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I was going on guys its 2017 it's time to make America great great way to things that microphone get your man that looks such a microphone like Donald Trump does but anyway guys it's me Ethan Bradberry here and we're back again in the world of hearts vying for I mean we never left them if today will whippin out the alt-right the alt-right guy both because it's brexit time in the the millennium door modern day life because if there's one thing my channels listing is peaceful in the comments with pictures of adult Hitler or Pepe the Frog er they're Pro just hang me ed why am I still doing that hi guys he feeling a bit down there joy my desk order feel worse oh oh those that are anyway cause back in a hotsauce boring fall and guess what look Donald Trump's hair and he said he's ready to build a wall and take down China oh is that is that a hairball that like a lollipop that went under the sofa and clicked its own out of - its Teresa may I ask Theresa April my favorite time of the month and boy it's been oh it's been a while since we came back to this millennium dawn the modern day mind hasn't here boy I sure I sure missed it but hey local the focuses are almost done which means half my jobs well all the jokes are out the window so we're just gonna wing it this time and it's January 2017 and we should probably do the whole Prix it big okay guys what quality air Omri over hills in a coffin well guess what I lowered tax I like to create just go ahead you're up come on guys who would want to be part of that mess we've got much more interesting things to tell we actually I I never I never liked Europe anyway that they've all got stupid country names like Switzerland and Australia and you know the Islamic state wait a second I tone yeah it's kind of probably right how is this even up to debate come on could put stronger pauses with your why would we want way a second in Germany in Europe yes on second thoughts I don't want any of those are sitting pricks in my country well why is that time again when we interest in Northern Irish population with the most important finger in the world that's right a nuclear power station don't mess it up guys don't mess it you're gonna mess it up on I don't know if you can quite you know grunts where I'm going with this with this squiggly line pointing into the North Sea but I quite I'm slightly regretting this I'll leave Europe thing I didn't think that was actually gonna happen and good old Hobgoblin the guy over here agrees with me sorry Theresa January but you know I've got a cunning and ingenious plan to get back into Europe fear at a neutral country full of people called stefan and i Kias ah yeah oh boy back in the shores of your if we are guys and you can go ahead my little my little in trucks just spread out kill the I mean enjoy the culture and you might think this looks pretty devastating for the Swedes but don't worry there they've suffered no casualties so far cos you know they just surrender immediately and so to the Norwegians apparently I'm not awarding you guys you just you're giving up to me what's going on over here in Scandinavia oh hey guys just a usual European policy has anyone notice of Sweden's looking pretty red reef now they're always read the Communist pricks pepper last track don't want to critique the European Union's as I did leave and then fourthly re-enter by invading another country but you guys are just letting me walk for your country I did leave I guys I left I should be out to do this are you gonna kill into the lobbed a safe though I won't forget it realistically crunch buildings the wall you know Canada's being a little [ __ ] house is going on over here in you oh well the gel is doing the destroyer program you know usual stuff just destroying the very fabric and ideals of the ethical policies of Europe whilst also implementing a secret German Reich nice oh and the French going Nazi ok so just write an article on BuzzFeed advice about stuff going over here I'm down over here in Syria but you know being the good guys i am i feel like i my responsibilities go clean up the mess dice dies oh this is actually a pretty easy wisent know how struggling real-life but mostly it's because we got the Turkish appalled you know that the guy that the country that's led by this guy that sounds like his name sounds like Sylvester Stallone trying to pronounce anything oh you well down now that was surprisingly easy look I just I just solved that whole problem over here quite easily no more children getting gassed by Jews gassing them I can't remember wait a second did anyone notices the whole continent down here called South America oh I just had to do is apparently we had war about some sort of Forks let's go well I'd even know this is in the game no just kidding you I knew that South America existed but honestly what was the point of it what was the point I had ten how to explain this to you guys but I accidentally saw just the right amount of Argentinian children and just maybe in a pentagon a pentagram sorry and I may have summoned a demon yes Tim Farron I've accidentally still in the blood demon Tim Farron power of Tim Farron we've killed all the Argentinians by accident wasn't on purpose guys I mean how was I supposed to know if you shout it's free tuition free tuition in a hexagon pentagram circle