Healing is Here 2018: Day 3, Sessions 7 & 8 - Daniel Amstutz and Carlie Terradez, Audrey Mack

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good morning good morning everybody with me we're back today three praise Jesus one last night awesome very minute is so awesome amen well we're glad to be back worshiping with you I want to teach you a phrase this morning really quick you ready it's three parts God said it repeat it up to me God said it that settles it and I believe it let's say that again God said it that settles it I believe it amen so what promises he's spoken to you it's settled notice the order it's not God said God said it I believe it that settles it God said it that settles it because he spoke it amen in that good you can use that alright well go ahead and stand up I bet you're gonna enjoy this we're gonna start off with a with a tune hopefully you guys recognize Father we just thank you that you are faithful to your word you are faithful eternal and let me just take this moment of the day Lord to offer you worship to offer you praise you are truly good to us Oh [Music] morning by morning your mercy I see today Lord we say great is your faithfulness [Music] oh my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's your brain and greatly to be praised today Lord we offer you our sincere worship today [Music] Jesus would we love you today [Music] see me through it all you never let me I don't underst I'll trust you [Music] I would choose yeah you're the god of ha [Music] [Music] you're the god of it [Music] praise you [Music] [Music] survival [Music] [Music] you you're the god [Music] [Applause] [Music] so I will choose you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I am no I live with a vision sing it out I'm covered by the force of love put in my saviours blood and I know [Music] the kingdom's now become the king of round he's not just [Music] I dunno [Music] for me [Music] like [Music] - uh sure to turn [Music] it's not just me [Music] [Applause] - come [Music] [Applause] [Music] I am Who I am yes he says he [Music] shaped by every word [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the Lord showed me last night as I was in the shower of all things and Oh currently says she talks to the Lord in the shower but he showed me that there's some people in this audience that feel like God is holding out on them and when it says I am no orphan an orphan is someone whose parents have left departed and are holding back on what they could have as a childhood and the Lord just wanted me to remind you that he's not holding out on you he's not holding back your healing he's not holding back your prosperity he's not holding back at all and just as when a child is adopted into a family and they automatically get the bedroom they automatically get the the car rides they automatically get the sports teams in the great school in the great education they automatically get it you get the same thing and God is your father he's not just the father he's your father it's personal to you so just as an adopted child steps into a new family it's your time to step into God's family to his kingdom with boldness not an orphan you are not you are well you are well [Music] this is for you this kingdom is personal for you we stray from the heart he Jiki provide screaming shorter to go back into this and when it says I am Louie says I am when it comes out of your mouth are you ready he says he says [Music] his God [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you perform in love we receive [Music] you're watching over you [Music] we step into your promises I choose to believe what you say shoo to receive she said Lord they signed everything I take on a new mate [Music] silly [Music] place of rest the Lord has provided for us it's a perfect place of rest that we actually are good recipients amen such a day Lord we respond to your presence we don't strive it's not my mind it's not my power amen it's by his spirit and his spirit is here and he is working in your life so Lord we just say I believe I receive amen he's our defender he's watching over that word I want to teach you this song if it's a new one to you this song has been resonating in our group for a few months now but it's such a powerful image that God is that this is your defender some of you have been holding on to lies you think that what God's called you to is not possible anymore that somehow you've stopped that in you but you know what he is the one that performs his word all you got to do is follow him and obey Him and what's the one thing that stops us from doing that when we stop believing that he's performing his word that's it oh you can't do that God and you turn your back on his promise he wants to work in your behalf but he can't if you don't follow him if you don't let go and move toward his promise we don't make anything happen and he wants to do he threw us amen he's defending his he wants to defend his word more than you wanted and that is the hope [Music] you go before I know that you've even gone to win my room you come back with the head you come back and you call it live it [Music] thank you [Music] you even know [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's me from the dry Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] you me so much better [Music] [Music] so much yeah [Music] [Music] you know we're you enjoy [Music] put me back you have a defense my [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so much [Music] [Music] hi [Music] [Music] [Applause] take one more minute right here slipped your song to the Lord we're activating every time you lift your voice you're activating the Word of God inside slowly I'm a miner yeah I [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you for your faithful presence here with us in us you are faithful you are good and we love you well you tell them this morning god I love you thank you for your faithfulness in Jesus name Amen amen thank you guys for worshiping it's gonna be a great day you're ready [Applause] yes definitely you ready I'm ready hey just so you guys know if you want to pre-order the conference by the way welcome this morning how is everyone everybody is mediocre awesome that is that's not true just remember if you want to pre-order the conference you can just go down to the resource area and pre-order the conference you can get it on CD DVD or USB and like I said you can get the CDs and DVDs right away you can pick them up and take them home on Friday evening the USB we will mail to you today is healing school healing schools in this room at one o'clock one to four now do you guys just celebrated their 7-year anniversary right just a few weeks ago what they do healing school every single week there have been a few notable exceptions but you can tune in now you attend healing school today but if you need to continue to keep hearing and hearing and hearing the word well then tune in to healing school every Thursday 1:00 o'clock mountain time you can find it on watch Karis live it is a way that it that is how faith comes right is by hearing and hearing and hearing and then your faith goes faith is a muscle work it out it is so Q&A cards if you want Q&A cards for the healing school panel they're over by the guest services those need to be turned in today by twelve o'clock so this is the last time that you can put in your questions about healing and it'll be answered by the panel by the way we are very big on CBC here I don't know if you know that Karis Bible College here in Colorado if you know something works why would you not tell everybody about it right Karis Bible College works so if you are interested in Karis Bible College there is an interest meeting today it is from four to five o'clock in room 109 which is downstairs I highly recommend that you go and see how you can get involved in Karis as there's more ways to get involved in Karis rather than just Karis Bible College Colorado there are over 70 locations there are worldwide locations there's an online format there's even an e Kerris where you can do everything on an iPad and that is an option as well there are no workshops today because we have healing school by the way just so you know you do not have to sign up for workshops you just have to show up you show up you're in and also like I said there are facilities to be used upstairs and downstairs and once again we do have outdoor portable facilities if you need to use them remember parking space 77 that's not true it's not actually in parking space 77 so don't go to that parking space so does anybody have any notable testimonies that you really want to share that what God has done for you this week nobody nobody has a notable okay anybody that has a notable testimony that you know that God has put on your heart that you need to share you need to go downstairs into the resource area and meet Ron and Karen okay they have matching Hawaiian shirts they are awesome they are they are willing to video your testimony so that we can get that on tape and we can distribute that to the world we would love for you to tell your testimony so please go downstairs and meet Ron and Karen that is in the resource area we have some resources to give away or I did I will go grab them I have some amazing resources to give away there is one of our instructors is so good at dealing with the practical ministry of how to get things done in your life and that is pastor Greg Moore he came up and shared last night does anybody know pastor Greg Moore listen if you want practical wisdom this book is amazing is called your healing door this is practical wisdom from a man who has been healed from cancer who has been healed from sepsis and has seen their child healed from a muscular arthritic condition is there anybody who wants to be able to walk that out with this book Jim will you please distribute that that is such a practical book about how to understand healing by the way did you guys enjoyed Carly and Daniel I appreciate karlie so much and I'm gonna steal from my pastor with this because I'm not a very big person and Carly's very much not bigger than me but but past my pastor says it like this you know it's not about our stature because dynamite comes in small packages is it not and I think Carly Tara des is just dynamite now she wrote this amazing book miracles and healings made easy this is I mean it's a piece of cake for God if you want to walk out a miracle you want to see a miracle read this book because it's so easy for God it's just normal for him what seems supernatural for us is just natural for him because he lives in the super alright in the supernatural Jim will you distribute the miracle maybe somebody's going to get a miracle out of that [Applause] somebody really needs America well I agree with you lost my paper now healing school is available online you can watch all the archives you can watch them all the way from the very beginning it's all available online but I do have a special gift here all of 2016 is located right on this USB an entire year's worth a healing school I mean if you walk away not healed from this I'd be very surprised it's like Andrew said you cannot sit here under the word four hours a day five days a week and not change it's called effortless change right I think somebody wrote a book about that you should read it it's amazing Jim will you give that to somebody an entire years or the healing school and don't forget upload the social media hashtag healing is here we will be giving away this prize on a Friday it's a healing bundle now remember lunch is served from 12:00 to 1:00 today because of healing school the meal plans remember you can go downstairs the best way to do that is this section goes down these stairs and goes out the patio this section goes down these stairs and this way this section there is it exits exits are located sorry I like to fly um we will also be having meals for purchase out here on the upper patio if you need that and you don't have the meal plan so now we you guys do me a favor have you enjoyed the sessions yes okay can can you welcome the dynamic duo here of the director of healing school Daniel Amstutz and Carly tear des member of Terre des hommes industries thank you so much praise the Lord well I was just thinking as we were talking about facilities this morning over in phase two ladies you're gonna love this and you wanted to make sure that there was going to be enough he put in a hundred and ten toilets in Phase two just for the ladies that's a whole lot right there is so many good things going on this week we're so excited to be with you again and today is gonna be an incredible day not only with healing school we're gonna hear from Audrey Mac this morning and I'm telling you what it's gonna be a blessing and Carly we've been having all kinds of praise reports getting turned in I saw an empty wheelchair over here chairs that I think it's been donated to somebody doesn't need it anymore do we have the owner the previous owner you know somewhere we don't know where they are they ran away and didn't come back I guess but you know we've had several people coming out of wheelchairs and this person here their faces they were wheelchair-bound but they decided this is from yesterday since they decide this is a day it was the last day they needed it they finished with it they're done so they got up and they started walking up and down ran running in front of the altar together with the prime minister having pain and in my groin and tightness in my jaw and the pain is gone my joy is loosed has no tightness another person got up out their wheelchair and started running yeah amen and is that the person that said not able to run in my wheelchair yeah well I don't I mean that's understandable wasn't really no I had to run in your wheel she said I couldn't run in my wheelchair so I just decided I'd had nothing but it was just tying you down I guess hearing loss in both ears and now they don't even need their hearing aids they can hear amen not a problem painting these and backs have gone and pain from endometriosis is gone and they can breathe better somebody had arthritis I bowed crooked and painful knees back and hands the pain was leaving and they were they had movement returning and memory problems were leaving more movement less pain and they feel joy and hope amen Jesus someone received their prayer language and this one's written tongues okay hallelujah thank you Jesus and they've taken authority over their epilepsy they didn't realize they had the power to and now they can say they don't have epilepsy anymore amen God is good also Matt was telling us by the way did you love all Matt's little signals all of you on this psycho I was like he's doing the berry bed it's a special kind of anointing right yeah I think did you guys love berry yesterday I'm telling you that was amazing and this afternoon we're gonna be hearing from each of the evening speakers on the panel for healing school it's one of my favorite times out of the year where you get to ask questions that are on your heart from each of the people who are being featured this year as our evening speakers and there's always so much wisdom and insight that is shared during this time so I know you're gonna really enjoy that and they're just questions yes they can all the way up to noon today get writing yeah and then tonight we're gonna be hearing from Randy Clark are you ready for tonight it's gonna be awesome amen ready for Randy yeah he just came in last night after four different airplanes to get here and we're so grateful that he made it and we're excited about his ministry to us tonight you know when we were in worship I heard the Lord say first Corinthians chapter two and I want us to just open up with this today and then Carly and I are gonna talk a little more about faith this morning we feel like there's so much more of course with every area of healing and healing ministry we could be here for months and months and never exhaust this amazing topic but I want you to look at this and you're familiar with this passage most of you out of first Corinthians chapter 2 verse 1 he says the Apostle Paul says and not brethren when I came to you I did not come with excellence of speech or of wisdom declaring to you the testimony of God or in other words the gospel for I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified I was with you in weakness and fear and much trembling and you know many people think that's because the Apostle Paul was sick bless his heart and you know he had an oozing eye disease that was his thorn in the flesh you know knowing his throne in the flesh where the Judaizers who kept coming in and trying to put people under the law and he had just been stoned with physical stones and he says now you ain't stopping me I'm still gonna go preach the gospel I'm still gonna declare the goodness of God but he says I came to you in weakness and and fear and much trembling and then he goes on saying and my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom here it is but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power listen there's something happening right now in the body of Christ where we have become so intellectual so cerebral that were we're teaching we're philosophy and we're trying to convince people with logic that's never been God's plan the gospel is always been about the Word of God being alive and powerful in fact Jesus said it is the power the gospel is