Healing Is Here 2019: Day 2, Session 8 - Greg Mohr

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hey good evening everybody welcome again to healing is here 2019 what a great day we've had today man stand up and greet somebody that you didn't come with those be here in our auditorium those of you joining us via God TV by the internet however you're joining us we are just grateful that we can be a part of what God is doing in your hearts and your lives as well as you being a part of what God is doing here from our beautiful Woodland Park Colorado campus we're so excited about who Jesus is and who he is in this place and we want to honor him and worship Him tonight so come on and join us as we dive in to support you [Music] [Music] before true no a magical thing way has God because you are my life I can [Music] Oh me I lift up my head you [Music] to shed [Music] [Music] my head [Music] [Music] as bad shout out your name from the roof then I had [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] tell somebody next to you tonight you better know that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost come on tell somebody [Music] you [Music] well to me why [Music] you're like [Music] normos is to survey [Music] so my she will be well [Music] so blessed you savvy bad [Music] you see [Music] [Music] to me why good lord you No [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] beware [Music] [Music] hallelujah so good to know that God has come not just you to give us life but he said I've come to give you what kind of life abundant life hallelujah you know when we were in the recording studio recording that song some of the team that's here tonight was that was a part of that and when we were in the recording studio the engineer told me though when we started to do the healing album which is called healing is here which is in our bookstore by the way but when we started to do that healing album his family had been dealing with sickness for a number of weeks and they just couldn't get through it and we started that project in the studio which was in the in the lower portion of their home and all of the sickness and disease that they had been dealing with completely went away by us being in the space now that's pretty exciting and how do you know that wherever you go healing can go because that's where Jesus is amen so we want to sing a song called glorious day and we're gonna celebrate coming out of the grave and into new life and it's a life more abundant so come on let's celebrate it [Music] go put your hands together like this it's double crap tonight [Music] I was very by Shane [Music] you could carry that kind of way it was about to you know what till I married you come on this helps of adjusting in this place I just want to tell you tonight on this song you're free to come out in the house you're free to worship Him free to move free to shout come on come out let's raise the roof in this place tonight here we go I was breathing but not alive come on I was three [Applause] - that was me it was to hurt to launder there we go you call my [Applause] [Music] [Music] see save my soul now your freedom [Music] oh hello Jesus Tim I married you [Music] you [Music] Oh [Music] this is not just a motive tonight Jesus came and he rescued us took us out of darkness and he placed us into the king that's this shut the light the light of Jesus Christ [Music] there we go let's save I made it rescued I be great I was come on look at us shutter River now [Music] [Music] whoa [Music] somebody screwed [Music] [Music] you call those new problem [Music] come on that's all together let's give it one big thank you sir thank you lord thank you thank you Jesus [Music] I was hopeless I knew I was loved [Music] [Applause] you call me [Music] [Applause] [Music] you gave me beauty guiltier now I'm 11 do today by so it's use me [Applause] [Music] [Music] warning mercy will restore me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you Lord God God we're so thankful tonight [Music] there is no limit when God is in it nothing impossible believe it receive very slowly when God is in it nothing impossible believing me see [Music] come on lift it up inside there's no limit slowly the guys let me see possible BBC great are you lord always the same Infinity's male above all names great are you lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] now I will say have you away I will you're [Music] I will not live as you ray [Music] could see are you [Music] and you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now I will say what [Music] No [Music] [Music] now I will say lord have your way your [Music] come on let's just bless the Lord tonight thank you for His Word is alive and powerful you're worried we'll obey [Music] thank you Jesus thank you lord [Music] when everything feels like it's so much bigger than it really is how many of you know you can just put it aside because he commands you - what - cast you're so you're not even supposed to care say I don't care it's okay to say it I promise I don't care because I cast it upon you he wants to take it you know he already did it a long time ago he doesn't want you to bear what you're baring cuz he already did so casting amen [Music] everything else can where I've come to seek your fame so everything else can come here how about you just here's your fear just me [Music] presents hi thank you Jesus me [Music] I sing everything away singers care [Music] [Music] Cheers [Music] [Music] [Music] there's nothing [Music] it's nothing matters more come on sing it out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] because of your presence hi Jesus your than I'm using just me Jesse here's your fee just me [Music] because of your presence hi company Jesus your [Music] your man Heine [Music] [Music] hi [Music] how [Music] I'll turn and give it all to you [Music] your present overwhelms my soul [Music] wake up ha ha ha I give to you [Music] nothing matters but yoo-hoo there's nothing you [Music] Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] you carry the weight of the world [Music] it's [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] don't be [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh it's yours don't [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] No [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it doesn't make sense we'll never come prepared [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's extravagant it doesn't make sense we'll never come [Music] it's unthinkable Holyhead no justified [Music] [Applause] we just lift up our hands to the one who loves us tonight and bless him just one last moment here together as we wrap up our worship time tonight musically speaking but so much more yet to come Lord we lift up holy hands without wrath without doubting knowing finally finally knowing God how much you love us Oh how He loves you and me you're so extravagant in your love Lord but you loved us while we were still lost and dead in our sin you did everything that needed to be done before we can even help and then you sent us the helper to live inside and we honor you tonight we magnify your name in our hearts tonight we magnify your word in our lives and say Jesus be exalted be exalted in our thoughts in our attitudes in our motivations in our imaginations be exalted Lord we love you because you first loved us and we bless you tonight thank you in Jesus name so good to worship with you good tonight listen would you give to three people a big hug before you see the tonight and we're gonna break away to a video and then we'll be right back in just a few minutes we sure love you thank you [Music] God wants you well more than you want to be well we just have to cooperate with him we all start just believing we can do everything but then you do something and somebody makes fun of it criticizes it you no longer see yourself capable of doing all of these things you've got to get to where you see yourself healed [Music] God shows up when burning under when there's a unity God is here you know what you are more gather people are here healing it's hearing just believe believe in Jesus and if you believe in Jesus everything else will take care of itself and you need to know and you need to know what he's about what he can do a couple years ago I really started pressing it at the brain brain God met my needs for me just to come out here I want to get healed we're trying to teach you what you already have you already have the same power on the inside of you that raised Jesus Christ from the dead God wants me well he wants me better he wants to fix up what Satan has stole for me and I'm here to get what the enemy stalled I'm just so excited that this is just the beginning and like they said best is yet to come so I'm really excited about being here I'm here at healing a peer conference because there's a promise that she is gonna be killed from cerebral palsy yeah be prepared to feel any walking out of here I'm here and I'm getting healed like you told me that it was going to be at this conference so if that gentleman is listening thank you so much I needed that word from God if you were born again baptized in the Holy Spirit you got everything that it takes to see the blind eyes open the deaf ears open to walk free to come out of wheelchairs to be 100 percent free [Music] imagine the possibility and you talked about imagination imagine the possibility imagine imagine the possibility imagine imagine the possibility imagine the possibility of just knowing when we know how much God loves us Marissa you tore me up with that song oh my goodness hmm my start out of sing Jesus how far oh my god mmm I gotta move along Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus [Music] when I think about the cuts Jesus and all that he's done for me my soul oh he loved me when I was unlovable thank you mmm oh Jesus how many ready for uh some presents I'm gonna get myself together we're gonna do some giveaways in you know Matt told me earlier that how many people got some presents on their seat when they sat down right here yes he wanted to just again just bless you the Holy Spirit was leading him to just place some presents on your seat I'm saying all that to say that you don't have to run up here to get a gift I love Jesus and I'm crying but trust me I won't focus you don't have to do that cuz you know what the Holy Spirit is going to lead Matt right to the person that needs those resources amen my first gift that I want to give away it is God wants you well it's the study guide we gave away the book earlier this week what the Bible really says about walking in divine health you can clap it's okay well you already know I've been enjoying the worship you know I've been enjoying the worship