"Heaven Invades" | Warrior Women | Ep. 48

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[Music] [Music] hello everybody hello ladies all the way from glasgow scotland welcome to warrior women [Music] we want to know where you are from put in the comments where you are from we welcome you digitally we welcome you so make sure that you put your name put your we see your name but put make sure you put where you're from we want to hear from you in the comments today so welcome we're excited we're talking about heaven invading today and we have some things to share with you so make sure you stick around for the whole 30 minutes because you don't want to miss it and so we are excited and ready to just talk about what the lord's putting on our hearts and so it's it's really kind of emotional is that ladies but anyways we don't we don't want to get ahead of ourselves but we're excited to have you with us if this is your first time we welcome you so good to have you uh we are here in cloudy scotland and so i think our summer is slowly tapering off sadly but um those of you that still have the warm weather well i believe we had eight days of summer in total eight days and i'm with the lovely karis and ally today hello ladies what's been going on with you this past week tell us tell us look at ally like look i'm sorry just look at her eye makeup today yeah i was like i looked like at some of like i was going through the photos on my phone and like i'm such a poser i always take a selfie right and i happen to be quite photogenic so like i don't mind taking a selfie yeah so and i was i was looking through and i was like oh i used to wear all these bright colors on my face and recently i felt a little bit dull and i've just been wearing like browns and if it's bright it's like only just slightly bright and so i went looking for my makeup palettes with all the color in today and i was like yes that's where that's what i'm doing i'm like i think i i put on eyeshadow for like sorry this is super girly child so if you're a guy sorry um but i've actually put on eye shadow i never do that and like when i put on like you do put on makeup and you're like i think there's a reason why we put on makeup because you think it's fine i won't wear any makeup it's fine and of course we're all beautiful without makeup but you put it on and you're like oh um i look a lot better i look more alive i look about five years older and when i take this off i look about 16 and people think that i'm 16 and i'm not i think yeah it was so funny this morning when we turned up on that call and neither of us had makeup on and uh our director said to us i know you guys have to get ready for warrior women so if you just mute the call feel free to get ready and so we both came on like tired eyes like not with our hair done and by the end of the call we had complete glow-ups and they were all like wow girls like yeah it makes a difference if nothing else we know how to have a daily glow up that's for sure sure talk about this do not look good in the morning anyway well i think that's the one good thing about um working from home too so you don't have to always get glammed up yesterday because it was complete complete admin day yesterday i was definitely in my hooded sweatshirt and a little bit of makeup but not as much as i have on today but you know tell you what beg up my mum like i don't know if she'll even watch this but my mom every single day without fail even if she knows she's going to be in the house all day she puts on a full face of makeup every single day and she puts on a full outfit she puts jeans on and i'm like mom you're just sad about in the house like why do you upon your makeup she's like i don't know she's a habit she just splits up every morning and i'm like i have a level of respect for that because she she wants to get herself ready for the day and you do it does help but you do speaking of getting ready meg yeah we're talking about transformation today we are talking about hey come on okay yes we are talking about heaven invading today and so pray for us that we get through this episode um yeah because we are just yeah just god has been doing a lot and and through us um just personally all of us and and please feel free to share you know as we uh as we share today and as we discuss i know you're all watching us as we discuss but please share your comments too and maybe even you know maybe it's something that we say that you're going through or something that or so maybe something completely different that god is showing you but god is just really taking us not i don't even want to say to deeper levels it is deeper levels but i feel like he's taken us to a place where he's changing where he's changing us and so and i was thinking you know we're talking about um you know heaven invading and god's been doing a lot of stuff you know in this personally and as a ministry and so and i feel like there's a lot of things shifting that it is hard to articulate we were talking about that you know like it's it is hard to articulate what god is doing right now um but we but we do have a sense of where not not necessarily not knowing what he's doing we know what he's doing but it's it's how do we articulate what he's doing and so um so i you know i was just thinking and i was in my thoughts and and i and i'm convinced that no matter how long that we have been christians i you know i've been a christian since you know i was a little girl and i think you know these ladies have too i'm sure many of you watching have and you know i was thinking you know it's not about how long we've been a christian or how long that we've been you know with god because we're all we are all on a journey but the question is how much have we changed and how