He'll Bring You Out | Pastor Keion Henderson

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I am here to give God some praise [Music] anticipation with a lot of action we're taking so far welcome to the lighthouse let me introduce you to my father [Music] his name is Jesus Christ [Music] thank you [Music] and he has greatly to be praised if you're sitting next to somebody who looks like they carry the glory I want you to look at them and say neighbor over the next few moments I want you to know that I'm connecting your faith with my faith and every demon in your house and in my house is going to have to bound to our Collective anointing now if you believe that if you believe that you better put the devil on notice not my son not my daughter not my mama not my father not my wife not my husband if you believe it come on give him 30 seconds of Glory 30 seconds of Glory 30 seconds of Glory [Music] it's more than enough [Music] more than enough Hallelujah but you all give this music team a hand it's amazing that's amazing [Applause] musicians and those performing sign language services and there's just so many people that are just doing jobs all over this building to make it all work and so if you are a participant of anything that is taking place in this house by any staff member volunteer can we just give all of them a hand from the parking lot God bless you all God bless you all um it's amazing that you always sing what you're saying because literally normally I put my sermon in telegram for them uh to do all they need to do on Thursday I preached Sunday by Thursday Friday and then today and so since I preached um Friday my whole mind was off you know you know how sometimes you own a day that you ain't that it ain't the day you own so I really know what it was and they texted me this morning at seven said can you give us a sermon title so I know they didn't have the sermon title because I forgot to give it to them and everything that you all was singing was in line with what God put in my spirit and what we're going to talk about today I think is a lost art in the church because we are always thanking Jesus for everything but when is the last time you thank the Holy Ghost well we always saying thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus and if Jesus could speak back to us he would say what are you thanking me for my job is done I died I got up I was resurrected Easter is over but the Bible says he left for help mate see which this [Applause] [Music] the day of Pentecost is coming and we're still at Calvary and what the spirit of the Lord is not where Jesus is what the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty and so by the time I finish with you today I'm gonna have you announcing to the devil I'm so free that I ain't got to worry about none of your attacks I don't have to worry about none of your sicknesses I don't have to worry about any of your disease because who the son sets free is free indeed I need every free person watching me online and in this building right now to shout I'm free I am free free praise the Lord I'm free grab somebody by the head say no longer boundary no more interesting [Music] it's just a blessing come on Rich boys [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] right [Music] now [Music] see you said some folks ain't used to Glory they're used to clocking in and clocking out I came to church I went home but what's the sense of coming if you're going to leave the same way you came I didn't drive 30 minutes to come over and play with Sean get a miracle if you sit next to anybody who needs anything shot I came to get a miracle come on now sometime [Music] [Applause] Acts chapter 13. Acts chapter 13. [Music] look acts 13 14. [Music] but when they departed from perga came to Antioch of Presidio and went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day here it is this is so important and the Bible says and they sat down and after the reading of the law and the prophets the rulers of the synagogues sent unto them saying ye men and brethren if ye have any word of exhortation for the people speak now or forever hold your peace everybody say say on then Paul stood up and beckoned with his hand and said men of Israel and ye that fear God can I have your attention give audience the God of this people of Israel chose our fathers and exalted the people when they dwelt as strangers in the land of Egypt and with a high arm [Music] brought he them out of it the children of Israel were in 400 years of slavery 40 Years of wilderness and this ain't Moses talking this is Luke talking about what happened in historicity and now you have Luke who's the writer of Acts not Paul documenting the steps of Paul's second missionary journey as he's heading to spread the gospel throughout the world and he says of what God did for Israel see because remember Paul came and when Jesus came it was not it was no longer for just a Jew now the Bible says he comes from the Gentile and so now Paul is a representation that the promises of Israel now rest on those of us who are from multiplicity of places all around the world and so now we have the blessing of Abraham on our life are you listening to me and so now as we look in the text God says through the writer with a high r he brought them out do me a favor look at your neighbor say neighbor I don't know what you're in but God told me to tell you he'll bring you out that's that's what I'm gonna talk about today he'll bring you out if you believe it make some noise in this place he'll bring you out you may be seated in the presence of the Lord now I want to tell y'all off top out the gate if you ain't been through nothing then you can leave because I ain't here to talk to you so let me give the benediction Lord thank you today for church bless those who came who had a desire to come bless them in Jesus name amen all right y'all can go home because the only people that I'm talking to over the next few moments are the people who've been through hell and high water only people who I'm talking to over the next few minutes are the people who've been so mad that you tore up your own house and you know you got to be mad to punch a hole in your wall slam your car door slam your house door I want to talk to people who've been through something and those of us who subscribe to the scriptures have affectionately come to the book of Acts uh Pastor Hammond and we've always I know I have referred to this book as the Acts of the Apostles it's just it's just a thing if you've ever been through any theological training if you've ever been through any exegetical exercise if you've studied topical preaching narrative preaching expositional preaching whatever type of preaching style you have all of us myself included to the highest ranking officials in our religion everybody's referred to this book as the Acts of the Apostles and I I'm not I'm I'm not here to uh to disagree with anybody I would say on the contrary uh that that even though this book Pastor uh Torrance that has been referred to as the Acts of the Apostles I don't mess with somebody's theology here but I really believe in my whole heart that this should not just be called The Acts of the Apostles I really believe that the book of Acts is the Fifth Gospel Matthew Mark Luke John acts and this is the gospel of the Holy Ghost now now I understand why we call it the Acts of the Apostles y'all got time for a Biblical lesson real quick I understand why we call it the Acts of the Apostles because there are some apostles who are mentioned save the fact that the Bible says in Acts that we see the acts of Peter and we see the acts of Paul now those are two Apostles what's an apostle just for the sake of our conversation just a disciple somebody who walked with God somebody who was there and walked with God so for the purposes of our conversation there are the acts of Peter there are the acts of Paul because remember Paul who is this missionary journey man remember Peter was the one who preached on the day of Pentecost and so we do have the acts of those two Apostles John is mentioned about three times and we do see John the the son of a Zebedee who's a famous fisherman we see him in the text but the only thing we found out about him is that an evil King named Herrick killed him and those those are the complete portraits of the Acts of the Apostles but what we actually see is what the Holy Spirit did for the apostles are y'all listening to me um and so there is this this this desire um this nomenclature this this heirloom of ideology and thought uh that has been passed down from generation