Why Sukkot Is Yeshua's Real Birthday

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today which is very interesting them actually teaching this today because last night started the first night first day of Sukkot and this is the day that they believe she was born not December 25th and the reason for that is he tabernacled among us and that's what Sukkot means and so the question is how do we know for sure that your shoe was born today now back 2,000 years ago were little less than 2,000 years ago it might have might not been this particular day but it was the first day of Sukkot so what's great about the Bible is that the Bible proves itself there's like a couple different days they throw out there in history for his birth December twenty-fifth I know I'm sorry I just blew Christmas an order for us to follow the biblical timeline of when he/she was actually born now like I said December 25th is thrown out there January 6th or 7th is thrown out there even Pesach Passover is thrown out there mm not so much I will prove to you I believe from God's Word without a shadow of a doubt you will know exactly when he was born so in order for us to find out exactly when he was born we've got to go back to Zachariah and everybody knows who Zechariah was right yes Zechariah and Elizabeth that was Mary's or Miriam's cousin Elizabeth she was married to Zachariah who was a priest in the temple okay so let's go back to the scriptures and all the way back in first chronicles 24 King David from the order of God himself started the rotation of the priests in other words there were 24 rotations each priest from each house the 24 courses of the temple priesthood you will find a first chronicles 24 and also in 28 and it lists all the priestly line and it lists the rotation and they had to take lots they drew lots I have no clue what they included but it was something that they allowed to so I don't think it was gambling like getting the casino kind of okay so 24 curses of priests and they began their service on a Shabbat and by the way you're right it isn't Shabbat today it's actually considered a high Shabbat when God's three feast okay three feasts that you that every Israelite man had to come up to Jerusalem Pesach or Passover Chevy Woods or Pentecost and Tabernacles or Sukkot okay so and they would go up to the temple and they would make their sacrifices and so back to Sakura Sakura it was the father of Yochanan the immerser by John the Baptist his course happened to have been during the time of after Pentecost so were actually in the month of Sivan the Jewish month is Ivanka's remember gone by the Jewish calendar here not the Roma Greco so that would be between May and June okay May June is when he would have stopped his rotation which usually lasts about what six to twelve weeks depending on which house you were from and what rotation you were in okay so which meant he had completed his temple service on Sabbath he came home and sometime around end of May at the end of June beginning of July Elizabeth would have conceived John the Baptist okay now the reason why John's conception and his birth is important because it will determine in chronological order issue is birth right so if you go to Luke chapter 1 verses 24 to 27 it talks about Elizabeth it talks about when she conceived then you fast forward six months to when Miriam of Mary came to her to visit her and whose baby leaped within her Elizabeth and it is this awesome a god thing that even in the womb a fetus recognizes the Messiah of Israel I don't know about you I like these chills going on to me these little jewels that I call them but give to you today we gloss over because we're told that wonderful little Bible story which by the way I also blew that out of the water I'm sorry but when you see the Bible's they get mine you you know you start peeling layer after layer after layer it's awesome because you can get some it's some deep spiritual insights ok so we know now we have a picture or a timeline of Zachariah and when he was in the temple serving he comes home Elizabeth gets pregnant and then Elizabeth and Mary meet six months and by the way it is said that when Mayer conceive Jeshua it was actually around December 25th so think about this for a second okay he wasn't born December 25th but guess what two things to see here number one in culture and Judaism of his day the day you were conceived is actually considered your birthday also it's Chanukah tonight and it was around Hanukkah which is the festival place that the light of the world was continued Hanukkah even there was a man-made festival she was still celebrated it okay so now working from the information from when John was conceived and then when he Shu was conceived in scripture tells you that Mary stayed with Elizabeth three months so if Mary was I mean if Elizabeth was already six months pregnant right then she stayed with her until the baby was born and the baby was born John the immerser the forerunner of the spotless Lamb of God was born during Pesach Passover now it's better in Jewish tradition in them and else of a messianic tradition I guess so how many you guys been to a Passover Seder yeah they had a cup for Elijah sitting there okay because remember what you shoe is said to the people and what the Bible said okay Micah for five behold I will send you Elijah the prophet the coming of the great dread that dreadful day of the Lord Jesus identified John the Elijah okay Matthew 1710 and his disciples asked him saying why then the scribes say they the why must come first so John was actually a picture of forerunner of the Messiah of the Messiah he was - what prepared the way and the fact is that they actually believed the scholars that I've read through a lot though they actually believe that he was born at the exact time on the same day that we usher in and invite Elijah the Prophet the spirit of Elijah who guess what he is the spirit of Elijah would you see these like great little pictures I see them and I think they're awesome John was born on Pesach the week of Pesach okay now Mary would have already been about three months pregnant correct because think about Elizabeth was six when they got together three months she's three and then if you go from December 25th and you go 40 days or nine months guess where we come to the 15th day of the 7th month Tishrei which is the festival of Tabernacles or Sukkot you see that you see how the Bible proves itself because if God's festivals are his appointed times in his Moab okay and you shouid died Passover why is this so hard for us to believe that he would have been born doing her God's appointed time one of the feasts that the Israelite men had to come up to right but in conclusion about Tabernacles yoshua was born the first day of tabernacles he was circumcised the eighth day of Tabernacles was a feast of ingathering of the harvest his first coming was indeed when he was born 15 Tishrei the first day of Tabernacles so then would it be quite reasonable to presume that the harvest of this earth in gathering are the second coming of Yeshua will occur precisely the same day I'm not talking about the rapture of the Saints I was on my second coming Wow right think about how God is he has done everything about the Messiah through his festivals
Channel: Jewish Voice
Views: 74,377
Rating: 4.7426901 out of 5
Keywords: sukkot, jewish feasts, jewish festivals, jewish, jewish voice, messianic, rabbi, Jack Zimmerman, Sandie Zimmerman, feast of booths, feast of tabernacles, christmas, Yeshua, Jesus
Id: bxDx0KkFTy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2010
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