Healing School with Joseph Z - August 30, 2018

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[Music] [Music] [Music] everybody welcome to the healing school today and we're so grateful that you're here we've got Joseph Z in the house today and you are gonna be blessed with a fresh word from God but before we do that would you stand up and greet someone you didn't come with today and introduce yourself to a new friend and as they're doing that those of you joining us on the Internet man we are so excited that you are joining us and that we have this opportunity to connect with you over the Internet what a blessing to be able to use this tool called the Internet to be able to preach the good news of the gospel all around the world so whether you're joining us live or whether you're joining us months from now the same power that raised Christ from the dead is available for you right where you are and we're gonna celebrate that grace in this place today and as well as where you are so go get a friend have them join you and we're gonna celebrate God's goodness together amen how they lujah great to have you all here come on you guys ready let's jump in y'all ready some of you are not ready y'all ready come on here we go everybody gotta do this come on touch your neighbor with your elbow aha oh yeah Roger come on here we go [Music] the whole body is it it's your home body is the temple of the whole ago [Music] living inside there's nothing to hide a body is a temple of the Holy Ghost there's no sickness [Music] day you gotta if Jesus name every symptom has to bow you [Music] [Music] see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] tell somebody next to you not too bad of a looking temple right there and in a good to know that the Spirit of God is living inside of us now better covenant better promises better way to live amen and his presence is now on the inside of us so father we just want to say thank you for the victory today that you have purchased for us through Jesus that there was no other way and Lord you made a way and we're so grateful God and that we can now call you our away you are the truth of life in the way and father we bless you today for life hallelujah we thank you for truth Oh God thank you that when we know the truth it sets us free and we know now that we've been bought with a price that we are not our own God we're gonna glorify you with all that is within us spirit soul and body well let's just lift up our hands to the Lord today and just thank you for that victory thank him for those promises that are yes and amen in him it's not up to you he's already done what we couldn't do and Lord God we call you faithful today faithful faithful God hallelujah the mallocing a victory belongs to Jesus [Music] I just want you all to know that this is my declaration victory belongs to [Music] don't [Music] we'll stand against the king No Oh [Music] bounced victory belongs to Jesus victory belongs to who's that [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] victory belongs Jesus really lousy [Music] yeah [Music] whatever physical situation you're walking through today whatever the doctors is given as a diagnosis a name I want you to see that Jesus took a stripe for that name I want you to see with the eyes of your spirit right now was he by his stripes whatever that name is they've given you it's not your name and Jesus was beaten with a stripe for that name give it to the lodge victory belongs to [Music] belongs to you victory belongs to you too it's a new I live in move it to you I have my meeting it's a new eyelet and move and have my B victory belongs to you victory belongs to you I am NOT my own [Music] I haven't seen it on the throne in you in you in you whose name is faithful and true in you in you Oh God I know you're gonna bring me through more than a conquerer is that smooth that's who you are just look at our hands to the Lord thank you Jesus Thanks beyond the God who always causes us to try out [Music] you say with me today there is no other name wanna say it again there is no other name Jesus you are the name above every name every name I don't care what it is it doesn't matter Jesus is name above every name [Music] whose and shapes around your back and dreams away [Music] come on [Music] [Music] No [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] screams I see destroy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music] every tongue confess the name [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] there's Jesus like yours Jesus [Music] like yours Jesus [Music] passing praises to your name Oh praises to your your name is going to be her sing praises to Oh praises to Oh [Music] for your name [Music] you are and Omega [Music] you are - brain [Music] you [Music] [Music] you [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] to [Music] [Music] [Music] with to be pressed [Music] so I will lift your name through the darkest night you will never change you're always good [Music] Lord be glorified how hold onto you you're always good no matter what's going on come on let's sing it together [Music] [Music] to you you're always all of my life you've been faithful yes do you are by your my [Music] I will [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all of my life you may face [Music] you're by [Music] Oh God [Music] you were there [Music] you will stay the same [Music] this place does tom thank you hallelujah thank you for your faithfulness Lord God even in the midst of the storm even in the midst of the battle guy thank you for your faithfulness [Music] I will lift your name through the darkest night you will never change you're always good when my faith is trying and it will be Lord be glorified I'll hold out to you you're always good would you take somebody's hand next to you what we hold on to you by joining with one another as the body of Christ today we thank you that none of us are alone none of us are an island to ourselves but God you've joined us in place that's where it pleases you we're so grateful God we're so thankful God no matter what the situation is that we're in or that we're going through the good news is we are going through haha we are going through to the other side bless those on your right and bless those on your left just with a life of Christ coming out of you right now as you join hands just begin to speak blessing in life over them thank you Jesus thank you Lord we release life you speak mercy [Music] increase spring break [Music] all of my life you've been faithful you are my rock you're my I have a present you're always good you will never change you're always good you will stay the same [Music] you better get at least 20 people a hug before you're seated today somebody somebody needs to know that they're loved those of you on the Internet we love you thank you for being a part of our healing school today there's somebody there where you are get my hug tell somebody gods for them who can be against as it gods for us nothing will ever separate us from his love [Music] we're gonna break away for a video and we'll be right back through Cara's Bible College people from all walks of life have found their god-given destiny people like Randy and Melissa oberoth who came to Karis just six months after leading the doctrines of new-age and Eastern mysticism to pursue a relationship with Jesus I had been out of school for a lot of years and to me to sit under that word the way it comes it's like a fire hose and you're trying to catch it with a teaspoon in the word every day every morning five days a week and we wanted truth we had been deceived we did not want anything but truth after graduating Randy and Melissa felt God leading them back to North Carolina where they began teaching at Karis Raleigh sharing the same truths that had set them free but this would only be the beginning of what God had in store for their lives at the same time that we were teaching at Bible College Randy and I started getting a real heart for the homeless we ministered to people on all different levels we go to them we're connected with the National Food Harvest list and we give these things to the homeless and and to some of the poorer neighborhoods and it was just crying out to God saying you have got to give me something more concrete to do and what I want to impact more lives and the Lord just gave me this picture of a truck and a trailer and he said I want you to start collecting clothing and household items and then I want you to take it to a neighborhood and give it to a way to the people for free and today Randy and Melissa continue to show up every month to show love and generosity to the people in their community they even enlist the help of their Kerris Rowley students fulfilling the heart of Andrew to go and make disciples and stories like these would not be possible without the support of our friends and partners we would have never met Andrew we would have never even heard the message if it weren't for the partners who had been supporting that all along we're here to establish God's kingdom on this earth and once we know that it changes everything to see the full Destiny's story of Randy and Melissa over at click on the link below [Applause] we're here in beautiful Woodland Park Colorado and we're an extension of Andrew Wommack ministries we meet here most Thursdays from 1 to 3 p.m. mountain time you know we want to welcome our online family watching us on Facebook YouTube gospel truth TV and the archives now see that camera back there that's way to our online family thank you for joining us every week if you would like prayer you can call our trained prayer ministers at seven one nine six three five one one one one and if you would like to join any of our extension schools live for healing school go to Karis Bible College dot o RG for the times and locations and remember they too have trained prayer ministers there on site ready to pray in agreement with you now you know we have some things coming up here on September 4th is Karis first day of school yay that's doing I'm excited about that and if you're in the Charlotte North Carolina area Andrew will be speaking at Freedom Christian Center from September the 16th through the 21st and if you're in that area they'd love to have you and then here in October the first week the 1st through the 5th we have our ministers conference and then for all the ladies in the house where the ladies in the house we have women's arise November 9th and 10th and you're not gonna want to miss that if you heard Audrey mag minister during healing is here it was awesome that was awesome now please don't leave without checking out our product table over to my left in the back is our product table and you can ask our product team for any recommendations you're gonna find books CDs DVDs and much more for yourselves or to give to family and friends as gifts and now online family you can check out our online bookstore at Karis Bible College dot o-r-g or a WMI dotnet you know we love to bless our first-time guests any first-time visitors here we got a couple of them all right we welcome you to Karis Bible College and you know we want to welcome you and bless you with some giveaways today and get excited now Roger over here is going to is going to help me and he's going to give it to the person who's the most exciting the first thing I like to give away is the a healing journeys DVD set because we know that healing belongs to us and that Jesus already provided it but sometimes when we don't see the instantaneous healing we get discouraged or we think oh well maybe it's not for me but that's a lie of the enemy it is for you and these healing journeys will help increase your faith and build your faith you're gonna see other believers who had to walk through a healing journey but they walked it through to victory amen all right Roger give this to someone who's excited thank you and then you know a lot of times we have questions about things that are going on in our lives well our own Barry Bennett wrote this book did God do this to me because sometimes we wonder is this because I did something wrong or what's going on in my life but most of the time it's just because the enemy he's coming to steal kill and destroy but Barry answers a lot of questions in this book and I think this would be a blessing for anyone who would like that thank you and then you know where this is healing school so we're all about healing right and andrew has this series God wants you well who wants to be well here we all want to be well praise God so this series just talks about what you have in Christ and what Jesus has already done for us and that you can be confident that God does want you well Roger all right all right be excited now one last thing I like to give away is this and it looks little you know it's just a little card but you know when we say things out of our mouths we believe what we say you know more than what somebody else says what comes out of our mouth we believe and Carly Tara des wrote this little card and you know she wants us to get in the habit well we need to get in the habit of speaking