Chrissy Teigen Controversy | Cancel Culture or Legitimate Boycott?

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hello this is dr grande today's question is can i analyze the controversy involving chrissy teigen just a reminder i'm not diagnosing you by this video only speculating about what could be happening in a situation like this if you enjoyed this video please like it subscribe to my channel and consider supporting me on patreon i'll put the link to patreon in the description for this video so first i'll go through a brief background of chrissy teigen i'll move to the timeline of the controversy and offer my analysis chrissy teigen was born in delta utah on november 30 1985. her parents had met in thailand her mother was from thailand and her father was american after tegan was born her family moved to washington and her parents ran a tavern teagan was a cheerleader and active in a christian group even though she was not religious when tegan was 15 her mother returned to thailand and her father moved with teagan to huntington beach california she worked at a surf shop where she was discovered by a photographer and got into the modeling business she met john legend the musician in 2006 when appearing in one of his music videos they would get engaged in 2011 and married in 2013 the couple would go on to have two children teagan was active as a model she was in the 2010 sports illustrated swimsuit issue she appeared in many different shows for example deal or no deal where she held a briefcase america's next top model the vue lip sync battle and she was in a couple different specials on the cooking channel tegan published a cookbook has her own line of cooking products and has a clothing line this brings us to the controversy it has been reported that teagan sent a number of disturbing messages to other women on social media here are a few examples in 2011 she sent messages to courtney stodden like go to sleep forever i hate you my friday fantasy you dirt nap and i can't wait for you to die she suggested that lindsay lohan who has a history of cutting herself would harm herself if she saw emma stone and in 2013 called the teen mom star pharah abraham who has struggled with depression and unkind name for sex worker before adding everybody hates you now these terrible messages went unnoticed for a while but when they came to light teagan felt an impact to her business specifically macy's and target dropped her cookware line in response to revelations about tegan's communications with courtney stodden tegan tweeted not a lot of people are lucky enough to be held accountable for all their past blank in front of the entire world i'm mortified and sad at who i used to be i was an insecure attention seeking troll i am ashamed and completely embarrassed of my behavior tegan made it appear as though she was reaching out to stardom privately but staden said that tegan did not rather stodden was blocked by taken on twitter the cyber-bullying behavior of chrissy teigen in many ways is inconsistent with the image she had promoted she claimed to be a feminist yet she bullied and mocked women at the same time there's another side to teagan which in many ways led to her fame or notoriety she became popular in part because of her impolite and hostile social media posts she was known for attacking anybody and everybody on social media she positioned herself far to the left politically and often attacked conservatives and really everybody she was quite mean-spirited but many of her followers really connected with this mentality they liked what she was doing her followers would show their support by attacking the people that she attacked on social media they would communicate with the target and transmit unkind messages one of the conceptualizations of this case is that chrissy teigen is the victim of a culture she helped to create it supports this idea that cancel culture is a left-wing conspiracy theory a group of people who believe just about everyone in the world is actually evil and biased and they have special powers to interpret both subtle and obvious clues much like the right-wing conspiracy theory involving alien lizards only a special group of people can really tell who is a lizard and who is not with this in mind some people see tegan's fate as ironic she invested in the machine that then churned on her in one way tegan's story initially appears to work against the theory the cancel culture is predominantly a feature of extreme left-wing politics it doesn't make sense that left-wing conspiracy theorists would attack somebody like tegan again she is very far to the left why would they attack someone who shares their ideology i think what happens is the canceled culture nonsense brokers attack everybody but the impact of their attacks on people on the left is mitigated by the mainstream media which tends to lean to the left this brings us to the question was tegan really cancelled perhaps cancel culture never came after her and this was a legitimate boycott here are my thoughts on this on the continuum of trying to punish celebrity transgressions on one end we see cancel culture and on the other end we see legitimate boycott most bad things that celebrities do or did years ago are somewhere near the middle of the continuum not all the way on one side of the other chrissy teigen's behavior is not tolerable in a peaceful and supportive society she seemed to have a fascination with death specifically wanting other people to die this is not like a subtle clue that a canceled culture conspiracy theorist picks up on and says oh i've uncovered all kinds of bad characteristics in this person rather this is an obvious indication that one person wants other people to be harmed taken is not disguising her behavior in any way she was communicating to everybody exactly what she wanted and revealing exactly who she was this appears to be a case of attempted legitimate boycott as opposed to cancel culture the reason i say attempted is because it will not be successful teagan will recover without a problem a few lost deals as far as her cookware product line will not really affect her much she has made one apology perhaps she is really making a change i think this is really a story about how fame and notoriety are similar in some ways at least for some celebrities it really doesn't matter which one they have so they're content with either way aside from the whole boycott issue another question that comes up is what leads to this behavior in the first place now of course i don't know specifically about what's happening in the case of chrissy teigen but in general what kind of person becomes a cyber bully or internet troll first let's take a look at the concept of cyber bullying this is when a perpetrator uses digital means to bully others the effects on the victims are quite dramatic we see depression anxiety and substance use rates are higher among cyberbullying victims the personality profile of a cyberbully tends to be low and openness to experience so not particularly creative not intellectually curious low in conscientiousness so impulsive irresponsible high in extroversion so we see assertive talkative sensation seeking outgoing low in agreeableness so a lot of distrust not being modest valuing competition over cooperation and high end eroticism we see anger and difficulty resisting temptation what really stands out the scores would be the high extroversion and low agreeableness so we see someone who is loquacious assertive competitive and intolerant now that takes care of the five factor model but what about the connection between cyber bullying and the dark tetrad traits that is psychopathy narcissism machiavellianism and sadism the findings in the research literature may be considered a little surprising psychopathy is positively associated with the tendency to cyberbully but it is only marginally significant someone with psychopathy would lack empathy and be manipulative but not necessarily have a particular desire to bully people as far as narcissism we see the same finding a person who is narcissistic is self-centered focusing on someone else would not be a primary goal machiavellianism is not related to cyberbullying at all someone who is machiavellian is cynical goal-oriented and tends to hide intentions mocking people online would not be consistent with those traits sadism however is quite different than the other three traits as far as cyber bullying it is strongly positively associated with a construct it is by far the best predictor of cyber bullying in the dark tetrad sadism is a trait characterized by enjoying the suffering of others there are two types direct sadism that is enjoyment from directly causing harm and vicarious sadism this is when somebody enjoys witnessing others being harmed when they themselves are not the perpetrator some cyber bullies like celebrities can experience both types of sadism they can directly attack and then watch their followers attack the victim as well they have the ability to magnify their pleasure through sadistic behavior by mobilizing those followers to join in not surprisingly celebrities can be some of the most dangerous cyber boys for this reason now moving back to the case of chrissy teigen her behavior was extremely irresponsible and dangerous specifically because she is a celebrity she has the ability to get those followers to join in one misguided celebrity is often fairly easy and often necessary to ignore but it's the followers who magnify the celebrities destructiveness that become the major problem tegan treated people's lives as if they were unimportant it was not an intelligent move and it certainly wasn't a move that reflects empathy i think one of the lessons learned in this case is that celebrities are the most destructive cyber voice they make no attempt to conceal themselves rather they want to be seen and have their behaviors endorsed and mimicked by myriad followers those are my thoughts in the case of chrissy teigen please put any opinions and thoughts in the comment section they always generate an interesting dialogue as always i hope you found my analysis of this topic to be interesting thanks for watching
Channel: Dr. Todd Grande
Views: 93,573
Rating: 4.890264 out of 5
Id: YC9vWsv1F1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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