much have we allowed god to change us and so for me even though i've been a christian for well over 20 years it's it's coming before god in a place of surrender but also what is it in my life that needs to change and so before we before we even go into discussion i i want to pray together and so i'm going to pray and then um kerosene alley are going to pray on the back of it um but as you're watching today you know i want you to just i want you to join and kind of just tune yourself in i know some of you may be working while you're listening or and that's fine um or some of you are in your homes by yourselves or in your family rooms on your surface whatever but you know join in with us as we pray together because i really feel like you know god does want to do something and then in these next few minutes for all of us and so so god we just welcome you into this place god we say that you are here you are with us and god we just want to say today right now this moment god that you are holy and you are worthy and god we gaze upon you we gaze into your eyes of fire and we gaze into we put our heart to your heart and in our ears to your ears and our eyes to your eyes today and god we just say come come jesus come heaven in our spaces today and god we give you permission today to invade our spaces god we say that you are our one thing today you are our one desire you are our one dwelling place and so god we just say yes to you god all over again today and we humble ourselves before you and we humble ourselves in your throne room and we humble ourselves before the cross again and we say jesus come heaven come heaven invade today and i just want to pray even psalms 27 4 that one thing i ask and i just want to turn it to him as we pray this one thing i ask from you lord this only do i seek that i may dwell in the house of the lord forever all of the days of my life not just in a moment not just in seasons in my life but all the days of my life to gaze on the beauty and of the lord to gaze on the beauty of the lord and to seek him in his temple to seek him in your house to seek you in your temple today god and so we just say today that we want to dwell we say heaven come heaven in vain transform us today transform us god we say lord whatever we did whatever we've done in the past or whatever worked back then we say we come in to you afresh we come to you new and we say god we just we come to you with with even empty hands today and we say fill us again fill us again to overflowing ladies yeah yeah i just those of you who are who are watching and joining us today you know keep putting in the comments what you're feeling and this is about response this is about response because jesus is in the room jesus is here and and is not a warming up moment this isn't a warming up moment uh jesus is already here he's already come he's already sitting with you right now he's already face to face with you so the prayer is god open the eyes of our hearts to see you open the eyes of our hearts to see you open the ears of our hearts to hear you god and lord maybe respond to you in the way that's fitting for who you are as the lord of lords and the king of kings as the one who is our beloved as the one who is our one desire god made me tremble before you maybe tremble before you god as you enter into your our spaces god and you make them your own that you make our spaces your own god that those of you if you feel any resistance or disconnection i just see that the lord is saying i just want you to open the door just open the door so right now those of you who are joining us today open the door to jesus open the door a door for the lord to come into your heart and come into your space afresh let your whole being become a tabernacle that's something we've been singing together collectively god we are the tabernacle god make our spaces the tabernacle come in jesus come in jesus come in jesus and make this place your own come in jesus i could just hear that the lord is like i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming you just need to open the door so we just open the door to you jesus right now in this moment oh yes jesus jesus yeah jesus and as you make your throne here in our homes jesus all we can do is but respond holy holy holy holy are you jesus worthy worthy worthy are you jesus awesome and powerful god almighty all we can say is holy holy holy holy holy holy worthy worthy worthy worthy worthy we just thank you god we thank you jesus for coming we thank you that your presence is here and all over the world as we're tuned in today we just pray for an increase whatever it is you are feeling in your home we just pray for an increase of the tangible presence of jesus yes and we just pray for for your all and your and your your reverence to come back for him that when he enters you will find yourself on your knees and on your face beforehand because there is only one response when he comes and it is on your face and it is on your knees just singing holy holy are you god and so today we come with that awe and we come with that reverend and we say thank you for coming jesus you are holy and you are worthy and there is none like you there is none like you oh jesus there is no one like you on the earth there is no one like you in the heavens you are the only one you are our only desire jesus we love you jesus thank you holy holy holy and worthy are you lord jesus me yeah yeah and i just i see in the comments and i saw some person and i just felt the heart of the lord for you in the comments um you i'm sorry it went quite quickly so i didn't see your name you said i don't feel like i've got anything left to give or anything else to give and i just heard the lord say to you and two eyes i want nothing from you a part other