The Town Went Wild (1944) COMEDY-ROMANCE

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[Music] you [Music] honey we will not him surrounded black dad come on Oh Luke Washington we have to come in and get you all men and just a man let him Hannah's dad going out David your mother and dad you're gonna lose what do you want to teach us to come in and get you well I hear em I hear em I hear you what is it David well then I I'd like to ask you Letty's I I'd like to talk to you about something go ahead son well what I've got to say might upset you a bit but I'd like you to hear me out upset me what is it anything wrong well no no not exactly dad why don't you and mr. Harrison call off your feud Harrison what's he got to do with you nothing dare not a thing but don't you think it would be nicer for everybody if you stop fighting with me stop fighting while you talk as though I were to blame instead of that loudmouth nitwit did he taste no of course not dad it's just that I thought the Daguerre so was that young son appears that's who it was look here Bay but I'm not trying to choose your friends for you but you know how I feel about that young Harrison but you shouldn't dad Bob's a fine fellow I'm fellow he's a hoodlum just like his father and another thing what's my fight with Harrison got to do with you oh nothing I guess I just thought it might be better all around it oh well maybe I shouldn't have even mentioned you certainly shouldn't I had my way I Drive that fella Harrison and his whole tribe out of this town yeah well good night dad good night mother did you take your fresh baguette you David yes I have it my inside pop and your key yes I have that too Oh David it's a button off your sleeve let me sew down no never my mother and it won't take a minute but no one will notice you can do it tomorrow don't stay out too late Everett answers your last chance Luke Watson howhow do we have to go in and get you our men and get me where's my paper my paper nobody shall touch that papers and I finished reading it does Luke Watson get to Deadwood Gulch in time to stop the squire from foreclosing the mortgage I told you not to get yourself excited Harrison every time you do the effect of these shots on your hay fever is dissipated but it's alright with me if you want to keep on paying me for the shots more money in the bank and you might as good as anybody else's Oh touch it kill a bit I haven't even touched you yet don't be such a big baby it's only a little pinpricks imprints a Marlinspike Oh dr. celibate he's such a grating brave strong man would you expect me to do enjoy it I'll write that night get excited again a lot of good these shots I couldn't do him oh oh good night miss Verity I'm sorry you have to be bothered anyway all right good night [Music] if you'd learn to keep your big mouth shut once in a while maybe ever in conwy wouldn't outsmart you all the time you wouldn't get itis could be cured I'll smart me what and me Oh got it Keep Calm got it Keep Calm don't tell me you're the first one ready Bob wait okay says be down in a minute what are you doing all dressed up they're going out with that young kanwa night are you who me father go why don't you try minding your own business once in a while now listen mrs. H I demand a little more respect around this house I won't have you associating with that nincompoop next door he's no better than his old man she's going out with Robert Henry Betty says we're going out to a movie tonight probably won't be home until late oh yeah what sting Bob are you wearing perfume Oh pop all the fellows wear cologne nowadays this is Prairie River leather smells more like fertilizer Bob hen we better hurry we'll be late oh yeah I guess we'd better get going so long BYE MOM you kids get back earlier you hear me I never wore perfume when I was his age that doesn't mean it needed [Music] gotcha this time Harrison caught you red-handed life Angelica silico dead I'll make sure I'll break every bone in your body connelly rich Holy Smoke pop and mr. Conway trying to dig up my roses get this they electrocute me but I don't [Music] you'll wake up the whole neighborhood I hope he does I want the whole world to know this big lummox tried to sabotage my roses well your window box Radha curse the only reason your Planum is because you know I'm allergic to roses I planted roses long before you ever heard of analysis [Music] if I ever get my hands loose from the shovel I'll fix you I've never had so much fun in all my life so you never had so much fun in all your life huh no dad dad take it easy will you mr. Conway where you are you hoodlums get on the wrong side of the fence is President because we do numbers oh let them alone it'll just end the way it always guys I warned you about my left Harrison it moves like a pistol [Music] Oh [Music] the issue what if pop wakes up and catches us oh I don't care I couldn't sleep anyway after all that excitement tonight I couldn't sleep either gee how are we gonna tell pop that we want to get married he won't let you in the house he won't even let me mention your name damn it ever since we can remember our fathers have been feuding and we wind up falling in love with each other all the girls in town I have to pick you dude do you wish your hand Devi oh don't be silly Pooh I don't care what your other thing so mine either I love you and we're gonna be married I hope we can before you go away don't worry Poole leave it to me I'm gonna miss you terribly Devi not half as much as I'm gonna miss you but this is a great opportunity Poole it's the chance of a lifetime for a young engineer the government picked me out of a thousand applicants oh but Alaska it's so far away I wish I could take you with me fool but it's only for six months I'll be back before you know it well I understand it's just that I love you so much I know darling won't be easy for me either hey what's going on down there [Music] no I don't think I care for these I never wear colored pajamas do you have something in white oh