remember when I mentioned earlier today I was talking about that CD Healing is here on there a lot of the songs but a few of the songs that they've been singing throughout the week is on this CD Jami remember the song that Jamie sang that is on here as well and in between each song you get scriptures read by Daniel it is so powerful as you've listened to this one of the songs is of course him of his garment by his wounds I received my healing marshalling that this morning so Matt is gonna bless some wine now I don't want you guys to be scared we're still excited about Jesus this is a book written by Andrew is called high took how to find follow and fulfill God's will a lot of times people are saying you know I don't know what my purpose is I don't know what is it the God's calling me to do well one thing God might be calling you to do is to come here and be a Karras Bible college student we have a table outside so you can also register so that might be one thing that he's calling you to do [Applause] that's what I'm talking about this is a CD bike Carly Tara des it's called giant killers how to slay the Giants in your land and receive all that God has for you [Applause] we're gonna hear from pastor Greg more tonight he did give this book away this morning but we just love to bless people so we're gonna give away another book it's called your healing door he talked about it this morning and he also has a few more that he's gonna give away like I said you can be excited you just can't run up on stage you know and I wrote a book called spirit soul and body but someone did an illustration of spirit soul and body this is I mean it's really really good because sometimes people they might not read a book but they are visual and this will help you understand spirit soul and body I just want to remind you also about our Q&A cards I do me I know that some of you have been filling them out we need them filled out by tonight because we need to go through them before tomorrow's panel so if you want to pick up your card write it before you leave and drop it off at the reception area that would be wonderful because we do have to go through them and it's probably gonna be a lot tomorrow like I said healing school healing school starts at one o'clock it will be right in here we'll have all our evening speakers here we're gonna answer a few questions that you have given us and after healing school at 4 o'clock everybody say 4 o'clock 4 o'clock we will meet in room 109 for Karis interest meeting so that is everybody that God has put it on your heart that you want to be a Kara student something is nudging at you it is definitely not the enemy and we know that so something is tugging you I was with my friends this afternoon and they're from Kansas and Dallas and they were talking to me so pastor Greg I'm doing some recruiting just so you know okay so I've got some of them they're gonna come one's gonna go to an extension school I got a couple that are coming back here so trust me I am on it so we want you to go to that interest meeting if you have questions about the school a lot of times you just questions did you want to act you don't know you know do you want to come or not so go to the meeting again it's gonna be in room 109 and we are still taking not requests but we're taking the it via no not questions thank you I appreciate it thank you Cara's free $500 tuition give away give me so everybody that's on campus if you go to our Karis booth out there and fill out an interest card we're gonna put your name in the drawing for that and also online if you email info at Karis Bible College that orgy in the subject line but $500 scholarship that drawing we're going to make the announcement on Friday please make sure you take all of your belongings before you leave tonight otherwise they're gonna be in lost and found we already discussed that we do not want that to happen they will give you 30 minutes after the service just take it with you though don't wait for 30 minutes and at this time what we're going to do is we're gonna have a testimony by one of our students her name is Shirley Reese [Applause] good evening everybody so my name is Shirley Shirley in American and I'm from South Africa and they asked me to share my healing journey with you tonight and I must say in the beginning I was petrified I thought how am I gonna speak in front of this many people and then I thought no how can I might be up here and tell people how good god is and so if I tremble a little bit forgive me but I just hope this encourages you I married my amazing husband 10 years ago I was 25 at the time he was 27 and we were ready to start our family but little did we know that we were starting a journey into infertility a miscarriage and just heartache and so probably about a year into our marriage I decided to go and see a fertility specialist and he basically said to me look you have one of the worst cases of endometriosis I've seen in my 30 years of practice and so he basically gave us a less than 5% chance of having our own children and I said okay well I'll take that 5% chance and we started our journey on infertility treatments and I had about five operations to remove the endometriosis but it just kept coming back I had in vitro we had countless rounds of fertility drugs and just nothing happened we just got negative results after negative results and I really just I was on my knees every single day begging God for this baby crying out to him and nothing happened and I became so discouraged and I started believing the lies of the enemy telling me you never going to be a mom so I'm so sorry you never gonna be a mom and I started I had to really guard my heart from becoming resentful because everyone was falling pregnant around me at that time and it was at that moment when I got really tired of on my knees and begging the Lord that God had a divine connection for me such a wonderful woman that introduced me to Andrews teachings and it was at that point when I started learning those truths that I realized that I needed to reposition myself into receiving from the Lord and so I got up off of my knees from that begging position and I stood as tall as I could not very tall and I put my foot down and I said the enemy knew I meant business I said that's it today it is finished and I declared over my life and I said I will be a happy mother of children in my home I will be a fruitful vine for my husband and I stood on a verse in Exodus 23 verse 26 where God gave it promise and he said no one in your land will be barren or mascara and I put my name in and I said surely you will not must carry and you will not be barren and within three months I felt pregnant naturally no doctors no medical intervention when I tried everything I could in the natural and I just I have so much gratitude for this man over here because he really showed me how to receive from the Lord and I just want to encourage anyone that's yet tonight that's been in that position of hopelessness that God is faithful he is faithful and I have done two years at Karras and it has been the best years of my life I'm going into third year now and I'm so excited so if there's anyone out there that just like Tracy said it has a nudging on the inside of you I urge you to go make that decision and sign up like Andrew said one word from God can change the race of your life and it certainly did for me so I just encourage you to go and sign up and just be blessed by pastor Greg Moore's teaching tonight thank you hey man you know that's proof right there so I'm not just saying I want you to come to Karis Bible College it will change your life you're sitting under the word for four hours a day it'll change your life you know I want another thing I wanted to say is at the end we have prayer ministers I got an email from someone named Susie and she wanted prayer if you would call our phone center they'll be there tonight as well the number is seven one nine six three five one one one one so we are not leaving out our live stream audience so you can call in for prayer if you have questions that you want to turn in if you email info at Karis Bible College Oh our G we will get your questions at well as well now the last thing that I want to talk about or say is you saw the promo for Esther we also have another production that's happening in December that's the heart of Christmas I want you to know you can get tickets today you can get it this week if you just go to the bookstore they are selling tickets for those performances also on November the 16th we will also have the Messiah so let's just save the date and go there get your tickets and save the day come on back and see us in Woodland Park the last thing right after service we found out that some people are not having rides to go home and you're staying here late we love you here at Karis Bible College we so do the staff and the volunteers but you go home you gotta go home so please I want you to make sure you have your rides secured wherever you're staying at secure that before you leave if you go to our front desk they have information of uber whoever you need to call so you can call somebody so that they can come get you you have to go home or look should I say you don't have to go home but you can't stay here okay love ya and at this time we're going to call up Andrew Wommack of Andrew Wommack ministries and Cara's Bible College [Applause] praise God [Applause] [Music] thank you man isn't it exciting to hear testimonies and Jesus is just changing people's lives there's so many more I know of three or four people who are here tonight who are on our healing journeys if you haven't seen our healing journeys please go to a WMI dotnet and I now think that we have somewhere over thirty healing journeys we've got a lot more coming we've got people here tonight Vanya is here somewhere I saw her during praise and worship where's Vanya up here man this lady was heal was at what stage cancer was it it was bad and this woman got healed watching wasn't it to God with us she was just totally totally healed and is alive and well and she's here for everything we do what a blessing to have gone away and tomorrow you're gonna get a testimony from Marian Hamm I mentioned her briefly but man she's just awesome you're gonna love it we're real pleased tonight I don't know if I might be in trouble for this but we've got Hannah Terre des with us would you stand up Hannah this is Hannah I don't think she likes the attention but she's the one how many of you have seen the testimony of Hanna's healing look at this Hanna there's man over a thousand people that have seen that great testimony 13 years ago changed her life changed Ashley in Carly's life and Zach and Josh and man it's just so awesome to see what God is