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god and other services for my sake lord god thank you glorious god and to you be all the glory in jesus mighty now we pray the lord has answered our prayers and if you believe the lord has answered our prayers make a joyful noise unto jesus i am very very much persuaded and i know you came today with a testimony ministers shall be at the glory gate please quickly get there and document your testimony because of a service will be called upon to testify going further in god's presence we welcome the praise team [Music] celebrate jesus with a clap of hands here people can you celebrate him celebrate him there i am that i am the lily of the body the pride and the monastery that i am that they are his word to the praise celebrate him celebrate him put your hands together oh yeah people bless the lord with the lift your hands let's bless [Music] lord [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] california he that was live [Music] we praise you god praise the lord [Music] hallelujah [Music] my god what is the easter egg what the wording is the lamp of god what do you want is the land that was laid hallelujah oh [Music] [Music] i am so blessed that jesus loves me jesus loves me jesus loves me i am so blessed that jesus loves me jesus lost me for me yes i'm so blessed i'm so blessed that jesus loves me lift your hands and proclaim them yes you do [Applause] i am so blessed that jesus loves me [Music] somebody bless your little voice i'm so blessed i'm so blessed [Music] he loves me yes he do i am so blessed one more time i'm so blessed jesus loves me i'm so blessed [Music] jesus jesus [Music] come on my jesus who died on the cross like jesus son of god [Music] jesus the son of god so i cherish that old rugged cross through my trumpets at last i laid down i went clean to the old rugged [Music] with your hands i love him love him this morning people love him today give him a shout out praise give him a very big let's praise him this morning in the beauty of his holiness [Music] yes is everyone shouts yes [Music] hey somebody call me everybody oh everybody celebrating [Music] is hallelujah foreign hallelujah foreign [Music] god shhh foreign [Music] celebrity [Music] foreign [Music] me oh give me my [Music] hey that's it oh foreign oh [Music] me foreign no give me much i have learned to depend is everybody security [Music] you give me security together everybody everyone foreign make sure you move from where you are standing jesus is at your friends it's right before you just make some steps prophetically from where you are foreign foreign let's go let's go let's go hold on foreign [Music] are you dancing hey i go jump oh my god are you jumping somebody jump i got jump oh my god somebody jump jump jump jump jump jump jump oh yeah it's for jesus it's for jesus it's for jesus it's for jesus it's for jesus is for jesus the better you run the bigger the miracle the better you run the higher the deliverance the better you run the bigger your miracle my god to walk put the leg to work fire is burning hey i will run for my god whether the leg like it or not let the leg meet you on the way let the leg meet you on the road the leg must run because the miracle has come somebody wrong just run whether your leg like it or not let the leg meet you on the road hey i go run for my fire fire is burning use that leg to run let your leg meet you on the road fire is burning i am fire is burning i go wrong for my god here use the leg to run for your god oh [Applause] somebody shout hallelujah give jesus a bigger bigger bigger bigger bigger mighty club offering this morning and a bigger shout of pray [Music] indeed today god is going to visit somebody if you are that person shout a bigger amen in proverbs chapter 8 verse 17 i love them that love me and those that seek me early shall find me it is a privilege to be in the presence of the lord this morning i like us to lift up our hands to heaven and begin to appreciate him and to thank him for giving us the privilege of appearing in his presence this morning lift up your hands and giving praise and thank him father we are so grateful to you we are so glad to be in your presence this morning we thank you father we appreciate you lord may your name be glorified thank you for bringing us from our homes to be here this morning thank you for the things you have been doing upon this mountain thank you for the testimonies you have given unto us in this place thank you for answers to prayers we are so grateful to you father can you lift up your voice this morning and make demands on open heaven father let the heavens be opened upon the service this morning lord we ask him for a fresh outpouring of your spirit a fresh outpouring of your glory a fresh outpouring of your power upon us this morning in the name of jesus lift up your voice and make the man's father let the heavens be open this morning lord help us to see you in the dimension we have never seen you before in the name of jesus lift up your voice and speak unto him father we look up to you this morning for strange visitation we look up to you this morning from strange manifestation of your strange acts in our midst in the name of jesus we give you all the praise and things and the bible say upon me zion shall be deliverance there shall be holiness and the house of jacob shall possess their possession father this morning i take possession of my healing i take possession of my deliverance lift up your voice and pray father as you visit your people this morning do not pass me by oh lord i ask that you give me a touch i ask that you heal me today today is my day like a day was the day of the woman with an issue of blood let today be my own day in the name of jesus you are the god of all flesh there is nothing too hard for you to do father set me free this morning liberate me this morning lord deliver me this money father in the name of jesus and the bible said the word of god is what heals the people he sent out his word and healed them and delivered them from their destruction that water settles my life today that pushes me to the next level that brings my liberty that consolidates my testimony father sent that word to me this money are you praying at all lift up your voice and speak to god one word from you is enough for me today one word for you from you changes my life today in the name of jesus thank you blessed father we give you all the prayers and the things in the name of jesus and you are going to lift up your voice finally father bless your servants so your blessing can pass through him into our lives and 1970 anointing can flow through him into our life and grace him so that the grace can flow through him into our lives lift up your voice and pray father your servant stands this money to minister we ask that you put the right words for us in his mouth we ask that you pass through him this morning and touch our lives we ask that you anoint my friends with fresh man to for the battles of your people this money father in the name of jesus let no an affliction survive the mantle let no confrontation of the enemy escape the mantle in the name of jesus let there be a residency of your vengeance and judgmental action to destroy every negative issues around our life this morning in the name of jesus and finally we are going to pray assistance to minister let angels run his errand as he stands to declare the world let angels move rapidly to perform the council of the messenger of the lord let angels go to touch the people as a minister lift up your voice and pray angels you shall not be dormant in this service you shall be actively on duty to run the errands of the servant of god as he stands to minister in the name of jesus we give you all the glory father can you lift up your hands to heaven right now and let us begin to appreciate god begin to give you praise i know today is your day and you are not going to miss out at all in the name of jesus can we give jesus a beginning club this morning bigger bigger bigger you can take your seat while you give the lord a big shout of hallelujah let's give jesus another round of applause for his faithfulness unto us this morning hallelujah it is testimony time and i know as these brethren come forward to share their testimonies you shall be next in line in the name of jesus i like us to put those hands together as we make welcome to following sister victoria omoba moses adams kingsley from suleja nancy peter victor edward mr and mrs victor edward and sister esther momo let's give jesus praise again esther mama mista and mrs victor egba nancy peter brother kingsley i believe from suleja and moses adams and we have victoria omoba let's give jesus praise as they come forward very quickly yes sir moses your name and straight to the testimony hallelujah my name is moses adams i want to thank god for what he did in my life last week tuesday was my first time in the glory dome i was sitting right there and papa was making a