Phoenix Gospel Truth Seminar 2017: Day 3, Session 6 - Andrew Wommack

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tonight I'm going to be continuing talking about I've been teaching basically out of Colossians chapter 2 this whole time and I was using the scripture out of cautions chapter 2 verse 10 I believe it is it says you are complete in him let me just read one more time what this word complete means in the Greek it's pole arrow and it means to make replete that is literally to cram a net full to level up a hollow the word replete means plentifully supplied abounding filled assets satiation gorged and the word saturation means to gratify to act excess and this is what we have we are complete in Christ we have been filled to excess abounding gratified to excess man that's awesome and so we already have everything in Christ we don't need the Lord to give us more what we need is revelation of what we already have and I've been talking about this all weekend long what I want to do tonight is to talk about how do we begin to access all of this how do we gain access to everything that God has put in us and I haven't by any means exhausted trying to show people what we already have in Christ and I just want to say this before I move on and to these other things that most people are more concerned with how to's I want to know how to do this then they are getting totally convinced of what God has already done for them but I believe that really it ought to be the opposite if we were completely convinced of what we have did you know you would eventually stumble on to the things that caused the power of God to be manifest this is what happened in my life if any of you have ever read my book on spirit stolen body the Lord showed me who I was in Christ and show me that I was identical in my spirit that I had all of these things and I've never heard of Copenhagen Copeland or Hagen I hadn't heard of faith I had never heard of five steps to this or ten steps that I didn't know anything except that somewhere on the inside of me I had the same power that raised Christ from the dead and I didn't know that another person had been healed in two thousand years I was taught that this was of the devil and yet I just knew that I had this power and what Jesus did I could do also and before I heard any teaching on how to do anything being totally convinced that I had the life of God on the inside of me just caused me to start believing to me faith is based on knowledge and if you have the knowledge if you are totally convinced that you've been healed that you've already been prospered that God already loves you if you really are convinced to the point that there is no doubt about that you'll eventually stumble onto things you know an old blind squirrel will find a nut every once in a while if it doesn't quit and I was just convinced that I could do the works that Jesus did so I started laying my hands on anything that moved and I didn't see everybody healed at first but I just kept praying and kept doing things and we started seeing blind eyes open and deaf ears open and miracles before I knew that there had been another miracle happen in the last two thousand years as far as I knew I was the first person in two thousand years to see a person healed and I'm telling you it's because I was totally persuaded absolutely convinced so I want to say this before we get into how to do it that most people the reason they aren't seeing things happen isn't because they don't have all of the keys and I'm not minimizing that we do need to understand how the kingdom works but they aren't fully persuaded and so I could spend literally weeks just showing things from the word that God used to convince me that I had the power of God and the life of God on the inside of me and I think that most people try and go too quickly into all right how does it work how do I make this happen and yet they aren't fully persuaded in their hearts so I just want to say that man you need to be really studying this stuff the things that I've shared with you over the last three sessions that I've shared are 48 years worth of study and I can guarantee is just scratching the surface you need to be convinced as Paul said I'm fully persuaded some people are persuaded but you need to be fully persuaded to the point that there is no doubt level all right so if we have all of these things if we are complete to the point that we have access that God has abounded towards us we've got more than we'll ever need well how do we get that out of our spirit and into the physical realm first of all Ephesians chapter 1 verse 3 says blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ who hath past-tense blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus if you look this up in some of the translations it'll talk about in the spiritual realm and so all of this completeness and everything that God has done is in the spiritual realm but not the spiritual realm that's out there in the heavens it's inside of you it's in this new person that is really important that you understand this that it's not out there it's in you in the spiritual realm and the wisdom of God putting this in your spirit is tremendous because Ephesians 1:13 says that once you believed you were sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise so that means that all of this completeness all of this fullness that God has placed on the inside of us is in our spirit it's sealed by the Holy Spirit and Satan cannot take it you he has no access to it did you know if you sin you allow Satan into your physical body you allow him into your soul ease realm but he can't penetrate that seal around your spirit and the healing power of God the joy of the Lord the love of the Lord everything that God is and has remains faithful and it's full and it's complete in your spirit when you're depressed and feeling like Oh God where are you your spirit is full of love joy peace all of these things if you go out and sin and miss God big time you do not lose anything with God in your spirit you still retain the same power the same anointing the same everything now it may not do you any good in your physical existence if your soul is blocking the transmission of that into your physical body but in your spirits you've still got it and it's just a matter of getting your soul back in order so anyway it's important that you understand that this is in the spirit realm and you know I spend a lot of time this afternoon trying to think about how do I explain what the Lord has shown me about how do you start releasing this and man there's a lot of things I could say but I'm gonna see something that won't bless most of you but you know how you release this by faith and most people think faith I've heard a million sermons on faith man I don't want to hear that I wanted a step 1 through 5 like what Paul was talking about but faith is how you access everything Romans chapter 5 verse 2 says that we have access into this grace through faith and the word access there is the exact same Greek word that we get admission from you go to a movie you have to buy an admission tickets you have to pay and get that thing and the thing that you use to get what is in your spirit out into your physical realm is faith faith is how you gain access our admission to this spiritual thing and I know some people may think well I'm doing everything faith I'm doing this and doing that let me say some things here and I haven't got time to explain all of this completely I hope if nothing else this will just whet your appetite and get you to where you'll study these things out but faith is not an action it's a belief it's a confidence now it's not complete until it's been acted on that's what James chapter 2 says faith without works is dead but faith isn't an action there's a lot of people that say but I go to church and I pay my ties and I've said this and I confess this but faith isn't something you do faith is a confidence matter of fact if you look word up it means confident trust it's just you have a conviction and you have to believe believe what not believe that if I do these things God will respond to me but faith is our response to what we believe God has already done that's huge what I just said right there some of you just went right over your head some of you thought I've thought that my whole life very few people think that it took me 20 years to figure that out I'm a little slow but I think that's more profound than what you realized most people believe faith is something they do to get God to move for instance we have this saying about faith moves God faith does not move God you can't make God move by faith and I know somehow yes you can no you can't God's not the one who needs to move faith is just our positive response to what God has already done here's another way of saying it faith only appropriates what God has already provided by grace and if you've been here all week long I started talking about Genesis and when God created Adam and Eve he didn't respond to them and said oh you need something to eat let me give