Healing Is Here 2018: Day 1, Session 4 - Andrew Wommack

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I want to turn over to John chapter 14 tonight and I'm going to share with you just a small portion of a teaching about 30 years ago I came out with a teaching that I called the Christian survival kit and I haven't taught on this very often because it's there's 16 teachings in it and so I don't ever hold a meeting that 16 sessions long and on television I usually go one week on one teaching so to go 16 weeks on one subject most people lose interest so I don't teach on this very often but this is one of the most important things that God showed me and if you watch that story about Gina Boop this morning one of the things that bud said was that he had heard me say that your first reaction pretty much dictates the way the outcome of things and I got that from right here this is Jesus speaking to his disciples the night before his crucifixion John 14 15 and 16 are all a message that he ministered to his disciples after the Lord's Supper before they went to the Garden of Gethsemane and he prayed and so it was just hours before he was going to be arrested and before he would be crucified the next day and he was saying these things to prepare his disciples matter of fact in the sixteenth chapter in verse 1 he said these things have I spoken unto you that in me you might are excuse me I think that's in the 14th chapter let me read this in verse chapter 16 these things have I spoken unto you that you should not be offended so he spoke these things to prepare them for this crisis situation that they were going to be going through and then the last verse of the sixteenth chapter the last thing that's recorded here it says these things have I spoken unto you that in me you might have peace in the world you shall have tribulation like in the next 30 minutes in the world you shall have tribulation but be of good cheer for I have overcome the world remember the context of this this is the night before he's crucified and he's telling them be of good cheer let not your heart be troubled S is back to chapter 14 verse 1 so here's how he spoke to his disciples the night before his crucifixion they were going to see him arrested and of course not only with Jesus life be in jeopardy but all of the people who followed Jesus were also going to be in the crosshairs and they were going to be coming after them and so these guys were afraid and it says that not only did Peter but all of the disciples forsook him and fled and so these guys were scared and how is Jesus preparing them for this look at this in verse 1 John 14:1 let not your heart be troubled you believe in God believe also in me did you know that today if I wasn't reading this from Scripture if we weren't here at this conference if I hadn't have introduced this way that I had if I was just with you when the doctor says you're gonna die or whatever the crisis is that you're going through and if I walked up and said don't let your heart be troubled I guarantee you the vast majority of Christianity would condemn me and say you aren't being sensitive you are asking people to do things that are wrong and people today embrace their weaknesses not in the sense that when I'm weak then I'm strong God I'm gonna crush trust you but they embrace their weaknesses and take glory in all of these kind of things and feel like well god I'm only human and we use this as an excuse for weakness I'm not only human one-third of me is wall to wall Holy Ghost I've been born-again and I have the Spirit of God living on the inside of me these guys didn't even have the Holy Spirit and yet Jesus is telling them don't let your heart be troubled by saying it the way he did he's saying you have the ability to keep your heart from being troubled and did you know again most Christians don't believe this most Christians you've heard me say this a lot but most Christians fall apart like a $2.00 suitcase when trouble hit knocks on their door and they embrace this they let their emotions go while they vent and throw out all of their unbelief speak all of this stuff and then after they've just you know spiritually thrown up all over themselves and covered in all of their unbelief then they go to God and oh god I'm gonna trust you and believe you but I but the very first thing you have to do the first thing that Jesus told his disciples don't let your heart be troubled you do not let your heart be troubled you have the ability to control your reactions you know I've got a teaching entitled harnessing your emotions and on the cover of it is a picture it's a drawing of a guy riding a horse but the horse is totally out of control the saddle came loose the saddle swung around on the underside of the horse he's holding on around the horse's neck for dear life the horse is totally out of control and it says harnessing your emotions and the reason I use that is because I've had horses most of my life and you know I've learned about horses that if you let a horse get away from you and get into a run you just might as well jump off unless you really know what you're doing there's not much that you can do to turn a 1,200 pound a 2,000 pound horse around and stop them it is easy to stop a horse from getting out of control but once you let it get out of control you're in big trouble my horses were always green broke because I didn't have time to read them ride him very much and I didn't have much time to work with him and so they were they were just half broke and I remember a little seven-year-old boy came out and I just taught him a few things what the Bible says you put a bit in the horse's mouth a horse can't do anything without its mouth you know if the horse wants to rare it can't rare up unless it throws its head back so what you do is put a tie down on it keep it from throwing its head back and it will never rare up on you if a horse wants to get down and roll and try and get you off all you got to do is watch it and if it starts to put its head down yank that bit up and keep its head up and a horse will never get down and roll on you a horse can't run that direction with its head turn this direction so it can't do it I actually held a horse a 1200 pound horse down on the ground one time with my foot on his head a 1200 pound horse there's no way that physically I could do it except a horse has to throw its head up before it can get up and you hold its foot you put it your foot on its head and hold its head and you can't get up you can control the 1200 pound horse this is all what James chapter 3 says you put a bit in the horse's mouth and you control their whole body so I taught this little kid that he rode that horse for an hour and a half and the horse misbehaves some but he just did what I told him and there was not a single problem as soon as he got off there was another guy that came with his son and his son was 22 years old and he had just been married and he was going to show his wife that he could ride and I started to tell him the same stuff