declaration said there's somebody here you are visiting your father's house right now and suddenly the power of god picked me i fell under power and i saw myself in my father's house locked up trying to come out no way and i heard my name from outside papa was calling my name as soon as i came out he stretched a bible and gave to me pure white and said to me you are free go so that was how i left there and i woke up from that encounter when i stood up i went back to church for over five years now at church we finished the building but no way to roof the ceiling and the tiling it has been a burden in my heart for over five years but after that encounter that tuesday i went back and on wednesday morning somebody sent money on six zero to finish everything one encounter ministry shifted to the next level the last one and during the all night i was here also and i sat somewhere there i was just praying in my heart hey papa pass this place papa should touch me and he didn't touch he passed i said god what was happening i connected prayed and prayed and prayed so that i can have an encounter no way but after the meeting i was going back home inside the vehicle i fell asleep and suddenly i saw myself at the glass stood beside me and they lay hand on me and said contact power contact power contact power contact power and i went back that morning a lady called me from benin city in different places no solution and i stood under that prophetic word i said in the name of jesus and the grace of god from my father pastor dr paul and nature in the name of jesus i command the leg spain disappear stand up now and walk and the guy stood up immediately and started walking i want to give god glory go ahead and give jesus the praise dunamis give ki the king of kings and the lord of lords and shall pray something your own encounter is happening today your name and straight to the testimony church praise god my name is brother izzy kingsley i'm here to give god thanks for his deliverance and restoration of my life sometime last year i was afflicted in the dream by a demon a demon appeared in my dream and held my reproductive organ and was contesting seriously with it when i shouted jesus this demon disappeared but when i got up in the morning it was not me again my my organ began i like the sauce started developing on my organ and this escalated that my organ become rotten so i went to the hospitals treatments that diagnosis and the doctors were not seeing anything i decided to come here so when i when i came here i was doing coronavirus period i came here and papa was releasing words imparting words i clipped a naturally onto those words and i felt radiation around my organ so when i went to the toilet to check it i found out that these sauce we are already drying off i i clicked that testimony i came here i shared testimony but when i got home something happened i found out that it has drastically dried up nothing no saw nothing nothing not i did not take drugs nothing another one is that i want to glorify the name of god for restoring my life back i was bound with an addiction of smoking indian help tobacco all manner of smoking a demon always come to my dream to hand this substance over to me and i found out that each time this happens i i i manifested in the in the physical so i decided after my healing here i decided that i was going to serve god i was going to give my life to christ and all that i decided to join the protocol department in my in my my my center so this demand always appear again to give me these things i said no it's not going to happen so when i came here again on on a tuesday like this papa declared words that was um during the author call i refuse to come out because i found out that even if i come out i still go home and dream these dreams and i still manifest these things and i go back to my life and nothing is working so papa was persisting that there is somebody here you need you must come out and give this and give your life to christ now so the holy ghost slapped me and i ran to the altar so after that encounter i went back home this demon came but i could not give him let me help him so that time we save time the demon kept troubling his life will hand him cigarette handling indian hemp in the dream and in the physical he will manifest it until this day he had an encounter where god's servant our father and the lord and our grandfather um papa bishop puedepo were in the office and he was invited and gossiping bishop ueduco was handing him treasures again an evil personality came and pushed him out of the way i was trying to snatch the treasures and while he was running out of the office god's servant the bishop of asked our father and the lord to invite that young man and gossip and went brought him back into the office papa was able to hand him the gift and that was the end of that demonic attack and that consistent smoking and he's here to return glory to god for that mighty mighty intervention you are here for an encounter also that will bring about a deliverance in the name of jesus the testimony straight to the point praise the lord my name is sister victoria i want to return our glory back to god it happened at 20 2019 22nd of december it was a sunday i went to church we had evening service after the service i got back home i noticed that my right hand we were eating i saw the way i was carrying the food my hand was becoming you know heavier than normal i was afraid i ran in psychiatry and i'll tell you anointed because i didn't tell my husband so then i came out i told him i noticed this thing was not more than you know norma so i called him that my husband please pray for me he prayed for me and that very night was around to 11 we went we came to the hospital yeah they gave me drugs active as if that was not enough to on the 24th a day to christmas i came to the office i was going back home i was inside the commercial bus i just noticed that my two hands and my two legs were paralyzing i could not shout i was just calling the blood of jesus when they got to my bus stop i managed to calm down and when i got home i called my children you opened this verse of the bible you opened this verse you opened this but they started everything we were praying you know i was managing this my bones everywhere from my head to my toe would be hacking me i was there praying i was holding daddy online any time evening and delivery service i will phone him online i was just in that trouble i couldn't stand when i started to look at steve i should go and lie down and nobody with me me and three children and my husband i was struggling with life i was just managing so i got to last year to same 22nd the same date that that thing happened i was coming home from i was coming to the office i started feeling the same thing more than before something just told me come to dynamics come to do not that was my first time so i dropped that i came to dunamis when i came down here in fact when we were doing worship i was just whipping and praying that god just please help me heal me today the testimonies that people came to share i keep into the testimonies i want yes so i went after the thing i said the first time i should come and said i came outside after seeing me i just got in this narrative like god heal me and we come back to testify and i dropped it in the prayer bus i went i want to come back i've come back today to return no glory to god and again that very day the word of the lord came that everybody that came for that deliverance service that god has given us a gift that was on the 22nd on the 21st 24th sorry i and my family received our own gift the first of it kind i want to return our glory back to god almighty i give you mother today she is healed and hearty heart joins everything free and she's here to give glory to god you are not living here the same way you came in the name of jesus sister esta momo sister esther momo says i should take the testimony on her behalf her challenge started she said that the last week of christmas last year i believe she became afflicted challenging her health and that persisted she went to the hospital and they were suspecting that it was covered they didn't admit her and she continued like that the thing degenerated up until her daughter coming from church passed by and saw her condition and took her to her home and began to attend to her daughter as a member of our church here and the daughter sent a text to our father in the lord who replied saying that that agenda of the devil is canceled and from that moment on strength started to come back to her her pcv shut up and her health was completely restored and she's here to give god the glory she's not taking it for granted what they were afraid of thinking it was kobe 19. it's not kobe 19 she's giving all the praise to god go ahead and give jesus a praise because your own word is also coming today in the name of jesus nancy nancy sister nancy is here to give glory to god she said in 2017 she asked me to take it