Helldivers 2 – The Rat Loadout & Playstyle Makes Automaton Games So Easy (Solo, Helldive Difficulty)

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what's up Legends the newest major order has requested us to liberate the wasat planet which is an automaton planet and I see we're having quite a hard time pushing up against them so today we're going to help out the cause by playing like a true rat now what do I mean by playing like a rat I mean we're always going to be on the Move constantly confusing and outp positioning the automatons and letting the strategems do most of the heavy work without us actually exposing ourselves we'll be bringing in no support weapons for this r only strategems as well as a shield generator pack and this in my opinion is one of the easiest ways to play against the automatons so let's get right into it we're going to be bringing in here the 500 kilo bomb as well as the eagle air strike also the 380 mm barrage as well as the shield generator pack for booster we're going to be bringing in the stamina enhancement to always be on the move and for the armor set we're going to be bringing in the Arctic Ranger for the Scout armor passive which is going to be huge for us here and Absolut necessity as well as you could be using the Trailblazer Scout but for this gam playay I do use the Arctic Ranger we also use the scorcher for very important reasons that you will see here pretty early on in the game play and the grenade pistol to be able to close off Fabricators if we want and stun grenades to do most of the heavy work for dealing against hulks so let's get right into this game play all right so it's time to play like a little weasel here little rat Pop Goes the Weasel essentially what we're going to be doing is we're going to be always on the Move always running around great great start Factory Strider right on the extraction point so here's what we're going to do yeah call in the orbital barrage and this is pretty much what we're going to be doing a lot this game is calling in the strategems then getting the hell out of Dodge let's handle that fabricator 200 M we throw that barrage let it deal its damage move on to another objective just always be on the Run always have these automatons just chasing us down eternally constantly avoiding trouble constantly pushing for objectives so for the gunships you may be wondering how the heck are you going to handle these gunships without a support weapon let me show you how I will oh there we go so the scorcher is one of the only weapons in the game that can actually deal damage to the gunships I'm not exactly sure what else can to be honest maybe all the the primary weapons that have explosive damage to them can probably damage the gunships I'm not sure I haven't tested it I just know the scorcher Can which is yet another reason why I love the scorcher so much oh and that should already be wait this guy's going to shoot up the hell bomb if I don't kill him to democracy C let's do another one equipment package bam down goes the facility four more side objectives to go dump an eag air strike here while we're getting busy wait is that oh that's not a radar station that's a primary objective we're going to constantly be giving us the upper hand dumping strategems on these automatons and always repositioning look at them they get lost because of the Scout armor passive they're just like completely shooting in the other direction is that not I thought that was a factory Strider from AF I'm not going to lie it's not though look at them they're still going towards my resupply there they're still moving towards it silly silly automatons oh oh little guy sees us I'll be out of you here in one second here buddy don't call for reinforcement thank you exuse you oh get in here dump that SSD we're out of here L always on the Move boys keep them guessing if I'm confused they're confused that's a located we got an escape pod close to a SE artillery there found something going to go towards the capap Pod first here on the northeast side of the map try to rearm rearm here cuz I'm not expecting to get into any fights anytime soon I'm going to go here to a the Escape pod and do that while the ego is rearming I want to top off those ego air strikes although I think think this might be a sea Sam site let me just find out I'll run away if it's yeah it is okay it is is uhoh so they call for reinforcement what does the rat do run away but before we do stand get here the Escape pod while the barrage is doing its own thing there oh they got another bot drop didn't they just call in one I wonder why the game allowed them to call n two cuz usually there's like a delay in between each bot drop oh there's little Bots coming let's hide oh we got fire tornadoes fire tornadoes are no good for us fire tornadoes do a whole lot of nothing against automatons but against humans they're fantastic oh we got a patrol here as well let's see if we can sneak on by oh my hell diver stood up go go go go go can't catch me see if we can bring any shells here towards the artillery before we go we got another Patrol here that's no bueno excuse me sir going to be going the other way if you don't mind okay we got a mortar in placement there we go perfect timing on that eagle calculated boys truly truly calculated effort let's move to oh oh that did it in one go let's go oh great go go go go go going to be going around now towards the SE Sam site hopefully we can lose these guys from the mortar imp placement throw resupply here towards the Sam site we got to get our stems back up you know come to think about it the new booster that's coming out next week on the war bond is going to be perfect for this play style cuz every time you stem you get like increased movement speed well it's going to be great for like running around look at this guy the lone guard the only one that stayed when everybody left to search for me dude the visibility on this map is so crap holy moly how the hell did I missed that oh no I forgot we got the extended Colin that's going to miss I think oh we got him there we go oh crap mag's empty leave me alone I just want to blow up your planet oh injury where did I throw that resupply earlier probably I don't think that marker was very good