"Moving Forward Without Fear" Pastor John K. Jenkins, Sr.

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hell no trauma Neela Leo Blessed Lord come on to the cross well haha crominus here something we want to be close to you we want to be with your spirit we want to be with the fragrance of your glory is we want to be with your own with your packages draws us to your family draws close to your father give a name of Jesus this is that brevity you want to be close to you in the name of Jesus we want to be close to you we want to be close to you we want to be close to you this is our desire Lord hallelujah hallelujah we worship You Lord we worship You Lord we worship You Lord we worship You Lord we worship You Lord we worship You Lord we worship You Jesus we worship You Jesus come on tell the Lord something sweet in the sanctuary netid hear from your heart then i'm here from your heart then I'm here from your heart then I'm here from your heart come on make his praise glorious out of your mouth I'll be Lu you to Jesus hallelujah to the name of the Lord hallelujah to Jesus this is our prayer today long this is our bread a day long this is our brandy oh god this is our vanity come on your worship will change some situations just begin to live on Jesus where you are letting hear from your heart just let it hear from your heart just let it hear from your heart just let it hear from your heart Alleluia Jesus glory to the name of the Lord go into the neighborhood more into your name Jesus anybody want to be where he is anybody want to be in the fragrance of his presence how they know your name Jesus we give you praise in the saints aware we give you praise in the sanctuary Jesus how do you Laurita God draw me near New York Nessa Lord to that cross come on dramedy right here Oh to your precious glory to Jesus it's a good place to praise Jesus right in this little moment right here is a great place to praise Jesus it's a great place just to tell him how much you love him how much you appreciated I can't tell him for you I don't know what he's done for you I don't know where he's rushing from I don't know how he's bless you but you know what he's done it's a great place just how Jesus how much alone it helped wait for you are for your feet Savior and Lord oh come on if the bracelet lift the praise to him hallelujah to Jesus that's the Lord O my soul bless the Lord O my son that's the Lord on my soul let's the Lord O my soul Lester learn all my south yeah your soul eat your mind your will and your emotions oh my Malu yeah bless the Lord O my soul thank you my god bless say hallelujah bless while you can lesson one you can that's the mark again you can do what you can you don't know if you'll be able to bless something more today you don't know if you'll be here tomorrow to bless you lesson one again hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah I want everybody just to take a moment think about that what you love your husband your wife your children your car your money your house your pet that which you love take all of that love put it all together and give that love to Jesus because he deserves and Laurie of the brain rivets will Gibbons away it deserves it thank you Lord God some of you may have come to say I'm gonna get my time in for church and I'll go over what you hear give him what you should give him give it to him love him right now love him love him right now you may be seated good afternoon everyone I am Reverend Matt singleton and I am honored to be your worship leader for this service praise God you know y'all know that somebody crazy - Seth hahahaha yes sir yes Lord power yeah yes hard yes Hey see yes Lord oh yeah love it yeah yes yesterday yesterday yesterday the hope ministry came to my house and did a a pre Memorial Day cookout for our family the food was so good yeah and I started eating some of that homemade potato salad and I've been on my hotdog and I was sitting there oh and one lady said Reverend Pat you eating that food like it tastes so good if I can get that mmm to some potato salad and at home to a hot dog taste and see don't y'all hear the sounds of victory in this place I don't care what you're going through that's victory all around you that's victory all around you that's victory all around you yes victory all around you it's around Givens around you it's around you yes yes Oh you you yeah yeah yeah you're gonna get you you're gonna get your right wrong get much at me you yeah sorry yeah you ha give prizes advice yeah yeah Cory Cory Cory Cory halleluyah halleluyah halleluyah oh my Savior I don't know what your situation is but in the heart Minister Pat talked about the room good I thought about how the Lord kept me and watched over me and something down inside of me was telling me to go ahead I don't need to know your situation I don't need to know what you've gone through but everybody who's breathing has a responsibility to give God a praise anybody got a praise anybody got a praise hallelujah you know you should have been there but he kept you you know you could have been homeless but he gave you shelter you know you should be hungry but he said you I don't know about your situation but I know the Lord's been good to you you look too good you're walking to clear your mind looks alright I think you need to give him a break a prize of raise up raise up raise how they know you did Jesus hallelujah we gotta move but I hear you're saying from Steve all you know I'm kind of you know reserved and I praise him like in my own way the Bible says in 2nd Corinthians 5:17 If any man be in Christ he becomes a new creation if somebody gave you a nasty behind some money and you have no money you find a way to lose your mind back flips cartwheel somersault I said anybody loves Jesus enough to give him a praise a real raise a real raise praise them enough something breaks that shop for share on youth rays of a tough something break hallelujah yes Lord yes Lord hallelujah we gotta move but I feel a wind of God in this place hallelujah we got a move but I'm telling you this I'm victory all over this place and I don't know what your situation is but I'm telling you God doesn't hover around in situations like this but he don't want to do something he's up to something and he's got you on his mind hallelujah come on before we move can you just give the Lord the best praise you got the best praise you got to this the best praise you got praise them like thunder praise them like thunder pray this your weapon use your weapon use your weapon glory to God glory to God hallelujah sweet Holy Spirit sweet heaven leaders stay right here with us fearless with your and for these blessings we lift our hearts in praise without a doubt we know that we have been revived when we shall leave these is just one time come on sweet sweet Holy Spirit sweet heavenly love come on let's sing it if I go here with a jerk stay right here with us stay right here with us filling us with your mom and for these presents we lives your heart and praise ah in