Did I just sell nuclear material to terrorists?

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I tried to scrap it because it's so heavy but nobody will take it because it has radioactive stickers all over [Applause] [Music] selling cars online and selling things online I got a bit of a reputation around town and in the Upstate actually of South Carolina as being able to sell anything and was the go-to guy if you had something you couldn't sell Rob good I always knew a guy or had a way or something you know and through the years I made a lot of connections and something I learned really early in the game it's not what you know it's who you know and you know I may not know everything but I know enough people I know a damn lot because of them I was selling trucks online big trucks and medium duty trucks moving trucks semi trucks flatbed trailers land on trailers low board trailers everything on reefer trailers everything on one skid steers for this one guy he sold a lot of heavy equipment big trucks and his name was rusty in he had his lot Andy Andy I'd be over there once a week you know hey Rob I need you to sell this for me and he always called me hot rod everybody had a nickname for me which was always funny you know and you know whether it be called AES at the motorcycle shop or rabbit at the dealership or hot rod at the truck masters but it was always something you got call it different name and anyway so long story short he said hot rod I got one for you so we walked back and he has a metal pole building out behind his dealership and I walk in I've never been in there before I was figure storage anything much about it and there's two big crates in there and they're white and ones about I guess the best way to describe it about twice the size of a refrigerator box but it's a wooden crate same height about double the width and then there's a box about the size of a Lincoln Town Car but double the height crate I'm what what's that he goes it's a GE x-ray machine well rusty has a hobby rusty loves to bow damaged freight cars containers things of that nature insurance payoffs and he finally bought some he couldn't sell so he called Rob and he's had this thing for my two years and couldn't even get a nibble on it the small box was actually a chiller unit for the x-ray machine and basically it cooled this thing down because keep in mind you basically have a nuclear reaction going on in here and I'm being asked to sell this and he said that people I should take the chiller used and convert them to a C's into cooler large building with it but he said I didn't want to separate it because I don't know I'll never be able to sell the other half and he said I'll be honestly I tried to scrap it because it's so heavy but nobody'll take it because it has radioactive stickers all over and he said now it's your turn hot rod if you can sell it I'm gonna split it in half whatever it brings I've been in the x-ray machine three times in my life at this point that's all I knew about them and I dated a radiologist but that's beside the point I mean it's a complete radiation room basically in the big box and then the children you had to go outside to calm this nuclear bad boy down I said do you have any information on it and he hands me virtually a textbook I mean one inch thick with all the info on this thing and how to set it up and and all the different stuff and whatnot about it so I go through this book and I study by like doyle brunson super system and I become a GE x-ray kind of Noel know-it-all on this particular model anyway so I started asking around everywhere I went I mean I called vet's office I called everywhere man I got a deal for you and I'll be honest way the number the number of the Hugh be happy getting for this x-ray machine was nothing it was nearly as virtually scrap price and I'm like I mean like somebody would for an oddity just say they only wanted me he'll I bought a phone booth because it was cool somebody's got to want an x-ray machine well I exported a lot of collars to the Middle East and I have a really good friend slash connection in this exporting Dale and his name is chin we call him Jim because there's no way humanly possible that my twelfth grade education would allow me to pronounce his name he very interesting guy very suave very smooth very friendly a little scary and pretty sure he was on some Terrace hotline list at one time just saying hey just you get that shady vibe but he paid well he did okay any bought lunch alive so we liked they were always looking for v8 rural dry for Ville cars or Cadillacs Lincoln's I sold so many pink mary-kate Lincoln's that went through peach Auto painting and got painted bright white I was talking to chat Sachin you ever do any medical equipment he just looks at me he said no that's not really my forte he said I can do a little asking around I'm like alright well this last it was said about a few weeks goes by and every week old rusty you gotta come by the truck shut up and you sell my x-ray machine yeah hot rod not yet you know what I'm thinking it's really racking my brain two weeks away but I don't call chin chin you find anything out not yet I think great finally the one thing whoops my ass is an x-ray machine to sell really really I'm just like down the dumps about it you know and I kind of put it out in my mind a little bit with chin already you know I mean I'm just taking that as the polite way of saying hey I don't have nothing for you well chin calls me up and he says do you still have the x-ray machine yes yes we still had it I'm glad you called when you did you know it wasn't exactly set in the woods on fire with any of the other ones I've set out you know he made me a very very large offer us machine now keep in mind this machine you cost a hundred and forty eight thousand dollars and this was in 2003 yeah the original deal was if I sold this x-ray machine we split it and we didn't get a hundred forty eight thousand for it but we did really good on this mission Chinn offers me $35,000 just straight right there and I was dumbfounded when he first said it you know and I guess he was ready for me to come back with another number and I'm like we'll take it there was only one catch we had to pill those radioactive stickers off and get it on the flatbed and get it to a container ship to go to the Middle East and I don't know exactly where it went in the Middle East and that's one of those parts of the story right there where I don't want to talk about it anymore or anything like that because I don't imagine what they're doing with it out there like I said that was actually probably the craziest thing I've ever sold in my life
Channel: VINwiki
Views: 692,156
Rating: 4.8941026 out of 5
Keywords: Rob Pitts, Nuclear, X Ray Machine, VINwiki, Car Stories, Sales, Selling
Id: wpQnJXN_130
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 5sec (425 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2018
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