doing what a great honor and privilege so we're so thankful for all of you being here in being a part of this it's just been great you know let me mention two other things I'm gonna receive an offering here if I rushers would come forward and give out the offering envelopes I'd appreciate it but before I do the offer and I just want to mention two things one of them is that when you leave here I was watching last night and I think it was still bumper-to-bumper traffic until 10:30 and there's not a lot we can do about it but when you turn ride out of here and then go down to the light it's a double left turn and if you had used both lanes that speed things up so that's one thing that we can do to help so I just wanted to mention that and then the other thing I wanted to mention I know many of you we've been talking about coming to Karis and many out you just feel like you can't leave where you are and come here but we've got this interest meeting tomorrow I believe it is at 4:00 is what Tracy said and there's multiple ways you can partake of it but we've got a brand new way that was just started in the last year and it's what we call eat Karis and we have the entire first year curriculum loaded on an iPad and you get an iPad with the case and headphones a wireless connection and you don't even have to be connected to the internet and you can go through the entire first year and when you do get an internet connection you send in your test and they grade it and stuff and that's just a great way we did this primarily for people that don't have internet access but it's just convenient for everybody and so we've got an e Kerry's booth out there I don't know if Julianne Harris is in here that is she in here or she outside she's probably outside but she's the one that's running the booth and boom she's a blessing so anyway I encourage you to go out there and check on that alright this afternoon I was out walking and praying about some things and I really believe that the Lord spoke to me and told me some things about this offering so let me just read a couple of verses to you this is out of Exodus chapter 25 and in Exodus chapter 25 verse 1 it says and the Lord spake unto Moses saying speak unto the children of Israel that they bring me an offering of every man that giveth it willingly with his heart ye shall take my offering and then it begins to talk about all of the things that the offering was for and the Ark of the Covenant the curtains all of the instruments just everything and it goes for 10 chapters nearly and in chapter 35 is when the Moses came down from the mountain and begin to communicate with the people what the Lord had told him so in Exodus chapter 35 it says in verse 1 and Moses gathered all the congregation of the children of Israel together and said unto them these are the words which the LORD hath commanded that she should do them and he began to talk about the Sabbath and some things but in verse 4 he says and Moses spake unto all the congregation of the children of Israel saying this is the thing which the LORD commanded saying take you from among you in offering unto the Lord whosoever is of a willing heart let him bring it an offering of the Lord gold and silver and brass and then it goes on and mentions all of the purple and the linen and the ram's skins and badger skins and stuff and then in verse 20 it says and all of the congregation of the children of Israel departed from the presence of Moses they came every one whose heart stirred him up and every one whom his spirit made willing and they brought the Lord's offering unto the work of the tabernacle of the congregation and for all his service and for all the garments and then down in verse 29 that children of Israel brought a willing offering unto the Lord every man and woman whose heart made them willing to bring from all manner of the work which the Lord had commanded to be made by the hand of Moses I could go into a lot of details but let me just say that that they tithe and there was also like a temple tax that the Lord instituted these things were for the daily maintenance of the Levites to take care of all of the people who were ministering and doing things like that but when it came to building the tabernacle when it came to building a building of worship this was above and beyond the tithe this was a special offering and it was only a freewill offering everybody who had a willing heart and then in the 36th chapter it talks about how that the builders came back unto Moses and in verse 5 it says and they spake unto Moses saying the people bring much more than enough for the service of the work which the LORD commanded to make and Moses gave commandment and they caused it to be proclaimed throughout the camp saying let neither man nor woman make any more work for the offering of the sanctuary so the people were restrained from bringing man that's awesome they gave so much that they couldn't even use it and they had to restrain the people from giving and you know I was thinking about this this afternoon and real quickly if you'll indulge me I just need to tell you this that back in 2002 the Lord told me I was limiting him by my small thinking in that same week that he spoke this to me from some 70 8:41 of mine gave me a prophecy and said in this prophecy and he had heard my confession about what God had told me and then he prophesied to me that God is going to bless us and man it's come to pass it is phenomenal what God has done but he in this prophecy said you aren't gonna need to borrow any money because you have a bank and when he said that I thought what bank do I have and he says your partners are your bank and you will be able to do everything debt-free and that was a major breakthrough and so we built the building down there 3.2 million dollars debt-free which was a major deal then we bought this property then we built these two buildings the barn in this building debt-free I intended to build the parking garage debt-free but we had a man come to us who offered to build it for us and this wasn't a vain promise he had built over two billion dollars worth of parking garages one of them for Houston the city of Houston stuff so it was a legitimate offer and he had investors that helped him do this and he was going to build a parking garage for us and then just lease it back to us at a very low rate so it had saved me all this cash flow and I thought man this is awesome so I said go for it but before we could do it we had to get plans drawn up and I had to pay for that and that was I forget how much but three four hundred thousand dollars for plans and then we had to move a water line and we had to do this before you knew that I had spent a million and a half and then they started producing some of the precast panels and anyway when he finally came back to us he was sincere but his investors were not good about giving money to a non-profit and so anyway they put restrictions on us that made the deal he was going to give us the least it was like twice as much as I could have gotten a loan for and paid for and it was just not a good deal and so anyway I turned it down and when I turned it down I found out that I had to pay for all this other stuff I was into it for five million dollars and I didn't have five million dollars cash and I had to come up with five million dollars in one week's time and that wasn't even enough time to notify my partners or do anything so anyway I took out a loan I didn't want to it was a mistake on my part but nonetheless we've got a loan on that parking garage for 23 million dollars also if you aren't aware of it we got 336 acres in 2017 across the road and it was a twenty-one million dollar deal but I told him I wouldn't go in debt and so they said well what will you do and I said I'll give you a hundred and thirty three thousand three hundred and thirty three dollars and 33 cents a month until I pay it off and there's no interest and if worse came to worse and if something happened to me we could walk away and there is no obligation there's no debt now I'm not sure that's what we'd do that's not necessarily a good decision but I wanted it so that there was no bondage there was no debt there was no obligation and so anyway we acquired that we now have a hundred and twenty million dollars worth of buildings and assets that we've acquired in seven years seven years ago there was nothing on this property but anyway that's a praise the Lord and thank you to all of our partners but this parking garage is weighing heavy on me and I have decided that I am NOT going to build anything else I'm not going to do anything else until I get this parking garage paid off so I've been praying about this all of this year and about I forget exactly but two three months ago the Lord just dropped it in my heart that he was going to touch 23,000 people that would give $1,000 to pay this thing off and I know that sounds like a lot of money I said this over television and I had a woman ride in and she got mad at me and she said you aren't appreciating the small gifts all our gifts $20 or something and I told her I said look I am appreciating I appreciate every gift that people give but I said I had to have faith for something and I just couldn't believe 423 million people to send one dollar I said that's not where my faith is I said I just believe for 23,000 people to send a thousand dollars or to make a pledge of $100 a month for 10 months and if we get this paid off in 10 months it'll save me nearly seven million dollars in interest and I believe that that's what God wants me to do so anyway I'm saying all of this to say that tonight I just felt like God dropped in my heart I'm not in that place where I'm totally in faith but like I was preaching last night I've got hope and my faith is working towards this but I have hope tonight that out of these approximately 2,500 people or so that are here what I'm believing for is a thousand people to join us in this challenge and to give either a one-time gift of $1000 or to make a pledge for 10 months of $100 and we have a thing that I'm calling the 1k Club that if you'd become a part of that we are gonna put a wall out here with your name on here if a person gives $10,000 they'll be in the 10k Club and we're gonna put this out here so that when our students come in from the parking garage they will see that these people made all of this possible we didn't have to charge our students for this we still have one of the lowest tuitions of anywhere around our students hadn't paid for any of these buildings my partners have done that so anyway I wanted to share that with you and and just say like Moses if God is stirred you up if God has touched your heart and if you would like to be a part of this I would like to issue that