Make It Make Sense | Pastor Keion Henderson

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[Music] I feel like preaching my first sermon when I said first given all praises and glory to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ giving honor to God who is the head of my life [Music] to all of you my heavenly father's children it is good for us to be here it is good for us to be here as they will say in the land of the living [Applause] on our way and let me tell you something in the land of the dying on our way to the land of the living and they will say it is just good to be on the ground and the ground not be on you you ought to praise God that you are alive [Music] I give honor to my wife can you praise God for her she to my family and to all of you all who are here today I just feel like there's a shift about to happen in this room today and some of y'all almost didn't make it today and you made the decision God says I'm gonna meet you right here I'm going to meet you right here I'm going to meet you right here praise God for a church that makes a difference I was looking at the numbers that Mike sent me do you know we we have fed over 3 300 families this year isn't that amazing and you multiply that if every family has a child or two you multiply the numbers uh we're we're making a difference we're making a difference and we're doing it off of our seeds and our sowing and I praise God that we are responsive to the needs of our community I want to I want to share something with you today um and I'm going to tell you the topic now how many of you all have been confused over the last three or four months somewhere around just trying to figure out God what in the world are you doing let me see your hands if you've been confused touch your neighbors I've been confused all year I don't know what he's talking about three or four months I've been confused since 2018. when that pandemic hit I ain't got my balance right yet today I want to use for subject God make it make sense [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] God all this hell I've been through all of the people that I thought were going to be there the rest of the way foreign this job situation that I'm dealing with this health this body what is it doing God just [Applause] [Music] make it [Music] makes sense okay Genesis chapter 7. [Music] hmm [Music] Genesis 7. verse 1. [Music] and the Lord said unto Noah come thou and your whole house into the ark for thee have I seen righteousness before me in this generation I'm just gonna stop right there go to First Peter as you know all about the Beast of the field and the two by two you know all of that but go to First Peter chapter three I I didn't see this until recently literally in the last two weeks now this is this is Peter the Apostle Peter speaking about Noah First Peter Chapter 3 Verse 18 for Christ also has once suffered for sins [Music] and just for the unjust that he might bring us to God being put to death in the flesh but quickened by the Spirit by which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison which listen sometimes we're disobedient [Music] when Once the long-suffering of God waited in the days of Noah while the ark was a preparing wherein few that is eight Souls were saved by the water so so the writer of Genesis Moses tells us about and I didn't read it in length because most of us and I'll explain it know the story of Noah where the whole world was disobedient and God said I Repent that I made man and so he created a flood allowed it to rain for 40 days and 40 nights and everybody except for Noah's family was killed that didn't make sense to me I didn't understand that until I got over the first Peter 3 and God says that while you were worried about those people who got killed I went to hell and I preached to them giving them a chance to accept me [Music] see it ain't no until it's over and the reason why it doesn't make sense to most of y'all is because you get stuck at the flood foreign Whatever Whenever the water is going up in your life whenever stress is going up whenever misunder you get stuck at the flood and you don't know that God has flood assurance [Music] that he always has a plan for the thing you don't understand now I'm telling every one of y'all who looking at me right now this thing is going to turn around in your favor you hear me Brandon I don't care what it is touch touch your neighbor say it's going to work in your favor that's not hyperbole that's that's scripture all things work together for the good of them that love the Lord and our Carter so it's not hyperbole it's facts slap somebody say it's facts [Applause] I'm going to spend the next few minutes making it make sense on your way to your seat just shout God make it make sense you may be seated in the presence of the Lord y'all got time today Ecclesiastes 11 and 5. says that just as you do not know listen to me just as you do not know the way the spirit comes into the bones in the womb of a woman having a child so you do not know The Works of God who makes everything I have already preached is what he's saying just like you don't know how I started the gestation period in the womb of a woman so you do not know the course of action I will take to make sure that you give birth the thing that most of us don't like about God and she doesn't talk too much or we love gossipers we love people who talk all the time but God is a quiet dude he don't speak until it's time and he don't care how much anxiety you have to endure in the process and the reason why he doesn't care about how much anxiety you have to endure in the process is because if you trusted him you wouldn't have the anxiety so he is under no obligation to reduce a storm that you caused he doesn't have to say peace be still on this one because that ain't his win and it ain't his waves you caused that anxiety there was one quote that says that the worst thing a person can do is overthink is because anybody who overthinks only thinks about thoughts and anybody who thinks about thoughts has no ability to reason with reality because his ways are not oh here it is and his thoughts are not our thoughts that's in the word of God that's Isaiah 55 and 8. at his ways and not our ways his thoughts are not our thoughts and I don't want to be rude but I just want to let you know as smart as you are you don't think like God did you hear what I said I know you think that you and God's thought level is kind of similar he's way smarter than you are you listening to me don't forget that scripture Isaiah 55 8-9 his