all I can handle it within 5 minutes he was on his way to the hospital the same horse that had been ridden for an hour and a half by a seven-year-old a 22 year old couldn't handle it because he was showing off and and let the horse get away I tell the reason I bring that up is to say that if you will control ours in the moment they start to do something you deal with it it's fine but if you let a horse get away with stuff you're in big trouble now I may not relate to everybody but to any of you that have ever had horses and stuff that's true and it's true of a lot of things you know when our son died we got a call at 4:15 in the morning told us that our son was dead and Jamie and I because of this exact teaching this is the exact words of Jesus that came to me let not your heart be troubled and most people say well that's wrong you would be in denial you're in denial if you don't indulge you you just aren't being honest no you're being carnal as what you are when you go about how you feel I'm not denying that I had all kinds of feelings come at me but I am denying that all I am is a physical human being and I have to respond in grief and sorrow if something bad happens I've got a spirit on the inside of me and the fruit of that spirit is love joy peace long-suffering gentleness goodness faith meekness and temperance and it's producing that 100% of the time and I don't care if I get news that somebody has died I don't care if I get news that I'm gonna die I don't care what the what the world has to say Jesus telling his disciples the night before his crucifixion if there was ever a justification for people being upset it should have been the disciples of Jesus matter of fact many people would have argued and said well you didn't really love him if you if you could just keep from being troubled when you see him arrested when you see him beaten when you see him crucified something would have been wrong with them if they didn't just you know weren't heartbroken and yet Jesus gave him a command let not your heart be troubled I always have had time to preach all of this to you there's another verse over in here look in the fourteenth I'm going to come back but look in John chapter 14 and in verse verse 28 you have heard that I said unto you I go away and come again unto you if you loved me you would rejoice because I said I'd go unto the father for my father is greater than I now again remember the context he had already told them I'm leaving where I go you know in the way you know and he had told him they said no we don't know where you're going he said I am the way the truth and the life and he had been explaining all this to him so now he comes back to it and he says I've told you that I'm leaving and I'm going to the Father if you loved me you would rejoice this is a radical statement you need to put your spiritual seatbelt on this will just rakh some of you but you know why they grieved why they were afraid why they ran because they love themselves more than they love Jesus if they love Jesus even though they didn't understand the total plan of salvation and they didn't understand that he was going to die and rise from the dead if anybody ever pleased the father and if anybody ever walked with God if anybody was ever going to go into the presence of God after death it would have been Jesus and if they loved him more than they love themself they would have even rejoiced because he constantly was saying that man I love my father I only do what I see my father do he would he would minister all day long and be totally tired and yet he would spend all night long in prayer with his father man Jesus loved his father he longed to be with his father and if they would have loved him more than they love themselves they would have actually found reason to rejoice at the crucifixion of Jesus before he was resurrected even if they didn't understand he was going to be raised from the dead they would have said at least he's with his father and they could have rejoiced and brothers and sisters I'm singing this in love but the reason that we are so distressed and so so disheartened and depressed and all of these other things are because we love ourselves so much if we love God you can actually get to a place where you're so excited about seeing him that man if you die awesome and if you don't die it's you're gonna be able to rub the devil's nose in this and give a testimony and so you're just you're just pleased whichever way it goes you don't let your heart be troubled you know when your heart is troubled again I'm saying this and look it's because we're operating in fear because we're so fearful about ourself we aren't understanding the love that God has for us we don't understand the great things that he's got prepared for us the upon so Paul see he was in a relationship with God where he says I'm in a great straight between two choices one is to go be with the Father which is far better for me that's what I really want to do but I know that I have to stay here for your benefit he was ready to go man when they came to Paul and said if you don't quit preaching the gospel we're gonna kill you he'd just reach up and kiss him on the forehead say awesome so they'd say well then we'll put you in jail and he says fine I'll just praise God and they have an earthquake and get everybody in the jail set so they say well man get out of here so he says okay and he goes back to the marketplaces and preach the gospel how do you intimidate a person that's not afraid to die you know when I was in Vietnam it was right after I had had this experience with the Lord March the 23rd 1968 I got drafted in June of 69 and by January of 70 I was in Vietnam and I was just so in love with God that man I was just having an awesome time it's hard for me to explain I was praying that God would kill me but it wasn't because I was miserable and it wasn't because Vietnam was bad it was because I was so in love with God I just wanted to go be with Jesus so bad that I honestly was asking God to kill me and I remember one time I was I was a chaplains assistant and we got sent out to a place this place wasn't any bigger than this room right here and in a two-hour period of time we took a hundred-and-something mortar hits inside of that perimeter and you could see the muzzle fire from the Vietnamese coming up the hill and it looked like we were gonna be overrun in a matter of fact they were overrun I was a chaplains assistant and they got us out they got the chaplain and me out right before the hill was overrun and nearly every person on that hill was killed it was a life-and-death situation and I remember what was going on I had my m16 pointed down the hill I never had to fire it because they were out of range but I could see the muzzle fire from their weapons and you know what I was doing I was just praying and saying oh Jesus I could be with you before the night is up I was so excited I was just thinking this is awesome awesome and I was just so happy I was thinking oh thank you Father and I was so