to generation to subscribe to this as the Acts of the Apostles but it is not lost on me that I see the Holy Spirit making his Mark page after page that the holy spirit is speaking to us page after page which is why if you look up the Greek word for Holy Spirit pericletas paraclete uh the word paraclete simply means to come alongside okay come alongside let me give you some examples if I were to have a paragraph and I wanted to paraphrase the paragraph then I would take the words of the paragraph and put my words alongside it which makes it a paraphrase see see if you were sick I would call the ambulance and and and there is somebody who will get out of the back of it to put you with them called a paramedic if you were to jump out of an airplane on your way down to the ground of the only way you could survive is with you you would need a parachute because the word para means to come alongside and so the holy spirit is the paraclete are y'all listening to me he he comes alongside he's he's God With Us he he's he's God With Us and so we continuously and I know it is because of our cultural phenomenon that we continue to give Jesus the credit for everything we get in a car accident thank you Jesus when our children good good grace thank you Jesus when our relationships get on the right track thank you Jesus and Jesus is at the right hand of the father saying why are you thanking me my work is finished I went to a place to prepare for you that where I am there ye may be also but I'm no longer in the earth realm you are ignoring the third person of the trinitarian complex his name is the holy spirit so maybe just for the first time this year can you do me a favor right now and say thank you Holy Ghost thanking Jesus for your deliverance is like thanking me for paying your bills and how ironic would it be and how disappointing would it be for you to thank somebody who's not responsible for what you're enjoying I'm gonna shake you up today I'm gonna shake you up today because okay we live in this this this this neocultural world where everybody gives Jesus the credit for everything and you better understand me I Believe In My Redeemer I believe he died on the cross I believe he got up on the third day morning but I also believe John chapter 16 it says it was better for you that I leave so that your helper could come you better understand the words that are coming out of my mouth that Jesus was not responsible for you walking away from that car accident when you were texting and driving Jesus is not responsible for the person not kicking your door down at night Jesus is not responsible for the burglar that didn't walk in your house when you left the garage door open it was the Holy Ghost touch your neighbor say the holy ghost look at somebody else and say the Holy Ghost that's why the song says something in me holdeth the rain or something in me banishes the pain she said sister Campbell said in the early 19 800 she says I don't know what it is I don't mean to be disrespectful to an elder but I want to tell you I know what that something is it's called The Holy somebody say the Holy Ghost say it again the Holy Ghost and and so we got a problem we got a problem we got a problem we got a problem because we don't consult the Holy Ghost anymore we don't consult the Holy Ghost anymore and can I just be frank he ain't even in most of our churches we got a lot of Performing but we ain't got no Holy Ghost because if you had Holy Ghost you had real power if the Holy Ghost was in here the sick would be healed if the Holy Ghost was in here the lame would walk again if the Holy Ghost was in here cancer would have to bow down performance don't take care of Lupus that's the Holy Ghost somebody stopped the Holy Ghost and this is precisely why it is so difficult for us to get to the place where we acknowledge the Holy Ghost because the first thing the Holy Ghost does is convicts you and so we skip over the Holy Ghost because we want to find that that Santa Claus Jesus that is a light in the darkness and makes us feel good when we don't feel good and and the evil I would do I do not for that which I do because it is present on every hand i'm perplexed but not discharged and I got a King Jesus and he makes me I you know he know my heart and yeah I did cuss you out but Jesus knows that I'm saying but the Holy Ghost say shut your mouth hold your tongue treat people right that don't treat you right that's why we skip over the Holy Ghost because he makes us have to look in the mirror thank you Holy Ghost say love them that despitefully use you Holy Ghost said if they give you a stone you give them bread the Holy Ghost say if they give you a snake you pray for them and so we skip over Jesus because we're looking for forgiveness when we should be looking for conviction and so now we just do whatever we want to do whenever we want to do it and we follow up by saying the Lord knows my heart do you understand how dangerous it is for you to be connected to God without Jesus and the Holy Ghost the Bible lets us know that Jesus is our intercessor which means he intercedes because God knew no sin so he had to send his son who knew no sin to become sin that we might be the righteousness of God in other words if it were not for Jesus and the Holy Ghost it would be the fact that you would be consumed but Melba said it when she was praying Lamentations 3 22 come here it is because of his mercies that we are not consumed skip to the end part but great is thy faithfulness and how often do I get that every morning here you are talking about thank you Lord and because he knows no sin let me tell you what happened the last time there was no Jesus in the earth and man sinned he flooded the world because he cannot stand sin So He sent Jesus in the form of Flesh why because flesh is the only thing that can redeem flesh so Jesus who is Spirit could not redeem us because Genesis says see begets after its own kind which means if seed begets after his own kind then Spirit cannot redeem flesh so he became flesh and was wounded for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities the chastise on my teeth the chastisement of our peace was placed upon him and by his stripes his wounds we are healed in other words he died so you didn't have to he bled so you didn't have to and then since the Holy Ghost as a reminder that if it had not been for him you wouldn't be here I just need about 30 people in here who ain't too stuck up who ain't too arrogant to just admit what the old church taught us if it had not been [Applause] for the Lord [Applause] I ain't got time to play with y'all I said if it had not been for the Lord on my side I know you thought it was your degree but let me tell you somebody that got a degree like you and they unemployed right now I know you think it's cause you fine but somebody find at home right now drinking wine can't figure out why they miserable it ain't because of what you look like it ain't because of who you are it is because of his mercies [Music] slap three people and say thank God for his Mercy and so let me tell you Quinton why we struggling because we won't consult the Holy Ghost we go get Sage [Applause] got to get these Spears out of here Sage ain't gonna do our thing say it's gonna do is how your house smelling like a Black and Mild that's all it's gonna do [Applause] [Music] and you're still evil as hell it ain't doing nothing [Applause] it ain't doing nothing [Music] [Applause] tell your neighbor you tripping we won't consult the Holy Ghost we we go we we go to our zodiac signs what a cancer do yeah I don't care how you were born let me tell you why Consulting your zodiac sign is not a good strategy because even though you were born that sign you were born a Leo you were born of cancer the problem with that is is that the Bible says in John that you must be born again and the reason why you can't get to your purpose is because you keep Consulting something that should not be so you settle for who you are because of what season you were born in when the whole exercise of life is to be born [Music] [Applause] so you got crystals and energy lights oh I'm all up in your Kool-Aid and I know what flavor it is red we got all this stuff that you ordered off Amazon and how did anything that came to your house in the Box have Redemptive power because I bet you that Sage can't get out of the box without you but I bet you Jesus got out of the crate oh I wish I had somebody in here that understood what real power was [Music] out the Holy Ghost say a shout Holy Ghost if you can't see how powerful our God is you can't even go on