DJI Mavic 3 Pro - The Holy Grail of Camera Drones?

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so this is the DJI mavic 3 Pro it's the latest in dji's mavic line and it now includes three different camera systems on the front of the Drone for the ultimate in storytelling control and it begs the question is this going to be the Holy Grail of content creator or independent filmmaker drones I kind of think it is [Music] thank you [Music] all right guys for those that are new to the channel my name is Trent I've been an unmanned pilot in the film industry since early 2010 and that's afforded me the ability to witness as this industry the the camera drone industry has evolved and it's kind of culminated with exactly this this super feature Rich and honestly kind of mind-blowing device that is the mavic 3 Pro [Music] now DJI sent me this a few weeks ago and I was able to take it on a week and a half Adventure I went on through all of Baja Mexico and I was really able to put this thing through its Paces so I wanted to share with you guys my thoughts on it and it's full disclosure with you guys DJI did send me the mavic 3 Pro however they're not paying me they're not telling me what I have to say in this video and they have no editorial control so this is my honest opinions and thoughts on the mavic 3 Pro so obviously the big news on the mavic 3 Pro is that it now has three cameras on the front of it a wide medium in tele now up until now almost universally all camera drones have had one thing in common that they shoot on a very wide lens so you really had a couple options you had the option of shooting high and wide or low and wide or low and close and wide but at the end of the day you always had a wide angle field of view the only way to get away from this was to either zoom in digitally on the image which would sacrifice quality or or you would have to step up to something like the DJI Inspire line that has interchangeable lenses which there's nothing wrong with the Inspire line I love the Inspire we use it for work all the time it's just in a different class when it comes to price size and portability now being stuck to the wide angle is all changed thanks to the mavic 3 Pro and having three different cameras on it now to really simplify this the three different cameras essentially have three different uses you've got your wide angle for your landscape shots your big establishing High wide shots you've got the medium camera for placing a subject in a landscape and then you've got the tele camera for focusing on subjects and even being able to get the Expressions on subjects which is totally new to the size of drones but more importantly than just those three overall basic uses for the cameras it gives you more control because after all these are just tools for visual storytelling one of the things we have control over now is compression now on a telephoto lens you're able to compress the background to make your subject look closer to the background I'll give you an example here this boat I shot on all three cameras in relatively the same size of the frame but notice as we go into the more long lens or the more telephoto lenses how much more the background compresses another thing we now have more control of is Parallax and I know people have probably heard this term tossed around a bunch but Parallax is basically the separation of a subject from The Background by differing speeds of the background and the subject you see this in those revolve shots I mean Michael Bay has been a fan of that forever but now with a longer focal length if you're doing any sort of move whether it is revolving or just a plain old dolly or truck shot you've got the separated planes to create a parallax shift that is much more prominent on Long lenses than it is on wide lenses now I can't emphasize strongly enough how much of a game changer this is for a drone this size to have three different cameras I mean like I said prior to this you'd have to have something like the Inspire and to change lenses you still have to land power off the unit change the lens take back off the whole nine now we can just do it with a push of the button in the air outside of the three cameras on the front of this thing it's still the same great mavic 3 that we've had from before still has awesome 43 minute flight times 15 kilometer range and omnidirectional obstacle avoidance now one thing I should mention is that there will be two versions of this both the standard mavic 3 Pro as well as the mavic 3 Pro cine and very similarly to the mavic 3 cine the pro cine is going to allow for you to shoot in the prores codec which is going to have a much higher bit rate and be able to process a lot more data through and it does record internally onto a one terabyte SSD which this does not have now one little caveat with the non-cinny version at least in mind I'm able to shoot in there new d-log m in either the wide or medium cameras but I'm not able to get into it in the tele camera so what that means is I end up shooting without d-log across all my cameras because I want them to match and it's a little tricky to match the d-log to the normal on the Telly if you're shooting in d-log on the other two cameras so if you're someone that likes to kind of push your footage pretty far and gets really into color grading the cine is probably going to be a worthwhile upgrade this time around now I did just get a note on pricing and it looks like the mavic 3 Pro with the standard RC which is going to be the base model of this is going to start at twenty two hundred dollars The Next Step Up is going to be the fly more combo that's going to cost three thousand dollars or you can get the combo with the RC Pro which is what I have here which I'm a huge fan of I hate having to pull out my phone and open the app and keep everything updated that combo is going to be 3 900 and it costs an extra eight hundred dollars to go to the cine which puts you at a dropping forty eight hundred dollars which actually is less than I paid for my mavic 3 cine so um when I kind of put that into perspective you know I actually thought it was going to cost more than it does so you know I'm pretty impressed so with all the technical and all the pricing info aside I want to just get down to my thoughts and feelings on this thing and if I'm fully honest I've been super impressed with it like I said I loved my mavic 3 cine I've used it a ton and it's always impressed me and I I swear and maybe it's in my head that something they did when they designed the mavic 3 they changed the flying characteristics or the handling characteristics of it and it always seems like it's easier to shoot and nail shots with versus any of the other DJI drones that I've flown that's including the Inspire 2. I've yet to fly the Inspire 3. but the way that this thing flies and having the ability to change focal lengths on the fly in the air is an invaluable tool for storytelling it absolutely changes the way that you look at shooting things whether it's a subject or a landscape or whatever it is you're trying to shoot it gives you so much more freedom to shoot it in the way that you want I found myself kind of falling in love with the three-time zoom that's kind of like where I I default to on the mavic 3 Pro just because it gives a really nice balance of controllability as well as compression so I can still get in nice and close on whatever the subject is compress the background a little bit but I'm not losing them too much once you go to the seven time which is the 166 mil equivalent it's a bit more of a handful to be able to fly the Drone as well as you know point the camera at the same time obviously with the more professional setups like the Inspire there's a separation of command that you can have a pilot as well as operator so it's a little trickier on the mavic 3 Pro to shoot on the super super long lens but one thing I should mention in the past I've never really been a fan of active track or any of those you know assistive shooting modes but I will say on the mavic 3 Pro being able to just highlight over your subject and let the camera even if you're just in like Spotlight mode and you're flying around letting it automatically track your subject and keep it in frame for you is super handy and that does work across all three cameras with all that said I have rambled on for way too long to wrap this up quickly I'm a huge fan of the mavic 3 pro thank you DJI for sending this over I will be putting it to Great use to anyone that is interested wondering if it's worth the upgrade I'm probably not going to be the guy to talk you out of it because I really really am impressed so with that said I'm gonna go ahead and wrap this one out here you guys know the drill like this video If you do subscribe if you haven't come be my wingman we'll see on the next one peace
Channel: Trent Palmer
Views: 61,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trent palmer, bush plane, bush pilot, aviation, airplane, pilot, flight, DJI, DJI Mavic 3 Pro, Mavic 3 Pro, Mavic 3 Pro Cine, Mavic Drone, Review
Id: LlX8J1IgpWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2023
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