on her behalf she had a dream where she was praying somewhere on the mountain and some personalities believe an angel came and handed her a bible and she understood that her purpose from that day was to follow god and the very next night she had another dream where a man and a woman came to have sexual intercourse with her at the same time and that was the beginning of her calamities nothing working that encounter left her with a waist condition says she couldn't do nothing she couldn't bend down to do anything for herself and that imparted her with the spirit of rejection the spirit of disfavor said each time she would pick a book to want to read the moment she picks the book sleep was not disturbing her sleep calm she would sleep for two three hours one i mean at a stretch and she came in that condition for the healing and deliverance service on tuesday while the administration was on she said she felt a fire sensation around her back region and around the waist and that was how that demon was checked out she said that that impartation from that um sexual intercourse left how with source around the private region and she didn't have feelings for a man even though she's married she didn't have feelings for her husband and from that day on feelings began to return for the hospital and rejection now turned to favor for the first time since 2017 someone offered a gift after that healing and deliverance service and she is come to return glory to god she is able to read now without sleeping and without going you know uh uh phyllis slumber and she's here to give praise to god and the manifestations were seen goes to prove that god is still at work in her life go ahead and give jesus a praise for that mighty intervention victor ebba your wife ought to be here with you mrs victor edward give the lord a shout of praise you are permanently free in jesus precious name amen mr and mrs victor ebba please come you begin taking the testimony while your wife joins you come sir we're here on tuesday and what happened praise the living god george praise the living god i want to testify to the goodness of god and to the miraculous things that god is doing here i want to appreciate god for that last week tuesday my wife was here with a support crushes she could she could not work on her own she could not do anything unless we take support so last week tuesday during the healing and deliverance service my wife came because this affliction started 2019 immediately after our wedding my wife was afflicted with demonic wounds on her both now we went to different places hospitals and almost everywhere we could not get solution so and that's okay the last thing to do nice to find a way how we'll be following daddy online since we since we could not come because she entering the public transport is a challenge because as soon as she enter other passengers will be dropping from the vehicle because because of the level of degeneration of the source the rottiness yes um and all manner yes sir so on last week tuesday she helped she saw my courage because she saw what god had been using god servant to be doing in the life of his children to announce someone corey that no matter what would be let it be that she have to be here last week and tuesday so anna's okay that is a good distribution so we now she prepared herself and she came she came with the support of clashes so when she came though i did not follow her because i went somewhere too well let's let's help him you if you were here last tuesday by the grace of god she was one of the first testimonies that was taken on the altar came in with very massive bandage around the thigh and that saw was bringing out that injury was bringing out my gods and bringing our paws and everything but while that word went for the power of god landed on her and i asked her just now she said that the saw is drying up the stench is no more there and she is able to stand by herself no more pain at all meaning that the miracle is in progress the healing is in progress and she's here this morning to return all the glory to god let's go ahead and give jesus the praise i have a father you will never ever feel me i have a father he will never ever fail jesus is my father he will never fill me rock of ages [Music] jesus is my father he see jesus is excellent everything the devil does to make your life a reproach to make your life to smell that wicked wicked wicked devil whatever he does to make your life to smell to make your life a shame she steps into a taxi other other passengers have to come out because they can't cope it's not that they hate her not that they want to be wicked but they can't cope they're not weak it's not it's not like um let's let's let's maltreat her or let's show her that she's rejected no no they just can't cope what others can cope with is what she lives with she lives with it she lives with it what others can't tolerate for one second she sleeps with it lives with it that is the wickedness of this wicked devil all he wants is to take peace from man he doesn't have joy he can't give it he attacks it everywhere today i prophesy upon you today this morning service shall be the end of that shame it shall be the end of that reproach it shall be the end of that calamity around your life it shall be the end of that depression that sorrow i'm so excited that the things happening are not just happening for sure they are happening for real somebody will be found in his father's house now and the man is found there inside the cage and he's pulled out of the cage and instant miracles instant the same next day six zeros came to right off a bill of stagnation instantly that's the kind of god we serve the same things will be happening this morning and your own manifestations will be happening instantly shout the loudest amen give the lord the praise and it is over daughter of god the affliction ends forever jesus name amen husband thank you for being a good husband some people will run away in this kind of situation the lord bless you for it for taking care of her and the lord multiply your resources try to stand up stretch your two hearts hey amen hallelujah you must have cost them a lot of resources to handle a situation like this a declared restoration all the enemy took from you is restored your dignity your decency everything restored give the love of praise to kissing wow what a mighty god we serve father we are so grateful you'll be back with testimony of supernatural supply hallelujah [Applause] ict keep this clip very well because you will replace where he's testifying give god a big clap and a shout out of praise hallelujah very quickly this morning our seats of destiny is titled releasing potential and realizing destiny the senior pastor in today's write-up has enumerated a number of people a list of people's names in scriptures who are people who release their potentials and they realize destiny there was a meeting yesterday the youth world conference began yesterday at the area one church it was mind-blowing i want to advise every single person listening to the sound of my voice you have got to listen to that message you've got to go through it and if you are there the youth in the camp right in area one shout hallelujah they are right there now hooked on to this meeting online and i want you to know that your life and destiny will never remain the same in jesus name a little bit in that direction he says here the potential is a raw material for destiny the release of potential is behind the realization of destiny and we have the examples of joseph of david of daniel and of solomon joseph released his potential he was a dream interpreter and he interpreted the dream of the butler and the baker and that singular act catapulted him to interpreting pharaoh's dream and then he catapulted him into the palace david was a known worshiper he was a known instrumentalist he was skillful on the instrument and that catapulted him into the palace how many of you realize that david was in the palace even before he won the battle and killed goliath his guilt and his potentials introduced him to the palace to start with and then he talked about daniel who reigned and ruled in the persian empire and his gifts placed him in the position of rulership and authority and of course solomon who was a man of great potential he was a man of great wisdom and people traveled from far to come and listen to his wisdom beloved brothers and sisters what potential do you have nobody was created blank there is something in you and the admonition today is take that potential develop it release it to your generation and you shall be blessed in the mighty name of jesus christ please lift up your hands as we pray together say after me thank you lord for revealing to me my unique potentials and talents help me to deploy my potentials and fulfill my destiny oh lord in the name of jesus christ lift up your hands and ask god to give you a baptism today touch you give you an encounter open your eyes to understand