you something to eat oh you need to breathe oh you need a certain climate no he prepared everything and made it perfect and complete before he created them and when they reached out and took fruit and ate it that was their response to God what he had already provided anytime you think that you are doing something and by doing this now God has to do that it's not faith and this is where religion has messed things up and most people miss it because they say I'm doing these things why hadn't God done that and they think that God responds to your performance that's wrong I've had people come up in my prayer lines by the thousands and say something like I pay my tithes I go to church I pray I study the Bible I confess the word I've done this this this and this how come God hasn't healed me you just told me because you didn't point to what he did for you you pointed to what you have done and feel like that God owes you something because you did this that's wrong that's what the Bible calls works you are trusting in yourself and in your effort and that is not faith so much of what people call faith isn't faith it's actually the antithesis of faith it's the opposite of faith it's you trusting in yourself and let me also say that this is the very reason that most Christians live under so much condemnation like I was saying earlier they don't feel like they please God because they aren't looking at their faith they are looking at their actions their works thinking that God owes them something and because of that your own heart condemns you you know that you don't do everything perfectly you know that you get mad you know that you don't study the word the way that you should you just live in a constant state of condemnation and sin consciousness but the truth is that God has made us justified with him not through what we have done but just simply by us responding to what he did I don't know if you understand but Christianity the thing that makes Christianity different than every other religion on the planet every other religion will believe in some concept of God but the other religions make you your Savior you have to live holy enough or do something in order to make yourself pleasing to God if you're a Muslim you got to go kill infidels you got to do certain things if you're a Buddhist you got to wear saffron robes and shave your head and beg and take an oath of poverty and on and on you could go with all these different religions it's things that you have to do but true Christianity isn't I'm going to church and I'm paying my time see many Christians they actually have the same concept as pagans they just have Christian works that they do instead of pagan works but a true Christian it's not what you do it's all about what Jesus did we are the only religion on the face of the earth that has a savior if you realize that nobody else has a savior even the devil had never come up with this idea nobody could have ever thought of God coming down and becoming a man and redeeming us and him burying our sins and giving us his righteousness this is so out of the realm of the normal that the devil never even thought of it no other religion even has this concept God became a man and Jesus paid for everything and offers us rights painting with God and as Paul was saying tonight he doesn't just make peace between us and God and again this is where religion even Christian religion has missed it they think that maybe God is not going to send us to hell but that he's still displeased with us that we constantly live in a state of inferiority and failure and how could God love us because it's all based on our performance but true Christianity he didn't just take away your sins and when you die you go to heaven but he gave you his righteousness you are as righteous and holy and pure in your spirit as Jesus is because it's his righteousness second Corinthians 5:21 says for he speaking of God hath made him Jesus to be who knew no sin to be made sin for us that we might be made the righteousness of God in him he didn't just take away her sins you know I was raised in a church that they used to use an example when I was a kid they took a two before and they drove nails in it and they said this two before is your spirit and your sins are these nails and you've had all of these sins that corrupted what God gave you but when you get forgiven they took the nails out and they remove the nails and they said the sins are gone but they looked at the two before and it was just totally riddled with all of these holes and you're still an incomplete person and you got all of these scars of sin and they use that as an example of what salvation is and it was reflected in statements like I'm an old sinner saved by grace I'm saved by grace but I'm still an old Center that's not accurate it's more accurate to take it to before drive nails in and say these are your sins and then when you get born again God throws that away it gives you a brand new one that is coated and steel and sin can never penetrate and it'll never be changed again and you aren't an old sinner saved by grace you were an old sinner but you got saved by grace and you are now the righteousness of God and so our righteousness I rights thing with God is not based on anything you do what you do has nothing to do with how God sees you and the reason I'm saying all of this is because most people define faith as something you do in order to get God to do something if you are confessing that I'm healed by His stripes and if you aren't going to the doctor and if you're getting out of bed and resisting your pain and you're doing all of these things in order for God to heal you it's not faith it's works you're trying to force God you're trying to get God to respond to you and this is the reason that you have the question about why hadn't God done this because I've been doing this anytime you say that you aren't in faith you're in works you're in what the Bible says Jesus came to redeem us problem but true faith if you really believe that you are complete in him and that you're healed and all of these things are done then true faith will have action but it's a heart deal you act not in order to get God to do something but you act because you believe for instance let me take the example of finances did you know most people even some people who've got a revelation of grace will still struggle in the area of finances because to them you give and that causes God to give back unto you God is responding to you and if you don't get this is how you get God it's like you put a coin in a slot machine and pull the handle and God comes out if you will give then God will give back to you and things like this and most people even people who've got a revelation of grace still see prosperity as I've got to give first and then God responds to me but it's not like that it may look that way to a carnal person who isn't thinking properly but in truth it's God has given you seed the scripture relates you're giving to seed in many places 2nd Corinthians chapter 10 in other places and God gives you all of this seed and all you've got to do is believe that you know you could either eat this seed and get immediate nourishment from it or you can believe the promises of God that if I plant a seed you know this happens so often that we don't we take it for granted and don't think about it but it's a miracle it's a miracle that you can take a little acorn like this and plant it and if you give it the right nourishment conditions over time that will grow into a unit tree that's taller than this ceiling it's a miracle it's a miracle God put a miracle in that seed and again we take it for granted but it really is miraculous you've got a choice are you gonna eat that seed and get some immediate nourishment or are you gonna believe what God put in this and by faith plant that seed in the ground and let it grow to where it'll produce many acorns it's giving doesn't cause God to give back to you God has already given to you and he's giving you seed you know Bill Winston was saying this yesterday that everybody's got seed if nothing else you could make a vow and say God I'll give you this as I get these things like Hannah did she made a value give me a child and I'll give him back unto you but God is the one that gives us seeds so giving does release and activate the power of God but it God's not responding to us actually if you give with the right heart you are giving in spots to what God has said God has already blessed you and he said that when you give it'll be giving back that when you sow he gives seed to the sower 2nd Corinthians 9:10 and bread to the eater and what you're doing is giving in faith not in order to get God to give God I've given now you've got to give back to me but no you're giving with the attitude that father you've already promised me you've already blessed me where is it how do I do it well this is a seed if what you have in your hand isn't enough for your need turn it into a seed and plant it and it'll grow and it'll multiply and so giving doesn't cause God to respond to you giving