than a response i just want a response i just want you to acknowledge me in you and in your space i just want you to see me and to hear me and everything else will just happen naturally because you're responding to jesus so though to that person who is watching i the lord is saying you don't have if you don't feel like you have much to give you're in the perfect place to receive from me you're in the perfect place if you feel empty god is saying i'm coming to occupy and to fill that space i'm coming to fill those empty places and empty vessels of your heart and i'm coming to bring you a fresh revelation and a first tangible revelation of my presence within you that where you feel like you are dry and you are barren the lord is coming to bring you fresh water fresh and food fresh and fresh life everything that he has to give for you this is a receiving moment so open your heart open your door it's all you have to do and receive his invitation to come in right now in the name of jesus we release that to you right now yeah and i yeah a couple of you already comment about you see jesus sitting next to you and i feel like i see that happening right now with many of you that jesus is coming into your room right now and you know you know exactly where he's at or maybe you need to look and see where jesus is at in your room right now and allow him to come and minister to you and so yeah i just pray right now that those that are feeling hard-hearted or they're feeling pain i see your comments as you typing them that you would just release it all to him release it before the cross and put it at the altar he's wanting to minister to you today and ladies what you desire is what you will seek and if your desire is jesus and heaven invading your space then you will seek after it and so if you can't see him you keep you keep trying keep pressing in and so some of you will fill his hand on your shoulder some of you will see him sit next to you some of you may see him in the corner of your room yeah he may also come as a light he may also come as an impression you may just feel him there the lie that you can't is a lie he is god present he is god emmanuel god with us and so he is with you and there is a there is a need for you to to believe it megan we pray for you we just break that discouragement off you right now in jesus name and we just say we're not having it and we come against everything that would come to block your spiritual eyesight to come against your spiritual healing to come against your spirit your voice that god has given you to come against all of your spiritual senses and we just break it off you right now in jesus name and megan just wherever you are you're gonna have to just say holy spirit i i break it off i'm sorry for partnering with that and you're just gonna have to breathe breathe in and breathe out and you're gonna have to say jesus will you come and fill all of those places where the brokenness has been jesus holy spirit will you come and so we just break that off you right now in jesus name when we bless you with spiritual sight megan we bless you to see him and to know his presence in jesus name and that goes for every single one of you who are struggling to see him or to feel him in this moment we just break off of you right now in jesus name and we believe for a fresh encounter for every single one of you yeah for those of you who are who are seeking or feeling that seeking is all right i'll just share this quick scripture megan um that i was feeling beforehand it was this a song of songs three those of you who feel like you're running after him and trying to find him know that this is a new season this is a new season for you because the lord is entering into your space rather than you fighting to get into his and and and there's this uh song of songs where the lord and where where you see she's um seeking after the one her heart loves he says i look for the one my heart loves i look for him but did not find him i will get up now and go about the city and then it goes down a little bit and he says scarcely had i passed when i found the one my heart loves i held him and would not let him go and there is the scent of pursuit and the lord is saying that i have seen your pursuing of me i want you to feel my pursuing of you because i am jealous for you and that this is a time not of fighting to get to where i am for but for allowing me to get to where you are and and we were we were talking about this beforehand but the sense of uh feeling the intensity and the reality of jesus and the communion he had with the father and the pain he felt on the cross when that was separated and when and when the lord separated his presence from him and jesus was in grief i feel the lord is saying that this is going to be a season where no longer will you have the the one encounter where you have communion with him and it's scarce and it's and it's new and it's exciting but it's only a moment but the lord is saying i'm now going to bring you to a place where you are so in my presence that if there's a moment that you're not in it it almost scares you into pursuit because you are like i need to get back to where my father is i cannot physically be disconnected from him and the lord is saying i'm coming into that place and i'm coming and invading your place so that way that there that tangibility of my spirit connection to yours is gonna be consistent and constant and that will take a response and that will take um what we're gonna talk about about consistency with allowing him to stay in that place with you but know that this is a new season that you're not gonna have to fight to get there but he's coming in and he's invading your place right now in the spirit megan i'm sorry yeah no i just want off the back of