sure thing mr. harness we got some beauties in just the other day I'll show them to you but if you have to tell me that's so important you know mr. Chris doesn't like me to give her trends during business hours you want to get me fired we've got something important to tell you Bob our best the large size isn't it who and I gonna get married extra love extra large well these are our best married did you say nothing all right excuse me I I got did you say Mary you want the whole town to know about it you made up my mind this morning you're the only one that knows about it well I wish you hadn't told me and I hope I'm not around when you tell your land and money Mary Holy Smoke I'm gonna tell them not gonna don't have to later are you gonna wait on me or not young man oh where yes sir don't go away I'll be right back I think you're right these pajamas sir because you see they're getting married and his father doesn't like my father's pajamas and are you Neil Young Manor do you always act this way I don't know why I always had this way excuse me what do you mean you're not gonna tell them we're going to a no it won't you know what you're saying you can't do it like it's impossible yes we can but you gotta help us I've got it we've got to go to the City Hall now see you later bye-bye City Hall yes hmm well since when have you gone in from modelling pajamas well go in not long I I just look mr. Kurtz I just gotten some bad news something terrible's going to happen I'll be right back well now listen thanks very much mr. Dodds I'll do the same for you sometime if you're honest mr. Lawrence what are you going in a City Hall for do you realize what you're getting into relax will you Bob I've got to get a copy of my birth registration to send to Washington oh well that's different look look about this eloping you don't want to do anything you'll regret let's think it over huh we've already thought it over Bob our minds are made up and nobody's going to change them well maybe you're incompatible lots of people are incompatible look we're back to the store we can talk about it tomorrow huh we got on that license just playing mid bail we're looking tonight well that's fine tonight hello mr. Wilson I'd like to get a copy of my birth registration I heard about your good luck congratulations David thank you when are you leaving Oh couple of weeks my define thing I wish I was young again I go to Alaska myself I look up your registration right away fine thank you mr. Wilson you'll never get away with it believe me you won't even get to judge Bingle's doing away before she'll have pop on the phone we're not gonna have judge bingo Marius we're going to med fail me fail oh you can't do it it's impossible how are you two going to get all the way to Midvale get married and come back with our pop and your old man finding out ah that's where you come in [Music] the Harrison the Conway's I can scarcely believe it nothing like this has ever happened before we'd better check on it thoroughly individual time release we must investigate to the last detail but if it is true they must be informed at once and one of this to anyone should be know for sure tell the boy to go back some other time [Music] David you would have to come back again some other time at a later date well I won't be in a delay will the mr. Wilson they told me to get it as soon as possible no no no no no Tony necessary level well it will call you back David well thank you mr. Wilson but remember I hate it soon mumfie we got a lot of things ok where are you going now you're not dragging me into this I wish you hadn't even told me about it oh my gosh Bob you think we were doing something terrible only getting married only getting married ok ok go ahead do anything you want but count me out then you mean you won't help us I couldn't have said it better myself but don't you see Bob this is our last chance well you'll be back in six months now he wants us to wait six months I don't want you to wait I just don't want to get involved in this how do you know what will happen in six months do you realize you may be keeping us apart for the rest of our lives you want that on your conscience my conscience well why put the burden on me because you're deliberately trying to break us out me yes you many a time we came through for you on a pinch but if that's the way you feel about it forget it I guess it didn't mean anything to him when I took the blame for that anonymous letter to the newspaper accusing the mayor of collusion and when Millie Walker phones the house it's always please Carol tell her I'm not home I'll do anything for you only please tell her I'm not here oh no don't take that at it so when he took all of you but taxi out to the football game i hocked everything I own to pay the repair bill no wait a minute you know I appreciated that and when you let him have your father's tuxedo and he burned a hole in it and you had to take the blame for it well it's a time like this when you find out who your real friends are okay okay I know I'm sticking my neck out what do you want me to do then you will he'll I knew you'd come through Bob now all you've got to do is get a car get a car where am I gonna get a car I know just the place come on so here comes our pigeon now Bob pigeon you mean vulture well come on you can swing it oh why am I such a patsy hi hello Milly hello Dave hi it's all brine and rub papa nice to see you Millie bob was just thinking about you yeah I like my men thoughtful uh he was just saying you haven't seen much of you lately that's an understatement you haven't exactly been knocking my door down Bob Harrison I told you a dozen times this weekend got a dozen different reasons why you couldn't answer well I um I was going to call you today but oh here I bump right into you funny isn't it hilarious that he was wondering if you happen to be busy tonight now that you mention it I do happen to have a date oh well far be it for me to ask you to break a date oh it's nothing very important I was just going