is if it's done correctly is actually a positive response to God God you're my source you know God doesn't need our money Paul mentioned that tonight God doesn't need our money and I know that it's hard sometimes to understand that but God he is el-shaddai he owns all the cattle on a Thousand Hills he owns all of the hills God has everything he doesn't need us to give why did God set it up that the kingdom of God operates off of offerings you know I could spend all night long establishing this but it's true and the scripture talks about that if we minister to use spiritual things we're supposed to read back carnal things why did God do it that way it's not because God needs us to help him God set it up this way because he loves you and he wants you to trust him and you spend more time making a living than you do anything else you spend more time working for money than you do anything you know God hates this Sunday only Christianity where you go to church and you devote one hour a week to the Lord the nod to God crowd God hates that man we are supposed to be serving him with all of our heart with all of our mind with all of our soul with all of our strength God wants everything out us he loves you and wants you to recognize him and trust him as your source in everything so how is it that he gets you to trust him in this area of finances it's real simple he says give me 10% and if God hadn't promised that when you give it's going to be like a seed that multiplies and grows and you'll actually have more by giving some away than you will if you keep a hundred percent if there wasn't a God who promised that when you give it'll be given back unto you when you sow that God will get money to a sower if there wasn't a God who made those promises then giving away a portion of what you've got is the stupidest thing you could ever do in the natural it makes no sense because most of us have desires and things that we haven't obtained yet and so if you if this is your goal over here and you aren't there yet if you take a portion of what you've got and give it away you're moving away from your goal instead of towards it it makes no sense in the natural why did God ask us to give not because he needs us to give we need to express our faith and trust in him we need to be dependent upon him and it's one thing for you to say oh I'm dependent upon God yep God's my source talk is cheap faith without works is dead if you really believe God is your source don't talk about it do something that would prove that and this is what giving is all about God wants you to give because it's good for you you know I went to a little Church in Colorado where one of our graduates of our school invited me to come and there was three churches that went together because none of the churches had over 30 members in their church and they thought that their church was too small for me to come to just one so three churches went together they had about a hundred people there and it was in September and I had just come from Charlotte North Carolina where pastor Darian Karen I went to their church and Karen's brother is the senior pastor there and I forget exactly but I think that I held a five day meeting there and they gave me fifty or sixty thousand dollars for a five-day meeting and so I went to this little tiny group of people and the pastors were apologetic saying man you know you aren't going to get a lot of money here and so we want to give you the freedom to receive your own offerings and they thought that if I received my own offerings and if I didn't get much money I couldn't blame anybody but myself so they wanted me to take up my own offering so I got up the very first night and I said look I just came from a church in Charlotte they gave me fifty sixty thousand dollars I'm not a poor preacher I didn't barely get into town and I don't need your help to get out of town I don't need your money and as soon as I said that you should have seen the pastor on the front row all of the color just drained out of his face like man you won't get a dime out of this group because most people present that the reason you need to give is because I've got this knees please help me and it's kind of begging it's it's like would you please go help me to go get a meal would you do something for me and that's the way it's presented most of the time so what I did I started telling the people I said I don't need your money but you need to give you need to trust God and I talked them in the offering talks about giving and how it benefited them and anyway the next week this pastor called me and he says you aren't going to believe this but he said we gave you the largest offering we have ever given anybody by ten times he says these people gave to you and he said that I don't even remember what you were preaching them but I remember those offering talks and he says I knew these things personally but I thought that people would receive it wrong and I hadn't shared with the people the truth about this because I was afraid of their reaction and saw on Sunday he got up in front of his church this is after they had gone back to the different churches and there was only twenty or thirty people in this church and he got up in front of his church on Sunday up on the stage and he apologized and he says I haven't told you the truth about giving because I was afraid of people's reaction and he said would you please forgive me and he got on his knees and begged the people he says I've robbed you I've stolen from you by not telling you the truth would you please forgive me and the people started running to the front and hugging him and say yes pastor we forgive you and they threw money on the platform and they raised over twenty-five thirty thousand dollars and paid off all of the church's indebtedness he said that they were having a first class revival miracles were happening and all of this and this is why God wants us to give is not because he needs it not because the ministry need God could supply my need some other way you know there's a man in Singapore that watches me every day on television and he's had some contact with us and he gave us a little box of tea that I mean this was classy tea it was probably I don't know he's over a thousand dollars for this box of tea but the guy Windell went mint with him and he picked Windell up in his Bentley limousine that followed his other Bentley limousine that had his security people in it and anyway this guy had just bought his what fifty something fifty third boat that day for two hundred and fifty three million dollars and that was his 53rd boat now this guy's not giving me anything but a box of tea but it was a nice box of tea but I'm saying did you know that that one guy he could give me a billion dollars I can put it in the bank live off the interest God could take care of me some other way but he doesn't do it that way because he wants his people involved in the ministry he set it up this way not because I need your money you need to trust God you need to take you know when you go and get your paycheck you don't say oh thank you for giving me this money no you don't look at it as a gift I earned this and you think I earn more than this you look at it as yours but the truth is God is the one who gave you your freedom to be able to work God's the one that caused you to be born during the most prosperous time in the history of the world did you know your parents your grandparents very few I would be surprised if there's anybody in here that doesn't live at a higher standard of living than your grandparents or certainly your great-grandparents we are all prosperous we have all of these things you didn't cause yourself to be born at this time you aren't the one that gave yourself gifts you may have gone to school and develop them but you can't put in what God left out you didn't make yourself this talented person the truth is God is the source of every one of us he gives us life he gives us breath he has caused generations before to fight and die to give us the freedoms God is responsible for everything that you've got you wouldn't have a job you wouldn't have the freedom you wouldn't have the talents and somebody says but I work well yeah you work but again it's God who gave you this ability all God did have to do is just stir the chemicals in your brain just a little bit you could be licking stamps off the drool dripping off your chin you didn't make yourself anybody nobody's a self-made man or woman God is your source so how is it that you remember God your source it's one thing to say oh yeah God's my source but you know what you do you take what you have and say god you're my source and I believe it I believe it with all of my heart I trust that promise that if I give it's going to be given back unto me good measure pressed down shaken together and running over shall men give into my bosom I trust that as much as I do the one that says confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead I trust you to the point that I'm going to take a portion of what I've got and I'm gonna give it away so it