that you know we're talking earlier about how when we allow god to take us to these places when we're kind of engulfed in him and we're in his presence we have to make room and allow him to disrupt our patterns and so and so that's what we were talking about earlier lately for me it's been him waking me up in the middle of the night that's not typical to be honest i have normally a specific day or a specific like time during the day where i where i choose to meet him but he's saying today that no i'm going to choose when i want to meet you wow and so it's adjusting it's not adjusting allowing him in in response to invading our space yes as in being in the presence of god but invading our space even in the moments when we have certain patterns in our life or routines that he and allowing him to invade that space allowing him to invade what we normally would do but allowing him to adjust that and so we have to be willing to adjust accordingly to what he wants yes and in his timing wow yeah and so he is taking us into a place of reverence wanting to remind us of the all and wonder of him and so yes i love what you is that sasa sasa yes mary was weeping at the tomb of jesus wondering where he was the one that he that she led but he was he was right there yes and that's what we even talked about about weeping coming before him and weeping but it's allowing him to change things even in the natural allowing him to disrupt our patterns disrupt our routines disrupt when the time that we think we should do things it has to be adjusted we have to be flexible when it comes to the things of god and so we find ourselves laying before and i so i just found myself laying before him even in the middle of the night even if i just didn't say anything it was laying it was laying in my bed at night and being aware and conscious of the fact that he is here in my room and i am just going to lay here in the awl and the wonder of god and so allowing heaven to invade our spaces in the spiritual but also in the natural and so yeah i think that we're gonna find ourselves praying more we're gonna find ourselves uh fasting more because it it will be the hunger for him that drives us into all the fullness of his being and who he is hmm yeah i just felt the spirit of the lord saying i am coming with instant transformation through heavenly encounter wow and i like i think it's only fair to everyone if we kind of explain what has happened to us over the past week um you know we had our first what we call friday fire on friday and we had the most wonderful encounter with heaven and with jesus and emma was prophesying that heaven was now here heaven was in the room and you know to say that i was marked by that one night is just it doesn't say enough about what actually happened and since friday night or every single one of us has experienced some level of transformation and we have to believe that what happens in glasgow as a global prophetic alliance isn't just for us yes that it's something that is a mark for what god is doing on the earth and so i heard him saying that he is coming with heavenly trans heavenly encounters for instant transformation and you know just like for us the transformations have been in our in our in our personal times with jesus for megan she's waking up in the middle of the night i know carys has not been able to get off of her face and her in her um times with jesus and i have i mean i know that so many of you can relate to this that quiet times with jesus have become religious and so my quiet times with jesus had become very religious it was a case of praying reading a bit of the word maybe unpacking it or seeing what i could dig out of it but i wasn't doing it out of a heart of actually this brings me so much joy and so much pleasure it was a heart of this is obedience and i know that i need to do this in order to remain like you know well-rounded um and my my my personal times with jesus have literally just been ugh i've just been so aware of his presence and i have been able to do nothing but and and cry and that's so just not just not me you know and the transformation of feeling like a lot of you are saying in the comments a lot of you are saying you're disappointed you're discouraged you feel like your heart's hurt and i was saying to the girls before you know i felt like i couldn't connect with my emotions i've had prayer for it i've had ministry for it and i still couldn't connect my emotions to jesus and in a moment it was broken and now all i can do is cry and laugh and and be my extra self about him and you know there some of you who are disappointed i felt disappointed that the move of god that i was part of years ago i felt like i was never going to see that level of his presence ever again and in one moment with jesus the lie that that is going to be what's for the rest of my life that the best has gone and it's not yet to come was broken and so if any of those things are you jesus is saying he is coming with a heavenly encounter to bring instant transformation and so whatever it is whatever is holding you back from from feeling like he is your first love and for engaging the whole of you your spirit your heart your personhood jesus is coming with a heavenly encounter to have you have instant transformation and so we just release that right over you right now in jesus name that what we have experienced here in glasgow the moment of heaven touching earth we release it to you right now in jesus name and we declare that all over the globe right now as we pray that heaven is going to come and you're going to experience instant transformation through the power of god wow wow and i saw a lady on uh it was ca i think was cara who said the suddenly is here um or something like that like it's the time