Tick Tock without them using gospel songs because I know who my redeemer is the amazing thing about all religions is that even though all religions don't subscribe to the fact that Jesus is Lord one thing they all agree on is that he existed [Applause] oh the Muslims will tell you that he was a prophet the Buddhists will tell you that he lived and yet we discounted God that every other major religion subscribes to the fact that at least he existed and so then you have agnostics an atheists that say he's not real or that there was no salvific power associated with his reality but here's my problem my problem is is that if Jesus and the Holy Spirit are not real then that means that all of us are going wherever we're going my question is what if he is see I'd rather have God and not need them [Applause] [Music] then the Needham and not have them tell your neighbor you can go head on and light show sage and put your crystals in the bag and consult your zodiac sign but I'm gonna call on the Holy Ghost oh I need somebody in this place today they got a real relationship with God because when you accept Jesus you are baptized by the water but there is a second baptism the scripture says that after we are baptized by the water we must be baptized by the fire so he's Bob says he's our paraclete now I never remember when my pastor would preach uh and I had the old school Pastor y'all know the one that used to do this and made that note y'all remember that how many I went to church remember that and we'd be like well he needs some tea is it just but let me tell you when Church got hyped he would say I feel my help coming now let me tell you something when if you ever went to a church where a preacher wore a robe and said I feel my help coming you was about to hear he died one Friday y'all remember that oh y'all to remember that let's have an exercise look his name and say he died but one Friday but early Sunday morning he got out of the Grave with all power y'all remember that [Music] oh [Music] Mercedes I I'm Mike I might talk about the Holy Spirit until I just get tired I mean every Sunday you come here I might be talking about the Holy Ghost [Applause] because the church is losing its power source because we don't want to be convicted about anything we just want that Jesus that says you can do whatever you want to do be whoever you can keep that old funky attitude and then come and say but the Lord know my heart and you better you better be careful you say that because he does he does know your heart so we stay mean and saved grudgeful and saved you you mad about high school at 50 and you saved [Applause] you still talking about somebody who pulls your hair when you were seven and United no then the Bible says that he throws those things into the sea of forgiveness because one of the Arts of being an actually saved person is that you can move on but if you don't have the Holy Ghost you got the water baptism but you don't have to fire baptism because you have listen you have to receive the Holy Ghost you accept Jesus so I can accept Jesus and still have not received the indwelling presence of the Holy Ghost can I go deeper so why my better question is when did the will of God reveal itself to Paul how many of you all are still waiting on God to reveal something to you you better raise your make me come out there and fight y'all I'll fight every one of you by myself I said how many of you are still like God you need to show me thank you ma'am some kind of sign and if he don't show your sign soon somebody's gonna be in trouble the Bible says that he revealed himself to Paul watch this as he ministered to him oh no no you better hear me listen hear me hear me because this is something we don't talk about in church we come to church to be ministered to but you don't know you also have a responsibility to minister to God [Music] okay now JJ the word Minister means to serve so watch this the Bible says first of all that he revealed himself as they were fasting and praying now let me tell you what we don't do no more we have prayed and we show enough don't fast like we used to now how many of y'all remember back in the real days when fasting actually meant that you didn't have any come on come on anybody really fasted listen to me young people because y'all probably don't know nothing about this because we don't do it anymore from sun up to sun down the only thing you could do was drink water and pray and read the Bible these days I'm fasting from tick tock you know fast that's called being frustrated I ain't gonna be on Instagram that's my fast that's called insecurity [Applause] and if we do fast from food we don't eat breakfast which you don't eat anyway talking about Lord just count this one for a fast if you don't mind this is my fast this one right here but you don't eat breakfast you never break the Fast breakfast anyway and the reason why you fast is because you are in a position where you're trying to be fulfilled man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God in other words you are exchanging sustenance for revelation because you can never hear from God when you're full of yourself [Applause] and so fasting says I'm emptying myself so that you can feel me so as they were fasting and praying and ministering to God all of a sudden they started to get a revelation you cannot get full of the Holy Spirit when you are full of yourself how many of you all have ever sneezed when you breathe in dust like raise your hand I'm serious if you ever okay you know why because the Bible says in Genesis that we were created from the Dust of the ground so the reason why God made us allergic to dust is because we are dust and so when you breathe dust in you're actually breathing yourself in and so God makes you sneeze because he has built in every human being a reaction to get rid of yourself if you get full of [Applause] see so you breathe in dust because God said get you out of you see does it make sense and so now they are fasting and praying and God revealed himself to them most people cannot find out the purpose that God has for them it's because we believe that God should tell us our purpose first and then we go after the purpose God says I don't have to prove anything to you what did he tell Abraham he said Abraham go leave your relatives and leave your Homeland and go listen go to a place that I will show you not I will tell you I will show you that literally meant that Abraham didn't know where he was going but he was just walking he walking and waiting hear God just keep walking any day now here here and then the devil will put something there that makes you comfortable and then you'll say oh this is a sign from the lord lord said no I ain't spoke yet keep going I'll let you get in that relationship but it was just an oasis it wasn't it wasn't a permanent stop I'll let you have it because you wanted it real bad but it wasn't my will keep going oh you don't you don't know that's how the children of Israel ended up 40 years just wandering oh we're gonna settle here in fact if you go back and read the Bible the children of Israel were not in a Wilderness they were in five Wilderness is because they thought they had made it to the promised land multiple times and it just kept walking here God yeah because the water's here I didn't say no I can I can bring water out of a rock keep walking keep going oh right here God because I can afford this rent right here I didn't say get something you can afford I said get something I promise you keep walking oh this job got benefits I didn't make you to work for nobody you're a CEO and an entrepreneur keep going and watch me pay your bills when you don't have a paycheck [Applause] God says you go and then I'll show stop manipulating me to give you a sign before you give me Faith [Applause] I ain't giving you nothing I done died on the cross I done got up on the third day morning I don't have to give you nothing else right now you're gonna have to do this by faith because the just shall live by faith and without faith it is impossible to please God he said go now Abraham had to leave his house imagine right now because some of y'all didn't heard this from God but you didn't listen to it God says leave that job leave that cycle get out of that Friendship Circle but God I've been knowing them since high school I ain't got no other friends and I'm lonely God says you lonely because you won't let me be your elder brother [Applause] leave it behind and I'll show you now let me tell you why this is important because sooner or later we find out that Abraham has a son named Isaac and