Helldivers 2 | I MISSED One of The BEST WEAPONS In the GAME? - Gameplay + Review

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guys I've been playing hell divers for I don't even know maybe like over aund and something hours I think around 150 hours and I somehow just only discovered like when I say just only discovered I mean like maybe three or four games ago one of the best Primary Weapons to use and it's honestly just ridiculous like I don't know it's more ridiculous how good it is or the fact I'm just finding this out 150 hours later and I'm just going to show you guys some gameplay of it because I just I don't know I feel like everybody should just know about this I mean I feel like everybody already does know about it cuz it's one of like I think it's one of the first shotguns you oh already spoiled it one of the first shotguns you unlock it's just like I don't know how to explain it it's just good all around like it's got a good amount of ammo it's got the knockback effect which is crazy I think it has the third highest damage out of all of the weapons just in general in the game The Recoil is very easy to manage you reload the shells one at a time so it's like let's say you finish half the magazine you can just reload it without being punished if you reload any of the other magazine weapons in the game you lose that entire magazine so let's say you only shoot about a quarter of the magazine and then you reload it you lose the other 3/4 of it but with this weapon I'm just going to say what it is pretty sure everybody already knows what it is the sg8 Punisher it just it's ridiculously good like I think it actually gives the Eruptor a good run for its money that's how good I think this weapon is and the Eruptor has just been this like absolutely busted primary weapon that just demolishes everything but yeah in this video I'm just going to be showing you guys how well this shotgun works so I'm going to be taking the shield generator the quazar cannon so the shield generator obviously just for Extra Protection keep me alive longer the quazar cannon to deal with any types of I would say Chargers but I'm pretty good for dealing with chargers With Grenades and the auto Cannon but I like the quazar can uh quazar Cannon to deal with the biot Titans mainly Auto Cannon just because that's my favorite stratum by far and because I'm really lazy I'm going to take the orbital rail cannon that takes literally no effort to use oh and then load out wise uh I'm taking the shotgun I'm going to take the grenade launcher pistol because I want to test this out on Chargers cuz I know I can kill Chargers in about two to three grenades which is honestly kind of crazy but they might change that in the future who knows and I want to see if I can do it with the pistol as well and then I'm taking the trench engineer armor for two extra grenades and reduced recoil I don't really care about the reduced recoil the shotgun already has literally no recoil already with it so I mean yeah I just like the two extra grenades I could have took the bone Snapper fort extra heals but I kind of I got the shield generator so I don't really care for the extra heals that much I'd rather have the extra bombs okay let's try to land away from I guess whatever bugs I mean I couldn't see any bugs at all but like I just try to land in a secluded spot so let me grab the laser cannon uh The Shield generator and that's pretty much it and I'm just good to go like even the sights on this gun this red dot like well I guess not the Red Dot the entire reticle like the entire site is just very clean like you can still see everything all around you uh it gives you it doesn't give you any Zoom effect but it's just very crystal clear the red dots everything around it oh damn oh wait that's an air strike so look at that it just knocks the stalkers back so they can't even get close okay I say that as a Sky's Tokyo drifted towards me but yeah it knocks them back and then you can kill them in like three to four hits like the stalkers probably the strongest bug next to like Chargers and biot Titans that is unreal I'm assuming their nest is somewhere over here cuz like two or three of them just came from this direction and like yes I can deal with the stalkers but I'd rather get rid of them at the start of the game like they're Nest entirely because like I don't know what's more tilting than getting killed by a stalker from behind tunnel breach okay no need to waste a grenade so let's just quaz our Cannon this here nothing come out of there please thank you thank you for cooperating once let's grab the samples cuz I do need a lot more common samples I still have a lot of ship modules to uh to buy out oh no one uh why is no one calling them in I got you my guy okay so oh there is a a lot of stuff not a lot of stuff a lot of bugs over here so you know I think I'll call down a auto Cannon and I saw a charger here so let me just blast him I have