to a concert with Lester Matson well sure sure I have a nice time maybe we can make it again some concerts are so uninteresting anyway concerts now why don't you two take in a movie or or just talk or run or go for a drive oh no that's an idea go for a drive I don't know why I throw myself at you like this what time 8 o'clock 8 o'clock you know dad's still pretty burned up about the time you took him to the beer joint so maybe you better meet me in front of the drugstore that is if it's all right with you oh why sure sure it's perfectly all right ok then quick do a disappearing act here comes the Pater ok oh how do you do mr. Walker hello mr. Walker hello father hello David yeah and Robert yeah Harrison boy again father told you to stay away from him he just happened to be patterning 5 oh boy hi Bob oh hello Judy now why couldn't she have a car [Music] I'm getting nervous Davey nervous do you nervous about this nothing to be nervous about just nervous I got a funny feeling like I'm gonna whoops how do you think I feel what's going on with those two anyway going on um what do you mean why are you also having going to Midvale you know there's something fishy about this whole trip fishy look what I lied to you if I thought you'd made a date with me again just cuz I've got a car Oh as if I'd do a thing like that as if you wouldn't you know Millie I couldn't go out with another girl tonight if I tried would you repeat that please I mean it Millie it just had to be you I don't get it why the sudden change there's no change I've always felt the same way about you oh now we're getting somewhere Ben here we are pull up alongside of that house just another Wow hey wait a minute don't get any ideas we're just along as observant Oh shame you two eloping yes but don't tell anybody Millie it's going to be a secret we want to get married before Davi goes to Alaska another girl of you tried huh come on we haven't any time to lose let's get this over with Oh mr. twiddle good evening good evening mrs. Conway won't you come in I'm certainly glad I found you home tonight this is come oh good evening mr. Conway now see here twiddle if you're here about the election I don't need anybody to tell me how to vote I'll mark my ballot the way I want I don't like this electioneering I'm not here about that is the trouble with you fellas in city jobs somebody wants a favor and you can't be found along come to the election and you're right out on the doorstep oh I tell you the day will cover it I think mr. tweedle wants to say something you'll see oh please who keep out of this with you when it comes to politics I know my way around I've been all through this before there are several things that I want to take up with the mayor mr. Conaway my visit here has nothing to do with pollen I don't like the way that what mr. tweedle you look all worn out wouldn't you like to come in and sit down yes I think I better we'll see you at half past 9:00 I have something rather rather startling to tell you don't say I'll put it there put it there I must ask you to prepare yourselves for a shock in all my 30 years as head of the Bureau of Vital Statistics the name David came to my department for a copy of his birth certificate yes that's what you're there for you you don't have to tell me what I'm there for I'm not trying to tell you anything made an astounding discovery staggering you it was I had presence of mind enough to recheck with the hospital records before coming here hospital records see here tweedle the taxpayers are handing out plenty of money for any trouble we're putting you to Everett will you please let mr. twee well who's stopping him mr. Conway at the hospital it is recorded that a son was born to the Harrison family and the Conway family on the same day as if anyone could stop him talking that's right mr. Tweedles David and Robert have the same birthday upon further enquiry I learned that on the day their two boys were born mr. Addison and mr. Conway had one of their customary arguments argument there was a massacre for attendance saved his life when they pulled me off him is this your signature mr. Connolly well it certainly is yes it is what about it well mr. Conway this signature is on the receipt for the Harrison baby Wow in the excitement of the fight the father sign for the wrong infants therefore the hospital is not responsible for the switching of the children I never switched the child in my life mr. twiddle are you trying to say that yes mrs. Conway the baby that was brought to you what's the Harrison baby Cooper but that's impossible Weedle you're drunk mr. Conway I have never touched a drop of hard liquor with all my life I want to be prepared for a shock according to these records in black and white David is not your son Robert is sir did you hear what what I hear Oh oh my oh look look he's going to think now every Doulton I'm all right out the orbit but if people don't think we ought to talk to so but don't you think you figured out before we go any further sorry but there's nothing gonna be thought out but the prime on our way to inform the Harrison's right good night mrs. Conway Everitt well don't stand there like that come on [Music] are you trying to tell me that his kid is mastermind you mean to say that that baboon son could be in my house for 20 years without my knowing it's mr. Conway would you please stop shouting at me I'm only doing my duty I don't use the back to the department where you belong and I think a lot of trouble looking over those same beam of yours don't you throw vegetables at me please please quiet no to order me around remember you're just the servant of the people all right now what is it mr. tweedle this is completely out of my hands it is a matter for the court to decide well and let's get on with the term only not a book any where's the book sorry yes thank you Thank You Barry mmm-hmm and then you brought young man November you remember February November a crescent stop you hope Oh too bad too bad all right all right everything