Healing the sick | Legacy Stream | Prophet Kobus van Rensburg

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your word that's always fresh and new and that you are taking us places by grace that we've never been to before thank you that when we minister to people we will see the glory we will see the power in jesus name amen right numbers 14 20 you don't have to go there uh the children of israel is like always obstinate stubborn heart headed stiff naked rebellious moaning groaning complaining and god is again like normal trying to kill them no and as usual god and moses is there and god says moses allow me to kill these guys because they are a frustration they are always a rebellious house and moses says he says you took them out of egypt what will happen if pharaoh hear that you kill them in the desert you will say the god that took them out didn't have the power to take them in okay so and moses says please lord when you spoke to me on the mountain you said you your anger is but for a moment but your grace is forever and your mercies is for generations so uh you are quick to forgive and slow to anger would you deal with them according to what you said to me on the mountain okay what did god say on the mountain moses in exodus 33 said lord show me your glory and god said i will let all my goodness pass before you okay so and then the lord shouted out the name of the lord before him that we heard that last night you know when the wind came the earthquake claimed the fight came queen came the fire came that was the chariots of god you know it says god is on the move god is coming so when moses heard god is good merciful slow to anger quick to forgive his mercies are for generations for everlasting you know he just hide himself fell on his face and uh that's when he wanted to see the glory and and this time god says i'm going to destroy god says i want to destroy them moses says you can't because when you spoke to me on the mountain you said you are good and god says right moses i will not destroy them but as sure as i live my glory shall fill all the earth numbers 14 21 so god's glory must fill all the earth okay so i believe we know how the glory will fall or the earth it's not going to be like the garden of eden when the mist you know came out of the earth and you know there was no rain that's not the type of glory we're talking about we will see such glory i'm sure we're going to see the pillars of fire the clouds of glory we're going to see visible fire we're going to see visible manifestations of the wind although you don't know where he's coming from where you're going to i believe we've got to step into a time we're going to see the visible glory but what god is talking about he's busy with people okay and god wants to destroy people moses wanted to see the glory so it's about people that god is busy all right so how how will we see the glory so jesus comes in john chapter 2 and they are invited to a wedding at canaan galilee and the wine ran up and the mother of jesus she is called the mother of jesus so the catholics may be a little bit right okay mary the mother of jesus came to him and said the wine ran up and jesus said woman my time is not yet i hope you got it in john chapter 7 the other time john 6 and 7 where he says it's not my time but it's always your time you know your time to what to prove and show the glory okay so jesus my time is not yet and so jesus and mary said whatever he tells you to do do it and jesus said for the water pots bring them here and the water turn into wine and the bible says this first miracle the jesus that canaan galilee and he showed forth his glory in other words you know like always miracles signs wonders healings this is glory showing forth the glory of god because when somebody is healed people say oh glory when a miracle takes place wow glory and the bible comes and says give glory to god how can you give glory to god you give glory to god when you see wow you know a good word for glory is wow you know a good word for glory is wow a good word for glory is awesome a good good word for glories you know that's all good words for glory but god's glory will follow the earth so when the miracle happened the bible says jesus showed forth his glory came at lazarus's tomb this is just true that we're supposed to know by now came to lazarus's tomb martha and mary both come and said jesus if you were here our brother would not have died jesus said i tell you even now if you believe i told you you know this this this is not to death but this is for the glory of god have i not told you if you believe you'll see the glory of god so roll away the stone lazarus come forth what did jesus say will happen if lazarus come forth they will see his glory so miracle science wonders healings us glory okay so that's part of how the glory will follow the earth in other words miracles signs and wonders must fill the earth okay the church must have it okay a church without miracles signs and wonders is not a church it's a religious organization it's like the pharisees and the sadducees god's people always had miracles except the pharisees and the sadducees okay they had miracles till they were taken away into babylonian captivity no matter if they were stiff naked no matter if they were rebellious when they called upon the name of the lord god came water out of the rock bread from heaven meat from the wind that blowing it in you know miracles were the order of the day you know read against psalm 105 6 and 7 miracles miracles psalm 77 psalm 78 miracles oh if i think of your wonders