blessed and then I got to thinking about the Vietnamese that I had my gun pointed at and I started saying but God they don't know you and I was interceding and praying for these guys that I was about to shoot and I just had love flowing through me and I was so excited and I know some of you think I'm weird well I think you're weird Paul says for me to live is Christ to die is gain I'm in a straight between two you know you can get Tory you love God more than you love yourself and it's not about you and one of the benefits of this is that when you get that place Satan can only use selfishness fear has no place if you don't love yourself so much you know enrollment Revelation chapter 12 I was just studying this this week and it says that you know the dragon the old serpent the devil was cast down to the earth and he had great wrath because he knew that he had a short time and the people the believers on the earth they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony and they loved not their lives unto the death did you know for you to overcome you got to get to where you don't love your life so much the reason some of you are just so heartbroken because you got a sickness and you could dies because you love yourself so much you need to get over yourself I don't know how to say this any differently it's just you know what if you had if you were dead to yourself you could take a corpse and put it here in front of us and you could spit on the corpse you could kick the corpse you can insult the corpse you could ignore the corpse and if it's a corpse it won't respond you know why you respond why you are just so heartbroken it's because you aren't dead to yourself it's because you haven't cashed your carer over on the Lord we have fallen under the spell of our society that is just all about self everything is about you and we have adopted this and we're just out to promote self and when self suffers man you just can't handle it you know I was just in Norway and there was a man Dennis Greenwich and he's the pastor in London I'd never met him before and I was the main speaker I think I spoke four times Dennis spoke the first time in the last time I never meant this man before he was an African American a pastor in London and he got up and he says I've never been Andrew I've never heard his teaching but as I prayed about this God told me my assignment was to just prime the pump I am here to get you opened up to what this man has to say and he spent his whole hour telling people to expect open up your heart God is gonna speak through this man and I'd never met Dennis but you know what I said this man loves God more than he loves himself I in my 50 years I've never had anybody get up and do something like that and so man that drew me to him and we got to visit with him and he's just an awesome guy it was great but did you know there's very few people that would put the kingdom of God above themselves and because of that that's the reason that when something happens to self you just are hurt so badly and you can't get over it I'm telling you your emotions if you ever let your emotions get out of control it's hard to rein them back in matter of fact are you still in John chapter 14 look over here in James chapter one let me show you this I'm going to come back maybe in James chapter one in verse 13 let no man say when he is tempted I am tempted of God for God cannot be tempted with evil neither tempteth he any man but every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed then when lust hath conceived it brings forth sin and sin when it is finished brings forth death this says it's sin has to be conceived sin doesn't come upon you like a seizure it has to be conceived this is talking about birth you know I'm not gonna teach on how a baby comes hopefully everybody here knows this I'm gonna take some things for granted but babies aren't brought by the stork you don't just get pregnant without having a physical relationship with the man you have to be impregnated you have to conceive a child this says sin has to be conceived and where is it conceived in your lust we use the word lust nearly exclusively to describe immoral sexual desire but the word lust if you look it up in the way it was used in the King James a matter of fact over in Galatians chapter 5 it says the spirit lust against the flesh and the flesh lusts against the spirit the spirit the holy spirit does not have an immoral ungodly sexual drive or desire the word lust isn't used the way that we use it today it's just talking about strong emotion sin is conceived in your emotions there are people that do not want to sin and yet they allow in a sense intercourse with the devil through their emotions when you sit there and allow fear in and I could name a dozen things right here but going back to John chapter 14 verse 1 when you let your heart be troubled when sickness comes and you begin to panic and oh no what am I going to do and you beget fearful about all of these things you have allowed Satan to plant a seed in your life that you don't want to come to fruition but you indulge it most people allow their emotions just to go the full gamut and only after they've cried all they can cry after they have worried all they can worry they turn to the Lord oh god help me by that time you've got to have an abortion you've already got this thing in process it's in the birth canal and you're gonna have to have an abortion and I tell you that's not the way to deal with things the way to do it is not to conceive it if you can control your emotions you can stop sin and I'm not only talking about sin but you can stop sickness from having a hold on you you know I started telling this story about when we got the call about my son being dead and immediately we had these feelings of grief sorrow anything that anybody else would have but this exact verse the Lord spoke to me let not your heart be troubled if you let your emotions go if you let yourself get into unbelief it's gonna be hard hard hard to overcome this and so Jamie and I immediately agreed we immediately spoke our faith and we had enough wisdom from the Word of God to know that death and life is in the power of the tongue so we weren't gonna speak something contrary to what we believed so we didn't say anything for a long time I mean we went we got dressed we had to get up and get dressed and head into Colorado Springs it was an hour in 15 minutes didn't have cellphones from 2001 and so we didn't know what had gone on and finally I just I was feeling so much grief and sorrow and things come against me that I just said I am NOT gonna let this happen I am NOT gonna grieve even over the death of my son and I started praising God and I started saying father you did not kill my son you didn't do this I'm not blaming you you're a good god and I just started praising him and saying father thank you and whether our son comes back to life or not I'm gonna serve you with everything I've got I just started praising God and you know it's like priming the pump