that I set for it uh where is it okay what that floor wasn't on fire oh I see it let's go got a hole coming here push back now back up towards the artillery now you see with the Scout passive they they they constantly lose us right it's so easy to avoid automaton fights some reason it's way way harder to do this against terminats they have a lot better sense of where you are against automatons is so easy to just avoid fighting and let's be real this the best way to do it we got four explosive shells can we make it five nope ah screw it I'll use it anyways I don't want to search for another shell if we can do this before anybody shows up and I think this is the last side objective isn't it we needed we did an escape pod fabricator Sam site a mortar in placement and oh air just cleared out instantly I'll take it yep that's all five side objectives that's beautiful now we just got to worry about primary objectives we're looking quite good actually we're only 11 minutes in and we did everything we needed for side objectives at least excuse me don't mind me crazy cuz they actually take so long to like recognize what they're looking at they just kind of sit there staring at you like is that what I think it is is that the hell diver that's killing hundreds of us found something all right this hell diver's cardio better be in check cuz we're running across the entire map to the other objective here go go go go go go by the way I I chose this Mission type because uh at the very final part of the primary objective you're kind of forced to fight look at that meeting about to eat dust 25 kills and we got a big boy got another barrage for this big boy it's the same one from the beginning of the game isn't it there dumb [ __ ] on it see artillery 500 kilo barrage take it all we're out of here I'm not staying to watch though oh he ate that one holy crap we're nuking that big [ __ ] now I'm not even there to fight and down it goes see you didn't even have to look at it easiest Factory Strider fight I ever had let's see if we can sneak on in here I'm afraid this might not go in as smoothly reposition ourselves that's the strategy always to reposition God damn it never die reposition again let's go around maybe that resupply was a bad idea we're pretty good on ammo and everything so I think I regret calling that in ow I ate that grenade dude hello open the gate we'll just go over it out see if we can do this before they actually show up to the party look at them dude I don't know what it is about this armor set they just take so long to recognize where you're at it gives you so much time to do [ __ ] I'm not even going to worry about that resupply I knew it was a bad idea you got a big boy stay right there boy we're gone showed up too late holy [ __ ] what is that is that a tank oh my God if it gets a shot at me right now I'm dead oh God oh God please don't shoot me just a weasel trying to do my objectives perfect so they called the bot drop on the other side of the map which means these guys here are not going to call it they called in where I was there rather than where I'm going to be so that's pretty good we can get a head start here on this objective hopefully let's clear out the field a little bit the visibility is horrible again oh crap all right we have no support weapons how do we deal with the hope you will never destroy our way of life hopefully that elego air strike can hold those guys back for a little bit so [Applause] probably we're going to have to run away here at some point if we get overwhelmed we should be fine though uh-oh completely out of bullets yeah come on come on come on lot of stamina too that earlier resupply call really screwed me up not only did I not pick up any of the supplies but I also have no ammo now coming back now though crap freaking fire tornado fire tornadoes are really going to be an issue here aren't they come on citizens I know there's a fire tornado but that's kind of a you problem not a me problem I'm going to go around I knowbody you guys no he's not going around go around [ __ ] pay attention oh my God these fire tornadoes really going to make my life a lot harder here come on Bros be smarter be better than this it's really them ow oh that was a me problem all three of them died oh that's kind of not like not my fault at all that they're this dumb oh no we got back up look at him just running into the fire oh [ __ ] ma um I'm thinking how I'm going to approach this I think I'm going to circle around here the problem is it's not even just a fight that I'm worried about here I'm just kind of waiting out the fire tornadoes a little bit if we were tight for time we would definitely be screwed in this Mission look at him go damn that hit that Tower dude imagine if that Tower was destructible that would have looked really cool all right fire tornadoes have kind of calmed down kind of should be good we got a brick dancing bot God damn it dude how long are these fire tornadoes they've been around for like 5 minutes look at him go jeez see if we can hold these guys back ooh oh that's going to be perfect actually oh no I actually my stun actually messed it up my stun actually saved the Hulk ought to be thankful dude these fire tornadoes are still going guys holy crap dude this Mission type and fire tornadoes do not mix oh my God yeah these guys are just running into the fire sorry like I said that really is a you problem you're just running into a fire tornado that's kind of stationary that's really not my fault trying to help you guys injury what injury full on civilian genocide going on here all right like all jokes aside though this fire tornado is T okay as I complained it ended but I was going to say this R tornado takes ages doesn't it holy crap I honestly feel like that took oh my God there's still fire there I just heard her Yelp but um that that fire Tator literally felt like it took like six plus minutes I I'm not exactly sure how long it's supposed to take that was really long oh crap they're already up up on our face see if we can just get as many civilians as we can here we got a freaking bot drop too that's not good that a hul that's a oh my God we got a big doggy oh that's not good all right yeah civilians there may be a huge Mech that way