thoughts are not our thoughts his ways are not always thoughts everybody say thoughts thoughts in the Hebrew literally mean to invent so that means that the situation that you're going through right now God didn't invent it or allow it to be invented for the same purpose you're thinking about you can't even conceive why your father was not in your life you think it's because your mom and daddy didn't like each other you don't know God never intended them to be are you listening to me you think you lost a job because of the economy you didn't lose the job because of the economy you lost a job because God knew what your reaction to losing that job would be and he knew what you were doing so he created a set of circumstances surrounded around your response because he does not allow the thing to happen to you for the same reason you think it happened to you you didn't get in a car accident only because you were not paying attention he knew that you would hit somebody or somebody would hit you and then when you got to the doctor and they were looking at the broken leg they would find the cancer cell because he doesn't do things the way that we do them his thoughts his inventions he literally does not have the same purpose for your trauma that you do [Music] for you the trauma may say you know what I'm going to be more protective of myself God's invention may be I want you to be more open with yourself you get hurt and you say you know what that's why I'm fool with nobody God's design may be I'm calling you as a prophet to the Nations and so the tension between Destiny and Detour is you finding out why God allowed it and not how you feel about it who am I talking to already slap your neighbor say I ain't come here for that I ain't come here for that and come here for that his thoughts are not our thoughts his ways the word Derek in the Hebrew his ways are not our ways that word Derek in the Hebrew means his Direction isn't my direction which means that God and I very rarely agree on which way he wants me to go do you know how good I'm preaching right now like this is probably the best sermon I've ever preached today do you understand that no matter what no matter how good your intentions are no matter how much you think you know what's best for you you and God rarely if ever agree on the direction your life should take you would avoid all pain if possible oh no no you would not have met that brother in the mall and been heartbroken in six months if it was up to you no you wouldn't come on holler at your boy no you would not have met that sister and took her to meet your mama only to find out that she was just wanting to have a good time and she wasn't looking to settle down and God knows all of the children in this building wasn't planned holla at me now Look at Me you had him but you ain't planted God rarely agrees with you on the direction if ever because his ways are not your ways his thoughts are not your thoughts news flash God doesn't agree not because you're wrong but because he's all-knowing that means that God knows some things you don't know yet which is what makes him God because he knows the end from the beginning the only thing you know the difference between is the past and now [Applause] and since you are not omniscient and you don't have the benefit of tomorrow's experience that's why we have to lean and trust God because he's the only one that knows the beginning of the move and the plot twist and the outcome all you have is Daily Bread so we don't know as much as we think and when you don't have all of the evidence and when you don't have all of the clues and you don't have all of the information it is very difficult for you to be trusted with the direction of your life because you would choose a direction that is in opposition to your future why because most of us make our decisions on how we feel right holler at me if I'm talking to here how many of you have ever said something in your feelings that you regretted when you got out of them now for those of y'all who don't regret nothing we got a whole another sermon for you [Applause] for you I ain't never sorry people that's a whole series this is what I'm saying when the Bible says his ways are not our ways and his thoughts are not our thoughts it literally means that you and God don't have the same direction in mind for your life you would go from poor straight to Rich God said you got some character deflect so we're gonna go up and down you don't treat people right so let me take you back down you got a little attitude problem so let me take you back down oh back then you was all right now you got a little change you starting to act for let me take you back down and humble your butt when you ain't have no job you was at the altar but now you got a job you ain't been a church Hall let me take your butt back down when your car wouldn't start you was out there praying but now you got a new BMW let me let me let that BMW start acting up [Applause] am I making it make sense already the reason why it doesn't make sense is because it is what you expect it to come out of it and what God planted in it to make sure that it would be because the only thing that God is concerned about listen is Glory and he will get it out of whomever [Music] and whatever he so desires why because the Earth is the Lord's the fullness thereof and they that dwell therein and I don't understand why this doesn't make sense to you because everything in your house gives you glory it's the couch you want huh it's the television you want if the children don't give you the glory that you want they got to go in the room until they understand the glory process everything in the refrigerator gives you glory Come on talk to me somebody everything about what you constructed gives you glory so why should God have to consult you about what goes on in his house [Applause] I I know you thought Lord make it make sense man oh I'ma finally find out what they doing wrong you know just stay with me I want you to think of it this way everybody say momentum say it again say momentum how many of y'all watched the Astro game yesterday okay some of y'all like baseball boo okay it get good at the end if you watch the game or if you watch the series it looked like the Astros were going to be in trouble because they hadn't lost the game all playoffs long and then all of a sudden they get to Philadelphia and they drop a game they drop a couple games and it looks like they they're about to lose but then uh game five the momentum shifted and and and I believe if it was not the first it was