Helldivers 2 is now playable on the Steam Deck with these settings.

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what's up guys welcome back to another video we're back here in Hell divers 2 and we're going to be talking about my settings to get the best performance while still keeping quite a bit of fidelity here on the steam deck OLED while playing hell divers 2 so first thing what we're going to do is we're going to take a look at our menu and take a look at our frames so our current frames right now staring down this way we're about 55 56 peaking there is area and we're going to make some changes so we can get that closer to 60 so we are pretty much running on low everything so let's talk about our display real fast we are at 720p and performance we can go to ultra performance but I it's too it's way too blurry for me um so I'm at performance secondly um frame Li limit is going to be set to 60 even though we're not going to hit 60 I suggest setting it to 60 and then we're going to go to Graphics the graphics is a custom preset it's going to be medium medium medium on both texture quality object and render shadows and lowest particles on low reflection low space low ambient occlusion off uh screen space Global illumination off vegetation low terrain low it's going to be potato mode yo uh fog low clouds uh lowest liting low anti-aliasing off so it's pretty much what I had before um on my last test um but we are going to make some other changes that are going to make it quite a bit better so now that we have all our settings like so and I'll have this all excuse me I'll have this all list in the description below we're going to exit this game and we're going to gain about you know 8 to 10% by making some of these changes so we're going to exit the game so quit game and now that we have our changes made we're going to need to go to desktop mode because we are going to edit a config file um I've only noticed maybe a one or two frame increase adjusting the config file but considering we're fighting to keep 30 frames one or two frames are is well needed so next we're going to go into our folders and I'll have this in the description below because it's it's pretty you know it's it's it's a long one um so you're going to go under share Ste steam Steam app comp data 55385 pfx drives C sluser them user slapp data SL roaming SL Arrowhead hell divers too and you're all going to go through all those um folders so you can get the user settings config so once you get the uer settings config you're going to be looking for two key things so first one's going to be here I believe it's 93 and it's going to be far fog uh enabled so it should be false if you copied my exact settings but if you didn't go ahead and change that to false next um you're going to go down here to 164 I think 16 165 okay so it's going to be sun shadow Map size and this is not necessarily going to I believe make any changes on the ship but it will make changes um more so when we are on the map and we're just going to go ahead and change this to 512 so it's going to be 512 over 512 and that's it that's all we have to do here click save and then you know put it away uh actually we can just close that and just close it because we hit save already let's just hit save again because you know we have a little little bit of OCD we're going to close that and then we're going to return to Game Mode so one thing if you change any settings from low to medium on the graphics this config edits will change so keep that in mind if you make any changes there you will have to go back to desktop mode and make the alter alter alterations there um next is probably the most important thing to do do here on the steam deck to play hell divers 2 and it's changing the launcher from dx12 to dx11 so the way you do that is you're going to click back here in held to then we're going to go to our manage button the Cog wheel we're going to go to properties and then we're going to go to General and we're going to go to the bottom and under launch options uh we're going to type in it's going to be um command percent um space DX 11 space slash space minus sign minus sign is that dashes or minus sign I don't even know use minus sign D3 D1 so what is this is going to do is going to force it to run dx11 and not dx12 and that's all we're doing here the keyboard on screen so that's what you're going to do here um and I'll have this in the description it's going to be percent command um perent dx1 space dx11 space space minus minus use minus D3 d11 is it Dash is it are those that those are dashes whenever those are dashes I'm so stupid it's late it's it's late it's late okay so once we're done with all that make sure you have it all there um you're going to go ahead and hit back and then you're just going to click play Boom we are back here and you can already see that the frame rate has increased quite a bit so now we are at 5960 frames now so remember frame cap is set of 60 we're not even going hit 60 but we're at 59 we're at up four to five frames right now um by just making those two changes here uh in Hell divers 2 so first it's your settings then you edit the config and then you put dx11 you technically don't need to do the config you could just do dx11 but if you want the best possible performance I suggest doing both now let's get into the benchmarks [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm [Music] oh [Music] and there you have it that is the best possible settings for hell divers 2 on the steam deck um definitely very very simple mod you follow all my settings and you do the dx11 and the config you're going to get the exact same performance if you're OLED and if you have the LCD it's going to be pretty much the same um on the LCD too um the only real difference between it's maybe one or two frames at the most between the OLED and LCD but the biggest issue is heat with the LCD steam deck versus the OLED but let's talk about those benchmarks so out of the gate hard mode is playable maybe not for everyone but definitely playable for me we do see most of the time in the mid to low 30s and do get drops into the 20s quite a bit insane mode is insane if you think it's playable that thing is a stuttery mess assets are pop out of nowhere there's too many things going on on that map there's too many enemies too many everything and it's just really hard to play that and you're not going to be as effective playing it on the steam deck you're going to probably let your team down like I did in the footage we didn't make it we didn't make it in that footage what a real good experience was uh level threes and four it plays beautifully you can even up the Fidelity you can go up to 800p you can TR it from performance to balance uh maybe even quality and those so it's you know definitely for the longest time I was playing quality settings with 720p and I really like that with anti-aliasing on it was a really fun experience in medium but once you go to level four and level five you you can't really get away with that so much so play with it see what works for you um I just know that insane mode is does not work for me but I don't play on Insane Mode I'm not that good or my ass my equipment is not that good yet so I'm usually on hard or level four I think it's intermediate so I'm usually in those settings so guess my my question is what settings do you play on is the steam deck something that you can play on that's a real question hell divers 2 what a great experience on the OLED if you manage your expectations guys if you like this type of content hit that like hit that subscribe we're going to do a bunch of other stuff I want to try to test this thing out windows and other systems and also I'm going to look at a way to get 90 frames over Moonlight um it's another steam link type thing situation I've used it in the past but never on the steam deck so I'm going to get figure that out so we can get 90 frames and probably be able to play Insane at 720 or 800p at 90 frames that's going to be pretty freaking cool but that's for another video guys if you have any questions comments concerns if you know any settings that you think that could we could milk out a little bit more performance on the the steam deck let me know in the comments below but other than that guys thank you for watching I'll catch you on the next one
Channel: Diy Papi
Views: 7,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5G9n4tdSMU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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