if i think of your wonders so god is a wonder working sign giving miracle-working healing god god wants to have miracles in his church but when they went into babylonian captivity and they started a religious organization called synagogues pharisees sadducees rulers of the synagogue they never had miracles again so when jesus came they questioned every miracle why do you heal it why do you say why do you do that why do you so they couldn't handle the miracles because for over 400 years they were not living in miracles they were living in a religious organization that's why today when a church has miracles it's the church that questions them the world not the world will come the world wow have you heard that the church says i don't think that's true maybe that's a false prophet that's an antichrist so who's the people that's opposing miracles so-called church so what is the church that questions miracles it's a religious organization like the pharisees and the sadducees so we still have them with us today so if you question miracles if you question science and wonders you are not the church of jesus christ you are on the sideline a hypocritical phariseetical said you see you know that's why they're always so sad you see okay so everything is so far you see everything is in heaven and nothing can happen on earth and that's why people have the ultimate of heaven that's why they preach and they gotta close their meetings if you want to go to heaven because nothing can happen on earth now apparently god made this earth apparently god made man on the earth jesus died on the earth poured out his spirit upon the earth you know and the glory shall follow all thee oh okay so what must the gloryful or the earth so as sure as i live my glory shall follow the earth so there is a part of it miracle signs and wonders is the glory okay how are we going to be then part of filling this earth with glory second corinthians chapter 3 tells us if the glory of the old was so great that moses had to put the veil over his face now he says that glory of the letter kills and it was a fading glory so it was just for a moment when moses came down the mountain a few days after he came down the mountain the glory faded so he didn't stay you know he says how much greater glory now if we are ministers ministers of the new ministers of the spirit so if we minister the spirit if we minister the new testament there must be a greater glory coming okay uh jumping to chapter four it says from verse five six seven and eight for god who commanded light to shine out of darkness has shined shown the illumination of the gospel here in our hearts okay so now we have the treasure of the glory inside earthen vessels so that the excellency of the power okay so this is a treasure okay it's a treasure what what is the treasure for to hunt okay if you if you don't hunt the treasure is not a treasure you have treasure hunts so if there's a treasure everybody wants to find it oh there's a map there's a treasure on the island treasure island you know you know from small we have these gangs and we're gonna find the treasure on treasure island and we have these maps you know and we follow it and we gotta find the treasure so if there's a treasure somebody needs to find it okay we have the treasure of this light which is the glory of god on the inside of earthen vessels so the treasure of the glory is inside of us okay it's inside us okay but this is not that this is not what we boast on so that the excellency of the power to show the power okay now remember if we look at that show your power i mean we added a couple of times but coming back to numbers 14 21 when god said moses allow me to destroy these people and moses says oh no lord you can't what will the egyptians say if they find out you killed them you they will say you had the power to take them out but you didn't have the power to take them in show your power okay like you said to me on the mountain you are good and your mercies are forever god said when moses said show your power god said my glory will follow the earth so there we have the circle completed if the treasure of the glory is inside of us god we will show the power okay so showing the power of god is bringing the glory back to the earth so how we're going to bring it back to the earth with science wonders and miracles okay but kubus you know must we really go for science wonders and miracles in romans chapter 15 paul says the following from verse 18 19 20 says i will not preach the gospel if i can't prove it as my own words if i can't prove it with mighty deeds signs and wonders to bring the people to your obedience of christ he says i will not preach if there is not science wonders and miracles so if there's not science wonders and miracles go sell insurance policies like many preachers do when they don't make it anymore okay so that's the best prepare people for their old age you know or get them to be healed blessed and supernatural so let's go to a few scriptures on the lives of jesus let's start in isaiah 7 maybe remember we are talking thursday mornings the last couple of weeks again on healing the sick to inspire you to be able to be a miracle worker thank you trauma best president isaiah 7 7 now remember chapter 6 the year that king uzia died i saw the lord in his holy temple remember and he strained for the temple not that you could dream you know the glory what what you know because the glory is supposed to follow you know uh isaiah 58 verse 8 and 9 then shall your lights break for speedily and your healing and the you know the