Heard's Sister WRECKS Amber ON THE STAND! ACCIDENTALLY backs Depp!

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so today in the johnny depp versus the sun libel trial ah's sister took the stand and i have to say that the testimony here it is absolutely amazing why because it showcases profoundly how much ah and people around her lie and that's what we're gonna look at today for example you see this picture here we showed it just a minute ago well apparently ah's sister knowing they were caught in the game actually said you know what that stuff belongs to me not that it belongs to johnny depp anymore not that it also belongs to ah no that it belongs to her sister huh this thing it is unwinding and it is unwinding at lightning speed so hey there now briefly this is our second comic book a link is in the description and it's in demand so you can still pick it up now this thing it has been blackballed by the comics media comic pros they call us monsters and on they think they can keep us out because we talk about stuff like this but that's okay you're the one who decides so check it out back it if you'd like and thank you as always so like i said at the beginning of this ah's sister took the stand today and there are a few things that she talked about including this now if you haven't seen this ah actually produced this picture this was supposed to be devastating johnny depp too despite the fact that you may recognize the cup in this you may recognize the person this and well let's just say that they don't belong to johnny depp so this is sky news coverage and typically i will not utilize sky nukes coverage because they are so biased for ah and against johnny depp but i thought this was interesting this is the best they can do when going out and shilling for ah so in that picture you see certain things like a tampon applicator in certain lines miss laws who is representing johnny depp says ah has quote unquote relied on this photo to establish the bloodbath incident the photo shows lines of well you see what that is and what looks like a tampon applicator now ah's sister agrees there it looks like a tampon applicator so she's asked what exactly is that utilized for and this reply it says plenty to me to get well those lines in your nose that's what you use to snort those things isn't it miss laws asks when i did that yes she answers so when you look at that there does that sound like johnny depp would actually be utilizing that or does it sound like a habit that ah's sister and vicariously ah both possess hmm so sky news notes johnny depp's lawyers are not going to have any of this and this loss puts it to ah sister that this photo is quote a setup and it definitely looks like a setup a skull and crossbones box which says quote property of jd can also be seen on the table now ah's sister agrees she can see the lines there and also the box she agrees that box is there and well it does kind of probably look a little strange now this is where things start to break down and to really really look bad for ah and her sister because it looks so untruthful here ah's sister says that the stuff that you're seeing out there and the tampon applicator oh those are all hers they're not johnny depps in this picture so this thing that's supposed to be proof that's supposed to put him in the corner yeah it's exposed here as a flagrant and i mean flagrant lie she adds to this though johnny was fond of that trick referring to use the tampon applicator which ah's sister says she passed on to johnny depp so this was my thing that's all my picture but you know what johnny depp he did that too uh-huh yeah sure sure he did now what's funny about sky news is a coverage of this is that normally they would still try to spin this in a way that would be negative to johnny depp but they can't i mean look this is their coverage here is the picture in question showing those lines on a table and a blue tampon applicator yeah that's all showing stuff that you actually said oh scotty belonged to johnny depp because ah said it and if this is a lie well what else is alive now another thing that has been a point of contention is this picture here you can see keith richards in the photo you can see johnny depp you can see ah and on if you look at ah they're trying to say oh look at that swelling yeah look at that swelling indeed so the lawyer for johnny depp is asking ah sister if she discussed the keith richards photo which shows both ah and ah's sister in this ah's sister said she did not ah's sister says that uh ah's face does not look swollen to me in the photo she says that she does not remember a.h talking about this yesterday and that she might have quote unquote stepped out of court adding i'm not glued to this case now miss law says that the photo of this was taken on march 23 which she said is a day after the alleged painting incident you know where she would actually have damage to her and they tried to say that there was damage here but now her own sister is disagreeing with that fact fun times a fun time now what's funny in all of this stuff too is that ah's sister repeatedly and i mean repeatedly tries to go in tries to about face and tries to change up narratives where she basically gives her sister an out she's actually called on this too by johnny depp's lawyer johnny depp's lawyer says you have lied to support your sister and of course ah sister says i disagree i have not lied it's hilarious though watching these liars and they definitely are liars being called out in court today during this stuff for example ah's sister gives some detailed description of things but well leaves out a few important details here's one for example so in a statement ah sister says depp and