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ah hey there my derogatory word for the female vagina it's me IT Technical Support Solutions here letting you know that all that anime you illegally downloaded has finally come back to bite you in the ass because it was actually loads of illegal illicit material come on you wouldn't steal a waifu in real life so why do you think it's okay to illegally steal one online well good there is everybody I hit a hundred eighty five thousand subscribers by the 10th of November which means it will be a tasteful review of roblox it probably won't be the next video that goes out but it will be the one after that as it does take me a while to record for those tasteful reviews and as I said in my last video I won't be doing any more subscriber goals now for the rest of the month hopefully though we still managed to hit 200,000 subscribers by the end of the earth socialblade does say it will take me 30 days to hit it but if you still haven't subscribed to the channel and you are new and you've watched all my videos up until this point and you've been saving yourself for just the right moment please consider hitting the sub button and hopefully we can manage to hit 200k by the end of the year for a great face serval live on [ __ ] arial beer absolute [ __ ] fast oh hello it's me friendly Russian hacker here and today we're back in the red world Matamata basically turns a modern day scenario into a what-if scenario if what if get this what if the Soviets won the Cold War well you know our guys I've got another wife situation for you right here okay what if I serif productions had server regional cards so people recommend it that I tried out the UK in this mode as apparently it's got a pretty damn good focus tree and if there's one thing that I'm a bit weak for it's a good old focus tree are there's nothing like a good focus tree that lets you go left unless you go right and lets you go down the middle oh the instant annexations of countries without their choice so I completely forgot the lore thread world but basically the Soviets of all of Europe and I have [ __ ] all the millennium dawn tech tree is implements in for the game but most importantly I already start with nuclear bombs which is just absolutely [ __ ] fantastic oh this focus tree this is pretty damn adequately interesting well Mowgli overpowered hey Russia I just need to borrow just a few things yeah just some just a bit of trading that's good you know that would happen under your communist utopia stay and I'm not totally gonna build up an entire Armed Forces and take you out with all this trading material I'm pretty sure the guy in charge of India I've seen in plenty of Bollywood film look how many factions are fighting each other boy oh no David Oh in our beloved dear leader of the United Kingdom has been assassinated a well we do IG are now we've got Shirley Williams in control on the last time she saw a political leader assassinated it's tired of [ __ ] World War know I'm not entirely sure just how Queen Elizabeth would be able to storm anything considering she is literally ancient but hey thanks for the immersion braking at situation god damn it I'm sorry Shirley but I think things are gonna get a bit discourse around here but oh look his Boris Johnson just a man we need to lead this national revolution currently going on by the [ __ ] Queen well she's only gone and [ __ ] done it she said the Queen her seize complete power and boy oh boy hopefully she doesn't die because I really don't want Charles in Charge oh the queen of the u k-- agencies complete part know amy winehouse has been found dead stop all press while you're trying to tell me that me helping the Islamic state in the Middle East are getting involved in foreign affairs to topple regimes that don't quite like us and to put other regimes in control that currently like us but might not like us in the future is a bad idea you are smoking some of the wacky backing cleaned up all of Libya right now it looks much better even though it looks like they have puppet proof they posted why did they puppet them in one [ __ ] state what was the point of that very way peace in the Middle East we did it perfectly no casualties unnecessary and everything's going to be I don't think they're planning anything with America there other than friend friendly think things make this just in BuzzFeed live reporting to let you know that the Queen was secretly alt-right this entire this is problematic well a lot for me to do right now so I've kind of just led a small invasion of of Ireland you know they left my faction when the Queen assumed her complete will right control of the country and I don't blame them but thankfully we're gonna get a new alliance with Morocco you see it's actually pretty easy to beat the Irish all you need to do is bomb their main import port and guess what though potatoes means no fighting spirit ah wonderful no matter what you do I'm coming for you and no matter how much you improve relations with Haiti they're not going to help you ah looks like in breedings back on their menu boys over part folk of course not Cyprus allow me to do it's not gonna be a staging post for a massive Asian of somewhere of all the things Britain used to own that we could have demanded apparently the focus tree allowed us to do this bit of Somaliland very important oh no the British are back oh do you look at Saddam did have some nuclear weapons and he appears they've accidentally gone off after I dropped a nuclear weapon confusing things are going on in the world Britons were invading the Middle East and Italy's gone fascist again how did this happen I don't know but that doesn't look like the Grand Council of fascism to me that just looks like a woman or maybe she is the Grand Council of fashion I don't know yeah that whole Italian fascist thing it didn't last too long and they've been fair very severely punished by the Germans for attempting to do anything all the African freedom packs create is sure is sure was free in Africa right now oh just because I knew you you just had to nuke me back in ours Baghdad blowing up again II muster hidden and ever dig some oh that doesn't this doesn't mean what I think it [ __ ] means does it this this doesn't oh oh god no so just came out from the doctors and I can confirm I do have a brain aneurysm currently happening but more importantly America went into a kingdom and it's led by a guy who looks like he's selling used furniture well I've been [ __ ] about in the Middle East and Africa droppin noobs left right and center but I think it's time we finally deal with all this communist [ __ ] going on in Europe but of course we've got a heightened up the French lines a little bit with a few tactical nuke impounds that's right I did get a few 25 kill streaks to allow me to do that and boy the French are ready to die oh look North Korea Landis that's er that's nice just realize the AI has stacked up hundreds and hundreds of divisions all along this Italian border and they are slowly dying so I've got this great I mean absolutely amazing idea just to nuke them all into submission I know right who knew that I was such a macarthur about some things in life I'm so funny uh millions and millions of goddamn troops suddenly dying all in an instant well there you go guys straight into the nuclear radiation and aftermath go in there and mop up whatever the [ __ ] left so you may be wondering just how many millions I just killed in that push and they were at 1.5 million dead people they're now at this amount so do the [ __ ] math but I feel a bit bad for the union of American kingdoms because they're losing two [ __ ] Illinois really it's I like to think that the North Koreans that landed in Ireland thought to themself boy there's probably going to be plenty of food down we haven't eaten in decades but boy did they choose the wrong Island to invade that or ever since I wiped out what I imagine is the majority of the communist forces in northern Italy I've had basically absolutely no resistance also yet Putin enforced the Eurasian state I don't know what that is I don't [ __ ] care I've killed millions of Communists and I'm not entirely sure if it was worth it at this point out well I'm imagining that war ended with Putin personally putting a bullet in his own head but hey we're done the world is free of communism in Europe so it's not free in the entire war oh boy that was a pretty interesting one to go out with we had a big old war in Europe it took me like two 11 eleven years to finally finish that I was good of course China still exists so they're communists I own loads of Africa in the Middle East and Europe sorry I did free them from communism but I think I have brought upon them a very much worse fate of living as a subject of Charles so I think I've just made the world a lot worse really and if you enjoyed the video please leave a like hit subscribe and I'm really [ __ ] sorry guys I'll try I won't ever bring Charles back into this
Channel: iSorrowproductions
Views: 420,877
Rating: 4.9416776 out of 5
Keywords: hearts of iron iv, hearts of iron, happy mod, best mod ever, hearts of iron 4, iv, hardest country, chef boyardee, speedrun, or, mod, hearts, of, iron, kingdom, 2017, weird mods, funny mods, isorrowproductions, together for victory, hoi4, paradox, Paradox Interactive, playthrough, gameplay, Lets Play, Walkthrough, happy, friendly, funny, beauty
Id: -7THRbO_kUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2017
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