who you are and who you are meant to be lift up your hands and tell him that this morning pray ask god father give me an encounter give me a thought this morning release my potentials let me release my potentials by virtue of my encounter with you thank you heavenly father in the name of jesus christ lay your hands upon me lord lay your hands on me lay your hands on me oh lord i need your hands lay your hands upon me lord lay your hands on me lay your hands on me oh lord i need your hands can you make that a prayer this is [Applause] oh your me on me today lay your hands on me foreign lay your hands on me [Music] hmm between songs received are written by god7 the senior pastor let's continue this atmosphere as a minister [Music] i want for your capacity to love cannot pronounce you're never [Applause] the way you do lord like you two [Music] is [Music] that was your love [Music] [Music] and we me [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] was [Music] [Music] um i love her the world of difference [Music] in my life i was that stone that was rejected [Music] by the one [Music] that when you played your loveliness upon my life but when you please [Music] [Music] his love makes the world of difference in our lives rejected stones [Music] becomes head of corners become head cornerstone [Music] it helps us to cross human expectation he ensures that what they think and feel and wish for us don't come to pass he's doing that in somebody's life now lift your head [Music] [Music] by the way [Music] is [Music] i was a stone that was rejected [Music] the world of the [Music] i was that stone that was rejected by the war but when you placed your loving eyes upon my life [Music] you lifted me [Music] yet to help [Music] when i was left all alone you have been [Music] [Music] you have been my hair [Music] you have been my hair you've been in my head [Music] i will trust in you [Music] you have been so good to me [Music] [Music] for me [Music] lift up your head he's here he's here he is here the master is here lift your hands up [Music] tip [Music] [Music] hey [Music] wow [Music] yes [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey so [Music] [Music] and then [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good [Music] hey [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hey oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] oh lift up your hands everywhere you are hands high lifting [Music] and maintain quietness if you can if you are sitting can you be upstanding hands lifted eyes closed the standing right the climate of his presence [Music] [Music] i have lifted up my eyes unto the lord i have gone back [Music] [Music] [Music] unto the lord my help coming from the ruler lifted up my eyes [Music] leave their hands high apart from the healings and deliverances that will be happening today [Music] i see the master removing things from people's [Music] [Applause] bodies extra cargos luggages demonic personalities [Music] evil garments evil presence [Applause] evil rings evil points of contact evil materials evil deposits [Music] the choice evil chains simple yokes evil ropes lift your hands what happened last tuesday will still happen today some will find themselves transported to their family compound let your hands oh my eyes [Music] and [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] again [Music] [Music] is and again lift your hands up [Music] close your eyes and listen someone here where major problems started in a building when you start you built a building in the village over 30 years ago that was the beginning of your crash right in this service the lord will take you to that altar from where that crash was organized for there to be a reversal that's right the chance that place where the lord where the devil tampered with your destiny in that place the lord is giving that devil a visitation giving that alter in visitation giving that shrine a visitation giving that proven efficiency now lift up your hands lay your hands upon me lord lay your hands on me lay your hands on me oh lord i need your help [Music] oh lord i need your hands upon me deposits living powers living materials living whatever my father in heaven has not planted in your life in your body just living right now materials personalities leave me right now lift your hands eat your hands at the count of seven [Music] when i say every every every satanic deposit that is in the life of the people every demonic principality personality and everything that is not of god whatever has been planted in your life and planted in your in your body are planted in your system whatever my father has not planted any every stranger in your life in the name of jesus one two three four five six seven you place your hand and scream go go go that will be also the same with every affliction every disease every cancer every tumor everything my father in heaven has not planted in your body and when that is happening you shall see the encounters where they are living where the authors are catching fire are you ready lit your hands every evil personality every evil deposit every evil presence every evil garment every evil mark every evil mask every evil trade every evil troop every evil or your deposit in the life of the people you are living now every disease every affliction every every year that's right that's right every infirmity every separate spirit every spirit of that spirit wife spirit children spirit deposit every masquerade spirit every spirit of the dead and spirit of death you are living now at the time of seven in the name of jesus one two three four five six are you ready are you ready lift your hands again in the name of jesus one two three four five six yes is [Applause] me [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] just worship and when you are there [Music] when you are there when you are there [Music] when when you are there when you are there when you are there [Music] where are you when you are there [Music] when you are there [Music] foreign take yourself one minute everyone that experience that deposit of hell left your body that thing left your body or you saw that encounter we are the place the altar place where your affliction was done you saw the lord took you there and set you free from there you quickly stepped forward an encounter something happened to you something left you the chain got broken his spirit left you something left you quickly come forward and do that very fast there is no need to worry there is no need to fear the battle may be raging but the victory is shown when you are there when you are there when you when you are there where are you there you go [Music] [Music] me [Music] where you are [Music] [Music] when you are there [Music] when you are there when you are there when you are there when you are there when you are there when you are there my when you are there when you are there [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] when take your hands and give him the praise let's know what happened sir this he said god was going to give people visionary encounters this is a minister he said nothing working in ministry at all when you said we should lift up our hands and place on our heads and then you sang the song lay your hands upon me he said he saw a mighty hand came picked him as it were and crushed him in that state he saw himself putting on very dirty clothes and afterwards he knew hymn was formed putting on very new gametes new gametes come closer lord make me a practical instrument for you use me lord lord make me a practical instrument for you [Music] is [Music] against his servant of the living god he said he's a reverend in december last year he slept woke up and found this affliction legs so inflamed painful he said he couldn't sleep couldn't even walk and bear weight on that leg by himself manage brought himself here into the service he said in the midst of the administration and the thickness of god's presence something lifted him the power of god lifted him landed him on the floor when he got up he said all pains disappeared can't feel any pain on that leg anymore irreverent yes sir it is well with you everywhere this arrow came from it returns back to hell and i speak to everyone here today every demonic arrow fired into your body fired into your system from wherever they came you arrow you are returning back to hell back to hell where you came from back to hell where you came from in the name of jesus sir this is incredible you said god is taking people to their father's house and deliverance will happen this is rude michael as you can see the power of god is on her she said as the instance of that word she fell under power she saw herself in her father's house where her father used to pack his car and immediately the angel of god using your face appeared instantly you took a bottle of oil and poured on that place and immediately a cow head came out power head yes sir with two hands i and you said all my kids children are free