the second no-hitter ever pitched in the World Series was it the first it was the first and and so now the momentum shifts and and and when I got back to Houston yesterday and I was walking through the airport and it was the fourth inning of the game I felt like I was walking in a championship City I promise you I felt it I walked in the house turned the television on and it was right when you when Jordan hit the three run home run and I started screaming my wife said what happened I said they hit a three-run home run she said what's that I said it's when it was a couple people on the base and he hit it and I got tired of explaining said ah we win it [Applause] and I'm screaming in there she said so when did you become [Applause] Astros friend I said today somebody shout I did it this year yeah I can do what I want to do when it comes and I got wrapped up in it but what I didn't realize is that the momentum broke me in oh you're gonna get this in a minute I ain't just talking I'm really appreciate the momentum brought me in now I'm on the team I'm on The Winning Side I'm I'm thinking of and now I'm in my city and and what else do you do then I went on Instagram and and posted it congratulations to the city and we're I'm in the momentum and this is what I found out that what I did yesterday is the same thing that's been going on between Heaven and Hell that in the beginning heaven was up let there be light and there was light Let There Be foul and fish and Heaven has the momentum and and Heaven is creating all kinds of light and firmament which is the spear above the Earth and letting it reflect the water the birds are flying and chirping the water is running and the enemy is upset because as long as there was water and Darkness and Light he was fine but then when it got to the sixth inning then God said let us make man after our image and our likeness in the bottom of the sixth the enemy gets upset because now God has commissioned his replacement and let me tell you something there is nobody more upset with you than somebody who just found out you're better than them oh I'm about to help you your problem is you don't understand that you were created to be a replacement and here you are insecure because you think you don't measure up and every devil knows that God loves you more than he loves them I need somebody in the room to shout in this place when you finally recognize that God created you to do something [Applause] so what you must understand is that as the enemy is concerned everything was fine until he found out that God didn't lose nothing when he lost him you better hear me when I'm telling you you better hear what I'm telling you because as long as the enemy was in heaven he was with God that was his ride or die it was his homeboy but then the devil got beside himself and thought the glory was his and it belonged to God and God says let me show you that heaven can run without you get out and take your demons with you do you understand that you got so much anointing that you can still survive without people you think you need I dare you slap somebody in this room and Shout Out can survive [Applause] you ain't about to die because they left you you ain't about to die because you're confused you ain't about to die because your job fired you you're not about to die I got a prophecy you shall live oh my God you shall live and not die slap three people and say I shall live I shall live I shall live they trying to kill me but I shall live they're trying to wipe me out but I shall live I shall live I'm gonna live I'm gonna live I will live I will live [Applause] and not that sound man just give me a little bit in the house it's gonna be on he kicks them out and seven six days later he creates man and now Satan is upset I'm telling you right now he mad at you he around here walking like you ain't got an enemy you're right here not praying like ain't nobody mad at you you're around here not fasting like you ain't got a devil after you better get serious you got somebody mad at you he mad at you he mad at your mama for praying for you he mad at your children for being the product of your glory he mad at the work he mad at everybody [Applause] because you were supposed to be done by now [Applause] you're supposed to slit your wrists [Applause] you know that bottle of pills that you kept looking at you were supposed to swallow them all and that breakup you went through was supposed to break you down [Applause] do me a favor and Shout I'm still standing oh that ought to take about 29 of y'all I wish I had about 2 900 people online that'll put in the chat I'm still standing in spite of it all I'm still standing they lied on me and I'm still here they talked about me and I'm dead here sound man and I'm still here somebody's shout I'm sure oh [Applause] now now everybody say momentum momentum momentum it's it's have you ever any any sports Watchers when the when the Sportsman says they got the momentum what it means Mike is that somebody has just become difficult to stop [Music] when you got the momentum you don't got to be the best team you just got to have it rolling you got to have it rolling and and so what what is happening here uh is is is is heaven seemingly has lost the momentum okay God creates the garden look at think about it all of a sudden birds are flying all of a sudden Four Rivers come gihan and peace all of these rivers start splitting off in the forest all of a sudden God goes down and creates a man and all of a sudden the birds are looking at what is that down there and here come walk here come Adam walking all this me you know I got dominion over all this okay all right and then here comes the momentum shift because here comes the enemy sneaking in the garden here it is watch this and now he brings into being something that has never been seen before a moment and now you have a moment up against momentum and the enemy comes in the garden says let me mess up this momentum you can have the fruit in the center of the garden it will not kill you I can hear you sound you sure about that that yes I Pro so what happened the Bible says she ate and Adam did eat and now the momentum has halted it's halftime moment has entered and Satan thinks that he has it in control what is momentum you'll hear all kinds of terms but let me just get it down into a simple term so momentum is is the weight of a thing times the speed of a thing and and when you take the weight of a thing and multiply it by the speed of a thing the thing that has the most weight and speed will steal the momentum from the