the power of God and when we preach this message that we're talking about this week it's not with human means not by might not by power not by our personalities but it's by the Spirit of God and what does he say he said let's demonstrate it amen one of the things we hear from our Cara's Bible school students all the time is don't just talk to me about it show me what it looks like amen and that's one of the reasons I love this week so much Carl is because we're not just talking about healing were activating people in how to minister to the sick and you know what it's not something difficult right Jesus never made the gospel hard it wasn't like you had to have a doctor degree or some kind of you know you know seminary experience in order for you to qualify for ministry and he said these who believe these signs will follow them so you know what Church I think it's time for us to activate mmm it's time for us to be declaring the goodness of God in power by the Holy Ghost not our personality but the power of the Holy Ghost and in demonstration would you agree with me this morning amen so we're gonna see more power we're gonna see more demonstration because that's God's heart for every one of us as believers we're not gonna go in the last days from glory to disaster we're not gonna go from glory to sorry we're gonna go from glory to glory amen the path of the righteous is brighter and brighter not dimmer and dimmer where sin abounds come on somebody grace does much more abound and I believe that God is looking for a generation today who will say by faith I'm all-in Amen I'm all-in to the kingdom of God and declaring the gospel and declaring the goodness of God to our generation and you know Carly you know when John the Baptist was was literally like a forerunner you know he was out declaring he felt like a voice in the wilderness as scripture describes him and at one point things were not going well for him in the natural realm were they I think anyone can relate to that I mean because surely when you get born again surely it's just peachy it's just peachy came from there on right roses and rainbows and you know right whenever you declare the Word of God the enemy's always gonna try to stop you say he's coming after the wood yeah he's coming after the word that's what he comes out there not you personally he's trying to steal kill and destroy as he always does well I love this jesus said even though John was imprisoned in this particular moment Jesus said you go tell John what the kingdom of God looks like was the King of God look like the Deaf are hearing the lame are walking the blind see this isn't just attending an event this is something tangible where the power of God is being demonstrated by the Spirit of God and Jesus described it as the kingdom of God well guess what the kingdom is now within us we've got rule and reign right now today in this kingdom tell you what we have wrecked some of you this week and I mean I just I've been meeting people but for the first time they've started to recognize that they aren't victims who's who's recognize this this week but then they're not just a victim of circumstance but they have power on the inside of them dead raising power on the inside beautiful face overcomes the world on the inside of that's right amen you know in in 1st John 5 verse 4 to 5 it says for whoever is born of God overcomes the world there it is born of God in his day Amen that means you are a world overcomer from the start yes I mean you're not coming from a position of defeat but but of a position of victory that's right he says and this is the victory that has overcome the world our faith who he's he who overcomes the world but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God if you believe that Jesus is the Son of God today and you've received him into your heart you have his dead raising power on the inside of you that means no matter what battle comes against you you already have the victory that's right amen yeah you're not trying to act victorious you're not trying to just speak victorious you're not trying to just speak it so you can convince yourself of something yeah you are victorious amen it's who we are we have the victory on the inside of us yeah you know I'm actually I should give these away for I've completely forget about these yeah we're talking more this morning on faith and then we there's a there's so little time and so much to say we put it together and teaching so maybe you Matt can help me hand this out this is 15 video and audio lessons called everyday faith I'm going to give that to me to give up because we have the faith of Jesus on the inside of us but we need to start using what we have that's right we are we are fully loaded we are deadly to the kingdom of darkness it's time to activate deadly but we have to start using that faith muscle is what Matt says yeah you know we have been we have the faith of Jesus but we have to start activating and using what was right yeah I'm gonna let you do that one as well now you've run all the way back this one's called healed and whole that's all about healing receiving it and giving it away amen all right but I want to look I was praying about this last night and I and we've read a lot of testimony something yeah and it's fun seeing people leaping up out of wheelchairs Amen that's that's always fun and it's fun seeing people cast the way they crutches in the hearing aids and but I know that there are some of you that are thinking well what about my miracle yeah you know what about me I don't feel very victorious I don't feel like the righteousness of God in Christ I don't I know what you're saying but but what about me how do I take what you are teaching and start and I want to show you something in Luke 5 because we need to start somewhere some of us have been sick for such a long time that we're not just sick in our physical bodies we're sick in our thinking right we're sticking our mind it's a hard issue right we've started to dream sick think sick sickness has planned your day it's taken over your identity yeah it plans your time it tells you whether you can work if you can work it sucks your your time your attention you'll find that since it stills your relationships you know it makes you put your plans on hold the very dreams that God has placed in your heart for many years ago you've given up on because you just in a medical situation that it just looks impossible you can't you can't go travel the world in a wheelchair I mean there's there's so many different lies that we've believed on the outside but faith looks beyond the circumstances let's look at this in him we started some of this in them yesterday I think it was in Luke chapter 5 and we began in verse 17 and the power of the Lord was present to heal the sick and we talked about how that word present wasn't in the original text but the power of God was to heal he's a more accurate translation pad God is always to heal amen he's not Lucky's powers on or off it's always on amen and it's the other day carry on through this because I think it it's really gonna resonate with some of you that are sitting in that characteristic of what we just talked about is this now some men brought in a bed a man that was paralyzed and they searched for ways to bring him in and lay him before him and when they could not find a way they gave up and went home no they didn't solve your life this morning some of you had your coffee no he says it says that they when they could not find a way to bring him in because of the crowd they went up on the roof and let him down through the tiles with his bed into the midst before Jesus and he says he being Jesus saw their faith he saw their faith you see one of the characteristics of faith is it just doesn't I want to quit yeah right I mean it's tenacious there is no quick if there is no quit sometimes we have to push through amen we have to we have to do it even though starting in faith mm-hmm means it's uncomfortable to start with we have to overcome they had to overcome some natural resistance you know and there's been times where I've prayed for something and I haven't felt the pain go immediately mm-hmm anyone ever been there right well you've you've started out as a woman or man as faith and power and you're giving it your best shot you've released your your words of faith and you know crickets like like nothing's happened mm-hmm and there's been those times where I've had to decide not to quit mm-hmm because you know oftentimes I like this analogy I think I stole it from Ashley but you know the darkest point of the night is right before the dawn that's right the darkest point of the night is right before the dawn it's when we're in the middle of the battle yeah where it seems like all hope is lost where it seems like your words aren't working where it seems that your faith is not being very effective or it doesn't seem like anything's changing hold on because your miracle is disclosed you know and many years ago when I was a younger lady mm-hm I'm still a young young lady thank you yes she's a younger lady but I was 18 years old and I'd had so many seizures from epilepsy that had some brain damage and where I had come from we didn't we didn't see any signs wonders miracles that wasn't that wasn't part of our church culture our kingdom culture if you like we we saw the we saw the Word of God but we didn't see any the power God I like that Kingdom culture part of a kingdom culture and and and I've been born again about a year at that point and really didn't know much about very much at all didn't understand faith didn't understand how it worked didn't understand that we need to speak it to release it yeah I mean I was just greener right I was totally brand-new but I loved the Word of God and so when the diagnosis came and the doctors told me at 18 years old we don't we don't know that you're gonna be able to walk again I had had brain damage that my and my signals in my body we're not getting where they were I had paralysis from the waist down but you know 18 years old I knew God well enough with and we've been talking about our relationship with the Lord this week and our inheritance and understand well we know who we are in Christ or our authority and our boldness and then our faith becomes a fruit of that understanding yeah a fruit of that knowledge we see when that diagnosis came even though I didn't understand how it was ever gonna be possible for me to be without a wheelchair I didn't understand how it was gonna be possible for healing to manifest in my body I didn't even know that it was necessarily possible for healing to manifest she didn't have an experience it was like an hour it was lack of knowledge but one thing I did know was that God loved me amen and that this wheelchair was not part of his plan for my life and you know that simple amount of truth was enough to spark faith on the inside of us and I just want to encourage some people because if you feel like your whole life you've been you've realized this week that you've got some wrong doctrine in there you've got some wrong understanding you just started to to unpick the extent of the religious baggage that you've been carrying that feels like it's been weighing you down yeah you know you don't need a whole lot in order to change your mind yeah right you don't need to have have years of Bible College experience even though going to Bible College is powerful it's awesome its life transforming and I would recommend it cuz I've done it and in Karis Bible college is the best it is a shameless plug right come on it's right you can start in faith today you can start where you are right now yeah you can change your mind about what you've heard before you can come in here without any preconceived ideas or experience just start a clean slate in your mindset I'm ready to believe God I'm ready to start and so even though the doctors are giving me that diagnosis and it did and it just didn't look good there was something on the inside of me that says no this is not for me no this is not mine these Scituate this situation is temporary yeah it might look permanent to everybody else but you know what on the inside of me temporary what's happening right that's what was going off on the inside faith had started to become alive because he had started to agree with the Word of God yeah and I started I I asked a lot he started to give me dreams and pictures and visions of the inside of me I saw myself weekend I imagined what it would feel like to stand up in a wheelchair and then one day I asked the Lord is that well no time like the present no time not if you believe this or you don't believe this what are you waiting for you know yesterday we mentioned Hebrews 11 verse 1 only said that it doesn't matter what translation and it's in it's now faith no faith is some of you need to have a now faith is moments know not like it's coming soon right it may be coming to a town near me coming soon wait but a now faith is moment in fact what about like waiting for my manifestation oh my that's a classic one isn't it right but what does that mean yeah what what are you waiting for like at the bus I mean it might show up it might not right there's no guarantee right we talked about faith being the guarantee the title deed that the proof of ownership of the things that we hoped for right evidence it's a fact that he's not revealed to the senses that's what Hebrews 11 verse 1 that amplified says yeah that's not the same as just waiting for something that may or may not happen that's right so we're starting to see that picture on the inside something in your heart began to shift right now faith is and now faith there's evidence is evidence you saw it mm-hmm you're you're making plans you've received it yeah on the inside you're not waiting for something to manifest you've got it on the inside and and even more than that I had motivation you see 18 years old my my church youth group was gonna climb a mountain in three months time they were going on of these outdoor pursuits thing whether be kayaking and mountain biking and climbing mountains and I had paid my deposit to go on that trip you guys have mountains in the UK well yeah they we call them mountains not like this though no they little heels really these are real mouths yes but you know when you can't when you can't walk you know yeah a speed bump is a big deal right yeah but I paid my deposit to go on that trip and I guess that kind of moved me and I had motivation right I put some I put some money into this my own money 18 years old and I just decided that this wheelchair was temporary that it was coming to pass that it was not God's best for me and I was not gonna settle for anything less than God's best hey y'all and I said I'm gonna I've already paid my deposit I'm going on that trip I have a plan I can see myself going up that mountain I'm not going with a wheelchair yeah and my friends aren't gonna carry me that's not how this is gonna work right right and so I just I just ask the Lord it says well what are you waiting for and I said I guess it just seems to me like it's a really big deal I said I know I know not to you it's not a big deal and you probably see people getting Groot out wheelchairs everyday you know you kind of were roamed around and healed everybody that was breathing but you know for me what about me you know I'm not everybody else the symptoms are in my body it's personal yeah I mean it's it's great for everyone else when you look around and you see everyone else get in here but when's it my turn and and the Lord showed me I didn't need to believe to get out the wheelchair I just needed to believe for the first step some of you need to believe for the first step you see Jesus when he was ministering he met people in their point of faith where they were right right he met people where they were he didn't ask them to be somewhere else you know to gyrus gyrus his face was Jesus if you come to my house and lay hands on my daughter should be made well yeah that's what he said but the Centurion he had a different perspective he said if you just say the word that's good enough right but Jesus didn't say to gyrus what's the matter with you gyrus can't you believe like the Centurion well you're gonna drag me on out to your house can I just say the word you see sometimes we compare ourselves among other people right we compare ourselves among ourselves in the scripture says that's not wise God's gonna meet you where your point of faith was at yeah my point of faith was not you know I'm a woman of faith and power therefore I'm just gonna leap up out of this wheelchair and glide along climb up the mountain my point of faith was I can believe God to stand yeah and it might be different for you maybe your point of faith saying I can believe God for the pain to go yep I could believe God to have strength in my body to just to not take a nap right your your point of faith might be I can believe God that when I measure my blood sugar level I'm going to speak to the numbers and I'm going to tell them what to be right your point of faith might look different to somebody else's your point of faith might be I'm going to start using the stairs instead of using the elevator yeah because I'm gonna start exercising my face muscle for me my point of face was I just need to have faith to stand I don't need the faith for everything I just need to start so I realized I waited to everyone was out because then you know