believing that when I saw this seed it doesn't die it just grows and multiplies and comes back the reason for giving isn't to get God to do something but it's an opportunity for you to release your faith to respond to what you believe God has already done and it's the same with everything when you confess by stripes I'm healed there are people who say in the name of Jesus I'm healed but they don't believe it what they're doing is trying to confess it thinking that somehow or another that makes God move and you can prove it because right after they confess my stripes I mean somebody comes up and says how are you oh man I hurt the doctor says I'm dying you know the Bible says out of your mouth you know you can tell what's in a person's heart like what comes out of their mouth out of the abundance of your heart the mouth speaks the reason you confess the word of God isn't twist God's arm and say god I've confessed five hundred and fifty nine times that by your stripes I'm healed now you've got to heal me if that's your attitude that's not faith you are trying to get God to respond to you but faith is saying father I really believe that I'm healed and so you say what you really believe leave I'm here I don't understand why my body still hurts I don't understand why some things happen I haven't got it all figured out but I really believe that I'm in next the reason I say I'm heals because I really believe I'm here I think man you know I if people ask me how you are I say I'm blessed I say that maybe 50 times a day I've done that for decades I've said this millions of times and I've had people come up who've seen problems in my life and they know that I'm going through things and they'll say I want to know how you really are and I'll say I'm a really blessed because I believe it and it all goes back to what I've been teaching I believe I'm complete in my spirit I'm already blessed and it's sealed and I don't lose something just because I've got adversity or problems in my life you know Charlie and Jill we were singing this song tonight I forget the exact lyrics now but it was the one about you'll never leave let us see how does it go somebody tell me what were you singing whatever I'm going through I'm gonna keep my eyes on you you know that's what I believe I don't deny that I have physical problems I don't deny that I have financial problems sometimes I don't deny that there are times that I get discouraged in the natural but instead of just living in the natural I believe that I am complete in Christ and that I have all of my provision I am healed and I keep my eyes on that and this is how I live here's people say well you're a hypocrite I've actually had people you know Wendell was with me back when anyway some things that I won't tell you what it was but Paul Harvey went on his worldwide radio broadcast and said this is the worst thing I have ever heard in my life and told our story and called our names and I had people that knew me from all over the world calling me are you okay and I remember Wendell meeting me that day you can't minister in school today because of what happened and you know what I told him I said hey Jesus is still say and I'm still the same I haven't lost anything I don't care what's going on in the natural I'm blessed and I got up and I didn't tell people about how I felt and what was happening to me I got him talking about who Jesus was and he's the same yesterday today and forever if you're up and down like a yo-yo it's because you're living in the flesh and the natural part of you and you aren't living based on you being complete in him and see this is faith to me I'm not trying to believe something to get God to do it I have taken the Word of God I've painted a picture on the inside of me and I honestly believe that I'm healed when I don't look heal when I don't feel ill you know I went out I couldn't even tell you how many years ago it well I could because it was in 1918 wael I forget exactly but anyways a long time ago I went out and played golf and I got sunburn real bad and I had this big old blister come up on my ear and I put up with that for a couple of months and I got tired of it so I just ripped the thing off I tore this blister off on a year and it didn't heal and for six years I had this big old thing that was bleeding on my ear and I never went to the doctor but I had many doctors to come to my meeting and come up and tell me that I had a melanoma cancer that I'm gonna die and confess all kinds of things over me and you know what I just believed that I was healed and it didn't look like I was healed it didn't feel like I was healed but I believe that I was healed and I just kept believing and I kept trusting and resting in the Lord and it's now been about I think two years ago in January that that thing finally healed up maybe it was three years ago but anyway I was healed and other people hey you're healed my said I told you I believe does healed I didn't go and get it treated and do anything else to it I just believed that I was healed and I'm healed I got some things right now that I'm dealing with you know I could have better eyesight than but I can still read the small print in this Bible most of you can't do that but I'm believing for better eyesight and I'm still speaking to myself but you know I'm not doing these things trying to get God to heal me I believe I mean and it's just a matter of time it's just a matter of time until you know what my faith becomes silent anyway I could spend all night long talking about that but when I say that faith is the answer to releasing this most people just kind of have a disconnect because oh I know about faith and I've already done this and they look at what they're doing faith is not something you do it ultimately causes you to respond but your actions are a result a byproduct of faith not the way to faith that's a huge statement this is why some people hear a person talk about faith and they will sit there and try they'll throw away their insulin they'll throw away something thinking that if I will have an act of faith that will make God heal me faith doesn't come by action faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word and if you have faith it will eventually produce action but the actions are a byproduct of faith not something you do to make faith come and this is why people that throw away their medicine and die they may have done something that they considered a faith thing but it was something trying to get God to move instead of a reaction to what they already believe it's an attitude of the heart it says in Romans chapter 10 verse 10 for with the heart man believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation faith comes out of your heart it doesn't come just from your actions there are many people that are imitating and going through the motions but they don't really believe in their heart somebody says how can you tell if you die you didn't really believe amen praise God anyway there's so many things I'd love to say let me just go through a couple of things real quickly faith is voice-activated if you studied wrong I'm just quoting a lot of these things because I can cover more ground you can either get the CDs of this or you can go study it on your own make notes or whatever but in Romans chapter 10 it quotes and it says the faith which the salvation which is of faith speaketh on this wise and it talks about faith speaks in proverbs chapter 18 verse 21 it says death and life are in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof God's kind of faith is voice-activated if you read Genesis chapter 1 God said let there be like God said Let there be drag and ground God said let us make man God releases his faith by words he spoke to the fig tree and talked to it and commanded it to die your faith has to be released by words now again some people could only get in on this part and then start saying things and expecting it to just automatically work and they could come to me and say well I've said I've confessed that by His stripes I'm healed and I'm still not here and they missed it because they first of all didn't understand that your words don't make God do something it's just the way you receive from God it's the way you release your faith it doesn't move God so if you've missed that first point about that you're already complete in Christ if you've missed the point about faith isn't something you do it's what you believe and your actions are a byproduct of faith if you miss those two things you could take what I'm gonna say right here and just get to where you feel like you've got a some kind of a leverage on God and you can make God move that's not what I'm talking about but if you really believe think you got to speak it faith is released by words in Psalms chapter 91 is where it talks about that he that dwells under the secret in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty and it lists all of these wonderful things and no plague will come nigh our dwelling and all of these kind of things but in verse 2 it says I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in