Heaven & Ale - GameNight! Se6 Ep7 - How to Play and Playthrough

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[Music] tonight on game night Nikki Lincoln rusty and myself Dave are going to play heaven and ale a game for two to four players designed by Michael Keesling and andreas Schmidt and published by edgar spiel so let's hop to it oh hey Dave hey Lincoln will you teach us heaven an ale yes my son okay in heaven an ale we are all running our own little monastery here and we're gonna brew beer the way monks brew beer all right a four player game of heaven an ale is going to take place over six rounds each round is going to operate the same way what we are going to be doing during those rounds is picking up various resource tiles and monks and scoring tokens to put them on our board to advance these tokens over here we have five resource tokens that are in wood yeast hops water and barley and we have this brew master token all right and by the end of the game these tokens are all going to look sort of say something like this and this guy let's say is here and your score at the end of the game is going to be whatever your worst resource tile is whatever number that's on in this case it's on five times whatever section your brew master is in in this case it's in the x four section so my score would be five times four is twenty and then there are some things that get added and there's also other kinds of stuff that happens but that's the gist of how scoring works so I'm letting you know now that what you're going to do is multiply wherever your brew master ends up by whatever your worst one of these resources is and that'll be your score plus some bonuses and some other things all right I'm gonna put these all back now the way each turn works is as follows whoever is the star player and we have randomly chosen prior to doing this Nikki is going to the star player the rest of us are all going to be on this spot we're gonna start with Nikki and go clock nikki is going to take her piece and she is going to move as many spaces forward along this track as she wants and then she is going to do something on the space she moves too so she can go all the way to here if she wants but that means on her next turn she's going to be advancing forward from there so she's passing all of this stuff up when you move your piece forward there is really only one rule and that is you must move to a space where you can do something all right mm-hmm so if a space has no tiles in it for example and not explain what you're doing there yet you cannot move to that space because there is nothing very you can do all right when you move to a space let's say you move to here all right you can't when you move to a space choose to do nothing you must do something in that spot you can't just go there okay so if you go to this space you are in this case you are paying for at least one tile in that space I say at least one because from turn to onward some of these spaces could have multiple tiles in them all right so in this case let's say you go here and you pick up this four I'll have a four over here to mirror that and you take it and you put it here somewhere on your board all right you have two sides to your board you have a shady side and a sunny side and when you put a tile on say the shady side you will pay from here starting money of 25 you will pay $4 face value for that tile that cost $4 to place it on the shady side if you were instead to play it over here on the sunny side the sunny side cost twice whatever face value is that will cost you $8 to place that tile does that say that anywhere on these player minutes it does not but the shady side is face value and the sunny side is times two all right what it does say on the player mats at the bottom is the difference between those two sides the shady side these tiles will when they work for you they will generate income and the sunny side tiles when they work for you when they are activated will generate production on your production track they will move your pieces forward okay and not surprisingly they're going to do both of those things by their face value number so this will generate four dollars for you when it activates this will generate four blue movement one two three four when it activates all right that's not-- there's no four blue dollars all the Duckett's are the same okay okay so you're going to keep going and you're going to pick up these various tiles and you're gonna place them on your board all right so that's there are 15 spaces that have resourced housing them all right there are four spaces on the board that have monks in them all right monk monk monk monk monks are in four different flavors we've got this guy doubled up but all four are over here on the side this monk is a face value of four three two and one they get cheaper zoomin on the track and the same rule applies if you want to place this monk on your shady side it will cost you four dollars per monk again there might be more than one there in a subsequent rounds if you want to place them on this side of the board it cost you $8 per monk Duggan's they Duckett's think eight Duckett's per monk okay the reason you're placing these and the way you're going to get money or production are from these purple scoring spaces all right there are six of them on the board and when you go to that space you take this little purple token and you place it over here on these one of these 10 scoring action spaces all right there are 10 of these and you will use every and each one can be used once and only once for the entire game so once you use one of them you will never use it again and you indicate that by let's say you take this and you would cover that it would activate I have not explained what that is yet and then that's it this will never be covered again and you will never be able to do this particular scoring action again so let me explain what the scoring actions are and this purple token let me come back to that hmm this purple token is used to activate the term one of the five terrain types that you have one of the resources that you have so for example let's say I had these on my board and I took this token and I put it here and I'm gonna activate blue all on my blue tiles activate and that would get me three plus four is seven Duckett's mm-hm and blue would move five spaces here on the production track because this is on the sunny side and this is not this is on the shady side and I will never be able to do this blue thing again okay okay that's what this one does this one activates any single number that you choose so for example I could go here and I could say I'm gonna activate all of my fives the tiles by the way are numbered one two five five is the biggest number there is if I were to activate all my fives I would get five decades and then yellow would move five and blue would move five then would each move five and then I'm done with that forever all right and then last but not least this purple space is choose one of the monks and that monk is triggered okay so let's put some monks on the board let's do that let's do that actually let's do this and this there we go that's how I do okay yeah so let's say I were to trigger this monk mmm-hmm when a monk is triggered it activates everything around it all right okay so and when you trigger one of them of the monks all of that monk if you have they all activate they all trigger I'm sorry they all trigger so and you can and you do them essentially one at a time so this guy would trigger he's gonna activate this and this okay so I would move blue five and I would move yellow five mm-hmm then this month will trigger that's gonna move yellow five again and I would get five dollars for this because it's on the shady side okay so in a way I double hit this tile by activating this monk because I put a monk on each side of it does that make sense mmm okay that's triggering a monk not to be confused with activating a tile and the reason that I mentioned that is let's say this monk were here and I triggered this guy okay she activates everything around him yeah which would be a tile if I had here let's just put on here for the sake of argument does arose many times I can surround a monk's I've not explained these spaces yet but you cannot put tiles in those bases that would get me one dollar five advance in blue five advance in barley I guess in water and then this muck gets activated not triggered but activated when you activate a monk the brew master moves one space okay okay that is one of the ways you move your brew master there are no tiles out here that move the brew master okay all right this one was activate these two were both activated because he was the same month these two were both triggered and they activate everything around them and it's because they were the same yes correct correct and those dudes are done for the rest of the game even if I pick up a third one and place it down which you might do yeah okay there's different reasons for that correct it will never be triggered again all right but this guy will move this guy brew and if I if and when I activate trigger sorry this guy he will get me five advancement here five advancement here and one brew master space for the monk next to him okay and the same holds true if this were the case if I did this guy that's gonna give me five five hundred master and then this guy is gonna get me five five in a brew master yeah thank you okay okay I was there and that was there and that was there right okay so one of the ways that you before I go on there are three more spaces that have the scoring things on them these are just anything any of these like one of those take one of these three okay you'll see this has an A on it and this has a B on it and this has a C on it and this is just a B or C a B or C a B or C so it's a way to do one of these to let someone else do one of these so if you were to take this space someone else can also do that same action so more importantly you could trigger a monk and then you could trigger a different month over here you can double up that space so one of the ways that you get money or advancement is by using one of these scoring things another way that you get