of the suddenly and i think that's so spot on and i like i was um i saw i was looking in the spirit and i saw the lord signing the deeds to our houses into our flats and then i saw him take it like our our homes or wherever it is that we stay and you need paul's if that's where you are and then i saw him signing the deeds to our hearts and he was like i'm taking ownership of your spaces and i'm taking ownership of your hearts and one of the words that and was released as on sunday i think it was um i think it was sam or emma go back and watch our our sunday morning service for power church it was amazing the words that they brought and one of them was about jesus and us only giving him visitation rights and not giving him ownership and i saw i felt like that was another that was a release of another word for you guys today to say god i give you ownership of my house and off my space and i give you ownership of my life because if that suddenly is going to happen and that suddenly transformation encounter that ali was talking about it means he has to have full access all of the time and that is a readying of our spaces for him to come and transform us if we're only holding back and giving him certain moments we're limiting him for how he wants to come and transform us because we only give him pockets of moments rather than saying god i'm fully available to you at any moment of the day for you to come and bring transformation today because oh we need to know this there is not a moment of my day that i do not need transforms there there's not a moment and we have to own that and you maybe say that in the comment there's not a moment that i do not need a transformation touch of jesus or i do not need an encounter with jesus there is not one single moment where i'm fine on my own but it is a jesus i need you moment of um and season of time at the moment where we say god if i need you all of it all the time then i have to make space for you to be with me all of the time and i can't just let you in for a couple of minutes and you're not just my neighbor you are my dwelling place and it has to be like saying god my home is your home and my life is your home that come in and occupy and invade and make me your dwelling place because i cannot have a single second where i am not in your presence jesus and that might take some time to um to release that desperation but if you want that i release to you that right now in the name of jesus that you receive a desperation for god that completely awakens your heart and puts you into a place of your knees where you say jesus i cannot live a moment where i'm not in an encounter with you i can still do my daily life but be in your presence it's not a separation but it's a coming together invasion so god we say right now to each and every one of you who are watching receive a desperation and a hunger for this move of god this is practical this is practical if there's areas of your life that you're needing breakthrough then you need to get in the space of jesus you need to get in the presence of the holy one in order for that transformation and that breakthrough to happen it will not happen any other way it has to be him it has to be him in mission let's pray as we end as we end we give you permission to disrupt our lives and we give you permission to invade our space and we give you permission lord to wake us up in the middle of the night we give you permission to stop what we're doing in the middle of working with our children or eating dinner with our family or whatever that looks like we give you permission to disrupt our patterns today and god we say again just like we prayed earlier that all the days of my life all the days of my life that we would dwell and so yes we release those encounters we release the disruptions of heaven to invade your spaces today to invade your homes to invade your workplaces even some of you are maybe at work we give you permission just just tell god i give you permission i give you permission to stop and in my is to stop me in my tracks and to bring glory and honor to you and for your presence to come in and to transform me well we'll leave you with that we could have gone on yes of course as always but we'll leave you with that and you you have your i just i really just feel like this week even ladies that there's going to be some uh some really things shift for for some of you this week that god is going to meet you um even in in places and times where he's never met you before and so just be alert to that um and that and that he wants to bring transformation into every part of your life and so be willing be open even if it means losing some of your dignity me and some of you are not emotional but some of you might become emotional some of you are not really ones that maybe move or dance in the spirit but watch you might actually be dancing in the spirit this week so i just be willing to respond the way that he wants you to respond and so we bless you we love all of you um somebody asked about our friday fire nights um they are not online yet they will be um at some point just pay attention to our social media pages they will be online but um but as of right now they are in person on friday nights here in glasgow at 7pm so if you're close enough come join us we would love to have you they are open to to the public um starting this week so please come and come and join us we'll see you next thursday we love all of you bye bye [Music] you
Channel: Global Prophetic Alliance-Glasgow Prophetic Centre
Views: 1,219
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 9FTbCMSOclc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 39sec (2259 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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