now Isaac has to tell excuse me Abraham has to tell his son Isaac now I need you to follow me without instructions we got to go up the mountain and here to sacrifice and what is what does Isaac saying said that um yeah bro I I I we we've been up this way before I ain't questioning Authority I know the consequences of talking crazy to a dude that's 900 years old but Dad let me ask you a question you said we were coming up here to sacrifice and I got a question for you Pops where is the Lamb watch what he tells his son son don't worry about it the Lord will provide now the reason why Isaac follows Abraham without question is because he saw Abraham follow his father without question and the reason why some of y'all quiz kids are always asking you questions because they never seen you obey your daddy without a question and so now here you are asking your children to do what you said and they never seen you do anything that Authority told you to do come here somebody because any time you are out of line with the thing above you you will have trouble with the thing below you that man preached Kia I think I will some about my children are disrespectful and your father's like uh hello where you think they got it from if your children don't see you obey Authority they will never obey your Authority one of the worst things we've ever introduced into our language as a culture is do as I say and not as I do that is causing you more trouble than you could ever realize because this generation do what you say they rather get a whooping and you keep talking I keep beating them and they won't change I know because the punishment is less pain than listening to something that don't make sense why do you think you don't have to take that PlayStations nine time this year already business your children so smart they found out how to play Playstation without the console y'all y'all so slow they they be they be planted on the iPad and you they just said Mama thinks she didn't got away with their play with it on their phone they'll figure out a way he says I want you to leave I want you to leave because I'm I'm the authority and and and so he says we need we need the indwelling Holy Ghost I'm standing right here because because we need the Holy Ghost we need them in our homes we need them in our churches we need them in our society we need them in our government all our country keeps talking about is God God and government God and government but they're not Consulting if if the Holy Spirit was in the chamber it would be a different conversation if the Holy Spirit was in the Hall of Congress we wouldn't be cussing each other out and going back and forth yes yes the country is built on God but we've ignored the part of God he's left behind Democrats and Republicans can get along better if we would consult the Holy Ghost you see and listen the Holy Ghost is not something you got to be old to get and let me also tell you just because people can dance don't mean they got the Holy Ghost that ain't no Holy Ghost that's called good coordination [Applause] that some people can do any kind of dance that's because somebody can put their feet up that don't mean they got the Holy Ghost just because they can speak in tongues doesn't mean they got the Holy Ghost just because they can cry in church doesn't mean they have the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost is a fruit no the Bible says he's the fruit of the spirit which means that when you have the Holy Ghost there ought to be some proof in your ministry what do seeds do grow if you have no growth you have no ghost I'm standing right here I'm standing right here because we get the Holy Ghost is in our marriages they'll be better if we get the Holy Ghost in our finances they'll be better if you go to work tomorrow full of the Holy Spirit you'll be surprised how people who got on your nerves last week won't even phase you this week because when you got the Holy Spirit you got your own relationship and Vibe and going on with him and let me tell you something the Holy Spirit listen I know this the Bible says that he will hide things from you and the problem with our generation is we want to see everything not gonna have no peace if everything is revealed to you and you so happy that you can see everything but there's some things he keeps from you why because he's handling it for you I don't need to know everything only thing I need to know is my redeemer lives and the Holy Ghost is with me that rod and thou stab they comfort me goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for John the Baptist got the Holy Ghost when he was six months okay listen the quieter you are the longer I'm a preacher the Bible says that there was a woman named Mary who was pregnant with a boy named Jesus there was a woman named Elizabeth who was pregnant with a boy named what John the Baptist and the Bible says one day they got in the same room and John the Baptist was six months old and the Bible says when Mary walked in with Jesus in her womb the Bible says that John the Baptist at six months in the womb not six months out the womb six months into womb when Jesus walked in the room the Bible says that he the Bible says he sleep do me a favor look at your neighbor say neighbor I got something in me and you've got something in you now let me tell you if you didn't feel nothing leap you sit next to the wrong person oh no you ought to be sitting next to somebody who you can grab hands right now and start praying in the spirit I want you to surveil your role and see if you can find your Elizabeth one can chase a thousand two can chase ten thousand say baby I need you to praise God with me for the next 15 seconds because my child is on the borderline of good and bad my relationship is a little rocky My Mind is Playing Tricks on Me find you a praise partner and over the next 15 seconds give them Glory see some of y'all still doing it by yourself I said find you a partner tell them when I move you move just like that if I jump you jump just like that if I run you run just like that come on come on come on come on Holy Ghost come on Holy Ghost shake this house like a rag come on Holy Ghost we come to upset the enemy for the weapons of our Warfare not carnal the mighty through God to the pulling down of strong host come on somebody release it in this place come on release it in this place foreign moving down in my soul the Holy Ghost [Music] don't sit down yet cause I'm getting ready to tell you something don't you sit down yet I said stand up yeah you can sit down after I say this watch this when they receive the Holy Ghost then God said separate Barnabas and Paul for me because let me tell you something when you get the Holy Ghost people are going to walk away from you oh I can prove it there was a man that was with him his name was John Mark and the Bible says that when they were walking with John Mark John Mark was barnabas's cousin the goddess with Paul and and and and Barnabas said hey let's take John Mark with us Paul said I want him with me he said Paul why not he said because the last time on the first missionary journey he quit on us and I can't climb with somebody who quit [Applause] so every time I tell you to give your neighbor high five and they're doing this see you with somebody who ain't gonna climb they gonna quit on you I need you to make sure you next to somebody who gonna shout into this service is over [Music] tell them baby if you gonna get tired you can't roll with me cause I got demons I'm trying to slay I got money I'm trying to make I got moves I'm trying to make anybody in the balcony here the words coming out of my mouth anybody online hear the words coming out of my mouth in fact if you at home go find somebody to connect with and Shout are you my Barnabas no [Music] Paul said I don't want him with me because he proved to me last time that he ain't about that life ain't about their life last time we was together it got tough this dude quit and we got 3 500 feet we got to climb and I can't climb with no critter [Applause] you can look for people who got a lot of followers on social media you can look for people who got a lot of money you can look for people who got a lot of influence but you better find somebody who got some fight [Applause] you need a friend that ain't gonna quit because other people stop liking you [Applause] [Music] so let me tell you the kind of friend I am I'm the kind of friend that if you got a problem with my friend then we gonna stump you and then I'm gonna find out what we stumped you about after we finish dumping you I don't need no explanation