challenge to you and I'm believing that we could get a million dollars out of this meeting and I know some people think man that's just a lot of money but there's a lot of people and you know what it's people spend a thousand dollars on a flat-screen TV or something man this is much more just imagine what God's doing here the way that God is changing people's lives and you invest in that that's better than watching as the stomach turns on television a man I'm not apologizing for this at all I tell you what you'll be blessed you'll be blessed and I know many of you've already given and you're already a part of this but I'm issuing this challenge to everybody else and if you want to do that I would encourage if you want to be included in this 1k club and have your gift designated for that please write on the offering envelope or something about 1k Club just so that we will be able to identify you so that we could put your name out there but I believe that's what I'm hoping for that's what I'm imagining is that we get a million dollars out of this meeting and I know some people think man you're daydreaming it works if I can imagine it I can do it amen so I want to ask you to participate and be a part of this father right now I'm just asking just as with Moses that he just came and these were the people that just a few days before had made a golden calf and had worshipped it and bowed down to it and these same people gave so much that they had to restrain them from giving father I'm praying that you would just touch people's hearts every person who is willing every person who has the desire father I believe that you touch their hearts that you give seed to source if they want to be a part of this I'm asking that you would touch their heart give them the wherewithal to be able to give and father we receive it and we thank you that that parking garage is paid for and debt-free and it will never go back into debt again father I just thank you in the name of Jesus that you are causing this to come to pass and we give you praise I speak a blessing over every person and believe that you are going to multiply these gifts back to them many many times over in the mighty name of Jesus amen praise God you can receive the offering in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God he was in the beginning with God all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made in him was life and the life was the light of men and the light shines in darkness and the darkness could not overcome God manifest in the flesh to become impressed just games below we like she went astray for the cross Meno coolest hope who is my eyes to see you [Music] your embrace I'm surrounded by I can you [Music] you said we afraid from you tears [Music] wanna see [Music] [Music] in my dreams and again [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] trying the girl is not dead [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] every sickness [Music] he was noted [Music] [Music] [Music] she was human too [Music] [Music] in him was life and the life was the light of men and the light shines in darkness and the darkness have not overcome it Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever praise God man we had people there they were in that we're from Norway South Africa England and the states we've got people from all over the world I tell you it is awesome to see what God is doing all right tonight we are blessed to have pastor Greg Moore back this morning he ministered and and God just used him in a powerful way touched all of us I think it touched Greg I think you had some more to share in that outline didn't you that you didn't make it to but man man let's go with the Holy Ghost so let's welcome back pastor Greg Moore the director of Carey's Bible College [Applause] [Music] and it's worth of Jesus amen whether we thank you we love you we worship You Lord praise God man wasn't that awesome this has been and this has been a great week so far amen and the best is yet to come I do have a couple of books I want to give away this is my book called prosperous soul it's actually complimentary to Andrews teaching on spirit soul and body and where he focuses primarily on your spirit this is talking about the soul what is it that constitutes a prosperous soul because the Bible says beloved I wish above all things that you prosper I'm Eve you know God wants as well and being health I mean how many of you know that's better than needing healing but he said even it's even as or according to or in proportion to how your soul is prospering and so this book will help you to do that you can get it back in the back at the in the bookstore or on my website Greg more calm and you can also go on there and get all a lot of funnies where is God this is my latest book called flowing in the supernatural now this is not primarily the way for you to receive healing this is how you can minister healing to people that that haven't had opportunity to hear the word you're going to run into people all the time that just that that haven't had opportunity or aren't Church to they're not born again or whatever and you and I need to be operating in the gifts of the Spirit Jesus forty to fifty percent of his ministry where the gifts of the Spirit he didn't teach the Sermon on the Mount to the woman at the well or or the lepers you know or the or the guy at the Pool of Bethesda he operated in the gifts and yeah we need the word but maybe but we need to be the word and this this will help help you flow in the supernatural and if anybody wants to know how to do that that is a it is awesome okay this morning I talked about the time when when I had our baby Michael 15 month old baby Michael developed a musky was perfectly normal just about to walk he was he was you know kind of teetering around and and but then all of a sudden his his joint swelled up twice their size his neck is all of his joints the doctors gave it some kind of a name so they had no cure for it he wouldn't he if it develop continue to develop he would never walk and that he would not live past ten years old and you know I didn't know everything I know today okay but some of the things that I learned can't that Janice and I learned about healing came during that time when we just cried out to God Lord I believe but help my unbelief you know it's like you know all these other people are receiving that I've heard from Kenneth Copeland and Kenneth Hagin and John Osteen and his daughter was healed of cerebral palsy and or cerebral palsy and several other people but is like this is my baby and and I'm just held him up before the Lord don't let my ignorance or unbelief stop him from receiving and I just felt God's love so powerfully well that baby is here today why don't you come up here Michael here's the baby hallelujah ain't no baby anymore fact he's given us three grandchildren but you know I wanted to I wanted to give you vision of what of the results of you what your healing will be like see some of you are in a storm you're in a you're in a sickness or disease or pain storm and the disciples were in that storm just doing the will of God and and they said that they said Lord don't that they woke Jesus up said you know he was freaking out by the storm right he said don't Lord don't you care in other words you don't care and we're perishing and Jesus where's your faith man I told you you're going to the other side right and don't don't let your storm dictate to you either that God doesn't care or that or that you're perishing you're going Sam going to the other side now the other side what happened the demoniac was healed there are signs wonders and miracles waiting for you on the other side of your sickness storm amen and Michael is standing before you here Michael produces he's a senior producer of Andrews daily television program how many of you enjoy that program Michael produces it and listen God had a plan for him and he's got a plan for you amen praise God glad he's here aren't you yeah such a privilege to be here just such a privilege to work for Andrew and just what a what an honor it is to produce that show and have a great team and everything but the thought that came to mind was I just wanted to tell you that the testimony from the perspective from my perspective of 15 month old he's my dad said told my testimony all over many many times for dozens of years and but there's only a few times that I've actually been had the opportunity to tell this most people don't think that a 15 month old will remember anything and I don't remember the pain I don't remember the sickness I don't remember crying I don't remember what my dad was talking about about normal haze grabbing and hugging and loving on me I don't remember that but I remember one thing and that was the word I remember the words spoken over me I remember the word that scripture forever o Lord thy word is settled in heaven your faithfulness is unto Michael and his generation it wasn't until a couple years ago I didn't know my name wasn't in that scripture by [Applause] huh but as a matter of fact I don't even know if I know how to coat it the right way but that doesn't matter some of you need to know that God's Word is a love letter to you he puts your name in that by his stripes Michael was healed some of you need to speak that out speak that out over yourself over your body forever O Lord thy word is settled on heaven your faithfulness is unto Michael and his generation you put your name there and you speak that over your body and you will be well you may not know what scripture to look for get my dad's book that scriptures to live by it has all the categories start putting your name in that and speak that over your life God wants you well I'm here today to tell you that that God wants you well he loves you his word is a love letter to you put your name in there and speak that over your life we need to personalize the word and that's what Carl that's what uh that's what Daniel man Carly we're talking about today getting your identity settled all right open your Bibles wherever you'd like I'm gonna be in a Luke chapter nine okay and then I'm gonna tell you a funny it's not okay I'm going to anyway this is called don't mess with seniors I don't relate yet this is the true story george phillips an elderly man from Walled Lake Michigan was going up to bed one night when when his wife told him that he'd left the light on in the garden shed which she could see from the bedroom window George opened the back door to go turn off the light but saw that there were people in the shed stealing things he phoned the police who asked will sir is someone in your house he said no but some people are breaking into my garden shed and stealing from me the police dispatcher said all patrols