people sometimes I don't know just feel funny doing stepping out in front and for other people for the first time sometimes right so I just waited till everyone was out the house and I parked my wheelchair the end of the long hallway we had in the house and I put the brakes on this is okay legs this is what we're going to do today you you're under my authority and you're gonna listen to me legs the first stage two two walking has to be standing so we're gonna bear weight today this is what we're gonna do and I push down on the arms of my chair and I manage to to get to the standing position and now what that first standing point of phrase was not comfortable mm-hmm I cannot say that all of the symptoms that I had in my body instantaneously left in that moment that's why they call it the walk of faith right otherwise it would be easy the minute we just decide something well we never have another problem right but you know the men in this I had to push through they had to go overcome some circumstances so as I stood up I realize my head was swimming I hadn't stood up in a long time yeah you know you've been a wheelchair for a long time you start standing up you can feel a little lightheaded I wasn't used to seeing the world from that high and lofty position right all three foot five three four oh it's five foot thank you very good yeah every inch counts you know some people it God lets things grow too they reach perfection I'm just saying I was more efficient that's it okay you know so I've got that quicker there you go that that didn't feel comfortable we know when we when we push past the natural circumstances stepping in faith doesn't mean it's comfortable it doesn't mean it's easy it's not always pretty it certainly wasn't pretty right I did not look pretty in that moment at all but I stood and I realized I could stand and then I realized man if I can stand standing is the first stage to walking and I don't need to I don't need to believe for walking I just need to believe for one inch if I can believe my foot to move one inch then I can start to take a step so good so I started to speak to my leg leg he was paralyzed right leg this is what we're gonna do today listen up right listen up to me I'm the boss and you're the legs and you're gonna pay attention we're gonna move an inch right now and very slowly my foot started to move forward just an inch and you know I did I'd look praise party with an inch that was probably the greatest miracle right there what the don't sing party the posse I'm a posse waiting to happen yeah don't miss something great celebrate the inch now listen I want to take a minute to just say this is really strategic yeah because many of you when you come for ministry you know there'll be a little bit of a shift in your body and you'll be like wow they didn't all work listen celebrate the inch amen every victory every victory it doesn't matter how small it is when we start celebrating the victory what we're doing is we're magnifying the power god that's working on the insights right amen we're magnifying we saying thank you Lord your power is working in me and it's touching every cell in my body and it's not gonna quit hallelujah right it's going around and it's your your power is having its perfect working me and it's completing a healing manifestation in my in my body yeah and what we do is we start to get into praise and thanksgiving it's like well you know this when you get into praise and thanksgiving it's inviting the power and the kingdom of God into the situation in fact I believe that faith is voice activated and Thanksgiving is the voice of faith that's good so when you begin to give thanks you're thanking God for something that's already been done right it's a done deal and you're just saying thank you and yeah you know you're having an attitude adjustment in that moment yeah you are because the natural world will take a situation like that thing well the glass is half-empty right right but faith says oh no the glass isn't even half full it's overflowing yeah I mean it's overflowing we start to focus on the solution on the answer on the power of God rather than focusing on everything that doesn't still doesn't look good and it still doesn't look pretty that still doesn't look like it's healed so as you celebrated your inch what happened I started to move another inch you know before I know it I'm shuffling along everything every little step I'm shuffling along until until my stride started to get a little bit bigger and I realized I can move a foot I can move a whole foot I can move two feet I can start to do them one at a time and my walking did not look pretty Yeah right it could kind of look like a drunk staggering to start with yeah okay but you know I made it all the way to the front door which was I don't know about here at the end of the door there and when I got to the front door of the house I look back kind of like over here and saw this wheelchair sitting right here and then I had a decision to make I've come this far what am I gonna do next what am I gonna do with what God has given me am I gonna keep on using it or am I gonna walk all the way back and sit back in the chair and sit down you know I decided Jesus is already sat down that means I don't have to amen that's good Jesus already sat down so I don't have to amen and so I'll open the front door and I just continued walking and I just continued walk-in and it didn't look pretty and it didn't look comfortable but you know what that was my Walker face and sure enough two miles later down the road I appeared at the community tennis court to my visit and I found my friends and they said to me what are you doing I said I'll walk Jim I said give me your watch it I'm gonna play tennis they said to me you can't play tennis I said well I couldn't walk earlier either right but don't wake me up right it's working so it was lucky so I probably played the worst game of tennis I've ever played but not bad for paralyzed three months later you climbed the mountain what was in your heart you already saw it you already received it you already had it now you just walked it out amen you know this passage here in Luke 5 is so powerful not just because people push through but I love what Jesus says he says he saw their faith he says man your sins are forgiven you in other words if Barry was saying last night the root of this problem of sickness has already been dealt with therefore the fruit the problem is not gonna be an issue either that's right if sickness is a fruit of sin and sins been dealt with then sickness is not a problem either no man we cut something off at the root and the fruit is gonna die that's right but I like what Jesus says to the man he says rise up and walk I say to you rise take up your bed and go to your house you know the tents that this is written in this is like a continuous action it doesn't just mean rise up that one time it means be a rising star arising or start walking and keep on walking we have to start somewhere though the walk of faith begins somewhere we have to start by using what God has given us if we want to see the manifestation of it in our body that's right amen and it doesn't have to be that way but we don't have to kill Goliath all in one go right you know when David fought Goliath he had confidence to fight Goliath cuz he fought the line in the bear first yeah he'd seen a God was faithful he had some victory he'd exercised his faith before Goliath with ever on the scene well and it's so amazing because Giants always look bigger on the outside okay but when you've got the Word of God on the inside that word of God that's alive and powerful is so magnified in your heart that it makes the Giant look small right amen that's good not good that's good and what in verse 25 karlie here it says immediately he rose up before them immediately he rose up before them took up what he had been lying on listen to me some of you are gonna take up what you've been lying on what has been your place of limitation is no longer gonna be a place of limitation you're gonna be able to rise up above what was limiting you and walk out of that situation in Jesus name and he departed to his own house glorifying God I love this and they were all amazed and they glorified God and were filled with fierce as out of the New King James and were filled with fear saying we have seen strange things today God you know what when you get in this atmosphere where you've got four crazy friends who are gonna let you down through a roof are you kidding me I mean you're you're in an atmosphere like this this week where you're gonna see the supernatural and power and demonstration I mean this is the ordinary supernatural life of every believer this is what God has in mind for us and and how we can live this kind of life Carly on a daily basis as this kind of adventure amen I mean this it's like I'm having the time of my life amen I am so loving what I'm doing and so loving seeing people set free because once the gospel message begins to penetrate our hearts as Andrew called it it's effortless change it changes us from the inside and we get to be a part of that transformation Amy now give it away right right so wherever you are if this isn't just about you receiving your healing this is about such as I have give I unto you amen we're living on a daily basis now in the kingdom of God and going from place to place by divine appointment and this this lifestyle is absolutely awesome you know I'm a big believer in the house thinking he's our own worst enemy you know oftentimes people think that healing healing begins in our flesh he doesn't believe in our flesh it begins in our mind begins in our thinking as a man thinketh in his heart so is he see what Daniels talking about he's talking about living a life of victory it's talking about living the kind of life that Jesus paid for you to live it's a lifestyle in it this is a life this isn't just a one you thought you were here just for a one-time moment oh it's much bigger than that oh yeah amen we're talking about what you take from here and how you live out the rest of your life that's right I like this scripture you know yesterday we read quite a lot through in Hebrews 11 but I want to read to you this is Hebrews 11 verse 11 in the amplified because this is another characteristic of faith he says then we talked about Abraham and Sarah and how actually from from Romans chapter 4 how how Abraham he did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief but he was fully persuaded that's right he was thanking he was he was fully persuaded that what God had said he was able to perform to the point that he didn't even consider his own body a hundred years of age and I mean let's face it there wasn't much going on there right he had to get over some natural circumstances in order for that promise that child to manifest yeah but Hebrews 11 verse 11 in the amplified it says because of faith also Sara herself received physical power you see faith gives us physical power to conceive a child even when she was long past the age for it because she considered God who had given her the promise to be reliable and trustworthy and true to his word it's good they had to decide to look beyond the natural circumstances to switch off their brain for just a moment work that was screaming at them telling them you're too old you're too sick you're due to correct bid that's parts of your body that aren't functioning anymore right people of your age shouldn't be doing this they had to switch all of those thoughts off and start to see themselves as parenting a newborn again that's quite that's quite an adjustment isn't it and the thing I want you to see here is faith does not consider the alternative face doesn't have a be plan right it doesn't say well I'm just gonna go down and get ministry and see if it sticks and if it doesn't I'm gonna go down Walgreens and get some Tylenol I'll try it I'm just gonna try this faith thing and see if it works some of you are in a position where you don't have a B plan you know I found that actually when the doctor says you've got a terminal condition that isn't a position of weakness that's a position of strength yeah that can set you free we've just seen too many people that have been given terminal diagnosis walk walk out of that healthy to be convinced any other way absolutely you see when you when you've got no other options on the table you haven't got to decide whether to take the treatment or not you know the doctors kind of said that there's nothing else that you know they can do for you that sets you free to believe God yeah cuz we aren't victims we are victorious our faith in us is way more powerful than any drug that the doctor can give you yeah it's way more powerful than any disease that can try manifest in our body that's right amen God has already defeated the devil on our behalf all we're doing in faith he's agreeing with what he's already done in fact when the doctor says it's impossible like you're saying that's such a great place to be because Hebrews 11:6 says it is impossible to please God without faith but by faith all things are possible to him who believes Oh things so we're in a good we're in a good spot that gonna say some things might be possible if God's in a good mood right right or if you believe just perfectly yeah all things man that's been named that's good news so we need to we need to look at our own heart maybe have a little heart check this morning and think well what am i real what do I really believe on inside of us I was talking to a gentleman last night and he was just saying I feel like I've missed I've so messed this up I've got so much baggage ever but I've got so much III mean I just yeah I found out what I don't know yeah yeah right yeah I think I'd know less than I thought I knew before I came right right then that happened sometimes right oh absolutely all the time and I just encouraged him I said well you know now you're in a great point start you see when we were in deception when we when we didn't understand when we always thought maybe God was putting sickness on us to teach you something that you know maybe it wasn't his will for us to be healed maybe that there wasn't any choice maybe all the best we could hope for was just to kind of scrape through until we get to heaven right when we believed that we were in we're in a deception that's very important to the lies the enemy but once we realize that our believing in our heart has been tainted by things that aren't based on the Word of God that is an excellent place to start over because God can meet is in our point of faith but we have to find out where where's that point of faith yeah where is your starting point today because that's exactly the point where we can begin to step into the things of God yeah and you know Carly when you humble yourself before the Lord like James talks about and we cast our care on the Lord as we humble ourselves before him and cast our care on the Lord knowing that he cares for me I loved when Andrew was sharing the other night and he's just you know in the context of what he was saying he said you know with all this other stuff he said I just don't care you know and when we get to the spot where we really seriously can cast our care on the Lord you know what a great position that is instead of being consumed by the diagnosis instead of being consumed by the reality of whatever that picture is that storm is no we have more faith and confidence and trust in the Word of God within us the supernatural that's working on our behalf one day I was driving up we live in my wife and I live in Colorado Springs and weird I was driving up to to work him was just worshiping in my car and and I love that drive it's about a 30-minute drive typically and I love it so much because it's just you know time with the Lord and anyway I was I was just in my car and all sudden I began to say I don't care not gonna care cheering I cast my care because you care and all a sudden I was like I don't care not gonna care I cast my care because you care I don't care not gonna care I cast my care because you care it was like I was actually starting to rap in the Holy Ghost and for me to rap is like Pat Boone you know what I'm saying that I am NOT that guy I know Carly just said who's Pat bird [Applause] you see some really old father you see the need in Jesus name why because if anyone else in here too young to understand what he's talking about oh my goodness we got to get to the place people where we are not magnifying the prognosis we're not magnifying the medical report we're not being consumed by the cares of life and Jesus said you know we know why we can cast our care in the Lord because he cares for us and when you really begin to believe that like you did Carly with your situation in the wheelchair you just said what I know I don't know a lot right now but what I know is that God loves me God cares for me and in that place what a great place to start amen start with what you do know don't let what you don't know stop you right start with what you do know don't let what you don't know stop you amen now faith is now faith is you know out of the abundance of the heart the mouth he's gonna speak faith he's gonna speak when Frank is operating in their bodies he's gonna come out and mouth amen and then you know what your faith works perfectly but sometimes we get what we don't believe for what we don't want right because what we're