France without a doubt we know we all know that we have been revived when we tell these this allelujah celebrate the Lord your God in the beauty of holiness boy maybe scripture scripture is Isaiah 40 third chapter verses 1 & 2 Isaiah 43 verses 1 & 2 I shall get reading but now thus says the Lord who created you O Jacob and he who warned you o Israel fear not for I have redeemed you I have called you by your name you are mine when you pass through the waters I will be with you and through the rivers they shall not overflow you when you walk through the fire you shall not be burned nor shall the flame scorch you and then we have prayer the saga by good afternoon Church let us pray eternal God our Father look I will look we love you today Oh God we adore you we worship you we honor you God Lord you an awesome and wonderful God we can't honor you enough Oh God for who you are for Lord you're our God and we just thank you Lord we thank you for your love and for your loving kindness and your tender mercies O God we thank you O God for your faithfulness toward us father God we call Lord we've fallen short of God we've done some things and said some things or God from last week to this week from this morning to up until now Oh God we've not done what you've called us to do O God and we come Oh God humbling ourselves repenting oh God ask them Lord for your forgiveness Lord we thank you and we praise you for all that you've done for us we can't thank you enough for everything that you've done we thank your God for loving us we thank you O God for everything o God Lord we just ask so God that you will continue to have your way in this service of God but we know you're here and we just love being in your presence and so God we just thank you right now God for what you're going to show us this day of God in this service we are so God that you bless pastor Jenkins who will bring the bread of life O God we pray O God that we will leave Lord with that which you have for us Oh God and we pray that you a bless him as he bring the message of God anoint of a fresh we pray O God that you would bless him and his family O God during this time of bereavement god we pray that you will continue to comfort them and we pray O God that you would just have your way God in this service you know who need to be saved you know whose backslidden Oh God so we pray O God that you will draw them to you this day Oh God those who need blessed assurance O God we pray that you would give it to them God and we pray O God that those who are in search of a church or God you know that First Baptist is a wonderful place to be planted so we pray O God that they will make the decision today now God have your way we pray and we thank you O God for what we are about to receive it's in Jesus name I pray thank you at this time we will welcome all about first-time guests would you please stand and remain standing wherever you are in the building please stand and remain standing if your first time yes on behalf of pastor Jenkins the leadership and F BCG family we hope that during this worship experience the power and the presence of God will touch your life we would like to acknowledge your visit with us today so we ask that you complete a guest connection card which is located in the seat back pocket in front of you you may take it to the receptionist console in the lobby following the service where a DVD awaits you should you choose to learn more about the ministry thank you so much for worshiping at First Baptist Church of Glen Arden where God is developing dynamic disciples we'd like for all of our membership to stand welcome one another and before you up one another please welcome our guests do before you take a seat let's just sing this praise to the Lord hallelujah show yourself mighty you've shown yourself strong you've shown yourself awesome in the midst of it all in the time of trouble you have given a song you've shown yourself lying you've shown yourself strong your shoulders outlining you're showing us up strong somebody's done for us you're shown you showing yourself even in the time you were given show yourself showing yourself sure show yourself Shawna's help he shows so strong ever log on his own is help on in the wisdom show yourself strong it's already in the trouble he's giving us a song right here we usually say show yourself mighty show yourself strong but we've just experienced him after our prayer before we break so he's already shown itself mighty so can we put it in the proper tents and we can just move forward can we put in the proper since I said can we put it in the proper tips come on let's sing it let's sing it together to the ball of our salvation everybody come on you show yourself in the oh come on you appear you're shown yourself show yourself I need Jesus you're showing yourself show yourselves yes to show your families your Almighty God this is ours shorter show yourself get down there yes Shawn yes come on everybody show yourselves go judge on your side just yes yes oh yes haha that's what you've never the price come on come on coming up your show right hallelujah First Baptist will be closed tomorrow in observance of the Memorial Day holiday Memorial Day originally called decoration day is a day of reflection in which we honor the servicemen and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice by giving their lives in war First Baptist will reopen on Tuesday May 29th I'll merge experience takes place this Friday June 1st from 8:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. at the worship Center this finding will focus on avoiding the traps of sexual immorality join us for live music games and an encounter with God and an exciting chance to worship with thousands of teams check in time for every one starts at 7:30 p.m. as a reminder parent cleans critical teens by 11:00 p.m. please join us for a special appreciation ceremony as we honor senior pastoral assistant and elder Reverend Thomas H Sims jr. this Saturday June 2nd at 2 p.m. at the worship Center we are recognizing Reverend Sims 37 years of faithful and dedicated service to the Ministry of First Baptist and celebrating his 79th birthday to all are welcome to attend singles it's time to get equipped for your life's purpose are you looking for answers to what your life is about are you busy doing lots of activities but still lacking direction join our singles ministry this Saturday June 2nd at 7 p.m. at the Ministry Center as we engage in an interactive discussion on the path to your purpose this session will take you on a journey identifying the clues that will direct you to a life filled with passion and fulfillment our relaxed summer dress code starts next Sunday June 3rd remember the dress code is casual but please wear Godley attire children and youth ministries day is Sunday June 10th and our special guest psalmist for all services is rashon Mitchell nobody created also ministering runner-up of BET's Sunday best Jessica Reedy all of our young people are invited to sing in the Children and