money or advancement and the main way that you will likely be moving your brewmaster is that when you completely surround one of these spaces with tiles it fills in with a shed these are sheds and they will go let's say I surrounded this like so now that's pretty good minute you surround something you are then going to add up the values of all the tiles that it surrounded right so this would be 7 17 18 23 you and look over here at this chart I'm one short hmm 23 would fall into the range of 18 to 23 but I'm gonna start at the bottom all right if they are 0 through 7 and the reason by the way it can be 0 is that the monks add no value ok so that would be 20 now right 10 19 2009 monk it's not nice to call him a zero the sheds are over here and they're double sided so this is zero shed has a three on the back for example you just find the one you need and you place it to indicate that that has been used now a 0 to 7 shed first moves your brewmaster in this case 6 spaces that's very nice it then activates tiles around it equal to essentially it's number in this case zero so it will activate zero tiles yeah that's just a that's a month a brewmaster bump right only okay um let's see if I can file one which is 8 to 11 that's 9 to 11 but let's say I put it there let's say that will equal date to 11 that's gonna move your brewmaster 3 and as the 1 indicates any single tile that's around this will be activated I use the word activated and not triggered so that I could get 5 money yeah or if this looked like that I could get 5 money if I wanted or I could get 5 advancement in blue or maybe one in wood if I really desperately needed the wood but if there were a monk here I could activate that monk and activating a monk as we said before will bump your brewmaster 1 okay it does not trigger the monk such that it then would activate the tiles around it the only way that happens is from over here okay all right so that's what a one does a two as you might suspect does too but not any two they have to be across from each other okay you can rotate it you can rotate any one it has six arrows and right like a white and a gray and a black but you are only firing two tiles that are crushed smoother and so in this case the placement of your tiles does matter similarly the three has to be every other one again it can be rotated any way you want but it's just basically every other one if you get a 3/8 to move your brewmaster 1 a 3 also moves your brewmaster 1 a 4 does not move your brewmaster but it fires any four tiles I know this looks like in my fire along your towns but it's just four it activates four tiles of your choice so that's another way that you can get buckets money and points and move your brew master all right the other space on the board that I have not mentioned is the barrel space okay the barrel space is what all these little barrels in the middle of the board are for and again you cannot move to this space unless you can do something there all right a barrel space is a way to get more victory points from the end of the game these are all endgame bonuses that they're basically additional ways to score but you can't collect them you can't pick them up until you actually have them all right I'm gonna explain what they all are this is any single one of your resources has reached the 20 space I have not explained this because I have not seen it happen yet Villa rusty has claimed that he's done it but if you reach 20 and you get further advancement by moving you get money instead one dollar for every one Duquette for every bump okay okay this is you have put a purple scoring token on all four of your monks all right I didn't mention this but these always refill to one so if this one doesn't get used we do not add a second one for the upcoming round okay okay there's always only one there this is you have used a purple token for all five of these this is you have played three of your privilege cards which I have not explained yet but I'll come to that in a second this is you have six tokens on your board that are valued five and this is six tokens on your board that are valued one this is you have three sheds that are the same so there's two threes if I'd make a third three somewhere I can claim that these are sort of separated but this is you filled the entire sunny side of your board this is you filled the entire shady side of your board there are 15 spaces on each side of the board four sheds that are different this is your brew master is in the wood basically has reached the barrels portion of your production track and this is all five of your resources are in the would have reached technically four of your the other four of your five of your would starch in the would and you can never go back on this track so you always move forward you may claim as many of these as you are legally allowed to so if I go here and I have a situation where I've got three of these I pick all three of them up they're all worth four points at the end of the game it says four in the back and hey we reveal the smaller one underneath that's worth two okay you can never claim the same type of barrel twice so if I claim the four I can never claim the two but someone else can so basically there are two of us can each score one of these things does that make sense yep okay let me get to the pressure cards now that I've mentioned them when you'll see if you look over here where you're scoring tokens go if they're kind of in these little groups of two with like a little bracket around them when you make a full bracket when you do a thing of two you may immediately play one of these pressuring cards for free it's not an action you just do it privileged privileged cards thank you you put them basically there and you take the thing that's on them so let's explain the thing that's on them sure this one's pretty self-explanatory immediately take twelve dollars no money is crazy tight in this game so that's pretty good money's too tight to mention hmm this is move your brewmaster five spaces all right these are probably the two most common ones that you're gonna play all right this is at the end of the game when we do final scoring all of the barrels that you have in front of you are worth one additional point so all your fours are fives and all your twos or threes nice okay when you play this privilege card you count how many purple tokens you've already played on the board and you advance your furthest behind resource that many so if I were to do this I played two purple tokens this is my furthest behind it would go - if you have ones that are tied for for this you may choose which one is the furthest alright that's what that one does and then finally this one is count the number of resource tiles of a single color and advance that color by the number of tiles so in this case I have three blue tiles the numbers on them don't matter so I would advance blue three one two three it's basically one per tile of that color on the back of your privilege cards it shows three duckets these are money in your hand you may at any time on your turn throw away privilege cards for three duckets as I said earlier money is really tight and you're probably gonna do that it's very unlikely you're going to be able to play all five of these yeah all right it's tricky enough just to play three of them because three of them means you played six of these scoring tokens and do you play them in perfect pairs it might be that I want to score blue but that I don't care about scoring barley like maybe I just want yeast yeah and I didn't specifically spell this out but I should when you make this pair and play one of these cards there that is the time you do it meaning if you don't play a card then you don't ever get to fill that spot it's an immediate thing it's not like you can so for example this one with the purple tokens you can't wait until you have more purple tokens and play it later yeah though you can't hold on to it until you get more purple tokens you will likely hold on to it because the twelve dollars or the advance your brewmaster are very likely gonna be the first one of these you play and again as I said each one that you don't play is essentially worth three dollars to you at the end of the game we're not quite there anything like a game because when you go all the way around you come back to this little starting space which I have not explained this space has four places and when you come to here you choose one of those for the number one space here means I want to be the starting player for the next round all right you will then be this player and then the game will move clockwise so if rusty went here I would be the second player regardless he made starting player that goes clockwise from there the other three spaces are fairly self-explanatory if you go here you move your brewmaster up one if you go here you move any resource of your choice - if you go here you take two nuggets okay all right at the end of the game when we all come back to this button by the way once you come out of this you're out for the rest of the round people can still be moving on the track at the end of the game these spaces are all active this system of your brewmaster this will still move something - this was key at you two dollars this space since there's no strength player will give you an extra point it's just a plus one victory point is you your score okay interesting all right seems like that would be a lot that's potentially a lot well let's talk about now how you truly calculate your score after the simplistic version I gave you earlier so at the end of the game let's say your tokens look something like this okay mm-hmm so the first thing you're going to do is you're going to look to see where your brewmaster is on your track my brewmaster is in this little your production tracked in this old chunk and this old chunk has a three to one ratio in it okay mm-hmm that means that I'm now going to be able to swap three to one movement forward from the back and back from the front to clump up all my pieces together and what I mean is this this is gonna go one two three and that's gonna move one mm-hmm this is gonna go one two three and that's gonna move one and this is gonna go one