him while I trust in other words all of these promises in Psalms 91 have to be spoken you have to speak your faith faith isn't truly faith it's not complete faith until it's spoken man that is a huge statement right there and it not only has to be spoken but you have to speak it and believe that what you say Romans are not Romans mark chapter 11 verse 23 says verily I say unto you whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he says shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he said you have to believe in the power of words you have to believe that words have created power this is how God created everything did you know you and I were created by words we were spoken into existence everything tangible dirt rocks everything that is made from dirt and rocks and any mineral that's on this earth they were all created by words things respond to words words are the parent force and so you have to speak your faith there are a lot of people that speak their doubts that speak their fears that speak their hurts we've been taught that somehow or another we are in denial if we're hurting and don't confess it and talk about it and just you know let it all out man what you're doing is speaking forth death you don't need to speak your words if somebody says how are you don't tell them what the doctor said don't tell them that you're gonna die don't tell him about your hurts and pains tell him what the Word of God says if you believe it now if you don't believe it you might as well speak your unbelief because it's not gonna work anyway but if you are trying to believe God you need to start speaking the Word of God in the 11th chapter of the book of John Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead and they told him that Lazarus was sick and he told his disciples he says I'm glad for your sakes that I wasn't there he says our friend Lazarus is asleep and they said well he's been sick if he's taking a nap that'll help him get well they totally misunderstood what he said did you know Jesus knew he was dead but he didn't want to say dead because that word carries fear and unbelief and things - cat carnal natural people so instead of saying he's dead he said he's asleep well when they misunderstood and said if he's asleep that's good he'll feel better finally he explained it he says our friend Lazarus isn't dead but I go that I may awaken him out of sleep you've heard some faith people that just refuse to ever say anything negative they'll say I'm healed in the name of Jesus and people look at him and they got this you Joel Gorder right here on their neck and they say you're healed what about this thing on your neck I don't see anything on my neck I hadn't got anything on my neck that's not faith that's stupid faith isn't denying that you have a problem it's just denying that that's all that there is I wouldn't personally speak forth that I have a problem I would never talk about a problem that I'm dealing with unless somebody's gonna misunderstand what I'm saying and if they would misunderstand it I might say look I am still dealing with my eyes I'm still believing God for a better eyesight but I believe that it's a done deal so it's not wrong to acknowledge the physical I wouldn't overemphasize that I would avoid it if at all possible but if somebody's gonna misunderstand you know if you are facing something and if you are dealing with things you it's okay to say hey I've got some problems but and then you speak your faith the problem is many people will say well the Bible says I'm heal but I really hurt what you need to do you need to get your butt in the right place you need to say I may have a problem but I'm healed in the name of Jesus amen do you take that any way you want you know or in Hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 it says now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen faith is substance tangibility did you know this podium is substance it's made out of material it's physical it's tangible faith produces tangible results of things hope for things hope for are things that aren't seen Romans chapter 8 I believe it's verse 20 to 24 right around there it says we if we have you got that I'm not sure I didn't quote it Romans chapter 8 verse 22 have you got it for we know that the whole earth well it must be verse 24 go to 24 for we are saved by a hope but hope seen is not hope for if we see it what are we hoping for hope is something that can't be seen so when it says faith is the substance of things hoped for faith gives tangibility substance to things that are in the unseen realm notice it didn't say things that don't exist it says faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen it says they aren't seen but they do exist you've got to believe that the spiritual world is real that there are things beyond your ability to see for instance you know we're using a wireless microphone right now and that's transmitting radio signals back to the back and it picks it up and then sends it through these speakers but did you know that there's radio signals in this room you can't see them but they're here there's television signals in this room you can't see them but they're here for you to think that if you can't see something then that it's not real that just means you aren't very smart you could take a television set and plug it in turn it on tune it in and when you see and hear the signal is not when it starts broadcasting the signals are already in this room you just can't perceive it with your little peanut-sized brain there's things beyond our ability to understand and see but they do exist likewise in the spiritual realm there is a spiritual world that exists and in the spirit you are already complete in Christ and faith is just believing that you are this you can't see it you can't feel it but God's Word says it by His stripes I was healed and faith will believe that what's hoped for you know here's another clue about how you get this released faith is the substance of things hoped for before you have faith you've got to have hope here's a lot of people that try and bypass that step and just go straight into faith but before you can believe something you've got to hope something man I could in an hour - I hadn't got time to do this just take my word for it or get some teaching that I've got but hope is an imagination is what it's talking about hope is the ability to see something that you can't see that's what it says in Romans 8:24 we hope for that which we see not hope is an ability to see something with your heart that you haven't yet seen with your eyes that's what an imagination is you have to see things and before you can believe that it's done you've got the hope that it's done you may not be to a place right now a believing that you're healed so start hoping that you're healed some people hi I'm no i'm not gonna hope for anything man hope is one of the big three in first Corinthians 13:13 now abideth Faith Hope and love but the greatest of these is love it puts hope right up there with love and Faith Hope is a powerful force hope is like a thermostat I heard Kenneth R Charles Capps one time give an illustration about a guy that was an old hillbilly that came out of the hills he hadn't been out of the hills in 20 or 30 years he came down to a meeting like this and it was getting hot in the place and he was beginning to fan himself and an usher came up and turned this little thing on the wall and within just a minute or so he started feeling cold air blow on him and this guy thought this was great so he went up to that usher after the meeting was over and said what was that thing on the wall and he says what do you tell him and he says you turn that and I started feeling cold air and he says well that's a thermostat and he says can I get a thermostat he says you can buy a thermostat in any hardware store so there's guy bought a thermostat went back into the woods and when it got hot he put that thing on his wall and turned it but nothing happened he couldn't understand what happened because the thermostat isn't the power unit it just controls the power unit it turns it on and off likewise hope is the thermostat that turns on faith if you hope for something once you get your hopes up and you start hoping I guarantee you hope will turn into faith faith will give substance to things that are hoped for so you need to start building your hope first before you start jumping into faith hope is a powerful force and it involves your imagination again I can teach on a matter of fact I do teach on this I got a lot of teaching on all of this you know all March heard not March this was January the 31st 2002 God told me I was limiting him by my small thinking and he spoke to me out of Psalm 78 41 and anyway there was a lot of things involved but I hadn't allowed myself to hope the way that I was supposed to I knew that God had told me to do certain things and that I was going to reach people all over the world I knew that piece of information but I hadn't ever let myself see me doing it and so I had to start