heartstopper but everything is explained by john mulaney

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] if you haven't seen the show you gotta check it out when i walk down the street i need everybody all day long to like me so much it's exhausting you're over there next to nicholas nelson he's in year 11. he's only one year older than you one of the rugby boys do you think oh my god you're gonna love it hi okay all right okay and it's a wonderful tale of the human heart isn't it well guess what hey what i just hi why are you talking to me i don't even know who you are i am now gross i did it again i bought elle's drink again whoa that tall child looks terrible obviously it's better that she's out in all gold school now you know mr reed was still refusing to call her out because transgender children in public schools have had it too good for too long you'll see one day i'm gonna leave you and i'm gonna get that best buy rewards card i've i've got a boyfriend oh well congratulations my friends were all like is he nice no i'm not gay but i might be and i have a girlfriend and she's a female person just like working on one cheerio with bobby fischer like intensity hypothetically what sort of boy do you want to go out with when he doesn't mind people seeing us talk to each other would be nice i was like whoa the bar is so much lower than i ever imagined that's it do you want to join the rugby team you want me to do what i was like okay don't be angry at me for not wanting to come out yet get out of here with that [ __ ] he told you to stop yeah sorry you have nothing to be sorry about i'm sorry because you know how you lie to your parents and i was like i got this under control [Music] all right next sentence facebook indent spacebar hey do you want me to kill that guy for you why not right yeah i'm already pretty deep in it well i've noticed you haven't made many friends in your form group we were like we know but hey he's straight charlie i don't think it's anything serious but isn't it though no this may seem obvious but have you tried putting some space between you and i said no so tara said you had no friends i didn't say that stop snitching [ __ ] i wish i had a dog my parents don't like animals you should come around my house and meet her and i said i sure would like to have fun at next sometimes you don't know what's gonna happen and then you know something happens think about that for two minutes and tell me you don't want to walk into the ocean he's very different to your other friends isn't he you see much more yourself around him do i you do i know all that how do you know all that hey do you want to be confused for a month who are you texting your mom whoa great joke nicholas not funny nick likes a girl like he's in love with a girl goodbye as your token straight friend it's my duty to remind you that sometimes people are straight i've never taught i've never talked to such an idiot person in my life nick nelson you might as well give up right now he's the straightest person i have ever seen proof proof proof we shou uh i think saying un makes it feminine so you'll be saying you have a girlfriend oh what i found this peculiar tara petty i mean [Music] very nervous all the time not even about like major life things just like about in everyday situations to you do you want to come around my house i didn't know he knew how to do that i was just admiring tara's hands i don't know i thought that'd be good [Music] i'm probably gay based on the way i act and behave oh okay i go i'm not gonna do it but i totally get it you look so cuddly like that now we don't have time to unpack all of that so why am i like this why am i like this why am i like this i don't understand what's happening [Music] i was like yeah you got it man aren't we all you gonna invite me uh only if you're cool enough apparently um do you not think i'm cool nick nelson fine you know nick's got a thing with images no i don't he has two proper fit girls trying to get with him and he's not even bothered no saturday night's your chance with tara that's what i'm saying i wasn't gonna do that do you want to go to harry's party with me didn't they go now please come i want you to be there and i go okay now what do we mean when we say film well in many ways we mean movies this is a weird topic and i want to talk about a book i read about world war two everyone get out of my way i don't know what my body is for other than just taking my head from room to room ladybird no moonlight i mean like so sad i don't want to cry but enough about moonlight come on babe harry come on she's just down the corridor i haven't talked to her for like years so she's super hot now and i go why are you doing this to me why'd you he's my friend but why do you feel sorry for him because he's gay no one knows what you're talking about you idiot oh my god now wait wait do you think he has a crush on you yes i do and it's magnificent that's homophobic harry i really don't like you happy birthday ah that's mean sorry ah this ought to be good i'm sorry about what happened okay have you finished talking about him leave me alone do not touch me now i've thrown him off his rhythm can we promise that like no matter what happens we'll always prioritize our friendship and i go okay do you like me what you're right to laugh it's a stupid question [Music] and i like her so much and just stood there blair witch style how did harry hire this entire place this is the height of luxury so you don't have a question anymore at the moment well i didn't say that what's she like then you're just gonna assume that or she wait what did you just say would you kiss me i dare you to do it i want i want you to do it [Music] you gotta go he's as confused as you are my dad hugs me so tightly sometimes i'm like is one of us about to die brush your teeth now boom orange juice that's life i am damp all the time i am damp now and i will be damned later i just felt pressured to do it because i asked and i know you probably don't want to talk to me ever again just take a pause at least have to say sorry see if maybe the chance we can still be friends charlie i don't want to lose you because i did something stupid charlie i was in sweatpants all confused at school is it okay if we like [Music] keep this a secret and i was like yeah that's the type of low brow i'm looking for don't worry i'm a highly qualified hair stylist qualified from where the university of hair stylist i don't even have a joke for that that's how much i hate that [ __ ] i never knew relationships were