Gable Tostee Case | Murder by Balcony? | Death of Warriena Wright

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hello this is dr grande today's question is can i analyze the gable tostig case just a reminder i'm not diagnosing anybody in this video only speculating about what could be happening in a situation like this if you enjoyed this video please like it subscribe to my channel and consider supporting me on patreon i'll put the link to patreon in the description for this video i do want to point out that i have a few new plants i actually have several just two are visible here in today's shot the one behind me and this cactus who i think i'll name private hudson from the movie aliens because private hudson was a troublemaker and this little cactus looks like he is too so i'll rotate various plants through various videos as that was a popular request so as far as this case i'll look at the timeline of the crime then the mental health and personality factors and then i'll move to an analysis of the trial starting with the timeline of the crime this case starts on july 29 2014 a 26 year old resident of new zealand named warina wright gets on tinder looking for a date when she is in australia for a friend's wedding she connects with a 28 year old man who works as a carpet installer they would meet at a surf shop on the evening of august 7 2014 at 8 45 pm this was in surfers paradise gold coast australia after buying a six pack of beer the couple make their way to avalon apartments this is where tosti lives they enter the elevator at 8 58 pm and go to tosti's apartment which is on the 14th floor this takes us to august 8 because we go past midnight here at 12 55 a.m a recording device starts capturing audio in the apartment the device is allegedly owned by tosti the police did not know what recording device was actually used but the file was found on a phone that was later seized this audio contains a male voice and a female voice and helps to establish the timeline it is of course assumed that the male voice is gable tasty and the female voice is from warina wright there was a lot recorded i'm only covering key moments and i will replace the expletives with the word blank at 102 am tasty asks right to chill and have a drink she says that she is psycho drunk and not to test her this might have been the first clue that it was time to end the date we find out later that in addition to the beer that they purchased in his apartment tosti had what he referred to as moonshine the pair then talks about death tosti said throw me off the balcony and that is it this is it boom at 1 16 pm all the way through 1 20 we hear laughing and sounds of hitting at 1 29 am tosti says i don't like getting beaten up a few minutes later an argument starts as wright is unable to find her phone and threatens to destroy tosti's jaw at 1 38 am tosti said i should have never given you so much to drink i thought we were going to have fun it appears as though wright wanted to leave and tosti was asking her to stay he suggested that she was just a bit violent he offered to cook her food and it appeared as though the situation was calming down as they poured drinks at 1 53 am i find it interesting that they appeared to avert the problem here and yet they start drinking more at about 2 am a resident in the apartment below tosti is awakened by noise 10 minutes later tosti tells right to relax or he will kick her blank a minute later there are sounds of a struggle it is believed that she was throwing these decorative rocks at him he had them in the apartment at 2 14 a.m tosti declares that is enough you have worn out your welcome you have to leave wright responds by saying okay but a minute later things really start to go downhill as tasty makes a controversial statement he said i thought you were kidding and i have taken enough this is blank blank you are lucky i haven't chucked you off my balcony you blank blank psycho little blank later tosti would claim that this had no connection with what happens in a few moments 2 16 a.m write wright accuses tosti of being sexist and tells him to lay off 2 17 a.m tosti tells wright that he is going to let her go she is going to walk out of the apartment if she tries to pull anything he will knock her out wright says i'm sorry tasty replies i don't care at this point it appears as though right grabbed some type of metal object they struggled over it a bit it drops to the ground and sounds of choking can be heard later the police would conclude that it was probably a mounting bracket for a telescope at 2 20 am tasty comes up with this idea to push right onto the balcony and lock the door she does not seem too happy about this she would say the word no several times as this is going on tasty accuses wright of trying to kill him and he explained to her that the conversation was being recorded wright says the word no 13 more times and says just let me go home she would say no over 30 times altogether tasty slams the door shut at 2 21 am wright says two more times just let me go home then a scream can be heard wright would fall 14 stories to her death 35 seconds later tosti calls his lawyer but there is no answer at 2 23 am emergency services are called by a neighbor tosti leaves his apartment and wanders around the area at 3 10 a.m he orders a slice of pizza from a nearby restaurant he can see the emergency vehicles around the apartment building 30 minutes later he calls his father and tells him how he might be in a bit of a situation he explains how his date was aggressive they had sex and she kept drinking she was beating him up he forced her out on the balcony she may have jumped off he denied being responsible for her death what really struck me here is the technical description of events nothing about feelings nothing about the tragedy of a woman dying the recording would end at 4 15 a.m at 11 30 a.m tosti and his lawyer would go to the police station where tasty would refuse to be interviewed two days later an autopsy of right is conducted due to the extensive damage to her body from the fall they really can't tell if she was hurt prior to the fall tosti is charged with murder on august 15 2014. he would eventually be acquitted of murder charges and of manslaughter he wasn't convicted of anything in connection with this case now moving to the mental health and personality factors what we know about tosti's mental health comes from a mental health professional who assessed him as part of the criminal proceedings the professional said a few things about tosti his personality problems were so severe that he was partially disabled he was ill-equipped to deal with people socially he may have had autism spectrum disorder did not have empathy and had severe obsessive-compulsive disorder the professional went on to say that tasty was an emotionally distant emotionally estranged person with whom it was impossible to establish a clear report friends described tosti as a loner and his own social media posts suggest that he had problems with his confidence he may have tried to compensate by initiating sexual encounters with many different women the police would find that