Youth Day Choir that day you may register today in the lobby and please come to rehearsals on the following date men and women you don't want to miss our combined men and women's fellowship at the worship center on Saturday June 9th at 8:15 a.m. our featured guest speaker is nationally recognized health coach dr. Roe Rovi Nia Brock frequent guest on the dr. Oz Show and former host of BET's heart and soul show immediately following our joint men and women's fellowship we invite you to focus on your physical body by attending our 19th annual health and fitness expo sponsored by our health ministry on saturday june 9th from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the worship center in addition to the adults dr. Roe will empower kids to take charge of their own health through her Fit Kids program there are also a number of free screenings demonstrations and activities planned for the entire family that does it for this week's edition of FBC G news for complete details about all First Baptist events please visit our church website at FBC glenarden org the Lord keep all of the announcements in mind it is now time for our tithes and offering excellent you I get prepared to give your tithes and offering and if you need an envelope please raise your hand and an usher will be happy to bring an envelope to you at this time but I'd like to say while we're preparing that you are faithful givers and we thank you so much for the giving and that's a blessing because you're being obedient to the Word of God when he says bring all your tithes into the storehouse so there will be meat in my house I want you to know that your times and our friends they stretch far and they stretch wide first their use in our community you know we supposed to start at home first they're using our community the immediate community and then spreads out through Maryland and DC you go people go to the halfway houses we have a lot of our ministries to go to halfway houses your times an orphan help support that then we go overseas up to the Ukraine to Diana so many different places with your ties and office and helping halfway houses and abandoned women's shelters to help those in the ministry that fill that passion to go out to help the hurting and the bruised so your ties and offers are used so many ways and God is pleased with that because remember we come into worship but we go out to serve so are you ready if you're ready please bow your head do you have any father it's in a precious in the sweet name of Jesus that we come to you at this time thanking your Lord God for the provisions the first provision you gave us is your son Jesus but now god you've asked us to provide father to help the church father you said bring the tithes into the house God Rex that you touch every obedient Giver in the name of Jesus and we thank you Lord God that this is great fertile soil for these tithes and offerings to be planted into we thank you and we praise you Lord God in the name of Jesus we pray and give you thanks amen please a Lord First Baptist I think God for his visit today for his presence in this place hope you are not pleased all the way out we would all come a remind y'all the Giants do die the bigger they are the harder they fall I think somebody I got the point but just in case we're gonna do a little bit and you really find our pastor okay come on somebody says Giants do God the bigger they are the harder they fall we go Oh they just walk away I used to have there's brother clam Blue Heaven is Lucifer let's go come on Sanjay dude I just before don't know what my hover what is that son but we're no fun when you were the miracle just wait so child doot da da da ciao please stop come come sir it is so and together come on here we go we were Oh with new also when you were with the water with the shop shop women like just shop with the shop we'll be 200 yeah what which is why when you are with the water when you wash when you are so shut up shocker charger just shop what so when the dog jump shush shush shall shop laughs I got a knock let's go Oh yeah please let us stand at this time welcome out senior pastor Pastor John and senior good afternoon everybody let me start off by just thanking you all for your incredible indescribable immeasurable support you gave to me and my family during the passing of my mother it was unbelievable what you all did your gifts your calls your tweets your texts your food your showing up at the homegoing celebration you overwhelmed as you wars out can I say thank y'all soon the Ministry of presence that meant so much at a very difficult time of our families like the discharge around us prayed for us and loved on us and and I want to thank the elders they gave me made me take some time off and I appreciate them giving me some time I hadn't realized how tired I was you don't realize how tired you are till you stop to take a rest your body has to the passage and just keep pushing and keep pushing and my mother died on Mother's Day and I shut down for nine days and I slept most of the time I just was tired in warning so thank you for your support I'm very appreciative for that did y'all get the Joker or joking Oh before I forget remember Sims we're gonna celebrate him on Saturday and give him some long dedicated faithful man to this church for years almost 40 years when I passed previous pastor died and the church was looking for a pastor member simm served his congregation faithfully and once I once I had a call to be the pastor he has stayed by my side without problems or challenge for 22 years thank you sir and he is turning 79 or Saturday some shims if I could look like you and be as trim as you 79 I'm going to be a happy camper Lord come and lay your hands on me just pray for me lay your hands on me say to give me a double portion of that what my fealty right all right did you get your neighbor's name did you get your neighbors name the person get their name you're gonna pray for them just real quick amen we're gonna pray take a moment and pray for the person right next to you amen you don't know what we like to do we like to pray for our guests we always want to we won't the notice somebody pray for you today when you can somebody interceding on your behalf I don't know what you're going through in life don't know what situation has confronted you don't know what brought you here doesn't matter we're gonna pray for you and we at this church believe that God still does here and answer prayer amen all right let's pray all over this building very quickly out loud I knew your father thank you so much for the privilege of being here today thank you for your mercy and your compassion thank you for this opportunity to stand with your sacred word and I pray that you speak to your people for these next few moments I pray that you bind every demon inhale rebuke the stronghold of the enemy rebuke every distracted spirit father we pray that the Holy Spirit would be welcome to do whatever he wants to do in this place not just in this building but I pray for