Heaven: Close Encounters of the God Kind, Part 1 | Jesse Duplantis

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you might be seated praise the Lord we still got people coming in and that amazing Nordic God let me say that says you're getting settled but I'm about ready to tell you and talk about tonight I don't take lightly the Bible said he gave some apostles and some prophets some evangelists some pastors some teachers I'll call it the executive branch of God's government the Bible said he gave some did he say give all there's quite a difference between an evangelist and a traveling preacher and evangelist is in that executive branch of the government of God he never crosses the office of a pastor but a traveling preacher does it all the time because he's looking for something see when you stand in the office and it's a glorious office or in these offices I don't take it lightly and I don't want people to leave here tonight because I know you're gonna be blessed in ba manna and don't build me as the man that went to heaven because we're all going if you say if you're not well you're gonna you better enjoy heat because they're gonna get hot where you're going but God called me to been advantageous to preach the gospel when this wonderful experience had happened I didn't tell Cathy until five days after it happened I don't take it lightly I've I spoke this and put it on a set of tapes in my home church under the authority of my pastor because you know I'm not interested in the spectacular I'm interested in the supernatural I find the spectacular brings glory to man the supernatural brings glory to God and if you want a movement to flow in the anointing of God if you want it to continue never let it get over into the spectacular keep it in the supernatural they tried to do that with Jesus's ministry or your great miracle worker he said it's not me that do it the work it's my father in me notice that they tried to you know make him spectacular they said you know you you that miracle I said no it's my father I come to do the will of my father and the only time I've talked a little bit about this was doing some of the believers conventions as the Lord began to release me to say some things and because you know people tend to take it on a run and and I all I will say it's an experience that I love that in Jordan you'll be blessed by it but what keeps you in the Word of God is simply the word ago so you grow daily in this not just Sunday daily so turn with me tonight to the book of Genesis chapter 1 I want to read a verse of scripture a few verses and I will deal with Close Encounters of the god-kind I called it Close Encounters because when God gets close to you you your spirits gonna know it your souls gonna know it your body's gonna know it and some people say God's not real I'll just hang around he's here today people asked me what's my favorite book in the Bible what my favorite Old Testament book is Genesis my favorite New Testament book is Ephesians I love them two books I just enjoy those and I want to read some scripture out of the King James Genesis chapter 1 and I want to start reading with verse 26 and God said let us make man in our image after our likeness so now look at me how many you want to know what God looks like he looks like me he looks like you we're made in His image why do you act the way you act mother just said I'm made in his likeness let me tell you something I God he's not quiet he is a noisy God he's fee a trickle in the things that he does think about that when he came up to the Red Sea the Bible said what a blast of his nostrils the sea departed he blew his nose and the sea just hooked it blessed God got out the way he's an all-consuming powerful God and he's loud very nice he don't walk around like this he don't do that he is loud one day he's coming back he's gonna holler so loud I'm gonna blow your grim all right out the grave he's the noise of God he expresses what he feels you need to know him tonight he said let us make man in our image and in our likeness verse 26 and let them have dominion over the fish in the sea notice dominion over the fish to the sea so if you're a fisherman you want to catch fish you got dominion over the fowl of the air if your bird honey you ought to get Birds over the cattle over all the earth over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth so God created man in his own image and image of God created him male and female created he them and God blessed them you notice didn't say God tried to kill him and God blessed them and God said to them be fruitful I love that and multiply and replenish the earth in the next two words most people forget or three words and subdue it kind of an odd word and subdue it see God was hinting to Adam that in a perfect society there can be some things get out of line so subdue it put it down what he was saying was snake coming snake coming subdue it put it down snake come and see my father when I lived with him he subdued me I'm not forgetting famous words you used to tell me boy I brought you here I can take you out don't mess with me son I'll kill you and make another one look just lucky not saying okay okay dad he would subdue me subdue me so notice that's kind of odd that God would use that kind of word in a purpose excited but God was letting him know there's a snake coming with a mouth shut him up because you have dominion or everything God created of course Adam didn't do that I want to talk about that in a sense that the first close encounter of the god-kind came through Adam Adam is the only man in the flesh that saw Jehovah Elohim Yahweh God faced the face he was two inches from his nose and God said he breathed into him he didn't give him CPR because if he'd had done that either grab him by the nose and breathed in his mouth but the Bible said he breathed into his nostrils and Adam open his eyes and saw the Creator a close encounter of the god kind and when someone dies I'll show you how it happens that same breath that baby receives when it's born God is two inches from that person's mouth from that person's face and when they go he receives that breath of life back into himself he breathes and things start living he inhales and it comes back into him think about that that's what we made in His image and in his likeness in my first encounter as I said earlier the Lord always bothered me I never did understand God and I'm not a unique individual by no means people said why'd happen to you I don't know why I just tell you just dead but my first encounter with the Lord is foreign where I could physically understand what was going on I was about nine years old I never feared God because I didn't know if he really