are busy now sir you should lock your doors and an officer will be along when one's available George said ok hung up the phone counted to 30 then he phoned the police again hello sir I just called you a few seconds ago because there were people stealing things from my garden shed well you don't have to worry about them now because I've just shot and killed them both and my dogs are eating them right now any hunger within five minutes six police cars a SWAT team a helicopter two fire trucks a paramedic and an ambulance showed up at the Philips residence and caught the burglars red-handed one of the policemen said to George I thought you said you'd shot them George said I thought you said nobody was available [Applause] it is awesome so is it correct that God TV is filming this tonight so want to welcome all the viewers from God TV let's let's tell them hello guys glad you're here God has good things for those who are watching via god TV amen alright so you know what what my assignment is is to just talk about the fundamentals of healing what are if their fundamentals and with a football team a baseball team if we learn the fundamentals of a healing healing is not a problem are you listening to me we make it we make it so complex it's not pro it's not a problem you can receive from the Lord now look for those of you who are you're ministering to somebody maybe they've got you know you know they're there you've been given a terminal diagnosis and so on and maybe they don't have time to you know to study and get in the word like you would like or may are they're in and out mentally well you know the gifts of the Spirit are available that's why you need to get my book and read about the gifts of the Spirit but uh yeah the thing is with the gifts of the Spirit they're wonderful we can receive anytime from the gifts of the Spirit but you can't stay here with the gifts of the Spirit that's why the healing evangelists many of them died because they depended on the gifts and the gifts of the Spirit are not something you can depend upon it's more to operate as Carly said this morning for you to minister to others but you can receive every time by faith in the Word of God are you hearing me and so we talked about the fundamentals of faith first of all you need to know why healing is the will of God now you need to know healing is the will of God at for every one every time all the time but you need to know why if you if you can't leave or don't believe that healing is the will of God for everyone every time all the time you can't believe or have faith that it that healing is is the will of God anytime and what happens is we allow we allow some experience where we prayed for somebody to define our doctrine and end well it must not have been the will of God well how many of you have ever witnessed to somebody and they did not receive the Lord so there must not have been the will of God for them to be saved was it the will of God for them to be saved it's God's will for everybody to be safe Jesus died to pay the price for everybody's salvation and he died to pay to pay the price for you you need to know why healing is the will of God first of all God said it and he can't lie second of all it's his nature I'm the Lord who heals you yeah and he's the same yesterday today and forever and then the third thing is healing is in the atonement you you have to know this that which one is easier for the Lord to do which one to say your sins are forgiven you or or to say rise up and walk say what why why do we don't have any problem leading somebody the Lord and then announcing to them your sins are forgiven you can you do that boldly can you declare that don't focus on your sin anymore your sins are forgiven you why because Jesus already paid the price the same thing is true you can announce to someone your that that pain has no ride in your body and more get out leave we evict you in Jesus name you have every right to do that because it's already done guys Jesus already just like your sins have been forgiven and and righteousness is yours all you have to do is right your right to check though what do I mean by right to check with your mouth say okay body where we are we are receiving the gift that he that Jesus of a healing that Jesus provided 2,000 years ago amen you got to know that then the second thing is you need to understand that your loved faith works best where we understand we're loved that's where faith works best and too many people are or they get so focused on am I doing this am i doing something wrong or what am i doing wrong and get your focus off of you and get it on the Lord amen he loves you man he's not holding out on you and you can be honest and just tell him I believe Lord but show me if there's any area that that of Revelation I need to really receive all that you have most people are approaching receiving healing like they're going to a loan officer at a bank for an unsecured loan that's where most people are at and I'm not man I am I know it belongs to me and I go and write to check on it amen and you know what I can be rude to that teller and if I got money in the bank I'm gonna get the money are you hearing me so you don't have to do everything perfect just just but just believe Jesus already provided it for you this the third thing we saw they talked about this this morning is exercise your authority exercised your authority Luke 9 let's look there I thought I would get to this this morning so I've got a couple of more points after this and then we're pray for some folks and we're gonna see miracles tonight how do I know that Jesus already provided it man it's it is so it is so easy it is so easy in fact the first person up we're gonna we're gonna pray for I got a note here from a Caitlyn for Caitlyn Harris okay is Caitlyn here anywhere if you're here lift your hand or Caitlyn Harris as parents or y'all here okay well if you're here when when we pray at the end and you can you can acknowledge and we'll pray we'll pray for you I mention that in a moment so Luke chapter 9 and verse 1 and 2 then he called his twelve disciples how many of your disciples okay they called his twelve twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority everybody say power and authority over all demons to cure diseases say over all demons to cure diseases preach the kingdom of God heal the sick so every disciple has power and authority to to do all these things to you oh you have authority over demons you've got you you you have authority to cure diseases to preach the kingdom of God and heal the sick and the power here in the Greek there's two different Greek words for for power and authority power is the Greek word Dunamis okay it means miraculous power or force might or strength it's the ability to make possible and the authority here is the Greek word exuse eeeh now I don't I'm not trying to give you a Greek lesson they're just two different Greek words that mean two different things it means privilege Authority capacity competency control and jurisdiction so let me get just give you the the example the exuse iya is how many police officers here or peace officers do we have any anybody here like that okay thank God for you I appreciate you okay let's say let's say Zack you're going to come to care Sababa college in the fall and in but you need a job right and so they hire you on a Woodland Park Police Department you go through all the whole thing and you you know you're gonna and and a stand up stand up Zack that need any look like then he look like he's a man with authority okay praise God okay and so what they're gonna give you but they're gonna give you Zack is they're gonna give you a badge right okay that badge is the exuse II of power that gives you the jurisdiction to to arrest criminals or to watch over Woodland Park right okay that you know what else are gonna give you they're gonna give you the Dunamis power you know what that is that's the gun that's the Taser that's the handcuffs that's the car right and so you're gonna you're gonna patrol Woodland Park right and you and if somebody if somebody breaks in the house or whatever you're you're going to you're gonna catch the thief right now do you have a smartphone with you exact of course you do absolutely you're millennial right you've got it and so all right so let's say let's say you're on your you're on it's a it's your beat tonight and you're you're watching and and and you actually observe somebody of you know stealing from someone and not not that guy in Michigan but you know you but but they and and you see them leaving and and what do many Christians do and they do like what Zach is not going to do but he's tempted to do is to bist to pick up the phone and call the chief of police and say chief put the phone up to your ears at chief chief there's a thief that's stealing for my house what is it what is the chief going to do get go get your man you wimp go get iam a man and go rest your man and and thank you sag give him a good air so so many times guys see we Jesus delegated to you and I the jurisdiction over healing ville yeah he over healing ville say I've got the jurisdiction I've got the badge I've been delegated to watch over healing Ville start with your own body then your family right and then so and you've got the jurisdiction but you've also got the Dunamis you've got the name of Jesus you've got the Word of God you've got the gifts of the Spirit you've got the power of God amen and so so whenever the enemy comes in okay and tries to put a symptom in your body or somebody in your family or somebody you love don't pick up the phone and call Jesus oh Jesus Jesus man guys get a life he delegated to you Authority he gave it to you and me look how many of you are how many of you married and have children okay Colin you have two children okay I met your children awesome awesome children what beautiful wife awesome family and if a thief can't have a burger came into your home and started messing with your children and your wife yeah just come on in whatever you want to do is take anything what was oh is that the way you would respond no I mean we'd have to pray probably to raise that guy from the dead right because I'm guessing he's probably got a gun and I'm guessing he knows how to use it yeah and look I mean are you're not gonna whip out I see you you're not gonna where are you guys are you gonna wimp out are you gonna protect your families you've got to protect your families and if they if the person dies while you're protecting them you know I mean I'll pray for them and you know but you know what I'm saying I'm about to protect my family first and too many guys the devil is a trespasser and he tries to infringe upon you you got to run him off man you got to use the name of Jesus