he had communicated with 250 women on tinder in the last year and had sex with 180 women during the last four years several of the nightclubs in gold coast had banned tosti for being creepy i imagine the bar is set pretty high to get banned for being creepy from some nightclubs not all of them are known for a plethora of elegant polished and sensitive discussions between visitors this is like being kicked out of a landfill for being malodorous tosti indicated that his problem with alcohol started when he was 17. he drank excessively and often for many years he had a number of interactions with law enforcement prior to this incident he was once charged with public nuisance and obstructing the police the charges were dropped he also had a dui he was arrested for leading a forgery scam he and a few friends earned thirty thousand dollars selling fake ids and he would counterfeit money he was not convicted rather given a warning just two weeks before the death of wright he was driving home in his vehicle and it did not have license plates he was traveling 93 miles per hour the police started chasing him and he accelerated to over 120 miles per hour the police placed spikes on the road which blew out tosti's tires but he continued to drive on the rims until finally coming to a stop he would serve six months in jail for that incident while facing the murder charges not much is known about warina wright she was born in the philippines and lived in new zealand she was described as quiet shy and insecure about her appearance she had a long-term boyfriend who was a personal trainer they broke up then she was dating another man but they had a fight just before she flew to australia for the friend's wedding a friend thought that maybe wright was using tinder in australia to get back at that man just another example of tinder enhanced expressions of interpersonal aggression wright had a number of scars on her that were consistent with self-harm this was used to suggest an abnormal mental state it's not clear if right had any type of alcohol use problem but she did have a blood alcohol level of .156 at the time she died one gets the impression that this may not have been her first time in countering alcohol now moving to my analysis of the trial was gabel tosti guilty the difficulty with the murder charge was that the prosecution was trying to say tosti caused wright's death by frightening her so much that she jumped off of the balcony she was attempting to escape the prosecution acknowledged that when she left the balcony the door was closed and tosti was on the other side so he was in the apartment and right was on the balcony the door was between them so it gets a little bit difficult to make this case that she was trying to escape him even though there were choking sounds and he clearly restrained her he would admit later on that he had restrained her the autopsy did not reveal any marks on her neck as far as the manslaughter charge i'm surprised the jury didn't find him guilty of this i think a good case could be made for manslaughter they were both intoxicated she became violent he was trying to protect himself instead of moving her outside the apartment like out of the front door or calling the police he locked her out on the balcony this was a place that was inherently dangerous especially given her condition one could also argue that based on how he denied her the ability to leave he was committing some type of false imprisonment although of course he was never charged with anything like that again the jury found him not guilty of both charges including the manslaughter i tend to think that in reality he was guilty of that charge or perhaps something like reckless endangerment as far as the weapon this is such an unusual case it's not like they could charge him for illegal possession of a balcony or carrying a concealed balcony during the commission of a felony really none of the uncommon balcony weapon charges would apply in this case his behavior afterward seems to indicate callousness insensitivity a lack of empathy he seemed quite self-centered he was immediately worried about what would happen to him even though a woman had just died he went out and bought a slice of pizza in an interview at 60 minutes australia for which he was reportedly paid a quarter of a million dollars he really couldn't give a straight answer as to why he didn't go out on the balcony and check on her i was left with this impression from watching that interview that he thought what was the point she just felt 14 stories nothing could be done his focus was really about self-preservation this is also seen in the fact that he recorded the encounter as well he didn't record it because she was out of control he recorded as a matter of policy when asked about why he did this again he would not give a straight answer except to say it was protection against something like what happened with right what lessons can we learn from this case i have three here alcohol is a key participant in so many bad situations when combined with impulsive dating based on physical appearance the result is sometimes tragic alcohol impairs the ability to think which is particularly important when interacting with unknown individuals number two it's important to recognize when situations are out of control and contact the authorities he had multiple opportunities to see the date was not going as planned number three maybe it's a bad idea to predict that you're going to kill your date while recording yourself mostly because of the risk of being convicted of murder part those are my thoughts on the gable tostig case please put any opinions and thoughts in the comments section they always generate an interesting dialogue as always i hope you found my analysis of this topic to be interesting thanks for watching a few final thoughts about the plants i've introduced today here in this video i'll put a video on patreon where i go through and talk about all the plants and the process for selecting them i'll just show you a few here i have this one here pretty good plant i don't know much about plants and then over here this one too they'll look pretty good i think i don't have a lot of experience taking care of plants but i have made provisions to make sure these plants get watered and otherwise cared for like being put in the sun and fertilized once a year or whatever is required there i was thinking that these particular plants may not have been happy to see me the other night in home depot when i selected them i think that it's kind of like a lighter trying to pick out sticks of dynamite right it's not a good combination because i don't necessarily have a great track record caring for plants i don't really know anything about them so they might have been a little scared but hopefully i will alleviate their concerns and make sure they have a peaceful life here in the studio so just wanted to add that note again thanks for watching i'll talk to you soon
Channel: Dr. Todd Grande
Views: 75,267
Rating: 4.9625278 out of 5
Id: m7G5YRg_U0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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