no idea if that hit I can't see anything oh there's another charger there's three Chargers exactly well not exactly why I got the orbital rail Cannon I just got the orbital rail Cannon cuz you know I'm lazy I don't want to time it I don't want to a it like the air strikes okay grenade thr right underneath it see if you hit like right underneath their their ass or their back you can kill them with I think it's like one or two grenades no it's like two grenades at least and obviously you know it might take more depending on where you hit them this Auto Cannon is getting pretty close to me okay listen listen I'm just going to blow up this bug nness real quickly throwing grenad thank you for not blasting me please get out of the way I think the only thing I would say I don't like about the shotgun is that it doesn't have armor penetration but I mean like that's such a small thing with all the pros to it like it's got decent range ammo recoil knockback which is by far like my favorite thing I think knockbacks my second favorite thing next to armor penetration because still when you deal with like those orange I don't know what they're called but like the Defenders oh actually I think that's exactly what they're called the The Defenders you still need to hit them right underneath their I guess right underneath their head just to get to them which is a small issue Defenders are never really like like you don't you never have a Defender come in front of you and you're like oh no this is not bad like if you have 10 hunters in front of you you're like this is bad if you have five brood commanders this is bad but like five Defenders all you have to do is like shoot them in the face a little bit and then they just Turtle up and then you can easily run away you know what let me test out the grenade pistol here horrible Shots by me uh that second one actually wasn't too bad oh yikes you know what I think the issue with this here is that it bounces actually I think the issue with it might be it's just not that great so maybe I shouldn't have taken it I don't worry blue I got it okay or you can just fire that for the sure for the sure kill oh my God this is knocking him all the way back like sure it's not doing that much damage to him because you know majority of the shots are being blocked but like man I'm going to knock him all the way back to the hole he came out of okay what are we doing over here I feel like I'm just I'm not even doing objectives I'm just running around looking for bugs to kill come on buddy buddy o pal Amo I would like to uh open this door up I understand that there's bugs here yeah range like look at that there I don't have to be up close at all like I get it's a shotgun like you know you got to be somewhere close but like damn no you guys are just going to leave me hanging sick okay um I guess I'll go on my own adventure oh I should have gone to that big red circle up there H that's okay I'll go head over to that yellow objective actually I'll take all these bugs let me use the first person mode see look at that hardly any recoil or movement at all and I'm not even crouched or anything so I don't have that 30% reduced recoil buff going reloading and then the reload you just in insert one Shell at a time just a phenomenal weapon okay I got to start moving back okay I guess this is the issue when you start to come up against a lot of uh Hunters the weapon does have a little bit of a spray to it so you can hit multiple guys but not easy to hit multiple guys okay I'm like trying to focus hard cuz these guys are like Jumping All Around Me Oh no I'm also kind of running out of ammo that grenade pistol did sh okay I I know I said I was running around looking for bugs but uh I guess I got what I wanted a little bit too much though have a of democracy man okay okay there's a bunker down there I know there's going to be ammo down there but I don't want to go down there cuz I'm going to get cornered and my teammate's called the resupply but I have no idea where the resupply is okay you guys got to get away from me you like the taste of Freedom all right that's it I'm completely out of ammo actually I got one grenade left guys um I brought the entire enemy team I'm kind of hoping you guys can deal with it maybe the Supply the resupply somewhere around here if it is that'd be so cool but um I really don't think it is oh spor Nest let's get rid of that I like how easy they are to kill it just takes one shot and that's it oh another one okay that's also a bile Titan that I hope the orbital rail Cannon gets rid of hey and it did it it's very a hit or miss the orbital rail Cannon sometimes it'll one shot sometimes it takes two or three of them since I'm out of ammo I guess I got to use the quazer cannon give me give me I get 60 rounds back just like that don't worry green I got you I got you with the super shotgun you know what I will take another one of these ammo boxes I feel like I'm doing a