glory of the lord shall be your rear god so the glory follows that's why david says goodness and mercy will follow me psalm 23 verse 6 surely goodness and mercy shall follow me when moses wanted to see the glory god said i will let my goodness pass okay goodness and mercy follow me glory follow me okay isaiah 58 verse 8 and 9 glory must follow me so here when the train train is what follows the bride okay so if the train comes it means the glory comes and remember the angels were there and verse three and the one cried unto another say holy holy holy is the lord of hosts the whole earth is full of his glory okay so uh and then the house was filled with smoke okay not guns and smoke ticks and smoke cigarette smoke you know glory smoke you know why because they said holy holy holy holy and they said the whole earth is full of his glory so it seems like we got to speak glory we got to say glory if you go to the book of job he says where were you when the morning stars sang together and if you look at the context when glory was produced and god wants to appear where there's glory so we give glory to god in worship we give glory to god in praises we give glory to god if we go for miracles so if we if we really with a passion go for miracles it's like producing glory and god says you know if miracle starts happening the the intensity of the minute just should raise and be woo you know i looked when i said before last night i was just late night the tv was on in the house and uh it was that one miracle clip of the pastor's conference where i stood on the top and i said glory do you want it and say bam and then whew you know 30 40 people fell on this side this side do you want the glory pam just see them fall down in the front you want the glory bam you know and people get excited when there's glory okay so the glory shall follow the earth verse 10 of chapter 7 and the lord spoke to king ayas and said ask yourself a sign amplified ask yourself a token or a proof of the lord your god one that will convince you that god has spoken and that god will keep his word ask it either in the depth below or in the height above now you can put your own sermon in there we shall go to heaven and bring christ down we shall go to the depths to bring christ up but what does it say the word is near you in your heart and in your mouth so what god is saying to ayas is i have already said in deuteronomy 30 you can get life science wonders miracles it's in your mouth say what you want and you're going to have it okay if you didn't get that one you know make your own sermon at home but aya said i will not ask neither will i tame the lord shame that is how no no brother this is tempting the lord this is tempting the lord i remember when we got married and uh it started to rain and i said no i curses rain and somebody stood next to me said no it's from god you can't curse the rain i said i curse this rain it's my wedding day i don't want rain now i mean i'm not going to walk in the wet gear to the church you know but rain is from god oh yes do you think rain can always be from god you think satan can mix in with elements okay what do you think a storm is what do you think if you pitch a tent and the next minute the storm takes the tent away do you think it's god blowing tents away god can god can you know reinhardt bonker went to poliquin years years years ago when he was still staying in in germastone and he pitched the tent big ten ten thousand c tent in germaston and he was just about to build a 34 000 seater tent before he started preaching to crowds of million and two million at a time but he had a tent of ten thousand now he's preaching to two million at a time in one field you know and he puts a tent and a big storm came up and somebody came to him and said you know that's the devil and he walked out in dark clouds and he walked out and he said devil if you blow the stent away today i'm gonna build a 34 000 seater 10. all the clouds away and he walked into the tent he said my good i've compromised with the devil so he walked out and said devil i'm going to build that tent in any way and and the next minute here came seven women it looked like they were totally deranged from everything in life you know they're here standing up straight shaking and there were seven witch doctors and they were sitting on the hills cursing the tent and calling a storm to come up the indians have rain makers they do a rain dawns okay don't look so ugly people can mix in with nature okay so and i said curse it be this rain i don't want this rain you know this guy said no no no i will not tempt god and people think we are tempting god if we want signs wonders and miracles i mean gideon's breakthrough was he asked god for a sign when when the angel of the lord came to him under the tree and said god is with you almighty man of values don't run away if god is with us where's the wonders if god is with us there's got to be wonders okay and this is the next story and therefore verse 14 therefore the lord himself shall give you a sign the young woman who is unmarried and a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name emmanuel brackets god is with us so god is with us signs wonders miracles i mean spirit with ministry i mean you know i like it okay so god is with us there must be this is what gideon said if god is with us where's the wonders our fathers told us about wanderers what is the story about the wonders that the fathers told about it's not so much what happened in the desert because those signs and wonders they never remembered what was the sign