thing that doesn't so if if I am 215 pounds and you take another man that's 415 pounds we're both the same height we're both running at the same speed when we run into each other I'm going to lose why because the thing that I am coming up against has more weight Satan didn't understand that he was boxing out of his weight class so he comes up against God thinking that because his kingdom is growing he's got a little speed but what he don't recognize is he don't have enough weight I need everybody in this room and online to tell the devil get your weight up you messing with somebody who got the Kingdom of Heaven behind him and I got Prayer Warriors and I got friends at the church and I got a Praying mama and I got the word of God in my heart can I have about 1500 people shot I got the momentum I don't care what the devil said I don't care what your circumstance says you've got waiting and speed on your side so the Collision happens the Collision happens Satan says oh this ain't gonna be as easy as I thought watch this God says he initiates this collision by saying listen to this let their be light now before there was light there was Darkness all over the world and out of the darkness God still says Let There Be I'm about to give you something do you know why the enemy is upset with you it's because Mike in spite of the darkness you still are no you missed it you missed it you missed it you missed it you missed it you missed it because the darkness was supposed to be it and then God says I know it's dark but you still gonna be can I tell somebody online and somebody in this room the devil mad at you because the darkness didn't stop you and I know it ain't proper English but I still be just slap somebody say I still be I still be blessed I I still be I still let me just correct it I I am still blessed I'm I'm still the head and not the tale I know what they meant for evil was supposed to stop me but what you meant for evil God turn it around for my God I'm still in Potiphar's house in spite of the pit in spite of the prison I'm still God's man or woman in spite of what I've been through do you understand how much Glory you should be given God that in spite of everything that you have gone through you still are the head and not to tell you still are God's decision you still are the apple of God's eyes somebody's shout I am [Applause] I Am What God Says I Am I'm not what happened to me I'm not what I've been through I am what is said I am and I put every devil on notice you ain't got enough weight to stop something that God is backing [Music] did you hear what I just said I don't care what your boss wants to do if God said you're on the company before they can fire you [Music] oh you ain't got no faith you don't have no faith I'm just looking for 200 people full of faith I can be rich with no money in my bank account because God says because God said it I can be healed even though the doctor's report said I'm sick why because God said somebody shout out still be I know it ain't proper English but he hates the fact that you still are even in darkness let there be light and the light separated itself from the darkness Let There Be firmament but I want to separate the waters I want water to gather the dry land to appear give me Birds give me give me foul give me fish get let me let me get this thing let me get this thing going um but now I want something in my image and in my likeness so let me let me create man in my image and in my likeness all right momentum is rolling all right Noah bad news uh a snake has snuck in the garden and it's trying to disturb my momentum with a moment I'm gonna give you about a hundred hundred plus years to let all these Jokers know it's gonna rain so Noah his same sermon every Sunday it's gonna rain now I ain't never preached this sermon before and some of y'all sleep so imagine how sleepy they were in church after hearing this same sermon five years straight a hundred years straight Noah you don't study I can't go to no church where the preachers preach the same sermon I need somebody to get before the Lord and and bow it is great I need somebody Noah said nope I got one sermon it's go rain you better get your house in order because it's gonna rain it's going to rain it's going to rain I imagine he said it different ways but the message was the same hey guys guess what it's gonna rain guys guess what It's Gonna Rain he kept saying rain rain rain and then say well well it ain't happened yet so you have false prophet it ain't making sense how is it gonna rain it ain't raining yet it's been 20 years 30 years 40 years 50 years but can I tell you if God said it it's gonna happen now Noah is a hundred years into his sermon and now he's building the boat and is still ain't raining not it like he didn't he didn't lost it he didn't lost it now let me tell you why they thought he lost it because while he was building the boat Noah was out there also planting grapes not welchers bones Farm y'all get what I'm saying different kind of grapes fermented grapes don't act like you don't come on now don't make me start naming y'all drink I'm gonna name your drink and I know when you say man which one it is I know the light from the dark I can see you Noah is out here drunk so now they think he crazy this man ain't anointed he High and then the Bible says that God says this about Noah he's righteous that don't make sense God good engineer but a righteous how is he righteous and he not only a drunk but a drunk naked preacher so y'all ever read the Bible see y'all are y'all looking at me listen he's naked and drunk building a boat you gonna trust somebody out here talking about it's gonna rain with no clothes on y'all know how church folks always judging people close can't can't be can't be and then God says all right Noah I didn't gave him enough time they don't want to hear you you and your family come in the boat y'all and I'm ready to preach now said Noah you and your family come in the boat Pastor Hammond did you hear what I just said God said Noah come in the boat he didn't say Noah go in the boat I'm gonna talk to this side God says Noah come in the boat he didn't say Noah go in the boat Kirk I know you got it God said Noah come in the boat not Noah go in the boat do you know why God said Noah come in the boat because he was already slap three people to say God's already in it and when God is in it he'll change the circumstance that's why Shadrach Meshach and Abednego didn't die in the fire because he was already in the fire cause when God is in the oven he turns it into an