God's Word over ourselves and speaking God's Word over our family not the situation but God's Word this card will help you just build your own faith by speaking over yourself what God has already spoken over us amen they were like that amen now who was here for healing is here conference awesome it was anyone who was here or was able to watch it was a fabulous conference and during that conference we had thousands of people receive healings and we had people that were healed of diabetes of cancers a mental illness acid reflux we had people healed of thyroid problems and much more you know it was just a blessing to see people receiving what Jesus has already done for us amen and then I'd like to share a testimony that came in when someone called him for prayer and they said thank you Andrew and your prayer ministers what an awesome healing my brother Paul in Switzerland received he reported to me today that his vision is restored in one eye to a hundred percent and in the other eighty percent my brother Paul is afflicted with a diabetic condition which has to go and the doctors had said his vision would start to go down to less than 50% and the doctors had even contemplated to not let him drive anymore he shared with me today the doctors were totally excited calling this a healing miracle he shared with me that the doctors have found that there was decay in his eyes that was eating them away and that would lead to total blindness but praise God I had prayed with Andrews prayer ministers and praise God healing has manifested in Paul's eyes we believe that this will be all restored to a hundred percent in both eyes because Jesus is healing power heals 100 percent amen well you know what an awesome testimony no this just shows you don't have to be face to face with someone to receive your healing this man is in Switzerland he called and talked to our prayer ministers and received his healing praise God and then one more testimony we had Susan who watched healing is here on the live webcast because she couldn't be here well she had very bad cataracts and after listening to Barry and Audrey she changed she made an adjustment in her mind and in her spirit and she said yes to the things that the Lord was saying and she said no to the devil and now she is seeing much better praise God and if you would like to see more testimonies on healing journeys go to a WMI dotnet and scroll down to our ministry focus click on the healing center it'll say discover more and you can find many healing journeys to watch while you're on your own personal healing journey amen and now online family we'd like to hear your testimonies if you have received a healing while watching healing school you can email us and tell us at healing school at a WMI dotnet now I would like to welcome James to the stage to give you an opportunity to participate in our offering today [Applause] hi healing a school family wasn't that worship awesome well we're going to continue in our worship by giving and what we give here helps to fund the second year Karis Bible students on their missions trips others will you please pass out the offering envelopes if you're giving by cheque please make the checks payable to Karis Bible College or CBC if you're giving by credit card fill please fill out all the information legibly and make sure that you seal the envelope for online giving go to Karis Bible College dot o-r-g online family can scroll down to the bottom of the screen and you will find the blue donate button on the left click on that and that will take you to the Karis give page on the Left Center you will find a button that says donate to Karis Bible College once you click on that you will be directed to that a WM store where then you can select student missions fund here you can click on any amount that's already given or you can type in the amount you wish to give we would like everyone to prayerfully consider being a monthly partner with us here at healing school remember we are blessed to be a blessing I'd like to read to you Matthew 13 3 through 8 and he spake many things unto them in parables saying behold a sower went forth to sow and when he sowed some seeds fell by the way side and the fowls came and devoured them up some fell on stony places where they had not much earth and forthwith they sprung up and because they had no deepness of earth and when the Sun was up they were scorched and because they had no root they withered away and some fell among thorns and the thorns sprung up and choked them but other fell into good ground and brought forth fruit some a hundredfold some sixty fold and some thirtyfold that makes me think of when we first moved to eastern Pennsylvania we moved to his little town Carthago spill outside of Allentown Pennsylvania and when we moved there a net wanted to have a garden I wasn't as excited as she was because I knew that I was going to be a lot of work for me so we scoped out the land we found a space about five yards by 15 yards it was sloped and the soil in that area had a lot of shale in it so I built a retaining wall put up a fence and then I jumped in our expedition and went to Home Depot and I filled that truck up with bags of topsoil I went back dump those out went back to Home Depot and filled the truck up this time with miracle-gro soil so I went and took those that I mixed them together and filled in that spot and I tell you what I turned the ground that was there similar to that in Matthew 13:5 a stony type ground I turned that into the ground of Matthew 13 8 good ground and everything we planted in there grew in abundance the soil here at healing school is some of this best spiritual soil you can find this soil will bring forth fruit a hundredfold some sixtyfold some thirtyfold the Hillman school is about serving yes and it's also about giving we as students go forth we give our lives to those on the mission field and the places we go so uh sure's will you please receive the offering and let us pray Heavenly Father we wish to thank you for this opportunity to give to your kingdom we know that that which we give to you especially in this good ground of healing school will bear for us some fruit a hundred some sixty and some thirty fold we thank you that everyone here will be blessed in their giving we thank you that the students that will benefit from this offering that they that those students will be able to go on their missions trips and minister the love and grace of God in those countries that they will visit and even here in the United States in Jesus name we pray amen and I like to welcome up here the director of healing school Daniel Anse does Wow James Internet there are new healing school interns and today was their first time to do this didn't they do a great job thanks you guys awesome and thank you for being here today I'd rather be here than the best Hospital anywhere come on somebody you know when you find out that God is good and that he wants you blessed to be a blessing he wants you healed you know when I love when Peter and John came to the gate beautiful in the book of Acts and they said to the guy who is begging there he had been there for years and years and years and he knew what to expect you know he knew that as he was begging what he would get back hopefully was some money and Peter and John come and say I got something better for you buddy what such as I have well here's the deal you got to know what you have so you can't give somebody what you don't know you have how we know you're blessed oh brother okay let's try that again how many you know you're blessed come on that's what I'm talking about because when you're blessed you can be a when you've been delivered from death into life you can share that life with somebody else when you've been sick and you've been made well how many you know well is you've been broke and now you're being prospered by the Lord's goodness in your life how many know prosperity is so we've got a better covenant with better promises and so guess what there really is a better way to live and today we've got Joseph Z in the house and Joseph and his wife Heather are full-time ministers and I tell you what they have become dear friends of mine and Tracy's and I'm so grateful for them coming back to the healing school Joseph was here two weeks ago and it was powerful I think was two weeks wasn't it three somewhere around there you know and I'm gonna be actually be doing worship for an event that Joseph is going to be doing in Kansas City September the 13th through the 17th and so if you're in the Kansas City area come join us it's called the 521 conference and we're gonna be activating people in the gifts of the Spirit and helping people find their place in the body of Christ and it's gonna be I just felt like I was directing a choir just then and finding their place in the body of Christ cuz how many know God's got a place for every one of you see this ministry that we're talking about is not just for a select few if you're a believer you're in tell your neighbor too late you're here already now here's the deal about Joseph you know he probably wasn't going to share this with you so I'm going to really quick because I just want to put context to this when Joseph was 13 years old he went to a meeting that was being conducted by my former pastor and his name was Dave do well and he received Jesus as his personal Savior and Lord at thirteen years old he comes back to his family and his dad tells him you either announced Jesus or you lose the family fortune and get kicked out of this house and at 13 years old guess what he chose he chose Jesus and there's something about that divine connection when I heard his story and how Dave and and myself and so many of us were connected together God just did something really special and really supernatural he's grown up listening to Andrews teachings he loves this ministry and I want us to give a great big Karras Bible School and healing school welcome to Joseph Z today hallelujah praise God what a great day to be in Jesus man Daniel opens it up like that I try not to start crying before I get started praise God well good afternoon how we doing Karras yeah we're blessed aren't we yeah praise God well my name is Joseph Z this is my wife Heather Heather would you please stand up just wave it everybody so they could see you this is my lovely bride this is also my daughter Ali is here Ali please say hi to everybody this afternoon and we we have a ministry called Joseph zine ministries where one of the last itinerant youth conference is also in America we are partnered with Kingdom Youth Conference and we're doing what we call a kingdom movement and we kind of picked up or acquire the fire left off and we believe that it's important to really begin raising up Young Lions in the nation we're doing that all over we have about 20 conferences next year just for the youth that we're gonna be doing in all the major cities in America and also we do a lot of spiritual gift training and many different leadership conferences all over the country so very privileged to be here today at Karis Bible College it's an honor to be standing in Andrew Wommack pulpit like I said before I listen to his entire Bible Commentary years ago when I would do construction listen to everything Andrew had to say it's like you can almost finish the man sentences amen so and Daniel and Tracy you've been such a blessing and such a joy to our life knowing you has been a high privilege in our walk in a high relationship so I'm very grateful for you and the impartation have had from you to my life thank you Daniel so so amen let's give the devil of beating this afternoon and then we're gonna jump into the Word of God let me just say something as we get started here this afternoon we're gonna step into something I think that's gonna really not only stir you up but you're gonna walk out of here with real horsepower a lot of times people walk into meetings leaving worse than when they came they leave we have feeling way worse than when they came and I got to tell you something today that ain't today that's not today you're in a place where you're gonna feel a lot better than after then when you came you're gonna leave out of this place with a lot of strength in the tank and a lot of victory and a lot of real tangible horsepower so we're going after that day you say why horsepower because it sounds cool so let me say this to you very quickly you know when you think about people that believe in healing or other people that don't believe in healing people that believe in this and don't believe in that they say why are you charismatic type people so crazy I heard an awesome quote let me just read this quote here just say this to you those who dance are considered mad by those who cannot hear the music I'm gonna read it one more time I wrote it down I liked it those who dance are considered mad by those who cannot hear the music if you're in Jesus today and you have the power of the Holy Ghost in you you are here in the music and it's time to face the music it's time for you to step into everything God has for you today I believe God's going to