putting our faith in something that's negative yeah you know if you if you start speaking out negative things life and death when they're in the power of your tongue will eat the fruit of it that's right yeah but look at this in 2nd Corinthians 4:13 it says and since we have the same spirit of faith the same spirit of faith is who Jesus amen we have the same spirit of faith as Jesus according to what is written I believed and therefore I spoke we also believe and therefore we speak yeah what we really believe when we believe something it's gonna come out of our mouths we need to be speaking and that's how our faith is released it's not just about believing something see there are a lot of people that believe in their heart but they don't actually say anything right there's a speaking part we can believe and we can believe and we could believe and nothing can change yeah because faith is voice-activated we need to lead by our believer get outside of our face down again right we need to let it come out of our mouth now and again yeah and I'm just thinking of her you got a good scripture there no go ahead I'm thinking of Mach 11 yes sure this is a famous face chapter here you'll be familiar with this I'm sure but there is a speaking that needs to happen yeah in an amazing karlie how the Lord has designed for our hearts to be connected to our mouth what's what's in our heart is gonna come up out of our mouths right and the two are always connected yeah and so it really what we need to do is not be so concerned about you know moving our heart we need to let our our you know are trying to move that mountain we need to let our our mouth begin to activate ya and speak out right it's one thing to believe it in your heart but if you just believe it and and don't do anything with it we got to put action to it right and the first place to do that is to start speaking yep solutely so I'm in 111 Mach 11 and and you know the the famous scripture that we're gonna start in verse 22 says and jesus answered them saying have faith in God for truly I say to you whoever says to this mountain yep there it is you see the speaking it's already begun yeah for whoever says to this mountain be removed and thrown into the sea and does not doubt in his heart but believes what he says will come to pass he will have whatever he says mmm there's a whole lot more speaking there then there is believing yeah you see there's a oftentimes as Christians as believers we've got the believing down yeah right we believe in our heart but we're not speaking it with our mouth no we're not we're not letting that that faith come out of our mouth he says we have to speak it out we have to speak in accordance to what the Word of God says about our situation now there's prayers in this prayers and you're ain't right yep and then there's profitable prayers and there's unprofitable prayers right you've probably heard a few of them yeah that's what we call nonprofits right yes mmm-hmm when you pray the Bible says what you pray believing see the the prayer of a righteous man righteous woman does what it avails much see and when we pray what are we gonna do we're gonna believe we're gonna believe that we in fact look at verse 24 therefore I say to you whatever things you ask when you pray whatever things you ask when you pray at that point when you pray when you pray next week exactly when you next year but when you pray believe that you receive them see that's not waiting for a manifestation right you're believing that you've received them when when you pray and you'll have them I mean so something happens you see when we get out our speaker our lips out out our speech in line with what the Word of God says and we start to let the word of God come out of our mouths you know there there is something powerful that happens we're not speaking we're not saying something in order to convince ourselves to believe something right you see sometimes when people are speaking to that mountain and nothing's changing is because there's no belief behind what they're saying you know fear will make you run off at the mouth you will oh yeah but if there's only fear behind those words and not faith behind those words it's not gonna profit us anything there won't be any evidence associated with it but when we were in faith we read this in Hebrews 11 verse 1 when we speak things out of our mouth there's gonna be evidence it's gonna that's how we know right this corresponding evidence when we start speaking things in faith that we believe mm-hmm but oftentimes I think people get a little bit stuck here because they start looking sometimes at the outward situation to determine whether the Word of God has worked that's right this is where that waiting for it to manifest yeah happens so really they're starting from a position of unbelief right as first of all they're making it about them and they're they're checking in a physical realm something from the spirit right and John 6:63 says the spirit produces spirit the flesh produces flesh so it's amazing to me how many times will short-circuit something not realizing that is alive and powerful is already working on the inside we released we don't have to check the physical to make sure it's working what if we did that when we got born again say we know for the second thien's 5:17 that all things become brand-new what we become a brand new creation when we pick it get born again well what if we looked at our body and we're like nothing's working change I don't look very saved today right yesterday I'm sure if I'm saved yeah that would be ridiculous it would be and you would absolutely undermine what's already been accomplished impossibly forfeit what God was trying to do in your life amen but we we have a different perspective when it comes to healing yeah we check our bodies we check our symptoms we're like I don't feel different yeah and I mean we've all been there all of us and and we started we started looking at bodies to see if it's stuck if it worked if it worked you know we cannot let our physical condition to don't determine our spiritual position oh say that again our physical condition does not determine our spiritual position that's good we need to let the Word of God become so alive on the inside of us become so real to us but it has higher value a greater importance more reality in this word than our five senses that are speaking to us yes because when that is the case we won't give a rip whether we feel like we're healed or not that's right right we'll speak to our bodies and you know I had this the other day I had I started to have a sore throat you've been teaching outside I have a sore throat and in for a moment I started to consider being sick mm-hmm I started to imagine where this could possibly lead to my mind started to trickle on down that way of thinking or maybe you should maybe you should go take something maybe you know maybe you should take better care of yourself maybe you should do something maybe should respond to that symptom write something on the inside of me says no no right I started to get mad outside I went into my shower time I started to give myself a talking-to right I said no listen flesh I don't care how you feel I don't care how you feel I don't if you don't feel like doing this today I don't care if you feel tired I don't care if you've got a sore throat I don't care what plans the enemy might have for me today I'm not participating yeah I'm not participating ma I tell myself how to feel see that's when you that's when you kind of break into that I don't care not gonna care cast my care I didn't quite like that Wow you know you know but you got that you got the business done business yeah see with that when that infection hit my body and my eyes got affected man I looked in the mirror and I looked right into my eyes and I said you listen to me body you are the body of Christ and these symptoms are not staying in me I've been purchased by the blood that you and I began to talk to my body you know and I began to tell my body well we were gonna do you know do not talk into your body our body's talking to you you know in fact I'm so glad you said that because how many times have you heard when you're out maybe at a restaurant or whatever and people will say something like this just listen to your body it'll tell you it'll tell you what to do it'll tell you what to eat cake listen I look seriously I listen to my body and I ate the whole cake take me some more of it oh man we ought to be listening to the Holy Ghost and telling our body what its gonna do right amen I had a gentleman come this morning and he said hey you know your new MRI song he said MRI should stand for my righteous indignation see that stuff can't stay in your body it's an illegal intruder but we've got to rise up and and know who we are we got to rise up and take our authority and we've got to change the picture from what the enemy is trying to do this is what the scripture means when it says to resist the enemy yeah that means that word resists it means to actively stand again that's right you know we can't fight the devil by laying under the bed covers and just hope and in a wishing that these symptoms are going to leave us q I understand that sickness and disease is pretty attached to you it doesn't want to leave yeah it's quite comfortable where it has in fact or is if it has an assignment it wants to take over more of you right you know sickness and disease it is it is a fruit of the enemy yeah it is from the enemy at best his hallmarks his character his nature his he's it's part of him yeah and so by nature itself sense it sickness and disease by it's very characteristic it self-centered it wants all of you it wants all of your family wants all of your time all of your resources it's not gonna stop right just but just because we decide what I want to I understand it I want to stand up they don't want to be sick anymore we have to actually evict it it's not gonna leave by choice that's right because it's selfish so is it fair to say that we really as believers do not have a faith problem we don't have a faith problem we have an unbelief problem amen we have the faith of Jesus we just movie not using what we have right and many times when unbelief you know unbelief can come in many different forms sometimes it's just I didn't know it was complete lack of knowledge because of that lack of knowledge I was perishing in that area sometimes it can be wrong teaching we can be sitting under wrong teaching and and and not know because of all that wrong teaching that's been put in this and then sometimes it can be something we've actually experienced where it's involved our physical senses and this is why the Bible says that this kind of unbelief goes out by prayer and by fasting and you know when I was looking at my eyes in the mirror telling my body what was gonna do listen when unbelief tries to attach to your heart do this okay look into the mirror look right into your eyes and say all right body listen to me if you don't shut up and stop this stuff right now I'm not gonna feed you anymore I'm gonna starve you out we're going on a fast right now it's like your body's like Oh God I lost every night you do you yeah you Faust every night Faust every night I'm really quick in it yeah and then I between dinner and breakfast and then you break your fast I don't think that's exactly what the Lord had in mind the same works for me anyway you know when when we resist the devil something something powerful happens I'm reading here in 1st Peter 5 and verse 7 and you were talking about casting your cares on him because he cares for you yeah right we are not designed our physical bodies were not designed to carry the weight of the world when I shoulder it it's true there are many people that are dealing with sickness and disease in their bodies simply because their mental capacity is taken up with the cares of the world yeah it's stress it's anxiety and and that is manifesting in our physical body and as a result of stress high blood pressure you know all kinds of different physical symptoms can happen from from mental anguish but verse 8 says be sober he's talking about in your mind yeah be sober and watchful because your adversary the devil walks around as a roaring lion he's not really a roaring lion yeah seeking whom he may devour resist him and stand firmly in the faith knowing that the same afflictions are experienced by a brotherhood throughout the world and you know it says after war after you've suffered a world god of grace he's gonna restore us he's gonna reverse he restores us he brings support to us he says look perfect establish strengthen and settles us amen but we have to start in that point of resisting we have to decide to take ourselves off the devil's menu yeah when we stand up for is this the enemy no always saying you may not devour us that's right you know he has to ask permission to eat us yeah he's not gonna say you may not ya know ya gonna be your snack that's right amen and when the enemy comes you know and and you're in a time of stress a time of testing you know many times we want to just check out you know this when the Bible says stay alert you know be sober-minded be alert you know because if you listen if you check out you're not gonna get out name that's right well when you stay alert you're gonna hear from the Holy Ghost God's gonna give you his word you're gonna have a strategic plan from the Holy Ghost on what to do how to do when to do and you're gonna get out of that situation because that's the plan of God amen listen we man this went fast this morning and we want to take a moment to bring up our our CEO Paul Milligan and he's got an announcement he wants to make today and we want him to make this so we're gonna take a break in a minute but first I want Paul to come and Paul I think he's got a microphone for you right there so let's welcome Paul as he comes Paul Milligan [Applause] [Music] [Music] opportunity to monetize that asset in other words when the students pay rent that gives us income to pay you interest on the investment so it's an operative so it's the best opportunity that for us to do that because it's a monetized asset so that's why we're doing it and then the the type of investment is called an unsecured promissory note what that means is that there's no assets backing up the investment it's just a good faith and and good looks of Andrew Wommack that are doing that yeah so the term of the investment is 12 years and the interest rate is 4.5% now there are there's two ways well first of all let me talk about the maximum minimum there's no maximum on the amount of investment in other words if you want to invest six million dollars we'll let you do that but there is a minimum the minimum is $20,000 now there are two types of investors in in in terms of legal investors in the United States there's accredited investors and there's unaccredited investors an in credited investor is someone who has a net worth of at least a million dollars without their home included take your residents out if you gotta if you've got a net worth of a million dollars or you've made $200,000 a year for the past two years or you and your wife together made $300,000 for the last two years and you expect to make the same next year that also qualifies using an accredited investor but we have been able to get approval for this investment to go to non-accredited investors in other words that means you don't have to be an accredited investor like I just described so what that allow you to do is invest twenty thousand dollars now I don't have time to go into the details of this hour people downstairs we have a table that you can visit we have three iPads down there and if you're interested you can sign up down there and there's there's three people down there to talk to you John Liang Steve Flores and Betsy masaf we'll be down at that table and they could answer any question you have but what's important to understand is that that we're not going to allow you to invest more than a certain percentage of your liquid assets in other words we don't want you to get in financial trouble and we don't want to have to deal with the fact that somebody was financially ruined trying to invest twenty thousand dollars in this particular investment fund so we've got some criteria that you'll have to meet to be able to be approved to invest the twenty twenty thousand dollars there's two ways you can be paid back your investment one is that you can do interest-only payments on a quarterly basis we'll just send you a check for the interest every quarter and then you can do interest compounded annually that means the interest you earn this year rolls over to the next year you make interest on the interest and you can do that for twelve years and in that case you have to leave your investment for that 12 year period and you collected it in one lump sum at the end of that 12 year period now there are several ways you can invest in other words what are you going to use to pay the investment you certainly will take cash it's still good you could use your IRA but the condition with the IRA is that it has to be a self-directed IRA and and if your RA is not self-directed our people downstairs can can help you with that conversion you have to convert it from a you have to convert it into a self-directed IRA and we can show you how to do that I just got a phone call here so you can also invest out of the 401 K they're