and instantly the change on her leg broke incredible and i answered what has been the situation she said marital stagnation that brother is a phd holder no job affliction and sickness nothing is working and today she is totally buried cowhead where the father packed the attack this now my confidence in this is that it is not just being shown it is producing result last week we were here when that man saw that chain broke from him and everything turned before the week was over he also had prayed for somebody who was paralyzed or crippled and walked already within under five days if you want you and your father's house to be free stand up on your feet right now all michael's children are free including the one with the phd and no job i am here today to announce to you today today today leave your voice and see after me say in the name of jesus everything buried in my father's house fighting my destiny and the destiny of my family today is your end all you satanic agenda in my father's house you are uprooted now now [Music] [Laughter] jesus precious thing leave your voice healthy in the name of jesus in the name of jesus every father's house or every father's house altar or ancestor fighting my life and my destiny that has tied down my life and my destiny and that of my family today's your end catch fire fire open [Music] yeah it is set on fire lit up your hands something is happening [Music] i prophesy and i decree in your locality in your place where you have come from every altar there that is a limitation to your life a limitation to your family a limitation to your destiny ah career family destiny finances marital destiny fruitfulness destiny destiny on every side it is set on fire now now now something is happening here today something happening here today it will escalate neverness tuesday it is called healing and deliverance the reason why you cannot explain your stagnation is being unraveled right now the reason why you cannot explain why your life has been at the same spot despite going to church it's been unraveled and been explored and been extreme it is over forever over forever i use as i use him as a point of contact to any other person here that the enemy has tied down all these years hold this mic for me as the lord is touching you is also healing your body there is something on the flank i don't know what it is but it's returning back to hell in the name of jesus everything that has worked against your life 30 years now is reversed it's reversed ask him about happening on the flank what is it sir you said you said deposits and personalities were leaving people at the shout of gold she said at the instance where she placed her hand on her head before now demonic personality that comes to molest her every night that occasion all manner of stagnation nothing working but at the point where she placed her hand on her head that personality walked out of her with children spirit come over here every stranger in your body are you here today is your end accurately say god is healing your body there's something on the flank yes he said that after he uh went through a brain operation surgery he realized this terrible itching condition with an excruciating pain he has been to the hospital touch the place yes that's right exactly where you point yourself just place your hands exactly exactly the name that is above every name back to hell back to him to give a word that thinks we are going to be living people in the course of the declaration this is sister blessing she said on sunday they went for meeting of committee of friends and they served her the pursuit after yes sir 30 minutes after that time she began to feel movement in the tummy and that movement was biting her in the tummy so she left the place went home came in that condition to service this morning and she said while you made declaration she felt a movement and that devil walked away from your friend soup yes sir gave affliction in the tummy bless it listen step forward here lift up your hands i also take authority over that deposit in your head whatever it is deposit causing pain causing headache causing confusion whatever it is go return back to hell return back to hell return back to hell i speak to somebody here today everything my father in heaven has not deposited in your life is returning back to hell it's returning back to hell see after me say in the name of jesus every enemy all you do you are returning back to heaven you're returning back to your mind on your mind get fed yes sir shout god please she will collapse in public so she stays at home for the whole duration of the period and it's over and it's over now lift up your hands that that thing also came from the witchcraft especially that lord i take authority now everyone who is expecting total freedom today receive it receive it receive it receive now your total freedom and your total liberty your complete deliverance is relief in the name of jesus this is the day in which the body shall be lifted from of your shoulder and the you from of your neck and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing yes sir you talked about all manner of deposits living people our sister here grace she saw a serpent that left from her legs and she's 30 the only class of people that come to ask a hand for relationship are married men no single young man will come nothing working for her as she stands lift up your hands this looks like she's 12 but she's actually over 30. said nobody has come to say how are you let alone i want to marry you nothing working just this morning in the course of administration she saw an impersonating demon looking exactly like her that left her this morning every demon diverting your favor every spirit of impersonation and diversion lift your voice and see after me every spirit of impersonation and every spirit of diversity after my destiny after my day today is your end in the name of jesus on your mind [Music] [Laughter] oh i see spiritual relationship molestation of herself and just beyond that [Music] an animal also involved in that molestation get that detail for me spirit spirit husband relationship molestation animal lift up your hands there are people here today not just are you a victim of spirit husband but seeing animal trying to sleep with you dog horse i take authority over that demonic spirit i take authority over that demonic bestial bestial bestiality demon i take authority over that fitness spirit personality demon your tenure in the life is over in that man is over in that woman is over you are living right now in the name of jesus on your mind get set shut down [Music] oh alfred does belong he wanted to touch him i'm happy to be associated with him i even want to to become as solid as this i don't know what to do again i want to be as solid as this he's not hungry at all you are blessed the lord lays hands upon you cause his face to shine upon you and heal your grandfather for your sin in jesus name [Music] so tell me about it keller new jehovah has been on a wheelchair for the past 10 years he has been on a wheelchair for 10 years exactly the moment you started declaring he stood up from the wheelchair and that happened as a result 1982 he went on to build for his father 1982 he went home to build for his father that same year he converted from the other village that's 39 years ago yes that started his trial his trial so he came here this morning that he has been on for 10 years exactly the moment that what the world came he stood up and started working sitting down here walking down to this place uh it's a miracle wow congratulations [Music] wow on the wheelchair for 10 years are you just looking like that foreign is foreign [Music] listen to me everything the devil has stepped back within your life in the last 10 years i declare it is reversed fred i'm happy to see you can you tell me what i can eat to be fat like this is what you eat is it into me what again beans okay what again tea okay indomie beans tea bread and tea okay [Music] his face will shine upon you and bless the whole of the family [Music] the lord bless all of you and your father is delivered you're granted whose father is your father your hus your husband and these are your children and this is grandson all right the lord bless three generations in jesus precious name i prophesy upon every one of you here today the agenda of the enemy is frustrating yes tell me about the situation yes sir young lady confirmed that indeed she used to be molested in the dream by an ex-boyfriend who became a cultist for her sick he joined the occult to say that he was going to deal with hashem she said she's not going to marry him she will not marry nobody and then he comes in the night using the face of different animals sometimes animals yes sir dogs and all manner did you hear that when it was told yes yes you said it that spiritual molestation including animals lift up your hands stand up on your feet everywhere you are everywhere you are lift up your hands and say after