those who are watching over the internet those who are receiving it some other mediums speak to them God and allow your perfect will to prevail thank you so much again for your love and make this word a Rhema word for somebody that they changed some life in Jesus name and everybody said amen while you're standing grab your Bibles Isaiah chapter 43 grab your swords and allow me to read these two verses Isaiah 43 verses 1 and 2 but now thus says the Lord who created you O Jacob and he who formed you O Israel fear not for I have redeemed you I have called you by your name you're mine when you pass through the waters I will be with you through the rivers they shall not overflow you and when you walk through the fire you shall not be burned nor shall the flame scorch you amen I want to talk about moving forward without fear because your neighbor say moving forward without fear now that's our theme for this year moving forward somebody's you know is our theme moving forward back in January I talked about moving forward by overcoming fear so that message dealt with Gideon who was making decisions birthed out of fear and trying to overcome fear what I'm trying to do now God has challenged me to say let's not overcome fear let's not even let fear come in the camp let's just don't have no fear at all amen you can be seated let's nip it in the bud before it even shows up now I bet if I want to take a survey there's some of you who would say that there are some people you wouldn't have to think about this but if I asked you if there were some people who have showed up in your life that have bought drama in your life that your life would have been better without them I bet you you wouldn't even have to think about who what their names were that you wish they had never showed up can I get a witness right there from anybody well fear is one of those one of those deals that we can do better without and I want to spend these few moments today talking about fear because all of us during the course of our lives are going to face circumstances and situations where something is going to try to bring fear in our lives fear be talking of singing or somewhere in the neighborhood to try to make you be afraid I've had several instances many instances during the course of my 53 years I'm 53 I'll be 54 October 11th write that down in your notes write BNE October 11 in my 53 years of life I have had circumstances where fear would like to talk to me when my when I got married to my wife Trina a lot of thousand thoughts came to my mind what would our marriage be like what would our kids look like what would they how would they behave was I making the right decision when she was she the right one because y'all know I had hundreds of women chasing after me y'all doing all right right why are y'all laughing at me was she the right one I mean you know the fear and some some folks have never gotten married because they haven't overcome fear talking to them about getting married so I had that I had that circumstance when I started working I worked in a Prince George's County school system and I've worked on I was an electronic technician worked on electronic equipment film strip projectors 16 millimeter movie projectors record players yes been a long time some of y'all don't he know what some of them some of y'all only know what a film strip projector is when I worked in that job with the school system I left that full-time job to take a part time to take a contract job it was full-time but it was a one-year contract job with the US government with my hopes that some door would open I get a full-time job that was fearful somebody say fearful it was name is fear was talking to me we'll go ahead and leave your job with the school system and take that fear talk to me when I started pastoring the church I got called to this church took the church working my full-time government job and this church job for a year and became apparent I couldn't do both I decided to leave my government job and be a full-time pastor First Baptist Church and you know leaving my good government job to come past the people's that's scary because you know pasty Negroes can be a tough thing at times huh come on talk back and me just talk to me talk to me I know you heard me in a couple weeks we just hang with me for just a moment cuz you know you know people are seeing say Hosanna to you one day and before the week is over they're saying crucify you that's the way it rolls and so was that it was it was fear was saying don't do that don't you leave your job matter of fact the people on my job were telling me don't leave my job they were telling me they thought I was crazy I thought I'd lost my mind matter of fact the upper brass thought it was such a crazy idea that I will leave my good government job to go pasture a little small church they thought it was crazy that they here's what he did they held my job for a year they said listen we're gonna hold the job for a year because they believe that sometimes doing that year I was gonna come to my senses and leave the church and come back to the job how many I know I'm glad I didn't go back to that job I'm glad I'm here but fear fear fear tried to make me not make that move some of you today I'm missing out on God's destiny for your life because fear is talking to you and you're hearing fear louder than you're hearing God you're hearing what fear is saying to you better more so than what you're hearing God all of us are in life we're going to find and face ourselves with fear talking to us some of us have made horrible decisions based on fear let me tell you some judges down I want to tell you one thing never make life-altering decisions that are fueled by fear never make life-altering decisions that are fueled by fear if fear is in the picture it's not God here's what scripture says 2nd Timothy 1:7 God has not given us a spirit of fear but of love and empowering of a sound mind I know that when fear is in the picture that I need to run in the fears trying to move me in a particular direction and I always run in the opposite direction of what fear is trying to tell me to do now I lay that groundwork down as I lead up to this passage of Scripture that I want to talk about for a few moments I promise I have y'all out of here by the time the game comes on tonight chapter 43 right here of Isaiah Isaiah has been given the assignment of preaching and prophesying to the tribe of Judah this is the people of God at the time Israel was a divided nation they were split there's Israel in is Judah and they're a divided nation and and God tells gives Isaiah the assignment of prophesying and preaching to Judah and the problem with Judah is a problem with Judah is that they had moved a sinful life they had a way disobey God dishonored God and so Isaiah has the responsibility of telling them that God says he's going to judge you and so for 39 ft / sighs and says and 39 the first 39 chapters of Isaiah he's telling them that judgment is coming i'ma tell you something when when when