lot for the team and I might need a little bit more am I greedy [Music] absolutely let's get rid of these bugs come on oh no got to reload oh my God and I love the shield generator pack it stops the hunters from slowing you like like next to stalkers killing you from behind is Hunters just slowing you so this helps out by getting rid of both of my problems be gone I see a charger up there uh maybe I can just kill him with the grenades the thing is I don't really want to stop and fire the quazar cannon just because it's going to take a little it's going to take a couple of seconds to fire it but with the grenades you kind of just throw it instantly okay get out of here oh oh you sneaky little no I'm getting rid of him I hate having to worry about this dude sprinting full speed at me I can deal with all these other guys easily as long as I have ammo if I have ammo I have no problem I have no ammo I have a big problem okay let's keep running I like the taste of freedom I should use first person more with this weapon it's just it's more efficient like I can land my shots a lot easier a lot quicker like not just because of like the Red Dot being you know obviously easier to use than the third person reticle but it just has a less recoil too like any weapon you use in first person has a lot less recoil and we're almost out of ammo again but luckily supply box or resupplies 30 seconds away might be some ammo somewhere around here see I say this knowing in my past videos I've said oh I'm looking for ammo I can't find any and in my comments I just look and see oh like you ran past three ammo boxes why didn't you pick it up and I'm like well if I saw them I would have picked them up oh come on that's in the green no no stop stop stop there we go I swear there's a big hoorde chasing me I guess not okay so I'll take that supply and there's also a Spore Nest somewhere cuz I took down one but I saw a second one and then I kind of forgot about it after I saw the resupply let's grab one we only need one we don't need to be greedy this time okay it doesn't look like my other teammates are oh Commander get back yeah 400 damage on this weapon is so great I think you can blow off uh Commander heads in two shots and you also stop them from charging at you like their charge has never been like a crazy big issue in the game I would say but it is something that like it'll annoy you like having them charge at you headless and then like keep hitting you like sometimes you die from them not I wouldn't say too often but like they usually do get at least a little bit of damage off on you and because a knockback can just completely stop that it's just like another annoying thing you don't have to deal with okay these guys on the other hand will still be actually they're not even annoying I can't even say that they hardly do much ra our Cannon okay you guys maybe miss my shot that was not very uh Cash Money of you now my teammate is getting yaked on okay see what you guys are causing I do wish the reload would be a little bit quicker but like I think if they sped the reload up uh sped the reload time up at all it would just be completely overpowered but I mean you know I don't have a problem with completely overpowered stuff I do not mind okay um orbital rail Cannon a shortcut for dealing with things I don't want to deal with again another one shot I think it was already damaged so I guess I can't really say it was a one shot oh was someone nearby purple what's going on purple where's uh no more ammo okay let's reload the grenade the grenade pistol I haven't been using it that much because I don't know I kind of Threw It on just tested it with the Chargers and then since it didn't work that well with the Chargers I'm kind of stuck with a a secondary that I don't really use or care to use now I I'd say it's still not really a problem because the shotgun just the shotgun is just that good you don't even need a secondary with it what I do need to do is stop running over these mines uh no ammo over there this an objective yes this is an objective okay purple we are about to get swarmed and I cannot see past 10 ft actually all right not 10 ft like 10 m so because of my lack of ammo I will have to abandon you at some point oh no no now is that timewe my arm I mean I'll still shoot my grenade launcher pistol somewhere in that area and karate chop some bugs uh actually I can get the resupply going oh sorry purple I'm just trying to help reload come on reload this shoot it somewhere into the into the smoke or the fog no there's a charger right there the no no no I don't mean to leave the mission I'm um I ain't quitting oh no no no this is not very ideal okay but the Shield Pack came back yep I'll definitely call my teammate in okay let me get some distance from these guys I think I'll also call down the rail uh not rail Canon the autoc cannon let me just toss it right over there okay there's ammo behind me so I'll try to hold