that really stood out in the children of israel when joshua and the people came to the jordan river and god said today you know today and tomorrow let the people prepare themselves because on the third day i will appear just like in exodus 19 and on the third day they had to cross the river okay and when they crossed the river god said to joshua take 12 stones one for every tribe build a monument in the river and take another 12 stones and build another monument on the other side of the river and in generations to come when children pass by and ask their fathers what is this pile of stones you need to tell them this is the proof that god did wonders amongst you okay in other words god already told josh that the people will not believe that people are gonna drift away from miracles so build something that if they pass by you can tell them this is the day when god did miracles and one day i had a vision and god said most church names are monuments of what god did okay can i explain or do you get it okay every every church i think started in some kind of revival so if you put a name to a church and don't open it up for god to move if you close it up at the end of your church name and you have your doctrine and this is all that god can say within a few years that revival will stop so we have the reformed churches you know that comes out of luther they stopped 500 years ago they never proceeded any further they stole 500 years ago if you walk into those places you smell 1500. they sing 1500 songs [Music] then wesley came had an awesome revival got the methodists you go there you see their methods you know they have that method anybody else comes in with anything else they're an heretic then came the baptist they found out now you can be baptized to that's where they stop then you get the pentecostals they stopped it you know they didn't go any further then you get the charismatics they got the little jig and they do it you know then you get the faith people you just got to confess confess confess but sometimes we got to understand that god wants to do miracles so god gave me a vision and said if you pass by denominations the name tells what i did years ago and if people can go to the name they got to ask god can you do it again okay so that's the sign that god said in years that come the people of israel must say you know where's the wonders that guarded amongst us okay so god with us and that's what gideon said if god is with us where's the wondrous you know and god proved himself with a cloud with a pillar of fire with you know all sorts of stuff okay let's go to the book of acts so paul comes and he says to the corinthian church as well as to the galatian church if anybody comes and preached another jesus okay other places is another gospel but twice he says if somebody preached another jesus another jesus that guy must be a curse okay but we will not say that no no we're too scared we want to you know we want to accommodate everybody paul says if they don't preach the right jesus they're not supposed to accuse us we're supposed to point a finger to them no quebec yes paul stood up he said i had to withstand peter in public i had to stand up in public but we're too scared to say stuff paul said i had to stand up in public and i had to stand up against peter and say sorry peter you're a hypocrite peter the first pope i mean you know peter the the apostle of the church peter you know the pillar peter the great man of power that walked on waterman peter man peter you know paul's desire to withstand this guy in public so paul says if any man preach another jesus so what's the jesus we preach acts chapter 2 what is the jesus that we are supposed to preach hallelujah you're all okay verse 22 you men of israel listen to what i have to say jesus of nazareth amen accredited pointed out shown forth and commanded and attested to you by the mighty works and the power of performing wonders and signs which god works through him right in your midst as you yourself know okay okay can i bring you my cv to pray over it i'm applying for a job all right people come here week after week oh prophet i've got would you pray over my cd my cv i want to have a job here's jesus's jesus here's the savior my credits is signs wonders and miracles what point out that i'm jesus signs wonders and miracles what's showing forth that i'm jesus signs for science wonders and miracles what is commending me as jesus science wonders and miracles what's the testing that i am jesus science wonders and miracles i thought i'm gonna get some excitement so how do we know we're preaching jesus peter says this is how jesus is tested credited pointed out this is how we can show jesus is the one that we preach with signs wonders miracles so if we don't that okay matthew 11. let's go to jesus self john the forerunner the waymaker the hill flattener the valley fuller no go make straight the ways of the lord fill up every valley you know flat in every hill say the lord is coming so john says i am not here i'm just a voice [Music] voice and it came to pause when jesus had made an end of commanding his twelve disciples okay what did he command his disciples chapter 10 and jesus summoned to him his twelve disciples okay chapter 11 it came to pass when jesus made an end of commanding his twelve disciples okay chapter 10 and jesus summoned to him his twelve disciples chapter 11 and it came to pass when jesus had made an end of commanding his twelve disciples chapter 10 and jesus summoned to him his twelve disciples and gave them power and authority over unclean spirits