is all ready now well I never knew it to fail Scorpio an Aquarius it won't last will you stop will you stop that stuff the last couple we had came in here loving each other and they went out hating each other now let me see the groom will stand right about here I'm the bride oh yes yeah oh yeah how do you do how do you do I got a feeling this isn't going to help pops hey fever runny yeah well let's get started I neither license wear a knee where is the license please let me know where it is let me off see oh yes yeah thank you well now here we are Oh David Conway and Terrell huh oh wait a minute I can't perform the ceremony this license were taken out yesterday oh yes sir in the mid bail City Hall just put young man don't you understand it or excuse me according to the laws of this state you must wait three days and then the licenses probably some then comes the execution but we wait any no buts about it come back Monday there'll be no marriage tonight there goes $4 you and your Scorpio now Aaron are you sure that's where you were standing Lucille I am positive now look here's the baby here's the baby right here now the infant was brought in through a door on the left there right down here then this big [ __ ] moved over to the right over to here I moved over here please keep your big mouth shut for just one minute how can we reenact the scene with you grabbing your head off you perfect it is you don't know where you were standing don't tell me I don't know where I was standing all right where were you standing I was over I was sick oh yes you think I took a marrying the whole mix-up started when he grabbed the paper from the nurse and the nurse was standing right up there look Everett stop blaming Henry you were just as much at fault as he was now just give us a fact somebody you listen to me I can explain exactly what happened shut up Henry now who took the first baby he did oh good heavens now they don't know who took the first baby well how could I have taken the first baby when he was next to the door and I was here on the left that's the right Henry how can you expect him to remember what happened 20 years ago when he can't remember right now which is his right or which is his left [Music] hey as far as we go well thanks Miller you've been swell you won't tell anyone will you Milly not a soul oh of course she won't Millie's much too as a girl or do anything like that listen egghead don't try the soft soap me the next time you attack see I'm charging Union rate hey come here oh yeah I think I'll go on home you too familiar I love it [Music] [Music] imagine bringing up a boys erosion blood for 20 years and then finding out yes yes sir in two cans of applesauce please all I can say you feel if I would want to bring strange boy into my home who'd been raised by another family you could have a duty to the community as well as to yourselves and just as important you are employees of Walker small infamous incorporated it would be shame after 25 years in the business to find yourselves without jobs I expect you to handle this matter with the utmost discretion yes that's all oh this is the most awful thing I ever heard of it's positively terrible I'm still in the Daisy I can't believe it it it's like a bad dream it's worse you can sleep off a bad dream but I don't know where I stand you don't know where you stand well how about us I don't know if I'm him or me but if you don't know who you are he doesn't know who he is then how do I know if I'm gonna be your wife and his sister his wife and your sister he's not gonna marry you I am you don't realize the predicament you're in all I know is I'm still David Conway and you're Bob Harrison mister Tweedles all wet there happens to be a little matter of a marriage license and suppose mr. tweedle isn't all away Oh Davey I'm worried well now there's nothing to worry about to worrying won't help before yeah and you can stop boiling over too we won't get married until this whole thing is straightened out look you know you're not going to get married and I know it but what if people find out about that marriage license I hadn't thought of that we'd be in an awful pickle hey what about Millie she knows Millie Bob you've got to keep it quiet tell her anything tell her you're in love with it but don't let her talk tell her I'm in love with her Oh what have I done to deserve a famous thing in the morning before they file a marriage license do you want to wake everybody up and get us into trouble of course your marriage license is filed but we decided not to get married Jeff Lester I suppose you want you two bucks back oh no no it's not that look a young fella you can take all the time you want to make up your mind but in the meantime that marriage license stays on record don't look so glum Pugh we don't know anything for sure yet mr. twiddle said it was a matter for the court to decide maybe we're worrying about them guess you and I'll go steady now seeing is how he has so much in common I must bring this matter to light and do all my power to have it rectified in all my career as town clerk of Chester Hill I have never deviated from nor served any obligations to my fellow citizens who have entrusted me with this great responsibility by electing me to this honorable office election is a two months away tweedle marks to the case case oh yes your honor there is no testimony other than appears in these written records which bear the signatures of the two fathers I cannot imagine a more serious predicament that could complicate the lives of these two boys however we must not allow our emotions to influence our judgment this is a matter that influences not only on ship and therefore your honor it is my feeling that the boy should be returned to their rightful parents nobody's interested in how you feel well nobody cares how you feel Tweedledee Bostock trouble as it is I'd like to punch you right in the nose you can't talk to me like that if you're out of order once again I'll cite you for contempt of court Everett ma you're