supposed to make you feel better about yourself hey when am i going to get big and strong this is it i'm it's just going to be this come on for the first time is he actually going to tackle anyone or is he just going to stand there and i also don't want me to be doing what i'm doing tara literally kisses her girlfriend a crown a party and people are still asking her if she's dating a guy she kissed once when she was 13. so that girl is her girlfriend go i'm right here that's my wife so you and nick are definitely not i'm a lesbian she's like jesus christ oy catch you okay yes can i have the ball back and now you have the audacity i promise we're totally platonic good friends but sometimes he would be gay i stunk like a dog everyone cheered though i did wonderful he was like hey cool guy i was like oh she was like that's mean i was like right i'm really sorry for being all clingy and annoying i'm making this so awkward you want to give us a secret and i'm messing it up you're gonna have to get used to that you know what [ __ ] just stop picking on people for no reason oh you gay for them not funny life must be really hard when your only personality trait is rich bellend it's wrong to make fun of people you know but it's so fun sometimes you need to stop this thing with nick nelson what she's going on a date with this girl now i'm gonna go and get some more chips actually do you guys want anything can we get a plate of fries for the table should we do it should we should we share some fries and now you're gonna tell me i'm just being jealous because you made a new friend and i'm scared of being alone jesus christ i don't know if this thing with charlie is a joke or not but for some reason he really likes you and you're messing with him and i will not tolerate it so consider this your final warning you're a good friend i know it was such a weird interaction that i wasn't sure if it actually happened in case you survived right now [Music] i love you i love you too bro in terms of like instant relief cancelling plans is like heroin it is an amazing feeling i just think i can do better no she did not and they knew it was because you loved kieran knight mum what it's a very pretty girl please stop talking she goes i was [ __ ] kidding don't stop [Music] what huh what huh i never would have guessed that you were gay but it's so cool and brave of you you are brave she's so gross lesbians are so disgusting and i don't care for that [ __ ] at all seems obvious but you should be really good friends with the person you're dating yeah that makes sense the four of them stare at each other sharing stuff like that changes everything not always for the better fell deadly silent is what they all did don't look at her and catch the lesbian disease first off no so i got my stuff and i left i'm glad you came it seemed like you didn't want me to i did i just i thought you were trying not to be rude i really do appreciate you coming to a thing because you didn't have to just want to live my life we can do that she does not give a [ __ ] what anyone thinks of her in any situation she's my hero nick and his best mate part of me was like whatever you know you know those days when you're like this might as well happen charlie never even spoke [ __ ] you you don't seem that gay to be honest i mean you sound so gay but that's it do you like music i mean people say that on the internet but never to your face what about nick you think he's hot are you joking nick's not even my type john you're a very good actor thank you i know that yeah [ __ ] what you actually thought i liked you you were just there like some tragic loser with barely any friends who ate lunch alone every day and that bullies walk all over you i never liked you and i just internalized it none of us are being homophobic just shut up harry you made him so uncomfortable with your gay questions someone really used to learn to take a joke why don't you shut up when all said and done it wasn't a joke why don't you shut up ever i'm sure you can deal with it right he's probably used it by now gay people are humans and they're like we'll think about it oh don't push him quite not wanting to protect him can because he's a pathetic little ah that's what i thought you'd say you dumb [ __ ] horse what happened to you you know how i'm filled with rage what's going on you okay it's fine let's just go you're at me you want to fight too the less amount of time you live the better is there something actually going on between nick and charlie there is isn't that yeah they're going out go oh come on someone can't keep a secret i feel so stupid i was just shiny and dumb and easy to trick i was sitting up in bed a few weeks ago like uh you know life i hate you now i was soaked and i was furious stay down on the ground stay down on the ground you [ __ ] [Music] okay okay okay okay okay oh why didn't you talk about you and nick because we hate you this is all your fault i was over on the bench and i just feel like maybe i do just ruin people's lives could it be better if i didn't exist do my friends hate me or do i just need to go to sleep i try to stay a little optimistic even though i will admit things are getting pretty sticky where's charlie i thought he'd be here he's not here oh that's too bad because you would have told him something you cared about i'm done trying to protect him when he's forgotten i exist like i deserve to be appreciated because sometimes you give to someone that you think is deserving and then there's someone else who is equally deserving and they totally get shafted he just told me that you two were going out like maybe i would have done things differently we're well past that you should talk to him yes or should you no i'm gonna stay pissed off with him for a bit longer it is so much easier not to do things than to do them you'll be doing the 200 meters for team blue and i'm like now that's the thing i'm sensitive about [Music] you obsessed with me or something when he was holding back the gay part he did some of his best work [Music] oh my god before i had a girlfriend i had no standard for how i should be treated as a human being you know charlie's like my best friend do you remember he's my boyfriend charlie's my boyfriend oh baby oh no thank you for telling me i'm sorry if i ever made you feel like you couldn't tell me that holy [ __ ] right
Channel: epc xx
Views: 854,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4E00rPP7KV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 07 2022
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