open up some things now listen now as we get started some of you may start to feel healing in your body as we're preaching today some of you may start to feel something happening in your body as we're beginning today those of you on the live broadcast I'm telling you right now the Spirit of God will touch many of you as you're listening to this teaching today if you begin to have a healing manifest in your body you feel God touching you right in the middle of this meeting you can say praise God the Lord is healing me you can shout it right out through this service if you begin to feel that you just say it right out interrupts us man you say praise God the Lord has healed me that sound good if you're on the broadcast and you feel a healing you sense something that's different in your body not just faith in it till you make it you have a manifestation of healing happening in your body you need to say out loud or comment on the live feeds praise God the Lord is healing my body amen okay well let's get into this today why don't we practice that right now let's all say praise God the Lord has healed my body one more time praise God the Lord has healed my body we're just practicing for what you already have amen let's jump in here praise God let me say this as we begin religion in your life where we've all come from with religion religion thrives by force-feeding you what it says religion thrives by force-feeding you what it says what it demands you do and how you demand or how it demands you act rather sickness also thrives by force-feeding you what it says and the enforcer of sickness is pain pain is sicknesses thug when you have pain in your body it's like a thug trying to bend your arm to get you to cave in to what sickness wants that's what pain is there for and I want to say something to you today it is okay to resist pain and to resist sickness it's okay to press against that thing and be mean towards pain as a matter of fact sometimes when I'm in a position I will mock pain you say mock pain yeah just like the Princess Bride you mock my pain you mock the pain and we've got to come to this understanding that we begin to do that now when we come against the enforcer of pain we come against that enforcer we're beginning to cause victory to happen when you are not threatened by pain when pain is in your body and that no longer becomes the the force that speaks to you and and literally tells you how you need to feel and how you need to live when you can overcome that and you get past pain and diminish pain and it's an influence on your life I've got to tell you right now you are on your way to a manifestation you're on your way to a manifestation praise God I remember many years ago when my daughter Ali was dead in the womb for three days she was dead in the womb for three days and we went to a specialist they did an ultrasound they did everything the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said I want you to speak life over this little baby I want you to speak to it I had no idea why I just felt stirred up by the Holy Ghost you know and when I laid hands on Heather stomach I felt a little you know impartation I felt something nothing really changed the next morning she started kicking right after that we got notification from our hospital and the doctor that our baby was dead and we should seek grief counseling too late too late and and these kind of things are normal stuff man if you hang around this ministry I dare you to stay sick praise God you hang around Daniels preach and you hang around healing school too long I dare you to try and stay sick after you've listened to every teaching they do here praise God go through the whole whole catalog of teaching on healing school I dare you to try and stay sick praise God now you can if you want to you just don't have to so stepping into some of this let me just begin to walk this out we recognize some things about how healing works how the Word of God works and all these things I've come to a conclusion and a revelation in my life and it's this you cannot live on another man's revelation you know that you know you can't live on another man's revelation a lot of people hear somebody do something they see somebody do something and they begin to parrot it in their life and when you pair it something it will not give you horse power it will not give you traction you'll parrot something but you won't have true belief of it in the tank and you won't get the desired results you're looking for let me give you an example anybody remember these crazy guys called the seven sons of sceva and you remember those guys out of the book of Acts in Acts the seven sons of sceva they're in acts 19 and there they're going about as Jewish exorcists beginning to cast out demons and do all these things because what they really had was a book of incantations when you study about it they were from a household or a mentor named steets kiva there is seven sons of them and they went into that one place remember what happened when they went and went and met with the guy that was demonized you guys remember the story they go in there and what happened they said Wow let's go through our magic book of incantations and they said let's try in the name of Buddha be thou removed how many of you know that one over like a lead balloon the demon was probably eating popcorn right okay then they went on this said in the name of Harry Krishna be removed and the demon took another bite of popcorn right then they went beyond that they said you know in the name of Joseph Smith be thou removed and then he grabbed his soda right but then when they said in the name of this Jesus whom Paul preaches remember what the demon said everybody remember he said oh he said wait a second that wasn't all these other names something else just popped out and it kind of cut me what was that that name was different and he said Jesus I know and Paul I know and when you look into the Greek on Paul I know or Jesus I know it was through empirical observation he'd been watching in the town as Paul went in and would cast out demons in the name of Jesus so this demon step back and said hold it there's a new sheriff in town you know right he stepped back and he just he retreated back and said hey I've heard of Jesus I've heard of Paul but remember that key phrase that the demon said who are you the reason the demon was able to ask that we know the rest of the story remember how the demon then jumped on them beat them bloody tore their clothes off consequently that's what demons love to do and that's part of the culture this generation is to get people undressed there's a demonic entity behind that this demon did that whenever demons get ahold of somebody they want to belittle them they want to degrade them they want to make them look crazy they want to make them naked they want to do that that's what this demon did with these seven guys they go running down the street bleeding and screaming I only assume they were screaming left their book there anyway they went running down the street and through that process as they're going you recognize something about it though you realize they had the right words they had the right understanding everything that they did was correct but it was not complete everything we hear in religion many times is career but it's not complete until it's your revelation until it's your word from God and that's the way it works with healing that's the way it works in the body of Christ that's the way we're called to function we are gonna pummel the kingdom of darkness this afternoon praise God if you've got strongholds in your mind you are in the right meeting if you're in a difficult place and you've come from religion you are in the right meeting I'm telling you right now you're gonna get so free you're not gonna know what to do with yourself praise God praise God and the only people that are critical are the ones that can't hear the music so as we're walking this through we realize Jesus actually wants you to be set for even more than you do Daniel just mentioned prosperity how many know that God wants you to prosper even more than you do a few months ago the Lord gave me a vision about prosperity what it really looks like and the church is not tapped it yet haven't tapped it yet because many of us are still working through the religious paradigms of what prosperity looks like we think prosperity is well God's meeting my needs and I could take care of me and my own and whatever other thing I want to take care of that's not true prosperity true prosperity is he owns the cattle on a Thousand Hills he owns everything he wants us to be so overflowing and wealthy that we can actually break shackles in society the Lord gave me a vision of a dome that was over the earth okay and this is just a symbolic vision and he spoke to me through it and there was a dome that was over the earth like a great canopy in the book of Genesis remember on the book of Genesis they had never rained before it had never rained before and all of a sudden rain hit the earth they'd never seen anything like it the Lord showed me that that he's waiting for the body of Christ to truly start believing him for what he can actually do and what he's actually already provided and I'm telling you right now I believe we're gonna start to see the first generation of Christian billionaires some of you like oh boy that's what would I do in 2 billion dollars if you don't know what to do give it to me I will show you give it to Andrew praise God and then let's get this building paid off amen amen and so saying that is here's what I want to say about it though is that God absolutely he has everything he wants you to have everything Jesus became poor so we might become rich but this applies to your healing your healing and in your body is already provided your healing is already there and it's not about if you feel it or sense it or anything it will happen we were in healing school this excuse me we were in healing is here the first night only because we had to go preach we're ministering all over and we were there we had the privilege of listening to Daniel and Carly do their sessions and Andrew was preaching and all of a sudden an anointing wave broke out in the room and I'm sure it did every day of healing is here but the session we were in the anointing broke out the power God just came out it was tangible in the room I looked at Heather I said man I've been in a meeting like this for years this is awesome and literally right after that on the heels of that she got attacked in her body like right after that and we almost had to rush her to the ER this is just a couple weeks ago because Heather had a kidney transplant about five years ago she was on dialysis for three years before that she had blood clots in her neck at one point andrew prayed for her and the blood clots went away but saying all that to say we're in healing is here this happens and we gotta attack sometimes you're getting right to your breakthrough and an attack will try to jump on you and we're there and we looked each other and said are we going to the ER God's not mad at us if we go to the ER but are we going to the ER and Heather said I ain't going to the ER I'm staying here man and so we kind of came back in here like oh she's not feeling the best you know and we stood here and I'll tell you what she has had full manifestation of healing in a way that was medically impossible okay and so amen I love this book listen to me I love Karis Bible College this one you guys you guys are a bunch of maniacs for the gospel this is a catalyst this place is a catalyst for the gospel we're gonna train up dragonslayers here we're gonna raise up world changers all those kind of people are in this house if you come to Karis you better expect that you're going to be a Dragonslayer before you leave here and you say what's a Dragonslayer what's that in the Bible the book of Revelation chapter 20 the great surf no listen to me a dragon slayer is a person that says I am not conforming to this world system and I am going to conquer darkness in my generation I got to tell you guys something this healing practice we're doing this is just practice this is just practice we got to get over I need to be healed I need to be healed you are healed we need to start saying I am well to go help others that's the mentality we need to have your dragon slayers God's called you to be a dragon slayer gods marked you to cut the enemy in half praise God and religions kept many people down if I were to race I have a German Shepherd right his name's Bravo he's amazing okay I go running with Bravo I play fetch with Bravo Bravo is a remarkable dog highly intelligent sometimes he might even make it to my bed good boy okay so Bravo and all that he's very intelligent if I would have raised him because we also have a teacup Yorkie we have three different dogs actually we we have a German Shepherd a teacup Yorkie and an English Mastiff [Music] named Duke & Duke is a bear hunter because we have bear that come to our property we live at about 9,000 feet out in Buena Vista we are way in the middle of