God's telling telling you he goin with me that's not a very pleasant peace the worst whip and I ever got in my life was when my grandmother who lived in the house with us who was blind if I did something I was supposed to do and she couldn't chase us down and whip us because she couldn't see so she never chased us she would just say I'm on I'm gonna tell your father when you're getting up when he gets home now that was the worst whipping because I had all day to think about getting that whipping from Daddy now I don't know about y'all but my father whipped in syllables both directions coming and going and I had to think about that I had to play all over my mind what the last whipping was like was he gonna whip me with his belt or with a switch I had to take all of that through in my mind I would have rather had now that I think about it in retrospect I should have just let grandma go ahead and hit me and get it over with and not have to play it over in my mind all day long but that's where Israel is at this point that Judah is at a place where God has said to them through Isaiah that he's going to whip them because of their sin they have to deal with the fact that judgment is coming are you with me have I confused you yet when you get to chapter 40 of Isaiah a shift occurs in the message of Isaiah he shifts from telling them about judgment and about God's punishment and he shifts and begins to tell them God says even though I'm going to whip you I'm going to bring you out of the whipping and you're gonna be better once you get out of it do what you were when you enjoy I knew y'all would get excited about that maybe four or five of y'all but that's the great thing God is saying yes punishment is coming but I'm gonna bring you out on the other side in a positive way and that's the great news about God he punishes us but he always brings us out better than the way we went in now I went through all that background to bring you up to verse 1 of chapter 43 first 39 verses first first thirty nine chapters judgment chapter forty there's a shift when we get to chapter 43 it starts off with these two very profound words but now for thirty nine chapters God says I'm gonna get you but now there's a shift there's a button now now that's what somebody in here today who's had drama and pain and circumstance and unsure 'ti and all kind of stuff going on in the past of your life but but now God is sticking his butt in your situation and a shift is about to occur in your life I don't know why I'm talking to all I know is that you hear yes you made some bad choices you did some bad things you're reaping the consequences of the choices of what you've had you made bad choices somehow we're bad people did some bad things you had to read those consequences but now God's bringing you up to a button now situation y'all scuse me for a second something God is about to stick his butt now in your situation and when he sticks his butt now in your situation your situation is about to shift and change look at your neighbor say god got a big old butt telling me tell them on the other side God got a big old butt but now thus says the Lord who created you Oh Jacob he who formed you O Israel verse one fear not dear it is he comes with these profound very significant words fear not don't be governed by fear don't let fear rule you don't let fear govern you some of you will never move for it never start your business never write the book never do anything of significance somebody will never join church because you're afraid to come down front all these people don't worry about these people these people don't have a heaven or hell to put you in fear not then he gives us he tells us what we need not to have fear and that's what I want to talk to you about he gives us five things to tell us why we should not be fearful and they're right here in verse 1 all of them in verse 1 here's the first one verse 1 he says but now thus says the Lord number one who created you the first thing he tells us don't fear because we were created by God y'all he created us we are his creation and that were in creation that were created in the Hebrew means he selected you he chose you that's what it means he picked you out wherever you were in life wherever you were in your circumstances God found you where you were and picked you up for some of you he picked you up out of the muck in my reclaim some of you in the club some of you were in sin some of you in shacking some of you ain't drones I don't know where you were but he plucked you out and chose you that's great news I'm glad God picked me out he plucked me out from being a church boy I grew up in church how many know a lot of folks gonna slide right in the hill from a church pew he selected me he created you he knows all about you God created you brothers and sisters he create knows all about you he selected you out he matter of fact he formed just to be a part of a royal priesthood a chosen generation we are part we have God's chosen people he created us somebody said don't be afraid don't be fearful because he created you say that he created you here's the second reason because it says right here verse number one he formed you he and it is he who formed you somebody say he formed you say that he formulas you now here's with this form word form means it means to be squeezed into shape squeezing molding some of us in this in the period of our lives where god is squeezing us in shaping us and molding us to be what he wants us to be some of the drama that's going on in your life right now is God trying to squeeze some of the hell out of you so you can be what he wants you to be stop crying about your circumstance stop complaining God see some stuff in you that he wants to get out of you and so just like the PATA the bends over and works on the clay to make it what he wants it to be that's what he's doing with your life right now he's allowing you to be molded and making a shape and he's got you on his wheel he's got his wheel spinning and he's putting pressure and he's molded to help you be everything that he wants you to be you got to learn to thank God for everything that has gone on in your life cuz he used it to help make you who you are today he's he's forming you that's what helps me with everything that I see going on in my life everything that I don't like coz there's some stuff that comes in my life that I don't like if I help my choice to pick some stuff there's a lot of stuff I would not choose in my life but I look back in our real life I cannot be who I am had I've not gone through what I've been through in my life some of you need to get out and understand that he's forming you there's things that have occurred in your past and some stuff that's going on in your life right now where God is squeezing you and something and I was talking to somebody recently who's who's had a series of traumatic events in their life I said lo why why would you cause this person to have so many traumatic things one right after the other in their life I don't