A Piece of Plastic as an Emergency Shelter in a Storm? - Overnight Survival Adventure Series

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[Music] previously on the outdoor gear review [Music] the conditions are deteriorating quickly it's getting cold and super windy i have to get this set up right now this is a terrible survival product a piece of plastic would do better [Music] [Music] my friends welcome to this episode of the outdoor gear review i am out again for a survival overnight trip last week i did a survival trip with the fjallraven winsack3 which turned out to be a terrible survival product in that episode i said that a piece of plastic would do better than that shelter well it's time to put my money where my mouth is i'm out here for a survival overnight trip with a piece of plastic just like last time this is a real world situation this is a real world survival event the conditions right now are different though and that's because you simply cannot dictate the terms when it comes to a survival trip you can't decide what the temperature is going to be what the precipitation is going to be or anything like that and that is true with this adventure currently it is 35 degrees fahrenheit calm winds inside of the forest on top of the mountain it is somewhat breezy later on tonight it will get down to roughly 26 degrees the winds are supposed to pick up to around 45 and there is rain and snow on the way already everyone i can hear the winds they're high level at the moment but i can definitely hear them while this trip won't be as cold as the previous it will be nastier anytime that you're dealing with rain and snow ah it is such a mess there's a potential for it to be just awful plus with the humidity being so high it just goes right into your bones as far as my gear loadout goes it is exactly the same as last time absolutely nothing is different other than the piece of plastic that i have with me i also have one other item and i will show you that when we get to camp this is the same area that i did the survival trip last time the difference is i got off the main trail a while ago and i just climbed right on top of this mountain the reason for the difference is simple time i am running out of time already it's about four o'clock it's getting dark instead of being ten miles away from my vehicle i'm roughly five and a half something like that i could tell already that i don't have enough time to go the full ten miles and currently i'm on what many refer to as a dead trail this used to be part of a larger trail system but it's no longer used concerning the trip last time i have to say i did have fun i really did it was fun even though it was absolutely miserable the thing is if you know what you're doing if you know how to survive it won't be too bad it's definitely getting windier that's for sure with using a piece of plastic as a shelter there are pros and cons to using it in many ways it will be better than the windsack but then again in some ways it will be worse when using a piece of plastic as a shelter it's really no different than using a tarp but in this situation i'm going to be a little bit creative not sure if it's going to work but i'm going to try something this is an interesting option it's sheltered somewhat it's flat though it's flat that's huge i think this is what i'm going to take there is a breeze coming this way and that's okay that's all right because i'm using a piece of plastic as my shelter i need airflow you cannot use plastic without airflow and i'm sure you know why stick your head inside of a trash bag it's the same sort of thing yeah it's getting late this is the best i've seen this is what i'm going with all right everyone let me show you all what i have here this is a where am i nine feet by twelve feet plastic sheet this is like a plastic drop cloth sort of thing two mil this is going to be my shelter the additional item that i have with me are some tarp clips so take a look at this clip you can see the teeth you can see this knob here as you tighten it the teeth go down and it grips the product holding it in those teeth with these clips i can come up with a unique way to suspend this plastic sheet let's see if it works everybody like i don't know we will see if you all remember the windset cost 150 this here is less than 10 bucks this is like 3.99 this was like five dollars something like that talk about ultra light as well this is 1.03 pounds and this here i don't know less than a pound so together what we have here is a very lightweight emergency shelter inside of my pack i have some cordage i'm going to get that out and begin setting this up i am not sure what i'm going to do at the moment i want this to be big enough tall enough i mean so that i can at least do squats in it i don't have to stand up fully but i need to be able to move around some so it's 9 feet by 12 feet okay well i'm going to get to work i'm going to come up with something wish me luck uh [Applause] inside of the package of these clips we have these little bungee things since i have them i will put them to use all right everybody the shelter has been set up it's good enough for tonight the thing about an emergency shelter is that it has to be quick it has to be fast