we got a problem with him Let's Get It On you know how many y'all got that kind of friendship in you that kind of like I don't need to know why we don't like you why we don't like them okay well we about to steal on them all right so I don't want nobody climbing with me that quit where's your fight huh where where is the thing in you that says neither death nor life nor things present or to come now where where other people that says nothing will separate me from the love of God I don't care what the economy does I don't care who walks out on me it ain't gonna keep me from coming to church [Applause] when my mother and my father forsake me where is your fight be of good courage I've never seen so many weak Christians in my life you cry about everything you stop coming to church because somebody didn't speak to you and you go to work every day and I promise you they don't like you there either he's shopping stores where they don't want your dollars and you still go back yet when we get summoned in the presence of the holy spirit all of a sudden I got church heard I've never seen so much negativity about the church on social media my whole life everybody's so pessimistic about the church and as if it's the only messed up institution on the Earth that's why I'm going every time something happened right you could go on social media right now something happens somebody do something stupid they say that's wrong go to church now no you don't go to church because you don't want to go to church and you use that as an excuse to validate the decision you already made [Applause] because the reason why I know that that's not the reason why you don't go to church no more is because you were not in church when it happened you already at home when you said it somebody shout the Holy Ghost I know y'all mad at me but I don't care [Applause] and after they received the Holy Ghost let me tell you something this is why you need to make sure I keep telling you are you right are you about the right person because if you ain't look look around look around look look at it is it you got the right person value look but I'm not what I'm about to say to you right now you might lose your mind you about you you might you might some of y'all don't dance but your feet might find something to do right up here but because they were by the right person watch this the Bible says that he told them lay hands on them [Music] and the Bible says when he laid hands on them they were released all right find your best partner lay your hand on that shoulder and look him right in the eye and tell them God told me to tell you you're released [Music] hahaha you got the wrong neighbor find another neighbor put your arm on their shoulder and tell them God told me to tell you no matter what you're going through as of today you're released let's find somebody else cause it's about to go down in here today put your hand on that shoulder and Shout neighbor God told me to tell you in the next three days he's about to release you everything the devil stole he's about to give it back to you if you believe it shall yes [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's the last day I'm gonna be depressed it's the last day I'm gonna have anxiety this is the last day I'm gonna worry this is the last day I'm going to be sick somebody shall release the released released released matter of fact God says not only are you going to be released he's releasing everything connected to you [Music] I swear to you I just saw money being released some of y'all have some stuff that's been held up God says I'm releasing it I know [Applause] and if you can't find nobody to lay hands on you do me a favor David said I encourage myself in the Lord if you can't find nobody lay your hands on yourself and say self You released [Laughter] [Music] foreign [Music] you will not have any change holding you God says I'm getting ready to release your mental creativity you're about to have dreams in the middle of the night I'm about to give you the plans for your next Dimension I'm about to show you secrets [Music] all of that happens in the presence of the Holy Ghost watch this y'all got time for something else because what I'm about to tell you right now I need your attention I need your attention I won't listen don't let nothing block what I'm getting ready to tell you right now focus on me y'all listen the Bible says that God sent Paul to Antioch now you got to read chapter 15 because this is what absolutely happened John Mark didn't go with him John Mark went with Barnabas Paul said that's all right because what Paul didn't know is that the separation from Barnabas was the introduction of Silas and when you in prison you need a certain counterpartner [Music] because see when you locked up you can't be around somebody who focused on themselves [Applause] because you know they're going to be in prison and the Bible says and at midnight here it is Paul and Silas [Applause] begin to praise and pray on the God and the bars flew open listen to me I need your attention the Bible says that Paul's Ministry started we read it in the beginning at a place called Antioch everybody say Antioch and listen this is why this is important it's because the Antioch where his ministry started it's not the Antioch God is sending him to there is a Manhattan New York but there's also a Manhattan Kansas [Applause] and if you don't know which Manhattan you're going to see you can't go to Manhattan New York thinking you're about to pay rent in Manhattan Kansas and when you bring your Manhattan Kansas's mentality to your Manhattan New York opportunity you will be underfunded and underjoyed and so God is not sending him to the Antioch of Syria he's sending him to the Antioch of perga because where you're going is not the same as where you came from they were 300 miles apart and the problem with many of us today is we act the same everywhere we go oh God help me Jesus you cannot keep making excuses for yourself to be yourself everywhere you go [Applause] you are not where you were and what God has given you is not what you left so stop acting in your future the way you acted in your past [Applause] who am I talking to you can't even talk the same in this new thing you can't be ghetto over here oh no come on no where you going you're gonna have to change some stuff up can I just can I be a real Pastor right now if you're gonna get the job God has for you you're going to have to clean up your Instagram because they're not hiring nobody who got on a mini skirt with a side car on the table and you talking about you want to run the company this is a different Antioch preach Holy Ghost preach Holy Ghost preach it's my Instagram I should be able to do what you want to do but you're messing up God's opportunity being yourself [Music] oh God I know y'all gonna get quiet let me tell you what the old song said before I take it back I'll add more to it where you are going you're gonna have to clean up your Facebook and your persona because this Antioch ain't looking for nobody with 12 inch long eyelashes said it I said it I said it bro this Antioch ain't looking for nobody who bragging about how much money they got holding money to your ear and let me tell you they don't call that money over here thank you I'm talking to you church this is a different Antioch you can't cuss like you cussed you can't dress at this Antioch like you dressed at the other Antioch this Antioch asked for a different hairstyle this Antioch asked for a different wardrobe this Antioch is asking for a different conversation and you keep saying well if they don't like me the way I am then they just don't like me there has to be an adjustment do you need proof I said do you want proof well I got proof because the Bible says that he went to the synagogue and what did I tell you he did he will go back and do your history because whenever the rabbi taught in the synagogue he stood up so he understood that when he got in this new position he had to take a new position [Applause] you can't stand up at sitting down time and you can't sit down and standing up time if you don't believe me ask Moses Moses will tell you I struck the Rock and I got water out of it God told me to speak to it but because I refuse to take a new position I struck the rock the second time and then God didn't let me in the promised land because he did not have the flexibility to be somebody different with a new opportunity I'm gonna say it again because my mic went down the devil Ain't Gonna Keep Me From saying I come out there and whispered in all of y'all ear if I got to where you are