when you start praising God maybe I didn't feel like it then but when I started just encouraging myself in the Lord again go back to that chapter 16 verse 33 in the world you shall have tribulation he didn't say do this only when everything's going good but when you're in the midst of tribulation when everything is bad in the world you shall have tribulation but be of good cheer not just when things are good and when you're in the midst of tribulation be of good cheer for I have overcome the world and I just started praising God and within just a few moments man all of a sudden God brought prophesies back to my remembrance faith welled up and I started laughing not by faith but by feeling and I started saying this is gonna be awesome our son's coming back from the dead he'd been dead for nearly five hours between four and five hours he had been stripped naked put in a freezer in a morgue with a toe tag on and he just said of them started talking it was awesome and after being dead without oxygen for over four hours there was no brain damage no more than he had before and today he's alive and well and we've got a granddaughter that just turned 16 years old and life is good and good things are happening and you know why because we grabbed hold of our emotions and did not let our heart be troubled someone's were saying how can you do that the rest of the verse you believe in God believe also in me you know how you let not your heart be troubled faith believe God well I don't feel like believe in God faith isn't a feeling faith can involve feelings sometimes you have feelings but did you know actually you are operating in some of your strongest faith when you don't feel anything when I saw my son raised from there I wasn't feeling faith I did it because it was the right thing to do did you know some of the biggest failures I've ever had is when I felt awesome because I wasn't really trusting God I wasn't acting on what the word said I was doing it because I had a goose bump I had a feeling and man that was I was confident in that feelings are fickle feelings come and go when they are good enjoy them but don't transfer your faith over to them don't start saying I know God's gonna do something because I feel it if you feel it enjoy the feeling but don't trust your feelings don't let feelings dominate you what I'm saying right here is foreign to I'd say 99% of the body of Christ the vast majority of people go a hundred percent by how they feel man you pray form you quote the words you have a prophecy you do all of these things and they say well I just don't feel any different that's not faith and I'd like to say a lot of things but you know what I hate to drive you off in the first day Daniel and Carly will be a lot nicer than I am you come back and you'll laugh with them and you'll have fun and it'll be it'll be good but I'm telling you just pull your thumb out of your mouth and grow up bless God you need to start using some faith well I don't feel something well who cares how you feel why is feeling so important well I just don't love this I just don't feel love well then you're just carnal that's what it is because in your spirit there's love joy and peace the born-again part of you loves the people who hate you and the people who persecute you and the people who use your name despitefully the board again part of you is identical to Jesus and you have his love and stuff and when you go well I know that the Lord says I'm supposed to forgive I know the Lord says I'm supposed to love them but I just don't feel it well you're saying I'm just not gonna operate out of my spirit I'm gonna be carnal you probably wouldn't say it that way but that's exactly what you're doing but I feel fear within your carnal there is no fear in your spirit are you gonna walk in the spirit who you are in Christ are you gonna appropriate what he's done for you are you just gonna live like a normal natural man or woman I'm telling you it's so simple if we would cast our care over on the Lord and not let things get on the inside of us Satan just couldn't overwhelm you you know I prayed with a man today over here that's been diagnosed with cancer and and the natural supposed to die but he's just happy he's trust in God there all the reports are bad but he says I'm just fine and he's praising God and I told him there was a woman that came here to school and she was given only 6 months to live and they said there was nothing they could do for us so she never went back and it's me and I don't know five six years she was given six months to live and it's five or six years and she just helped me as a horse and why go back they said they couldn't do anything for her so just keep going and she's trucking and she's doing good amen I'm telling you Satan cannot do anything to you without your consent and cooperation and one of the things that cooperate that cooperates with him and enables him is fear worried care you could describe this in a lot of ways but what it is it's not trusting God you just aren't trusting him he's already promised that by His stripes you were healed if you really believe that you wouldn't be so concerned and we do have a part to play and it is possible that we could miss it and God's will doesn't always come to pass not because God's one who fails a bit because we don't appropriate it but even if you miss it you go to heaven you live forever in a mansion on streets that are paved with gold you got no reason to gripe or complain you got no reason to be upset if you get healed it's awesome use it for a testimony and if you die it's awesome you got nothing to worry about if you could get this attitude to wear man you just praise God you know it's like the three Hebrew children they commanded him to bow before the image and they wouldn't do it and he brought him up and he says I'll give you in one more chance you bow and I won't punish you but if you don't bow I'm gonna throw you in the fiery furnace and they said old King we are not careful to answer you in other words we aren't afraid of you we aren't afraid of what you're doing our God whom we serve is able to deliver us and he will deliver us but even if he doesn't we still aren't gonna bow they said our God can deliver us they were believing for it but even if it doesn't work I'm still not gonna bow I don't care that is awesome some people think well that was a statement of unbelief no that's just a statement that you know not everything works perfectly we fall we live in a fallen world God doesn't always stop persecution against us we're redeemed from sickness and things like that but you aren't redeemed from persecution all those who live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution the only Christians that aren't persecuted are Christians that don't live godly if you live godly you will be persecuted people will hate you people will criticize you so there are times that things don't work out and they were saying we don't care if you do kill us we still aren't going to serve you and you know what they