and it has to give you the protection that you need i set this up in a way that worked with what i had going on here as far as the trees went and so on also i didn't want to take a whole lot of time again everyone emergency shelters should be very very quick to set up so what i have here is an interesting form that's for sure i'm not sure how well that is coming through i have a couple of tie-off points here one at the top one over on this side one on that side and it's staked out this is a ridge line connected from this tree going over to that one and then i've connected it to the tarp that is the foundation for this setup let me go ahead and grab a headlamp and i'll show you more about this i basically did a tp sort of setup now i've done a small one i could sit up in it i can almost stand up in it i could definitely do my squats i can move around and whatnot so you can see that i've staked it out down around the bottom i have about four inches between the plastic and the ground that's all about airflow if you're going to use a piece of plastic as a shelter you have to remember not to limit airflow you have to have excellent airflow or you'll suffocate in it this is not breathable at all so you have to have excellent airflow the wind is coming in from the east and it's going right underneath the bottom of this piece of plastic [Applause] it's crazy all right so everyone it is substantially warmer inside of this i'm fully protected but at the same time there is a good breeze i could feel the airflow coming in but yet it's not enough to really drop the temperature inside of this so this is the door right here this is the door the wind is blowing this direction so it's completely protected here so i don't feel any air coming in at all if i need to i could seal this up basically 100 on this side i have enough material left over to make a functional door here so to start off here let's get the chair set up again folks the loadout here is exactly the same as last time the only difference is the shelter i should say this everyone i would have gone with a plastic that's thicker than two mil but i had no choice thanks to the shortages and whatnot you can't find nothing so what i had at the store was two mil and that's it otherwise i would go with something thicker than two mil but it will work for this oh episode oh yeah let's get the lights going i'll get my jacket on gloves on because it's cold but it's not as cold as the previous trip not even close this is without a doubt completely different circumstances as far as the weather goes there's nothing i could do about it right as i mentioned before you really can't dictate those aspects so it is what it is overall this is just to do a more of a proof of concept sort of thing the fjallraven windstack cost 150 this is 10 bucks this is 10 everybody 10 bucks and i think it's going to work just as well i do without a doubt this is not as strong as a windsack i'm not going to pretend that it is but if you're smart with your setup you can without a doubt use a piece of plastic you don't have to set up something this high like i've done but i'm fairly protected here in this area okay folks let the adventure begin as far as the setup goes compared to the windsack this is easier and that's because you can adapt this any way that you want to the way that you want to and with the windsack i mean you're super super limited there's really only a handful of tie-off points it takes a lot of work to make that shelter fit into the environment whereas this i mean it adapts so easily thanks to those clips just dawned on me here it's so warm inside of this shelter you can't even see my breath but if we go outside you can it's that cold that's pretty impressive actually here we are again another crazy survival situation in the previous survival adventure i showed you all how to survive very extreme conditions it was roughly 19 degrees the winds were 50 miles an hour and it was snowing so in this episode i'm not going to go over the same details this is really more of a proof of concept as i mentioned before about how you can use something as inexpensive as lightweight as simple as this and it can make a really good survival shelter something that's more adaptable more flexible and in many ways better than the fjallraven windsack so that's what this episode is all about now the biggest difference is the temperature and the wind it's breezy outside it's not super windy like it was the first time i'd say it's in the 30s right now so it's not terribly cold whereas with the previous trip cold front was coming through i mean it was just nasty nasty conditions i think the biggest difference is is that the humidity is higher now and i can really feel it in my body when the humidity is high everything's just damper so i could just feel it in my bones and there's times where if the humidity is high enough the temperature really doesn't have to be that low and you could be freezing as it stands right now it's definitely breezy outside this shelter is holding up very well you can see it fluttering some and you can hear the wind but yeah i'm comfortable inside of here it's not bad at all and i have enough room to do squats and uh even some push-ups i can do push-ups tonight