making a spectacle of yourself well I don't care I don't want somebody else's that's exactly how I feel about buddy with that much intelligence taking one look at me and then it did what's his name here could see that David is my son now you're talking even a two-year-old child could recognize good Conway blood when he sees it no Harrison was ever mistaken for a Conway that's exactly the way I feel what are you trying to say Conway I'm telling you I wouldn't have that addle-brained office ring of yours for my boy oh you oughta learn one more crack like that not tell you is [Music] another outburst like that what is the meaning of this oh you got to listen to me I know something that'll solve this whole mix-up who are you I'm armories I'm the nurse who attended the birth of the Harrison baby that's right that's nurseries how do you do miss Harrison well speak up tell him what have you got to say your honor when the Harrison baby was born he had a peculiar red birthmark Clyde forgotten all about it right man are you sure that I'm positive and if you look at the birth certificate you'll find notations and my handwriting oh so that's what these hieroglyphics are now tell me where is this birthmark if your honor will step into your chambers with the boys I assure you [Music] there will be an immediate physical examination delay and Robert Harrison will join me in my chambers at once [Music] well please say but about I've been waiting for are you sure you've noticed a mark on while what we do if he doesn't have it first marker no birthmark nobody's gonna tell me what you've got to say about it well we'll see if we get out of here and get home just as soon as we find a birthmark on that Harrison brat but what if they find it on our David what I'm talking about all Harrison's are marked at Birth marked down what are you so nervous about nervous I'm not nervous who's nervous I can't believe it well seeing is believing [Music] they both have birthmarks [Music] I never said a word about this to me to help [Music] according to the law of the state the acknowledged signature on the birth certificate of a child is legal evidence of parentage the testimony offered in this case for the town clerk is not going to huge therefore this Court finds that the boy hit poor known as david conway who now be known as Robert Harrison and vice versa and each boy will be returned to his rightful parent without delay [Music] what are we going to do I saw you - mrs. H I wouldn't worry too much Lucy well I I guess I've got everything put that black tyre find that you like so much in the bag there David thanks dad David I want you to know that no matter what I'll always feel it you're my boy you'll come and see us often more - David it'll be easier for us that way Lucy stop it he's only going next door no reason for any of us to be upset well so long folks it's awful funny leaving you this way of course it is Robert but you're not really leaving us we'll always feel the same toward you that's the way I feel too much goodbye Bob spices all right if I'd better get going so long pop but Bob I know I shoot my mouth off too much I've tried to be a good father haven't I you've been swell pop will you ever want anything need anything the fedcon way ever gets out of line with you you just let me know sure so David Oh waterside thank you lamb chops you know I don't like lamb chops metric change beside David Ickes lamb chops oh oh oh boom what I mean is I don't like lamb chops too often Oh I don't either too much of anything is well is too much well I guess lamb chops are alright it's meat anyway the one thing I can't stand is turnips oh I don't care for the leave it look Davey that's what you like turnip Oh what your coat Henry hmm your coat my coat not going anyplace I think mr. Harrison's right it's too hot for both tonight lamb chops Davey Oh Thank You Carol may I help you mrs. Harrison thank you David your matters will get used to calling me mother I know it'll be difficult at first but you'll get used to it Yes Mother would you care for some uh dad no thanks son oh that's right ooh thought isn't that the doorbell no it's the telephone Robert it's probably Mildred Walker again what should I tell her this time same thing if you don't mind certainly not I have it Everett Everett I hear you I hear you why don't you show Robert how you build your model it'll give you boys a chance to get acquainted yes yes of course yes well why don't you stand over here David son Robin I i've always wondered how you made those things probably there's not very much mystery about it it just require a steady hand and lots and lots of patience you see I've been working on this model for seven months it's almost finished now Robert it is Mildred she's very insistent this time Oh would you mind telling you that I'm still out anyway that that I've gone someplace why of course just a few more touches and this will be finished you see the bowsprit you see the bowsprit in there that has to come up it has to be on a certain angle it has to be right Robert I have a message for you from Mildred she said although your telephone number is different your technique hasn't changed a bit oh she said that's it see and she's going to keep ringing until she does get you is that so well the next time she calls you let me talk to her I'll find out what's important enough to keep a telephone ringing all night long is there anything I can get for you Mr Carr dad oh I my little tweezers I don't know where they are they should be right here on this tech that are over there on the little table small as bear they're down at this end of the tape over there put them down here that's where they open all the year [Music] what are you thinking about Davey hmm what are you thinking oh nothing I guess [Music] gee this is an unusual situation isn't it all right think about it more unusual it gets well I mean it's kind of well uncomfortable I know I guess we're both upset because of the way things turned out who how can you talk like that