two three and that's gonna move one why is it one in the back it's three one I'm spending three back yet to move something one and for the purposes of doing that you can not that it matters it doesn't have to be any single piece it could be like one two three one one two three 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 and now I can't do it anymore because moving anything back 3 doesn't do anything but if it looked like this it could be 1 2 3 1 mm-hmm makes sense yeah okay so you're gonna do that first then the next thing you're going to do is for every 10 Duckett's that you have left over and that's why this $2 space might matter and that's why cashing these cards out which I will remind everyone to do as we get to the end of the game might make a difference for every 10 that you spent you may move any single one of these one forward so in this particular case if I had $10 that's a substantial move for me that took me from a 6 to a 7 if they looked like this that's nothing for me right because remember it's whatever your single lowest one is so in this case my score would be 7 times 4 right is 28 plus their barrels whatever my barrel bonuses were Plus this point if I were to start there Plus this extra card that I would have already counted in the barrels if you've played this privilege card and that is who wins whoever has the highest score so is there a tiebreaker there is not in the spirit of the spirit of am on being a monastery and as a shared victory hmm does a peaceful straight victory I believe that's everything except we had randomly determined that Nicky would be the start player yes and for the very first run of the game you then go counterclockwise sort of second half settler style starting with me I choose one of these three spaces to go I'm gonna go here on the move too and I'm gonna hey that's cheating I'm gonna I'm gonna move this yellow worker to so rusty can either move his brewmaster one space or get $2 and you mentioned that money is tight I am taking the two duckets so they're singles over there and Lincoln that need you be very master one and Nikki the game has begun okeydoke let's give it all means I am going to start with these good bye that barley right now okay okay I will spend for barley pay for it that's what I'm ashamed at the laugh I gave you no you're not Sunnyside Sunnyside you paid for maybe good for okay I am red I will go to the for water you just put it on the shady side every cost you for rusty hmm I think I'm going to try something financially prudent and pick up the one but I will put it on the sunny the sunny sides been to for that okay Duckett's we go here take that two barley oops hey I don't get these Wow also slave it's also cheating days just right left I can't lose nothing the hops I'm gonna take it - hey is there two hops and I spent two for that done okay did you moving right along I pay - what else is out I will just pay - grace I need to change for 10 I'm gonna take the monk for for oh well I can sure cuz he might get the other one I like the idea of the month but I didn't want to spend as much saying I've been three I'm gonna spend three and I'll put him on the shady side shady city monk Slim Shady one barley one barley and I put that here for a dollar here I'm gonna start another Bank over here yeah yeah me Wow already I will buy the water I will spend to put it on the sunny side I will do the five shady side I like it mmm I'll go with the four let's put him there oh that's nice thick money yeah huh all right I will take the $2 look oh really rich and I will put him here on the shady side for $2 done three to change thank you sir check of the monk already I like it Wow and that gets you $9 yeah okeydoke nicely done I will come over here to the - boo finds it - where do I want to place let's try here fair far and that means I need to give up another two because I'll go like this - take that - back and properly pay before we're there it's been two for that and then I get back look sorry I get back five six seven eight there we go starting a bank over here done okay I'm gonna hop all the way to the one monk yeah make sense oops I pushed too far and one okay so here day three hey somebody wanted to do that game is awesome and your show at a six I will come here spend like Vegas but I'm going to spend three this time my question is where here there we go alright I'm going to be the start playin mmm don't wanna buy barley or do you want your choice of things whatever I do that's what's gonna happen I will yeah yeah I'll take two coins okay hmm I'm gonna take that and Galu Wow okay yeah three yep continue for I like it I like the strategy actually it's interesting it's going for cover them all get him early and get him often yeah I'm gonna go through shed method this time so this will cost me six okay I will need four back ah you got a shed for and I will acquire a shed here right add it up what what kind of shed I think it's going to be a two three ten thirteen would put me into the 12 to 17 range which is a to there's a tube thank you which two would you like - Dan that's a good question I think I'm going to go for the four money and the one on the blue all right so I will turn in one of those and take a fun actually did that technically you should move your brewmaster one first yes you are correct there's my brewmaster data and it doesn't matter but bruise mitt you're supposed to do that move master I already passed Nikki's passed Lincoln what would you like he's gonna move something too and rusty you were gonna move even in this one all right that's run one so we put a purple taken out where there aren't any let me put the monks out and then we're gonna fill all these spaces where do we buy everything we did we did I'll help from this side difficult that just because reeling and everything else is done correct yeah mm-hmm okeydoke well I will go here and I'll take that five I'm gonna put that on the shady side shady it's ever so shady ah where's the cheap stuff - they're too far ahead I will pay for one two three four four which for this one join in Shadyside it for eight I like it I don't have the tend to pay for that fine worried want to put it yes you do you have $15 and do you have $15 in privilege cards but I'm not just letting you know that yes yeah so I think I will go with the three water for water and I will place it here for three all right I'm gonna take this one for one anchor co2 here cost me one uh no I don't know what to do that was my new seems like a waste of a monk we have two of that color I really don't want to be spending five so don't well then I have to go very far where are you you can go here I only have two twos tariff doesn't seem worth it gets you two dollars into advancement I don't disagree but you could you could go here it's been three for a monk yeah you already got one of those guys no or spend six and put him on the other side yeah or just put him anywhere you didn't have to be near anything you could put them here yeah and then fill it later I do that okay you know I need to keep it cheap okay so three kbecque seven and where anyone let me has to stay in the shade since I'm doing it cheap I like it so I need to tell you put here basically you can double hit later mm-hmm mock it up and just do three advancement here okay I will go here for fond of hey rusty Sims there everybody's taking everybody's tiles howdy what I wanted all right I will take this other five oh because here I spent $5.00 on that did I pay enough money for that I don't think I did for what for oh yes yes double pay yeah yeah good thing I caught that so I paid for you get six back all right I got a deuce do this all the way wrong person all the way over here and we'll spend four don't water imma light some water on the light side and now that completes that so I'm getting a ok 8 12 15 we say 6 7 10 14 14 6 7 10 14 all right still it's a chance to - either way so first things first movie of remaster 1 and then which - are you gonna score probably the 4 - yeah they have to be opposite of each other yep so there's that where all our dollars which is good and yellow move three four one two done okay Wow I love it it's two dollars I love that jump to the end that was fantastic that's fantastic crazy person that's exactly it leads this though guys oh it does oh yes sorry so that's uh nine twelve dollars which is nearly twelve level three - well - brewmaster who's won yep and then which opposite - opposites you're gonna take money and water yep make sense one two three and five bucks yeah twenty makes sense I was cool Lincoln mm-hmm I moved to here for scoring which I will score the single monk giving me $12 and - movement on blue $12 okay Duke what am I gonna do guess I'm doing here - except I'm gonna spend for put okay done the three the three for three thank you you're welcome done I do live for five mm-hmm I like it pensive but I'm not going to I'll spend the two flips right sorry thank you you're welcome to for the one wood and I will then place here right here fire this guy for 10 14 dollars also known as 15-1 what I'm going to trigger this monk and activate those times four not four fourteen but you do that done I did it I will buy that one word I can't reach over there though and it's going in the sign itself - hmm I will advance - okay Wow I think I'm going to be a little crazy now and going well money nuts that makes it easier for me and I will take another nine rusty all right I gotta go yeah I'd be start playing again seriously well if your star player than I'm last true I needed rusty to be star player okay um any coins again okay take two they're small and then I will be moving that I don't realize you're one yeah I don't think I can collect anything up there yet so I will move my brewmaster one thank you all right on to the next round put out purple I'm gonna fill the doubles first sure only because we have enough tile so I won't do that in the future and those have been filmed correct Wow that is really interesting as a cuppa all right spending a dollar to go here damnit are not two four five six seven that is a zero and I'm amazed my brewmaster six one two three four five six and apparently okay before that finishes this one and I