understand it and here's what he made me understand he says sometimes when he the Potter is making what he's making sometimes there's so much resistance from the clay is not working out the way he wants it to work out he stops the wheel smashes the clay and starts all over again cuz it's not the way he wants it some of y'all have gone through a smashing moment in your life something super traumatic a wake-up call that's what it is some of y'all been through several wake-up call coz every time he tries to get you the way he wants you to be something rises up your pride your arrogance you your independence your resistance something rises up and when he gets like that he just smashes and said let me start all over again don't appreciate you sayin saying look he's interested in forming you don't be afraid he's working on you you know I come to the conclusion nothing can come in my life without God's permission matter of fact that's what the Bible teaches that the devil's got to get permission from God to bring anything into your life so if God if it gets in my life I know that God okayed it and if God okayed it I know that when I get through it I'm gonna be better because of it and I know when I do Oh y'all excuse me for a second I know if I get to it when I get to I know that out is gonna make me better I know it's gonna shape me to be a better person so I'm not afraid to face it I'm I'm not afraid cuz he created me he formed me wait a minute there's a third thing right here verse number one he says I have redeemed you that wherever además God went and bought you back out of slavery the devil stole you took you drugged you through the mud beat you up left me for dead and God came along and paid the price with his own blood and redeemed you that's good news somebody said that's great news now y'all should shot on that cuz I wouldn't pay a dime for y'all y'all might come let's just talk about that I wouldn't pay a dime for myself but guess what God sees something in me and God sees something in you that you don't see in yourself that he will he will redeem you number four it it says right here in verse number number one he says not only did he create us and form us and redeem us he says I have called you by your name that that means he's he's revealing his desire to have intimate relationship with us to be close to us he knows you by name you're not just a number to God you're not just a one in a million yeah you're not among the million you are you are God knows us by name and that makes me want to shout and celebrate that he knows me by my name he knows everything about you your head on your head are all numbered knows you by name until you recognize how much God loves you you'll never get victory in life until you know how much he loves you you'll never get peace in life do you know how much he loves you he gotta wake up and my prayer is that God would cause something to wake up inside of you and make you know how much he loves you it's messed up as your has jacked up as you've been has many bad choices that you have made I want I pray that God would help you know he knows you got your name here's number five I'm almost finished I bringing it to a close he owns you verse one says you're mine that's good news he says you belong to me God says I formed you I created you I redeemed you I paid for you I'm calling you by name you are my property you know that you know that means you know what's powerful about that if I belong to God I know he takes care of his property tell your neighbor it's best for you to mess with somebody else in the mess of one one of God's pieces of property I am his child tell him I'm his daughter I'm his son I I am an heir of God and a joint heir with Jesus Christ you better be careful don't mess with me I am my father's child he I belong to him he paid a high price for me I didn't come cheaply he paid for me by his own blood he redeemed to me he paid for me he's foreign to me paid the ransom for me and I'm giving him the praise now I'm almost finished let me bring my plane in for landing y'all got those five points that's why you shouldn't have any fear he created you he formed you he redeemed you he calls you by name you are owned by him why should I be afraid I should say I should be afraid of anything in my life ought to be willing to obey him go down any right check that God wants me to go down but if I listen to what the devil tells me the devil will try to tell me all kinds of things but remind yourself pull up your five things right here God created me for me Bandini call me by my name I belong to him I can take on anything I can run through to second leap over walls I will let nothing scare me greater is He that's in me than he that is in the world I will not be afraid fear not now I'd like to stop right here but verse two says please talk about me I would like to just stop on verse one with just these five points but verse two says you you preach so fast you wouldn't quit through that so quickly can you just say a word about me let me say a word about verse two I want to talk about verse two but I didn't want to talk about it because I don't even like the way it starts off it says when you pass through the waters I don't like the first word when you pass through the waters I I wish it had said if you pass through the waters but it doesn't say if it says when and the reality is everybody in here is going to have a win everybody here is gonna have to go through some waters at some juncture in your life you're going to have to pass through some waters now listen carefully anytime you read about waters in the scripture it always represents a point of transition let me be it Bend me out for just a moment when you read about even in Genesis when the waters covers the face of the deep something's about to shift and change when you read Genesis 1 it talks about the water so next thing you know God created man and there was land there was a shift that was taking place from what was when you read about the children of Israel going through being released from slavery going through the Red Sea the Bible says they got down to the Red Sea the waters parted open they crossed over pharoh's army got drowned in the Red Sea it was a transition point later on when the children are visual and the Joshua went back through that same red sea the waters parted they went across the Jordan River I'm sorry I didn't pass the Jordan River and made it over into the promised land a point of transition Jesus got baptized in the water that was the public launch of his public ministry there's a transition point any time water shows up there's a transition point anytime you go through some waters in life it represents you're about to make a transition and a shift from something in your life y'all hear what I'm saying to you any time you go through waters in life it represents a transition something is about to change well pastor how do I know when I want the waters I'm glad you asked the question because this word water in the Hebrew means dirty water it