it's a good thing we found out you're my sister but I don't feel like your sister that's just it I don't feel like your brother either [Music] you know it's getting kind of warm is there anything I can do no I I don't think so want me to open the window I don't think that are doing it good baby you're all hot and you're perspiring - and you're trembling ah something happened to Navy Davey what's the matter now Dave hold us hey hey Dave oh I feel awful he's running a temperature he's sick who wouldn't be sick lamb chops and turnips enough to make anybody's make yourself useful Henry cover David with that blanket just exactly what is bothering you David where does it seem to be I can't tell I I'm hot all over it's a strange feeling I a strange feeling how do you mean I don't know I never felt like this before Oh I feel terrible lamb chops can you stop dying and go and phone the doctor well don't bother I'll phone him pop I mean mr. Harrison don't you mr. Harrison me just call him Uncle Henry okay Uncle Henry Uncle Henry it's nothing serious missus hasn't just case of measles measles Cooney had the measles in Conway's house he can't have him here well he's got up here he'll be all right a couple of days in the meantime keep everyone away from him tonight and just play safe I'm going to put on a quarantine quarantine you can't put a quarantine on this house Henry you come right back in here we didn't do anything wrong Bob we didn't huh don't forget you took out a marriage license that makes it attempt to commit a crime keep reading keep reading every cheap resentment not to exceed 15 years in the State Penitentiary 15 years Holy Smoke I tried to tell it to you last night but you had to get the measles I used to be a con with a girl she turns out to be my sister on top of that I get the measles and now you tell me I'm going to the State Penitentiary for 15 years well maybe they'll make it easy on a sense it's our first offense oh sure the most they'll give us is 10 years I'm an accomplice I ate it in a bed of the act Oh 10 years in jail added to the 10 years this has already taken off my life and I'll come out an old man take it easy Bob we're all in this thing together must be some decide to get married and make me a hardened criminal well what can we do can we do anything Davey I'm sure we can give ourselves up and take the rack will you shut up a minute we're not in jail yeah yeah but the day is still y'all all right so he's down we're not supposed to be up here maybe judge bingo could help us judge bingo oh that's all we need Holy Smoke I forgot tomorrow they publish it from the newspaper what you know that doesn't never bus this whole thing wide open now I'll hit it right on the head Bob you've got to go and see judge bingo right away I've gotta go no no you don't well where did you get over the measles then you can do that'll be too late I'm not sticking my neck out again I'm gonna sting deep enough already please Bob please do and I've gotta listen to reason Bob I mean after all our whole futures at stake I hope nothing tell her the truth tell her everything tell her we didn't know we were breaking the law say your will Bob I can just see judge Bingle's face when she hears about this I get cases of arson burglary life being forced it grand larceny why couldn't your families think of something simple like an axe Marty I can't stand the sight of blood please judge bingo you've got to help us realize how serious this might appear to be well you bet we do judge bingo davia loses chance to go to Alaska well I suppose the can't blame you just because you're full headed fathers had a fight 20 years ago no judge bingum we didn't mean to do anything wrong don't cry Karen we didn't know we were breaking the law here here here we doesn't wanted to get married there there no no now don't cry everything's gonna be all right you mean we won't have to go to jail of course you won't have to go to jail Cal you haven't done anything wrong but there's one thing I want to impress upon you do not speak of this to a living soul not a living soul understand and pray did you take off his license Midvale Midvale it would venogram well I can't do anything about Tony well I'll take care of that license so that nobody will ever hear of it again I'll have that license cancelled and destroyed and I don't want you to worry anymore gosh you're wonderful gee you're swell you could find yellow it's putting a faceful quarantine so that's my fishing hat on the dresser up there throw it down to me with you thank you darling bye it's a beautiful day for fishing today we'll see oh just a perfect day you know I think the fish is just gonna leap at the page at this time of the season I feel sorry for anybody that can't get out on a day like this sorry for those who can't be out on a day like this mr. Harrison who are you what are you busting my plans for I go I can what huh I feel like a woman Oh Iko Iko brother loose rather solemn confidential solemn confidential I'm Justice of the Peace Jones thirty-second man for midday a Lodge 32nd studying for 33rd proceed brother article 18 of the sacred Charter no storm or strife or act of man shall a stop a moose head from rendering aid to a brother moose head akka wakka wakka Harrison you're in great trouble with the moose head hell it's got nothing to do with the lodge it's about your son and daughter I came over just as soon as I read about the trial I wouldn't do except for a brother moose head mr. Harrison your son and daughter had taken out a Mary hurry my kids who are they gonna marry that's just it the license reads to each other - what whatever my family Michael please please mr. Harrison I know what I'm talking about they tried to get me to perform the ceremony they tried to get you they tried to get merge get excited trying to get married David and Carol I'm piece of the Jones Justice Dale they try to get me to perform the ceremony know what you're saying true I know what I'm saying I saw it with my own eyes I saw it with my own eyes