going requires a different position than where you came from a different wardrobe a different conversation a different language a different body language a different energy who is this for us two people say this ain't that Antioch this ain't the one they are 300 miles apart and you don't realize how far you are from where you started [Applause] don't let nobody including yourself lock you into your last Antioch [Applause] do the work so when you get at Antioch Antioch knows that you mean business you see I got I got I got on pants and a sweater now when I preached Thursday in New York for Reverend Al Sharpton I had a suit on with a tie and it was navy blue because I knew business people were in the room there were five billionaires in the room I knew my assignment I didn't show up in the sweater talking about they just need to accept me for who I am you better know where you're going for you don't get invited back [Music] I don't mind your hair being red but you can't wear it to the White House like that [Music] I'm your father that's why I'm talking to you like this the Bible says you got many leaders but few fathers I'm your father and this is how fathers talk to their children and that is one of the things that our our society is missing because especially the African-American home fifty percent of the fathers are missing so you don't know what Daddy language sounds like it sounds like I'm fussing but I'm set in order and I'm doing it because I love you the Bible says Those whom he loved he also chastens love ain't letting you have your way love is showing you the way I am the way the truth and the life [Music] we're gonna get the devil a blackout a day somebody uppercut that joke I mean just still on him right now bam this is a different Antioch this is a different Church you can't even come here and expect it to be the church you joined five years ago that's why people it ain't the same as what I came because when you came it was half this size how could I use the same set of rules on something that's a lot larger he used to hug everybody because it was only 12 of us and I would like to hug all of y'all but by the time I get to the first three people they gonna tell me a story that's nine thousand minutes long I'll never get to you have you ever seen anybody come to me Pastor I just got to tell you something well I was born on the 3rd of September a day I long way remember that was when my daddy died [Applause] I swear I don't even know why that just came to my head I am not right baby I'm sorry I just gonna give me relationship like what did what are you up there doing I don't know why that came to my head the Holy Ghost that's right Mama I gotta let y'all go home that's one of my favorite people in the world he'd been with me since we began this church and let me tell you something he ain't changed he's been doing the same thing so since we started his name is Sarge everybody say what up Sarge we was baptized that we baptized 568 people last week come on give God some praise for that and we were baptizing SARS came over and told the man that would stand next to me he said you better not let him fall and if he slipped you better fall first that's my dog that's my dog that's my dog Holy Ghost I I would challenge you right now to search yourself inside to see how lighter you feel talking about it because the reason why you're so heavy is you won't use your help it doesn't have to be to say all to thee I Surrender and when you hold on to it you're carrying things you don't have to carry Steve right here this is if if he wasn't here I would never tell this story because I wouldn't have a witness he's right here you can ask him the day I received the Holy Ghost we were in his living room and we began to pray and I promise you the curtains in the room started to move to see because I wasn't used to it I was scared I said Steve did you see that he said it's the Holy Ghost we're looking at the curtains like because the bodies the Bible says that he's a mighty rushing wind [Music] when the wind of the Holy Ghost into the room I said oh no this is this is too and if he wasn't standing there with me I would never tell it because Skeptics or haters are saying it wasn't a win it was the air conditioner well even if it was the air condition I want to thank God for turning it on when we was praying [Applause] thank you we gotta have them oh I'm glad he died no please don't misunderstand me don't nobody misconstrue my words if it were not for the blood of Jesus we would be consumed I know who my redeemer is but I also know we serve a Triune God Trinity tri-circle three and he is not three Gods he is one Lord One Faith one baptism but he has three offices so in creation he's God in Redemption he's Jesus in the earth he's the Holy Spirit now you are not three people but you are somebody's mama you are somebody's employee you are somebody's sister you don't have to become somebody else to be in different offices you just know how to operate it every time you ain't your sister's Mama but you ain't your child's sister [Music] you see and people get the most out of you when they know which side of you to talk to so you ain't gonna get the best out of me being a grown person talking to me like I'm a child you got to talk to me as an adult and then you get the best of me that's the same way when it comes to God you got to know how to talk to him and you got to know which part of him you're talking to he's a person yes he is he is a person and you got to understand that and maybe I need to just keep teaching this because this is not being taught in our churches which is why we don't have power when you get that kind of anointing in your life you will lay your hands on your children and you will see a difference in them listen to me the Holy Spirit can do what a belt can't do the Holy Spirit can do what a punishment cannot do the holy spirit this listen God he's a helper I'm telling you sometimes sometimes you just need to go in your child's room instead of chastising them just get some oil and explain to them what this oil represents and put it on their forehead and put it on the doorknob and see we're not spiritual leaders in our house we're spiritual dictators we just keep shouting our rules but we don't put the end dwelling of the holy spirit in the atmosphere when the Holy Spirit is in the atmosphere Everything feels lighter when the Holy Spirit is in the atmosphere everybody don't have an attitude and everybody ain't frustrated when the Holy Spirit is in the atmosphere it's like walking into a room with your favorite song on you know how your mood changes and let me tell you the holy spirit is a sound [Music] when Jesus was being baptized by John the Baptist the Bible says that the spirit descended like a dove and the voice came from heaven and said this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased the spirit comes down on a day of Pentecost he changed positions the Bible says and the spirit sat on the church [Music] because God had always been standing but when he switched it from law to Grace he changed positions Old Testament New Testament he's the standing God and the speaking God in the Old Testament go to the New Testament every time you see him he's moving like the wind like a dove look how we change his position because he understands he's in the New Testament let me tell you something you are in a New Testament of your life [Music] one Testament has the law the other one has Grace the problem with legalism as you try to make the law applicable in the grace and then the Bible says I did not come to abolish the law I came to fulfill the law knew Antioch [Music] I even get to the part of sermon I wanted to get to but I know I said what God wanted me to say [Applause] if you're in this room and you believe what I'm saying about the Holy Spirit if you're watching online and you believe it I just want you to stand where you are I just [Music] let me tell you why some of you all have never heard this there are some denominations that don't teach you so I grew up Baptist they taught us theology but they didn't teach us the Holy Spirit and I'm not faulting them I'm not faulting them because no store sells everything you go to certain places to get certain things and I thank God for my Baptist upbringing because I know the Bible but what good is it to know the Bible and you don't know the one who wrote it [Music] you need to know the one who wrote it because he's the author and the finisher of our faith the Holy Spirit [Music] now remember I said he has to be received so here's what I want you to do this is