means you're in field water it means it's got all kinds of mess in it it doesn't smell well here's how you know what you're going through waters when you're going through something distasteful in life where you're going through something that you would have never chosen for yourself when you're going through something that you don't like that's the waters that you're going through some of y'all right now are about to approach the waters some of y'all are in the waters some of y'all about to come out of water whatever if you sniff the smell of water it means that you are at a place of transition that God is about to shift something in your life scuse me for just a second who am i preaching to today somebody here needs to understand there is a but now shift about to take place in your life the key is the scripture says when you pass through the waters you're not going to waters you're going through the waters you need to tell yourself I didn't come to this water to stay I'm going through this day I ain't camping out here I ain't gonna stay here I ain't gonna be no house here I'm passing through the water somebody say I'm going through the waters but here's the great thing about the waters why you're in the water I love this right here verse number two says when you pass through the waters here's God said I will be with you that's why I came I don't have to be afraid because God says he's with us through every stage of the water in that great news that it is nobody else excited about that but me when I look back over the transition points in my life I can thank God that he didn't abandon me he didn't leave me he's stuck right there with me through every step of the way he's with you so when you pass through the waters I'll be with you but hold up there's another water here I'm trying to understand this here's another waters and when you go through the rivers what are the rivers the rivers represent cleaner water rivers of waters that flow streams that get cleaned up rivers in this scripture and rivers in the scriptures represent a transition to prosperity failure blessings it is through the river that life comes crop grow power can be derived from rivers of water moving water he says when you pass through the rivers and this is important God says I'm going to bring you to a place that you're going to have rivers you're going to have prosperity but hold up he says they shall not overflow you now that's important to y'all didn't miss that it went over your head let me explain it to you God is saying I'm not gonna let the rivers I'm not gonna let the good things in life overtake you I'm not gonna allow it to overflow you because how many of y'all know everybody can't handle prosperity alright this is a tough crowd here y'all y'all can't get that she I don't met some folk whose prosperity has gone to their heads they think they pulled themselves up by their own bootstraps they think they're the ones who cause themselves to be where they are today but how many of you all realize whatever you have in life you got there cuz God made it happen in your life not you you didn't do it God didn't somebody say God did it God opened the door God made the way and here's what I'm thinking God for that God knows just how much you can handle and he will cause it to stop so that it won't overflow you and get over your head so you won't get beside yourself so that you won't get to begin to think that you got like that and that you don't need God you see God keeps you just poured enough to where you know you're gonna always need just you're gonna have a crown to him you don't let you get too much cuz some of y'all if y'all got too much you would stop coming to church y'all excuse me for a second you stopped reading your Bible you stopped crying out to him so he keeps you gives you gesture now y'all get this in the morning y'all go wake up next we can get it is when you pass through the rivers they won't overflow and when you walk through the fire by here verse two you shall not be burned nor shall the flame scorch you oh I like that he says you're gonna go through some painful destructive moments in life fight it wants to come through penetrate burn and guess what when you come through is gonna want to do that it's going to want to burn you and and destroy you but here's what the text says when you walk through the fires you shall not be burned I like that there will be no evidence that you have been in some fire they won't be able to smell y'all still me for a second that there won't be any indication that you've gone through something devastating in life matter of fact here's what God is saying I'm raising up a generation who when they come out of the fires of their life they going to learn how to say hallelujah anyhow never met life troubles get you down when life troubles come your way lift your hands to God and say hallelujah anyhow you want to come through the fire and you won't be burned you'll come through the fire and you won't be scorched you'll come through the fire and there won't even be the smell of smoke on you greater is a God that we serve who bring you up on the air without I don't know who I'm preaching to I don't know who I'm talking to but all I'm trying to tell you today is don't be afraid to walk through life God is with you somebody who knows what I'm talking about high fire your name and say don't be afraid how father I'm selling don't be scared tell him to walk on through the waters tell him to make it through the rivers tell him to fire can't do you any harm he's with me he's fighting the battle for me I'm coming up out of this thing I'm gonna be better than it was when I went into it lift up your heads o ye gates and be ye lifted up the everlasting God the King of glory is coming in the King of glory we'll give you the window King of glory go through the waters he's with you go through the rivers they won't overflow you go through the fire go ahead don't be scared it can't hurt you you got somebody who's with you protect you I don't know who I'm friction - who am i preaching - come here quickly come here hurry up come here come here come here come here you've been crippled by fear we're gonna break that today we're gonna break that spirit today God's trying to get you to do so much you're scared try to get you to launch of business trying to get you to get say trying to get you to do something but you're scared trying to get you to go in this particular direction write a book write a song I don't know what it is want you to get married but you're scared you can't be scared who is this boy I question we cannot be governed by fear scared is not God he is not the Appa he does not he he does not give us a spirit of fear but of power love and a sound hallelu I'm waiting for the slowpoke needs to come they still come they come from way up there I can wait God woke me up at 3:30 this morning and said tell them don't be afraid move forward with no fear the greatest experiences in life come from confronting your fears y'all know I'm a pilot I fly did