tonight wait'll I get my hands on them Oh impossible I don't believe it there'd be an awful fuss when it's in tomorrow's paper tomorrow's picture wait a minute the bail City Hall today is there no no not on Sunday would be a simple matter to get into the files you follow me no I don't nobody knows about the marriage license for June so if I get to throw out of the files nobody will know about it including you you get me oh wait a minute Henry if I understand you right brother Moosehead half cop what are you going to do do I'll tell you what I'm gonna do I'm going with Jones to Midvale and take care of things in my own way this is one time you're not gonna tell me what to do we'll see brother you're not gonna take me anything good blame mrs. moose head there it's all fixed Dave we just saw judge ping she was a wonderful thing and she's gonna take care of it first thing in the morning and nobody'll know a thing about her well oh I want to relieve I was just beginning to see my youth wasted on a rock pile I bet you hit the ceiling when you told us well she was pretty tough to handle but you told me oh you should have seen him he was so scared he could hardly talk hey listen you don't know what I was going through waiting up here alone ah but now it's all over nothing to worry about we know all about you - who is this terrible why would you do such a thing we have scandalized Wyatt what is this about you to answer me I don't want any shilly-shally speak up David that's you what have you got to say about this now there's nothing to get excited about nothing to get excited about how can you say there's nothing to get excited about are you there Lucy silence I just will never live this down never but it's all straightened out we got our marriage license before we knew we were brother and sister so judge bingo is canceling it always she Oh judge Bingle is canceling the marriage license she's going to keep it a secret it's gonna keep it a secret a secret with that big lummox breaking into a City Hall on the quiet Sunday afternoon Hindi we got to stop him we stuff to get the Midvale before he ruins it [Music] now you come along with me young lady you're going to tell them exactly what you told me fine how they do mr. Conway I have now got get them in jail we in trouble again better they all gone crazy I kept that [Music] I have never seen such going Midvale City Hall Harrison hey wait for me wait now look Harrison I lived up to the moose head off by tipping you off about the kids but I won't take part in anything like this if you want to go through with it it's your own responsibility I sure appreciate what you've done Jones I won't forget it and they as well warn you the Watsons a little deep but he's got a big gun Jones you make me feel proud to be a brother Musel you've lived up to our motto brothers under the answer I better not be seen around here I suppose I can't talk you out of this so good luck brother Moosehead thanks again jones act away Cole whack like a wacko [Music] what are you doing here come wait and think over you'll never grow a brain in that thick skull of yours here we don't hurt you come on top we gotta beat it I told you let me handle this I don't need any help from this if you Isaac war are you blundering baboon you'll never handle anything right and all your life don't tell me Harrison come watching anymore finish your story it's Conway and Harrison it's Conway they're the ones who tried to switch the kids at Chester Hill [Music] stupid ass who's an idiot if I establish this one time see they're gonna save you Connor waters do marry one of you this unprecedented disregard for law and order but we dealt with it once the citizens of Midvale can rest assure that this office will exert every effort in the prosecution of these men do I promise to cut through all red tape Power Rangers excuse me gentlemen I'll have a statement for you later hold on the fire iron key and I see them while I'm attracted seem just afraid to uh pull back the triggers just like that then ie like this here that's the way I done it is unanimously agreed that Henry Harrison be dishonorably disinterred and expelled from the heard back row back when the defendants Walker Harrison and Conway appear in this Court they will receive a fair and equitable trial fine kettle of fish Everett work our brains to the ball bringing up our children what do they do make convicts out of us I know Henry what we just got to make the best of it if we open our mouths in that courtroom will disgrace those children so we just have to take everything that's coming our way yeah but we'll stick together Everett for the good of our children and our wives Oh shameful that we should have been fighting together past 25 years well it takes a time like this to open our eyes huh opens your eyes before this wouldn't have happened shut up you forget what I told you your kids in this too he was tricked into it you had nothing to do with it no court in the country and Garrow will you just say one word about that marriage license in court now bust your jaw for good and if he's not man enough to do it I'll do it myself yeah I mean I'll help you do it Henry oh well levered of course I knew that's what you meant hey pipe down this home your lawyer we have nothing to say we don't want any lawyer don't you think we might know oh well you got a lawyer anyway not that I'm particularly overjoyed and defending you because frankly I think you're Julia's sins however the court has appointed me public defender and it's my duty to aid you to the best of my ability but between you and me I wouldn't be here if the judge weren't my brother-in-law I had to help mop because no other lawyer in town would take the case and he wanted to get it off his docket however because it is my duty I'll do what I can and hope for the best but off the record I think they're gonna throw the keys away on you now is there anything you'd like to say no all right I'll see you in court two o'clock nice day Joe outside well I suppose you're