believe we're in the eight to eleven zone for twelve twelve that's a perfect that gets you to the next one no I know but I kind of own it the brewmaster to move three so that's twelve their belief for mm-hmm five six seven eight No ten ten it's just ten I got it so you're breathing after moves three do it your broom nice moves alright one two three and then you get a nice any one single one of those any ones which would you like I'm going to do I need to move - nope take that back I will move the wood one two done which number is five four ten nice all right I'm going to spend a lot of money for this monk that's an eighth for thank you I will spend eight for him I will put him there I hope something comes of it no you clearly have a plan hmm I'm gonna go here here I'm gonna buy one of those two tiles just the woods and I'm gonna spend I think ten dollars for it let me just look real quick yeah I'll spend ten dollars for that okay Sunnyside is expensive yeah yeah they're just as terrible yeah you have money it's gone in a heartbeat so I'm gonna cash in one of my cards we're gonna get three coins but it's immediately going back and I'm taking buying that for okay okay I'm gonna do the 3-wood six-four mm-hmm it kind of messed with my play I think I've to go still and I will spend the money on it mmm no I'm sorry changing my mind real quick go here I will spend the eight nice for that the yeast the yeast that will go he's hearing the light side aisle yeast it up I'll spend six for that and put it here there's all my money but that completes this five ten fifteen and sixteen seventeen eighteen that is a three that moves my brewmaster one and not surprisingly and I will fire all three of those fives so I'll get $10 for this miss and five in the wood one two three four five nice and of turn okay I'm gonna do a monk belated monk obi-wan Kenobi monk okie doke so I am what you are triggering the monks all right so this monk is gonna get you four five six seven eight nine dollars okay and this mug is going to get you seven so you're gonna make sixteen dollars sir the color choices are just not great sometimes that's what you had to deal with don't fight those 205 uh wisely focus on the shady side for six the four on one and the two minutes on the other nice I don't have the money for the five I you can cash out parts I can but I'm still not looking for that so I think I will go with the wood for that would chew and I'll spend four because it's going on the sunny side alright then go here get a mount and I will spin to to put them on the shady side I guess me about eight five six five I'm gonna spend ten goodness okay I'm going to do monk the hooded monk okay it's gonna give me five dollars yeah and three would yep and one hops and one and one buffer you remember yeah Altezza the other monk and you play a privilege card anything's gonna be $12 yeah I have to assume that's pretty much the first one everyone we're gonna play probably I took the space just before me so I have to actually jump a little brother to trigger this monk which will get me all advancement one two three four on the white one on the blue three and the green one two three and one on the wood and I will also be playing my $12 dollars I'm gonna make sense [Music] spend five to put that there done okay I'm gonna do my yellows so that is gonna get me six seven eight ten dollars and two on the barley one two okay I'm gonna take these both so it'll be ten for this one Wow it's exciting one cuz you've got twelve dollars and three for this one yep and this is done and that's 15 19 20 nice nice so it's a three your brewmaster moos one yeah here's the three yeah now I got a pick I think I want to try to get some money and move my dude if at all possible I think that does it so one up money gives me five one two three four five it gives me five dollars and it gives me a single monk no another monk bump oh there we go no cheap oil there's a cheetah their achievement they want it that's a little too freely like a woodchuck yeah it's probably a meerkat I'm gonna move here I will place this here before Thank You rusty for not taking the thing I wanted I am gonna go here yeah well I had a fire stuff I got three dollars yeah yeah I am going to I'm gonna pick a number I'm gonna fire all my fives so I'm gonna get five ten fifteen dollars and five wood advancement one two three four five and $15 done back of the pack uh I will be buying the hops there I will place it on the sunny side so for four I'll take that wood [Music] before Wow the monk remained yeah I will spend - I can place him there alright well Nikki yeah you get to be the star player before I'm actually gonna change yeah I'm gonna spend eight dollars for that is that really what I'm gonna do it is I'll spend eight dollars for that actually going to move one of my resources up up to up to I like it you they're not last one - hmm it's a tough choice right there's something to be said for being the star player but then you also get other stuff yeah I'm an advancement brewmaster one Wow well rusty do you wanna be first or fourth I think I'm going to be fourth believe it or not I'm going to go for the money wow that's fantastic alright so let's put these five ones out and two three four five and now he's filling from the twos okay oh sorry I'm gonna hand you a few cuz I cannot reach out this hair it's good and I'll start working from the back yeah yeah are you there and that's oh yeah yeah Wow two of the same dude you can just pick up two right away just like now that's exciting together not have any value to me any longer just me and Nikki really but they are I mean there are still spaces inexpensively and then they can be triggering your brewmaster sure it's not a bad thing yeah I've got the other two down there just spend one for that I put there for dollar oh woe is me not paying attention whatever okay your dear buying the barley for one and that finishes off I really can barley afford that one one and I got me gemstone I'm ashamed I'm ashamed that that makes me laugh oh no that would be alright so what happens if I trigger this monk if you if you activate this monk from this tile did you move your brewmaster one space only and they give you $5 no 5-5 yeah so do it I know I just that's kind of not so under money it's good one two three four five you got money of them I mean it'd be one thing if you were hurting for money but you're not okay six for that barley I could barley for you keep telling myself whose hops sorry keep saying I'm not gonna laugh at that and yet I wasn't iniquity forth and yet I keep laughing at it opt for couldn't afford it hmm I going to spend all my money on that and this it's good dude seriously I would have done it you can always thrown away the card I know or just do one of them whatever's most valuable for you right believe me I would like to get some good green in here but it's not happening hey man get some good green in here I think I am going to just take the one for him that's good are you doing that are you doing that at eight and then I'm going to get a shed off of this okay what kind of 8 10 11 so it's a 1 a 1 remastered mystery romance removes 3 1 2 3 and then which one do you want that's an excellent question I think I'm going to go with the 4 here and then one the back the one that's lagging behind I'm in there I'm gonna spend 8 for that 5 6 7 8 mmm and that's an 18 it's a 3 shed my brewmaster moves 1 and I get a 3 and I will do it here like so that gets me $10 and forward 1 2 3 4 and $10 and eternity any change done yeah I think I didn't pay enough there Wow - for that that's so exciting that's not going to yield me any money I am one too far for that I may have to actually jump jump here to trigger my ex and I will score the fours which will earn me four dollars for white three four and four yellow all right I'm here I must spend nine dollars three for putting this guy here and six for putting this guy in Sun some way yeah but where I've kind of done this badly two three four I guess there Dhoni key blue so I get four dollars one two three four and you bump up and I go eight one two three four five six seven eight and that truth I can do that I am actually going to do the monk four five one two three four five okay uh I think I pretty much have to go and do this so I'm gonna trigger my monk which will give me $10 okay well bump a monk and gives me $10 and I get to choose a card yet what do I want to do here one two three four five six [Music] I'll do the five brewmaster okay I've got I'm standing which is not a suit for me it's very clear - here for - cool oh I'm gonna trigger the wood that's gonna get me five dollars and a nine movement one two three four five six seven eight nine so what's actually gonna get any nine dollars right and I get to put a card out and that card will be the $12 so yeah the money's good nice all right combine that for four I'm gonna craft and take the which remain stir around the corner okay do you have any others I don't know let's see all my monks you've fired all your bunks correct nothing's at 20 you're not things are on the wood you don't have six fives or six ones I assume right nope you don't have do you have three of the same kind of you have only one shed or just a cheap alright that's it Wow I thought that was going to go away I thought I was going to lose that so my will come here you're gonna get it I'm going to get it and I'm going to place it here for one nice trip there yeah okay especially cuz I got pony five three six dollars for that so that triggers that's a lot of money this time a lot of points this time so it's 7 10 14 20 seconds me another brewmaster who's one of three yeah another three-year mm-hmm what do I want I really would like to bump green up so I will take it's not a lot of money but we see you know that's really only way to do it okay so I move three four nope yep three four one two three three four hops and three doll hairs there we go I'm going for the two dollars again totally totally I don't think I have any barrel things completed so I think I'm gonna get my master you can get three for that oh I can - for that - yeah whatever it's something it doesn't cost me anything you don't want any of these unless