an exercise this is my mama my mama used to go to a Church of God in Christ she was coaching and let me tell you something I would go to my mom's church when I would go back home and her my mom's whole demeanor changed when she left the Baptist Church and joined the Church of God in Christ whole different mother just whole different relationship our conversations about the Holy Spirit and God changed now when I talk to my mom you wouldn't believe it my mom is more spiritual than I am [Music] every time I talk to my mom she's telling me what the Lord will do What the Lord Has Done and what he can do I mean every time I mean if I say mama I can't get this done she said the Lord will provide my mom is a prayer Warrior but you don't you don't hear me I'm not telling you she's a prayer Warrior because I think it I'm telling you because she done prayed for me when the last time you grabbed your child by the head and began to pray she'll text me a prayer she'll send me a prayer she'll pray for me best thing my mom ever did was introduce me to the Lord [Music] [Applause] and I want to introduce you to him over the next 60 seconds I just want you to lift your hands and I just want you to keep saying sweet things to God come into my heart I believe you I receive you come on say something I don't want to feed you the words come whisper to him whisper to him whisper to him come into my heart [Music] say I am girl us [Music] ES [Music] sorry one more time the song singing together come on let's sing it together everybody out in the artist everybody online everybody say I surrender [Music] I'm sorry [Music] I want to be my friends [Music] Holy Spirit come into our hearts Holy Spirit [Music] coming to our Ministries Holy Spirit come into our homes Holy Spirit invade our children invade our language invade our career paths invade our businesses it is in him that we live move and have our being surround us daily give us daily bread give us the Garment of Praise for the spirit of heaviness we believe you are the representation of God in the Earth and we receive you this this Jesus name we pray somebody erupting this place and give them Glory [Music] for the joy of the Lord is my strength come on somebody feel that feel that energy Feel That Glory feel it [Applause] [Music] Withholding Nothing Withholding Nothing [Music] more than nothing [Music] [Music] Listen by The Works of the Holy Spirit we're about to do Greater Works we're going to do Greater Works I am Godly proud to baptize 600 people in the day oh my god do you understand what kind of damage that does to the devil's Kingdom those 600 are now disciples and they will go out two by two see so it wasn't 600 it was six thousand and stop letting people tell you that the church is dead no we were premature on that analysis Jesus is alive yes he is somebody said he's alive we're going to do Greater Works there are things I'm out of Kim I remember we got a meeting is it next week is it Tuesday this Tuesday everybody say Tuesday I'm meeting with an architect to figure out how to enlarge this campus so we can get more people in this building I'm not stopping I'm not stopping because I know what the Lord told me [Music] this I believe this week they're going to start to connect this drainage on the other side because we're building another parking lot and more seats because I don't think it is a brag to keep talking about we're turning people away we got to make room in the house of God for everybody who wants to come and if you've ever been turned away and if you've ever been inconvenienced please accept my apologies I wish I had the money to do it right now it would have already been done but God has to condition our hearts because wherever there is Vision there also has to be provision and if I could pray these walls down and knock them down and enlarge the sanctuary they'd have been down but prayers don't work when cast the Bible says that money ends with all things come on shirts don't get quiet now it's gonna cost money to knock these walls down it's going to cost concrete is a million dollars a bucket in order to do the drain on this side of the church to get it connected to the detention Pond and how many of y'all know I've always been a transparent Pastor I've always told you it costs six hundred thousand dollars just to get that water to run around the building so when you think about bills at the church you can't consider what they cost at your house see your light bill at home is 400 the light bill here is 15 000. there's a difference what would you do if your light bill came and said 14 982 for this month you'd be like you know what Lord I think I'm called to be homeless [Music] I think the will of my life is to live under bridge yes it is Jesus and use your light because you're the light of the world they'll tell you I'm just like my mother was when we grew up I don't let no light stay on how many of y'all grew up in that house turn them lights off because I see me the bill running if you ain't in the room turn them lights off my wife be like would you just sit down turn the lights off later but we're going to do it by the power of the Holy Ghost [Music] if the Lord stays the same and we get a chance to go and do Easter again I'm thinking let's let's go get to Toyota Center if it's available let's just pack it out [Music] cause I'm just tired of doing small things and I got a big God foreign [Music] [Applause] that's my height man I'm taking Wherever I Go we're getting ready to give and let me tell you something about your pastor look at me before you don't don't get no money yet don't get a check don't move anybody will tell you anytime you see me doing a capital stewardship campaign it's because the tithes don't meet the vision if we are a hundred percent tithe in church I would never ask for an extra dime I promise you if we ever become a 100 percent tithe in church I will never raise an additional offering I will never because let me tell you if we all give we'll have overflow what's happening right now is this church is being sustained because only 12 to 15 percent of Us carry the load but when we all are honest in our giving man we'll be moving and knocking stuff down and building buildings and I got I got vision for youth buildings I think that we should have a building on this campus that looks like Main Event kids zip lining from Sunday school down to bible class and just jumping in I mean I got a vision but you gotta have money to build it [Music] and if you're watching online and in this room right now let me tell you something when you give at this church you don't buy my suits I buy my suits did you hear me I buy my suits I got businesses outside of the church and anybody will tell you that I am not an overly compensated Pastor my salary ain't even far from the top employee of the church because I know I would rather have the vision than the money because if I build God's church he will take care of me and he has done it every day of my life I am a debt-free man who owes no man nothing but to love him because I handle God's business let me tell you something a woman in New York gave my wife and I a check for five hundred dollars I'm sure she meant to give that check to us but she wrote lighthouse on it so I gave it to Jackie I said put it in the offering because I don't want to guess what she meant I don't want none of God's money in my pocket did you hear what I said and it is it is something that I could have done and none of you all would have known about it but let me tell you I don't live my life for what you know I live my life because I know what he knows and so if that lady who I never met could trust me with her 500 I know somebody in here that I've been praying for can trust me I want you to get to the point of your life where 500 don't mean nothing to you how many of y'all got that kind of pay five five thousand [Music] I'm taking my wife on a vacation for our first year anniversary I said baby get the best first class they got but I want you to be able to eat the biscuits in the and and and the chicken and all that kind of stuff what they got I I'm I'm I'm I'm living my life in overflow [Music] I'll never be broke another day of my life oh you hear me oh I can promise you that not because of my own will and work because the Lord is my chef and I shall not want how many of y'all got that kind of faith extend to your feet get your ties and offering in your hand we about to blow I don't even know what it is we about to blow our last given record out of the box we just about to do it there's people in here right now listen to me right now