Heli vs Bushplane ft. Becki and Chris

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you guys know how good this makes me feel just being able to look and see actual progress on the hanger I know it's not much right now because it's just the pad basically only use right now would be dance floor or I guess you could land a helicopter on it I wish I had some friends that I could call over to come land on it [Music] [Applause] you guys don't even understand how excited I am right now for those of you that don't know this is Becky and Chris and they're one of the YouTube channels I watched before I even started my YouTube that's so funny because of the they do helicopter content but you guys also do like DIY home renovations camera tutorials all the stuff I'm interested in so it's awesome that we're finally linking up because we've been friends like on social media but this is for sure yeah it's been like years yeah we've been trying to make this happen and we live on the east coast and of course Trent's closer to the West Coast so this is we're literally on the opposite sides of the country like we couldn't be well we could be further but yeah not by much but we're on a cross-country trip now to bring this helicopter back to the Robinson Factory so we thought we'll take some extra time see some sights flew up the coast yesterday just on the way to see Trent now I'm gonna show them around we're gonna do like a bush flying Adventure which is weird because I've never done that with a helicopter so I don't know I don't know that there's much challenge in anything like it'll probably be impressive maybe to see an airplane land there but you're gonna like but anyway we're gonna kind of see what it's like flying a bush plane with a helicopter and you really haven't flown with another aircraft no like I've done a little bit of uh I've never done any formation flying you know I'm kind of it's lonely up in the east coast and let's change that we'll go do some light formation I'll give them the little rundown ahead of time of just the basics and uh yeah I'm gonna show them the backyard you're gonna have to spin it a lot faster than that if you want to go [Applause] okay I'm gonna text you into my position you tell me when you're good I'm ready all right hand rolling damn you pick up quick [Music] you must be at like 13 1500 feet per minute yeah why is that too much no I'm topping at 11 here [Music] I had to do it at least once man I'll pull it back I'm gonna jog left just a little to get on heading to fly over fly uh what I call Sucker Punch why do they call it sucker punch Dare I ask because some of the time when you land there it sneaks up on you a little fast and you get sucker punched by it I have a Becky hear that I don't think it's going to be a problem in a helicopter okay my Landing is right under my left wing my shadow would be on it Mike three two one right in there is where I'm looking at [Applause] [Music] what'd you think though that was good that was awesome man that's a cool shot of you coming in yeah with the fog in the background yeah and then just like cruising by yeah this is a cool spot I'm giving them the tour that I'm sure you guys have already seen a bunch but this is totally my little backyard circuit and then I think we're gonna fire up heading north go to Stateline because we're really close to the California Nevada border but he was like can I straddle it like I have a spot that you can do that so there's some low-level clouds we're gonna probably just go down and Cloud surf the edge of them right up against the hill staying in class G so we're legal there is that you know spacing from clouds but when you're in class G you just need one statute mile of visibility and clear of clouds so we're gonna go down play next to those and work our way North [Music] chase your dreams [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] at least you know this is the first time this spring it's so green and this time of year we have like wildflowers Galore actually our whole property has these like yellow ones you can kind of see behind me but it's interesting each different spot we've landed there's like a different type of Wildflower and for the desert it's like it's not normally like this it's cool for anyone wondering why I call this state line Meadow right there that rock has a line Chris is in California right now and splitting it yeah yeah you're on the Nevada side which is good less taxes what if it still be BLM on the California side yeah it's all BLM I'll double check on onyx yes I just checked again I already knew that but it is all BLM it's interesting the BLM like doesn't care about state lines it just goes across them it must be in the same like District or whatever and uh this is probably a fair time to again mention Onyx because it's a lifesaver for this kind of stuff for anyone that does anything like Outdoors you can be hunter fisher off-roader pilot it's the best way to figure out land ownership and plan your missions they've got a bunch of awesome features and they continue to add to them and they're features I use like all the time even just like tapping two fingers to measure the distance of like a potential Landing site and they have all the offline map capabilities so you can download everything have not only satellite image but topo maps so it's like really really good if we were out here and we're like huh I wonder if we could land over there jump on on X zoom in find the spot measure it out say we wanted to have friends come meet us up here and do camping there's a two-track road that Chris has landed right next to we could literally go and use their route Builder and just tap along that basically share the directions to a friend to get to exactly where we are super functional so again if you're anyone that does anything outdoors I highly suggest you check out Onyx if you use my link below it gets you 30 off so yeah thank you again Onyx for sponsoring this one helicopter versus bush plane this is my first kind of check because it was easier for me to land on the Steep and park on the Steep he had to go find someone took you three tries it did yeah I touched down I probably could have made the first one work but if I don't have to I don't like getting to the far tolerances because you know you don't want to get in a situation if it's Dynamic roll over and stuff so no we're just gonna play safe we have the time we have the uh the fuel this is this is a nice spot man this is a really cool spot I want to camp up here just because like the view behind us is nice a couple of my prerequisites for a good camping spot is like I want water nearby and some shade and this doesn't have those look at your wing wing makes shade and you can bring water but it's nice to like have somewhere to swim or fish or something yeah yeah anyway I'm gonna take them down to dead cow give them the whole landscape tour we'll go play in the desert again I know you guys have seen this tour but it's still like we're hanging out right that's the way I think about it I'm gonna go Air Taxi into that rock and then you can take off whenever you're ready and then I'll just follow you and stay above you okay Roger that yeah and I'll take off and I'll be making a right turn I hope I can taxi over this rock I parked up again no problem right over it some bigger Wheels you got there big tires all right foreign foreign [Music] so off my left wing you'll see a little what looks like almost a deck or just a roof sitting in the middle of nowhere that's called a guzzler I don't know if