me say in the name of jesus in the name of jesus today is my freedom today is my from every agenda of heaven of heaven say in the name of jesus in the name of jesus every tormented every tormentor [Applause] [Music] a foreign [Music] in the name of jesus i take authority over every limitation packaged for your life to attack your life and your destiny and over every manipulation altas or the other religion i declare today your freedom anywhere they took your name to lift up your hands everybody something is happening something is happening to paratha city stand over here hit your hands now now now get out of that body tormenting serpentine spirit today is your final day in that life tormenting serpentine spirit today is your final day in that body [Music] foreign so [Music] today [Music] [Music] wow talk me with your hands oh [Music] oh lord [Music] oh love please don't let me go the way i came today talk me with your head [Music] taught me with you you will fulfill your days you will fulfill your day spirit of debt is already the way i came today [Music] [Music] [Music] come over here that animal devil is returned back to hell power of the holy ghost you are set free completely in jesus name please take your sick people sir standing before your sister junior who came from a worry six years ago he was she was delivered of a baby and thereafter she was diagnosed with a postpartum psychosis and she kept hearing forces then he had run away run away since then she had been under control and supervision but as the world went fought right now she fell under power as she saw snake left her snake left postpartum psychosis ppp that is running mad after giving birth to child give back to child they tampered with the brain that is not of god the gift of god make it rich and added no sorrow and they have been monitoring her because of the demand of madness after death and just now the serpent responsible for that insanity just worked out anything responsible for your misery any devil and any power responsible for your suffering in this service they shall return back to hell return back to hell back back back back back to hell back to hell back to hell back to hell sir amazing when you were worshipping with that music instrument our brother said the lord will put his eyes and he saw the heavens open and a big cloud descended on your head and streams of water began to come down on your head slowing down on the altar and he asked the lord what what is this what is this happening and the lord told him anyone connected to this dream shall be free today amen and that was immediately after you now began to declare of healings and he saw you you came towards him with the face of our grandfather in faith i'm a baby and you were the person that was removing bishop you were the one that was removing rope from inside his veins like this and untied him and he said before now confusion nothing happens real and and from time to time he will feel a hand hit his back and he will fall sick but today he knows that he's deliberate come over here lift your hands [Music] with healing [Music] i declare the release of these streams of healing streams of revival streams of the prophetic streams of breakthrough streams of deliverance receive your portion now receive your portion receive your portion receive your portion come over here lift up your head [Music] and i shiver you completely from every influence of that [Music] monitoring feminine demon [Music] god shut up [Music] foreign [Music] it's over up your hands okay sir our sister said it was on this mountain that she was delivered from spirit's house but it's like the lord was not it was not done with her until today she kept seeing herself in the river catching fishes or killing fishes she saw it yesterday morning right now as the word came that the lord living men and women she saw scales of fish being removed in our whole body they were pulling skills of fish from her water spirit every victim of the water yes spirit water spirit water kingdom water witchcraft every victim of spirits of the water today is the end of that affliction amen in the name of jesus amen in the name of jesus over over over and over sir our brother 12 years old he said his eyes opened and he saw himself being tied in their sitting room and before then he had a pain on this knee he couldn't bend couldn't walk well and he came with the pain but he saw hands loosening him in on from that thing and now he can congratulations you are free in jesus name finally on this one sir she said her eyes the lord opened her eyes and she saw shrine being set on fire in our father's house and i said who came with you do you have any strength in your father's house she doesn't know she lives with her grandmother her grandmother came and confirmed that her own father grandfather worships a shrine her father got born again at a very tender age and went and bought this bomb to the shrine and the young man once he walks in shell when he come on when he bondage and he went back to his workplace and strangely resigned the company was begging him he refused now he's in the village but that's right involved responsible hi there's technology in africa stand up on your feet everybody in the last days i'll pour my spirit upon you and your sons and daughters are prophesied little children are seeing visuals and dreaming dreams lift up your right hand to your two hands right now and say after me every shrine every altar fight in my life you are broken it is done congratulations baby i prophesy restoration for your father and i declared oh she's coming to to school here [Music] oh really she saw me in the dreamy worry and then decided to come to destiny christian academy all the way from worry and she's schooling here at destiny christian academy and doing fairly well i'm happy for you when i come to your dining hall just call me say see me see me say real prophetess congratulations sir very accurate word of knowledge sir yes you walked to him in the crowd and took authority over every limitations and all tests of attacks manipulations from the other religion yes he told me that he got a job in an organization together with some people from the other religion yes the very weak he got that job he had behaved before and then hit his head while he went unconscious couldn't recognize himself again he told me that after that experience he couldn't do anything by himself again from that day it has been one limitation to the other even last night he woke up and felt he messed up himself yes so he told me that it has been battles after battles after battles and today he is working from that lift up your hands anywhere they throw arrows to you from you see god does not only know the problems where it is coming from stand up on your feet stand up on your feet see after of of witchcraft that's manipulation manipulation from anywhere from everywhere today is your end today in the name of jesus firefighter now it is over [Music] serpentine spirit yes sir yes sir very precise up to her over the aisle there and we're rebuking and crossing that serpentine devil so i i made findings from her she said she feels a snake like movement around the tummy hair and then she experiences spirit spouse molestations in the dream and then fibroid traces as well the molestation stopped last month lift your hands it is over everything they packaged in your body today is the end of it say after me every stranger in my life you are out now stay on your mind [Applause] [Music] come and say the lord is good come and say the lord is good there is nothing he cannot do to the lord everybody come and see for the purpose of similarity i like to take this straight together divers encounters you mentioned that people were going to see themselves in their villages our sister said she saw herself in the village at the at the south of go she was manifesting on the power here and saw herself in the village standing in front of a hot like a shrine suddenly fire appeared and devoured that shrine that's right yes sir and this brother said since he got married in 2019 he had been frequently seeing himself with his wife in their primary school where they had finished from while in the course of the service i were making the declarations he came under power as well and then saw his father his late father walked out of him wow [Music] and it's over it's over and a brother here also a similar encounter he said he's a pastor has been in ministry nothing working at the instance of that shout of a receiver so he came under power and then he saw he saw himself standing in front of his father's grief and a live chicken live chicken came out of the grave nothing working all these encounters under the next 72 hours you will see the manifestation of the testimonies everybody stand up on your finger and something like yourself stand up on your feet now everybody yes i told you about the monitoring feminine spirit yes sir he did not even know that that is what has been happening the demon came