existed I didn't understand God I was afraid of God I knew if God would come to town he surely would kill me I was afraid to take communion how many of you were afraid to take communion oh you had to be honest how many y'all been Catholic hope you hand it we have it they had a doctrine and I just don't have a doctor in the Catholic Church called transubstantiation which means when you take the host that it literally comes the body of Christ how many of you know what I'm talking about a few minute Catholic how many of you people when you walk up to take communion you'd put your tongue out and that priests had put that host on Unicode Oh Melissa 3-under Cindy and see you wasn't allowed to chew it brother hosting said that this morning he said okay go ahead and eat the bread we wasn't allowed to do that what happened was you'd walk back to your seat and that host that gets stuck up in the roof of your mouth how many y'all know what I'm talking about and when your mama would look and you'd try to get that thing out of there all right see cuz the Catholic people say that that literally becomes the body of Christ I never get one time I came back and I'm where my mama so what's the matter with you boy you are biting Jesus whoa then I come on by Jesus so I just let Jesus slip down my throat I didn't understand it you know when we took the hosts this morning I looked around and some of y'all still with like this because boy you just didn't do that and of course when we went over to the Protestants they gave us some grape juice to drink I don't forget and I took my first communion as a Protestant of other little bit of fella other but what about nine years old and they're getting it what man walked up to me with a plate of crackers and and some grape juice and I looked at the crack I just got me a handful of my mom was just I said well the man gave me some mama and I know forget en didn't meet a grape-juice and I thought we get to drink here okay you know how kids all they want to drink it so bad they stick their tongue in that little glass if you don't watch it you know try to get it all and I thought man they'd do it different here so I couldn't wait until I could I had these crackers in my hands he said let's take up the body of Christ together and I had my ha good to see you could eat crackers in the Protestant churches I thought well this is great man then he he said now let's take up the cup together and I'm not ready to drink this cup and this blood-curdling scream came out this preaching I'm gone I'm not ready to drink he said if you drink this unworthily your damn your soul in the head i'ma no we don't want this I ain't going to hell for glass that will change brother I was afraid to take communion I scared boy how many all was scared oh he had them yeah you see the most holiest act you can do on the earth fear was put into it so you wouldn't receive it amazing how the devil to do that with theological homolytic or hermeneutical philosophical teaching I mean not sound smart but I'm educated at nine years old I never forget it I was not afraid of God I had my first vision of the Lord I came we lived in a mobile home in them I just went back to my bed to go to bed and I saw a man come up to me point-blank blunt maybe and it was like a vision he was in the sky it was thundering and lightning and he said fear God boy feared God I thought hey I got scared and I ran back to my mom I said I saw this guy and it's over to fear God and you know you he'd figured my mama would say okay she said yeah heathen son you need you got to fear God I didn't understand God I was scared of God but yet I wouldn't I sensed his spirit around me at all times I mean as a small child I wouldn't know it I could feel and since the presence of God and what would happen what I did not know until I was a man was I have an older brother and a younger brother and I'm the middle son I also have a sister my mom what came in there after we got she got saved and she said Lord I want a preacher and I was in the middle it was three of us in the room instead which one is gonna beat my preacher and and the Lord said yes see in my heart said no I can't be death not Jesse man he's a heathen maybe he and she laid hands on me while I was asleep now I know this I don't remember it she told me later on after I got saved and said God I asked you to call I you calling this boy he may not realize it but Lord wherever he goes was following him and God honored his word to my mom I couldn't go away I'd be smoking dope snorting cocaine man and I could hear God Hey and I'd look at my drum did you hear that I heard nothing I said man God's in here whoa Oh bad you know and people thought we were just bad tripping but what it was was the Spirit of God honoring mom's voice wherever I would go and they'll forget one time I was went to Mexico and it was in a terrible terrible place with sin was running rampant right in the middle east club I mean I can't even mention the things that were going on in Mexico in this club where I was and I heard God hollering an audible voice get out of there now and I hooked that I just stood up Jimmy was with me supposed to matter I said God said let's get out of here he said who said it I said God he's gonna kill us all let's get out of here I never forget it and I hooked that out of that place I left I went back to my hotel room and I called no I actually called Houma Louisiana where my mother named live I said mama she said years in that old nasty stinking lookin nightclub I was praying God told me I was not pray for God to tell you to get out did you hear him I said he has spoken mama I mean it happen close encounters of the god time constantly as a small boy everywhere I'd go I don't never forget one time I told her teacher this I said the Lord follows me she looked at went yes I said I'm not Kenya he follows me he'll ever come through this door in a minute I don't know I knew it and she said now what would make you believe that I said they don't have and I said it's just happening because she didn't understand it and I didn't understand what mama understood it she knew it at 17 years old I borrowed one of my girlfriend's cars and I was driving it back and I was about ready to encounter another close encounter I'm leading you up to the heavenly vision and I on the tape it is it takes three hours to do this but I'm gonna condense it to make a long story short I was driving and my mother told me the day before she said Jesse I saw a tidal wave of the blood of Jesus over you boy I thought oh he should go with this spiritual stuff now 17 years I said that's nice mama that's nice thank you thank you I said I don't want to hear about that she said I tell you what Paul