dreaming and hoping and then once I allowed myself to start imagining me doing what God had told me to do I guarantee you once hope was there it kept on the power unit and I got to believing and now we have seen a massive increase in awesome things happen because of this but this is all how you get what's on the inside of you out faith sub faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen they do exist but they're just in an unseen realm let me turn it over here and read this to you out of second Kings chapter 6 and this is an example about Elisha the prophet and he had been giving away the king of Syria's battle pant plans to the king of Israel and every time the king of Syria came down and tried to fight against the Israelites they knew was coming and they said an ambush and they beat him and this happened so many times that eventually he said somebody hears a traitor this is the only way the king of Israel could know that my battle plans as if somebody's giving it away these secrets and a little girl that was out of the nation of Israel she had been conquered and taken as a slave she said there's none of us that's a traitor but it's the man of God Elijah that's telling the king of Israel the words that you speak in your bedchamber and when the King heard about this he sent his armies down to Dothan where Elijah was and they surrounded Dothan to take him and in the morning his servant gaze I woke up and it says here in verse 15 it says and when the servant of the man of God was risen early and gone forth behold a host compass the city both with horses and chariots and his servant said unto Him I'll ask my master how shall we do that's just an old English way of saying he panicked he saw the enemy troops surrounding them he knew that they had been giving away all of the secrets of the Syrians and they knew that they were in trouble so he told Elijah what are we going to do and he answered here's a Elijah's answer fear not for they that be with us are more than those that be with them now did you know if all you think is real is the physical realm then you would have to say that I'll I shall lied because in the natural you could count the Syrians by thousands there was thousands of Syrians surrounding them and then there is just two of them one two and if all you do is believe that the physical realm is real well then he lied and you know this is what a lot of people think that faith is faith is lying faith is saying that you're healed when you really aren't heal but if you'll say it long enough and believe it hard enough maybe what isn't real will become real that's what lot of people think faith is if that's what you think that's the reason that you aren't healed yet because see you don't believe that it's already done Elijah wasn't saying something that wasn't really it was absolutely true it was 100% real but it just wasn't in the physical realm it was in the spiritual realm that he was talking about a person who only thinks in the physical realm and only thinks at what they feel and what they see and what their bank account says is reality you're only playing with half a deck you aren't thinking about the whole thing there is a spiritual world out there and also inside of you the real you is a spirit being and if you take all of reality into account Elijah wasn't lying he was saying the truth but he just wasn't a natural truth it was a spiritual truth and so he prayed and he said Lord I pray thee open his eyes that he may see and the Lord opened the eyes of the young man and he saw and behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha did you know they were already there before they saw them they were already there but they were in the spiritual realm they couldn't be seen with the natural eyes and so Elijah prayed and asked the Lord to open up the eyes of his heart he wasn't talking about his physical eyes his physical eyes were as big as saucers looking at all of these enemy troops out there he wasn't saying open up his physical eye he wasn't standing there with his physical eyes closed he was talking about opening up the eyes of his heart help him to see into the spiritual realm and the truth is when he said there are more with us than there are with them he wasn't saying something that wasn't so he was saying what was true but it was just true in the spiritual this is what faith is faith isn't if I'll say that I'm healed then I'm going to be healed no the truth is you've already been healed but you've got to believe it and then say it not say it trying to get it to be so but saying it because you really believe that it so you know somebody have heard me tell this story before but I heard on a teaching about a woman that had a huge quarter on her neck and she went to a meeting like this and she came forward for prayer and they prayed for and she stood up and told everybody jesus healed me tonight and everybody just rejoiced because you know sometimes like when Jesus cursed the fig tree it didn't look any different immediately it was the next day before the fig tree was withered away and so people rejoiced and clapped and praise God well she came back the next year to the same conference and she got up and she said it was one year ago tonight that jesus healed me of a border and yet she still had this huge cord around her neck and so people were a little bothered by that but they didn't say much then she came back the next year she said it's two years ago tonight that jesus healed me of this quarter and people thought you know this is a lie she's saying she's healed when she's not healed and they got a little upset she came back the third year and said this is three years ago tonight that jesus healed me of his quarter and finally people got so upset they talked to the leadership and they said you're gonna have to tell this woman that she's just up there lying she's not telling the truth and you got to tell her she can't give her a testimony anymore so the leadership went and told this woman and anyway that night she prayed and she said Jesus I know that you healed me three years ago I believe it I've never doubted it I know I'm healed but these people can't believe that I'm healed until they see the gourd are gone would you please make that thing go away so that people could believe that I'm healed and the next morning she got up and it was totally gone she stood up she said I told you I was healed [Applause] now I believe that we need to see manifestations but I'm saying that's how committed that you need to get that I'm healed and it doesn't matter if it looks like I'm healed or not that's what I did with my ear for six years and I had people come and tell me one time in Charlotte I prayed with two people in one week who had had their ear cut off because of the exact same thing I was dealing with and they told me that they're getting radiation and that the doctor said they're gonna die and I had to pray for them with my ear still hurting and stuff but you know what I believed I was healed and I just kept resting in the Lord and standing on it and for all of you that don't believe anything happens until you see it you can come look at my ear and it's healed it was healed all along you got to get to where you believe something and you use your words not in order to get God to do something but because you believe God gave you creative power in your words and you speak them out you've got to believe that faith just reaches over into an unseen realm and takes what already exists and brings it into physical manifestation faith is like a bridge that allows what's in the spirit world to come into the physical world you know we build these buildings up in Woodland Park and we've now spent I forget the exact amount but in four and a half something years I've spent over 70 million maybe 75 million dollars cash on these buildings and when we moved into those buildings people were saying man look what God's done and they were so excited but you know I'd already seen it I'd already believed it it didn't excite me that much because I already had it you know what excites me is what I can't see with my eyes but I can see it in my heart that's where I live I live in the spiritual realm I'm always looking ahead I've got things that the Lord has shown me I add and share with anybody yet because they're already panic and over what I do sheriff but I have seen lots of things I've seen a lot of stuff and I that's where I enjoy living once you get it built let's go on to the next thing hey man you can get to we're living by faith is more real to you than living by sight I know that sounds strange to some people but this is what Paul was talking about he said in 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 verse 18 while we look not at the things which are seen but as the things which are not seen for the things which are seen are temporal or temporary but the things which are not seen are eternal Paul said I'm looking at things that can't be seen if you can't see them how do you look at them you look at them through faith faith is the ability to see with your heart to