you got to use your power use the Word of God it is written it is written it is written again and you've got to exercise your authority and run the devil off tell them what to do and where to go you have that power it's been delegated to you stop wimping out are you hearing me Jesus gave it to us he said in Matthew 16:19 whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven whatever you sow you know whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven whatever you don't won't whatever you don't buy you you got a tech authority man you heal the sick you cast out devils stop praying for God to do something he's delegated to you and me to do you've got the power use it amen I'm not going to turn there but you know the story in Matthew chapter 8 lots of verses I want to get to a couple of additional points but the Centurion remember of the Centurion had a servant that was sick and he called for Jesus to come and Jesus came and for those of you there watching what Jesus never refuses anyone who calls on him for and Jesus came and he started to come but then then the Centurion got a god of an imagination he got a vision he saw in his heart he reasoned he said you know what I understand authority I understand how Authority works I've got soldiers under me I'm an I'm a man in authority I'm a man under Authority I'm a man in authority how does Authority work I tell my servant to go they go I'll tell my servants to come they come I tell them what to do they do it yeah and he fought you haven't for a minute why would I ask Jesus to come here if I didn't think he had authority over sickness and disease and even death and why why am I asking him to come I'm asking him because I believe he has authority I understand how authority works hold the hole hold your horses wait a second Jesus you don't need to come into my house but what I want all you need to do you've got authority over sickness you've got authority over pain you've got authority over demons you've got authority over death you even have authority over healing they all are your servants and I know how I know how authority works you tell your servants to go they go you tell them to come they come whatever you tell them to do they're gonna do it what wait a minute hold the presses don't come to my house use your authority and Jesus said man I don't I haven't seen a great faith see great faith comes from people to understand Authority and you know what Jesus delegated to you I said he delegated it to you he delegated all authority to you all authority in heaven and earth he said I has been given to me now give it to you now what are you doing with it you what you do with it issues you tell your servants what to do you know your servants demons sickness pain lack go get out I have victi a healing come you know sickness go you tell it what to do you tell it where to go are not the servant if Jesus had all power and authority and he gave it to you and me are not those same servants that were subservient to him so subservient us look at your neighbors say I know he's talking to you right now so you have the power you have the authority you've got to use it you've got to command your servers I said you have to command your servants you've got to stop weeping out command your servants heal the sick cast out spirits of infirmity command pain and disease to go and command healing to come and it's just it's that simple guys you've got Authority several years ago my let's see Joelle is ten are one of our granddaughters is ten years old her name is Joelle when she was in her mother's womb they had they took several sonograms that showed that she had club feet in her mother's when one of her feet was turned backwards they were actually going to have to cut it off and reattach it and they showed that I mean I mean I'm talking about dozens dozens of sonograms and finally my son Jeremiah and his wife they weren't going to tell anybody because they just didn't you know they didn't want it but everybody'd get nervous and he thought they finally told us about it then we had a meeting Andrew came to one of our conferences one year but this year we had an annual conference and this year somebody had a word that God was healing someone in their feet and so I finally told Jeremiah said I think this is God and then so we'll call you together you and this let's see was about six weeks before the Joelle was born and so we so we all gathered around at this conference prayed for him and then we had a wait a doctor in our church who was an elder that doctor actually delivered the baby and we started to pray for the baby and he said wait a minute stop Jeremiah the Bible says that your children are taught of the Lord and graters graters our peace you've got authority over your children your children will obey you you you take authority and you speak and we're gonna agree with you and I mean Jeremiah man he I mean he he went after it and he prayed he just took simple authority over joeld and told her feet to straighten up fly right walk right and six weeks later Joelle was born perfectly normal this little this little Aggie doctor that was an elder in my church he'd met he was he was emotionless I mean over most things but he was jumping up and down because he'd seen all and we've got the pictures today I'm he talking about blood guys you came too late to tell me God doesn't heal but he'll heal through your authority that he delegated to you and too many times we're waiting for the super duper to pray for us when all the time you've got the power in the name of Jesus you've got the power in the name of the Lord hey man say I've got the power look at your neighbors say you've got the power you've got the authority what are you doing with it what are you doing with it I'm asking you what are you doing with it hey man sister stand up tell us say it sister amen [Applause] amen amen hallelujah amen praise God okay for those for those of you for those of you who are watching and could not hear that testimony bird just before she came here what is your name James just before she came here she got a call from the hospital and this person was in the hospital they were gonna have to take his arm or whatever in his hand and and she took authority and he got saved and got healed and and man and God God got delivered and and she took her Authority you you have Authority guys I was I was a volunteer chaplain at a hospital in Decatur Texas and I was called in one time to go pray for this lady who they said was brain-dead and her name was Maddie and I went to pray for and sure enough I mean there was nothing going on right I went found her husband and his name was Danny and I asked Danny I said well are you was Maddie born again she's 48 years old and I don't know something call stirred had go into coma and she was they said she was brain-dead and uh in acid and I find out he was born again yeah but we're back slidden Baptist but I said well God loves backslidden Baptist and you know you know he loves you and I said what would you like me to pray for Maddie and he said yeah and I said what would you like me to do well he he said I'd like you to pray that she'd have peace I said you know I just came from her room she's pretty peaceful it's not much going on and I said would you would you like her to would you like me to pray with you that she's gonna go home to be with the Lord or would you like her to live well I'd like her to live can you pray that I said oh yeah but you've got Authority 1st Corinthians 7 verse 4 you've got authority over your wife's body I do I do yeah you doing you can we can speak resurrection power and resurrection life to her you've got the resurrection power Jesus on the inside of you even as a backslidden Baptist you just didn't know it you need to use it I can well will you help me and I did I just helped let him in a prayer simple prayer and I looked up to this that machine nothing was happening brain waves were just like this but I said look you just start praising God thanking God don't give up and you know so I left and three days later my secretary called me since I got a phone call she I think you need to take this pastor Greg and it was Danny and he was he was whooping and hollering he said hey he said my wife's home he said four hours later she woke up and she said she's fixing me breakfast right now listen listen guys if Danny could exercise authority see it the devil is a loser big time especially when you wake up to your privileges and authority amen so the the fourth thing that's these are these are fundamentals you've got to get it you got to get it down the fourth thing is you've got to value the truth over the facts you've got a value of the truth over the facts and so many times this is where people miss it because they you know well I just want to be realistic well you know I'm realistic I know how I know that faith isn't saying I'm not sick I'm not sick I'm not sick I'm not in pain I'm not that's not that's not faith okay - but but a lot of people they'll go to doctors and I'm not gonna make a what's wrong with you nothing I'm not gonna make a negative confession the doctors will why are you here I'm biased drops on me oh by him stress and and and I believe by stripes you're healed but if you're gonna go to the doctor it's all right to say you know what my body's telling me I'm in pain but everybody say but okay but by His stripes I'm healed see whatever is on the other end of your butt is what you really believe you need to but the facts with the truth instead of butting the truth with the facts you know i pastor for a lot of years I love my pastor but I love my husband but those are goats man they're not sheep there button everything you don't have to I look I'm not gonna be agreeing with the pain okay but but just saying you know my knee hurts I'm not you know but see whatever whatever's on the other end of your butt that's what you believe and you've got you've got to learn to value the truth over the facts and you've got to exalt the truth over the facts until the truth prevails and you can't give up you got to hold on to the word like a bulldog well how long does it got to be how long how long does a bit I've been I don't know what's wrong up in there must have been doing something wrong I've been praying I've been I've been doing I've been reading all of Anders material in and it's just not working yeah it is you just said what you getting it's working what's working is it's not working you just agreed with that no it's working the Word of God is working don't dig it up and see if it's working if you planted it it's working well how long do you have to wait look guys here's the thing you cannot receive from God with your eyes on the calendar of the clock you can't it's not going to