Helldivers 2 - Automaton Guide - Tips and Tricks

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greetings hell diver and welcome to the video today will be a bit of a long one compared to my previous works but that's because I'll be going over more than just a simple weapon this video will serve as a guide to new and experienced hell divers about the aaton Menace teaching tips tricks tactics tools of the trade and so on this will include a lot of tricks my friends and I use regularly however this video is by no means a be all and all for learning on how to do with the automatons as I'm sure I'll leave something out at some point either by accident or because I know about it also I'll will be making recommendations as for weapons and strategems these are obviously my opinion and fit my play style feel free to experiment and try different things don't let my opinion stop you from having fun let's start off by talking about bot Fabricators how do you take them out well simply throw a grenade into the vent or hit it with an orbital or air strike but did you know one of the safest and easiest ways to take down a fabricator is with an auto cannon that's right when looking at the vents of a fabricator you can see this part sticking up above the vent it kind of looks like it could be a cover or something I don't know but if you get perpendicular enough to the vent and shoot that top cover part that I call the backboard your autoc Canon shot will bounce down and into the fabricator destroying it this works at range so you don't even need to be near the base to take it out similar trick can be used with rockets but you have to get more level or above the vents for it to be consistent I wouldn't do this regularly but it's handy to know in a pinch another excellent trick for taking down Fabricators for impact grenade users is to wait for the doors to open doors plural you'll see the first obvious set of doors open but wait and you'll see what looks like a second set of doors open behind the red light once you see that throw in your grenade and hope you don't hit a goon much easier than hitting the vent oh and final thought before moving on while you're near an outpost remember to watch for land mines awesome smooth transition into talking about secondary objectives and starting with stratem Jammers there's multiple types of strategem Jammer base layouts look for a bot fabricator that's set right alongside the Jammer itself if you see one take out the fabricator through any means and the Jammer will also go down note that not all Jammer bases will have a fabricator right next to the Jammer so if you see one without that you'll have to take it out the oldfashioned way which involves clearing the base going to the terminal that should be on or near the Jammer itself and use that to shut it down so you can call in a hell bomb and destroy the base detector Towers or what me and my friends call I of Sauron are the biggest ball busters you will experience if you drop in the vicinity of one right at the beginning of a mission why because if the detector Tower notices you it will summon bot drops directly on top of you this this is widely considered to be suboptimal the traditional way to take out a detector Tower is to call in a hell bomb next to it and blow it to bits however that takes time and involves clearing the base if you have the 500 kg Eagle Strike you can call that right next to the tower quick tip when throwing the strategy throw it more towards the side because if you throw it directly at the tower and you overthrow it it will bounce back probably out of the base and do nothing but if your throw is good enough the explosion will take out the base worth noting here but off topic for the video the 500 kg does a lot of damage but in a small radius so you do have to get it fairly close to whatever you're using it against keep that in mind warning you are in range of enemy artillery unfortunately that sound means you have just awoken the wrath of a nearby automaton mortar base or is it we'll look up and see where the shells are coming from I don't stay in one spot for too long and don't move predictably also since the turrets and the anti-air bases are similar to the mortar turrets the thing said about the mortar turrets will also apply to the AA turrets get into the base and clear it out now what well the traditional way to take out the turrets is with a hellbomb you can also use Eagle strikes on mortar bases or orbitals to take out the turrets which work if there's a ton of angry robots in the base as well if the base is clear you can simply walk up to the turrets and shoot the vents behind them with an AMR autoc Cannon or anything with good enough armor penetration easier set than done usually because the mortar turrets specifically will always turn to face you even if you're within minimum range the mortars are also typically in very claustrophobic spots as well throwing impact grenades to the wall behind the mortars will take them out in a pinch even if it's a bit of a waste of grenades in my opinion you can also just simply shoot the turrets with rockets gunship Fabricators as you might have guessed fabricate gunships these massive pieces of [ __ ] [ __ ] suck and I hate them gunships themselves aren't too bad they can get shot down pretty easily with most support weapons but if you're playing on a high difficulty constantly getting swamped by patrols and Bot drops and then you come across one of these you will no pain if the gunship stays alive they will constantly fly around shooting you with machine guns and missiles you thought rocket Devastators were bad now imagine if they fly and have double the missiles if not dealt with quickly things can quickly get out of hand unfortunately from what I can tell there's no quick way to take out the gunship every at you have to use the hell bomb the Saving Grace is there's a generous timer between gunship spawns so once the first gunships yes plural you can have more than one of these things next to each other producing multiple gunships at a time once the first gunships are taken down you have plenty of time to get a hell bomb down I don't mean to imply the gunships are imbalanced or overpowered I actually think they're well balanced they just suck to be with sometimes I wonder that microwave simply always seen a miss that is a sea AA sight you activate it it will shoot down nearby bot drops sounds useful well not if the AA sight's on the edge of the map away from everything else since the drop ships have to be in range to be shot down also the AA sites are very easy to miss especially on maps with a lot of foliage so keep an eye out just simply interact with