to stay warm what is interesting folks it's actually far windier than i thought it was this shelter is blocking so much wind i didn't think it was really all that breezy but now that i'm outside it is i mean it's just flat out miserable out here really i will be honest i haven't set up a plastic shelter since i was a kid i used to do this all the time when i was younger my dad did and still does construction so there was always something you know i could get my hands on and go build with so we used to come up with all sorts of crazy shelters gigantic pieces of plastic overfall in trees and whatnot it was a ton of fun it really was so uh this really takes me back to those times so those were some really really good times for me it's funny anytime that i needed to get away from it all man i grabbed a piece of plastic and i went into the woods that's what i did part of that i have to say was because we were so poor we didn't have camping equipment or anything like that so we made do with what we had yeah we did i think having a clear tint would be really really cool this plastic here it's not too clear clear enough but still just as last time this is going to be a long night there's no doubt about it i will do everything i have to do to stay warm i'll do push-ups i'll do sit-ups i have a snack i'll eat that i also have my stove and a liter of water so i can heat that up and i can keep that hot water that warm water next to my major arteries that way it will warm up my blood and my heart will pump it throughout my body if you did not see the first episode of this go ahead and watch that because there's a ton of great information i showed you all how to stay alive how to survive an extreme situation with an emergency shelter that was a wild trip that's for sure and this one's going to be wild as well already it is very much different and in some ways it's even more dangerous than the previous trip anytime there's water there's rain everything's wet that makes things more dangerous even more dangerous than simply being cold icy and snowy anytime there's water rain wetness things are dangerous folks i have a story to tell you all this is pretty funny this took place last week after the survival trip i was on my way home i had hiked back to my vehicle cruising along all of a sudden there is this little white car flying behind me coming up super fast gets right on my butt i was feeling generous so i slowed down i waved them on but they wouldn't pass me nobody has ever ridden my butt like that before so i decided to show them the true definition of slow and to start off i wasn't driving slow at all i was doing maybe three or four miles over the speed limit so i slowed down to like 15 miles an hour [Laughter] it was the longest like 15 miles i have ever gone in my entire life so uh i was pretty pleased it was pretty funny it got to the point where we came up to a stop sign and i figured like okay hey this person's been behind me for 15 miles and i've been going super slow right i figured we would be getting out and we would fight so i pull up to the stop sign i look in my mirror and it is this little old lady inside that car i could not freaking believe it i was really tired after a long night my fuse was really short but uh i wasn't going to fight an old lady i couldn't believe it what's funny is that she followed me for quite a while and then she pulled off into like a dollar general or something like that so it wasn't like some emergency she wouldn't pass me i don't know exactly what her problem was i don't know if she didn't feel comfortable passing she was right on my bumper the entire time that was pretty funny oh man the world is a crazy place folks it really is so far so good the night's going on everything's smooth i just been doing some squats some push-ups i'm about to get my snack out and eat that that will help a lot with staying warm also in a little bit i'll get on my rain gear i'll take some hand warmers put those in my boots put on my rain pants rain jacket that is a great way to hold in heat when it comes to staying warm there's a few surefire ways that you can go about doing so and i showed you those in the previous episode i'm going to repeat that in this episode for the most part there's not much to do not much to talk about it's all about just making it through the night all right folks update time it's almost nine o'clock and things have been relatively quiet it has started to sprinkle a little bit still windy but so far so good inside of this shelter i've had a snack basically i've been doing squats to stay warm and i'm certainly staying warm right now it really doesn't feel that cold i would say inside of this it's probably 40 degrees at least maybe even a little bit higher than that outside it's around i don't know 35 degrees something like that with the setup of this shelter with this being a different location i could have done things differently so basically i'm doing everything the exact same way that i did with the previous trip and that's because i want to see just how well this product works this piece of plastic compared to the windsack as much as possible of course i'm doing everything the exact same way but in truth because this is a different location there