happen to experience a mighty deliverance because when you put yourself in that position where you're just resting in the Lord and you're at peace it really hinders what the devil can do he has to have your cooperation Satan has to have your cooperation to destroy your life and when you're at peace and when you just say I'm not gonna let my heart be troubled I'm gonna believe in God I'm gonna trust God and man if I win I win and if I lose I win I can't lose for winning you get that attitude man it's a powerful position to be in when you cast your care over on the Lord look at this passage over in 1st Peter chapter 5 the same thing is said nearly word-for-word in James chapter 4 but in 1st Peter chapter 5 verse 5 likewise ye younger submit yourselves unto the elder yay all of you be subject one to another and be clothed with humility for God resisteth the proud and giveth grace to the humble you can define define pride in a lot of ways most people only divide pride as thinking you're better superior to everybody else that is one manifestation of pride but did you know that low self esteem is pride did you know that being self-confident or you can do everything on your own that's pride pride can manifest itself in a lot of different ways and did you know that taking worry and care and trying to solve all of your problems instead of casting your care over on the Lord that's pride you can see that if you keep reading in context so he said God resists the proud giveth grace unto the humble humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God that he may exalt you in due time how do you humble yourself casting all your care upon him for he careth for you if you haven't cast your care over on the Lord if you're worrying about things how is this gonna play out and you just cannot get over it it is tormenting you you haven't humbled yourself you haven't cashed your carrier over on the Lord you're in pride you are trying to fix this you feel like the responsibility for this thing is upon your shoulders and you're bearing all of the responsibility I'm telling you there is a position of strength when you just get to where you know again this is what Jamie and I did on the way in when our son had died I just said father I'm gonna love you I'm gonna praise you anyway I am NOT going to grieve over this I am NOT going to be destroyed by this I don't care how it works out and when you do that man that puts you in a position of strength I mean the devil can't stand that he can't stand he doesn't know how to relate to people that don't fall apart when something goes wrong he just can't understand why is it that I've just hit you with this and you are praising God and you're still happy what's wrong with you when you're in an MRI machine and you start writing a song what kind of weirdo would write a song in an MRI machine use the cadence of the MRI machine as a beat to go a la hope it's you're soft you're stark raving mad fanatic when you do stuff and he just so happened to get healed man that's the way you react to thing but you know what you can't do that if you love yourself more than you love God but when you get to where you love God more than you love yourself it's just like who gives a rib you know I care about what's happening here I've got a vision God has shown me we're building this building we're going to move into it next week we're building the parking garage this building is 72,000 square feet that building is a hundred and fifty two thousand square feet one and a half times as big the parking garage is one and a half times bigger than both of these buildings put together and then I've got all kinds of other things I've got over a hundred and fifty maybe 200 million dollars worth of stuff that God has shown me to do and I'm heading in that direction and I do care about it but in another sense I don't care if it doesn't work who cares I really don't care that much I don't stay up at night worrying about this how many of you need two hundred million dollars there's probably nobody else in here who needs that much money I mean did you know that right now we need over five million dollars a month just to break even and I figured out forgetting that exactly what it was but that's like five seven thousand dollars an hour 24 hours a day seven days a week 365 days a year since I've been preaching I needed five thousand dollars since this service has been going I need nearly ten thousand dollars how many of you would that would bother you but you know what I've learned to cast my karo ver on the Lord and I believe things are gonna work out but even if they don't work out I don't really care I've already seen God do more than I ever thought he would do and then say night you know what if I shoot for the stars and only hit the moon that's awesome hey then I'm just not worried about it you can get to a place to where you love God and you know I honestly mean I've said this and people question whether I mean it but honestly I'm just in love with God and I don't I don't have a five-year or ten-year gold and I'm not trying to get old God please help me to get this done I don't have anything that I want God to do all I want to do is know God God has told me to do these things and to the best of my ability I'm following that but you know if God was to tell me your times up turn the ministry over to somebody else turn over your hundred and twenty million dollars worth of assets and just give it to them and move to a grass hut in Africa I'd be content to do it I probably be by myself [Applause] Jamie's idea of camping is not getting a suite in the hotel I don't know if she'd go with me but I'm honest I could walk away from this I've done what God told me to do this isn't my baby this is what God told me if you haven't seen the video about the little star video you ought to go watch it on our website Gilbert Jackson saw these buildings dedicated this property to Christian education and had a vision of this and before I knew that I designed it and we had this building built before I knew that this was his vision this is what he saw this wasn't my vision I didn't come up with this and ask God to help me build it God gave this vision to Gilbert Jackson and without me knowing anything about it I fulfilled it because it was God's vision it's not my vision I'm not I'm not trying to get God to do something it's his and if he wants me to walk away I can walk away from it I mean that with all of my heart I could walk away tomorrow I just don't care what I care about is knowing God I've cast my Caro ver on the Lord and you know what God gives grace to people who've humbled themselves and cast their care so I'm saying this this applies to a lot of things but this applies to healing that you know if something's going on in your body one of the ways to deal with it is just to get to where God I know that you've already provided it I'm believing and receiving but even if for some reason I don't obtain it who cares I'm gonna go to be with you you'll take care of whatever isn't