my father was part she said Paul I I saw a tidal wave of the blood of Jesus over Jesse and daddy said well that's good he always called my mother mama that's good mom she said I don't know what it means but there's something something and the next day I was in a car and I'm driving down the road you know I seventeen year old boys drive and I was driving pretty fast and I went to the left hand side to pass this car and he was a range thorn coming I mean just just raining but I decided to pass it anyway and the engine and I took a chance I mean it was a close call and I got up to about 65 68 miles an hour to pass this car and the engine went dead it was one of those Corvairs I remember those little car bears and that of course the car was coming at me in my lane and I didn't know what to do I mean I was sudden I mean no ends it nothing maybe just I guess the water just went in the back we could just drowned out the engine and what I should have done was just leaving understand I put my foot on the clutch if I have left at least stop summer I lost control of the car and I flipped the car three times in over in flipping I lost control went to the side jump the six-foot mailbox and started flipping and this and I never forget this as I was flipping I was holding on to the steering wheel and I saw the door go alright just break the door and a piece of jagged steel was coming at me you know what's company it's like an accordion the car was starting to bend like this and something grabbed my shoulder I mean grabbed me and held me in that seat the steering wheel broke in my hand now watch this when the steering wheel broken my hand popcorn came out the steering wheel popcorn I never got wet but I had this hand on my shoulder when I came to a stop they had to cut me out with a welding torch it made the papers I mean my shoulder was jammed up I was upside down was on the on the on the roof upside down but this hand was on my I couldn't see the hand but I had the pressure now whoa what is in here and I felt the hand of the Lord and it was God see that didn't know at that time but now I knew it was I mean it slowly came off of me and people had stopped they said the kid at the car catches a fire burn up there to cut me out and then I kept holidays popcorn in here they thought I was in total shock and I and I had a close encounter of the gonca God literally held me because you see when the steering wheel broke I flew over to the other side where that piece of steel of that car was and then it went right through me my side would have killed me that's that I mean that hand holding me physically down just held me and I'm looking and I went oh good what is this what is this but you know everybody thought I was in shock the ambulance guy picked me up and then it cut me out I fell into the mud and I said hey they just grabbed me you know and said don't move and and you know if you don't die in a car accident you're dying you'll answer the way they drive rushing me to the hospital and I kept saying this popcorn popcorn came out the steering wheel think of the guys in shock he's in shock and then you're hooking me up no I said listen somebody grab me this somebody grab my my shoulder out of died I was flying over and they went yeah yeah and it you know couldn't say anything but I knew something that happened a close encounter the god-kind I got to the hospital they called my mom and dad had come a Russian and what was amazing my mom was two minutes behind the accident or actually two minutes behind the ambulance picking me up and when they drove bodies my mother didn't I'm a mammal ants going the other way she said Paul let's pray that's a terrible accident pray to God no one died and I'm her son and she don't know this and they get to the I mean I got to the hospital I'll tell them call my mom so they came a-runnin and this is kind of funny and boy they called my mother I said mama I said uh I'm in this accident and then she i heard of gopal and then she realized that the accent she had just passed it was me she said did you feel anything in that car I said mama popcorn came out the steering wheel that went right over her head she said besides that I said mama somebody grabbed my shoulder she said Paul that's that blood tie that's the blood of God over Jessie that I saw the other day that's God protecting my bar pulling him down into that car nothing good mom I said mom she said don't move look him and move I will be up there boy I mean they got in the car and ran like crazy as my mom always worried about boys you know and I cut she comes in the hospital she said you all right no you're all right I said yeah mom I'm all right she said is it you know she's all these doctors they were undress me is your underwear clean is everything okay it's embarrassing that's their mom after the third flip I said I want you asking me this kind of stuff but mom I worried about that stuff y'all had a mama like that worried about that but you know how boys all my god she want you to change underwear we just turn them inside out and put them on you know we didn't care you know you boys you're crazy you know you don't care worrying about underwear and I'm getting killed in the car they you know I got one cut on my hand and one slight cut over mine I would have died in that corner it's impossible for a person to live made the head headlines and they told and they said that this jump this young man said that something grabbed him and held him in the car when I got home the next day I was so sore could hardly move I said that out I want to go see that car I said daddy popcorn come out spin wheel he said what is wrong with you boy why you saying it I said everybody thinks I'm crazy I'm telling you popcorn come out the steering wheel I want to go see that car so we went to a place called a Bears wrecking yard they had to pick that car up with a winch and when I got there and looked inside the whole bottom floor of the car was full of popcorn and what we ascertained was that there was a bag of popcorn in the glove compartment and at the time the car was flipping at the time the steering wheel broke in my hand the glove compartment flew open the popcorn the steering wheel I see popcorn man everywhere and I realized while the it registered so much in my mind to prove to people that I wasn't in shock that I knew what I was seeing you see therefore Close Encounters of the god-kind those things
Channel: Jesse Duplantis Ministries
Views: 153,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jesse Duplantis, JDM, Heaven, Jesse Duplantis Ministries, Afterlife
Id: za84C3uze4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 30 2019
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