opportunity all I'm trying to tell you is that if God is in it you ain't got to be scared of it slap three people and say God is in it God was in the firing he was in the divorce he was in the bad doctor's report he was in the bankruptcy somebody shot god [Music] that's why Lazarus was able to get up because God stepped in the Tomb anything that God gets in he changes so instead of saying God stop it start shouting God get in it God get in this depression with me God get in this insecurity with me if I can't get out of it God get in it with me somebody shout guys in it he's in it he's in it he's in it and all things are going to work together for the good of them that love the Lord and are called according to his purpose somebody shout God get in it oh yeah only reason why we're talking about Peters because Jesus got in his boat you so busy trying to hide it from God you need to go ahead on and expose it God I got issues [Applause] oh come on you so busy trying to act like you don't have a temple you just need to say God I'm crazy can you get in my head I'm about to lose it you're drowning because he ain't in it just invite him in it he wants to be in it with you see people need you to be perfect not God [Applause] people need you to be a preacher and perfect God says you drink come on up to this pulpit because there's some other drinkers out there that need to know that I can save anybody are you listening to me the best way to be effective is to have a testimony [Applause] you'd be surprised how many people would listen to you if you stop acting like you've never been through nothing and go ahead on and reveal the fact that you are crazy deranged all the crazy people shout in the building well I know you ain't got to tell me I knew [Applause] Noah in seven days I'm about to make it rain somebody shall make it rain in seven days I'm about to change the atmosphere in seven days I'm about to make something happen that has never happened before now the reason why y'all ain't shouting is because you think I'm talking to Noah uh-huh I wish I knew your name but just do me a favor say self in seven days God's about to change everything and it's seven days your bank account is about to change in seven days your circumstance is about to change in seven days your name is gonna be on somebody's manifest that it has never been on before in seven days you gonna get a call you've been waiting on for seven years somebody turn around in a circle and Shout God's about to change it in seven days oh you didn't hear what I said by the time you get to church next Sunday disco Turn Around by the time you shout hallelujah again God's Gonna Change such three people say you got seven days Seven Days Seven Days seven days to open the bank account seven days to get you a CPA seven days to get your taxes in order Seven Days Seven Days you got seven days to heal because there's gonna be a husband coming in your direction you got seven days to pray because there's an opportunity with your name on it Saturday [Music] here it is what I'm really saying is you got seven days until it makes sense in seven days God's about to explain to you why it all happened they that wait on the Lord seven days seven days till you have the clarity that you've been praying for God make it make sense why we have to meet I'll tell you in seven days because he's the god of Grace he's the god of Grace everybody say he's the god of Grace said again he's the god of Grace not only is he the god of Grace but he's the god of generations Noah was 600 years old when the flood came don't tell me it's too late and I'm 40 it's over now baby you're just getting started I'm 60. ain't nothing left for me are you kidding me God's still got enough time to make 60 your best year [Applause] no it was 600. now the Bible mentioning his age was not an accident he's the god of generations this is what this is not an accident uh because chapter five gives the genealogy and the generations of Noah and the ages of the Patriarchs Noah's father lamech died listen at 777. [Music] okay now his grandfather Methuselah live to be 969 years old are you listening to me now if you take the 600 years of how old Noah was when the flood began and you take the time of when lamech and Methuselah died and you add them up God did not allow the flood to start until after Methuselah died are you listening to me and the word Methuselah means when he is dead it shall be sent so his name means when he's dead it shall be sent and the flood doesn't start until after he dies so it's almost as if God is saying I love you so much that I won't let it come until you're gone [Music] uh-uh you better hear what I'm saying do you understand that you have so much anointing on your life that God is literally holding stuff back until you get out of here are you listening to me in this place what some of you all don't understand is that you are the blessing for your generation there was something the devil had planned for your children but God says I ain't gonna let it happen because you oh God oh God somebody shout it shall be blocked it shall be blocked I'm speaking to 500 in the Room 5 000 online you are the only thing in between the devil's plan and your children and as long as you live You Gonna Keep blocking it somebody that's why I gotta live that's why I gotta pray that's why I gotta pass cause God is using me to block the flood from a generation you don't know what the devil would have done to your children if you were not here [Applause] that's why you can't get so depressed you don't want to live that's why you can't get so depressed you want to die that's why you can't quit because you are standing in between what the devil has planned and what God is going to do somebody shout is making sense now that's why the devil can't kill me and that's why every time I get depressed all of a sudden in the middle of the night I get a little bounce back and I start feeling good again why because God says I need you here long enough to block this stuff somebody shot I can do it I can do it [Applause] God says to you because of your faithfulness I'm going to hold it back the storm could have happened 200 years ago but God says Methuselah because of your faithfulness I'm a I'ma Hold It Back do you understand how many things have been delayed in your life all because you are the blessing God says I need you here long enough to teach your children your work ethic [Applause] I need you here long enough to get your prayer life together so they can see you pray [Applause] so it ain't making make sense you think I'm