Hebrews Chapter 6 Part 1

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Shalom and welcome to via hafte yes Ryan a Hebrew phrase which means you shall love Israel we hope you'll stay with us for the next 30 minutes as our teacher dr. Baruch shares his expose Ettore teaching from the Bible dr. Baruch is the senior lecturer at the Sarah Avraham Institute based in Israel although all courses are taught in Hebrew at the Institute dr. Baruch is pleased to share this weekly address in English to find out more about our work in Israel please visit us on the web at love Israel aarrg that's one word love Israel dot o RG now here's baroque with today's lesson oftentimes we find our in itself in a place of comfort we like where we are and we don't want to change where we are living we don't want to move away from our comfort zone but such thinking is not proper when we come to spirituality because we're called to grow and mature we're called to press on that upward call as Paul says and therefore we are constantly in need of greater revelation but the question is this are you in a condition spiritually where you can receive and understand this new this greater revelation now we're not talking about something that's different from the scripture but understanding scriptural truth in the level in the way that God intended it well with that said take out your Bible and look with me to the book of Hebrews in chapter 6 the book of Hebrews and chapter 6 now this chapter is very important we're going to come across a very important theological concept that so many people get wrong and the reason for that is this because they deal with theology with a rational mind what makes sense to them how they see it rather than being very careful to pay attention to what the scripture says the clues of the scripture especially when we look at it in the original language so look with me as I said to chapter six and verse one we read here therefore leaving and this is important we're supposed to Lee press-on go to new ground new territory of Revelation verse 1 therefore leaving the beginning of the word of Messiah now that beginning of the word of the Messiah is the gospel now are we supposed to forget it do away with it that's not what the Scriptures saying but it's foundational it is the elementary principles it is not the sum total there is additional things that God wants believers and only believers can understand that and this is what the writer is emphasizing so he says here therefore on account of this called to be mature he says let us leave the beginning of the word of Messiah and on to meaning go on to press on to completion now this is the same word we talked about it a few weeks ago when we mention messiahs last words on the cross when he says it is finished it means it's over it's done with it's complete there's nothing lank lacking or it is perfection and that's where God wants us to move to we should be growing and maturing and moving towards perfection in behavior in our deeds following perfectly the will of God in our life that's what we're called now do we fall short of that yes we do but here's the hope that you fall less short tomorrow than you did today and less short the day after that and the day before that were on that upward call that we're maturing that we're growing that we're pressing forward in the faith so he says that we should be brought literally what it says is that we're moving on and will be brought to completion that will fulfill God's Hall in our life and hopefully we'll do that if we trust in the holy spirit being led being empowered being illuminated by him we'll do it in a way that is praiseworthy that's what he's talking about here and not again press on in verse one and not again laying the foundations now what foundations are we talking about well he's very specific here he is going to be speaking about a few things which are the beginning foundations of our faith the elementary things and what are they boy first says repentance from dead works literally works of death and he's speaking about sin that we're supposed to repent that we're supposed to leave this sinful behavior these work of death we're supposed to be ministers of life what does that mean we're supposed to be those who serve the coming Kingdom so he says moving away not laying the same foundations of repentance of dead works and faith in God and the doctrines of baptism now what do we know about baptism now this lesson right now is not for baptism but let me just say a few words so that we can be on the same page the doctrines or the teachings of baptism you see baptism if you were to ask a rough that is a rabbi what is immersion or to vela now baptism just means to be dipped or immersed and the foundation for understanding our baptism that we do in faith in Messiah the moment we believe we should be discipled so we understand what baptism means and that we'll be baptized in the name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit now baptism in a general sense what we're talking about immersing individuals or immersing vessels and Judaism for example plates and utensils are immersed why to change its status to go from that which is common to that which is set apart so this immersion so one of the things he wants us to realize is that we have been set apart for a purpose baptism teaches that it's a change of status and it also speaks about baptism the ministry through baptism it pictures the death burial and resurrection of Messiah baptism immersion has to do with a call to service it brings about as I said this change