that it was someone who lived em leader Tim Farron alright I mean I only had to spill a few liters of Argentinian baby Blackbird that was a my fault oh no marine lepen the frog has managed to kick France out of the European Union this is bad news for wait a second colonial wait hold on we need to stop this I I just can't honestly we I never knew there was a whole different continent down here filled with countries I mean I'd love to hear the lore about how this guy is it mud yeah I wish I can trust these damn French cheese with their whole colonial policy thing but I'm gonna risk it and immediately so polos wise expectancy rates went up by 50 way I said they've still not punched out Germany joining the war every time you drop a new cafe oh boy ok pal yeah United States declared war on the Islamic state over here and Donald Trump II got a bit confused exactly what that was so now he's seen the basic education reform to find out exactly what where that is oh boy what happened to this whole new continent down here that I was good split between me and my friends well don't worry I did split between me and my friends France and Joanie but I managed to take all the provinces all the loot and then I just gave France the place of all the trees trees France they go hand in mental reminder don't put this clip in the video it's very controversial and it might start a political debate instead put a clip here instead asking for ten thousand like aru needs for the Palestine Israeli war Oh lardy dollar right apparently Australia is too good for the Queen now Nikon Republic but joke's on you because you're gonna get eye cancer looking at that flag all day probably there's a whole continent down here me there's just so many provinces I've yet to bomb apparently France is a bit set about the fat soul I gave them was trees when we invaded a sovereign country and now they've gone ahead and join Saudi Arabia in the shield particular gayboy force and guess what why come on France it's wrong the trees where you gotta go get so sandy huh you got sand in your vagina down there in Saudi Arabia might am I not good enough for you Europe Europe leaving Bros now oh what's that you like your world extra spicy you all guess what India and China are having a spice often and they're shooting each other it's good but Yong Yong ping over here he's against an Ivan gonna do it yeah I just think if you go behind someone's back you know Joyner our obsession alliance down with Italy acutest BuzzFeed's top ten list on how to get over a rough breakup okay a ranks being a [ __ ] won't let me invade Saudi Arabia through their country so I'm just gonna have to do the old German Tokyo Drift around them through Belgium wait sorry queue weightless I want Saudi Arabia no they're totally independent and how you know I haven't installed a foreign dictatorship Liberal Democrat Alliance and a tempting Ferrand a demon yeah we won't get into it rusticated to it oh this looks a bit different oh look there's another Liberal Democrat now in France how did he get there wait Albania how did obey Nia get there how she felt how did Albania get us a bit weird for Albania to being wayne mi he's got sweet mustache no wonder he's in France he's fixing with all the other homosexuals oh that's not nice what would someone drop a bomb on this specific part of France hat was it an accident who did it why my life is a cross the small still purpose so I'm Trish Suhr what may be dude I'm just dropping the egg hunt around that's that's one gain in life yeah I don't know it's Mexicans Trump hired to build this wall but that look is yes this is a this is a wall the Mexicans are still getting in trouble Jesus yeah I'm not quite sure the Islamic Spain what was that what was that whoa where what is the Islamic state I don't have a clue what you guys are all about I can't see it if it there oh no it's Albania you can always count on me bro kudos the gym to give me some troops in my time oh oh okay don't mind me just being a bit of a penis in the Middle East guys oh no our beanie is grown that happened dude your moustache it's got so big it's so fluffy so why does it smell so weird yeah I just realized I absolutely hate the Muslims a millennium door-mart i driver actually just start playing it right now because i'm pretty sure i've been possessed by that where I can read I can reapply Stu an EU it's simple way that the demon has ten founders got itself inside of me flew through the Dark Arts and I think that's didn't possess guys Oh they rejected application okay hey guys remember to leave a like for 10 10 million likes and I'll join the EU dude make sure to follow my Instagram can I do huzzah um anyway makes shorter leave the video
Channel: iSorrowproductions
Views: 321,324
Rating: 4.8937435 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron iv, the rock, the, rock, weird mods, funny mods, mods, how to, jontron, jon tron, emo, emu, emu war, australia, australian, pewdiepie, hearts of iron, isorrowproductions, world conquest, meme, usa, china, communist china, denmark, switzerland, swiss, together for victory, ghandi, india, indian, british, hearts, of, iron, four, iv, millenium dawn mod, paradox, Paradox Interactive, playthrough, gameplay, Lets Play, Walkthrough
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2017
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