taking you through trouble because I don't love you I'm taking you through trouble so you'll learn how to pray and I got three children watching you because in order for them to survive their life they're gonna have to be prayer warriors do you see what God is doing somebody shout yes [Applause] thank you Holy Ghost am I making sense to anybody you and God don't have the same plan the world that your children live in the faith that our kids are going to need to survive this world ain't no Sunday School ain't no Vacation Bible School teachers can't even say nothing to Children anymore so it you can't have a village raising a child because the parents gonna shoot anybody who say something to the child you can't go to a football game without a drive-by you can't go to a basketball game without a fight the world is going crazy in order for your children to survive they're gonna have to be grounded [Applause] in order to survive this world your children are going to need Temperance that we didn't need to exercise because our temper got us in the fight you get into a fight with somebody today traffic is a nightmare you can get shot on the freeway Scott says I am building something up in your children because I'm the god of generations and I am using you to hold it back until I'm ready not only is he the god of generations here's my favorite part he's the god of guarantees [Applause] my favorite five words in the entire text are you ready verse 16. everybody's in the boat water's about to start coming my favorite five words in the text y'all ready the Lord shut him in now let me tell you why the Lord shut them in because all those people who ignored him for a hundred years [Music] Noah let us up in this piece what you mean ain't no room you see how big this boat is it ain't but 80 y'all no it's basically saying my vision is only big enough for people who believed me before they needed me y'all not here with me today it don't matter how big it is you're not in it because of how small you are had you heard what I said when I was saying it you would be in here with me don't make nobody make you feel bad cause you got the blessing and they didn't it's because you did something they didn't do is because you are obeying when they were not it was because you were praying when they were not somebody shout I got favored and I know it and you ain't gonna make me feel bad cause I got a boat and you don't you could have had a boat too he was handing out boats for everybody God shut them in he shut them in you know why because Noah's old good-hearted self would have opened the door and let some people in and you know when you let one of them in so sometimes God shuts the door on you to protect you from your decisions [Applause] no matter how many times you try to date him again you ain't gonna never love them like that again because God said I'll shut the door because I know the end from the beginning y'all ain't saying nothing in this place today I know you wanted to bring it back together for the family I know you wanted to give him another chance I know you wanted to go back to that job but God says I shut you in I shut you into single motherhood [Applause] I shut the door on dating for you it was my design for you to be single in this season I shut you in God where my husband at that's what the preacher said but it ain't your season [Applause] I shut you in because had I not shut the door that no man could open you were to open the door and let men in whose Destiny was never to be on the boat [Applause] how many people in the room and online are drowning because you opened the door that God shut if God shut you in I don't care how lonely you are you better stand there by yourself who am I talking to here if God shut that door too many locksmiths in the church God says listen to me Noah I have no Grace for anybody who rejected you I got a word for you God says in this next season of your life no Grace to anybody who rejects you when you are in the will of God and you are doing what God told you to do and they cannot see the god in you God says don't worry about it I'll shut the door and I'll end the grace for the people who don't see I'm working with you no I wasn't perfect nor was a drunk but it was God's choice slap your neighbor say don't mess with me God pick me I don't care what you think about me God still got his hand on me you might not have liked my decision but God still loves me and let me tell you something don't mess up your future trying to judge my past you better hear what I said you don't don't mess up your tomorrow trying to look at my yesterday your business is your business my business it's my business but but but let me tell you something I got the boat touch your neighbor say I got the boat you can say whatever you want about me but I got the boat you can talk about my drinking habits but I got to vote you can talk about what I did but I got to vote so does it matter what you think about me I'm on the boat he's the god of Grace represented by the people of judgment it never ceases to amaze me how judgmental Christians are and how much grace they need [Applause] you got people still around here mad Five Ten Years Later at somebody for something that they did that don't even affect them [Music] talking about I ain't ready who are you he's the god of Grace the way to make sure you stay on the boat is to operate in the grace of God how is it that God calls Noah righteous when he was an alcoholic because of how he was on the inside and listen Noah was so good on the inside that God saved his whole family [Applause] he's the god of generations what God is going to do in your life is going to affect listen not just your family but your in-laws [Applause] oh I need to I need to I need to come here come here come here because some of y'all don't like some of y'all don't like them peoples on their side of the family them your people but Noah had in-laws on the boat so some of y'all need to fix that in-law relationship I'm just looking at you to find out where I'm gonna hit this ball left field center field I'm abundant I'm just trying to figure out what direction this ball need to go in I know they get on your nerves but when God finishes with this thing is it ain't but one boat ain't gonna be a ain't gonna be an in-law boat and the US boat when you get married y'all all in this thing y'all hear that that's that church mouse on car do y'all hear that y'all hear that you better get over yourself oh cause I'm telling you it's gonna rain and y'all gonna need each other you hit me you don't ever