of status so leaving the the elementary principles of repentance from dead works and faith in God and the doctrines of baptism and the laying on of hands which has to do with one who has been anointed and called to a purpose he lay hands upon another who is disciple and that same anointing that same power that same authority goes on to that other person there's power with the laying on of hands this is foundational and also he says and the resurrection of the Dead and also this this judgment some Bibles will say judgment of the world literally it's eternal judgment now I want to pause for a moment and emphasize underscore for us when we're talking about fundamental principles of our faith in Yeshua one of the things that should be emphasized is what well two things this resurrection of the Dead well we like that and we should the resurrection of the Dead that is that act that is transitional meaning it happens prior to the establishment of the kingdom but before that resurrection that transition will happen you know what else takes place judgment and that's why it grieves me that so many churches today in so many synagogues they don't like to talk about judgment but it's elementary and the problem is this all too often people believers they don't know about the judgment of God they don't know about prophetic revelation about judgment and what God's going to judge why he's going to judge that and how we should be set apart from that meaning that we don't live or do or possess things that God is going to bring under his judgment that he's going to destroy so all of these things they're the elementary parts of our faith sadly today I think that many many churches need to hear these elementary things because only when they understand that they're able to press on to something more and what does he say look now to the the third verse and this we shall do meaning go back and talk about that if God permits now verse 4 verse 4 is when we're going to get into a very important theological issue now a few weeks ago dealing with Hebrews chapter 5 we came across a phrase that I emphasized what was that phrase eternal salvation did you hear that I mean many times we listen to the words but we don't think about the implications of those words I'm just not saved but I have been eternally saved what do I have I have eternal life what is eternal life well we're talking about Kingdom life that's a context that I am going to be intimate with God that's what salvation is there's no barrier between him and me that sin burial has been removed so there's intimacy we become one that's the basis of salvation and how long is that intimacy going to last well the promise is that it's eternal salvation meaning that it can not be interrupted if we can lose it if it can go away if it can be done away with if I have the power which I don't to say I reject it having been saved haven't been given eternal life I don't have the power to reject it now I realize that this is controversial but the fact of the matter is we need to mature and when someone and I want to emphasize and shot this out when someone denies eternal security that once saved always saved that is an affront to Messiah it is saying that his work what he did is not sufficient because what he offers is eternal life and if that can be altered changed done away with he's a liar he didn't give me eternal life he gave me conditional eternal life doesn't say that he gives me eternal life therefore I can have and I love this I can have assurance that my salvation is not dependent anymore upon me whether I'm good enough whether I act proper whether I say the right thing do the right things maintain the running things have enough good works no none of it is dependent upon me I am secured in the perfect the sufficient work of Messiah that begets in me here's the word eternal salvation so this is the context that the writer of Hebrews is speaking to and he's giving an example and the problem is this what's the name of this epistle it is the Epistle to the Hebrews so it shouldn't surprise us that the author is going to be writing in a very traditional format now it's Greek but the choppiness and the the things that he says are well understood the order from someone who comes from a training that is rabbinical e-base so look if you would to verse 4 he makes a statement a very strong statement he says for it is impossible for it is impossible once a person has been enlightened so we're going to see characteristics of those who have been saved and he's saying there is something that is impossible for or believers and who are believers well let's define what they had that that shows that demonstrates that they are truly believers that is that they had been eternally saved that they have been given freely by grace eternal life says for it's impossible for those that of once tasted literally it says first enlightened and have tasted the the heavenly gifts and have been come part partakers literally have been made we can't do it ourselves it's in the passive that we have been made partakers of the Holy Spirit and we have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the power of the coming H so notice those things he says those who have been enlightened once they have been enlightened something's impossible if they had been enlightened and they have had the gifts tasted the gifts of heaven and become partakers of the Holy Spirit and have tasted the goodness of the Word of God and the power of the coming age it says it's impossible and then he says look now at verse 6 he says and fallen away