Heather Elvis Disappearance | Were Sidney and Tammy Moorer Guilty?

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hello this is dr grande today's question is can i analyze the heather elvis disappearance just a reminder i'm not diagnosing anybody in this video only speculating about what could be happening a situation like this if you enjoy this video please like it subscribe to my channel and consider supporting me on patreon i'll put the link to patreon in the description for this video so first i'll go through the background in this case i'll look at the various trials that occurred and then i'll offer my analysis starting with the background heather elvis was born in carolina forest south carolina on june 30 1993 she graduated from high school in 2011 and moved into her own apartment with a roommate she studied cosmetology and worked as a waitress at two different restaurants in 2013 elvis started paying attention to a repairman named sydney moore who fixed kitchen equipment at one of the restaurants where she worked he was 38 years old and married i'm going to refer to sydney moore by his first name because his wife tammy is involved in the case as well similarly i'll use her first name at some point not long after this elvis and sydney connected romantically elvis indicated to friends that she did a bad thing with sydney and now she was going to continue that behavior elvis told her friends that sydney was in an open marriage so it was all okay so we see kind of conflicting messages she was saying that she did something bad but she was also saying that it was all good because sydney and tammy had an agreement it doesn't appear as though the relationship lasted too long elvis sent out a tweet that read once upon a time an angel and a devil fell in love it did not end well it's not immediately clear from that who was the angel and who was the devil in her scenario as i mentioned sydney was married his wife was named tammy she was about four years older than him she became enraged after discovering the affair she made sydney break up with albus on the phone as she listened evidently sydney was impolite in that conversation suggesting that he didn't really care about elvis this made elvis feel like a terrible person tammy also took a number of unusual measures just to name a few she made sydney get a tattoo of her name on his stomach she handcuffed him to the bed every night although this was disputed later on in court we see different explanations for why handcuffs were used on the bed she set the password on his phone to something that only she knew she went with him everywhere outside the home he was not allowed to go anywhere alone tammy also took actions against elvis a few examples sending elvis messages of herself having sex with sydney threatening elvis telling elvis that she was going to kill sydney calling one of the restaurants where elvis worked and trying to get her fired it appears as though sydney resumed his communication with elvis in the form of text messages and a few phone calls he told elvis the story about how his wife really didn't have anything against her because they had an affair because tammy was also having an affair rather she was upset because sydney deceived her sidney also told elvis the relationship was over as we move to december 2013 we see that elvis found a new job at a beauty parlor which was going to start not long before christmas she was excited about this change in employment she gained quite a bit of weight and had concerns that she was pregnant with sydney's child even going so far as to take a pregnancy test which reportedly returned the result error this takes us to december 17 2013. elvis goes on a date with a new potential romantic interest named steven chiraldi they drove around looking at christmas lights and went to a mall where he taught her how to drive his vehicle which had a manual transmission he dropped her off at her apartment the next morning on december 18 at 1 15 am at 1 35 am a call was placed to elvis phone from a pay phone the call connected and was five minutes in duration at 1 44 am elvis called her roommate who at that time was with her family in another state and informed her that sydney had called and he was saying he was going to leave his wife he asked to meet with elvis the roommate told elvis that meeting with sydney was a bad idea the phone call the roommate only lasted about two minutes it was the last time elvis was heard from one day later on december 19 elvis motor vehicle was found about eight miles away at a boat launch the vehicle was locked and did not contain elvis phone keys or purse she didn't show up for work and she did not answer her phone the man she went on a date with chiraldi was cleared by the police right away so they knew they were looking for some other suspect outside of him the police were able to piece together some of what happened on the morning of december 18. sydney was captured on security footage at a walmart after 1am buying a pregnancy test and cigars after this we see video from a gas station that showed that it was in fact sydney who made the call to elvis from that pay phone there was quite a bit of activity on elvis phone over the next two hours after her phone call with the roommate from her phone records it appears as though elvis called that pay phone back three times then she drove to a nearby bar she called the pay phone four more times there was no answer she drove to a nearby neighborhood and then back to the bar calling the pay phone two more times she then returned to her apartment she called sydney on his cell phone at 3 17 a.m they talked for over four minutes she then drove to the boat launch where her vehicle was later found no records are recorded on elvis phone after 3 42 am now sydney drove a ford f-150 the police were able to identify his vehicle from video taken from private security cameras it was going toward the boat launch at 3 36 a.m and away from it at 3 45 am sydney started making claims to the police that people were harassing him threatening him he said that somebody shot his truck tammy made numerous social media posts claiming the police were framing them and that elvis was a stalker the police searched sydney and tammy's house on february 21 and arrested the couple they were charged with murder kidnapping obstruction of justice and indecent exposure that last charge was unrelated to anything to do with heather elvis apparently sydney and tammy had pictures on their phones of them having sex in various public