you want to go she specifically want one of these um if you're not going to buy anything yeah I should get that one for one one for one so I'll go there and get the wood okay no in another space thank you yep now I'm gonna go to the - broke yeah make sense all right Nikki then I'm gonna muzzle go here and arrow and get it while you can that guy's do you have any others - I don't think that's six ones one two three four five one one shy get it fives and I only have one two five sheds you have 201 in it - yep okay I don't think I have anything else that gets four-barrel I don't think so either so now you come in here yeah move your brewmaster oh yeah and we're on round five we'll be into the twos now oh yeah yes we started last so now you're certainly those have been play yes start here No Oh yep it's easy to forget yes okay who's first Oh David me okay Wow well I don't think too hard about it I think I'm going here for 16 and that's gonna go today her right and this is gonna get was the question I guess yeah no I will go here three four five six seven oh that's such a shame I take it back over there so it's not 16 it will be a 1013 done okay I'm triggering my twos I like it so I get two to play oh yeah one two I get to barley known - I got two would one - mm-hmm I get too hot hops 1 2 and $2 and $2 nice one which I'll use to this this is going to be a bit of leap that I will be triggering this I'll be triggering this monk which will get me $9 and this one will get me three on the wood and two wheat barley barley although they have wheat beers could be great just grain just generic green oops sorry I know for your Deuteronomy go here mm-hmm and I'm gonna fire the white okay that seems dumb what's under that one in a5 Oh so expensive yeah I'm gonna fire the white so I'm gonna get two three four dollars and the three advancement the white one two three this also goes 5-1 done all right four oops one two three four that finishes this one that is 817 I get a three or four that cool first move my monk then I got three I think I want to activate them activate trigger Dave which activate trigger what that activates all right sorry doing I'm getting eight bucks and you're getting one brewmaster movement and a broom master you could do that or just get $10 your choice I want my broom master twenty four five six seven eight that goes over there brewmaster think okay three [Music] I will spend the three get the seven back one three four five six seven to place him here that is eight ten eleven it gets me a one but I move one two three okay I get a one which I will move it hops one two three all right I go here I have those two towels please I'm gonna spend 11 10 for that and one for this this is gonna go here and that will close that off and this is gonna go here two three four five that gets me a zero and it moves my brewmaster 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 . pay for okay I will I don't have a lot of money so I will trigger green so that's going to be nice three one two three four and then nine dollars yep cool [Music] I think these tiles will be important to me we gonna buy those I'm going to buy both sweet so that's two four six seven and I will put them both to summary there's so many things you want to do I know it's like I want to do this but if I do that we used to make that film and if I do this thank you yeah like how badly do I want that monk because I have to I haven't fired it yet yeah yeah yeah but I can't I need this like I can't lose this to one of you guys I have to fire green so that gets me five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve dollars and green moves nine spaces one two three four five six seven eight nine and I will play my move my brewmaster five card one two three four five Oh done did I do that [Music] but if I'm counting my ones so I'm going to know by that one I will put it on the sunny side so that's two he's on the sunny side three change that is me mmm sweet - oh wait do I really want to do that well I have the money yeah yeah - all right I will come here to complete this shed for - and this is 1318 which gets me a three shed and one bump of the brewmaster and I will go with the $10 okey-dokey I think that is - five okay the $10 oh I'm sorry yeah yeah ooh three for that you're doing right here yeah and I'm finally gonna fire this guy you know you cute okay one at a time brewmaster bump five six seven and five is $12 and then this guy gets me five and blue one two three four five and $14 no no no yes they go oh yeah picking the brown crazy right yeah wasn't my intention it just happened I think you're pretty flush with cash I am let's see if that does mean well for the last room all right I'm moving all the way to the one water and buying it and it's going on the sunny side of the street I'm sunny in the street and I will buy this two hops so it will get me finish this one off I only have six points in it so it gives me six bumps on my brewmaster and a zero yeah that's nice yeah so six kept not working for me to do that or five six and that is that should I pay for that too I don't think I did ah glad I'm catching it because I paid two earlier for something I think I'm confusing with it I thought I saw you throw money in don't think I had it Sammy I think you're good all right that makes my decision easier which will thank you rusty so that's two for that I'm gonna hear it get ten spend ten for that dad okay I'm going to the barrel and I have a ton of one did you have sex now oh yeah you paid I paid for another one so I'm like seven ones now I don't know he died Phil anything else still you don't have the monks yeah okay I will hmm - I like it look at that it's gonna move around the corner around the corner that's something - right yeah around the corner Lincoln go I think this is the turn that I do what everybody been wanting me to for the last hour I'm going to take start player this turn I will take the very afternoon all right let me with the cash money all right okay lot of months there in that first position yep all right tile the curve yeah Wow one more hmm a lot of nice stuff there at the front but I knew you got I need to start triggering a couple of things to think well you know that's 14 I don't have that much I think I'm just going to wake up big jump oh I need to take that to trigger these idea I want to do something yeah no - would and two dollars and then three on the water firing this guy I apologize and then I need to play a card here which I will play my oh one two three four five six six that could bump that up a good deal but I think I want my room master steaming mad upper and further I one two three four five and that is my turn okay I'm gonna hear I'm both yeah that's five and two double this four is nine so that spends nine that closes this off and it's it five ten fifteen twenty twenty four woof so you know 434 and I will do five dollars and all the rest of victory points so seven and yellow and foreign green done where am I at the beginning vine hops misses one lady there's two dollars that finishes this one off and it is four or five six seven eight so I can move three up 1 2 3 and I get a 1 fire why do I need to move everything everything that doesn't get me to different brackets so that doesn't really matter I move that one to this one okay color weight yellow yeah no bro you said wait sorry her would and yeah I didn't see it one two three four five and then I get to choose another one of these I will one two three four five six seven eight I will move that based on the number eight have you talked about you only have one white target he's using his card oh yeah purple tokens correct yes yeah totally that's right his fans card yep he just took the turn that I was about to take which I am actually going to jump and do the same thing here but I will be triggering green which will get me $2 here you have 1 2 3 up on the path I will then play that same 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 for this back 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 well let's all do the same thing I can't not go here if I don't get this I got no chance so I am firing these two so that's gonna get me 5 6 7 8 9 dollars and one advancement here and then over here I'm gonna get four dollars and nine in green and five in yellow and then I will play huh interesting I guess the blue makes the most sense go Nikki 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 okay well I have to go for that last purple did I I think I moved somebody's token are you red yeah oh yeah what did you do you went here you moved somebody moved me of you I was here and you moved me to there right and that's still fine that's it sure that does not change my move as crazy as that sounds okay I'm gonna do I'm gonna do the purple I have to go all the way over there I just can't not get it I don't know if I need to do if I should trigger the wood or one of these other deals well the wood gets you a card alright doesn't get you necessarily what you need although the wood would bump me up three yeah and a dollar and it gets you to play a card and I can play a card which would like something else what I was thinking okay yeah it makes the most sense wood or was your choice white hops white would get me no better choice three and jewelry no what is absolutely a better choice so you get a dollar wonderful you get three wood one two three and you get to play a card and I was thinking this one what is this one dear I'm sorry actually this is your best card you pick a color let's say yellow okay count how many you have one two three four five six and then you move it that many spaces oh that would be better than upping my barrel I think I think so too that was six yep I'm gonna go in the barrel space alright you got all the guys in the wood right yeah and I got the three cards yeah mm-hmm and I think that is it okeydoke do you fill the side no have got 40 different ones we just pick they all my stuff yeah that would be this one as well because all are in the wood oh yeah I'm sorry you do not have I gave you the wrong one oh this is all fear either goes to yet which one is that yeah my bad don't worry it's a similar icon do you have four different shout