he's giving a hypothetical situation see people make statements and they don't consider the implications what the writer of Hebrews is doing here he's giving a situation out lots of times when I teach that I begin by asking a question group of pastors there and I say can you tell me any scripture that says that a person can be in a situation that he's done some sin here again we're not talking about blasphemy of the Holy Spirit can you give me some sin that causes that person to be in a situation that he is without hope that he cannot repent even though now he wants to accept the gospel he understands it he is truly regretful of all that he's done everything that he said that he cannot be say that God says no you've blown it so much your your reprobate you cannot be saved I will not well here's the problem if you teach that you can lose your salvation that eternal life you can give away that you can someday or announce it that you had the power to to to revert back to what God says is not going to be the case because it's based upon him why do I say that we studied a few months ago the book of John and in the book of John chapter 10 a great chapter Messiah is speaking about him being the great Shepherd and what does a great Shepherd do he saves the Sheep and it says that we are in his hands being the hands of Messiah that it also says we are in the hands of God the Father so the son has a grasp on us God the Father has a grasp on us and what does the Word of God says no one will be able to pluck them from my hand we can't get out he said well I can if I just say I reject that where does that found in the scripture we are given eternal life it cannot be changed altered or done away with it is secured by Messiah his works sufficient we're going to see when we get into chapter 8 that this new covenant it is dependent upon God to maintain it not to us that was the Old Covenant we could break it the new covenant we can't break it in God's promise he won't break it because he never lies he doesn't make one promise and say oh I'm done with that promise that's not God so look again at this scripture verse 6 and falling away what's impossible it is impossible again to renew them to repentance if you can lose your salvation it would be impossible to renew you repentance because you would crucify to yourself again the Son of God and that you would open him up to public shame so here's what he's saying I mean why would it help if this is my situation and in a hypothetical situation that is not a reality if I'm saved and I'm saved because of what Messiah did on the cross correct I think everyone that's listening agrees that the New Testament reveals South salvation comes because of what Messiah did on the cross that he died on the cross He shed his blood he was buried and he rose again that is the the means of my salvation but then if I can lose that salvation the point is well what is Messiah going to do if the first time that he died upon the cross didn't really save me because I could lose my salvation what good is it for him to go back to the cross if it didn't keep you safe the first time why we're doing it again and having him do it again what does it do well remember I said those who teach that you can lose your salvation they are an offense to Messiah they are saying that his work is insufficient that what he did on the cross wasn't enough to give to us what he promised because he promised eternal life so it's like you got to go back well the writer saying know if that salvation didn't hold if Maasai's work wasn't sufficient sending them back that would be like saying do it again you didn't do it right the first time that's what this section is saying now what is he gonna do in order to teach this lesson he's going to give in the next two verses some very important information he's going to give an example see one of the things that helps us understand scripture is when we understand how scriptures put together why does this first come after this passage or why does that verse come before this following passage how does a scripture interrelate with one another and that's what we're gonna see when we look at the next two verses so carry on with me look now if you would to verse verse seven speaks about the land and he says for the land drinks from the rain that frequently comes upon it so he's given a very simple example it ranged frequently and what does the land do with that rain it receives it so they receive now the context here is what does one do with the gospel he receives it and in the same way when the land receives that that falling rain that rain that comes frequently upon it what's the outcome well it says here it produces useful vegetation is that the case rain falls vegetation comes it is a law of nature no rain no vegetation with rain there is vegetation so what is he saying he's saying in that same way he's giving an example let's see if these people are really believers if they're really believers they've received the gospel and there's going to be an outcome of that reception of the gospel in the same way that when the land receives water it produces useful vegetative education for those whom which also they work the land and they receive the blessings from God now there's the action we read here that one receives the gospel but just like one has to work the land it's there but you have to work to get the fruit of it you have to harvest it you have to prune it sometime you have to to hole around it there's things that you have to do and in that same way for there to be fruit of our salvation for