but I think you guys can make it I'll cover you guys no I won't actually let me go around um okay so the problem is okay I think I'm going to bring this doggy outside of the map come on come over here follow me buddy let me show you how real rat plays Chase me down yeah I would have been screwed if uh I took too long to do the side objectives there cuz oh that there was a tank there I didn't even see you know what you follow me too come on not you factor Sher I was talking to the tank there all of you come this way let me show you where all the hell divers are hiding out say hello to democracy ooo look at that a blessing from the gods is that the resupply I left earlier on that crazy dude calculated boys calculated I tell you all right this should have been good enough I think we can run back to the primary objective now they probably went around the other direction let's hope so found something then we getting some samples while we're doing that why not look at him go idiot looking for the weasel huh keep looking you'll find them that is how you handle a factory Strider without even taking a single shot oh you guys stay though oh what the hello dude are you kidding meest did they actually take 100 scorcher shots to die oh my God I did not land on one top of them holy crap don't worry guys the scorcher is actually good that was just a Showcase of uh lack of skills okay so we need six more citizens we're pretty pretty close here matter of fact when I call in this other door we should be done this Mission went beautifully we only need two more citizens we got three here one not you buddy not you uh-uh Freedom spreads further EXT the ship is full oh look at this ship go could have given me a ride too I'd be down and kill one more citizen so they'd make space for me pretty sure we killed more citizens that game than we saved it I swear it wasn't on purpose they're just dumb that's not my fault okay the last one was my fault I honestly just kind of meant to like shove them around I didn't actually think two hits would have killed them that's what I'm telling the Democracy officer anyways well look at this guy Dude where's this one where's this one going bro is just like on his own doing his own thing what is bro doing uh-oh that's the center of the map where the little gang Hideout is going on oh crap coming towards me all right so we're going to be calling in here the extraction and we're going to a stealth here I'm just not entirely sure where to hide on this one although this is like one of the easiest ones to hide I feel like cuz there's so much so many walls for us to hide are all those little Bots coming towards usest conf should be good enough actually maybe if we tuck in here in the corner oh [ __ ] oh oh my God they don't know where I am do they oh what they shooting at what oh [ __ ] they're pissed oh do someone shot at me I'm not moving though oh [ __ ] that one got destroyed dude oh that's two of them that got destroyed oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] are they doing look at them they're just standing there what the taking a quick screenshot here boys don't mind me that might be a good thumbnail what the [ __ ] are they doing okay that one might be better I'm actually not sure if you guys can see that on the recording but I think my OBS might only pick up the game and not the screenshot but I am taking screenshots of this this might be a pretty good thumbnail oh that one is just staring at me you guys see that one look at him is tearing me down oh he went okay He turned around did they are you guys going to stay there the whole game or what the hell's going on what did that extraction Point ever do to you guys what the [ __ ] is going on oh this one might see me it's too close to the edge oh you got shot in the back there oh now this oh he sees me uh-oh uhoh he's not going to let his buddies now oh they're just slowly turning towards me not all of them like just turn when they wait did he even spot me or is he like suspecting I'm here he's like staring straight at me he's like wait is that what I think it is is that what they call a hell diver like looked up for a second he's like what the [ __ ] is this oh the other guy turned around as well oh now they're all turning oh they all turn now that might be the the uh thumbnail right there all right I'm glad you guys just kind of stared at me and didn't uh scar too much okay how are we going to make get in now yeah go go go eat [ __ ] oh you're running now huh where you going come back here [ __ ] that is exactly how to play like a rat that ending was perfect for the rat play style so yeah I think that's honestly like one of the better ways to play against the automatons honestly to just always be on the move cuz really automatons they be difficult when you play solo man it's just taking them head on is not usually such a good idea so that's 350 that's 7 civilian kills we got not too bad man you you guys are fine don't mind it all right pretty decent not really but all right boys that's it for today's video I hope you guys enjoy that rat play style I just I'm just kind of curious here how many kills we got cuz we honestly didn't fight too much we maybe took a few shots throughout the entire game most of the Damage Done was kind of like barrages and elego air strikes and such let's see how many kills that would have been 200 okay that was a lot more than I thought all right so thank you guys very much for watching man I'll be catching you guys on the next one peace
Channel: takibo
Views: 55,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, no commentary gameplay, gameplay tips, helldivers tips, helldivers 2 tips, helldiver 2, helldiver 2 gameplay, helldiver 2 tips, helldivers 2 helldiver difficulty, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers 2 best weapon, helldivers 2 best strategem, helldivers 2 solo, helldivers 2 solo helldiver difficulty, helldiver 2 solo tips, helldiver 2 solo gameplay, solo gameplay helldivers, helldivers solo gameplay, helldivers 2 tips for solo players, helldivers 2 best tips
Id: pOSkM7wmX6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 38sec (2138 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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