out right in front of me for a little bit give the Sentry some time to set up okay that's enough you guys are just coming from every angle possible okay okay I get it you guys are fist Auto Cannon thank you how many Hunters are there get some get some about to use all 60 shots of my shotgun on these guys St okay oh let's use this yeah reload definitely have one of these bugs trigger it how' you like the taste the freedom oh this is so not good where are my teammates I mean I'm not blaming them but like I just need some backup oh no this is a really bad spot okay let's climb up here okay we're getting rid of you I'll toss a grenade I'll toss a couple of grenade I'll toss all my grenades actually okay let's take out one more charger straight to the Dome yeah reloading okay we got one more charger to go ooh quad kill four piece chicken nugget let's go exposed leg oh no I didn't kill it I thought I was going to be able to kill it there we go one it only took one more shot this Shield generator has saved me so many times so far supplies supplies where is supplies I'm coming pretty sure there's supplies somewhere near me but I guess not and we got a biot Titan I hope they're getting I hope they're getting objectives done cuz like I feel like I'm just fighting off the bug Army over here be gone demons straight to the head no kill and we're running out of ammo on everything stems grenades pistol except for quazer Cannon cuz quazer Cannon is unimited oh that was a Badness I thought I hit it though come on quazer Cannon I feel like if I can take down this vile Titan my teammates will be able to help me clear out all the other Bugs see I would say ammo would be an issue but it really isn't I just haven't found any of those like ammo boxes like the ones right over there like when you find at least I don't know maybe one or two of these in between like the ammo boxes in between resupply drops you don't really focus too much on ammo it's just I haven't been finding that much lately look at that two of them back to 48 shots is there any more I think there is one one more oh no this is an empty empty box support Auto Cannon thank you for your service what am I missing oh there's an objective all the way in the bottom left man that's a bummer so I feel like green should have that under control I want to say he does have confidence that he does but I have no idea but I feel like purple and blue might be struggling a bit cuz they haven't started the uh rescuing civilians yet let all right let's reload this here I think you should get three grenades back for the pistol like if you find an ammo box I don't think two is enough for how little it actually does reload that was horrible out of am I didn't even get two kills with it or two no I know I think it would it wouldn't tell you if you got two kills it only tells you when you get I believe it's three or more right let's fall back fall back oh no oh this gate's open well how I said before I'm going to use first person more often I just stopped using it I think I'm just so used to using third person I forget to switch I also just like the third person view you a lot let's keep these guys back Warriors die in one shot as long as you can hit them in the head oh no we got to reload I wonder what's the recoil like when I'm crouched I feel like it's about the same you can hardly even tell yeah there's not really a difference okay let's get these civilians out of here and oh okay we already called down a resupply I just got to find it say hello toy and yes I know I just saw it to the right of me but I got to clear out these bugs first I'm just firing this thing nonstop okay let's grab one I don't think I need a second one I'll just leave that there for teammates or whoever so each magazine holds about 16 shots that's not too bad oh we got 31 samples my teammates have been doing a lot actually um I don't see a need to use the orbital rail Cannon I think I will toss the auto Cannon out though let's blow up the suck actually no let's go I actually hit him in the head what I missed Auto Cannon do your thing get clapped my boy all right civilians come out yeah yeah just keep your head down keep running only got about 20 of you more 20 more of you people to go uh what's this grenade yeah I could use that there what else do we got I don't think there's wait oh there's little swarms in front of us or not even swarms just like little like I don't even know what to call this like little camps of them yeah not not nothing uh nothing too hard to deal with freedom forever what is the autoc cannon shooting at back there I'm just trying to clear out the area in front of us so all they have to worry about is whatever spawns basically inside of there but it seems like quite a bit is spawning inside of there if my auto Cannon just picked up seven kills guys we all good over here is my autoc Cannon massacring the citizens if it is I don't blame the cannon I blame the people what's