yet no do you have through conscience no okay just check it here for two and that is my turn okay I'm gonna go and that's gonna be 6 times 2 is 12 it's gonna go here and here that's 5 10 15 20 that's this with my brewmaster up 1 and for my 3 I'm gonna do that so that gives me 5 blue 2 3 4 5 five white one two three four five and my brewmaster bumps up one turn in cards and okay I'm not gonna be gaining any more stuff so nobody cards okay so are you moving to the end now yet okay but I don't think it's gonna make a difference i buy that wood and i it does nothing for me then why are you - I'm not going - okay I guess I'm gonna just turn these two in and get six okay so you turn that in for six that's not your turn that's just--that's anytime you can do that any time now turn and now are you moving to this yes what would you like you can the brewmaster bump doesn't get you anything higher so I'm gonna two dollars how much maybe hum right now six all right so two dollars doesn't you have eight actually oh yeah so two dollars would get you a movement but that gets you to movement it gets me we're a victory playing it gets me the hops up here okay yeah I think that's I think that's your best play before you do that was there anything here you could have cried not a yes twos don't you have four different for different no you don't have a four if I had a four or a zero or zero yep or I felt look how close I am to filling in one of these sides but nothing okay three all right I'm gonna try to continue working on my dark side to here yes dark side well I spend 24 all three of these understand how you're so flush with cash no he just did I bump the wood up early not on purpose and then so when I fired this wood it was all money okay raising five ten five ten fifteen twenty one is a three so I need to put this in three form I guess like that five ten fifteen twenty one is a three and I'll do it like this and take five one two three four five and a nine wait yeah it's it's crazy it's my turn again and I do not have I think I'll just finish this one let's see if I can do something they'll be valuable because we might have three you have seven dollars well I have eleven dollars right but if I can do maybe while doing this yeah that'll do that'll fill it up let's just go for that and it gives you all of the sunny the dark yeah yeah dark side can you can you do the other side you can't right over here do something it's not as valuable to me right on it has to close right it's not valuable at all right as you're wasting money so that's seven let me just spend that one I'm just throwing and that that's gives me one dollar change we've spent the card for $3 yeah yeah okay and then that finishes that that's a five ten seventeen which is a level 2 gosh darn it that's not correct I think it's my only choice though oh well to complete that well I was hoping behind her when I was trying to bump up to here right I was hoping to stay underneath that but you can bump up to you getting bumped with the month you're gonna get to Mom's bunk with a monk it's gonna work out okay so that's a oh no but the other thing I was hoping to get was a three of a kind right that's a 2 yeah that's all I can you get one brewmaster movement with that yep that's good though at least born at first I know it doesn't help me we get a brewmaster wood for the tile for the shed take it oh yeah yeah yeah now you get to add the house yeah that's cool and then I get four dollars yeah hang out a whole five bucks it won't pay for one of those things oh no you have eight dollars technically if you dare a light-hearted well I'm gonna have to write there's no value to that correct go rusty well I've got one of three choices and I think the one that makes sense is coming here I mean I only get two tiles to pick up to complete that but hey this chance it's a one and then I can score in a future turn this is six which gets me a zero gets me a six bump one two three four five six on my brewmaster and that's that I really wonder if it's even possible to do I mean maybe annotator all the way up no I mean I got my brewmaster up in the last game we played because I won one yeah because I did all I was your heroes yeah well I'm gonna go here craft or barrelling all right a guy 20 no no not all four thing three cards all right yep I have six fives sweet fact I think you have more than six I'm sure yes both sides right did I yeah both sides wow that's huge that's crazy uh-huh do you have that one already all the guys in the wood well if we've been playing Dave's game a four a three well I don't have four different ones that's pretty fantastic really do you ever use the same I have a four of three and two blanks I do have three threes though four threes okay no it's three it's only three or nine I do for but I only know Carrie that's it wow that was huge yeah that was insane that's well it's good nobody bought nobody bumped into you on there right like the the 20 was it was kind of on a team the once I got there the thing is it's two points regardless right no there's hard to get there like I was trying to do some of that but it didn't happen so its Nicki's done back to you link yeah I don't think there's much more I can't there's no point spending any money craft or I already did that no yes you finished get some beer finish the dark side oh don't I saw yes do you have did you pick up no I'm I'm at ease in the process six months six five no I couldn't get the ones really I know a couple didn't do this you already got this guy yeah these were it's unfortunate you keep going this way just to know what you have yeah I know I'm already good I already did you have three economies I don't know that's what I was hoping to do you have a to know I had two two two two two threes and did the around the corner you did not I did wait there was a barrel here and yes I did around the corner first show these here he got like her gate was saying so I had all my barrels around the corner I mean my goods and I I got my two for that so go ahead rusty okay well I'm going to jump here as well uh I do not have a twenty I do have scoring all for those guys I do not have success it in out of six ones I do not have three equal I do not have all 15 and I don't have four different oh wait yes I do one two three four nicely I do have four different nice all right so that's that all right I'm gonna spend these two cards for six dollars only because the rule is like let's try them on your enemies well going to the end yeah yeah yeah so the two dollars doesn't help me right no the point miles will take the point the brute well I'm just saying the brewmaster doesn't help me right using the same thing so I will go here for the point I pointed out neither nut rusty or I get a but is incorrect you if you want to take two dollars like that takes you to ten no sweet no I meant the brewmaster bumping up we're both in the same place right sweet which means I get the bumping with a brewmaster which is how I have three wood doesn't help right it doesn't close anything else I don't believe so but I can just try it's true your last card in III I did I took well no I was taking the money I guess yeah I'm gonna doing but here let me just take a five cool all right so now you do the consolidate thing yeah let's do it one at a time just like a get this collar can we start yes sir so I'm at at two to one so that goes back one-two-one one-two-one one-two-one one-two-one one-two-one one-two-one one-two-one and that's pretty much that's it because exactly they just go back and forth all right Nikki knit you are every the rate of one so I go one two three no that was here was here okay yeah one two three three one two three yeah I know that I think I jumped too on that yeah yeah one two three one of them jumps forward because of that but I don't know that it matters doesn't matter uh she could have technically didn't like that but it did make a difference right okay okay as long as you see it so I'm at two to one one two one two done correct yep rusty I'm at a two to one as well one to one one to one hey you can put them on four or five yep and they wind up on five isn't that special okay now for every ten dollars you can move a thing forward one we have $10 I'm gonna do that doesn't make a difference yeah I mean I do but it doesn't I don't have it then you have the $10 but gotten down to one that beyond yeah doesn't make any difference it doesn't mean if it doesn't make any difference so your score then is in this case you are going to multiply this to 2 times 3 is 6 plus 10 3 12 sanuki score is 12 okay and mine is 5 and it's 2 times 5 is 10 plus now they flip these back over 24 8 your score would actually be times 400 20 20 plus 18 so 38 sorry listing no books and I'm also 20 I'm it 5 times 4 24 26 and I don't have any of the bonus cards nice 13 times 5 Oh 50 65 Wow 10 20 75 85 we were playing dude that's ridiculous well there you go yeah that's heaven a nail what do you think Nicky it drives me nice I mean I got 12 points right it's not a good feeling actually and I thought I was doing better than I have in the past two games that I've played trying to keep everything moving forward it was just I think I think bumping one up all the way is pretty powerful particularly if you can get it around the corner I promise it's two to one all the way till here yeah it's if you can get the brewmaster to 20 Wow but what had happened was is I initially was getting tokens getting tokens and then started didn't have a lot of money then started cashing money then I just realized hey I should do purple no you know I mean I didn't do as many as I did here but I just did a bunch of purple because then that way it started moving these other things around and I think that that's where that comes into play if you could make those those happen right cuz like this is big you did do this one it didn't and she didn't do for the money that one and I did that she did not do it for the money like the rest of us doing okay with the money exactly point I was impressed that you didn't need it right the problem is you didn't get a chance to get a third one out right because you know we'd taken everything except for the money the everybody did this I did