already trying to get in yeah a 401 K there's there's one stipulation with 401 K the the company that issued you the 401 K offered it to you you have to be gone from that company for six months then you can invest using the 401 K and then there are other retirement vehicles that you may have teachers retirements and railroad route there's other kinds of investment pension plans that will also qualify you just need to ask the question downstairs now one question we always get is foreign if you're from another country can you can you do this investment only if you have a federal ID tax number so if you have a federal ID tax number for the United States we can talk to you about that investment and then there are there are several things that we recommend that you do we our people will show you how to calculate how much your investments should be based upon what your current financial situation is so in other words we want this to be good for you to Andrews doing this to bless the partners and to allow us to raise the money to build a student housing so that we're not doing this to make money we're doing this to get our students a place to live because they're tired of living under the trees out here that's awesome in Woodland Park we need the housing really badly we need the parking garage how many of you believe we need to park your eyes so here's the thing we have to finish the parking garage before we can start the student housing that's a requirement that the city's put on us said and you're probably hearing this more about that but so we're gonna open this up to you if you're interested please go downstairs and talk to one of our counselors down there there be they'll be able to give you whatever you need to understand so god bless you and we hope that you're blessed in this investment in man thank you fall amen so what we're gonna do now is we're gonna take about a 20 something minute break we're gonna be back here at 10:30 and Audrey Mack is gonna be teaching in 10:30 so don't do what you got to do quickly and we'll be back at 10:30 we love you guys you you and every single person I said that to just went and then yeah right don't even believe me I'm like okay but I see it it's true it's real the power of God is real the Lord Jesus Christ is real and he's alive today and he's working today so come on everybody have a seat if you have any empty spaces they will be filled we have uh sure's who will seat those seats so don't be offended just please let somebody sit there because they want to hear to so be gracious with your empty seats have grace with those empty seats we they will be warm and filled be warm and filled seats that might be out of context ok ladies and gentlemen so we need your attention because I need your help I need you to welcome to the stage the president and founder of Karis Bible College and Andrew Wommack ministries mr. Andrew Wommack praise the Lord man hadn't it been a great conference everything I've heard has just been exceptional I told Carly that she was talking about she wasn't gonna be the devil's snack and I said that's because you're too small for a meal I tell you they have just been excellent it has been great and we are now blessed to have Audrey Mac come minister how many of you have heard Audrey Minister could I say hands well quite a few people anyway Audrey Jamie and I had the privilege of ordaining her and her husband into the ministry I don't remember exactly when we met but I know that how we meant was that she contacted me and told me that I had been a blessing to her and that she had really received some revelation and she's got a great healing ministry audrey is from france she's married to an american they live in Florida and man she's just a powerhouse I mean she is fired up she'll fit in really good with things we've been saying about not putting up with stuff and getting angry at the devil she'll light a fire on the inside ivy amen so anyway let's welcome Audrey Mac up here as she comes to minister thank you guys so much I first first of all I something little technical problem I'm gonna put it in my pocket hallelujah I just want to thank and Andrew and Jamie you know I I everything that you see here didn't happen overnight it's 50 years at first it's I don't know how we'll succeed can I say 69 that's why old you are 69th of serving God being faithful and 15 50 years of ministry of just doing it day and night when it was popular not popular through persecution and all and and when nobody knew and so we want to thank you Andrew and I want to thank you because yes I I actually I grew up under what you would call the faith faith movement and but I grew up under a man that saw Jesus Jesus appeared to him put his finger in his hand and said I've given you a healing ministry going and and and I grew up under that and but I knew he was the will of God to heal all but every time I pray for people in the back of my head I always with that realizing thought well Jesus didn't appear to me he didn't put his finger in my hand and so I would pray without expecting because in my head somewhere I just had that notion that only those that I really have a healing anointing you know can heal the sick and until I I would read the Bible and and I saw in John 14 he said the same work that I do shall you do also a greater work because I go to my father and I'm like Lord I know that is true and I don't see I see people getting saved I see people getting filled but I don't see I see healing once in a while and it felt like I bumped into it wandering why did I do right this time and I'm like something is not right what and I know it's not you got I had enough sense to know it wasn't God's fault and I just prayed you know I just asked the holy special Lord get me to that place where I can see healing and miracles and for I think three years God chased me you know sometime we I I must have been a little I don't know didn't pay attention baby chased me with a guy that priest with a you know and Todd with a weird accent and I everywhere I'd go in Bolivia people gave me a CD and then I went to India doing a conference my husband put the TV there is that guy teaching and I'm like oh I go to Albania I put got TV on and here is the guy behind a table preaching under and I'm like I gotta like what that guy says he's preaching up but you know and one day I wasn't in Colombia and I was staying with a lady in her house who was a Kerry's graduate and she told me about and all of a sudden I connected all the dots and I'm not that is that guy that has been chasing me for three years so I went to my closet I found that CD it was the city on the book of Romans and I was in Burma and I listened to it all of the time over there listen to it in one day without even realizing the little kink in my thinking just got out and I realized that I didn't need and I heard Andrew behind the pulpit cool calm and collected like a cucumber and said I don't have a healing anointing I just have the Holy Ghost in me and at the end of his meeting I saw the blind see the Deaf hear people getting out of welcher and I'm like wait wait wait if that guy doesn't have a healing anointing and yet that happens in his meeting if we can do it I can do it and from that moment that little kink in my brain out and things started to happen and so thank you Andrew for chasing me for three years sometime our answer is right under our nose and we don't see it and God is so good and so merciful that was not even part of anything I'm gonna say but it was good anyway before we start I just want to make you aware I brought some product I like dolly then there is the healing thing thingy here it says you don't have to be sick like a dog [Music] or here great faith if they should we accept sickness is healing always the will of God what are you considering understanding the healing anointing ministering healing to others per phone in the flesh what about job and then we have I have some on spiritual growth someone threw the keys of the kingdom some on the Holy Spirit and I have some on faith you know it's my journeys with God and really some of the the battle that I had to overcome but I was not under the circumstances I learnt to be over them you know we don't have to be under the weather you we have to be over the weather so it's faith it's a little guy because Jesus is somebody says said I don't like that little guy I'm not a little boy I say well but God has called us to have faith as a child if you look at children how easy they receive are easy they believe you can learn one thing or two about about what faith is and so it comes in USB in in CD albums and you can also go on our website and get downloads hallelujah but here where that lady was going old bunker I'm gonna give you this one you are part of the revival you know people pray all gods and revival Oh God when God is Lee said hallelujah God is waiting on us to rise to shine for the glory of the Lord is Ori in us Christ in us the hope of glory so go and change the world sister you are part of the revival I thank you for letting me be myself you know I look like I look at Carrie Pinkett where are you honey and she's so grateful she walked with those children skirts and I look at her and I drool I'm like and then I listen to Andrew he's got his Bible in his pocket and I'm like I wish I could put my Bible in my pocket but it's too I can't and he's so calm and I'm not so thank you for letting me be myself peter is one of our top here is one of our top message we have do you know I want to invite you if you go on a website you can subscribe to our YouTube page and that's he is one of our top message the benefits of praying in terms on the first day and you pray for many of you to read to receive the Holy Spirit and in this city it teaches you why you and I we should train tongue Bob said I print on more than er he was from the south hallelujah and so enough somebody here you've just received the Holy Spirit this lady on the second row thank you man and then Oh that wasn't what Bennett a Barry Bennett preached yesterday awesome about spiritual authority it was awesome because you see when light walks in darkness and you know one time I was behind my desk and the Holy Ghost says something to me he said you know the dog that box the loudest is the dog that is the most afraid sometimes when we got into those it's because it's fear coming out of the heart the greatest expression of authority that jesus displayed is when he slept in the boat hallelujah you see and I haven't even started preaching and you starting getting me to preach mountain-moving authority okay [Applause] good cats your cats football season sometime I'm in my kitchen and my husband he wouldn't love I'd love to be here and he goes he's Andy that's me I say Pat could you pass me this he goes football season and I'm like please could you just pass me the so IRRI is rubbing off on me and if my husband was here Fred I'm just so blessed to be married to a man he's a businessman and he allows me and he he not only allows me but he's behind me 100% you know I go half of the year I'm gone I'll go three weeks I come back one week I'll go two weeks I come back two weeks I'll go and I go back and forth all over the world and people said how can your husband let you do that he said because he understands the call of God and he made me a promise at the beginning says and because when I got married young lady listen when I got married I said hey I'm a missionary job a problem with that I said you know what that means I'm cocked a traveler said I'll never get between you and the call of God and he's been faithful to his promise hallelujah so before we start I wanted to show you I'd like to show you oh wow 15 minutes already just for the announcement glory to God hallelujah I would like to show you I asked the media department to show you a little piece that we put together about you know our ministry but there's something hmm especially that I want you to see at the end Amen maestro God has a plan for us but he doesn't accomplish automatically God needs our cooperation [Music] [Music] I don't say I'm moving I love [Music] Quanah fatigue syndrome in belgium I kind of felt like I would have the flu but then had to like run ten mile that's kind of how I felt like on a daily basis a friend of mine invited me to her church and speaker was there by the name of Audrey Mac as I was getting dressed for the meeting that night it came to my mind again where the color blue so I did and Audrey Matt got up and she said I just want you to know that God wants you well and he'll and then Audrey said the God tell you to wear the color blue today and I was like oh my gosh this is for me I can't believe it I'm like I'm wearing blue so people will come not coincidence I said no no no no that as a working of the Holy Ghost because how can you if you know that it's good to be in the right place on the right time and doing the right thing when we spend time praying in tongues we are trained god oh god after the meeting i tottered Audrey she prayed over me and since then and I am walking in freedom cos agave oh my tummy growl spring no mo no eddorian Kazemi pasta hey Rikuo Raji studiously Parma sitting on the Medusa Jahan tear open a pop diva cars AGA severe incontinence szilágyi honk Ateneo de la serda table pray Salah le docteur Mujica sevilla casa de lluvia don't let dr. on juniper hey Georgia's own Alvaro ver y OU c lu timonium are mo kaha Jeremy Sudanese aqua days on cinema Edie Edie oh c'mon Jay a vaguely he ultimate don't you see me ohh son una una Clara Cena sasame uncle Zhong Kui Jade dimande ajikko hotel over her curly dr. Xavier Alves kakoton peta o magical yep it has de casa da mocha aeruginosa don't want the property money - no sir Moshe Cee make she deserve a German Meridian - is a sacred Giovanni Donna de Santo [Music] I could not would not jump but as it is I can just jump like there's something I can do everything so I'm healed praise the lot of you [Music] now why did I want you to see this this video because I want you to see how good god is a good god is because when you just hear about that young woman that you know had cancer of the ovaries but I want you to see a little further my god is so good that he set her up you know she ended up going to vacay on vacation back to Burundi and it happened to me just the time where I was there doing a healing conference and she heard for four days morning till evening a whole family was there she heard about healing about the will of God how to get healed and how to pray for the sick and you know what is even and she didn't know she had cancer it's three weeks later that she found out she had cancer the offer and she was in Burundi and and one Aubrey was so damaged that the doctors say we've got to take it out right now and it just can't you know sometime my doctor can press you a little bit like they said you gotta have it now and they took the Aubrey but then later they said there is nothing we can do for you anymore we're gonna send you to India and you know what is so awesome about it is that God set her up to hear the message before and her little sister 12 years old was there also and she said you know what don't Yen you see what Audrey might thought that we can pray and and her 12 year old little sister had the guts to say and lay hand she came one day lay hands on her as she was laying in bed and pray for her and that twelve year old little girl prayed and her speak sister went to India and the doctor said why you here say well because I have cancer and they say you can't help me and they did all kind of MRI they said cancer no you don't have cancer why didn't you come here you are raised a perfect she's like my ovaries she said yeah look she's and so she called her doctor in Africa in Burundi she said doctor did you really take out that Aubrey she said yeah it's in a jar and you know that alcohol on myself and you see also that is the love of God how don't hold you just like you see like Holy Ghost was chasing me with a crazy Texan man God had set her up so before he knew she would be right there in burundi indication and he had her family sit down and hear the all about healing and faith and how to get a hold of the promises of God and you see him so that young lady Aaron she had had 500 miles up for ten years she couldn't work she was in bed she said half of my time was in bed I felt like I would run I would be walking I felt like I had run a marathon and you see how God is so good so faithful so kind that he I was driving to that meeting with my husband and I have prepared a really good message and after a as I'm getting them so down the Holy Ghost says are you not preaching on that tonight I'm like I'm not he said no I want you to preach on healing how God changed my message says what I was gonna do because a young woman needed to hear about healing and then one I'm right there in the meeting I don't the blue I'm like well did God tell you to wear the collar blue I don't even know why I said that but Holy Ghost you see the goodness of God and so that's what I want to talk about this morning because you see in having confidence in who God is because you know in mark 11:22 25 this is where Jesus start on faith to his disciple but you know the first thing he told the disciples when they said Lord you know dude you know how did you do that he had just cursed the fig tree and I know in 24 hours it was totally dead and Peter said how did you do that and you