know because remember his ways are not your ways and his thoughts are not your thoughts and you might think to people you depend on gonna always be there but what happens I can feel y'all put it on me like preacher stay right there because that's what we've been arguing about and I can't say nothing because every time I say something about her daddy or her mama she get to fussing at me so God use the preacher to preach for me right now because it was Noah's sons and their wives on the boat what would have happened if the in-laws would not have been on the boat Noah's sons wouldn't have had anybody to procreate with and everybody would have been dead because Noah was too old to be giving us any more children but his sons had children with their wives and now all of us are a result of what happened in the cabin Suites on the ark come on now y'all do you know how much wine was on that boat [Applause] only thing they was doing is floating and drinking float Float On float on Float On float float float they floating literally inside and outside and here come the babies you know how many babies born on cruises come on y'all so when you shut half of the family off you stop the productivity he's the god of generations are y'all still with me I'm almost done I got three minutes I might take six more after that can I get six minutes I can imagine that the flood waters begin to rise I want all of you all to hear that pounding on the door you know everybody they are trying to manipulate we got kids I do too know if you don't open that door now they start off nice please Noah then when they can't get your chain no no you better open that don't know like I can't cause the Lord Shut Me In [Music] Noah I'm telling you dog if you don't open this door nor said bro you should have been listening to me I do not open the doors to people who reject my vision can I tell you who you should be dating somebody who sees your vision not you because if you date somebody because they see you you will leave them because they don't see your vision Noah said I'm not an opening this door cause we don't see things the same and you're not going to convince me in desperation that now all of a sudden you got religion because you didn't see me during construction you can't see oh y'all in here with me [Applause] so no I can't I can't open the door and hail this happy because hell said stop the momentum God got rid of me and now all of them are dead you know the ones he created in His image Satan said I stopped the momentum it's my moment my moment to shine I can see God like this dude ain't he ain't got a clue he ain't he ain't got a clue um so so let's go over to First Peter chapter 3 verse 18. the Bible says for Christ also had suffered for sin and the just for the unjust that he might bring us to God who's us the Gentiles the ones who drowned being put to death in the flesh are y'all reading this but quickened by the spirit watch this by which also he went to preach to the spirits that were in the prison one old preacher say this is literally God going to hell and preaching a three-day Revival he says Satan you thought that it was over let me help you make this make sense in my plan I already had a clause that I would go and preach to the Disobedience that died in the days of Noah are y'all so Satan thought the flood was it but he didn't know that God was already preparing to go to those who had drowned and give them the gospel that they might have an opportunity to get on the other ship The Old Ship of Zion come on Church now now watch this isn't it amazing that the writer of First Peter is the Apostle Peter where does God meet Peter y'all missing this when God meets Peter for the first time he's on the boat fishing now watch this so he starts off with Noah outside of a boat he starts the New Testament Church with Peter inside of a boat and says to everybody who accepts Jesus Christ by the spirit will now have their name written in the Lamb's Book of Life and now get a free ticket to the ship of Zion y'all not here with me today let me help you make it make sense what God wants you to know is that it doesn't matter how it starts he already has a plan for how it's going to finish and even though it doesn't start off in your favor all things will eventually work together for your good that's how it's going to make sense that no matter what the enemy has done it's going to work out in your favor slap three people to say that's what makes sense that no weapon formed against you is going to prosper and even in your Disobedience gosh still has a ticket with your name on it is there anybody online and in this room that wants to give God glory that what the enemy meant for evil [Music] tell your neighbor what the enemy meant for evil God's gonna turn it around for your good if you believe it give them 15 seconds foreign watch this let me tell you what's amazing God says I'm about to get your momentum back I never saw this before until last week remember Ephesians 5 when it says husband loves your wives just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her that he might sanctify her with the cleansing here it is by the washing by the word how did they end up in the water because they didn't listen to the word now who is the bride we are who is the groom he is so is he talking to us only in Ephesians 5 or is he or is he completing the Salvation story from the beginning husband love your wife as Christ also loved the church and gave himself up for her that he might sanctify her watch this with the cleansing and the washing of the water and the word they died because they wouldn't take the word and they died in water so how does God get the momentum back he says this is what I'm going to do I'm just going to become the water and the word [Applause] I'll just become the word made flesh and I'll be the water as the Holy Spirit thereby taking away the two things that the enemy has used to keep people out of the kingdom of God so now God becomes water Inward and redeems us back to him that there were He Is We may be also I got a word for you the devil intends for you to go to hell but if you've accepted Jesus Christ as your lord and savior can I tell you something no just tell your neighbor I ain't going oh you missed that you missed that but you were disobedient I ain't going you got drunk I ain't going you lied I ain't gone why because God has now become the propitiation of sin and those who are in him shall live and never die I need somebody in this room and somebody online over the next nine seconds to say now it makes sense God