through the window in his mother's house woman that's right and tried to catch him he resisted and written level from time to time he will feel a personality for the woman tried to come through the window to hug him in a dream physical did you see that as there is a monitoring feminine street and spirit auditorium he feels it around him around himself and when he got married the feminine woman whom er demon got mad and now wanted to tie him it is the option of this commission that even delivered him you see at times when you say something to some people and they are looking as if what you are saying is not true you just you just pry a little a feminine monitoring he came spirit the window and was sold not just a dream i wanted to hug him and then he rebuked and then from then on the presence is felt he would just feel the person around him he would do like this he's a personality he knows when the person arrives and when the person leaves it is over side by side with that that was what i was just about to say the lord showed me a monetary mineral that they've been using to manipulate someone's destiny they just use a mirror to to check your movement stand up on your feet now and say after me every monitoring gadget every monitoring equipment that is used that was why you almost got married in the marriage point you almost got a job and then the job did not work out you almost testified then the testimony did not happen you almost testified and then the testimony did not happen you almost get got married and then they said no way le perette secretary leave your voice and see after you say in the name of jesus every monitoring gadget every monitoring personality every monitoring equipment around my life and my destiny in the name of jesus cast fire fire fire fire fire fire i disconnected i disconnect you from that personality leave it leave him yeah yeah yeah yeah [Applause] you are set on fire fire the last time they hindered your business shall be the last your breakthrough shall be the lord [Music] jesus jesus power be free completely completely completely the last time they hindered you the last time they resisted you the last time they limited you the last time they frustrated you is the last forever [Applause] something is happening something is happening what has been delayed for years in a matter of days there shall be release what has been delayed for years in a matter of days there shall be release what has been delayed for years in a matter of days they shall be released i prophesy release release release release release release release release i prophesy release i prophesy release release release release release release it is written in that day the body shall be lifted from of your shoulder and the yoke from of your neck and the ears shall be destroyed because of the anointing i prophesy release i prophesy release i prophesy release release release release release release release release release i prophesy money street is over the money is over release relief release release release the monitoring is over it because thank you master it's a new season it's a new season amen take your seat one minute just be in the spirit be in the spirit so god is doing it [Music] god is doing incredible things here sir emmanuel bona is the name and here's the mother obonna is 12 years old he was born in 2009. according to the mother when he was 2 months old his uncle came and initiated him according to the mother that is the tradition in the family the uncle came touched the forehead touched his chest touched the two palms and also touched his janitor organ and made incantation according to the mother she said for these 12 years most times he will lose his mind behaving in sin and also urinating blood that most times in the class he will mess up himself all manner of sickness according to the mother she has spent so much fortune in his direction while the administration was on he said strange things are leaving people he placed his hand on his head and screamed go he saw a dark garment left him and turned to the mother and shared his encounter according to what the the government flew up he saw demonic personality following the garment and the scattered and believer is free today congratulations father in the name of jesus thank you for emmanuel thank you because it is a new season it's over in jesus name congratulations some healings are here yes it's done just deliver deliverance from insanity and animation all manner of shame your children are set free amen everyone who is here today whether it's your child or the child of your relations that is under any form of demonic manipulation their freedom is released now in the name of jesus sir this is a sister who went to the hospital three months ago when she's not feeling too well and that she was diagnosed with enlarged liver a large spleen puts pattern sepsis as if that was not enough she was bent over she cannot stand straight she cannot breathe normally and she had pains all over her stomach each time she takes water or food some people rumbling her stomach what happened now as the world went forth she fell under power and all of this [Music] she can talk well and she's striking she can talk well where now talk talk well yes for breath but now everything is gone he's free completely wow come forward [Music] [Music] she's had insanity for the past 17 years oh in and out of the psychiatric hospital in and out of the hospital decided to be here to encounter god this morning she said when you said we should lift up our hands and place on our heads that something fell out of her hey like a personality god opened her eyes and she saw fire literally burning that thing she feels very light seventeen years of insanity sorry just well with you come over lift up your hands the lord also cleans your eyes for clarity of sight [Music] back to hell [Music] okay oh hey oh oh god i like you to know the character of miracles happening here today deliverances of all sorts deliverances of all sorts the mental affliction mental affection this boy here after the initiation was will be running mad this woman 17 years of insanity the other woman i spoke to with the thing on her head hearing voices and almost running man and several of those kind of things happening here today everywhere you are sitting here anything that is a demonic pressure on your mind demonic pressure on your life demonic comment on your destiny today it is over [Applause] while ministering to hassan you prayed for hank said clean eyes of sight yes she told me she can't see clearly oh my god i asked her how long she said it has been like that oh my god that is what she's used to oh man right now the world just came accurately for her oh my god oh my god oh my god the insanity has nothing to do with the eyesight oh my god oh my god god is doing something that is crossing the road here come come come come [Music] watch our way let's just just just just go ahead look straight up there open your eyes clearly and look at that altar then just look at just see as far as you can just just look everywhere and just see anything you couldn't have seen before how long have you not seen claire that is how it has been that is as far as she is concerned it is normal anything that has become normal with you that is not normal today it is arrested can you stand up on your feet that was what happened to the tsunami to man elijah said what is your promise i don't have any challenge meanwhile there is no child i'm ready to die childless he said no way any problem any need for prayer no me die i don't have any problem until gerhazy said there is a problem anything the devil wants you to accept as normal today i declare it is cancelled it is cancelled in jesus precious name amen congratulations man it is over madness over blindness over amen what almighty god reside hallelujah congratulations return back to josh with your testimony no more insanity give all the praise sir our brother said precisely two years ago he received the telephone call on the right ear and after that call from one part of the world after that call there was a moving object in that ear moving up till right on the head there sometimes impairments in hearing on that ear couldn't turn the neck to that side like that but when you said we should place our hands on our head he felt in fact sometimes he said he feels literally i see something he's crawling out of that ear tries to pick it and then he doesn't see anything when he placed his hand on the head something moved from the head that heaviness that he was used to feeling on the head he feels very light i said wow congratulations of evil lord carry your lord honor [Music] oh no our sister said after her first baby her breast was swollen she went to the hospital and then they told her they checked and said nothing was wrong with him after the second child she said she felt some discomfort there to went to the hospital and they checked and said nothing was wrong she said before now she had dreams she