believe something is real whether or not there's any physical evidence I've prayed with so many people that I pray and I've I felt the anointing to God physically go into people and I say you're healed and now I'll tell them to move and do something they haven't done and they will move and everything's good and I say you're healed and they say alright I'm gonna go to the doctor and see and man the spirit of slap just wants to come all over them [Applause] they they can move they can do what they didn't do but they aren't gonna believe until some physical natural thing confirms it to them you o carnal thing I'm not against you I'm just saying that that is living in such a low level you can get to where you walk by faith right after it says this 2nd Corinthians 4:18 it starts talking about that we are confident that if this physical body was to die that we have a body prepared for us of the Lord did you know there's no physical proof of that you can't prove that but that's what Christians believe that's what he was talking about and then he says for to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord and then in verse 7 2nd Corinthians 5:7 for we walk by faith and not by sight sad to say most Christians walk by sight and not by faith they aren't gonna believe anything's really happened until they can see it or feel it and then they believe that's the reason you aren't gonna see it or feel it you got to believe first you got to believe that it's done you got to believe that you're complete in Christ that it's already done and faith isn't something we do to get God to do something faith is just our positive response to what God has already done faith just reaches out and appropriates what has already been done by grace if God hasn't already done it your faith can't make him do it and if it's already done then that takes the struggle out of faith faith isn't me trying to get God to do something faith is me resting in what God has already done I can't see it I can't feel it but God's Word says he's done it God's Word says I'm complete God's Word says by His stripes I was already healed I can't see it I can't feel it the doctors don't confirm it yet everything looks contrary but you know what I believe it with all about it's a done deal and you rest in that and then you start confessing not in order to get God to heal you but because you really believe you're healed none of the abundance of heart the mouth speaks you start acting well not in order to make God to heal you but because I believe I am well and I'm gonna act on my faith and you start doing things you know there are people that you can take people who are doing the right things with the wrong motive and people who are doing the right things from the right motive and it may look identical to people but God looks at the heart first Samuel 16:7 man looks on the outward appearance but God looks on the heart and it's all about a matter of the heart but the heart man believes unto righteousness and there are many people going through the motions but it's not heartfelt faith is how you release all of this and faith is not something we do to get God to move faith is just our positive response to what God has already done and that's awesome that is awesome so there are there are laws that govern faith I wish they had time to go through this mark chapter 5 but the woman touched the hem of His garment man I teach on this there are laws just like laws that govern electricity there are laws that govern how the power of God flows and most of us don't know these things and so one of them is these words faith is voice activated it's so instead of speaking words of faith we speak words of unbelief we tell people how bad we hurt how what the doctor said what the lawyer is said and we speak death death in life it didn't just say life only but death and life are in the power of the tongue many of us are hung by our own tongue by the words that we say we got to start changing that and man I'm just going to mention this and because I hadn't got time to go into all of the detail but out of mark chapter 11 Jesus spoke to a fig tree cursed it it died the next day his disciples saw that it was dead and they were so impressed that this fig tree had died without Jesus doing anything in the natural to cause it to die he only talked to it and they were they said master the fig tree that you cursed is dead and he says have faith in God like what's wrong with you guys I've been teaching you and you're still shocked to see something like this happen and then he says verily verily I say unto you whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he say shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he says and one of the subtle truths in that passage of Scripture that you have to meditate on to see this he says you talked to your problem you talked to the fig tree you talked to the mountain whatever your problem is you talked to it most Christians talk to God about their problem oh god I'm sick god I've got cancer Oh God please heal me that's not what this verse tells you to do it tells you to talk to your problem and imply it in there if you have if you think about it this means that if you don't talk to God about it and don't ask God to heal you then that must mean that he's already done it he gave you this power and authority and instead of you passively coming to God and saying God I am nothing I have nothing I can do nothing but I believe that you can do anything would you please heal me you'll die praying that way and that's how the majority of people pray instead you need to believe that you are complete in him that he's already put this power on the inside of you and don't even ask for healing it's already been done first Peter 2:24 by His stripes you were healed his stripes that happened in Herod's judgement Hall he's not healing you from heaven he healed you 2,000 years ago and this power is now on the inside of you you've got it in excess you don't have to ask God for healing what you need to do is believe that you've got it and then take your authority and command your situation to change talk to the problem that's the way that you release the power of God the 3rd chapter of the book of Acts Peter and John were going into the temple and a man was begging and they said silver and gold have I none but such as I have give I unto thee in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk and they reached in and grabbed him by the hand and lifted him up and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength and he went walking and leaping and praising God they never prayed a prayer they didn't say o God heal this person they took their authority and they commanded him to be healed and then grabbed him by the hand and jerked him up you know most Christians won't pray that way they pray chicken prayers they prayed prayers like Oh God we are nothing we have nothing we but we know that you can do it would you and they put it all off on God so that if the person gets healed well that was Jesus if nothing happens well must not have been God's will but the Lord told you mark chapter Matthew chapter 10 verse 8 you heal the sick you cleanse the lepers you raised the dead he didn't tell you to pray and ask him to do it he told you to do it I know somebody's listening to me right now and you're thinking all right so you're saying that you've got all it it's you that's doing this you're the one that's healing everybody it's God's power but it's in me religious people will often quote John chapter 15 verse 5 that without me you can do nothing and I believe that 100% without Jesus I can do nothing but I'm never without Jesus he'll never leave me Norfolk he's put his power on the inside on me it's not me I'm not the power source I could put a light bulb in my mouth and it'll never come on I am NOT the power source but I can flip the switch and turn on the power and the power of God is at my disposal and I have to take my authority and I have to command my body command my finances I have to speak to things God is not going to do what he told me to do he told me to speak to the mountain most people are talking to God about their mountain you need to talk to your mountain about God you need to say body I got good news for you you're here you know this is what Julie and I mentioned her every service she's famous she's awesome but Julianne this is the truth that sent her free talking to her body and she went through her house and in her little testimony that she gave she says if my dogs could talk and tell you what they've heard she walked through the house talking to her body and I mean it didn't take very long and she got healed of all of these things this is the key God has already done his part he's put this power on the inside of you and instead of asking him to do what he told you he's already done you need to believe that he's done it and take your authority and you command the situation to change you speak to your body you make it obey you and I know somebody this is weird talking to your body your body listen to you you know I don't need