are different supplies available to me up here i have the supplies i could make a very nice bed and i could be elevated off of the ground so i wouldn't have to worry about the cold from the ground coming up in the future we will do additional survival overnight adventures and i will show you all how to stay warm with such materials as you all could see i got the mylar blanket out and i'm using this on this side of the shelter here this is where my door is at the wind is beginning to shift just a little bit so there's quite a bit of air coming through that door i've sealed it as good as i can but there is a nice little gap at the bottom and that's okay because i need the airflow so basically i'm using this mylar blanket just to kind of cover up and divert that wind as it's blowing i was thinking about something i could talk about that i haven't told you all before and i don't remember if i've mentioned this i may have like in passing very quickly but many years ago i was a practicing blacksmith and i did that for maybe six months or so before i moved on to other things but it was something that i liked quite a bit i really enjoyed doing it the biggest issue for me was my setup it was so janky it was one of those things where i didn't want to invest a lot of money not knowing if it was something that i really liked to do or not i found an anvil on craigslist it was 100 pounder and i went down to asheville north carolina and got it asheville i don't like that place is too big too many people too violent down there asheville north carolina is considered one of the most dangerous cities in the united states i personally do not like going down there most people don't really like asheville all that much there is some nice things to do there's a lot of great hiking out there but like the city itself no thank you i began with the basics pretty much where every blacksmith starts and that's making jewelry that is very common in the blacksmith world to make jewelry so i was coming up with all sorts of like designs for like necklaces and whatnot and i think i have a few pictures left over i'll share some of those so this is what i came up with what do you all think i loved blacksmithing that was so much fun the unfortunate thing is is that i really didn't have the space to do it at my house i don't have a garage or anything like that or a workshop so it was outside it was one of those situations when the weather dictated whether or not i was going outside to practice blacksmithing or not so yeah i did that for maybe six months it was a ton of fun and uh who knows maybe in the future when i have more time maybe i have more space i will pick that back up again we shall see [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] all right folks it is almost midnight i stepped outside of the shelter here i had to use the bathroom so my plan was just to stay in there as much as possible but since it's not really raining all that much i figured i'd step out back inside of the shelter protected from the wind protected from the moisture it is nasty out there the winds i mean definitely not as windy as the previous trip but they're rocking i mean 20 25 miles an hour for sure luckily i'm sheltered in this one little section here the forest just a little bit outside of this shelter i mean it is just rocking i have spent the night doing push-ups and squats i'm staying warm i have not used my stove yet to heat up any water but that point is coming soon more than anything that's going to make me more comfortable the truth is at these temperatures it really isn't that bad right now so yeah i think i'm going to uh do some squats do some more push-ups get warmed up and maybe turn the lights off for a second here and just uh try to get a little bit of sleep if i can usually i could sleep for like 10 15 minutes wake up do something to warm up and then doze again so that's the plan everybody that is the plan so i guess i'll go ahead and turn the lights off [Applause] all right i got some squats to do my [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning everybody good morning folks we have made it it is about 7 a.m now and uh it's damp it is super super damp i tell you what my legs just ate all of that moisture just going right into my knees at some point in time last night it did switch over to sleep but it didn't amount to anything it didn't last very long but it has been a very long night i fell asleep maybe for about i don't know 30 minutes total for the entire night yeah it's kind of funny actually so i'm sitting in this chair and if i stretch my legs out usually i have to put my weight on one leg there's a little bit of a slope here so like both legs out doesn't really work so all the weight on one leg i can sit here pretty comfortably so i was sitting here i fell asleep for maybe 10 minutes or so so all of this weight on that one leg i wake up that leg is like 100 asleep i'm sitting here i'm shaking it i'm getting some feeling back in it i'm like okay i'm all like stand up and we'll go outside of the shelter here and just walk around for a minute still half asleep so i step out and i'm just kind of like where on earth am i and i'm just trying to think of like what's over there what's over here so