the terminal follow the prompts and hey you'll have a new AA turret fancy the remaining secondaries I've yet to talk about such as the artillery or Escape pod I won't be going into detail in this video These are objectives that can be found on all missions and are self-explanatory with no real tricks aside from the Rogue research station being able to be destroyed by a 500 kg bomb and the illegal broadcast tower will be toppled by a swift Breeze I only went over the AA site since it's a bot exclusive secondary and it's easily missed so many new players might not have even seen it after multiple bot missions onto enemy types I won't go super in- depth here with the basic enemies I mean realistically do you need to know the exact differences between sword guy and gun guy not any more than you already know by noticing one has a sword and one has a gun all you need to know about the little guys is they are the only ones who can call bot drops if you see one with this on his back he has a machine gun and is a massive [ __ ] prioritize them also if you see a little guy with a super bulky backpack those are the true bastards not only do they jump towards you and get in your face but if anyone shoots them there's a good chance they shot the jump pack and it's about to explode oh my god did I mention these guys love to get in your face and also the automatons don't care about friendly fire in the event of a bot drop coming your way feel free to shoot down the drop ship by shooting one of the engines with a rocket though currently it doesn't seem to kill the stuff in the drop ship just trapping them alternatively if you have an autoc Cannon unload into the belly of the drop ship that way you'll kill or damage the softer targets before they even drop it's just that easy now for Devastators and these come in three varieties starting with the default Devastator these guys are well armored move slowly and have a relatively non-threatening weapon though are still dangerous if close enough or in large numbers rocket Devastators used to be the most busted enemy in the game back when the rockets on shot you no matter what now they don't do that much anymore they're literally a default Devastator with rocket pods on its back fun fact you can shoot and destroy the rocket pods on their back and then they just basically become a regular Devastator now the heavy Devastator will wreck your [ __ ] these guys have a very fast firing weapon that does not have a lot of downtime they also have a heavy Shield even one of these will ruin your day if you're caught out of position let alone a patrol of five or six of these with a bunch of little [ __ ] with them heavy Devastators warrant a large amount of caution all Devastators can get taken out if you shoot them in the head enough if you have a weapon with medium armor piercing you can Pierce their armor though still aim for the head support weapons such as the autoc cannon or antimaterial rifle make quick work of Devastators and can trivialize all Devastator encounters the autoc cannon specifically will stun any Devastator it doesn't kill making follow-up shots super easy Scout Striders are Walkers that are very similar to The Republic atrts from Star Wars they are fast have a deceptively powerful weapon that can and will laser you down at some point and are easy to take care of if you have the tools namely any support weapon autoc Cannon rail gun antimaterial rifle all make quick work of scout Traders from the front hell even explosive primaries will knock these guys out however if you manage to get on their flank or are good enough With Grenades you can simply kill the guy piloting The Walker yeah he's just chilling there on the back if you're a good enough shot and have The High Ground you can even kill the guy from the front but it can be tricky oh really really really really I do all Mission without [ __ ] Berserkers and now I get [ __ ] Berserkers [ __ ] kidding Berserkers are in my opinion a bit overtuned they're fast moving melee infantry with dual chainsaws they're also way tankier than you think shoot them in the head or in the glowing red part of their stomach for weak spot hits you can also shoot off their arms though they will still try to kick you honestly if I see a large group of Berserkers I'm spamming grenades autoc Cannon strafing runs everything I can to get rid of them because I have had multiple occasions where I'm kiing and slowly whittling down a patrol of Berserkers with my primary only to finally kill them all and immediately find another Patrol of Berserkers rinse and repeat ad nauseum [ __ ] these guys just Spam fire your AMR at close range and shout as many profanities as you can is it effective debatable it's a therapeutic indisputable hulks can seem daunting at first but once you figure them out they aren't too bad there are two main types of Hulks the Bruiser and the scorcher the Bruiser will fire missiles and lasers at you kind of annoying but not too bad the real problem is the scorcher hulks they have a flamethrower and a melee weapon they will run you down and burn you if you manage to avoid the flame they will try to cleave you in half with their saw the scorcher hulks are the biggest thread of the two I will say the obvious now shoot the head or the vents on the back with a sufficient enough weapon and they'll go down AMR Rockets autoc Cannon Etc however let me introduce you to the leg meta you have an autoc Cannon five shots to one of the Holk legs will cause him to limp making him much slower and easier to hit in the head while the likes of the eat recoiless rifle it only takes one shot to leg a Hulk and if you destroy both legs the Hulk goes down another nice way to take out a Hulk quickly is with the rail Cannon orbital strategy it always One-Shots hulks in my experience and has a super quick call in time which makes it ideal as an oh [ __ ] stratem if you have a Hulk jump scare you can also take out a Hulk's arms and honestly I'd say it's worth it at least for the flamethrower the automatons also get tanks by the way and they come in two flavors Annihilator and Shredder the annihilator tank is your average tank big cannon coaxial machine gun in the turret and a bow mounted machine gun in the hole so be careful when standing in front of this thing even if the turret isn't pointed at you the shredder tank looks like it'd be more in the AA role unfortunately for you historically AA weapons have proven effective against soft squishy meat bags luckily for you tanks are slow which means they are easy to take out with a 500 kg or regular air strike even more so when you destroy the tracks with weapons rendering it immobile the annihilator tank