you don't have 10 Faith get five percent faith you might not you might not be at 10 right now but don't leave here holding anything you just sunk it Withholding Nothing you can have it all you can't say God you can have my Praise My Worship and not my money because where your treasure is there your heart is also [Music] when I came to this church and started this church let me tell you I was flat broke [Music] our first offering as a church was 792 dollars I think about Tinder that was mine [Music] foreign now my tithes listen to me my tithes are greater than the salary the church pays me you hear me I pay the church the church don't pay me I'm saying it out loud you ain't got to say nothing what I give an offering is larger than what the church gives me because I pay Lighthouse Lighthouse don't pay me CFO right there should tell you so you said they'll be looking at me is it cap it's true [Music] I'm speaking prophetically in your life some of y'all are about to be making a hundred thousand a month [Music] [Applause] I'm gonna find my crew we're going home I'm finding my equipment [Music] listen I speak a five thousand dollar per day anointing on your life a day a day and let me tell you when you get it do not go to the mall because this ain't that Antioch this time you're gonna be rich and I look rich you're going to pay your cars off cash you're gonna have the deed to your house and you're safe not at somebody's Bank somebody say Lord I'm about to burn my mortgage [Music] I Feel It In This Place you better get it while it's on me because it might not be on me next week it's on me right now and for everybody who don't believe me keep your offering God don't need it that's how serious I am about it if you don't believe what I'm saying keep it because you're gonna be mad at me because you don't get the results you expected if you don't believe me keep it but for everybody who understands what I'm saying and believes the anointing that I'm flowing in right now that God is about to give you a financial miracle I want you to get your gift in your hand right now and don't be cheap with God don't play them right now this is about to be a big breakthrough because God is about to add to you listen one thousand times one thousand times and the only thing that's going to keep you from getting what you want is if you take what you got you multiply by the thousand the only regret you're going to have later is that you didn't start out with more as I move towards greater I will accept all Divine ideas thoughts and Concepts that will connect me to my destiny I believe that what Jesus Christ has done for me is bigger than what anyone has can and will do to me and because of his full gift I will lend to many nations but will borrow from none if you believe that Shout with the voice of Triumph in this place pass your gift to my right your left [Music] look at The Obedience of the people of God not leaving yet somebody just praise God right now look at the obedience look at the obedience [Applause] there was a time when we got here half of the church will be gone but we'll becoming disciples because we know you're learning the wisdom of not leaving before the benediction [Music] you don't ever want to be in a hurry to get to a trap the devil has set for you without the blessing over your life can you say Amen you may want to hurry up and get to a restaurant before it gets packed God will make it so they'll sit you and forget somebody was in front of you yes he will how many of y'all gonna eat good today I'm gonna have I gotta eat an anointing on me right now ain't nothing like being hungry on Sunday Monday hunger ain't the same as Sunday feed me until I want no more I can't wait to hear your testimonies because today we're going to break records and curses all right everybody had a chance to give who's still who's still waiting on them to come where you are we got a couple in the back y'all good in the balcony let me hear y'all up there y'all good [Applause] oh that's where all that noise has been coming from I love you all up there [Music] if you're in this place today and you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your lord and savior giving him your heart is better than giving him anything else I got saved at six years old and let me tell you I knew what I was doing mama said Son do you accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior I said yes she said do you believe in your heart I say yes then I had to go to church and the pastor asked me the same thing and then I got baptized at six years old how do I know this because my mom has a picture of me being baptized and I was crying when I was getting baptized I was one of the kids they had to force under the water y'all ever seen one of them they had to trick me and force me under there and hold me down I went kicking and screaming but I wouldn't change nothing about it [Applause] I've been preaching since I was 14 years old can you imagine being in high school being called preacher Church boy when I went to when I graduated from the sixth grade I wore an orange suit seeing you laughing I had swag even at 11. let me tell you something I had an orange suit on the same Orange from Dumb and Dumber you remember when Lloyd Christmas had the orange sweat I had that same suit on when I graduated to sixth grade I used to have my sisters in them and I had a church when I was five and and and one of my sisters was my nurse one of them was a choir member and the other one was my member and my sister Danielle was my nurse so anytime I would preach she would take a bath towel and put it on my shoulders because remember the old preacher had a cape y'all remember that cake so she would put a burgundy towel on my shoulder and but I I idolized James Brown so anytime I felt like I got the Holy Ghost I would throw it off me and start screaming again I've been doing it since I was six years old started my first church when I was 21 while I was in college I've been running for Jesus and I ain't tired yet and I'm not tired yet and I pray every day Lord give me strength satisfy me with long life because the devil wants to wipe me out because I'm trying to kill him too but as long as I got the prayers of the righteous it'll Avail of much and if you're in this place today and you want to accept that God who arrested my attention at six and that hasn't let me go yet it hasn't failed me on any day of my life and you want that Jesus in your life and you want to be a part of a Ministry that can help you to reach the upper echelons of your dreams and Visions wherever you are from the back row to the front come down this island and become a part of our community in our Lighthouse Nation today come on and praise God for them is there somebody else I will feel the Holy Spirit there's a flood of souls that are about to come from the north to south the East and the West God bless you my sister come on Lighthouse make it a big deal make it a big deal God bless you they're coming they're coming they're coming God bless you thank you so much God bless you ma'am God bless you yes another there's another God bless you thank you hallelujah thank you there's a family God bless you thank you thank you they're still coming as long as they coming you classic as long as they coming you clapping yeah God bless you brother God bless you [Music] things [Music] [Music] [Music] holding nothing else [Music] [Music] [Music] that everybody who wanted to come have a chance to come [Music] we all good so everybody blink that's how fast the Rapture happens so so you're not going to be able to be like okay here God is coming okay Lord forgive me of all my sins and take me you know the sky is going to crack like glass and those who are in the grave they're going to come up and those of us who are alive the Bible says we'll be caught up in the twinkling of an eye blink again boom that's it that's going to be it and no man knows the day nor the hour when the son of man shall come which is why you got to have your house in order before the hurricane comes so if you're just skeptical remember I'd rather have God and not need them then Anita may not have them I'm going to give you 20 seconds and we're done we're finished choose ye this day who you will serve
Channel: Keion Henderson TV
Views: 193,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Lighthouse Church of Houston, Keion Henderson, Sunday service, sermon
Id: l6zp6CAYwEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 58sec (6238 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 16 2023
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