nowhere and sometimes in the afternoon or the evenings black bear come around and Duke he likes to fight him he'll chase him run we had one in our garage just a few weeks ago he's chasing around the vehicles and all that like oh my gosh actually I was trying to write and had there's like you got to come down here and I blocked the sound out when I'm writing and now she said I think Bravo's dead I'm like Bravo's never gonna be dead and we went out there I go look in the woods and there's a black bear so I grabbed my AR something and it was amazing and so praise God so everybody okay alright and so praise God enough for that okay and so so Bravo if I would have raised him from a little puppy though if I woulda raised him from a puppy he's a German Shepherd very intelligent if I woulda raised him from a puppy and as a puppy every day I put either my foot on his head or my pinky and held him down and brought the teacup Yorkie over and trained him to keep his paws on his head and every day that's what happened when the teacup your kid comes up he lays down and the teacup Yorkie puts his hands on Bravo's head if I were to raised him that way today even though he's literally this big and the yorkese this big what would happen is the Yorkie would get up and put his hands on his head and he would lay there and that is where many of us are in religion many of us are still there today even the words I'm saying right now sometimes those of you that are watching there's people that go oh I don't know about that oh that's good Wednesday no getting back up what's gonna happen here where's Andrew I wanted to watch this for and I thought Andrew be preaching it's the who's this guy here's the deal is what you begin to understand is though is that religion sometimes begins to put all kinds of things in you and you're not going to receive what you can easily partake of if you don't change your perception of what God's already provided listen to me carefully God wants you to win even more than you do and religion has done a number on the body of Christ I like to say it this way religion is the worst thing that ever happened to God we open up a lot of meetings and we always joke about David do well we all put up a lot of meetings and in many churches I go into I open up meetings and say God hates religion and it gets very quiet goes over like a lead balloon there's like Wyatt I had one guy stand up at a meeting Daniel one time and he said you can't say that you can't get down on religion like that I said actually sir yes I can and I have the microphone sit out thank you and he was like oh nobody talks to me like that I said why ain't nobody I'd say it was wonderful everybody okay okay was that too much was it too soon no no we're okay alright praise the Lord and so you just got to realize this stuff there comes a point when we start realizing who we actually are let me give you a few more points here we are gonna minister to people today praise God you can't live on another man's revelation let me say this to you faith doesn't work for people that are religious because it isn't theirs if your faith ain't working it's probably cuz it's not yours you're a parent stop being a parent start saying it from the heart praise God it is good praise God what you are listening to listen to me carefully ladies and gentlemen what you are listening to more of that will be given to you let that sink in for a moment what you're currently listening to more of that will be given to you what you think about is where you're headed what you speak on a regular basis has consequences good or bad I wake up every morning and I say thank you God I'm a multimillionaire people say how can you be so selfish no man you're misunderstanding I have a vision to get things done around the world and I believe God for that and I'll tell you what you do that you do corresponding action you'll have things that line up with that praise God pound for pound I don't say this arrogantly but we're some of the most radical givers I know pound for pound you know and you should be too we're some of the most radical healing people I know and the reason is is because when you begin to change your thinking on it and change your mindset on it it will adjust you too literally stop putting up with things you used to put up with some of you are putting up with poverty and you ought not to you need to get off the Ramsey plan and on to the kingdom economy plans and I like to Abraham Zeb bless him and Jesus name Amen but I'm saying that because you know what it is I'm gonna say this but I have some things I got to really get to here let me say this to you guys if you understand this if you get off the whole financial economics plan where you're just literally budgeting every quarter every penny and you literally squeeze the Holy Spirit flow out of that you're going to be stepping into a form of Mammon is that okay if you get into God's economy you start to say here's what I got what you want me to do what do you want me to do and now if you're doing on that plan and you need it praise God god bless you i hope it's really blessing you i'm not trying to be critical at all but what i want to say is you need to get into place where you're letting God speak to you through you and your a distribution center for the the kingdom economics and when you're a giver and doing that that's a big part of it and you will break you will shatter poverty in your life it can't hang on to you sickness is the same thing it works the same way this stuff all operates the same way let me talk to you about this very quickly as 2nd Kings chapter 5 how many you guys remember the story of naman naman he was he was a leper but he was also a commander and remember the story he said I've need healing in my body I need to be fixed to this so he reached up to the king that was in the the Providence of Israel and all that at the time and from there the king said why I I know a guy and Elisha stood up and said I will help him here's what we're gonna do and Elisha said go down to the river and dip seven times remember that and naman got really angry it says in 1st 2nd Kings chapter 5 verse 11 he said name it became furious and went on to say something about it but naman became furious because he said I want you to go dip in the Jordan seven times and your flesh will be restored to you and all will be well and so naman decides to go do this after he said this he said indeed I said to myself I'm in 2nd Kings chapter 5 verse 11 indeed I said to myself he will surely come out to me and stand and call on the name of the Lord his God and wave his hand over the place and heal the leprosy you know you know what that's like it's like when somebody comes to a prayer line and they say it hurts right here right and you say put your hand on the place right my leg hurts put your hand on the place naman wanted to have something happen from the Prophet that was something he had built up inside his own expectation that was out of relationship with the Lord now listen to me many times we get frustrated when we're trying to receive something from God because we've built up an image on the inside that's truly not a biblical image or is it a faith-filled image if you contrast naman and the woman with the issue of blood she had a faith-filled ability to reach out and take from Jesus she was saying I'm gonna go receive from Jesus naman wanted to be showcased and have the man of God come and make a big you know celebration out of it wave the hand over the area and the man of God ministered to this person it was gonna be this big showcase thing and you see this kind of mindset today in many people that are very self-reliant the Holy Spirit told me to talk about this I'm going to there's many self-reliant people you ever seen people that say I'm a self-made business person I just dug in and made it happen they they don't have to trust God because they're believing that whatever they do and whatever they touch is just going to work because they can just make things happen those people are the most desperate for a miracle when they need one and the reason is is because they're too good in their own flesh they're too good in the natural and if that's you you need to repent if you're watching on this thing and you've built up an image of how you think this all works you need to repent start to saying God I just received from you i humble myself in the sight of the Lord and I want all you have for me praise God and that's not a repentance unto salvation you're not losing salvation for those of you who are religious praise God it's just you getting your mind in line with what the Word of God teaches thank you Jesus so when we start to understand this you'll begin to recognize something about it that there's some of you who are watching right now that you've built up a image of how you're going to receive from God and you've built up an image based on what you think you're gonna get out of God in life and the truth is if it's not based on the Word of God changing your heart from the inside out you're going to be very disappointed which will lead to offense and there's something very specific I'm going to hit on that I know God's gonna touch people with right now but what begins to happen is when you have assumption versus faith you've listened to things actually there was a point Heather and I had to get delivered of what we thought was faith I'm talking we set all the right things we were saying the right stuff we were we were praying the right prayers we were say no Jesus you know we're healed she's healed she's healed all these things we knew it was done in the spirit and we actually got into a carnal torment over demanding to see a manifestation and it wouldn't happen anybody ever been there where you're pushing and pushing and say God I'm saying the prayers I'm doing this stuff but I'm not seeing this manifestation and what I had to do is begin to cast my care of that on to the Lord Heather had to cast her care of that on to the Lord if you're in a striving position for a healing manifestation I want you to cast that care unto the Lord right now because what will happen is you'll get between God and your miracle your miracles already provided but it's like the way we think if we're not casting the care of that thing unto Him you'll be healed before it ever manifests in your mind so then we're walking this stuff through there's an assumption in faith that many people get into and people think they can accomplish things in their own strength and it creates this false picture and religion hijacks that and causes challenges for people now what takes place is many times people have an idea of how it's supposed to go for healing finances break through relationships their ministry they're they're calling their business whatever it is and what happens oftentimes is then when it doesn't go the way that they've pictured it without the Word of God without standing in relationship with Jesus without a true Holy Ghost fellowship to get the right picture in front of you what begins to happen is you don't see the results in the time you wanted to see it and thereby you begin to become frustrated or you become despondent or you step back and say I tried that healing stuff I tried faith I tried this well the issue as we all know actually it's faith tried you and you weren't ready and sometimes what happens is is our heart becomes overwhelmed and we can become despondent and go yep okay I'm singing the song here we go again yeah I'm this and you know I'm hearing the word okay yep I'm in this place and instead of really engaging it from a place of freshness in relationship your daily manna with the Lord and when that begins to be just a normal thing for you healing or your sickness that you're facing becomes secondary to you you're casting it over onto the Lord and what also transpires for people that do not discipline themselves to cast their cares onto the Lord in the area of healing specifically today is they can literally become offended and it says in Proverbs 1312 Hope deferred makes the heart sick or offended and the Lord spoke to me today because I was preparing I was up at about 5:00 this morning just praying for everybody 5:30 just praying for everybody this morning say God what do you want to say to everybody at healing school today and he said a sick heart cannot resist the devil Hope deferred makes the heart sick so some of us have to repent of our disappointment I hope you can hear me today some of us have to repent of our disappointment because you know what disappointment is it's you and I taking on the care of what we thought should have happened and embracing it for our self I got this care frustrated I'm angry you can't tell me what to do anymore I tried it I'm miserable I'm offended I'm offended because I was mistaken I'm offended you wounded me if it's the last thing I do I'll get back at you right no that's where a lot of people are praise God that's where a lot of people are right now gushing wound how can it be they did okay whatever but we have to come to this understanding that a lot of people are in that place and the