has a slow turret Trier speed which means you can just play Ring Around the Rosie so you can try to shoot the vent in the back alternatively eat recoil quazar Cannon all will take down a tank with enough shots to the turret autoc Cannon or AMR to the vent on the back of the turret also works but so do impact grenades in a pinch impact grenades work well to take down damage tanks don't even got to hit them in the vent stor at the turret oh [ __ ] [ __ ] two walkers hello right what is that what the [ __ ] is that that is a factory shrier a slow moving heavily armored Devastator Factory now I know what you're thinking okay what the [ __ ] but trust me it's not as bad as it seems first things first take out its weapons the Min guns on its chin can be destroyed quite easily by shooting them with an AMR or anything heavier however the turret on top will require heavier ordinance such as eats but once those are taken care of the factory shrider itself cannot hurt you unless you let it step on you however it will continue to produce default Devastators three at a time Factory Strider does have a small weak spot on its head and you can shoot it with support weapons or you can just I'll be honest I didn't realize the factory Strider was that weak so uh shoot its belly easy I know I talked about gunships earlier but I want to focus on the gunships specifically here for those who skipped to the enemies gunships will only Spawn from their Fabricators so you don't have to worry about finding them randomly in the middle of nowhere gunships will fly around and constantly fire at you with machine guns only taking small brakes and don't let that small Brak and machine gun fire fool you they're firing a salvo of rockets shooting the gunships and their engines with support weapons will take them down usually going down in one shot from rockets amrs and autoc cannons will take a few shots though laser Towers or what me and my friends like to call Turbo lasers since we're all Star Wars nerds are large stationary imp placements that like to guard large bases or random rocks in the middle of nowhere these can be dealt with similarly to tanks shoot the big glowing vent on the back or slam it with rockets until it doesn't work anymore come out command bunkers are only found in Miss which task you with destroying them they will have multiple heavy turrets on top and various machine gun turrets on the sides the turrets on top can be taken down with rockets the machine guns can also be taken out but doing so with support weapons can be tricky and inconsistent typically when I get command bunker missions I bring the 380 orbital bombardment which usually takes them out walking barrage will also work though I'm fairly certain the 120 orbital bombardment does little if any damage to the command bunkers elves orbital rail Cannon will damage it not usually outright kill it air strikes also work though failing all of that get close and call in a hell bomb just try not to get shot it hurts replacement what strategems do I find most effective against bots personally I love my eagle and I will always break the 500 kg so I can quickly take down objectives and tanks the cluster bombs are pretty good they will clean up the chaff and as you might expect but Devastators can sometimes survive and need to be finished off the regular Eagle air strike is an excellent allrounder the orbital barges work well for bases as you'd might expect the orbital laser is great especially for clearing bases and the orbital rail Cannon is the perfect oh shits or I don't want to deal with you right now stratem the various sentries all work well for their intended roles especially on defense missions the autoc Canon Sentry specifically is very powerful one of my friends loves bringing two centries with a shield generator and setting up outside bases letting his centuries do a lot of the work and it works well he typically feels his last slot with eats if you were checking the math as far as support weapons go the autoc cannon and AMR are super versatile against bots able to take down all of the different types of automatons with relative ease eats recoiless and quazar cannons are excellent against the heaviest of targets such as tanks and turrets even the laser cannon is really good against bots though i' definitely bring a Shield Pack if you use that since it can take a while to actually kill the big Bots as for Primary Weapons the default Liberator is great and even I still use it from time to time and I'm like level 75 at time of writing my personal favorite against spots is the sickle though I don't bring it on hot planets I've recently grown to love the adjudicator against bots Just Don't Spray with it and you'll be fine remember short controlled bursts the breaker shotgun is also a strong choice always has been and if you have to carry an sssd long distance the defender SMG makes for an excellent one-handed option one thing I think every hell divver should understand is their stems on top of healing you and instantly regening your stamina the stem also gives you a sort of soft invincibility no you're not actually Invincible but for the duration of the blue gradient at the edge of your screen you will regenerate Health at a massive rate giving you effective invincibility stuff that would normally One-Shot you will still One-Shot you but if you need to run through an open area while taking a ton of fire Sim and run you'll probably be fine this has saved me more times than I can count as for Target prioritization if you want to avoid bot drops always shoot the little guys first since they're the only ones who can call in bot drops but if you don't care about bot drops heavy Devastators flamer Hulks and Rocket Devastators should be priority don't underestimate stealth as hell divers 2 has a surprisingly robust stealth system some of the most fun I've had is sneaking around in the jungles of Mal levelon Creek with friends sneaking around big bases avoiding patrols it's not necessary but it's still fun and one final tip consider doing the primary objective last why completing the primary objective will spawn more patrols which obviously means more enemies I don't know the exact numbers but let me tell you it's noticeable so whenever possible hold out on the primary but if you're low on spawns finish the primary so you don't fail remember the primary is mandatory extraction is optional [Music] [Music]
Channel: EmeraldNep
Views: 3,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RuJeIkRhUzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 27sec (1167 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2024
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