undone and you just lose your worry about worry even medical profession will tell you that stress and worry hinders your immune system your body doesn't function as well when you're in fear and when you're worried about something but when you have joy a merry heart does good like a medicine you would just be shocked how well things would go if you just cast your care over on the Lord and say God this is your problem it's your problem now that doesn't mean you extract yourself because God uses us and you say it's your problem what do you want me to do I'll do whatever you tell me to do but I'm not going to stay up trying to figure out how to solve this problem man that's awesome back in John 14:1 he said let not your heart be troubled believe God and then he starts talking Matt in my father's house are many mansions if it were not so I would have told you I go to prepare a place for you and if I go to prepare a place where I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I am there you may be also why did he start talking about heaven because you just told you not to worry not to take care how do you do that well one of the ways you do it is to say you know what if it never works out in this life if I never see my mate saved if I never see the money come in if I never see my body healed or anything man in heaven I'm going to be healed I'm gonna live in a mansion and you just start living by faith and saying ultimately I will when and it helps you to put things into perspective you know some of you've heard me tell this story but I go to Charlotte North Carolina every year have been doing it for 33 years this will be September will be my last time to go after 33 years going and anyway I had a partner there that every time I went he would have me come in and speak to his staff and he had about 30 people and he tells them the clock is running you listen to this man talk as long as he wants to talk and I would just talk to him and then go back into a back room and pray with him and we saw people healed and born again baptized in the Holy Spirit and I did that for many many years and anyway one time I went there and there was a woman that came back to talk to me and she had tried to kill herself the day before she was an alcoholic she was in her third or fourth marriage and her husband had told her he was going to divorce her they were dirt poor I actually went over to her house and I mean it you could throw a cat through the wall of the house it was just planes up and some of them were warped and knocks out and you could literally put an animal through the walls of the house that's not an exaggeration it was she was a mess and she had tried to kill herself the day before and so she came in and she was just crying and she says I'm not a Christian like you and chip the owner of this business but I know that God drill and would you please pray with me that my husband won't divorce me it'll be my fourth divorce he's she said I just can't stand it if he divorces match the reason I tried to kill myself so I told his woman I said now let me make sure I got this straight I said you aren't a Christian and you know you aren't a Christian and she said that's right and I said if you were to die right now you would go to hell instead of heaven and she says that's right and I said and you want me to pray for your marriage and not pray for your salvation and she said that's right and I said lady don't you realize after you've burned in hell for a thousand years you aren't gonna give a rip whether this marriage ever worked out or not who cares about your marriage you need to be born again and it's just like I slapped her she just stopped and she looked at me she says you're right and so I prayed with her and she got born again and then we prayed for her marriage so I'm not saying that marriage is unimportant but I'm saying you got to put things into perspective compared to Eternity what is your marriage and yet I could guarantee you there's people in here that you've gone through a divorce or something has happened or you're struggling in your marriage and because of that you just cannot let not your heart be troubled you cannot rejoice even in the midst of tribulation you feel justified in doing this and you know what even though there are physical reasons and I'm not saying you don't have a problem your future is so bright you got a squint to look at it and if things in this life are so bad that you just honestly feel like nobody knows the trouble I feel nobody knows my sorrows if that's the way that you feel well then close your eyes and look at heaven and think about how awesome it's going to be in heaven and put things into perspective that's what the Apostle Paul did 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 he said in verses 16 through 18 our light affliction which he had suffered more than anybody in here had ever suffered and he says our light affliction which is but for a moment worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory while we look not at the things which are seen but at the things which are not seen for the things which are seen are temporal but the things which are not seen are eternal so how was it that he was able to take his terrible problems and say it's just a light affliction it was because he put it into perspective it's just for a moment it's only for 30 or 40 years compared to eternity that's nothing I know what I'm saying is just as foreign to most people and that's the reason that most people go through life stressed out and when something bad happens you struggle and you have to run and get somebody else to help you it's because you can't control your own emotions you don't even think it's possible that's not even a goal for you you just fall apart and then after everything is total destruction after you've had intercourse with the devil and let sin and sorrow in then you try and stop the birth of that sin that's the wrong way to live that's just as wrong as a woman who doesn't exercise control and she gets pregnant all the time but she never wants to have a baby that's just wrong the way to control that isn't to just sleep around and then use abortion it's just stop doing it you will never have a baby if you don't conceive one I promise you there is only one virgin birth and it's not you you aren't the second likewise you'll never have the devil just destroy you if you keep your emotions under control and let not your heart be troubled cast your carer over on the Lord and begin to start rejoicing in the Lord in the midst of the MRI machine write a song that is so amazing and it just so happens in less than 24 hours he was what pristine that what they said pristine health oh I won't that well write a song in the middle of your MRI treatment everybody wants the results but nobody wants to sit there and praise God when your life is falling apart when they're threatening to throw you into the fiery furnace man you're making you're cutting deals you're doing all kinds of things instead of just saying that man it