places later they would be charged with medicaid fraud as well after being in jail for 11 months the couple was released in 2015 when the prosecutors admitted to the court that they had no direct evidence connecting the couple to the disappearance of elvis many people in the community believed the couple was guilty the court actually allowed them to move to florida because they couldn't find any work in south carolina in 2016 sydney was tried for kidnapping the result was a mistrial later he was convicted of the obstruction charge and sentenced to 10 years in prison in 2018 tammy was tried for kidnapping and conspiracy she was convicted of both charges and sentenced to 30 years for each but the sentences were to run concurrently in 2019 sydney was tried and convicted for kidnapping and conspiracy he was sentenced to 30 years in prison they will be eligible for parole after serving 85 percent of their sentences which means that they'll be around 65 to 70 years old when they have their first chance of getting released from prison in both cases the evidence was largely the same let's look at some of the key points in favor of the prosecution sydney was having an affair with elvis tammy threatened elvis repeatedly on one day tammy called elvis 60 times there was this rumor about elvis being pregnant which speaks to motive sydney communicated with elvis early in the morning on the day she disappeared sydney buys a pregnancy test it's pretty clear that wasn't for him his truck was seen where alice's car was found so it would seem that he met elvis there what was the point of being at that boat ramp at that hour in the morning then of course elvis disappears there are also some other items sydney lied about using the payphone to call elvis sydney and tammy were caught on video vigorously washing sydney's ford f-150 just after the disappearance of elvis and they were seen burning rugs now looking at the points for the defense what about the man that elvis went on the date with right before she disappeared steven chiraldi could he have done something was he properly investigated where is elvis body if she is in fact dead there were no eyewitnesses the timeline seems constricted there was no dna no blood no physical evidence at all connecting sydney and tammy to the death of elvis sydney and tammy would say that the reason they were in sydney's pickup truck near the boat ramp was because they were having sex i guess this was the best lie they could come up with what i find interesting here is that this lie actually made sense to them it's like they thought of all the possible lies they could tell and they're like let's go with the having sex and the truck excuse everybody will identify with that one right kind of an unusual thought process this is actually an unusual case in many ways it's rare that you would have a case in which the most serious concern was homicide yet the charges were for kidnapping and conspiracy another item that stands out is how sydney and tammy were overwhelmingly obvious suspects it's hard to imagine that they thought they could get away with this they really did a lot that made them look guilty it really just amazes me that the police could not find more evidence this should have been a very easy conviction these two were not master criminals they were less like thelma and louise and more like bill and ted from bill and ted's excellent adventure what we really have here is a case where everybody knew what happened but nobody could prove it this explains why sydney received a 10-year sentence for the obstruction charge the maximum allowed by law this was the charge that would usually not be vigorously pursued it's very surprising to see a charge like that go before a jury it was like the prosecutors were trying to make sydney pay regardless of the evidence they had available many people believe that sydney and tammy were guilty but many people also believe that there was reasonable doubt in this case in my opinion there was no reasonable doubt i think they probably did it and i believe that the legal standard was met and they should have been convicted now running under the assumption that they not only kidnapped elvis but murdered her as well what could have been going on in a situation like this looking at the available evidence it seems as though tammy was dominant in her marriage she was vocal aggressive she made threats without thinking things through she was scrambling to maintain that relationship with sydney but not so much out of fear but out of rage when tammy heard this theory about the pregnancy that is probably what sent her over the edge i could picture her giving sydney a set of instructions like go find out if elvis is pregnant and if she is he was to kill her i don't think his motive was sex like a serial killer he wasn't trying to dominate elvis i think his motive was simply to get rid of her to make her pay so he could repair his relationship with tammy he was trying to satisfy tammy's demands i think that one of the problems in this case was that tammy took control of the narrative right away she went on social media and started a campaign saying that elvis was the one who was unstable and aggressive furthermore communication between sydney and elvis did make it seem like elvis was highly sexually motivated like she was the one chasing sydney that probably only aggravated tammy even more and played into tammy's story that elvis was in the wrong i think a lesson learned this case would be consider consequences before acting did elvis or tammy ever look at sydney and think what am i fighting for if i win this fight i get to be with this guy really that was their motive they wanted to be with him i've heard of setting the bar low but this is like burying the bar a mile below the surface of the earth as far as i know heather elvis has never been found both sydney and tammy were offer reduced sentences if they would help investigators find the body but they did not take the deal their attorney said eventually the real criminals will be identified maybe the couple will join forces with o.j simpson and casey anthony those are my thoughts on the heather elvis disappearance please put any opinions and thoughts in the comments section they always generate an interesting dialogue as always i hope you found my analysis of this topic to be interesting thanks for watching
Channel: Dr. Todd Grande
Views: 62,124
Rating: 4.9348612 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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