Sometimes it doesn't work out ft. Becki and Chris

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and good morning everyone it is uh currently six in the morning we were at the house and when I say we've got Becky and Chris in town for those that didn't watch my last video go take a watch it was a good time but basically we were expecting a a beautiful sunrise this morning and it turned to just be kind of gray and gloomy and uh we also were expecting to be heading north Becky's been wanting to learn how to fly fish so I was going to fly her up to a little Spring Creek way up North that's kind of my go-to zone that you know you can get into fish Mother Nature had other plans we uh kind of were watching the weather last night thinking that it was a little borderline but we felt pretty confident we could make it happen and then we woke up this morning and it looked less ideal and whenever the trend is going the wrong direction I think it's normally a good time to change your plans so we're kind of pulling an audible we're gonna try to find somewhere else to go play I guess this is all new to me I don't really mind I know it's a bit of a bummer for you Trent because I know you love fly fishing and also being able to share that with somebody oh 100 and Becky's been like itching to learn she's actually touched a rod in my that sounds really bad I've never cast a ride in my life but that's the thing about General aviations like you could have something that you're like looking forward to doing but you have to be okay with it not happening I think we all collectively made the right call and I'm glad that we're all sort of on the same page because I think Trent we've we've always noticed that you're a very safe flyer you do very fun things which to The Outsider some can sometimes look like oh he's you know being careless but you're operating well within the parameters of your aircraft you're making good decisions and that's something we've always kind of respected about you and what you put out in the aviation channel so Early Edition world so there you go thanks man I wasn't paid to say that either no no no [Music] and I'll be making a right turn out of here it's interesting it's a thin layer like you can get below it flying over fog like that is never very comforting but I'm able to see through it at most times and I also know there's a big Meadow in there so really you know if my engine quit I would have been punching through one of the holes and going for the meadow yeah it still doesn't make you feel very warm and fuzzy well dang this is where I wanted to land and I have never seen that underwater I'm gonna slow up and do a pass at one of the spots that we do land but it just looks like it's cut so short right now yeah I mean you know obviously uh if it's not it's not gonna work then don't worry about it it's like a maybe and I just I don't want to gamble on them maybe I'm gonna pop over to the right uh there's another spot that sometimes plays again I think it's underwater all right I'm up here it actually looks maybe a little bit bigger but uh yeah okay we'll stay behind you I'm cool you're coming across it's awesome yeah I'm gonna come back towards you and then I'm uh I'll make a pass going towards the lake that's the thing I'm just like I don't have much confidence that it's like not a sloppy mud I think I always go down and just check and see what it's like yeah if you want to touch I mean I could roll my tires down too yeah a little now over the water I'll just shoot a little approach in here and see what uh I'll see what it looks like at the green area because if you could use the green then that's it extends your Romance Runway quite a significantly you got an awesome me down here now I do so over here it's actually pretty grassy but there's a lot of rocks yeah I guess definitely gets a bit soupy over here I think uh I'm gonna make the no-go on that one too like it so I don't okay so if we go north there's Sierra Valley I don't know if it's in fog or not it's pretty or we could just go south and go over Tahoe I think that's a good call let's go see Tahoe and there it is beautiful Lake Tahoe with clouds in the way so we can't see it you know what it only has the the uh epicness of the scenery of all time yeah so what I'm gonna do let's scoot our way around the East Shore because that's got the prettiest water and uh yeah then we could decide maybe we'll just pop over the hill down towards Minden they have a good breakfast or we could even go out into the desert and land somewhere out there that sounds good okay [Music] [Music] [Applause] into traffic kids Fox 8 Julia Juliet fly to two left face three four full stop the information with a helicopter uh a firm Trader you know we have feelings too here hey that's actually pretty cool man I'm not gonna lie a minute traffic Freedom Fox flight uh short final three four full stop [Music] all right [Music] we've been kind of flopping like all of uh my best plans are not working out grab some gas and some food and reassess [Music] we just finished breakfast at the tail dragger Cafe it was delicious and I think we're gonna work our way back huh unless you guys had something else you wanted to do we're running out of luck here yeah you know what it's fine we had a great we had a great breakfast the flight this morning I know you said like we might have just have to go for just a Scenic flight totally worth it man those low clouds that little small like oh man they don't get to see that stuff ever mountains but anyway go through the scary airspace Arena or under it to get home Minden traffic [Music] head back safe and sound I don't know where our plan is now um looking to the north there definitely is more vertical lift to the clouds so there's definitely some uh convective activity up there I know we kind of have a warning for the whole area so we'll probably be calling it for flying for the day but I guess I'm going to check with them I know we all got up very early so uh Becky and Chris are probably both pretty tired too so I guess uh we'll come up with a game plan okay welcome to later in the day we got a a relaxing afternoon while we let all the kind of the systems shake their way out so tomorrow there's supposed to be a kind of bigger set of thunderstorms coming in so Becky and Chris are planning on leaving relatively early Haley's up uh with some friends for a birthday party up in Tahoe so I'm solo so I'm gonna utilize these guys to help me get my plane back to the airport because the pylon race school is finally over so Chris is going to jump in with me you're gonna fly in the freedom Fox yeah and then Becky is going to run ground support and meet us at the airport at least we could do considering that Chris uh crashed translation it also crashed his drone this is this is this is off limits here I'm gonna anticipate that we're going to use a fair bit of room on the takeoff yeah so don't be surprised if I uh when I get off the ground I kind of keep it in ground effect okay we'll uh get your speed up and then pop up so we're gonna go right over those wires what you're telling me at the end yeah you have to go under we have to go under man on this right here no I have no no okay and so the the your your pedals in addition to controlling Rudder also control is like the steer abilities through the uh brakes yeah it's got differential braking oh so it's the wheat okay I got you because the tail wheel just kind of is free spinning yeah it's free cast drain on this plane you all comfy and good oh yeah and that's when it starts making boost get that tail up a little bit wait for air speed and there we go that's uh 7 500 foot density altitude with what did it say 15 knots on the tail yeah it's non-ideal but also we have a good Fair bit of fuel two people in here so yeah the traffic Freedom box seven miles north uh six thousand inbound Landing you want to make a right turn so we can see them [Laughter] [Applause] your horn kills me it's so good right it's a traffic Freedom Fox turning final two six uh Landing [Music] uh oh he made it look at that well good I didn't need my crash hat no sure foreign [Music] oh yeah we can do like a testimonial here I would definitely ride with Trent again 100 five stars out of five you thought he was gonna die you guys kiss each other like you're gonna die for sure when you get in my plane I'm like I'm like that's sketchy yeah well I mean definitely Becky's got more tendency to catastrophize we always kiss each other like that anytime he goes uh I'm sure we're just French into the background of this video well anyway today did not pan out the way we wanted I'm sorry Becky that I did not get to teach you how to fly fish it's all good we're gonna have to come back and try again yes and sometimes it just doesn't work that way you know uh a lot of times you gotta make the no-go decision and uh you know time to spare go by air that's what they say if you want something simple and like pretty much guaranteed just I don't know design a website with 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other creators and friends so yeah it's been in the making for way too long yeah it has so you guys know the drill like this video If you do subscribe if you haven't come be my wingman and go be there wingman as well see on the next one peace
Channel: Trent Palmer
Views: 54,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trent palmer, bush plane, bush pilot, aviation, airplane, pilot, flight, becki and chris, helicopter, robinson, R44, no go, hard decisions
Id: tvzoL13PDiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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