happen I'm just telling you right now you get your eyes on on the word you get your eyes on Jesus if you get if your eyes are on the calendar of the clock or how long it's been you it you've just shot yourself in the foot are you hearing it you can't do that how many of your believers how do you know do you know how you got that way what did how did you get to be a believer you believed what did you believe well you believe the word but specifically Romans 10:9 a team you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and what you believe in your heart that what God raised Jesus from the dead so in order to get saved let's get this straight in order to get saved how many of you are saved okay in order to get that way you had to believe God raises dead people okay you believe that I said do you believe that let me ask you a question how many of you saw the event then yet you still believe how long are you going to believe that how many of you believe you're going to heaven when you die anybody been there and yet you still believe how long are you gonna believe how many believe how many of you believe your names written in the Lamb's Book of Life any of you ever seen the book and yet you believe how long are you gonna believe let's get this straight you're very eternal existence is based on an event that happened that you didn't witness a place you're going you've never been a book your names written in you've you've never seen and yet you still believe how long are you gonna believe that and it's so you're telling me you're sweating a little bit of healing these you're believing you haven't seen yet gosh let's get with the program we're believers what a believers do how long do we believe get forget this stuff how long it's been throw your watch away throw your calendar away I'm a believer have you ever had a doubt after a belief came John Osteen was my pastor and he said you know what to do with doubts look at your doubt I doubt you doubt guys I'm telling you the answer to your problem is so many times see we have patients that the devil does not have what does that mean I can outlast him every time he doesn't have the fruit of the Spirit I have that and through faith and patience we inherit so guys get off of this clock and calendar thing and how long you gonna believe how long you believe in Jesus God raised him from the dead you're gonna believe it forever how long you gonna leave it you're by stripes you're healed well well what happens if I go home to be with the Lord well at least went least when he returns he's gonna find faith on the earth I'm believing man I saw I believe Sam a believer and you have to continue to exalt the truth over the facts until the truth prevails yes but that includes the doctors report their diagnosis the banker's report the lawyer's report you're taught your child's teachers report your body's report but you know here's what happens what we do is we place greater value on the report of a doctor we do the report of the Lord look at look at Isaiah 53 verse 1 who has believed our report what is that that's the Word of God who's believed our report and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed how many of you would like the arm of the Lord which means the power of God including the power of God to heal to be revealed to you how many of you want that well he's just telling you who's gonna if you're going to receive that then you've got to believe our report above every other report but what happens is because doctors study and they practice for years and years they've got functional Authority functional authority that can function in the medical realm a doctor tells you got stage-four cancer well what if he tells you got stage 14 cancer is that is that is that make the Word of God I'm not done effect look I don't I thank God for doctors but think they're famous for giving you worst-case scenarios and I'm not I'm not against doctors I just don't go to them first I'm not saying I'll never go to a doctor but I just listen III go to the word I go I go to this report I take I take that word in and we and we we meditate on it and we receive it and we believe it and we we believe this report how many of you really seriously how many of you anyway and those of you watching at home how many of you want to receive the arm of the Lord his power his healing power to a totally eradicate stage for cancer or tumors or gross or warts or whatever it is you need aiming for how many of you want to receive that okay it's real simple you got to believe so you got to believe our report above every other report report now see we've got delegated authority that Trump's that trumps that's higher authority than a functional authority because if you got delegated authority it'd be like you come on the stage of a of an accident you're you're the one you have the delegated police officer that's that's functioning you've got three or four nurses and a doctor that comes up they've all got functional authority but that delegated authority is going to choose which one is going to treat that person so you guys you and I have delegated authority and too many times a week we place greater value on what the doctor says then what God's Word says and that's why we're not receiving that's why people don't receive that's why they that they're not established in this and my Pastor Bob Nichols said it like this the first reports not the last report in fact he preached a message on that right before Jonathan Peter were they called and gave that message about that he was a he was dead make they can't Andrew and Jamie came down the pass and God reminded them of that word and also other prophecies that were spoken the first report is not the last report yeah J James 4:7 submit yourselves therefore to God resists the devil he'll flee from you you cannot resist a report you're submitting to you can't resist a report you're submitting to and until you make God's Word the highest authority it will not have complete authority in your life yes Romans 8:31 what then shall we say to these things what things whatever the enemy is sending your way whatever it whatever doubt whatever whatever whatever a pain whatever thought whatever report listen what shall we say you've got to say something you've got to say no you've got to say well okay that's that's a fact but but let me tell you why you're here mr. devil let me tell you what the Word of God says and you just hit you sticking with it you stick him with it you stick him with it are you hearing me some of you having issues with your children okay yes you are you having issues with your children I mean my oldest son gave us a run for our money and uh and and the devil would come to us my you know if if dr. Dobson had of met Brian he would have written three more chapters in his book a strong wheel child and uh but the but the the devil came to us and said you know man you are what kind of parents are you what kind of pastors are you all the all this stuff but you know what well mr. devil thank you while you're here let me tell you the way it really is see here's real spiritual warfare let me tell you the way really is my children are taught of the Lord great is their peace and the Bible says my children are going to speak with their enemies and that means you in the gate and and you're gonna rue the day you ever came against my son and you know after a while I'm talking to myself and and my son Brian today is a great husband Great Father great leader and a great man of God and and and guys listen the Word of God has greater authority but you've got to exalt and value the truth over the facts what what what are you saying to that report are you submitting to it you can't resist it if you're submitting to it are you hearing me stop exalting the facts above the truth yes then finally Andrea already preached this so I'm just going to give you a Cliff Notes version of this you've got to see yourself well you've got to see yourself well I'm talking about the fundamentals of receiving healing you've got to see yourself well if you're struggling with sickness disease and pain the question is how do you see yourself do you see yourself sick do you see yourself well and hold in my battle with cancer the doc wants the doctor gave me the diagnosis of cancer I had a vision of myself in a casket with all of my family getting saved at my funeral that was my that was a vision that was the first vision I had only one thing wrong with that picture I'm not the sacrifice that gave his life for my family salvation hallelujah amen my sacrifice couldn't come close to saving them it was Jesus sacrifice amen once a different picture then the truth is painted in your heart it's difficult to believe the Word of God if the negative picture in your heart is going to change it's imperative that we change our focus until we see ourselves well on the inside yeah you've got to see yourself well on the inside before your body's going to get well on the outside saying and I'm not ashamed I'm not ashamed to preach the same thing at this point that and you already preached because God gave it to me he didn't even he didn't even ask he didn't dander and everything he came to me asked me if he could preach this no we didn't talk about what we're gonna share but this works are you hearing me second Corinthians 3:18 but we all with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory just as by the Spirit of the Lord so we become like whatever we behold with Michael we were led to immerse ourselves in the Word of God and we immersed ourselves in the Word of God until one verse of the seventy we were quoting left off of the page into our hearts psalm 119 89.95 real Lord your word is settled in heaven your faithfulness is under Michael and his generation after about two and a half months of that quoting that word quoting the word quote in Janis and I would take turns quoting the word quoting the word quoting the word to cut other things off quoting the word speaking the word you know we're not trying to convince God we're just just immersing ourselves in it then Janice had a picture she got a vision Michael running Michael couldn't crawl of him running around the corner saying mama mama mama and it happened I said it happened and a knee then he got and then he ran faster than his older brother he needed to but guys you can get a picture on the inside and and receive everything that God has for you some Luke Luke one 46 and 47 Mary said my soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior your soul is a magnifier whatever you focus on most is what you're going to get more of I called it in Proverbs in Proverbs of chapter 4 verse 20 through 22 my son give attendance to my words incline your ear to my sayings don't let them depart from