this this but I hear people come up every time I talk on this people will come up and mention Caroline leaf the woman who wrote who switched off my brain and they are just so excited because medicine now they got proof that you your body listens to your words there is a part of your brain that listens to your words and when you start saying oh I heard oh I'm sick your body starts sending signals to your body to hurt and the respondent's but when you start speaking positive words your body responds and there's little receptors on every cell that are like combinations and for things to get into those cells it normally will keep them out but if you've speaking death if you're speaking discouragement if you're stressed and stuff like this it opens these cells up and makes them susceptible to radical cells in cancer and things like this and the medical profession is now saying these things and some people get so excited over that well that's great if that's what it takes to get you to believe and I believe it because the word said it the word says it and I believe this that if I will talk to my body it will obey me it will do what I say and I'm glad that they got this medical proof for all of the people that can't believe God so you can believe the medicine stuff but I'm telling you the Word of God says that you talk to your body it will respond to you talk to if it talks to you talk to it anything that talks to you you know it says in mark chapter 11 verse 14 that jesus answered the fig tree and said that means that the fig tree had already been talking to him the fig tree said it had figs and it didn't and so he talked it it talked to him and he talked it if your chequebook talks to you and says man the Word of God didn't work I'm broke anything that talks do you talk back to it talk to your body talk to anything just talk to it man some of you think I'm strange but I think you're strange I'm telling you this works I'm saying the power of God manifest in my life through these things everything is complete in the spirit and how do I get it from the spirit into the physical it's faith faith isn't something I do to make God move faith is my response to what I believe is already done it's real and once you understand it that way it takes the struggle out of it you know if you stop and think about it trying to force God to do something that's if you're in a wrestling match with God you're gonna lose man it's just so much easier to recognize God you've already done it thank you that it's already supply and you just rest in him and you trust him that it's already done and then you speak you act not in order to get God to do something but because you really believe he's done it and you're just gonna act consistent with what you believe that is so simple you got to have somebody to help you to misunderstand what I've said the board religion has given us a lot of help misunderstanding this and so there's just so much more I'd like to share with you but the heart can absorb more than the seat can endure so I'm gonna let you go but I'm telling you brothers and sisters if you could get hold of this that God has already done it Jamie and I just stumbled across we started seeing miracles before we knew that anybody else had ever seen miracles just because we were totally convinced that in the spirit we were identical to Jesus that he had put his power and nature on the inside of us and I didn't understand anything about how to get it out but I just didn't quit I just started believing and we we didn't see near as good results then as we see now the more you understand the better it'll work but man there is no substitute for being fully persuaded being totally convinced and it's up to you you can convince yourself God's not going to force any of this upon you you know God loves you just like you are and if you're struggling god loves you but he is not gonna do for you what he told you to do he told you to speak to your problem he told you to heal the sick he told you he gave you a power to get wealth you have to set your hand on to something you have to start doing things you aren't gonna have God go back to the cross and bear stripes for you and suffer for you he's already done it it's complete you've already got love joy and peace he's not going to give you a new dose of anything he's not gonna do all of these things he's already done it it's just a matter of you drawing out what he's already put on the inside of you I hear people singing these songs about I'm desperate for you and you know what the word desperate means it means lack of hope hopeless I'm desperate for you I understand what they're trying to say that if they're saying I'm dependent upon you well I would agree with that a hundred percent but if you're desperate if you're without hope it's your own fault people say oh I'm hungry for God me and God has already provided us with everything he even said in John chapter four in John chapter six that those have come to me well never hunger and they'll never thirst and yet it is a common thing for people to say oh god I'm so hungry for you it's like you're sitting at a ten-course meal you got all of this food and all you're doing is talking about how hungry you are quit talking about how hungry you are nee you've already got it God has already supplied you you got love joy and peace he'll never leave you he's constant with you if you're hungry eat quit talking about how hungry you are and just eat encourage yourself in the Lord instead of asking god oh god would you please encourage me David encouraged himself in the Lord Jude chapter 1 verse 20 you beloved building up yourself on your most holy faith praying in the Holy Ghost keep yourself in the love of God that's what the scripture says Jude 1 one it's you that needs to keep yourself encouraged as we reading today Paul said stir up the gift that is in you which was in you by the laying on of the hands of the presbytery you got to stir yourself up or you'll sink to the bottom you got to encourage yourself in the Lord and yet the average Christian doesn't take any responsibility because they don't believe God's already done it they're living in the physical realm and if they can't see it or feel it to the average Christian it doesn't exist so since I don't feel happy since I don't feel healed since I don't feel encouraged I must not be oh god please give me something instead of recognizing that I've already got it in my spirit and if I'm not feeling encouraged it's me that has been listening to discouraging stuff I haven't encouraged myself in the Lord I've got a brand new teaching man I hate even I'm not even gonna mention that or I'll explain it I got to quit but you've got everything it's up to you to take the Word of God and you encourage yourself in the Lord brothers and sisters God has done his part every one of you are a winner you are a winner did you know from the moment from the moment that you were conceived you were a winner there was a million brothers and sisters fighting for your mother's egg and you won you're a winner from the moment that you were conceived man and we've got it God's done everything what we've got to do is discover what we've got instead of begging God to give us something new amen praise the Lord hey man thank you Jesus father we are so thankful for everything that you've done father I'm so thankful for all that you've done and that you went to this great expense that you've provided excess you've abounded towards us father we are replete father that you've done everything and you've done all of this and most of us don't even know what we've got don't even appreciate what you've done father thank you for being so gracious towards us thank you Father I'm just praying that the eyes of our understanding would be enlightened that we would see and understand that we've already got everything and father that you'd help us to enter into that rest where we just believe that you've already provided it and we respond to what you've already done instead of trying to get you to respond to us thank you Father Holy Spirit we welcome you to touch our lives to enlighten us to give us revelation not just information but revelation of this that it would become real to us father I pray that the fruit of this would be that people leave here absolutely convinced that they've got everything they will ever need in Christ and that the rest of the Christian life is just exploring and releasing drawing out what you've already done not getting you to do something new thank you Jesus father we receive that I believe that the Holy Spirit will bring back to people's remembrance what you've spoken to them tonight through me father I pray that there is an impartation of this revelation to other be thank you Jesus father we thank you and we receive that in the mighty name of Jesus
Channel: Andrew Wommack
Views: 15,237
Rating: 4.8449612 out of 5
Id: b9EWOkAa3l8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 18sec (5178 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 04 2018
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