heart that is not dealing with sickness in the heart meaning offended or set apart is a heart that cannot resist the devil because it says in 1st Peter chapter 5 it says Tim James for 6 & 7 resist him we got to resist the devil if you have a fence in your heart if you're hurting on the inside because of something that didn't happen and then you try to stand up in an area he'll reach around like that your key and put his finger on that spot he'll begin to drive it down in your life he's looking to hold you hostage some of you got unforgiveness towards people praise God I remember I think it was Dave dwelling he wouldn't mind me saying this I know he wouldn't he said one time he had he had somebody steal millions of dollars from him millions of dollars lost everything and Dave said yep I hung onto that for one night what and he said yep one night hung onto it for one night and the next day I went in and I said I gave it to you I thought man I want to be like that I just got to tell you guys something anything that's holding you anything that's hurting you anything that's trying to hold you back if you can live freely and lightly you will receive the fullness of everything God has for you and it will begin to work and it'll begin to break through here's the difference between that guy Nathan and the Centurion soldier remember what the Centurion did he came to Jesus and said in Matthew chapter 8 he said hey they didn't say hey he just walked up and said speak the word Lord right no he he walked up and came to Jesus and just said hey here's the deal my daughter's sick she's laying there she needs help she needs a breakthrough she needs a miracle and Jesus said okay I'll come and pray for her and he stopped Jesus and the centurion soldier said to Jesus he said no Lord I'm a man of authority I have people that come and go as I tell them to do and I am under Authority and when people tell me what to do I go and do it and he said to Jesus you just say the word and it'll be done and if you notice what happened after that what happened after that all the way down Jesus actually marveled Jesus marveled at that praise God maybe you guys are good Jesus heard it he marvelled he marveled and said to them that followed I haven't seen faith like this anywhere there's something about a person that has so surrendered to the authority of God they cast their care on Jesus they're not letting this religious stuff get a hold of them if you have any religious hang-ups about healing you need to let it go right now I mean right now if you have any religious hang-ups about well so it's so died I I was doing this and you know and they believe too and then they died if they died but you're not then they're dead anyway and Jesus said let the dead bury the dead some people like can you talk like that yes absolutely some of us are so worried about things and we need to move for I'm telling you right now God wants you to win more than you do God is not as religious as you think he is he wants you to win more than you do today's your day today's a good day for breakthrough today's a day for victory today's a day where we begin to let go of religion some of us have had religion just literally mauling our life those of you watching on the live broadcast those of you in this room there's people that have been mauled by religion if you're offended with a pastor if you're offended with a leader if you're offended with people that you've come from you need to let it go now it doesn't mean you need to skip back there and go hug the cactus this'n to me there's a lot of professional cactus huggers that you think forgiveness means hug the cactus no don't hug the cactus for give the cactus but realize that's a cactus how many of your friends have just loved to hug that cactus they're codependent with the cactus I forgive you characters you're right it's just the cactus seems cold throw the blanket over the cactus oh right the cactus cut my hands and you're like you're stupid and and then they say no no it's it's not that you know it's codependency - cactuses forgive forgive and move on a lot of people running back to the cactus it's true that's true thank you Jesus a lot of people have a have pastor cactus they got in-law cactuses and that's what they say about you - no I'm done Daniel no I'm just kidding but you begin to recognize some of these things so that that's what it is you've got Minister cactuses you got sibling cactuses you get all these things and Jesus when Mary and Joe not Joseph but Mary and the brothers showed up when Jesus was preaching you remember what he said they said Jesus your mother and brothers are outside your mother and brothers are outside and he said and he said my mother and my brothers are them that do the will of God he said who are my mother and my brothers he said it in front of his own mom he said it in front of his brothers they didn't believe in him till after he died now listen to me a lot of us going back and hugging cactuses and it's a stumbling block proverbs says the fear of man is a snare and sometimes the devil looks loves to come in and try to do these things of reconciliation and he actually preys on the broken mercy minded that have too much of the wrong kind of mercy and the other party's not in that position so you keep trying to restore to a cactus no you forgive and be free I set you free in the name of Jesus from people be free from people be free from people today praise God those are you watching on the broadcast be free from people hey man we got to get free from people thank you Jesus now I'll tell you what I don't spend holidays with people I don't want to be with that hits somebody if your family is torture for you to be around bless you pray for you love you go where your celebrated not tolerated thank you Jesus it's true well I hit some people and other people like Oh mmm don't like that mmm praise God it's true thank you Jesus Jesus tries to call some people but they're too busy chasing their family you know one of those things when it talks about 100 fold hundred times as much now in this life mark talks about right hundred times as much you know what the prerequisite of that is right anyone who has left houses lands fathers mothers families all those things for my sake and the sake of the gospel well now in this time received 100 times as much with persecution in this time though in this time so many people are trading their breakthrough for worshipping people again be set free of people we love people please don't misunderstand me we love people if you see Heather and I'm minister and I know Daniels this way we're all this way we'll stay after I'll praise people till 2:00 in the morning till they get their breakthrough we've done that many times so it's not about that we love people and we love the body of Christ but listen to me people should never get in the way of what you're getting from God including your healing let me give you an example for my life with that we we actually had a healing that we were believing God for Heather was in dialysis in dialysis for three years and all of a sudden we believed God for a healing Heather was watching healing school night and day she's listening to the word she's listening to Andrew preach taking all these things in and all of a sudden she was dreaming the word sleeping the word in the word the word was her thoughts it was everything and one day the Holy Spirit said get up and get out of this dialysis chair and she said okay I'm done and stood up and they unplugged her and the nurse said you can't do this you could die if you do this you will die you will die you can't miss one run of your dialysis you'll you'll die she came home by the Word of God she said I am better I refuse to do it so she gets better two weeks later miss seven runs of dialysis her body's perfect so we go and I go and tell somebody hey I went to somebody I respected I trusted and I really wanted to share our miracle with them and now we hadn't been in this kind of mindset of healing and aggressiveness towards healing and I was still in the mindset of petting cactuses nice cacti oh it's a little one it got in my foot are we right and so we went over and Isis went to this person I said hey she is better we'd want to tell anybody but she's better she's well she's well we started to break it down and I said don't tell anyone we just want you to agree with our faith cuz we haven't told anyone but she hasn't been back there for two weeks she's better and they said huh I said yeah it's amazing we left after we had that conversation I got a phone call the next day and they said you will be held responsible for her death they said I will personally see to it you're held responsible for this kind of behavior and they fell on me so hard and I wasn't built up to withstand it that I crumbled I wish I could say to you I stood like a like a statue I looked at the cactus and I said back off cacti I didn't do that instead I crumbled because I was I so loved my wife and I'm thinking I'm being foolish and not listening to people that know better that kind of thing and this is many years ago and I I went to Heather and I said are you really okay and I began to prod at her you okay are you really okay I need to know are you just playing around with me and she said do I not look okay and I saw you look fine but I don't know what's happening and I'll within two days she was back analysis because we forfeited the miracle now I've had to repent of regret over that but today we don't forfeit miracles anymore we don't and and to the to the level of even when we're here in an old attack came we began to win and here's what I got to say about this why am i bringing up people why is that such an issue because I believe the Holy Ghost wants you to know you don't when you stand before God listen to me when you stand before God when the veil is over you cross the veil you step to the other side you're stand-in there you're not gonna be there with the people that you were so concerned about in this life it's not you and them stand-in there it's you it's just you you will be there and you will give a count for your life and I believe he's going to say welcome home son welcome home daughter righteous I paid it all but I do believe there's thirty sixty and a hundredfold to our calling that we're all called to attain - personally I'm going to a hundred fold all day every day and you are supposed to - but people could get in the way of our healing our breakthrough of any of these things so I got to tell you today today's day for breakthrough today's day for Liberty today is the day for your freedom first Corinthians chapter 15 verse 46 let me give you this description we're gonna jump into this here and we're gonna start ministering to you guys 1st Corinthians chapter 15 verse 46 it says this it says just simply put it says the spiritual is not first but the natural and afterward the spiritual in other words there is a principle that I like to call the here and the there principle do you know that there's a here and of there principle in other words there's a spiritual and a natural without going way into it this afternoon we recognize this natural world does not have the same authority as the spiritual world the natural world has its own authority but it is not the parent force where did this natural world come from it came from the spirit world the spirit birthed this natural world when God said light be let there be light to existence the spirit world birthed the natural therefore the spirit world spoke the natural into existence and the natural world is still voice-activated today this natural world is under the spirit in other words the spirit is the greater authority and when things that are spiritually spoken in this natural world it causes a reaction to this natural world and we've got to get that understanding that we're pulling what is in the realm of the unseen in the spirit when Andrew teaches our we teach that hey it's done it's finished you're done you're righteous your holy you're healed is your ever gonna get you got everything you ever need in the spirit you have it that's in the spirit and when you reach into the spirit by your faith and draw it into the natural that is a supernatural reaction that's why we lay hands on the sick and they it cut that the laying out of hands doesn't heal them when you lay hands on them it causes it induces a supernatural reaction that comes from the greater authority into the natural when you speak the Word of God you're causing a greater reaction from the realm of the unseen to literally start trembling I see it like that it starts trembling and it gives birth to something into the natural when we say you have it all already it's in the spirit and you're walking around healed you're walking around loaded you're walking around prosperous you're walking around with everything you never even knew you wanted or had or needed it's inside you and you draw that out by faith you draw it up by the listening of the word you draw it up by speaking the Word of God and when people lay hands on you you should expect something to happen I've seen people