I tell you I'm scared of heights it used to be but I couldn't go into a high-rise building and go over to the balcony and look over I'd be scared but look at me now facing my fear and I nee I am nothing connected to the ground come on talk to me for just a moment when we built this building right here this building we build it differently than any other Church she builds a building most churches hire contractors have them build it I faced the fear we built it ourselves some of y'all today God's calling you to do some stuff somebody's calling you to dedicate yourself to him get sold out to him but you're scared that you can't live up to it and in your own power you can't but he'll be with you you'll give you the ability to be able to live up to what you need to live up to whatever God is calling you to do do not listen to the voice of fear move in the direction of your fears grab your neighbors head I'm gonna pray for you father thank you thank you so much mighty God you're such a wonderful guy and we bless your name for the promises of your word thank you that you have bought us to a but now moment thank you that you created us for such a time as this you are forming us you redeemed us you called us by name we belong to you thank you that you're going to empower us to pass through the waters we're going to make it through the rivers we're going to make it through the fire I pray now that you bind and rebuke every spirit of fear that you release confidence and faith in you in the hearts of your people giving the courage to go ahead out there and start that business give them the courage to follow you and obey you and to love you to give them the courage to get married give them to care whatever it is you're calling them to do God give them the courage to do it not be Pro inhibited by fear and anxiety find that in Jesus name I prayed in the name of the Lord help us father to move forward with no fear in Jesus name now you go ahead and tell God I'm moving forward you go ahead and talk to her tell them in your own way forgive me for holding back forgive me for hesitating forgive me for stopping forgive me for listening to what other folks saying forgive me for not obeying you God I'm ready to roll forward moving forward hallelujah give him a shout give him a shout giving you make all things we'll follow you hallelujah praise Disney bless is how to do issues you anybody here today unsaved backslidden not sure you want to share just hold up your hand you're not saying if you want to get saved hold up your hand accident you want to rededicate yourself you're not sure you want to share this hold up and already say if you want to join our church I see that hand hold up your hand I see that hand amen anybody else I see that in him and hold him up real high and say backslidden unsure or you already said you want to join our church y'all let those folks to come forward can y'all come on up here hold your hand up so they can see where y'all are come on through come praise the Lord let them through came in come on amen praise the Lord stay right where you are come on up here stay right where y'all are just come on up here come on up here coming more safely we are amen Oh somebody else come back Oh put it off Oh for anybody else Carl come home I see you come on sweetheart a man get some others come right now right now right now right now I'm proud of you big things yes you know now ask your person standing next to you are you supposed to be empty ransom time I walk up there with you problems I need some councils that come on up here real quick councilors ask them say if you need to go up as I walk up there with you best decision don't be scared I'm just been talking about fear bring your butt on up here you jump it out put ice buddy anybody else anybody I'll say yes to the Lord amen I'm party a crowd anybody else I'll give these give these sakes a hair right here come on let him feel he does some more come on crowd oohs whoo ha step right here Oh amen I'm proud of y'all y'all y'all are courageous people your life will never be the same never going to be the same again it's gonna be chance this is transformation day for you this is your button nail day just today God stuck his butt in your situation amen not gonna be the same can y'all give me one more minute to wait for about five more people who are wrestling toilet and they got to get over there feeling this way you just wait I know they're here I know they're here I know they're here I know they're here amen then we just wait for a few more moments amen I just want to wait a few more moments to give them ample opportunity cuz I know the devil whispers in their head they got to get through that that wrestling match in their head and listen to God listen to the voice of God Shh stopped at all the music for just a second I just want you to hear God right here for just a second amen just let the voice of the Lord speak to you cuz I know there's at least five more hear God's talking to I don't know a lot of things but I do know the voice of the Lord I know when he's talking and I know right now God says I ain't done yet there's some more people that's in that little wrestling match right now and I just want to give you ample opportunity to say yes to the Lord the best thing you can know is God will wash away your sins don't wait to you get yourself together straighten stuff out fix this stop that get rid of this person change that you can't change your life if you could have changed you would have been changed my I see you come on any man keep ammo fee I'll come on amen I'm proud of you crazy Amen praise them crazy amen somebody else Amen somebody else come on come on took a step took this step down three four sir I'm very proud amen I ain't met it I'm glad you came I'm just waiting on a few I'm waiting on a few more jokers somebody sat waiting on a few more joking few more joke somebody else well yeah well yeah well yeah amen praise God amen hi beginning no problem stuff like this very problem amen anybody else anybody else father thank you for these lives here today thank you I know you love them and you care about them and I pray your breakthrough and every one of their lives in Jesus name forgive and cleanse break every stronghold of the enemy filled with the power of your might in Jesus name I pray amen father amen proud of proud of proud of what I need a counselor right here for this young lady right here amen ain't got no counselor here we got one okay thank you great she's gonna take care of you your life never gonna be the same girl all right going home get on out of here rebuke that fear stop making some tough choices today amen be blessed you
Channel: Inside FBCG
Views: 122,917
Rating: 4.7269373 out of 5
Keywords: Moving, Forward, Without, Fear, Giants, do, die, Church, United, Voices, Choir, Gospel, Chorus
Id: HE47dckPrTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 34sec (5914 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 04 2012
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