your eyes keep them in the midst of your art for their life to those that find them and health to all your flesh I call it the attention factor okay it's just how many of you want health and all your flesh you you got to focus on the word guys you got to stop focusing on what the reports are you've got to exalt the truth above the facts amen and and you and you've got to see yourself well you got one verse in closing look at and then we're gonna pray for folks look at a mark chapter 5 mark chapter 5 and this is Jamie sang the song last night about the woman with the issue of blood only touched the hem of His garment verse 25 verse 25 now a certain woman had a flow of blood for 12 years she'd suffered many things for many physicians she spent all she had and was no better but rather grew worse how many of you've been in a chronic situation like this for a long time okay and those of you there watching at home you're gonna come out of this tonight you're gonna come out of this situation tonight you're gonna you're gonna leave your place of chronic illness tonight you're gonna shut it off like Carly said you're gonna switch it off tonight a man then she suffered many things of many physicians spent all she had was no better but he but grew worse but when she heard about Jesus everybody says she heard and she heard about Jesus she came behind him in the crowd touched His garment for she said everybody say she said she heard she said she came she touched she felt she heard huh she said she came she touched she felt she heard she she said she came she touched she felt this is that's the anatomy of a healing right there but there was something that's between the lines that I want to share with you when whatever she heard about Jesus that caused her to risk coming because she wasn't supposed to be out among people with with a flow of blood to take this kind of risk so I'm gonna take some scriptural license a little bit here but I because I don't know the Bible doesn't say what what was she heard about Jesus so but it must have been something like this her neighbors stopped by for coffee one day and told her about a meeting she attended where Jesus was teaching and she witnessed many verifiable miracles then her friend from the synagogue brought her groceries one day and told her about her friend who was healed and many others were healed when she followed Jesus after a meeting and just touched him and then finally her sister-in-law that she didn't really get along with well that talked about her a little bit it wasn't really a godly person came to her house all excited because she went to a meeting where Jesus was teeth hey it's my message I can I can do I can do what I want with her sister-in-law and she went to a meeting where Jesus was teaching and she saw many people healed some of them who touched him and she came to him knelt down and touched His garment and Jesus laid his hands on her and her severe migraines that she'd been having for years left her instantly when this woman heard about Jesus it caused her to see or conceive healing what she heard cost her to see and said if if Jesus would heal my sister-in-laws migraines and she's not really that nice of a person then Jesus has healing for me and it caused her to leave and it cost her a coster's say if I can then just touch but she had to see it she had to see it she had to conceive it and then she said it what she said that she conceived cost her to come cost her to touch and cost her to feel and tonight guys is your night Jesus Jesus is your healer he's here Jesus the healer is here and and you're gonna leave this behind you're gonna leave your begging cloak behind you're gonna leave your chronic condition behind you're gonna leave your situation behind and you're gonna come and you're gonna you're gonna touch and you're gonna feel and and and the healing power the chores you're gonna appropriate tonight amen so I called this little girl earlier she wrote this letter she dumped Caitlin Hollis I think it says this Kate is Caitlin Hollis here I thought I thought it was Harris I guess it's Hollis this Caitlin or her parents here anybody see them she said I have a lap seea and it's when you lose your hair and patches and I'd like to be healed and I believe you can heal me thank you for this opportunity for my healing and she also prayed about her relationship with God she feel felt like become maybe gods upset with her God's not upset with you at all he's an upset with you he loves you and he is healing for you tonight the healer is here amen I said the healers here Jesus the healer is here if you've been in a chronic situation and you've heard about Jesus you've heard it you've heard it you've heard it you've heard it and now you see you know what if Jesus would do this if Jesus would do this for Michael and Gregg then he'll do it for me if that's you you've been that chronic place for a long time I want you to stand Jesus got healing for you tonight tonight you leave tonight you leave that chronic place tonight thank you Father thank you Father it's worship him for a moment let's thank you father we thank you we worship you all over the building the healing power of Jesus is here Jesus is here guys he's here say he's here Healing is here praise God the healer is in the house hallelujah yes sir you come to receive praise God Amen we agree father right now beat it now begin you've got Authority begin to take authority wherever your body is not lining up no just stay right there wherever your body is not lining up just just speak to it right now take authority over it say father I've got authority you just begin to speak to it Jesus name speak to it in Jesus name and exalt the word look you've got to get into the word and exalt the word exalt the word exalt the truth over the facts and we just declare I speak strength to you sir in the name of Jesus I speak resurrection life to you in Jesus name those of you that are around them that are standing just touch them and speak the name of Jesus over them take authority right now over pain take authority over disease we release the healing power of Jesus right now in Jesus name father we thank you we thank you we thank you for the healing virtue of Jesus that's flowing all kinds of diseases are leaving diabetes is leaving you in Jesus name somebody's somebody's got an ear that's been stopped up you can't hear out of that ear I commanded here to open right now in Jesus name the ears open ears open ears open eyes open I see I commend floaters to leave a command cataracts to leave in the name of Jesus cataracts leave dissolve right now in Jesus name all kinds of tumors and cancers are leaving dissolving right now in the name of Jesus the presence of Jesus and the word of God is stronger than cancer we we cancel out cancer we cancel out the assignment of cancer in the name of Jesus those are you watching at home right now cancer tumors be gone in Jesus name diabeetus leave in Jesus name all kinds of warts or and growths are leaving in Jesus name father we thank you we just released the Word of God we heal the sick tonight we heal the sick tonight even if the sick is you you're the healer you've got Authority begin to take authority if you're watching at home get up right now get up stand up stand in your authority tell the devil what to do where to go tell the pain what to do and where to go tell the sickness what to do and where to go now the healing power of Jesus that already resides on the inside of you the resurrection life of Jesus is flowing like a river is flowing from the inside out it's flowing from the inside out it's cleansing your blood it's cleansing your body it's bringing strength into body limbs and joints in pain limbs and joints are being strengthened in Jesus name energy energy strength if Moses strength was not abated your strength is not abated in Jesus name he's renewing your youth like the Eagles in the name of Jesus praise God praise God can we praise Him can we praise Him can we praise Him thank you Jesus thank you Jesus okay how many put your hands down how many of you notice there's a noticeable difference in your body just just since we did that simple prayer how many of you received lift your hands noticeable difference praise God hallelujah all over the building but guys here's the thing okay that's fine and that's good but you still have to steward your body okay one of the grunt of the one of the biggest problems is when it comes to healing is the counter-attack you can read it in in Matthew chapter 12 it's also in my book your Healing door and what happens is that you get healed and then the devil comes back with a symptom and you agree with it and you submit to it no no the devil there's there's a demon in Matthew 12 there's a demon that calls your body his home does that make you mad and you need to tell him my body's not your home my body's a temple of the Holy Ghost and so you be ready if that pain comes back if so if a symptom comes back don't accept it you reject it in Jesus name Amen praise God amen okay listen listen [Music] listen one more thing one more thing all right now some of you did feel something different okay how many of you didn't feel or notice any difference okay doesn't matter you exalt you do I just went over you put you exalt the truth over the facts you exalt the truth over the facts youyou tell your body what to do and I tell you the truth will win out [Music] the truth will win out amen did you receive anything tonight praise God okay I want our prayer I want our prayer team to come down to the front Daniel you have a chorus or a song you don't have a you don't have a bike do you prayer team members come down okay you know what you many of you've been prayed for and if the Lord's leading you if the Lord is leading you you come down I want to read these testimonies somebody I got a testimony today that somebody's digestive system was was completely healed she went up she went back and had chick-fil-a today it's awesome turn in your testimonies amen tell somebody else about what Jesus has done for you if you need somebody to agree with you you can come down but otherwise you can walk out of here you're not leaving here the same amen give the Lord a shout hallelujah thank you Lord amen Daniel's gonna lead us in the chorus Tracy's gonna direct us [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Lu come on let's work she's been tonight [Music] all over this place lift up your voice tonight [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Andrew Wommack
Views: 15,179
Rating: 4.8599224 out of 5
Id: BPhACjGL-sg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 156min 37sec (9397 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 14 2019
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