had already saved me before the foundation of the world I didn't get saved because I confessed I confessed because I was already saved you better hear what I just said I feel like running in here today I ain't got no Bible readers in here you think you got saved because you walked down that aisle no you walk down that aisle because God had went to hell and preached a Revival and saved you from the decibel [Music] you don't express God to get saved you expressed him because you were picked it's called the predestination of God that means that even while you were yet a sinner Christ was already dying for you and you didn't get saved because you joined the church you joined the church because you was already saved that's why you can't get unsaved because the salvific power of God is perfected and what God has put together you know the marriage ceremony no man can put asunder slap your neighbor say me and God married for life now I need about 500 people to start shouting in this place today because God told me to tell you that it's about to make sense slap somebody on the hand and Shout neighbor God told me to tell you all things are going to work together for the good of them that love the Lord and are called according to his purpose if you can't find a neighbor find one of these people who look like they got joy on their face and shall neighbors I may not be on the boat but I'm in God y'all Miss what I just said I might not be in The In Crowd but I'm in God I might not be on your list but my name is in the Lamb's Book of Life the point of it Holiness I'm saved are y'all praying with me here give your neighbor high five and shall neighbor you can have this whole world but just give me Jesus you can have the cars you can have the money here but I'd rather have Jesus than Silver and Gold Have I got a witness today oh yeah grab a neighbor by the hand I feel the holy ghost in the room tonight grab your neighbor by the head and Shout neighbor I got a song that the Angels can't sing now and that song is what a wonderful change has been around in my life since Jesus I feel mighty good in here y'all since she Jesus came in and to my heart have I got a witness today grab your neighbor bow the hand and squeeze it will them and rock them Rock them and reel them in a rock Emma Rock'em in real Hello reel them and rocking us I don't care what you gotta say about it I'm blessed I got favor I don't care what you say that I don't care what you think of I'm on the boat shot I'm on the boat shot on all the boat is there anybody in the room today that feels the glory of God open your mouth and Shout he yeah yes to his wheels yes to his way Cheyenne [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] in Lighthouse today that feels the glory open up your mouth and Shout it's my season it's my time yeah [Applause] Can You Feel The Glory Can You Feel The Glory Can You Feel The Glory [Music] foreign I'll do it at the end but in the meantime you better hear what I'm saying and you better be on that boat or it won't make sense God make it make sense I got you and I've already factored in your disobedience I factored in your flaws I factored in your hesitation but you cannot stop trusting me because you're drowning did you hear what I said God said you cannot stop trusting me because the water is above your head [Music] if you don't believe that I can save you from drowning then you can't believe I can save you from hell don't you look at what you're going through and be confused about who I am [Music] I'm God and I fail not [Music] and since when have I ever done anything that suggests that I can't be trusted [Music] I'm the same God that spoke to water you don't think that I can tell the water not to enter your lungs no who I am I rule the world [Music] God make it make sense it'll be all over in the morning God make it make sense [Music] I am the Lord thy God that healeth thee look your neighbor now and tell them it'll be all over in the morning look at somebody else and tell them ain't no need to worry [Music] well the night is gonna pray oh yeah it'll be all over raise your hands in the morning ain't no need to worry [Applause] [Music] well the night is gonna break [Music] it'll be all over I promise you in the morning in the morning [Applause] [Music] ain't no need to worry and open your mouth [Music] in the morning [Music] hug yourself and Shout it'll be in the morning [Music] in the morning foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] make it make sense I got it I'm in control [Music] fret not thy selves because of evil doers for this shall soon be cast down you're worrying about things that God already has a contingency plan for [Music] that's why he says they that wait on the Lord shall renew their swim not they who worry the Lord not they who have anxiety not they who throw themselves at the altar those who wait on him I learned a long time ago that it started making sense when I realized that his ways were not my ways and his thoughts were not my thoughts and I was the one thinking about it wrong and I wanted to inform God about how I was feeling [Music] I want to God God do you see what I'm going through God says I see it not only did I see it I invented it have you considered my servant job [Music] what if I told you that God sent the enemy in your direction on purpose and you're looking at the boils and the death and God says you're missing the double did you hear me this ain't about death and destruction it's about double it's about God being able to get you back ahead of where you started after you've fallen for when you have been tried by the fire shall come forth s pure gold do me a favor if you're not germaphobic and hug your name and say it'll be over in the morning [Music] ain't no need [Music] ain't no need to worry [Music] wave your hand and say it'll be it'll be all over [Music] in the morning [Music] anybody waiting on God and wipe your eyes in the morning [Music] [Music] one last time in the morning come on and give God some praise in this place today if you believe that this is the year of manifested promises and that God is about to make it make sense [Music]
Channel: Keion Henderson TV
Views: 206,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cheon henderson, keion henderson tv, make it make sense keion henderson, td jakes, td jakes 2022, keion henderson, pastor keion henderson
Id: uFhKNcfN024
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 44sec (5024 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 06 2022
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