when they didn't see something happen their eyes sink they walk away and go oh no oh no listen to me don't do that don't you do that because when you receive you make it a point of contact it's a point of contact whether you're healed gradually miraculously or whatever it's coming for you you can't stay sick if you make a point of contact and say no I was healed mark it in your date book maybe you come to healing school you get prayer for healing something happens to you you say well I didn't feel anything right in your date book I received healing that day and you caused that to manifest you walk it out if necessary praise God oh god is good my friend Jason is here I was with him on not too long ago we went into a doctor together because he was having some medical concerns and involved some cardiovascular things we sat there and the doctor Daniel looked right at him and said to him said you are a candidate for this this and this and you could die said it to Jason I'm sitting with him because I just happen to be travelling with him and he looked back at the doctor he said that's not true nope and I was like whoa okay and I'm you know I'm supposed to be the guy of faith but Jason looked back and said that's not true and I don't receive it within two months of that meeting Jason was completely healed of his cardiovascular issue completely and Daniel was a part of that because Daniel laid hands on him and said I want this you know Jesus we released that and Daniel laid hands on him I said I want you to pray for him Daniel please would you and he said absolutely Daniel lays hands on him and Jason got a major miraculous healing out of that so I just got to tell you whatever you're dealing with don't fall for the tricks of the enemy I'm telling you right now you lost like what 40 pounds Jason yeah amen that's pretty good this stuff works praise God I think my daughter's pretty I like her alive better than dead my son had 12 specialists for autism when he was younger he's not here today but he had 12 specialists with autism yeah he couldn't even speak he could just sit there and shake all these things happen we listened to Andrews stuff we prayed over him and prayed over him prayed over him for years and he developed out where he's literally a normal student in school now normal yes and in the natural he's got a couple little hurdles he's still gonna make some social things but if you saw him where he was compared to where he is you'd say that is that's just a miracle that's just a miracle now I got to tell everybody today God wants to touch you aggressively he wants to touch you so cancer leaves your body you know we're here today to impart a Holy Ghost wave a Holy Ghost touch a powerful touch and impartation but this is already residing in you right now do we want to feel the manifest presence of God yes and you will but you can receive it right now you can receive it right now God wants to touch you he wants you to touch you more than you want to be touched recovered restored whole I'm telling you right now this is a good day this is a day where the devil gets defeated this is a day where the devil gets struck to the ground praise God thank you Jesus you know as I was coming in here I saw somebody that had very little mobility in one of their arms and I come in life into that arm even over the broadcast somebody that was having a hard time and pain with mobility in their arm I commend that hole right now in the name of Jesus thank you father one thing about me guys is when I was a young kid I've seen open visions since I was a kid and I'd walk into places I see things before they happen a lot and so when I go into places and all that many times I I have a strong prophetic gift in my life we've met with leaders of nations through it and and all that and celebrities and all that stuff mostly because of a prophetic gift and I'm very thankful for years that there was a season of my life where I didn't have a lot of places to preach and the Lord just took me and began to recraft me and so here I am I hope you like the product amen so God took me he took me to the mountain and he began to recraft Joseph see he certainly did praise God it's you know it's a few seasons ago I figured out ministry is really about people amen amen thank you Jesus I do a live broadcast every single morning of the weekday a live broadcast for one hour and if you want to be a part of that please god bless you it's on Facebook I do it every single weekday morning and that we prophesy and pray for people but we teach and it's a powerful deal and I joke like that on there you know God took me and had to recraft me so thank you Jesus god is good hallelujah I want a minister there just a couple people and then can we jump in is that Alright okay praise God you always honor the leader of the house amen and then thank you Father hallelujah man there's a lot of ministry anointing in this room praise God somebody gave up not gave up but you're trying to decide what to do with a telecommunications company but as somebody that had something to do with a telecommunications company or some kind of telephone thing and there's so many that you're trying to decide do I do that or go into ministry and the Lord says if you wait I will answer it clearer for you if you jump now you're gonna miss the boat is that you okay so you got a wait brother you're gonna hang on just for a moment so the part of the the business thing that you have going on God's going to begin to minister to you through that and it's going to be a good deal but don't cut it off too soon because God still has a blessing for you in that so you keep walking that out and then he's gonna also use you in ministry sometimes we get hasty when we feel that call don't lunch too soon don't lunch too soon praise God I have a whole story about that but that's you I say over you in the name of Jesus I can see that you have not made that decision yet I can see it on your life and God's gonna continue to bring strength through that and it's gonna be a good deal for you right now in Jesus name you've made the right decision on where you are locationally you made the right choices and I believe that over the next four months and even while this is kind of interesting the next forty eight months there's gonna be a lot of life and you're gonna know what to do through the wisdom of God step-by-step that's going to mature and so as you're calling and you're gonna know what to do so thank you for making the right choice amens that makes sense amen praise God is that your wife or someone you know she said yes okay it's good god bless you guys can't get that at Walmart amen thank you Jesus hallelujah to the lamb of God thank you Father praise God somebody had a disagreement with their father recently and it was a challenging deal and that began to cause friction and your ability to receive in some areas because there's been like an unforgiveness thing that's been trying to work its way into you you're trying to stay sweet with it but it's been working its way in and I just literally cut that off you in the name of Jesus I think that's actually three people yeah that's amen amen thank you Father so be it it is well with you it is well in the name of Jesus hallelujah thank you lord somebody just sold a car you're on the broadcast somebody sold a car they wish they hadn't they wish they hadn't and I want to say peace over that you need to cast that onto the Lord because it brought torment to you it brought torment to you I don't know why that brought torment to you but literally the Lord is bringing peace to you over that in the name of Jesus and he wants to bring order and structure back to your hearts so there's victory in the name of Jesus it is well and and if you let that go you're gonna get another one it's all good it's all good don't worry about let it go like Elsa says let it go amen amen in Jesus name you let it go praise God thank you Father hey Dondre easy today Vasari be David a beard or the Nevada ability be shorter the VATS is this star to be the Nevada hallelujah I pray against hurt ministers in Jesus name people that feel like they've been taking advantage of people I feel that they've been run around by other ministry and they try to do things and they feel like they've been left empty-handed in the name of Jesus I say if I hear the spirit Lord saying if you will cast that on to me I will give you everything you never knew you want it I'll give it to you I want to give it to you cast it onto me you love them forgive them you don't got a hug a cactus but forgive them and move forward praise God praise God hallelujah where's that insurance salesman somebody was an insurance person Jesus name thank you Father you back there sir and Jesus saying well I just began to bless you I see two young children the Lord saying he's speaking and he's protecting and he's watching over that process and it's gonna be well with them and he's taking care of the whole picture and he's just taking care and great concern over them and like Tracy says to us sometimes the Lord said you know when people said Lord don't you care that hurts the Lord and actually the Lord cares and I know you know that and I'm saying over you in the name of Jesus there's somebody in your family too that's trying to write some information they're trying to gather their thoughts into a notebook and God's hand is on it and so when you talk to them and you say and they say I'm trying to create this thing through writing you encourage them because God's hand is on it he wants to strengthen them so I bless you in Jesus name but he's watching over your legacy sir it is well and you also have made the right decision because it's allowing you to do what you're doing god bless you that's a good deal brother I like you already thank you Jesus thank you lord thank you Jesus being that I've us oughta be the game thank you Father Thank You father this is good yeah I'm not trying to hold us hostage here anything we're gonna start ministering in just a moment praise God sir with the beard the answer is yes yes you get to do it you get to build the dream and you get to go forward and you get to do it but it's going to take a season of discipleship a fresh wave of discipleship for you and if you'll be discipled literally and put your feet under a table and be discipled the answer is yes with training so I bless you in Jesus name I hope that makes sense it's good praise God hallelujah hallelujah I declare and decree right now that everybody's Kerris bill is paid in Jesus name every bill in this ministry I say is paid I want you to begin to pray with me right now for Andrew everybody start praying with me right now for Andrew and the leadership of this awesome ministry start praying with me right now over the parking garage over all the things they've brought up in Jesus name Lord we come into agreement that Karis Bible College is debt-free that everything is done this place is rocking their staff as the best paid staff everybody is good and Jesus name we call it forward in the name of Jesus we declare debt freedom we declare favor over Andrew we declare favor over this ministry leadership team in the name of Jesus hallelujah hallelujah thank you lord can we stretch our hands towards Daniel Tracy please Wilander Devi is stowed regazzi that I made thank you Jesus Psalm 126 says those who've gone out weeping and they've done this and they've done that they carry in sheaves of rejoicing those who sowed in tears will reap with songs of joy this is the harvest year this is the harvest season this season into next year 2019 will look very different than this year and I believe this is the harvest year and the Lord is saying even as the fires covered this land so will I burn the chaff of lack and difficulty out of many of the leaders that you minister to and even in your own life as you impart greatness to them I begin to say in Jesus name the hand of God is upon you Daniel I've called you a father in this land your spiritual father in this land you're a mentor in this land you're a priest in this land and I'm raising you up for such a time as this Isaiah 45 belongs to you you are God's man you are God's warrior I see you breaking the shackles off a bound worship generation a worship generation that's in bondage to their freedom they're in bondage to their own freedom Daniel and you're going to shatter the shackles I see you breaking the shackles off of a worship generation that is in shackles saying we are free and they are not free and the lordís thing I've raised you up in your voice and your mantle and the woman of God besides you and all the giftings and all the callings and all the multiple people thank you Jesus 20:19 this season we say god multiplication advancement increase I see for including the one you have three additional areas of responsibility that will not be so much more effort it will be a responsibility and God's gonna do that and it's gonna be a wonderful blessing to literally Daniel the body of Christ globally hallelujah praise God the Lord said a number of years ago that the Young Lions are coming but we can't have Young