doesn't matter shoot your voice shot Amen praise God I tell you brothers and sisters God is for us he's not against us and if you really believe that you could rest in that and it just makes you different than other people you know I've read a number of books foxes Book of Martyrs and the encyclopedia of Christian martyrs and I've read a lot about Christians in the early centuries up through the third century and did you know that they I was actually in the Rome and went to the Colosseum and then went through the catacombs and I read all of these reports of the first century Christians and did you know that they would fight over who got to go out and die for their faith they would literally fight to see who could go out first because the Bible said that you know as your days are so shall your strength be in other words whatever you're going through God will give you the grace to be able to handle it and there is a special grace upon people who lay down their life for the Lord and they experience the presence of God so much that they would literally fight to see who got to go out and die first there's not very many Christians today that would do that and you know why it's because we love our lives but they loved not their lives unto the death and I remember when I went through the catacombs I was 18 years old when this happened and in the catacombs they had to bring their dead and they would bury him in the passageways they'd dig graves back into the side and bury them there so that the Romans wouldn't come and desecrate the bodies and they would put inscriptions over these graves and I remember reading one inscription and a man said here lies my wife and six-month-old daughter who gave their life for the glory of God in the Circus Maximus today and he gave the date and you could just hear his pride in his wife and six-month-old daughter who gave their life for the Lord and you know why people like that they saw in less than 30 years they saw the known Roman world evangelized Alexandria in Egypt was over 80 percent Christian within 30 years of the resurrection of Jesus they shipped the Roman world they did more to impact their world and we have done with all of our media with our our live-streaming and all of our products and everything that we've got you know why because they were so on fire for God we actually read that Nero physically was quoted as putting his fingers in his ears as they burn Christians at the stake they would sharpen poles and run them up through a person and impale them on the pole and then set him on fire and Nero stuck his fingers in his ears and said why must these Christians sing it tormented him the Christians were singing and glorifying God as they were in excruciating pain Stephen when he was stoned to death he looked up and saw Jesus standing at the Father's right hand you know the Bible every time in the Bible it talks about Jesus after he has sinned it back to heaven he's seated at the Father's right hand but for the first martyr of the church the very person that was killed for their faith in the Lord I believe Jesus stood in honor of Stephen and Stephen saw into heaven and saw and because he had his eyes set on Jesus I'm not even sure he felt all of the pain of the stones that came at him and man he saw the Lord High and lifted up and because of it he was able to rejoice and say father lay not this sin to their charge all because he didn't love himself he let not his heart be trouble he cast his care over on the Lord things were more important to him than himself and I tell you this is one of the greatest things you may not think that this is a healing sermon but it is yourself your love of self is Satan's beachhead he can't have anything against you you know Jesus said that the tempter has come and he has nothing in me Satan could not do anything they could not have killed Jesus I don't care if they had crucified Him a dozen times I don't care what they had done he was pure life and there was no death in him he had to give his life Satan had no access to him and you know that through what Jesus has done for us you can close the doors to the devil you can get to where you're so focused on God and thinking about him then honestly he can't get you into fear he can't get you into unbelief he can't get you into depression you're just gonna rejoice and praise God all the way to the grave if that's what it takes but you are one happy blessed person walking in faith and this strange thing is when you do that you get healed because a merry heart does good like a medicine believing in God is healthy but fear and all of this stuff that we operate in it hinders the things of God it hinders your own body from healing itself when you're in stress so brothers and sisters I just am saying to you that you need to let not your heart be troubled you need to get to where you cast your care over on the Lord and if you do that you'd find out that that would do more to help you get healed in a lot of things that you can do his just get to her my father I trust you I believe in you you know I went golfing in in Florida and I've got sunburns real bad and I had this thing on my ear some of you saw it I had it for six years and it was a cancer a matter of fact dr. Byrd right here on my board he was really concerned about this and he was trying to believe with me but he was just looking at it in the natural and every time we'd have a board meeting he'd say get over here and his son and hit look at my ear and he'd refrained from saying things but I could tell he didn't like it and I had other people walk up and say it's a melanoma you got cancer and all of these things and you know what I just I don't know I knew that by the stripes of Jesus I was healed and I didn't have to look at it I can't see my ear I had to go out of my way to see it and I just chose not to look at it and the thing would bleed and and it was not good and you know what I just didn't care and I actually had to deal with people well you could die and I prayed for two people in one service who had their ear amputated and parts of it cut off because of the exact same thing and I'd lay hands on them and pray for them while my ear was sitting there bleeding and you know what I just didn't care and I had to confront well what happens if you don't get healed well I get to go see Jesus that was fine with me there's people right here that saw me with all of that know how it was and you know what it took six years I'm sure it wasn't God's fault it was my fault part of its because honestly I just didn't care that much about it I didn't focus on it but praise God my ears healed today and I didn't do anything to it and it's healed and I'm telling you it works I even had a guy come pray for me pastor Bobby ray who's a great guy and he operates in the prophetic and he said he saw hundreds of little demons like ants that were trying to get into me through my ear and they were just all lowered but they couldn't get in the devil was trying to get at me and I he just had no place in me I didn't