there to be works we have to go to work ourselves and there's going to be a production so he says here look at the scripture it produces useful vegetation for those whom which also work the land and they are receiving literally receiving with it the blessings from God so that's normative but what happens looked at verse 8 he gives a different situation the opposite situation he's talking about well this land it doesn't bring forth useful vegetation what happens it brings forth and the second word here is a word that shows a contradiction something that is the opposite of what he's just said now your Bible may translate it and or but it is a show two things that aren't different it's a conjunction that has great implications so once more he says but if it brings forth thorns and thistles that is that which is worthless and is near to be what to be condemned literally it's a word curse so here's what it says if a person is a real believer they're going to produce useful things in their life but if a person just mouths those words but there's no evidence of that salvation their life is producing what producing thorns and thistles meaning those things that are are rejected by God those things that are worthless knows what it says he is near don't ignore that word that word has great theological implications they are near to be condemned or cursed why does it say near here's the beauty of it near but not condemned not yet cursed why there's an opportunity for repentance there near to death there near to God's judgment has wrath his consuming power to destroy them eternally but they're not there yet why there's hope so even look at this individual who has nothing to show for their life it is empty it is devoid of those things which are pleasing to God no good works even in that state even when they're near to being cursed by God there's still hope well what is that to do to show us that what we saw in this previous section about 1 if you could lose your salvation therefore you would be in a state where you would have no hope that you could not be saved because it's impossible if once having been saved you could lose your salvation to be renewed to repentance you see the example he say be sure that such a person is a believer now let me share with you this I mean someone who has received the gospel huh they know Yeshua as a believer I know him I know that he's real it's just that I think or I believe this or I've accepted this I know it he lives in me I experienced the Ministry of the Holy Spirit in my life you might say well I don't well let me tell you how you can make this wise prayer say God convict me of those things in my life that is not pleasing to you show me my sinfulness and you go before God quietly listening to him and you know what he's going to begin to reveal things to you that are displeasing he is always faithful to convict us of those things in her life that's not pleasing to him that's the Ministry of the Holy Spirit he promises what about that scripture he promises never to leave us or forsake us and that is a statement a promise that we can hold on to it is never going to be changed in fact we're gonna see that he's going to say about himself that he's unchanging so what he promises we can believe so these people who say well I'm believers and I reject him you know what they were never believers or they're lying right now there's people just like small children I know small children that get mad at their parents and say daddy I don't love you anymore dad I don't want you to be my daddy I'm not your baby anymore I'm not your son I'm not your daughter that's immaturity speaking does that change it no does not and just because a believer if they could be in that situation where they get so angry so dejected that they say something you what I can tell you I know several people who have backslidden who have turned away began living in a rebellious life and they've experienced God's displeasure in their life meaning they didn't enjoy that God was judging them God was disciplining them and God dropped them back to repentance they didn't lose their salvation but they needed to repent of that rebellion that's what God does so we can be assured that we are saved eternally that he has given us eternal Redemption and if all you have breath still in you no matter how much thorns and thistles you may have produced in your past you may be on your deathbed an old man and old woman but if you repent and you accept him into your life confessing your sins and trusting in his blood and his death believing in his resurrection he will save you at that last moment there is hope and that's why we proclaim an eternal salvation by the grace of God well I'm at a time until next week when we continue on in Hebrews and chapter 6 well we hope you will benefit from today's message and share it with others please plan to join us each week at this time and on this channel for our broadcast of love Israel org again to find out more about us please visit our website love Israel dot o-r-g there you will find articles and numerous other lectures by Beru these teachings are in video form may download them or watch them in streaming video until next week may the Lord bless you in our Messiah Yeshua that is Jesus as you walk with Him Shalom from Israel you
Channel: LoveIsrael.org
Views: 5,834
Rating: 4.9370079 out of 5
Keywords: hebrews, priesthood, hope, revelation, promises, sacrifices, covenant, resurrection
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sun May 06 2018
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