Helldivers 2 - Motion Controls Guide (And Why You Should Use It)

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this game was provided to me by Sony you can achieve mlike Precision with motion controls motion controls also known as gyro have been present since day one in Hell divers 2 now every PC and Playstation player can use their wrists in conjunction with the analog sticks to aim and enjoy mousike Precision on controllers without the need for aim assist still I know what you're thing and I already answered that in my gyro beginners guide link in the description why would I want to use that well gyro can vastly improve your gaming experience by being the controller's mouse basically gyro will follow your physical movements the same way that a mouse would because I don't know if you notice but but only a small list of games implement this feature correctly and now hell divers 2 joins the list this is very exciting because now you can more easily exploit enemy weak points for example but what platforms support this PS5 in PC on PC make sure to disable steam input to make use of this feature with the dual shock 4 this only works with a USB connection usually I would say that you can use DS4 Windows to emulate a du shck 4 to play with different controllers but I couldn't make this work so if someone's watching and knows how to make it work please leave a comment okay but how do you enable gyro just go to options controller and in the middle of the controller settings you will see the motion control settings to activate jarro aim just select when you want garro to be active do you want garro to be active only while aiming only while scoped or on all the time for beginners I recommend using gyro only while aiming but personally I like to play with gyro always on besides the motion sensor enable mode the only other setting that you need to worry about is the motion sensor sensitivity motion sensor sensitivity does follow the natural sensitivity scale which means that the rotation of the controller in the game can be perfectly aligned this is what we call one to one move you can multiply the value up to 20 so if I set it to four for example one full rotation of the controller in real life will do four full rotations in game so the weird thing is that this lighter is in half so 0.5 sensitivity equals to one to one movement and so on but it does make sense if we suppose that the game doesn't rely that much on aiming while not adsing and while you are adsing the sensitivity is cting have by default so if you are using jyro only while aiming then this lighter makes perfect sense this is useful because now you can copy the same sensitivity that you were already used to in other games for beginners I recommend leaving everything as default and using gyro only Wild aiming and setting the stivity to two also don't forget to disable sticky aim this is basically aim assist but since G works just like a mouse we don't need that at all essentially this is all that you need to know to get the best gyro experience but what about all of these other settings we have a lot of Sliders here but the fact that there isn't a separate section for gyro configuration tells me that some settings that should only apply to the analog stick and not the gyro are in fact affecting both such as invert look and invert scope and aim sensitivity and scope sensitivity gyro settings should always be separate from analog stick settings hopefully they can fix this in the future aim sensitivity and scope sensitivity when set to one the hip fire sensitivity will be the same as the ads sensitivity this is useful to keep garro consistent but you can also decree increase this to make gyro more stable but slower while zooming the default value is set to 0.5 which is pretty good but I prefer to play with the same jar sensitivity all the time motion sensor acceleration doesn't seem to work motion sensor acceleration threshold is the Threshold at which the cursor movement will stop increasing speed I can test that because the motion sensor acceleration isn't working MO sensor steadying amount will try to filter small gyro inputs but not exactly in the way that other games would usually the setting filters more small movements than big movements making your aim super steady and clean but as you can see for my game playay there is still a bit of noise which is weird because controller vibrations don't seem to affect jaro that much so it is filtering something but again not in the way that other games do motion sensor steadying threshold will set the size of the staing window so increasing this will cause bigger movements to be filtered motion sensor staing transition duration will change how fast the gyro movements will stop as you can see the game camera keeps moving slowly losing speed until it stops I thought that this setting would make this unwanted continuous movement disappear because I'm telling the game to stop moving as soon as possible but this setting also seems to be broken because that isn't the effect that I got honestly I appreciate that the stating options are here but on my testing I just found some really bad and confusing results for example if I increase the stting amount to the max value small movements will be filtered but after the threshold the camera would just shoot itself see I'm not moving the controller and the camera keeps moving it's like I'm throwing a ball and the ball just keeps going I don't know how this is supposed to smooth things out or make things more steady when it's causing unwanted movement I can't explain exactly what is happening here but I can say please more than any other feature fix the stady on this game I will go as far as to say that we don't need to change the transition duration or the threshold or anything like that just make it work like any other game honestly while recording this video I think it's best to leave the motion sensor stting threshold quite high but I can't confirm confirm that so the default settings are already good enough so these are all the gyro settings that we have but what is missing overall this is a very solid jyro implementation in fact the whole controller in this game is incredible not just the motion sensors you can use the track bads to navigate the map mimicking the actions of your character and you will need to constantly interact with things by using these button combinations as if you were a kid in a spaceship pressing random imaginary buttons it's so cool and immersive I love it but some key gyro features are missing for example this game doesn't have a gyro disable button this is important so people can reposition their controllers in the middle of the game so the only way to reposition the camera in the controller is by using the right stick hopefully they can add this feature in the future since the controller settings in this game are very extensive letting you change things using long presses double Taps and other activators that you would see something like steam also this game doesn't give you the option to hold the controller in different ways so the game uses local space ymo which means that while looking up or down the only way to look sideways is to tilt the controller like a steering wheel but this is a bit awkward and what if you hold the controller differently what if you lay down in bed and hold the controller upward then you need to do this to look sideways instead of this that's why we have the other gyro orientations like World space and player space to accommodate everyone in every position what is here is good but some players will be left out a simple solution is to just add the option to change between all and R mode but the best solution is to implement player space orientation so that players don't need to worry about changing those kind of settings and lastly there is no click stick click stick allows you to snap the camera to the exact angle that you pointed with the right analog stick it's precise and reliable but requires gyro because it won't be able to look up or down without it unfortunately this option isn't available in this game which is not a huge problem but as you can see I really enjoy playing with this control scheme I don't want to end this video on a low note but I did experience some bugs for some reason the game on PC didn't seem to register all my inputs the camera movement had this jit to it while using injo and a similar thing happened while walking around it isn't super noticeable while playing but it is noticeable on the ship and if this happens on normal gameplay it can be fatal in conclusion hell divers 2 has a pretty solid control scheme and customization options going even Beyond most games by adding a good jar implementation even though it could be improved I totally recommend it for more motion control games and tips please leave a like share and subscribe thanks for watching watch
Channel: FlickStick Videos
Views: 17,008
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Keywords: ps5, pc, Steam Deck, helldivers 2, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 trailer, helldivers, helldivers 2 gameplay trailer, helldivers 2 pc, helldivers 2 news, helldivers 2 game, helldivers 2 coop, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers gameplay, hell divers 2, helldivers 2 2024, hell divers, helldivers 2 info, helldivers 2 review, helldivers launch, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers best weapons, helldivers 2 best weapons, Motion Controls, Gyro Aim, gyro
Id: TjyMaONrIqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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