have any fear about it and he worried I never confessed I every time so but what's wrong with your ear I said my ears healed well it doesn't look heal well it is heal and finally when it was all manifest people who come up and say your ears healed and I said I told you it was healed what's wrong with you hey man do you have to see it before you believe it praise God I tell you brothers and sisters God has given us power and ability to walk by faith that is different than walking by sight second Corinthians 5:7 we walk by faith and not by sight we've got access to power that we aren't using you can operate in faith you can believe God you can steal your emotions if you got butterflies in your stomach you're afraid over something command them to fly in formation amen you don't have to deny they exist but just tell them to get in line Amen you will straighten up amen I don't deny that I have negative emotions but I do deny that those are all I've got I've also got all of the fruit of the Spirit and I am gonna operate and what God says regardless what I feel like you know what I could be bothered over all of the financial stuff that I shared with you tonight but you know what I'm not God's gonna work it out and you just give me a little bit of time you hide and watch and I'll come out smelling like a rose amen it'll happen somehow I don't believe that well then it won't work for you but I believe it it's gonna work for me father we thank you for these crews thank you for the word of God and father just as Jesus was telling his disciples the night before the worst thing that anybody could ever encounter is your crucifixion resurrection you told them not to let their heart be troubled father I speak this to my brothers and sisters in here and right now I'm asking that you helped people to cast their care about things over on you to quit being fearful to quit being worried to just let it go father we trust you we trust you even to death father we trust your word we trust it without without reservations we don't trust you just to a point we trust you completely we trust you with our life we trust your word father and I believe that people tonight are able to cast their care over on the Lord right now father we thank you you know the Bible says humble yourself under the mighty hand of God casting all of your care upon him because he cares for you if you've been taking care if you've been worried and fearful you need to trust the Lord and you do it by humbling yourself and saying father I'm sorry I've I've taken this upon myself I'm trying to deal with this and only human natural ability I'm gonna trust you I'm gonna turn this over to you you know if that's you if God has spoken to you through this tonight I'd like to ask you to stand right where you are and I'm gonna pray for you and we're gonna help you cast your care over on the Lord about your physical problems we're praying from primarily about healing it could be something else but if you've been worried about stuff we're just gonna let this go tonight thank you Jesus that's the vast majority of people I think this must have been the right message and you know the bad thing about casting your care over on the Lord is it'll come back to you if you let it it's not a one-time thing you started you make this decision but then you're gonna have to commit to continuing to do this and it'll be relatively easy while you're here because you're going to be sitting under the word and hearing good things and you'll be encouraged but when you go back home you're gonna have to make this decision that I am NOT going to take care for this thing I'm going to walk free of this I'm not gonna let my heart be troubled so father right now thank you for all the people that have responded to this thank you for the Word of God that has gone forth and father we believe that right now the presence of the Holy Spirit that you just helped every single person to cast their care over on the Lord thank you Jesus you know just in the symbolic way I'd like you to put your hands like this and just imagine that here's your cares and you just give them to the Lord and let God take a look just let it go father I'm not taking care for this anymore I'm not worried about it I'm not worried about how I'm gonna pay for this stuff I'm not worried about my funeral I'm not worried about what people are gonna say about me I'm not worried about anything father I trust you I cast my carer over on the Lord and I believe that you are solving this problem and father if there's something you want me to do if there's something I need to do I'm all ears as I'm here this week father I'm gonna listen to the Word of God I'm going to receive instruction I am gonna do what you tell me to do but I but the the responsibility is on you my responsibility is to respond to your ability and father I cast this care over on you I trust you father I believe that you are taking care of it I believe that I'm being healed right here in this life and if for some reason I never saw the healing father experience it in eternity with you but I am NOT going to worry about it anymore Father we give it to you and we just thank you for taking this care and father I believe that the faith of God is rising up on the inside of people that they will act on this and then father we are gonna walk out of this place carefree walking in the joy of the Lord writing a song in the midst of our tragedy in the midst of our problem thank you father father we praise you right now just by faith I want you to begin to praise God it's now in his hands you start thanking God father thank you for taking this from us thank you Father that you now have all of the care and father we believe that you are free to move in our life and say we believe that you no longer have any beachhead in our life you have no landing zone you have nothing in us we refuse to operate in fear and worry and care and bitterness father we just let it all go and we thank you that you've taken it that Satan has no place in us Thank You Heavenly Father hallelujah praise the Lord I believe they're right there somehow you're just experiencing a peace of God that passes understanding your situation hadn't changed yet but in spite of what you see there's a peace it passes understanding that he's coming into your heart thank you Jesus that the love of God is flowing towards you right now and faith works by love Galatians 5:6 right now faith is beginning to rise peace is beginning to rise man don't get out of peace let the peace of God rule in your heart thank you Father father we labor to enter into that place of rest it's where we believe you've already done it and we've cast our care upon you we receive it we thank you for it right now in the mighty mighty name of Jesus hallelujah
Channel: Andrew Wommack
Views: 85,506
Rating: 4.8218184 out of 5
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Length: 64min 46sec (3886 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 04 2018
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