Nick Nelson being the perfect boyfriend for 13 minutes (SEASON 2)

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hi hi I have a boyfriend yes we're all fully aware and he's amazing I mean Tau guess what what I came out to my mum last night oh my God how did it go really well she was completely fine with it we're still friends aren't we I promise I don't fancy anymore yeah I still want to be friends okay good got you a present what why because we've been going out for two months as in it's our two month anniversary you're just gonna ignore me for two weeks then I didn't even do anything to you yeah totally I said sorry the Jolly for what happened don't talk about him and that's why we shouldn't kiss at school oh we're kissing so fun are you getting out here because you get caught kissing is not hi make cupcakes wow all done very well we are so nice how'd you get to know everyone uh well um I guess it was Charlie first um because me and Charlie we're like I want to tell people like you mentioned I just it's hard to find the right time you don't have to tell everyone or anyone if you don't want to you're making me want to kiss you again I'm being serious so am I I kind of had something that I want to tell you what it's kind of hard to it's about you and Charlie [Music] [Music] I can't believe people think you're straight we've been up to since Christmas got a girlfriend yeah haven't seen you all day so I wanted to say hi hi I told you not to talk about him God you hate me so much it's not my fault you liked me before you I hate you because you literally assaulted him Charlie Charlie David seriously so born I was going through some personals I don't care you hurt him and who knows if you do the same with Imogen ous [Music] why Jason then what do you mean it's dick he's he's done some really bad stuff Charlie thinks you're this perfect boyfriend but you are just the same as me just stressed about gcses I'm definitely gonna fail Mass on Monday I want me to help you arise we can go for your notes together you snuck out again he'll be in so much trouble with your mum I'm here to tear you up after your terrible exam known you don't have to be gay really I'm bi actually and so what I'm buying actually so if you're going to be gay at least admit you're gay it's fine there's no deadline I know but it's just annoying when people think we're like best growth I know you and Charlie are really good mates [Music] I guess so if any of the lads say anything out of line you tell me immediately all right none of the guys know about me so um we don't owe them that information okay and we've been told to inform you that boys and girls cannot share rooms yeah we know heartbreaking isn't it look after him before you die Tori okay but I bet you can't last two days without kissing me is that a challenge right here maybe I'm just taking adorable pictures Jordan um since when could you speak French like an actual French person oh my dad's friends since when since his birth Charlie is he coming up you're being gay good job carry on chocolate no bubble gum oh you're a good influence on me ugh everything would be so much easier if I was into girls uh I'm not so sure about that but um I know what you mean could I maybe have a hug it's not bad you've got someone who knows oh let me get that a little bit more there we go I thought you didn't even like me I do like you tell yeah you you're funny you're into weird indie films that you know I probably wouldn't understand yeah yeah you care about your friends so loudly without worrying what anyone else might think and that's well that's that's really cool [Music] oh my God is that did I do that I'm not hungry not really I'll pack you a croissant so if you're hungry later love a snack how did you get that bruise on your neck oh my God [Music] cannot be but you will be having words it's your mission to like mess up my life you never cared about either of them you used Imogen for popularity points and you didn't actually like Charlie you just liked having control over him the Harry just take it [Music] I think he did weird [Music] all right [Music] it was me right yeah I think I remember you being there yeah yeah good you sure you're okay with me borrowing this as long as you don't steal that like the last three you borrowed I actually quite like that one deal them I just forgot to give them back you forgot to give them back I'm your boyfriend Charlie and I I really care about you we're dating oh my god really how long have you been going out a few months well we were saying that because gay yes I'm gonna buy actually but yeah so do you want us to give it a secret [Music] we're okay with people knowing I played rugby when I was in university it's a very attractive sport to women have neither of you boys find girlfriends I think I'm gonna go to prom yeah yeah um would you like to like be my prom date Charlie's my boyfriend surprise I'm bi he's gay and I was actually really stressed out about how I was going to tell you but you know what I don't care what you think about it anymore because you don't care to even see us more than two times a year it's my life has ever been I don't have to hide my amazing boyfriend anymore I'm not getting bullied everything's perfect so we're gonna go to prom and we're gonna be the cutest couple there and everyone will see what have you been me too busy hanging out with your boyfriend sorry if we made you feel weird about telling us yeah man I could easily have a girlfriend Danny day now yeah can we leave I thought this is what you wanted I'm not worried about people seeing us together why should they have to see we've been so obsessed with the idea of coming out it's like we've forgotten why we wanted to do it in the first place it's not for them I love your hair so much I really need I love your eyes [Music] I just want to have a fun night with you and all friends yeah I want that too [Music] [Music]
Channel: Emilyincrisis
Views: 444,936
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: heartstopper, nick nelson, charlie spring, netflix, season 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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