know the first thing that Jesus said he says have faith in God and you know and I know and I've been some of them where we've taught have that faith of God but here is the problem yes we need to have the faith that like Jesus said that speaks to the mountain that received the promises but right here there is a point that Jesus was making before you can speak to the mountain before you can believe you receive your faith your confidence in God has to be socialized to be strong that you know that your daddy God loves you he's not against you is for you God loves us so much how and you see you know why I wanted you to see those testimonies because the Bible says in Revelation chapter 19 verse 10 he said the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy I have been thinking about this meditating on this and you know what I realize what prophecy is privacy is a prediction it's an utterance of the will and the purpose of God it means if God has done it he wants to do it again that is his purpose that is his will so when we see one testimony you know what I declare you know what God is saying I want to do it again and I want to do it again and I want to do it again and you know because you know and I love that the other but all of during the conference we talked about how it is important to build our life on the word to meditate on the word chickens to just put off that's what carries is so powerful you know and for some some of you hear that thing I don't know I'm working I don't know if I go to do carries my husband has a business he works 60 hours a day but you know you did Kerris twice two days a week at 9:00 working a full day at the end of the day he'd go to carries he would be the first student never got laid never missed a day it took him four years but he did it and for some of you that thing well I don't have the money let me tell you something when my husband did Karis it was during the the slump where construction what up either dead but we said are we not gonna let man and tell us what we can do or not do we tell mom and what it's gonna do for us it's our server not a master and we put our faith there and he did he did Karis and you know here is a good news it's just a little song by for Karis Greg Moore is not even here he'd be proud of me let me say something for those of you that said well I don't have the money we didn't have the money for one year all of our employees got a paycheck but we didn't and we chose to him to put our faith and my husband went to carries during that time and you know what happened God turned those things around then we got out of debt and we got now you have so much work you can't even be here so annulment this is free I'm not gonna charge you for it because if you are waiting for things to be perfect to come to Karis you can wait until the the hell turns into freeze [Applause] I better just move on because I'm getting in trouble here don't want to go back that Jesus says yeah you're gonna speak to the mountain and it's gonna move you're gonna believe you're gonna receive the promises of God it shall be done but first you gotta have faith in God and you know when we talk about Abraham you know we call him the father of faith because here is the danger if our faith is not in God we're gonna put our faith in something and most of the time it's gonna be our faith in our faith we're gonna get all of a sudden I see people said God we have done everything on you to do I've confessed I've prayed I did this I did that no no because you see we've got to forget about ourselves and we've got to consider Jesus is the author and the finisher of our faith and our confidence of faith has to be in Jesus in God and we see Abraham the father of faith it says that Abraham was fully persuaded why that God was able that God was able to fulfill what he had spoken his faith was in God even when he all glory to God even when he put Isaac on the altar it says that he put him on the altar without blinking and I because he knew he knew his confidence his face wasn't God that even though he would slay Isaac God would be able to rise him from the dead you see his face was not in himself his faith was in God in the goodness of God the faithfulness of God the power of God and we see all the testimonies it's the spirit of prophecy showing you that God is so good he wants you healed more than you do just like he wanted me to move in the you know in the healing and miracle more than even that I did God is so good god is so powerful yeah he's powerful but he's good and our faith has to be in here you know I remember when I was a young Christian I didn't know the ins and out of faith of what to do what not to do the tenth step the five days I didn't know all I knew is God he's good and when you said I want you to live home pack your bag go to America I said okay I just had that confidence that God would never let me down that God was so good so faithful that he had my back see if he said just go to America okay people would say well you're gonna go I said I don't know what are you gonna do I don't know just God told me to come and Here I am because I didn't have the tenth step and the this and I just knew that God in my faith my confidence was in God and you know even Sarah he said I say in Hebrew 11:11 that she received strength she conceived why because she considered God faithful her faith her confidence was in God and so this morning you know my husband because my head like I said my husband is a builder and I remember when he built our house you know he he it took forever to build the foundation and I'm like when am I gonna see some walls up I'm like I'm warning duty that drywall and the thing and I'm like ah dread patient he said the foundation is the most important part of the house if that foundation is wrong then the wall everything down the road is gonna crack and crumble and I so I want to make sure the foundation your confidence in God your faith in God that is look a foundation and you see if we have a problem we see if we have a problem speaking to the mountain and it looks at you and ego day anything in there if we have a problem walking in that victory you know our problem is you don't have that faith in God that foundation somewhere is faltering that foundation you know and and and I'm going way back because like I said when I was young and I didn't know whole lot I knew one thing my confidence was in God you know he would not tell me do this I did it but you know one time I had a vision I had a dream of seeing a lady that I went to school with right dead out of the wheelchair I saw the that dream and then I had an open vision and then God said said you're the one you pray for her and so I went back to school and I went and I said a cistern I explained to her I said God I had I had a dream I saw you getting out of the wheelchair and I said I had a vision ain't no I saw you I said God wants to heal and at that moment it's like I was in the spirit it's like everything disappeared it was like the cloud over me and I said it to minister to her but all of a sudden you're like Peter I got my eyes off of what God told me and I just kind of turned and I had that thought what are people gonna think and at that moment and that lady didn't get out of the wheelchair but you know what I come to me they're my confidence in God God bruised because I thought no man I probably didn't even say it but something in me was like God you kind of let me down God you didn't you told me to do that but you did and I went to somebody asking no this is what why didn't work what enough and nobody was able to give me a an answer and for a while I just know for praying for the sick I had that thing that God do you really have my back you know do you are you I just felt like God had let me down I'm being totally vulnerable and there are some of you this morning you've prayed for people or you've asked God for healing and you felt like it hasn't happened and the Bible says a hope Hope deferred makes the heart sick and your confidence in God can God a little be shaken and so this morning I want to restore that confidence and I thank God that he did that in my life when I realized that it wasn't God that led me down that it was something short-circuited from this side and when I understood then my confidence in God was like God I know you're there you're so good you'll move heaven and earth you do this you'll do that you come across you talk to and you you just try to move things do things to get me to that place where I can receive where I can get healed when you know what I'm talking about we've got to come to that place mat I need you you've got to come to that plate come here where you know go right over here you know where no you need to turn brother look at me don't throw sir just right here you know it's just like little children when they go by the pool of faith that's where you know a little child thank you brother I checked if he had muscles before I run you see that's the confidence like a little child he has such a confidence in Daddy God that he know that is that he's never gonna live him never forsake him if daddy said and you see your confidence in God's Word you will not have confidence in God's Word if you don't have confidence in the one who spoke the word in just the same way if my husband say something to me because I know him I have confidence in him I can take his word to the bank and some of you you hear by the shots of Jesus you have been healed but because your confidence in God and did you notice something that right at the beginning that is the very thing the devil attacked the goodness of God when he told Adam and Eve and he said oh look at that tree it's really good and she said what God says you shall not eat it or touch it did God really say oh he knows that the day you eat of it she'll become like God she already was like God but he had deceived her persuading her that God wasn't really good he was holding something back why there he challenged the goodness and the integrity of God and that is the reason why through the years through the century that's what's been attacked the goodness of God the love of God the integrity of God and let me tell you something if some of you here have a problem with that you know what you need to read the book from Andrew the true nature of God that book has set me free because you read the Old Testament of this and that and I will not put sickness on you I put on a ship and I will not allow Dada and you like there is a conflict on the inside where your confidence and God were like well is God good or is God and through the years God appeared through the law a European like a judge that was mean like it wasn't an obsessive and compulsive perfectionist that was there ready to slap you in the face if you did but step aside and you have that concept that not God is really there but you kind of deal with it yourself he's really not that to get your back against Jesus but that's okay just not you deal with it and his goodness his love his integrity has been so attacked because that is the foundation and unlike what Carly said the other day she said faith is relational it's a relationship the foundation of our faith is that we have so much faith in who God is a good father he loves us and so I was talking I want to restore that confidence in who God is that we can have such a confidence in our Father God you know that brought a little ladies in Africa to hear our healing message so that a few weeks later she could have not only or cancer gone but all of reap grow back and because let me say because of the testimony I was in Paris and there was a lady who heard started to listen to those teaching and heard those testimony and they had taken the thyroid out of her throat and she listened to the word to those teaching on healing and one day she went to the doctor say what happened to you the thyroid grew back a guy who was one year in psychiatric hospital one year in psychiatric hospital some of you are thinking well healing is only really for the physical no God is concerned spirit soul and body and that guy in a psychiatric hospital a friend of over here just brought him some of my messages on spirit soul and body and healing and he listened and listened and he got totally healed after one of they said you don't need to be here and I saw him and miracles earring and their because our confidence is we know that God is good and the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy and I want to talk to you about what is the testimony of Jesus what is the testimony of Jesus so I'm going to take you in a little journey and I'm gonna go to the book of Matthew because I'll say it again the testimony of Jesus the spirit of prophecy prophecy it means it's a prediction of what God wants to do and is going to do it's a it's a declaration of his will and its purpose for you and so what was the testimony of Jesus in Matthew and I'm gonna go in Matthew and stay in Matthew why just in case you think you know there are four different gospel three of them a synoptic gospel in men they really have much more or less the same in information the same story through the eyes of Paul through the eyes of Peter no you see I got it all messed up here through the eyes of Matthew and Luke and John and Mark but I'm gonna stay in Matthew because lest you think I'm taking the same story repeated from one gospel to the next so I'm gonna stand and look at what is the testimony of Jesus in Matthew 4 verse 23 and 25 24 and 23 and 24 and Jesus went about all Galilee teaching in their synagogues preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing all kind of sickness and all kind of disease among the people and then his fame went throughout all Syria and that brought to him all sick people who were afflicted with various diseases and torments and those who were demon-possessed epileptic and paralytic and He healed them who is them all who had any kind of disease you see Jesus didn't go oh yeah I'm gonna heal you heal you but not you He healed them all no matter what kind of disease they had small/medium Lord supersize in Matthew 8 verse 16 when evening had come that brought to him many who were demon-possessed and he cast out the spirits with a word and healed all who were sick 9:35 when Jesus went about all the cities and villages teaching in the synagogue preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing every sickness and every disease among the people and when he saw the multitude he was moved with compassion for them because they were weary and scattered sheep having no Shepherd we see here the multitude came to him and He healed all again 12:15 but when Jesus knew he was drew from there and great multitude followed him and He healed them all now let me ask you something when we see you could we say we have a great multitude here this morning how many does this pearl place hold 1,300 max a few people are standing up you see when you can't count and you know there is 1,300 it doesn't count as a multitude when Jesus fed the four thousand they counted when he fed the five thousand he counted but when you start writing about multitude and great multitude you know what I mean they can count them anymore and he said that he healed them all if there would be one chance only one chance that healing would not be for all then somebody in that multitude would not have been healed but he healed them all even though there were great multitude hallelujah in 14 14 I love that just when Jesus heard that his cousin John the Baptist was beheaded he went in a lonely place probably you know to to grieve or probably to be with the father and found strength from the father but their great multitude followed him and you know what Jesus do he didn't said oh you guys would you leave me alone to grieve I just lost my cousin no you know what he did he said devil oh yeah you take my cousin said let me show you something and the Bible said he went and all the multitude came to him and He healed them all all glory to God inverse in the same chapter verse 35 and 36 and when the men of that place recognized him then sent tani to all the surrounding region and brought to him all who were sick and begged him that they might only touch the hem of His garment and as many at touched it were made perfectly well you know I love that verse you know what that shows me that notion that God is in heaven and he's the one pulling strings oh today's your day oh I think today's your day and it's God deciding who when and where that just throw the whole notion out of the water because it was not Jesus who decided who was gonna get healed it's those that just pressing to touch him those who touched him were the one who were getting healed you see it was not Jesus deciding he was the people making a move are you seeing this we see the testimony of Jesus was to heal Oh what does this mean that what he has done he wants to do it again and that is what we shooting for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy if that's what he did when he was here that's what he wants to do and that's what I don't know about you but that's what I'm pressing for somebody says are you shooting for the stars oh no forget about the stores I'm shooting for Mars I want to see ah if Jesus did it I want to see it just last weekend I was ministering in a place and I was ministering about Jesus no Paul says if you know you cannot build on any other foundation but Jesus and we see that Philip preached Jesus