confused just standing right next to the tent i'm like half asleep half awake conscious enough to know like hey don't walk anywhere i could have easily walked off and gone who knows where as far as the piece of plastic goes this has worked incredibly well this is in many ways much better than the fjallraven winsack and again folks like around ten dollars for this around two pounds for this the winsac 150 i really dislike that product i really do it felt like the company made a product never tested it out because it simply does not make any sense it's the fjallraven windsec and the company claims that it will protect you from the wind from the rain from the snow but it's not waterproof it leaks like crazy condensation in it is terrible plain and simple it sucks i mentioned this in the review but it felt like to me like the marketing arm of fjallraven was like hey you have to say this and this and this we have to sell this product so let's just tack on a whole bunch of crap let's say whatever we have to say to sell this product that's what it felt like if the company said for a short period of time this thing protects you from the wind i would say okay i get it i don't know who's going to buy it for 150 but i get it without a doubt it's above freezing there's no ice there is quite a bit of moisture inside of this but that's what i would expect this is a piece of plastic after all so there is quite a bit of condensation on the walls running down and whatnot but hey what do you expect all in all this has worked very well super adaptable i mean with those clips you can set this thing up in any way that you want to this setup here was excellent took about 10 minutes to do and i have stayed warm blocked the wind it's held in some heat it's kept me dry it has been a long night though it'd be so funny if that little old lady driving that white car rides my ass again that'd be so funny seriously folks i've never had anybody drive so aggressively before i mean like inches away from me she put up with like 15 miles an hour for 15 miles i can't believe it oh man i love that so funny let's step outside for a second once you let's go all right outside of the tent now it's a beautiful morning oh yeah as far as last night goes just as with the previous trip it was a survival situation i used the same principles that i spoke of in the previous trip to stay warm and to make it through the night so make sure to check out that episode there's a lot of good information in there it's one of those situations where if you're ever stuck out in the wild right it doesn't matter the reason why there's a million reasons why i go over many different ways that you could stay warm it's good information might keep you alive folks now one con to using something like this it's pretty much a one use thing or at least it is with the two mill plastic here i don't think i tore any holes in it it's close it's very close two mil is not very thick it's definitely not that strong let's go take a look at the forest real quick let's see if there's enough light to hike yet that's pretty dark it is way too early to go hiking through the woods too dark that's okay i'm going to hop back inside of the tent wait an hour and then i'm going to hike out of here folks i want to thank you very much for joining me for this trip this was an interesting test i really did want to compare the 150 dollar winsack to this 10 setup right here i like this so much more i really do this is so much more adaptable and the overall performance is just as good if not better before the video ends make sure to comment down below what do you all think about a piece of plastic as an emergency shelter also what do you all think about those clips i like those quite a bit those are rather interesting thank you all again for watching this episode make sure to hit the thumbs up because it does help the channel be good take care strength and honor i will see you all again very soon bye for now [Music] i long for you so much i can find my way we got everything here at least to stay alive and the time that we share makes it all worth [Music] do you feel that we got something strong and i saw you walking [Music] i feel like [Music] you'll be the last one to think about [Music] i want you to know that every time [Music] and i saw you walking the line [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] when it all breaks down [Music] [Music] here [Music] and the truth makes [Music] [Music] you will be the last one [Music] last one [Music] [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: TheOutdoorGearReview
Views: 212,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outdoors, hike, hiking, camp, camping, camping gear, backpacking, best fjallraven tarp, Fjallraven Abikso tarp review, best 3 season tarp, Fjallraven Wind Sack, Wind Sack 1, Wind Sack 3, Best Emergency Shelter, Solo Survivor Series, winter survival, survival shelter, emergency shelter, how to survival the cold, how to stay alive in the cold, how to survive in a winter storm, winter storm survival, survival, real survival
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 41sec (2141 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 06 2022
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