that early on I'm just crazy Saint but I was like I mostly use it because the problem is is they don't get restocked I my feeling about doing that the whole thing there was is if I just keep trying to do that at least I'm gonna get to use them I think I'm gonna get four Povich cards out I had one fight you were you were going so well problem was is like I needed like I was not planning on doing money but I think I got any money and you know I mean I just did the things that were like gonna be the most beneficial at the time and I think that that's a powerful potential strategy the problem is is you just have to balance the money with the with the movement of stuff you know it's difficult not having as I've actually focused I think in previous games more on the sunny side where I actually complete the one where I'd got the the dude 220 I up the sunny side which was shocking to me like I thought for sure it was never get there but the reality was is it was the best benefit for what I was doing you know because it was low value stuff right to get seven or or you know to get the six bump or maybe go to this and get a three bump you know I was kind of just angling for that and it's powerful and I did okay but I never had I didn't have a score like Dave's there I thought because I noticed nobody's gone for the barrels and I'm like well he's got a bunch of him I didn't think you had as many as you had I didn't either but you know you filled up the board but that's the thing right once so the first time I played this game on my very first move I put like it I bought like a four or five scoring Talent thought sweet and I double paid for it and when the sunny side yeah on the very first move of the game and I was basically just dead I had like no money for the rest of that game I had killed all my cash money sort of up front doing I mean and weren't you playing the cash rich version of this game that doesn't truly exist even then and we were incorrectly triggering the monks from the sheds right but it didn't matter because I still didn't have money over here that I was triggering and what I what what had happened was that I just thought okay so I need I need to make sure I have some money and that said I had decided before the game even started my first like these were like my first bunch of purchases I decided before the game started I was just gonna get ones and twos and see if I could put 3-0 sheds out for 18 brewmaster movement and my original plan was could I get this guy here at the expense of all these others and would that exchange rate be enough I don't think it'd be strong enough see I don't know because it's one for every single one that's not a it's not a fun what is pretty great the problem with that strategy is you are at the mercy of what toss show up well you need to have several of these high up to make that even worth that I think well just even if I just get one or two up there then they can all move up one really but my problem wasn't a problem it's just you can have a strategy but you're at the mercy of what tops are available to you right and it wasn't that I planned to get these three tiles but I wanted cheaper ones I guess but by getting them by accident I mean look I triggered this tile with the shed and I triggered this tie with this shed and I triggered this tile three more times with these three gods yeah it wasn't and the wood and and yes yes it was it that's a bunch of money that wasn't my plan right it just was what showed out of course I mean that's a that's a huge chunk what happens in this game is like how the tiles come out where you're at with being able to grab them and stuff like that rusty I didn't have any particular strategy I was going for the first couple of games I was always so focused on money and this was just kind of you know I burned I thought you did I think you'd have to pretty good job balancing money in actions there and that's what I did this time it was not a matter of oh let's get an engine like he had the past year one away I was one away there's no ways to buy that three no because he has to go pass this was to get it yeah yeah and so I would have gone here I would have burned this animal was as we all left beyond these because we wanted these yeah last round everybody was picking those up and you'll notice one that's left is the one that everyone took earlier actually we're just trying to keep it's an interesting light it almost makes sense to not take that early because you probably know you could get it it's gonna stay there for you early on and it's it's weird because obviously triggering all the numbers like I have one two three four five six seven I have eight five so if I were able at the end of the game to start well I had at least two or three of those from over here right but let's say I had four or five fives if I could trigger that in the last round but what am I giving up to do that right I mean that's the thing well I was I was one of the first ones I went for I actually think the first thing I did was a monk which gave me like 9 bucks is this one right right um you know I was trying to play a tighter game with money and I never really was too badly out of it as far as cash goes no I thought I actually liked how your game started I actually thought oh that's really cool Lincoln I only thought you might get all five of your privilege cards out which is I was to do that but it was the problem was is it took me a while to I you saw I had to jump ahead to get the monk that I didn't have which was this guy I think he was here though and that was a bummer right I wanted to fill the monks up right away I just feel like yeah I know they're powerful there's potential for them and there's potential or every single one of these and my feeling was just go for what you can get use them don't let them get lost right I I don't I really don't like that these just don't get taken it's and I don't mean just me I mean anybody I I it's frustrating to me that these don't for the first few rounds they just don't get taken right and that's a downer you know I I wish that they could be taken more it I'm not sure I mean I've never played this with fewer players I know you got to play with three which is cool because that one is a quicker game which is exciting to me it's only four rounds instead of six we did it real wrong with that one though you know a three-player game you double up the purple tokens I think here here in here right for the last round only I wonder why just because at the end of the game is when you really need the purple I know but so does that so what we all do and Nikki didn't get one this round why wouldn't you give more when there's four players I did you did they jumped super far ahead you did that one to do that one cuz there was the last one yeah I think I did that one this round right and I was out of cash so it wasn't like I skipped anything to buy yes that was I think cuz I did in the previous game which doesn't have any bearing on this but I think I did exactly that I just left you know I skipped all the other stuff cuz it was like there's no point let's just see if I can I did fill up some I I like I said I finished this site for cheap no no I did all that stuff in a previous round in the around I just went around and just filled this stuff cheaply that's what I did and that was what was shocking cuz I never feel like I actually filled this side which is shocking to me as well but I I was far enough behind that it was but the chance was potentially there would have been nice - OH - the twos I don't see it other than bumping the 2a5 which would still be great it's still not enough to kill what Dave's got with this score cuz he got right one two three four five Cheryl's this scores crazy because the the cash that I didn't that I wasn't entirely expecting that I was gonna have the end of the game I mean on my last two turns I bought five tiles and they all went on the sunny side of the board so I double paid for five tile well you had the money right it was it was correct that that ping of the of the all the wood was was cool because it was was weird but yes it was very fun so it was $10 when you ping the wood plus 9 movement on the wood and that was nine dollars and that - that's right it was all money it was all money that's me it was pretty crazy it's cool I I did get my probably wood since you start there I got my wood barrel there maybe the easiest one to get there cuz it's already on right but I didn't you I think you need to try to do something like you did with it where it becomes your hopefully triggering so you're already at the end I don't know what that word I guess money's cool in the last round they were early because then you were able to do some massive filling there you were landing on and taking time because we were specifically jumping ahead there were a lot of spaces that had two or three thousand huh how do you feel about this one versus other plays well um I didn't do as well on this one but I I felt much more comfortable with it my first play my first game was terrible I it was it was not taught well and I had a very i had a player who was too aggressive and just whaling in the board but this I didn't feel anywhere near as trapped I felt I had options but I saw those options go away also as people went away yeah so I started like wow this is actually much more strategic there's there's more depth to it I'm not going to necessarily get what I want but I have to figure okay this will help me at least in this area I can get money this turn and I I saw more options than I did the first time actually got all my barrels around the corner before the the scoring which was rare too cuz it's hard I feel the cyanide is difficult and if you if it comes at the end of the game it's not great yeah my last game was like this right I think most people's games probably fall around here somewhere right I mean yeah I mean but there's things I mean you can make stuff happen it's these are much they're all over here now these are actually pretty great all of them including this one right one point per barrel is pretty awesome that would have been another six seven points for you on that and five for you yeah it's awesome and then this one