Lions getting raised up if we don't have old lions praise God thank you Jesus hallelujah yeah amen thank you Jesus hallelujah oh there's so many people want to minister father you're so good you're so kind thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus tre I can feel your prayers dude you're like in my space father I bless him in Jesus name hallelujah I bless the man of God thank you lord they don't but about it be the vichy but I thought yes I will use you and yes it will work and all as well and as you've heated the voice of God yeah I will multiply it by two amen good job thank you Father thank you Jesus hallelujah okay we're here for healing not prophecy day amen God is good God wants to touch you today thank you Jesus sir you have an administrative call on your life a handsome man with the glasses there you have an administrative call on your life to manage ministry and God's gonna raise it up and develop that in you in Jesus name hallelujah how many of you are singers and musicians in here raise your hand in the name of Jesus you want to be mentored by this man this man praise God I release life and favor over all the singers and musicians in Jesus name hallelujah to the lamb of God thank you Lord somebody came out of a background of banking and the Lord is saying I'm gonna use your mind I'm in a retrofit and cause it to work for ministry that's happening right now somebody's holding a child and their knee or there's something about their legs and God's working with their legs right now in the name of Jesus another person is having an eye issue and the Lord is saying I'm touching that right now and they've said it's a stigma or there's something I don't know what it goes me I just speak healing over that in the name of Jesus somebody has cancer of the stomach I commend that well right now in the name of Jesus that is being healed right now some people have the mindset you've wondered if you have cancer you've had these thoughts of do I have cancer I feel these sense and these thoughts and people are saying oh I I might have cancer I now have these things going on I bind that in Jesus name you do not have cancer I cut that off your life those of you on the broadcast you're blessed in Jesus name hallelujah praise God praise God praise God thank you Jesus it is fun to give the devil a whooping and I love my job Daniel Amen hallelujah to Jesus thank you God for Jesus thank you God for Jesus that suicide spirit I break you a Jesus name there will be no suicide no there will be no suicide you're free there's hope for you tomorrow there's hope for you hope is on the way in Jesus name thank you lord Karras you guys are family man can I just say one thing to the Charis students that are here the people that are here when your teachers or your leaders say to do something do it do it they are the voice of God to you and if you come in here thinking you're all that and a bag of chips that's about to get popped it is I really I just I feel the unction to say this it if you come in here and you come to serve and you come to do the kingdom principle of serving and doing it that way and you say mister Amstutz sir may I wash your pretty truck mister Amstutz is there anything you need before the broth either the the meeting starts other leaders your teachers whoever begin to serve them because when you serve a vision you will gain your vision and your sowing into your own future if you try to come in here and show them how amazing you are well then you just went on the long path it's just a longer journey you get to travel longer it's more sweat it's amazing no you want to you want to get they're shorter getting they're shorter means you hit your knees and you serve you love you you're quick to do that praise God if you're willing and obedient you need to go to the land if you refuse and rebel you're devoured by the sword and that's internal and external statements did you know you can be smiling on the outside but sitting down and rebellion on the inside the look on their face for the look on their countenance I said a better way look on their countenance bore witness against them Isaiah says but not just what they look like their heart too and so we've got to be people that we're loving towards our leaders and we do that I'll tell you what this place is getting ready to explode [Music] some praise God hallelujah to the lamb of God okay glory to God we got to see somebody run out of a wheelchair it healing is here I've never seen that before Daniel I said that's amazing I was like you know I know we're not supposed to have a hardened heart when we see a miracle but I was like that's pretty cool yeah it's awesome and so it is pretty good stuff so praise God thank you Jesus why don't we all stand up right now if that's all right let's all begin to pray in the Holy Ghost man of God [Music] okay releasing fear of man okay right now okay I heard son I heard the Lord say just a moment ago though I almost called you pastor Joseph Oh when Joseph was ministering on repenting from the fear of man come on that many of you are wanting to operate in the realm of the supernatural you've been asking the Lord you've been seeking the greater works Jesus said we're gonna do what the same works and greater still greater because they're gonna go all over the world not just Jerusalem Judea Samaria but greater because now this message of doing the same works is literally going all over the world amen and and you want that but here's the deal you have submitted unconsciously many times to the fear of man and God wants to break that off of you to break you into the supernatural and as Joseph was ministering today as a young lion and an old lion shut up here's a youngest guy I know they know as a young guy I know right here at an old lion listen we are not okay with that because the holy ghost is wanting to connect generations together my grandkids are here today they need to see what this looks like by my generation come on your kids your grandkids are looking to you and and we're looking for connection by the power of God by the Holy Ghost so I'm telling you right now if you are one of those people and I don't even honestly know who isn't that has submitted to the fear of man it's time that we break that thing off once and for all amen the love of God will cast out all fear perfect love casts out all fear and Joseph I just really feel that the Lord has anointed you to break this stuff off today in the name of Jesus so that we can break through okay amen and so before you pray say this with me I'm breaking off in Jesus name Jesus name in order to break through in order to break through to see the same works see the same work and greater still and greater still all around the world all around the world in Jesus name in Jesus all right let's pray okay in Jesus name let God we begin to set people at liberty prophetic actions Lord we take a prophetic act of setting ourselves at liberty by forgiving ourselves by literally repenting of regret yeah so right now I want you to take a moment I want you to repent a regret yeah any regrets you have anything we go oh that's oh it's so bad we repent whenever you go back and you touch it just let it go just cast it aside right now in the name of Jesus we just begin to cast it away in Jesus name and then Lord we begin to stir up the gifts of God inside of the people of God that are here right now in Jesus name you are called to step forward any of you that have been hurt by ministry any of you that have been harmed by by just things that have happened in the body of Christ even family relational stuff I believe right now God is touching people even in their families whoa there's a family restoration of all things yeah there's a family restoration anointing those of you watching the broadcast there's a family restoration anointing yeah praise God the Devils lied to people and said no you need to do this no no it is God that you come together yes in Jesus name Jesus name don't you go for that in Jesus name that's so right now the prophetic act is we're releasing regret we're releasing hindrances we're releasing all these things and stepping forward into all God has for us right now so preserve us so in Jesus name Jesus in Jesus name begin to pray in your heavenly language right now I so created about show that they get about sundown if you don't that are your life we just begin to pray that out pray it out your spirit man prays perfect prayers pray it out cool it up my check it in about Soto you go by Sunday hahaha yeah there goes there goes fear man beer man Lehman Lehman no more no more room no more place this is not your house not your house okay I got on my soap record out of myself key more so about God glory to God whoo there's memories from childhood called literally abuse from childhood abuse memories things that are from your childhood in your younger years that when you go back to it it seems like a norm dust to think about it okay that's that and you've compartmentalised it but I declare right now you're having a new normal come into your mind that you go there and it's not even present the old memory the old pain that is an old scenario it's dead and gone in the name of Jesus I see some people that never even told people would happen to them when they were kids you've never told anyone and all I want to say to you is you don't have to all I want to say to you is you're free right now you're free you're free right now in Jesus name thank you Father thank you Father Theodore Oh Brady be about this storeroom adhara by the division race how many you are I have a burning desire to be writers writers writers in the house holding hands up high while the good writers in the house come on get your hands up high get him up there high and I lift both of mine yep that's right a man thank you Jesus hallelujah writers in the house I saw the Lord the Lord spoke from you said there will be a Writers Guild at Karras mmm writers Gilroy's God a man yeah I just saw that praise God oh yeah so in Jesus name yeah we just released that amen amen amen we release that we release that yeah writers we need that come forth yes new revelation writers come forward yeah in Jesus name revelatory writing come forth in Jesus time huh you're not going to regurgitate the old stuff you really bringing it forward come on Jesus think we're gonna go for it in Jesus go get it hallelujah those be your writers cake it take it it's yours take it God's raising you up to be a voice and we're not gonna be silenced anymore that's it come on take it take it it's yours take it take it the huh I get it man that's it Thank You G we're not gonna be silenced we're not gonna be stopped God's raised us up to be a voice in our generations right and he's saying what I'm speaking to you in the quiet place I want you to shout out on the rooftops oh that's a good word and we need to hear what the Spirit of God is saying in order to voice it we still have to hear it first and I'm telling you he who has an ear to hear let him hear Amen Jesus Lord we're hearing we're hearing and we're speaking what we're hearing thank you we're singing what we're hearing we're writing what we're hearing yes and we will not be stopped in Jesus name that's right come on there's no more fear of man no more fear we're breaking out we're breaking out to break through don't fear come on we're breaking out to break through amen no fear we are believers who believe thank you for what Daniel said that no fear of man that's been a real thing and sometimes you get in a meeting and you should stay in the presence everybody but you get in the meeting and you begin to go ok yeah I received that but I'm telling you right now I want you to focus on that and dismiss it from your life amen no fear of man Daniel hit that that's it that is a dead-on word for you no fear of man no fear man hallelujah thank you Jesus I also sense Joseph that the Lord wants you to minister increase over these who are here today ok those who are joining us on the Internet Joseph has an anointing for increase and breakthrough yeah and when I say increase we automatically think financial and that's really good that's all included but you know what it's not just financial even though it does include that yes but we need to increase in every area of our souls yeah in order to make room for what God is doing in our spirits amen we're already wall-to-wall Jesus in our spirit man but it's our soul that needs to be increased make room for what God is doing in us so he can do it through us and greater capacity and Joseph we've talked about this but I'm really hearing the Lord saying that it's time to put new wine in new wineskins come on we cannot put new wine in an old wine save man this is about increased this is about new this is about being restored and being renewed and so pray that over us would you I will yes you've got an anointing for increased amen thank you yeah amen in the name of Jesus every person God thank you Lord you know it's that picture when Elijah said you go and get get the jars get the jars fill them up with oil and as long as you keep bringing the jars they'll keep being