going oh they just um I think they're Hunters I'm not sure oh get these get these bugs away from the people not the people bang intrusive thoughts win I was debating it there for a second but I was like you know what I just want to get this done the for us yes we did come now you better run faster my boy got to go that way support thank you um actually oh I'll go help build blue with that little objective there it could be a small uh Bug Hole or it could be a stalker layer but I didn't see any stalkers yet so I'm thinking it's probably just like a bug layer how about a nice cup of some of those out come on just drop already oh no okay we'll use the quazer cannon and then an orbital real Cannon if the smaller one didn't work the bigger one will and dead you will never destroy our way of life okay I really want to find out what that small objective is now what do he drop Eagle air strike okay we got to push through here we don't have to push through here I can kind of just run around but like I don't really just want to leave the bugs two shots with a grenade pistol that's a little bit much I feel like it should only take one to uh kill those guys reload quick scoped my guy charger come on stay here I hit its back leg Auto Cannon though I'll set you up right there because all of those bugs are now going to come this way oh yeah I'm taking supplies don't you don't don't you worry about me okay and then you know what I'll let the autoc cannon and blue deal with those guys I'm going go ahead to actually oh no we got to push back here this is the only way to get to the objective have a taste of democracy double laser or laser quazar cannon autoc cannon just focus on the big guy good okay I'm way too close you know what I'll try to sneak around here cuz I know if I run that way the autoc can's going to shoot me in the back how' you like the taste of Freedom it's got to be a bug Nest like there's no stalkers and there's just a ton of bugs coming from that direction democracy oh come on charge up please nothing jump in front of me oh I hit its leg I mean leg shots aren't too bad but definitely not what you want to hit you want to hit them right in the head let's toss a couple of grenades there also push these guys back okay we're making we're slowly pushing up uh nope no orbital rail Cannon let get rid of him see I feel like having the machine pistol would be good for dealing with all these like weaker bugs just so you don't have to waste ammo with the shotgun I mean not that the ammo not that the shotgun doesn't have a lot of ammo but as you as you have can't even speak English but as you've seen I you do run out of it in like big fights not quickly but usually towards the end of it okay I will find out what is going on over here it does look like a bug Nest do I have no another 20 seconds so you know what let me see that see if I can kill him yep okay now the rest of you guys they're all mine there's actually a lot of them to be honest a oh I didn't reload the uh the grenade pistol guys we got to find out the secrets we can't leave just yet oh what the your tongue back in your mouth boy yeah I'm going to have to call in that resupply for myself let's call that ining down and you know what um also call in the auto Cannon oh that was the last shot I think well that was blue and green to the rescue respect my guys okay Auto Cannon just please don't blow me up I just need to get some ammo just one box okay I got my box you can start shooting okay or you can just get blown up oh there's another Auto Cannon okay that's okay so if mine gets blown up I'll try to defend the other one oh it's doing quick work of these guys why it stop shooting no no no you got look look this way ah screw it it's going to blow up damn there's a lot of them still going though I'm just worried about it shooting me okay let's keep going let's keep going did I get it hey yeah light bug Nest okay you got the reinforcements nice I can't even see what's going on over there I'm just firing shots into the dark but I'm getting hits though uh where is that shuttle get [Applause] get okay we're doing good I think we're doing really great okay but I need to go grab that uh another resupply or supply box yeah I got you don't worry pretty sure was up here hey Shield is about one hit away from breaking calling in reinforcement oh there it goes how far is EXT oh extraction is far you know what I think I will start heading towards it because I want to get that called in before uh we can't call in any more stratem got pretty good spray too like the the spray pattern isn't that huge like it's pretty tightly gapped so you can land most of your shots on guys that are like decently far away you know what I'll take this supply box since uh nobody else is going to run back and take it okay grenade pistol is loaded six shots six grenades 58 shotgun shots four stems down you should be decently good blue there's a box back there out of but that's okay