anxious to know about the patient it wasn't as serious as I thought and the quarantine wasn't really necessary ice well doctor thanks [Music] [Music] Dave it's worse than we thought they haven't got a chance the whole town's against them and they won't tell the truth because they don't want to incriminate us but couldn't a good lawyer help some they don't want a lawyer they will talk a guy that court-appointed is their lawyer I didn't even want to take the case but and it doesn't help anyone publish the district attorney in the nose well it isn't as if they committed murder or something they just broke into a building we'll try and convince anybody of that one they will tell why they did it everyone thinks they were trying to blow up the city hall or set fire to it or something crazy and the whole town calling them a public menace public menace I'm going to mid Dale until the whole story was all my doing I talked town into eloping and dragged you in the woods you did nothing of the kind Davey I wanted to get married oh I'm more at fault than either of you my eyes were open when it happened you two were in love you stay out of it there's no use of the photo getting wound up no you're not going without me there's a myth [Music] and the boys come on ladies and gentlemen of the jury in front of you are the three hoodlums from Chester Hill who broke into our beautiful city hall they try to make fools of us here in Midvale by refusing to give an explanation of their dastardly act all the defense attorney contends that this is a very unusual case take a look at those men what's unusual about them why the jails are full of men of their kind are you going to allow them to walk the streets jeopardizing life liberty and property or are you as citizens of our community going to protect our community and put them safely away where they belong in the State Penitentiary [Music] that concludes the opening argument of the prosecution your honor the defense will proceed good speech Sam thanks Oscar Bessie's expecting up to something I'll do some trial gently we gotta talk this is our last chance we must say something that we went all through that before nobody's gonna do any talking friends and neighbors of the jury today I find myself in a very embarrassing position his honor has a point of me to represent these three defendants since I first heard the details of this case I plan to plead for my clients on the grounds of insanity insanity however they have refused to talk to me at any time and a lawyer cannot communicate with his clients by mental telepathy nor do I happen to possess a crystal ball ladies and gentlemen I asked you who what the victim of dementia praecox wouldn't talk to their attorney at a time like this when they're very Liberty is at stake any court in the country would declare these men mentally unbalanced and completely unable to prevent a Teta criminal act let alone carry it out but under the circumstances all I can do is throw them on your mercy stop it stop it I'm not crazy I'll go punch you in the mouth and you will even say where the quiet [Music] broken to the courthouse to the story marriage like neither try to stop very excitin who's married like way graver coming to you realize the seriousness of the charge you've just made you know what you're saying I'm Polly I have proof builded come here Oh me Father yes you not everything judge finger how dare you break into my court that came they're the ones I can fix you yesterday a terrible injustice is being done I demand a sheepy order of the court how would you like to try it you've got our fathers all wrong and only time to protect we can straighten out this whole thing judge bingo this procedures entirely out of order I demand an explanation first is Harry Frank these male are not putting up any defense in order to protect their children but Mr Walker here just told us that your honor phone that's illegal since when is marriage why I'm here this is the and this is Robert Harrison and if you step into your chambers I'll prove it he'll be in immediate five-minute recess I object your honor objection overruled come on baby Oh what does that tell you well you know you're absolutely right Jess Fingal I'm overjoyed honey [Music] hey what's going on here what are they doing to the kid but further humiliation are you civic spirit last I can do something I've been waiting for you're fired both of you that's to sleep perfect yeah all right so look at your sourpuss again what about every David is our son not prosper you know only Robert has a birthmark but what about the birthmark on David yeah he was first me Bob the first measles fire well and that settle now I don't have to have your son of my family anymore and nobody's happier about that I am settled Alan are gonna be there oh not really you mean I'm gonna be related to that under glass ship filler yeah and you're gonna be related to me - uh-huh what a million this is a public place really goes why do you always sound like that you have the worst [Music] the Harrison mr. Conway will please step forward now the true facts come to my destroy public property and committed assault and battery in view of extenuating circumstances this court feels it always was destined and mr. Conway a public apology a-hole thank you your honor well that's more like it when somebody apologizes somebody around here I didn't like the way they were treating us therefore hence will be reduced to 30 days a contempt of court but I tell you about 30 days you you
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 315,070
Rating: 4.6818953 out of 5
Keywords: classic movies, ROMANCE, MOVIES, #classicmovies, FILM, classic movie, CLASSIC, Jimmy Lydon, Freddie Bartholomew, PUBLIC DOMAIN, COMEDY, FREE, The Town Went Wild (1944), Edward Everett Horton, ROMANTIC COMEDY, filmstruck, Movie
Id: U1pW1VFkE4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 45sec (4425 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 26 2012
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