filled with oil and the Lord saying for as much as you can be available to the level of your availability to the level of your not offended 'no stew the level of your ability to roll your cares unto the lord is to the level of the ability he will give revelation and increase to you over these things so do not say well where's it going to stop god you need to get a revelation of the jars that just keep coming if she'd have brought another jar it would have and another and another and another and I say over you and your life and another and another and another in the name of Jesus God needs multipliers in this generation he needs multipliers and increases to get the Word of God done in Jesus name so I bless all of you who are standing here those of you who are in the meeting in Jesus name receive it right now receive increase receive it receive the increase right now receive the increase right now those of you on the broadcast receive the increase right now receive the increase right now thank you Jesus thank you Jesus it's happening it's happening some of you're gonna get visions I was in a revival meeting one time and I had my first vision from God thank you Jesus thank you Jesus so be it hallelujah I know me I'm putting out two books this year this guy's putting out a book it's happening it's happened he has a revelation on worship thank you Jesus increase bill and Rhoda loved us I'm gonna be there every day yeah would you lay hands on someone next to you right now as you're able to even those of you here in the front yep and I want you just to declare the kingdom of God has come and to begin to speak that over one another and Jesus saying this is our season no this is our toss is it this is it it's not coming it's here it's here and the kingdom of God is being made manifest and we're seeing the Spirit of God have his way so release that over those that you're next to today because you know what God wants to break us out to be able to do what he's got in his heart to be done yes we all have a place in His grace and this is our time hallelujah those of you on the Internet this is your time your time this is our time it's your time no distance in the spirit realm amen thank you lord I break substance-abuse off the people watching today yeah that's working through substances and saying how do I do this how do I get free I declare you're free right now in Jesus name son - thank you Father Paulo thank you Father thank you Lord God thank you Jesus praise God glory to God was so good it is a man Amen generational connection listen while I take a minute just to talk to you are you are you good for just a couple more minutes the Lord really showed me a few months ago that the only way we're gonna do what God is calling us to do in 2018 I'll just say 2018 cuz that's where we are right now okay is through the Holy Ghost there is no other way except by the Holy Ghost what do I mean by that the Holy Ghost is the connector of generations the reason that we can be connected as the young and the old and God prophesied it in the Old Covenant he said you're young you're gonna see dreams and and you're older gonna have visions or however it was I'm not sure I just I'm having both yeah you know no can I do both and so he said in the last days in the last days well guess what we're not waiting for the last days the last day started in the second chapter of the book of Acts that's right so his spirit was poured out upon all flesh and that continuation is happening now and God is connecting the generations through the power of the Holy Ghost yes it's not gonna be through my skinny jeans thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus Jesus and it's not going to be through our cool hairdos and then it's gonna be by the Spirit of God and that's really true for this guy cuz he doesn't have any so the only way only way that we're gonna do what God said to do is by the Holy Ghost so here's what I don't want to say to you are you ready come on are you ready God's looking for those across the earth whom he can show himself strong on behalf of Lord I'm available yes come on let's tell them Here I am Here I am Lord God here we are send me yes use me Lord God yes to fulfill your will in the earth in 2018 thank you Jesus we're not gonna shut up we're not gonna back up I think we're gonna speak up we're gonna stand up and we're gonna declare the goodness of the Lord ye in the land of the living thank you Jesus oh we thank you and we give you praise and we call our young we call our young into their destiny yes we do we call our young into the purpose and plan of God hallelujah if you're under 18 come up here really quick just I don't care where you are those of you up here stay say you're good those of you under 18 just come up here and then amen amen come up here and align right by the steps just stand here in a line all of you who are 18 and under yeah and I'm just picking that number because of 2018 amen now those of you who are behind them come on all the way over yeah I just kind of skipped down this way those of you who are behind them come up behind them and lay hands on them and we say in Jesus name we are releasing you and come on get behind these guys releasing them into the destiny that God has for them yes we say yes to every promise we say yes to the vision we say yes to the plan and we say yes to the destiny being fulfilled on every one of these young people's hearts in Jesus name yes Lord thank you Lord God for your will being done here now as it is in heaven thank you your kingdom has been made manifest and we deputize every single one of these people with you with the authority of Jesus alone yes to do what you said we can do yes they're not gonna wait until they're 30 or 50 or 80 they're gonna activate right now right now right now right now now faith is jeez now faith is thank you and Berkeley bless you for every single person in Jesus and into the lamb hallelujah praise You God praise you go there's a whole generation of agents of change Young Lions they're coming forward and you know Daniels a part of this we're doing this we do this all over the nation we do this all over the nation and we're raising them up we're doing this because I got to tell you this generation here it's different I think it's interesting that they're called Generation Z but anyway without you know the humor but here's what I'm saying is that God's really God's really doing something powerful with the young people he's always wanted to but the agents of change are different because these guys are exposed to more than we've ever been exposed to they see more they know more they're around everything it doesn't mean they're smarter it just means they see more and the deal is is they they're not impressed by the way religion has been done and we've got to bring a fresh wave of fire on their it is we don't deliver the goods to them yeah tear this place down that's right amen listen to me the Spirit of God told me that if the young generation the Young Lions does not get trained and captured and to build this place up they will tear it down okay so we've got to go get them yeah amen that's what we're doing that's what we're doing and the Apostle Paul said this he said I didn't come to you just with man's words and then but I came to you come on somebody in power and demonstration yes of the Holy Ghost don't just tell me about it show me what it looks like right amen that's let's demonstrate it let's activate let's get in it amen to experience the breakthrough that God has for us yeah and that's exactly what we're doing yes now come on everybody let's just lift up our hands and give praise to the Lord and just thank him for who he is and what he's doing yeah this is awesome Lord we glorify you and magnify you if you're not spirit filled in this place today you need to be with the evidence of speaking in other tongues I'm telling you God has that for you our prayer ministers will be happy to lead you into the baptism in the Holy Ghost we are not ashamed of the Holy Ghost we love the Holy Ghost amen yes and we want everything that God wants for you we want it with you in Jesus name everybody can we say thank you to Joseph Zee and to heaven for being a part of our healing school today [Applause] amen to just share with you how old I really am I was Dave Darrell's first worship leader yeah the man that led him to the Lord was my pastor I was his first worship leader starting in 1978 we helped establish the very first faith ministries church amen and here's some of the fruit from that today amen amen amen what a treasure what a treasure you all can go back to your seats thank you so much and don't ever minimize impartation hands have been laid on you today don't ever minimize words of faith that have been spoken over you and let the enemy steal or kill or destroy what God is doing I would like to ask our prime ministers to come if you would and get into position today to be able to minister to to the needs of the people and I want to share with you that obviously this is healing school and our focus is healing but I believe that God has really healed some hearts today some some hearts from the inside out there's been healing taking place and that's what we want for you as well amen amen thank you Jesus hallelujah Wow healing is here y'all what an amazing week if you missed it it is on the internet and you can watch each of the healing is here sessions that happened during August 14th through the 17th I believe with it with the dates and Randy Clark was with us and Audrey Mack oh my goodness if you missed Audrey Mack you definitely need to watch every session was just a blessing amen now here's the deal if you aren't ready to receive healing by now I don't think we can help you I mean seriously how could you not be ready by now to receive healing so those of you who are already in the aisles rushers go ahead and let them through to come up to our prime ministers our prime ministers are gonna lay hands on you they're gonna release the life of Christ it's not about them being powerful it's about the powerful one who is in them who is the healer the great physician who is going to minister to your knee because every need has already been abundantly supplied through Lord Jesus Christ and we thank the Lord today that he is our healer he is our healer and we're gonna be here as long as we need to be here today we want to say again thank you to all of you joining us on the Internet what a blessing to be able to connect together all around the world write to us and let us know I heard from somebody yesterday and what a blessing it was to hear that incredible praise report that you shared with us but literally all around the world from Africa from Brazil from Australia wherever you're joining us from right and let us know and how this broadcast this live stream has been a blessing to you it would really bless us and bless a lot of people who are connect here and we would love to hear it I'll be teaching next week and we open up our brand-new auditorium for our new school year we're gonna start in our new auditorium next week everybody Wow so exciting as school opens up for the 2018 2019 season and I'm telling you what it's gonna be the best year that we have ever had amen holiday so again thank you for coming we're gonna be here as long as we need to be here don't forget we've got some great resources in the back of the room we've got a great team of ladies and gentlemen back there who are waiting to help you books CD series mp3s all kinds of tools and blessings that you can make available not only for you but for friends and family who are going through a healing journey so let me pray a prayer just Missal over you Father in Jesus name I just dismissed each one of these people today in a blessing that they are blessed blessed blessed to go out not only to be here but to go out in the power of your presence and we declare Lord God then no weapon formed against them will prosper in Jesus name and every tongue risen up in judgment shall be shown to be in the wrong we condemn it we judge it and we say Lord we are only going to be submitting to your word and so I bless them today Lord God with your word that says who can separate us from the love of God we are more than conquerors and we agree together today Lord in Jesus name that your will is being done in each of our lives each of our families and your kingdom is being established we seek first your kingdom and we know all the other things are gonna be added to his Lord so we bless you I bless them in Jesus name and we give you all the glory and all the praise in Jesus name Amen amen god bless you guys like I said we're gonna be here as long as we need to be here our prime ministers will continue to minister and so thank God for our time together today amen
Channel: Charis Bible College
Views: 8,047
Rating: 4.8352942 out of 5
Keywords: Healing School - 08 30 2018 - with Joseph Zupetz
Id: 8eM2Heh3-FY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 148min 7sec (8887 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 30 2018
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