I don't blame you I think I'll call down a auto Cannon just up here just to help uh cover blue well not cover blue but I guess kill whatever bugs are going to be following us seems like there's a lot of them just do that orbital air burst that's actually pretty good right in front of the turret oh and it didn't blow the turret up even better and I'll keep firing the uh quazar Canon just to kite these biot Titans while we get to the extraction oh I got to run this way running the wrong way come on let's fire is that a that is I didn't see where he was running hey Run This Way run this way yes Auto Cannon do your thing hey we both got our shots orbital rail Cannon oh it didn't kill him okay that was the first one of this game I've got this one yeah yeah I'm coming I'm just going to shoot at him please kill him thank you I'm on it I am here blue I'm pretty sure I ping this one near the beginning of the game yes we can teabag the door what do we get Metals yeah just some metals I actually needed a little bit of metals I'm not full on them yet cuz I'm pretty sure I bought some armor just because I was about to I was about to be full on metal so I was like I might as well buy them instead of just you know burning medals and not getting oh why did I waste that shot what was I saying like yeah if you're at 250 medals and then you pick up any more it doesn't really do anything uh I can't get another Auto Cannon down so I'm just going to run for the extraction oh purple's on a solo Mission down there he's trying to get the objective nice I mean I don't know if he's going to be able to get it but like I do respect it okay then up here is actually a really good spot for the uh Auto Cannon also just if we have any type of rocket launchers like the quazer cannon is just it's kind of like a tower like you walk up it and you have a great view of everything I don't think I've seen that statue before though I feel like that's something new oh green where' you come from I hope blue is okay I think he's doing just fine me see I wonder if can I yep you're welcome blue uh let's also call down the resupply beacon um call so let's do that there 5 minutes left take the samples 32 and I think I'll also call down the autoc cannon did he call down autoc Cannon no we'll place it right there blue I see you going to do one of [Music] those now we just wait uh actually I can just kind of snipe some bugs with the quazar cannon it doesn't have that big of a blast but I mean at least it's something then the auto Cannon we'll just pick off the rest 10 11 13 14 damn it just keeps going this is why I love the autoc cannon it's just good for like I don't want to say all situations but majority of the situations what is that up there that looks like a charger oh right on the head and I can barely see him you're right green we should be more tactical about this we got to be got to be lying on the ground we're laying on the ground damn that's spread foros very tight hey let's go purple we got all the objectives what is is behind us though reinforcing oh just okay I say just uh the commanders but nope oh I think the the pile Titan actually killed the commanders and just like squished them straight to the head and just one bug left what do he got he's got the ruptor I'm curious what weapons does everybody have he's got the scorcher damn it's okay I'll take your samples what does he have he also has the scorcher I mean the scorcher is a really good weapon but I think this shotgun might be my go-to thing all right guys let's get out of here let's get outle 30 samples let's see how many uh how many kills we got I think I got a lot this game complete not because I feel like I was killing a lot of bugs but like I ran out of ammo so many times and I was Landing my shots pretty nicely I wasn't missing that much you have maintain all objectives completed let's go everybody made it back alive five stars expect nothing less outstanding patri patriotism I think I pronounced that right but I wouldn't be surprised if I didn't 3225 and six I think I could definitely get a a ship module upgrade like one of the more expensive ones all right come on let's see 559 with an 89% accuracy
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Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 trailer, helldivers 2 ost, helldivers 2 intro, helldivers 2 theme, helldivers 2 обзор, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 funny moments, helldivers 2 best loadout, helldivers 2 song, helldivers 2 solo, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers 2 гайд, helldivers 2 update, helldivers 2 animation, helldivers 2 weapon tier list, helldivers 2 news, helldivers 2 reaction, helldivers 2 best weapons, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers
Id: kKS0Obu-YxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 36sec (2436 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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