to drive them out and to cure all diseases of all kinds of disease and all kinds of weaknesses and infirmity [Music] are you okay ah i think that's cool so jesus go preach verse 7 and as you go preach saying the kingdom of heaven is at hand chapter 11 it came to pass when jesus made an end of commanding his twelve disciples ten verse seven as you go preach say the kingdom of heaven is at hand cure the sick raise the dead cleanse the lepers drive our demons chapter 11 and came to pass when jesus made an end of commanding his twelve disciples okay you got that now when john had heard in the prison the works of christ okay what did john hear the works of christ that's when jesus made an end of commanding his word what did john hear the works of christ he sent two of his disciples and said unto them are you the one that should come or do we look for another now if anybody preached another jesus let it be a curse are you the one or do we look for another jesus said go and show john again those things which you hear and see the blind receive their sight the lame walk the leprous are cleansed the death hear the dead are raised up and the poor have the gospel preached to them blessed is you shall not be offended in me hallelujah so what is the real jesus real jesus kingdom not rapture kingdom heal sick cast out devils don't counsel them out cast them out don't either heal them out cause them out heal the caster devils do signs wonders and miracles that's the real jesus okay so uh in in john chapter 17 jesus prays he says father i pray for these i pray not for them alone i pray for all those that will afterward believe in their word i pray that you don't take them out of the world but you keep them from the evil one i pray that all those that here will believe okay so after jesus now ascended after the disciples is now gone the word will be taught and everybody that didn't believe in the word will have something okay so mark 16. is this enough for one day how much did we do i think that's about half an hour verse 15 this is now not jesus commanding his twelve while he was on earth this is jesus command when he left and we're still gonna do that message my commandments the difference between commandments and law and he said unto them go ye into all the world preach the gospel to every creature he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved he that believeth not shall be damned and these signs shall follow them that believe in my name shall they cast out devils they shall speak with new tongues not can not can they shall take up serpents if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover so then after the lord had spoken unto them he was received up into heaven and sat on the right hand of god and they went forth now is jesus still at the right time yes till when is he sitting there till all his enemies be made his footstool and the last enemy to be conquered is death so before death is conquered jesus is not coming so till then this commandment is there and they went forth preached everywhere the lord working with him confirming the word with science following so if there's no science wonders and miracles it's not a church it's not jesus it's not the gospel it's not good news it's not the kingdom am i too rough let's close with romans 10. verse 17 romans 10 so then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god so then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word so then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word verse 16 but they have not all obeyed the gospel hebrews chapter 4 the gospel that we preach was also preached to them but they did not believe because it was not mixed with faith okay you got to write it in this is awesome okay for isaiah says lord who have believed our report so it's romans 10 16 so then faith comes by hearing hearing what the report god says they did not believe the report what is the report isaiah 53 he was wounded for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with these tribes we are healed that's a report that brings faith so we've got to preach the crucified christ we've got to preach signs wonders and miracles and we got to bring it to people so father today we pray for a greater faith greater anointing greater grace greater mercy greater breakthrough power in every person's life here god that we will go out and wherever we go we will minister to the people we will have signs wonders and miracles like no other generation before us ever had greater than moses joshua elijah elisha greater than even peter paul and timothy greater greater greater greater jesus even said greater than what he did himself so we release this anointing of signs wonders and miracles the power giftings of the holy spirit on us all in jesus name hallelujah your hands all you people shout to god to the voice of trial thank you jesus is it good do you like that i read a book this week old book written 1946. hmm i'll just read it to you don't go there he says there are diversities of gifts but it's the same holy spirit there are differences of administrations it's the same lord there are diversities of operations but it's the same god which work all in all but listen to verse 7 but the manifestation of the spirit is given to every man to profit with all
Channel: Spirit Word House
Views: 1,510
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: spiritwordministries
Id: 9RZbdKrzMWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 53sec (2093 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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