you've seen those before uh a deck or a roof yep just like in the canyon just off the left side um there's just like a little structure there oh yeah yeah why they're there that collects water rain water and there's big cisterns like holding tanks for uh wildlife oh very good it's like a conservation effort correct yeah it helps uh all the wild animals have somewhere to drink [Music] oh come on again [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] let's talk about where are you going I'm doing the Walk of Shame I crashed your drone you crashed my new drone sorry what you'll find out is that that's a lot farther away than you think right now like I thought I was really close but I actually was just zoomed in so it looked really close but uh [Music] well the arms are intact the gimbal is pointing upwards though oh okay so uh maybe we'll turn it off and try to strain it yeah unable to take off okay remote control bound take off permitted oh here's the test [Music] [Applause] here's your drone back oh my God what the heck dude you destroyed only missing one little piece back there like you know it's like one of those things where like it's a new product or a new item and it's like ripping the Band-Aid off now you don't have to worry about it exactly no that's not how it works yeah it's fine all right the plan I'm gonna take them over to the bottom Ranch Hot Springs so I've somehow convinced Becky to ride with me she is very similar to Haley and the fact that she's a nervous passenger okay so give me a rundown on this inside hand here yep and then your outside hand just on one of the upper uprights any of the poles dial I'm gonna put on my anxiety music you won't need it Jesus Jesus it's mellow tail will come up and then right about there we're fine so those bumps yeah those are different you're gonna feel them different in this plane but it should be more of a jarring instead of the dangling right a little similar but the helicopter vibrates more and the vibrating scares the hell out of me because like if you feel vibration in an airplane that normally means it sucks like bad yeah I mean it could just be your props out of balance but that vibrating that just feels like fatigue to me right so I'm like something's gonna wear out it shouldn't be vibrating like that yeah like those drops we don't feel like usually sometimes we do but like those drops are aren't as Island that's part of the thing like when you start learning what the air does like right now it's probably going to do a bumper too right yeah but once you expect it it's not as scary yeah it's the unexpected stuff that gets you and then also I'm sure you've had where like you have one or two bumps but then after that it goes like crazy that like roller coaster feeling like that kind of like low G yeah like that's a feeling you don't want to feel in the helicopter so when I feel it it's like oh my God you know totally fine in this if this can do like negative 4GS wow is what they've done as in like we would be probably fainted because we were so scared but the planes limits probably past our physical limits so it's not everywhere [Music] you can move the stick oh yeah I'm not used to that okay that was cool it was not as scary as I thought but it was still kind of scary because I'm used to like you know fixed-wing airplanes going really high so like high fast kind of is freaky so we were flying pretty low so it was like being in the helicopter but like a little bouncier so I would say like not as scary as I thought but still a little scary yeah I was definitely like my legs were like tensed up but it wasn't as tensed up as I was flying the hell a couple days ago that was awesome yeah it was cool like just to see you like land in this like I've never been an airplane landing off airport yeah so that's like really unique so what do you think have you ever parked at a hot spring like this you know I haven't I have not this is the first yeah I've never parked that close to any hot spring I actually could have gotten a little closer I actually I was actually up on the mound here but I was actually rocking back and forth so I want to get a little bit more firm footing I got three points of contact here so we're all good I think I'd watch out for though is that when you're tailored when you're on a uphill you gotta watch out for your tail order because that can get close like we're a little bit lower to the ground than normal but we still have plenty of clearance but I like nosed in I like just like came in and I'm just like my point of view where the windscreen ends it was just water oh I'm just Landing like I literally feel like I'm landing in the hot spring it's so cool so knowing that it's starting to get to the warm bumpy part of the day should we migrate work our way home yeah let's do it let's go do the Pyramid Run I want to show you the lake okay that's a no land Zone like because it's all Native American so okay we cannot land there but we can fly over it okay so uh we'll go over the kind of spiers at the North End and that's where the geyser is oh okay all right I'm picturing like like Old Faithful or something I'm like yeah I probably won't fly through Old Faithful time time solid where I'm from start the journey I'm still Rush it's been so long I don't know why that's [Music] all my problems they still seem true all I know [Music] I'm not there ain't nothing that could happen in years [Music] I might wait here for you to land or would you rather if I'm in my parking spot I'll come behind you [Music] well how was it it was crazy it was cool getting the perspective of all the wildflowers popping up on all the sides of the hills here and Trent hasn't taken me up yet in the fox yeah I haven't had the plane it's in 4k and everyone can know that yeah he needs to get he needs to get me out I am guilty and I haven't even introd you this is Jackson he's been editing for me for a bit now so finally allowing me to breathe a little sigh of relief because I get to bogged down in the weeds when it comes to editing so I still am editing some of the stuff yeah but a lot of the stuff lately like the fishing videos and stuff you've been killing it on so thanks man get a little face of behind the scenes okay this is the funniest moment because I looked over I was like I was talking about like how you know like I don't get in aircraft it's just anybody and and Jackson was like well you know uh it tranches you then I trust you and I look over and I'm like Trends never been up with me he said he wouldn't come back he literally just called me he's like hey you want to jump in and that's what I thought you said I'm like no I'm good you're like no I'm talking about your editor I'm like oh yeah Jackson you want to go I'm like yeah I'll get it in the coffee that was awesome anyway I think we're gonna go get out of the heat I'm gonna change into shorts throw my flip-flops on and we're gonna come up with a game plan for tomorrow but I'm gonna go ahead and wrap this one up here so you guys know the drill like this video If you do subscribe to both of us if you haven't you can come be both of our wingmen see you in the next one I can't even I was your wingman I came in I took you up on it the camera for me I'm your wing man
Channel: Trent Palmer
Views: 80,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trent palmer, bush plane, bush pilot, aviation, airplane, pilot, flight, helicopter, robinson, r44, becki and chris, heli
Id: 8fCntXupgo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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