here is cool too that you choose one color in and go all the way with them although this was neato here the they were doing the purple tokens I was really dreaming fantasizing that I could get all the way to the fill it up and go which is 12 you could get them all to go 10 2 4 6 8 10 oh yeah I thought you could get them all of course the problem is you get them at the expense of not putting tiles on your board absolutely right the funny thing is you're asking from previous games to mean the previous games I looked at this card and it was just great $3 to you I never I never saw this ever getting played because you know in the last couple games it was like three or four right well that's people just pass a lot of people don't well in the initial games you don't really realize you're going for money and you're trying to get tiles to even do anything right I started triggering them with barely any tiles on the board right you know it's it's a weird thing I just thought well let's see what that does I again I get frustrated by those being left behind because they don't double up you know and I understand why they don't double up but it's still a bummer you know I mean cuz it's like man that's scouring for something you know I don't think I scored the cash one til later so I must have done like this one is the monk I think first wow really but maybe so because I spent 9 bucks on that and no I can't remember no more than I can say about the monk I think I bought a Ford off I mean I was crazy on the monks I actually spent more money on early monks than I right probably should have but it didn't to me it didn't matter I was trying to finish them off I thought right I almost did anybody else finish off the monks I did okay rusty did yeah Dave didn't quite right it not only didn't I haven't that allowed to you I don't have that monk I wasn't I was never able to buy this guy and that's another thing that that I wasn't really putting the attention to this was the first thing I did was this guy right and then only later in the game when in the next round like I think this one didn't come up and I realized oh hmmm I guess I wrote that card slot off I'm like oh I'm never gonna be able to play a privilege card here because there's something to be said for the fact that that again it wasn't like I was trying to pick up white or green those were just the tiles that were out when I bought of course I mean I mean look at my barley I barely got I I couldn't really afford the ones that came out when I had the opportunity and I was playing a slightly different game right so I wasn't really worried about the cheap tokens necessarily actually I don't think I'm worried about cheap tokens for a little while because I was trying to maximize what was happening when I cashed these things out right now and it's cool I mean I was able I'm I think that's pretty far with the brewmaster for me as well I mean I've only played two games and one of them was right this is my trying to there's some other other rule issues than than this even the ones that we mostly had experience because we knew about that one it's funny that so we should say something about that there is some weird wording for this the act triggering in activate right that is confusing to people we have theoretically touched that taught that correctly we have right know we know what the story was on and we've think was a common mistake people make is they use the shed to trigger a monk right this three I'm gonna get five advancement on white in five in this I'm gonna trigger this monk and that's gonna get me nine green for wood and five advances right that's that is incorrect yeah it's weird I mean you read us the rule today in it it certainly is a weirdly word phrase on that it's odd that it's it's a downer because I think this game actually isn't as complicated it's obviously not I like it better that you wouldn't have all that money because I'd like treading that razor to see if that you're able to keep it going but yeah it's interesting it's interesting how it plays differently based on entirely what comes out and the the monk thing was an issue for me too because it took me a while to get the fourth monk I think that was the one know this guy that I need I mentioned that earlier it was a I was trying really hard to get him and I think I paid I don't think I paid a lot but I jumped to like the two spot to get him right that's but I wanted I wanted to trigger that I'm like I want the five bump you know five brewmaster bump I mean it's cool you were saying that that's not paying a lot I think that actually is paying a lot because your abstraction right you're absolutely right but the thing was is I wanted to I wanted to try to use these things you know I don't know that you can I don't know that you could ever get all ten I think you'd have to be you'd have to really sacrifice to do that you know to just to just go for low because everybody else that later on is trying to do that well you're saying rightly so here's the way you could maybe do it what if so what if you did what you started to do in my mind which was licking a bunch of purple if you could if you could get money out of that if there was a way you could do to get money out of that right because if that's a little game I mean if I mean again just a situation like this right just situation where it forget what's over here what's over here just firing this guy is gonna get me to know I would love the fire to if you can if you can get a situation to setup like that then even though you're passing up a lot of stuff to pick up all these purple tile if you have money for rounds five and six you can go to a space where you can pick up three thousand ones or two thousand all that makes up for all the turns you've lost earlier by jumping way ahead maybe right because here's the thing the thing that I thought was actually sort of smart on your part when you were jumping early and firing these earlier even though even though let's say I'm wrong - even though we were further behind it wasn't like that allowed us to go oh tile tile tile tile Tom because it's not like we had a lot of money to do that right right and you took away our money-making opportunities by pulling these off the board the only other way to make money is to close stuff off and if you closed off these no money for wasn't even in those terms but I was I think after the first round I had only like four you know I took I think had to use two monks to fill it up yeah right I actually thought when you as I said when you did that I thought oh that's really cool I had not seen someone do that yet and I thought well that could be interesting yeah if you get all ten purple things out I don't know what it would do for you though I don't it's well it got you twelve dollars immediately and then you put two of those purples on if there if there was that still took a little bit of time because I was hitting the ones that I kind of needed or what I'm not necessarily needed what was available to me cuz I I was actively going for the monks I was trying to finish them I just thought let's get them out okay so maybe it's the other way Ling and maybe you need to actively do say two monks and a bunch of the things but you need to hold you need to hold one or two monks back thicker so that you can get a multiple tree yeah real absolutely yeah I mean I only took this guy because he was cheap I mean I mean your score was not the best but you have great actually economy when you think about it right I mean she managed to get two cards out with right just five pieces so she did and she wasn't just necessarily doing wood I mean that was getting her something well but she was the she's the victim of my purple strategy I think ultimately I don't think she got to do as many purple ones because I was right you know I was still doing them what happened was I think in the game that I did pretty well I I didn't care about the purple ones at the end of the game I think what had happened was they did a bunch of purple then I was just lingering behind and filling up sort of filling up hexagons around around the sheds whether that's really good I mean my score was pretty good on that game I might have been similar to this I don't really remember I certainly was a little tiny bit higher here like maybe this was definitely higher I mean it was pinged but these were slightly a little bit higher I was hoping the one-to-one would be powerful it wasn't it quite as powerful sight oked but that doesn't mean it's not super powerful to try to go for that it just seems like a lot of effort to get that to the to the top I think it's a lot of effort to get almost anything to the top like you didn't make it either nobody but Dave did on them on the wood that's the first time I've even seen it like in any of the games I played I haven't even seen anyone getting near that's right it's hard I think it's hard you have to focus on something and they have to come up I have to be able to afford them and they have to come up and guys definitely not I want it you i put pick water in the beginning right and I was like well I guess I'll do that water but I had a heck of a time getting barley it was just not in the rest you know in my jumping around was not in my progress I have one blue Wow that's it but I got it one two three times Wow right and it's on the right side for that though that's what's great it's having it over there not on the money side is fantastic yeah again not intentional I just I there was never a blue that I could pick up that I could afford and then I just at one point thought well I'd better put something over here or I'm gonna scramble it at least you got that one blue we had to spill it out for you would you have rather been barley barley and bacon at least got his blue well thanks for teaching us Dave your sourdough don't Oh rusty well thanks for teaching us Dave [Music] you
Channel: BoardGameGeek
Views: 29,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GeekUsername:heccubus, session, board game
Id: _tAs0EEzSSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 33sec (7173 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 19 2018
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