and as I was preaching Jesus what Jesus did his will is intent his desire at the end you know it wasn't a huge crowd but you know every person that came forward to receive healing that all got healed thank you Jesus the testimony of Jesus what he did he wants to do it again and that's what in our heart that has to be settled because I like what Kerry said you see if that you cannot experience what you don't expect if you expect well you know just a few people are gonna get healed here and there some are gonna get hell no no no you come expecting that oh I gonna get healed thank you for that one aiming Matthew 15:30 when great multitude came to him having with them the lame the blind amused the main and many other and they were laid down at Jesus feet and He healed them meaning all and there is so many there is a few more in Matthew but you see that is the heart of Jesus that is the desire of Jesus that is what he did that is what he wants to do today that is his desire even on the day of sabbath when the religious people said ah you know he looks 13 he says you know you healed a little lady a daughter of Abraham whom Satan has bound these 18 years ought not she be free whom Satan has bath and all it made all the religious people mad as a hornet but he did Jesus didn't care even though he knew that he healed on the Sabbath day he knew that he would incur persecution he didn't care because his heart his passion his desire was to heal all and even there is a little leper and marked up to one a little leper and not many Christians today they have no doubt that God has the power to heal God could move his little finger and yeah he's got the power but where they have a problem is God are you willing to hear me the little leper came to Jesus he says I know you are able to heal me if you the big F if you will you see didn't have a problem knowing that God had the power to heal but you see is that is his trouble is like does he want to heal me and you know what Jesus I love that Jesus didn't pause he didn't take one step back saying oh let me check let me pray fast let me ask the Father because after all I only do what I see the father do he didn't even blink an eye immediately stretch his hand and touched him and he said I am willing and you know the word I am willing do you know what that means because sometimes we read we skipped and we don't see the depth of meaning that word and I'm no Greek scholar by any mean but I've got a good concordance you know the word I will mean it's till o HL o and it means I will it's my intention it is my desire I love to do it I take pleasure I take delight I am determined to do it and you know what I love about Jesus I cease heart the heart of the Father that he not only healed his body body healed his soul because I don't know if you know anything about leper I mean I lived in India and there are lepers colony which means that they are outside of society they cannot talk to people they cannot touch people they cannot be around people and I can just imagine I imagine I think well that guy what was going on in his heart I don't know how long it had been since he had been able to hold his wife in his arm or touch his kids or be with friends or just feel the human touch if they'll reject it he felt shameful he felt like your kids would see him throw stones at them and Jesus you know what he did it stretch his hand said you mean so much to God and he not only healed his body healed his heart his human dignity we placed him back in society said you have value in father's eyes and by touching him right I said do you know as a rabbi that was big we thing no big deal but as a rabbi that was big deal a rabbi was not supposed to touch anything unclean who cared Jesus said I want you to see the love of God the passion of God Hebron in John chapter 9 so many people will go with that verse and said all you know that man was born blind and there are many Christian like that who seen him or his parents that he was born blind and said well you see some time God will allow sickness so that one day da da da God be glorified God is not like that God is a good father they not let me tell you seeing the Greek there is no punctuation cuz you said who sinned him was his father that he was born blind and Jesus said neither him nor his father sin but that the glory of God may be manifested him well wait wait people say you see he was born blind so that one days God would be glorified wrong punctuation the period is in the wrong place and the period is put of the discretion of the translators just like that word present to heal that what present was added because it's in italic and you know how you can read that verse jesus said neither him nor his parent who cares who says that's not the part what's important but not the works of God may be manifested in him I have to do the works of God while he's still day because darkness come when no one can work you know what Jesus is saying stop fasting with a bunch of theological matter what is important is to do the works of God to heal all to heal everybody that's what I was enough the heart of God and Jesus father was so passionate about healing everybody that was his passion is right you know that's what the Bible said first John 3:8 for this reason he came to destroy the works of the devil Peter said through Luke he said how the son of man was anointed with the Holy Spirit power who went around doing good and healing just a few now healing are you see that is the heart of God that is the divine will and purpose of God that is the testimony of Jesus and not only that's what he did everywhere he went healing all but you know what he did it was he wanted so much you and I to know the heart of God hid the desire of the father so that we would return to that original intent intent of being sons and daughter of God totally whole spirit soul and body looking expressing the likeness of our Father that he said I'm gonna go to the cross and I'm gonna give my life and the plan of redemption we've talked about it you know what the plan of redemption is Jesus going to the cross do you know what that is it's the legal act that gives you an eye the legal right to receive what the salvation healing prosperity everything in another word until that day God wanted to heal so much everywhere all the time even the Jews the Israel that was chip necked that were rebelling when they cried out to God God said okay make a ray a brazen serpent whoever will look at it will be healed or just throw you know a tree on the water and they'll have water or just go and kill a Passover lamb and whoever eat of the lamb will receive strength God wanted to heal even Israel but he healed He healed He healed and healed all and when Jesus came he healed them all but you know what he healed them I credit what do I mean by that what is this a credit card ching ching you know what that means that means that hopefully you have the money but not in your pocket it means that you want something for example you see that no football season you see that flat-screen TV and you want it you know that you don't have the money right now you're gonna have it at the end of the month so you say okay I'm gonna go to the store and I'm gonna buy that screen and so you give that credit card and they go to nice like and that means you can have it now and pay for it later but let me tell you the bill would come and you better pay it somebody's gonna have to pay it and God healed people at credit for thousands of years when Jesus was on earth he healed them all but he healed them a credit but when he went on the cross and he hung and his blood shed and he said father - they take up my spirit oh and he became sin he became a curse why didn't you on that moment he paints the credit card No let me ask you this let me ask you this it'd be like you know I see maybe you know Carly just walking everywhere she doesn't have a car and I see and I don't the abundance of my heart I said you know what that woman is such an awesome person I want to bless her and I go to the mercedes-benz dealership and I go and buy a car that's the spirit of prophecy sister and I go and I pay for the car and then I go to her and I you know and I gave her the title deed you remember faith is his title deed and and I said yeah yeah yes would it be just ridiculous if she said oh I wonder if it's the will of Audrey for me to have that car would be ridiculous come on I paid for it it's no longer a question is your will it's paid for it's done ticket Ching so now it's a done deal oh we hope she has to do its go to the dealership and said I need the car and the key and everything thank you you see but the problem you know it's like some people you don't know that you've got what you've got that healing is paid for it's the will of God it's not just his will but it's his passion his desire he wants you healed more than you even want it it's not done even pursuing you to say hey here it is and you like me God give me swing and here is that that Texan guy pursuing me for three years you understand what I'm saying hallelujah it would be ridiculous but here is something else I found that God is so so so good because you know sometime here is a problem we hear the word you know you go to conferences to you hear the word you read the word of it and you go on one you're like man confess the word you've got a kind another one it's like you gotta answer the rest and another one is just like speak to the mountain and the other one is do this the other one and you like all of a sudden it's like you have a whole deck of card or all those revelation all the words everything you know I like knowledge that you got and I see some time you know knowledge is really good but some time when we have so much knowledge I've noticed something people get confused they're like it's like having a deck of card and they go cool okay I've got cancer do I confess okay no I do maybe I just I gotta enter the rest no I've got fight the good fight of faith no I've got a I've got faith is an act and they all of a sudden they're like but God it lets me say something God is for you not against you that's why Jesus said he said because in first Corinthians 15 verse 57 it says thanks be to God who always gives us the victory in Christ Jesus on the cross Jesus obtained that victory with that we know we have that confidence but so many people people are like that deck of card is like okay I know I have the victory but how do I get there how do I get to that victory I know I have it but how do I get there but you know a chapter letter later or a letter later Paul said in second Corinthians 2:14 he said thanks be to God who leads us to triumph that's why he sent us the Holy Spirit he sent us the Holy Spirit because it's hard do you see is hard do you see generosity do you see is goodness do you see is faithfulness you see I want you here I want you bless so much I'm giving you the victory oh and by the way I'm gonna send you one just like me the Spirit of Truth he will make you into the truth they will put thanks to your remembrance he will even show you things to come and you know I remember because things be to God I had founded my life on the world and you know often time the Holy Spirit and I said most of the time the Holy Spirit will be able to lead us when he's able to pull from the card you see if your deck is empty because you have no word you haven't built your life on the word the Holy Spirit will try to help you do everything you can but it's like but when you build your life on the word and that was what happened to me in 1999 I had chosen to live build my life on the rock on the Word of God I was pursuing God and filling my heart with the word then one you know three times in a row 2:00 in the morning that's how good god is first night he wakes me up 2 in the morning and I'm thinking well maybe I ate too much pizza so the next day 2 in the morning I wake up I'm like ok and usually I sleep like a rock not like a baby because babies stay up all night wide Lilly take a night 2:00 in the morning finally the third night 2:00 in the morning I work and I'm like oh ok I get it it's you Holy Spirit you're trying to show me something so I get out of bed I went into my living room and I didn't know why he woke me up I didn't know I was going on so I prayed I prayed in the spirit and I prayed in tongues and I prayed in tongues for 15-20 minutes and all of a sudden I heard in my spirit I heard there is cancer in your body knob let me say something and add something it wasn't the devil I know the difference because the Holy Spirit was warning me or something I don't know about you but I like to know the danger before it happens and how did I know they was the Holy Spirit because immediately there was a peace and immediately after I heard there is cancer in your body he says but he gave me the plan of attack he said but the joy of the Lord will be your strength and right there I had a key he was giving me a key and then he told me all the things and other then you told me said hey don't tell anybody you have cancer but only five people that believe like you do I did not understand honestly I did not know and I did not understand what the Holy Spirit was telling me but when you know what he was doing he was showing me things to come warning me of danger and then he was giving me the plan of attack and he told me the joy of the Lord will be your strength so right there in my living room I knew it was a key so I'm saying what do you do with the key and I knew the joy was already in me wasn't coming from out there and Paul said stir up the gift of God that you have received by the laying of hands for God has not given you a spirit of fear but power love and sound mind and let me tell you some right here in my living room you know what I did ha ha hee hee ho ho that's the key the Holy Ghost gave me I'm gonna open me that door ha ha ha ho hee hee ho and I started to laugh and then a song just floated the door the Lord is my strength I saw in my living room I'm just like dancing and the singing the joy and I'm feeling so stupid and I'm feeling so self-conscious and I'm feeling like you crazy but who cares but let me back up a little bit you know a week before I was starting to experience major pain in my body and my husband before we got married had lost his wife to cancer so my husband said Audrey okay you have pain for me I'm like I don't need the doc I'm like forget about it but my husband said I would like you to go and and and go and check to a doctor I'm like okay so I had made an appointment but in before I got to the appointment the Holy Ghost had already me they gave the plan of attack he already said the joy of the Lord is your strength don't tell anybody and then he started to tell me other things it's too long to tell all of this but and I so I studied you - ha ha hee hee ho ho and the joy of the Lord in my se but after 25 minutes of hee hee ha ha all of a sudden I dove my guts my belly it's like a river that flowed out I started to laugh and laughing I started to just roll on the floor and at that moment I had a heavenly perspective he was not Oh me and you know let me add something you can an actor what he said you can you cannot be a victim and a victor at the same time and right there in my living room I knew I was no victim I knew I was a victor and right there I had a heaven perspective where are you all glory to God this challenge whatever it is it's gonna be my greatest victory and right there in my living room I started to laugh and I started to see it number one I knew what polyp what Peter said counted it all joy and what Jim said when you encounter all kind of trials because I knew I had the victory and I knew the Holy Ghost was the one leading me to the triumph and so I did what he I did what he told me to do and long story short without any medical you know a few days later I went to the doctor and cancer had never even crossed my mind I never even thought of cancer never and when I went to the doctor I went there just with a big smile on my face I mean I relate to what you said I mean the you know waiting room and I'm like laughing Joe big smile I mean I've got my victory already I've got my you know I've got it and I'm in the waiting room with big smile and people I'm are you waiting for somebody and no I'm not here for what do you have Wow I don't know you know I I think they say I have cancer why are you so happy because God has healed me and it's all on my CDs there of that whole journey but this is what I want you to see is you see I had I had built my life on the world but it's the Holy Ghost that had the deck of card and said hey Audrey the joy of the Lord shall be your strength they are Dre by the way keep your mouth shut you remember Zachariah he opened his big mouth and I had to shut it or he would not have received this miracle God is so good you see when he said Zechariah Zechariah's mouth it was not to punish him like no God loved him so much wanted to bless him so much he said if I want to bless the guy if I want to do a miracle with through him I'm gonna have to shut his mouth and that's what God did with me and so from there the Holy Ghost had gave me the plan of attack and so when I went to the doctor and they said mrs. Mac I'm sorry to tell you you've gone bone cancer and they sent me to an oncologist and I had a big smile on my face and she thought I was in denial and they sent me to the oncologist in a specialist and they did you