one reinforcement in in 8 seconds so we'll do that addition reinforcement funding approved or we'll just fall over calling in re stri what is with these Bots just lurking with like literally they've got eight Rockets ow ready to liberate okay okay we can we call in supplies call that down or something because we're about to lose the Destroyers look at that guy look at that guy helloy [Music] deoy that's fine we still do this Mission see now go I going back to liking the Liberator I'm feeling it now what is all that fire it shot the supply backpack he there's some ammo there do I need that uh I'll take it for my backpack okay backpack's fully loaded seconds there's also an ammo backpack there if someone wants to take that I mean at least we're going to complete the mission so you cannot you cannot hate on us for that can't have any more deaths though there's a rocket Devastator looking right at us h okay that'll [Music] do okay nearly [Music] there yeah I was going to 500 kg bomb them but that's uh not happening is [Music] it ow that was pain that was actually pain seconds reload we're going to get absolute we're going to do this I don't care have my nades that's not my nade that's an enemy nade pelic approaching oh if we get on Pelican one it's a miracle right it's fueled launch the missile launch the missile launch it love it let's go let's go let's go let's go launch in seconds Freedom spreads yet further extract when ready that tank I don't think we're going to extract are we we're definitely not it's over there we're heroes to the end the mission has been accomplished mission accomplished what a game it's so good they gave their last breath what's happened to the shity you manage democracy I mean we we didn't get any samples though uh which is a shame cuz we did have all the super samples I don't know though if you guys like honestly I hope that like I convey in that video how fun this game is cuz it's just like you don't have to worry about meta and builds and all that stuff just play the game it's just great like things like that happen and you feel like you're in this awesome war and like it it it just you cannot get that anywhere else it's so good well we got medals and requisition so you know I'm not complaining I want to see how many we killed there cuz that was quite a protracted game and we were fighting a lot of the I mean look we had a level 13 so here's the thing right people moan and go you know this is a level eight difficulty Mission we've got a 13 in the team it doesn't matter and we finished it yeah it was a mess there's nobody on the platform but don't worry about that let's have a look at the stats oh dear uh 263 kills I mean that's all right I suppose all right guys there you go this game is awesome new enemies it's just incredible of high casualty missions I'll catch you guys in the next video I need to go and calm down it's just insane what a game allly Destroyer has left
Channel: Stylosa
Views: 87,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stylosa, HELLDIVERS 2, helldivers, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 stratagems, helldivers 2 crossplay, helldivers 2 coop, helldivers 2 playstation 5, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers 2 trailer, helldivers 2 news, helldivers 2 pc, helldivers 2 updates, helldivers 2 game, ign, warhammer, pc games, helldivers gameplay, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 gameplay trailer, helldivers 2 preview, helldivers 2 tactics, helldivers 2 details, ps5, best stratagems helldivers 2
Id: ZNWRigk323E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 19sec (2779 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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