a.h called her the marriage counselor as she lived next door and that she and deb called one another brother and sister she says that she was woken on the night of the 9th of march 2015 and went into depp nah's penthouse ph5 she says what she saw was she went in and it was extremely shocking she says she saw depp throw a can of red bull which hit the nurse debbie lloyd she says she was standing with her back to depth and at the top of the stairs in between him and ah the statement reads i remember being worried that i was near the edge of the top of the stairs when he got to the top of the stairs he was pulling me backwards so he could get to ah i remember being scared because i was worried that i would fall backwards and fall down the stairs johnny reached out to shove me out of the way to lunge at ah reaching out to try to hit ah and instead struck me hitting me in the arm ah suddenly lurched forward and hit him and said don't hit my sister i didn't see exactly how ah hit him but it didn't seem especially hard it was just hard enough for him to lose momentum now you notice the thing in there first of all she admits that ah was actually hitting johnny depp that's an important thing in here because again ah she denies that and she denies this kind of stuff fervently another factor in this it's something i say all the time and these people they lie so much that they forget very important details and the lawyer points that out here so you have johnny depp's lawyer is putting it to aeh's sister that the statement is very detailed but what is omitted is the most important detail of all she says that depp had on a bright green cast on his hand at the time and there's no mention of that in there now ah's sister says that depp did have a cast on his hand and she remembers it had dinosaurs on it she adds i don't think that that's the most important detail now you think about that what exactly you're supposed to be doing you have this giant cast on but you're supposed to be going out there throwing things abusing people and on hmm you see a problem with that don't you the lies they are very evident too i mean when you look at stories like this remember this is supposed to be right before you have ah going on a talk show a day before so she's saying we are now talking about ah's sister moving out of penthouse 4. it was after this ah's sister was estranged from the comp oh she says when johnny kicked me out i had nowhere to go i was sleeping on my boss's floor so of course i'm sure that she hates johnny depp for that so in her statement she talks about going back to the apartment block to pick up some things that read i remember seeing that a bed was disheveled it had a very heavy wood frame and i noticed it had splintered and there was a chip in the wood there was blonde hair and blood stuck in the splinter on the frame i had not heard about the fight on the december the 15th 2015 at that point because ah and i were not speaking at the time but i was immediately alarmed i remember imagining what kind of force it would have taken to do that because it was a heavy and solid frame see the problem with these stories isn't just seeing what's on youtube you know going in and reviewing that stuff it's that we have pictures of the bed frame as well you can see this and well you can see the wood chips missing here you can see the broken piece here tail it didn't bow because there's no way you could break this with the person but the thing that is missing in this is all of that description you know the hair here you know the coloration here because none of that was there oopsie i mean oopsie indeed now there are a lot more statements in this too i mean we could pick this thing apart and we probably will with the testimony itself in a live stream but this this is what i want to end on here so johnny depp's lawyer asks what i think is very pertinent do you agree that your sister is someone who needs to be calmed down and ah's sister says yes if she's upset we all need to be calmed down hmm but wait a minute i thought she didn't have any anger problems i thought she didn't have any rage problems but hey you know of course all of that just like every other lie yeah that's one too but anyway you tell me what you think about this i think that this kind of stuff it blows everything out of the water because again it showcases they can't keep up with their lies and their lives they're all falling apart in the stands and if this stuff isn't true then what is what is indeed so to close i want to mention the comic book again which is my sponsor because i don't take any other ones out there why because i don't want to be like the mainstream media you know lockstep or else and that that's exactly what you end up doing if you end up having to bend the knee too much we we also create a great product again check that out and thank you as always i also want to say thank you for being here thank you for showing up you make these endeavors possible not enough people thank you and i want to do that so thank you appreciate you being here and again we'll do this soon
Channel: ThatUmbrellaGuy
Views: 327,035
Rating: 4.9303789 out of 5
Keywords: johnny depp, amber heard, amber heard johnny depp, thatumbrellaguy johnny depp, that umbrella guy johnny depp, umbrella guy, amber heard thatumbrellaguy, amber heard james corden, amber heard deposition, amber heard interviews, amber heard court, amber heard body language, johnny depp trial, depp sun heard, the sun johnny depp, amber heard sister punch, amber heard sister testimony, amber heard aquaman, high court, court cases trial 2020
Id: vjWOd9EOjzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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