know all kind of tests on me and my cat scan bone scan every kind of scan you can't imagine but I had just a piece I just knew right there in my living room because the Holy Ghost had led me to the triumph he told me check and you know let me say that you know what I found out later you know how you can read a verse and then you read it without reading it you read it but you know yours is just a few years ago I read my Bible in Proverbs 17:22 and I read a merry heart does good like medicine but an anxious but a anxiety rots at the bone come on the Holy Ghost was giving me the right medicine he was giving me like like Andrew see the right gospel said you've got your bones but I cancers let me give you the right pill joy but now you see let me say this or sometimes the problem is people they use the word like a method like a principle I order in math she just went and she she laughed she did this and she did that she didn't tell anybody I'm gonna do you did and no no no no no go to the Holy Spirit remember it's a relation you've your confidence is in God you know that he wants you healed more than you do and so because he wants you healed more than you do you know Oh glory to God that healing is already paid for it's already given to me but I'm gonna go to the Holy Spirit because that put the word in my heart and the Holy Spirit is gonna tell me exactly what I need to do at that specific moment it's not because the Holy Ghost is the control freak it's not because he want it's because he knows you've your heart your situation he knows he's the spirit of wisdom and revelation what his wisdom is how to apply the knowledge for the given situation it's not you going arganda I mean the other day I was I was in that dress and that lady she's a lot to utter I don't understand I've done everything I know to do I've confessed I've prayed in tongues eight hours I did this I did that I suggest that's the problem you've tried to do everything why don't you just consider God what geez put your eyes on God have your confidence in God and then you so confident in God you turned to Holy Spirit said Holy Spirit what shall you have me do and you will show you for your situation what you are to do hallelujah God wants you healed so much that's why you sent us the Holy Spirit the Spirit of Truth to lead you into the truth to show you things to come to bring things to your remembrance are you hearing me this morning [Applause] you see that's why you and I you know the gospel is its balance now angel says it's so well balanced between Grace and faith the word and the spirit building your life on the world but depending on the Holy Spirit walking with the Holy Spirit talking to him and he shows you just not I mean Carly just show her check your bra hello one time I remember I had fallen and I had you know carpal tunnel you know I don't know how they call it and I I couldn't I was so in pain in my you know and I couldn't even do this or hold anything and so I prayed I prayed and I and I lay hands on me and I you know and then it got better but there was still a tent of little pain just still remaining and so I prayed and I said Lord what's going on and not just her the Holy Spirit says drank more water and stopped eating too much sweets okay sometimes we think the Holy Ghost is only speaking like the Shelf fast 40 days hello that spoke to the brother over there you see it's that relish relationship with the word and the spirit then I love what you know now let me I'm gonna add how much time do I have now praise God we have I'm gonna do that Paul preached all night and then somebody's gonna follow the wind Oh glory to God today because you see the temptation it's sometime to hear a testimony don't you hear what somebody has done what God has taught somebody to do and the temptation is want to do that and you know what it does it makes you independent from Holy Spirit you see it's not a method it's not a principle it's a relationship and sometime you know we think well you know we always see a no faith you've got to quit your medicine or faith you got to do their so you got to do that yes if it's what the Holy Ghost tells you to do because it's not wrong to it's not a sin to go to the doctor it's not a sin to take medicine if that's what the Holy Ghost said Audrey are you saying that maybe the Holy Ghost might tell you yeah he might you know I remember when I got married long story short I was 36 years old lady there is hope and I wanted so much I had left at 23 I'd left you know everything I just like everyone I didn't look back I just came to America didn't know anybody but I said oh one day I'll have a family I'll have four and I have you know and God had given me a promise he said you know you have left your land and your country I'm gonna give you fairly and homes and land and everything so I'm like looking forward and I got married I'm in a new town Jacksonville I don't know anybody I'm married to a man going to a church I really you know like I said my husband had lost his wife and there is family didn't like that that he got married a year later and so here I am and they didn't want me and I'm and the Holy Ghost told me to put my ministry on hold for two years to build my marriage wisdom of the Holy Spirit and I can do what I do now because I obeyed the Holy Ghost but long story short the first you know we said oh the first year of marriage it's your honeymoon da da da for me was hell cannot get worse than this and I make the mistake listen to me for the first eight months of my marriage I mean I don't have anybody to talk to I don't have a friend I don't have a ministry I mean a home that is not mine I got a family with all the day of my wedding my mother-in-law is like this and turned everybody against me I mean he was like awful but here is the mistake I made I made I took my eyes off God I studied she thanked on the wrong thing I studied you feel sorry for myself and I said did you think and you know when you start thinking on the wrong things like like Andrew said it's like a horse you can't control him and you know why I found out that's why I ended up with bone cancer anxiety depression I have nightmare at night waking up just just crying because I died well anyway let's move on somebody needs to listen to that and take it don't let your mind run wild and so I went to the doctor just your normal checkup you know and the doctor looks at me and she asked me question and and I saw III answer and she's like missus mind what's going on she talks to me and all of a sudden I'm crying I'm like right here and then she said you need help and then she starts to kind of do some stuff on me and check me up she said you've got chemical imbalance you know you are bordering like B power you know she can't give me a you know whole diagnosis of things she gave me a pill oh man I was not happy with it I went home and I'm like I am the woman of faith I'm not taking that pill and I didn't my poor husband finally I had mercy on him and I said if it's not for me at least it's for him so I took the pill but our felt so condemned I felt sure I would take the pill feeling so condemned I felt like a failure I'm a woman of faith I was a missionary I traveled around the world and now I'm having to take a pill I felt so condemned but I took that pill under condemnation and then one day I said by golly I'm gonna stop I'm a woman of faith I'm stopping that pill and I stopped the pill big mistake the emotion was going ding-ding-ding do poor husband and then when I just went to the Holy Spirit I said Holy Spirit I said I don't understand I'm trying I'm walking by faith and he said Audrey say listen to me right now he said like your juggler you're trying to juggle too many balls and we're trying to add more and you can't he said you need a little rest he said this is what the Holy Ghost told me said take that pill but take it by faith they said take it by faith until you can build yourself up and get you back into the right place of faith he said and when it's time to quit I will tell you and so I said okay and he said when you take that pill take it by faith he said I said how do I do that look he said every time you take that person lord I thank you that that pill is gonna do me good and not bad no sale you know like Andrew said side effect and when it's time to quit you tell me Lord and so every day I did this to the pill lord I thank you that is this pill helped me it doesn't do me bad it does me good and when it's time to quit I thank you that I take it by faith you see before that I was taking it under condemnation understand and you know after I don't know two weeks three weeks I don't remember I woke up one morning and it's like I just knew I just knew you don't need that pill anymore and I took the pill put them in the in the toilet and flushed it and that was 1999 and I have never needed any more so let me say what I'm talking to you this morning is bringing you that confidence in God that not only gave you the victory but it sent you the Holy Spirit to lead you from A to Z to lead you to triumph to lead you to that place of wisdom where you know what to do and how to do it by the Holy Spirit because you see if you just try to take the word and use it as a method as a principle there will be no life because faces are it's relational face is a relationship with a God who loves you with the Holy Spirit that is there the helper to help you are you getting something and so tomorrow night I'm gonna talk a little further because I've talked you about having faith in God but I'm gonna go a little further tomorrow night and share more of practical things that will help you to go from point A to Z that once you have that confidence in God that it's unshakable then you know daddy gods gauntlets got your back you don't have to wonder is he gonna be good to his word does he really care for me you know that's what happened to the disciple in the boat you know when they all storm what do they do they woke up Jesus don't you care what happened they confidence in God was being shaken and that's what a lot of people are many of people are because something happened it's like God don't you care are you there are you really are you really are you just leaving me you in the cosmos somewhere and you living me all by myself to try to figure it all out no daddy God has got the victory for you but he's also he sent you the one in you to lead you to that victory he's giving you the word and the spirit sontee and now let me add something else because you know every time in the healing me and you know I was talking about healed of cancer moral of the story nine months later without any treatment without any chemotherapy and like I said I'm not against that if that's what's gonna take you know if that's why the Holy Ghost you feel the peace in your heart that that's what you're supposed to do follow the peace you understand and don't be in condemnation thinking you're a failure no you're just doing what in your heart there is a peace but I didn't I had you see in my living room when I obeyed and heard the Holy Ghost and did what he told me to do I opened that you know that I got the key of the safe of the inheritance what allowed me to get a hold of it and I knew that night I was healed and I knew I was not a victim I was a victor and at that moment I knew that that trial that what the devil was doing was going to be my greatest victory was gonna be a you know people asked me Audrey how did you get into healing ministry let me tell you right there in my living room by 2:00 in the morning your greatest trial become your great great a stepping stone and while they're in my living room I told devil I said devil you made a big mistake I said this is an opportunity to give you a black eye to glorify God and to show the world that God is good hallelujah and so I want I'm gonna close right here oh I was gonna tell you something and almost forgot I was saying sometime when you have when you go in in in healing ministry in your life you know the walk of faith mean that sometime like a little child that wants to walk sometime you're gonna fall down but you don't stay down you get back up but you said okay why did what happen they'll teach me something show me something you know sometime as I go in healing ministry my desire my expectancies to see all healed but when somebody doesn't get healed I say Lord what is it why and I remember one time there is a guy I was in Switzerland and he told me said Audrey I don't understand said my father had cancer and he went and and God told him to do that and he did it and he got healed he said but one year later that cancer came back and he did the same thing and he didn't and he died why and I'd bothered me I'm like I don't understand what why and then the Holy Ghost showed me not long ago he said let me tell you why the first time he went to the Holy Spirit it went to God he put his eyes on God he heard the Holy Spirit he did what the Holy Spirit told you to do that was his key and got his victory Seba the second time you know what he did he didn't go to the Holy Spirit he just did the same thing that he did the first time and that reminds me that reminds me of King David when he was attacked he said that he went to the Lord and seek the Lord and the Lord told him he said you go go up the mountain and you attack them from there and so that's what David did but you know a few verses three verses later in first chronicle 14 it says that the same people attacked them it's like David in the same place you know what David did he didn't go and said Oh God told me to go up the mountain it worked same people same place I'm gonna do the same thing he didn't do that you know what he did he went to God again he said god they're attacking me what shall I do and God says don't go to the mountain like you did the first time no you go and surround them around and I'll give them to you same people same place same problem same enemy and so that's what we have to do don't use the word like you know like a principle or a method or a 10-step no feel build your house on the rock build yourself on the word and then when there is when there is an attack Holy Spirit what shall I do you read me the word and the spirit confidence having confidence in God that is on your side to bring you to that victory so this morning I want to ask you something in the few minutes that we have left together if there is somebody here this morning you had some last some how can you know lost that confidence in God for whichever reason something has happened and you felt like God you kind of like let me down why didn't you come through for me and today you realize that it wasn't God that lets you down God was always there but you feel like I want you get back to that place completely where my confidence is in God where I know that I know and you know what I had to do when I realized that he wasn't God that led me down it was just that I took my eyes off of him and put them on people I had to repent and say god I'm sorry sorry for doubting your goodness sorry for believing the lie that she let me down that you didn't have my bag that forgive me father God is so good so I'm gonna ask you to do something I'm gonna ask you to close your eyes not as a religious thing it's just that you just close yourself in your little sanctuary and if you are here this morning and you said you know what I need I need to do that I need to have my confidence in God yes I see that hand I see those hand I see those hands all over I need to come to that place of total confidence in God so I'm gonna ask you just to repeat this prayer after me Father God forgive me for doubting you for believing the lie today I understand that you are a good good father that you will never leave me never forsake me that you are for me not against me so I received the truth and this morning I make a decision to live my life on this truth that my confidence is in God not what I see not what I don't see not what I hear but my confidence is in you Father because you're a good father and I'm loved by you so I receive your love and I thank you for loving me in Jesus name Amen hallelujah God is a good father that's who he is and you loved by him that's who you are a man you can help but and you know what Paul said is that you may be rooted and grounded in the love of God that you may know how deep I wider longer high is the love that God us for you why that you may be filled with the fullness of God if you're not filled with the fullness of God is because you don't know who your daddy is amen god bless you praise the Lord we are gonna break now until healing schools so this section here go down those stairs and go down the lunch line that way if you already have your bracelets this section here will go down this stairwell and this section here will go down this stairwell to the outer patio or lower patio sorry and that's where your food lines are if you need to purchase food it's out here on the upper patio but we will see you at one o'clock please take your belongings because we do not want to make a donation to the thrift stores right now we will see you at one you
Channel: Charis Bible College
Views: 14,982
Rating: 4.8285713 out of 5
Keywords: Healing is Here Morning 3 Aug 16 2018 Worship - Audrey Mack
Id: aCKscRf7rTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 212min 23sec (12743 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 16 2018
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