had a dream where she saw her both breasts rotten another demonic encounter she saw someone pulling things white things like threads from the breasts just last night she had an encounter where god using your face appeared to her and told her that that arrow of breast cancer was cancelled and then she came in this morning and the word was released from the altar feels normal everything checked back to hell wow congratulations step over here and lift up your hands every arrow premature death anywhere they are going to send it from today i stand by the mantle of god with which i preach and i say the arrows are returned back to heaven return back to hell return back to hell return back to hell return back to hell shout the loudest amen [Music] yeah they are crossing boundary he said dana is the name for six years he has had this terrible seizure according to him he said the mom spent fifty thousand monthly for six years epilepsy seizure disorder and he said most times as if he's behaving in sin yes and also as a result of the drugs for these six years his genital organ was affected yes recently they went to the doctor i'd like you to follow what is happening is seizure disorder for six years that is epilepsy for six holidays fifty thousand naira monthly every month the epileptic seizure is affecting the brain running him mad also the drug affected his genital organ causing him impotence yes sir all right god and also the doctor handling his case said this thing is beyond me go to dunamis go to dunamis go there god will touch you he came today why the declaration was on electricity ran through his body that is studies what was abnormal normalized normally seizure disorder what we call a epilepsy or seizure is abnormal electric discharge of the brain they they there's electricity negative sporadic out of sync discharge of the brain that is contrary to normal so now the electricity of the holy ghost has come to nullify the electricity of the seizure are you just sitting and looking like that celebrity foreign [Applause] foreign [Music] yes time come that go back to that finally let them get your transcripts to see the level where you are on your results and then complete it up if they won't allow you to finish just remove the transcript from that university if you need somewhere else with the same level of oh yes you can actually continue if you have your transcripts you can transfer to any other university or you can finish there but you see the epilepsy caused the damage that was the mental condition [Music] the the drug of the epilepsy caused a collateral damage that's right that was what affected his masculinity god has now started heal the collateral damage the damage is healed and the epilepsy is gone everything the devil cost the outcome everything they do now there are sicknesses that make people to become poor god will not only heal the sickness he will restore the resources [Applause] very true sir the mother is deeply indebted he's deeply in depth yes sir now listen to this i announce to you today whatever the devil has done wrong in your life the lord is correcting what has gone wrong and is correcting what that wrong has caused in your life fire all the holy ghost you are permanently set free in jesus name give the lord a praise take yourself sir this is mrs habiba and here is the brother who brought him to church today today is his first time the pastor invited her today is her foster she was married 12 years ago and god blessed her with a son and the young man is seven years old and she said in 2019 she got pregnant uh in january by march when the pregnancy was two months there is somebody who is trusting god for somebody who is not walking the person is not here the person is not here but you are you are sitting and trusting god father let that person walk i don't know whether as a man or a woman now the power of god is hitting that person there whether it's a stroke or a crippling condition or a paralysis i'm not asking you to come out i'm asking you to place a call or a text and you will confirm that the person is walking where they are now where they are now where they are right now the power of god is upon that person where they are now once you confirm it to rush forward and let us know that someone someone on a wheelchair or somebody lying down invalid or somebody using crutches that is not here now the power of god taught them where they are and they are working right now do that and let us know yes so in 2019 she she had a miscarriage in the month of march 2020 had another miscarriage in the month of march and this is another match 2021. she's six months pregnant few days ago she started feeling funny went to the hospital and the doctor checked her yesterday and discovered that the baby was dead intrauterine fetal demise at 20 weeks look at what the demon said habitual abortion that devil is a bastard in the heat of the administration the power of god such through her and the baby started playing football hey hey hey are you just sitting and hey foreign is yes be upstanding two prophetic words i decree today everything that is dead in your life that has been declared dead in your life is coming up alive now second everything that has become a cycle they call it habitual abortion this is the third time right the month of march miscarriage month [Music] 2019. yes march miscarriage 2020 match miscarriage and this is another match 2021 bastard devil the cycle is broken that the thing always started with a pain the pain after the pain the miscarriage would just happen so yesterday when she came to meet me detroit i pray with her say i am bringing her to deliverance service this morning that's right so after your declaration he said whatever your father in heaven has not planted shall be rooted out she started feeling the pain all of the sudden the movement is known by my strength and my lord yes i pray for you today i pray for everyone here today now with that song all of you who have come here today your testimonies are permanent [Music] if you should take all the testimonies today so you just dance back to your seat and i declare somebody say every negative cycle of my life of my destiny every demonic cycle of evil you are broken you are broken [Music] you are the reason why i live you are the reason why i am i'm okay hey my surprise [Music] yes yes yes don't go ahead tell us you should call somebody that was paralyzed or crippled exactly call someone a family member or whoever that is paralyzed or crippled that their mother had been paralyzed since last year this is the picture of the mother [Music] she is currently in the in the uk right now can't take a step paralyzed since last year completely paralyzed they put a call across and they said the power of god located her in the uk she stood up and took a step she stood up and still stepped in the uk and took the step in the uk yes sir couldn't stand can't even take a step and from here to the uk are you just sitting here hello me m yay foreign if the power of god can locate a mother all the way in the uk you are here today you are here everywhere around nigeria here the same past come forward here come forward daughters come forward hold your hand together and lift it up father perfection for their mother and perfection for every loved one that they have right now touch it's gone fire of the holy ghost upon that mother fire all the holy ghost upon that mother complete perfection lift up your hands bastard father wherever that arrow came let it return to hell everyone here today victim of any arrow of the enemy it returns back to hell in the name of jesus one two fire shadow yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah everybody [Music] in case you came paralyzed or crippled if the power of god can heal somebody at a distance and you are nearby here you don't need to wait for anything just lift up your crotch or your stick and begin to walk and get up from that stretcher and begin to walk or get off from that wheelchair and begin to walk that's right paralysis is gone paralysis is gone live live live live yes that's right welcome sir what concern lift up your crotch and walk don't need to wait for anything that's right walk on sir walk on walk and walk out to different shots get up out of that crotch out of that wheelchair get off from that stretcher [Music] do you have a crotch on his teeth if you have you can come with it did you come here with your stick or your crotch if he tried to be man i will really pray if he tried to be man i would really really really hello [Music] [Music] see a minute yes just give me a minute all right go ahead this is mr david the power of god just hit it now lumbar spondulosis for two solid years blasted out by the power of god he said why he was coming to church two years ago on a sunday morning a car hit him behind yes sir and that situation has been on for these two years he could not walk without the aid of this stick and he tied this on the back show us how you tied it incredible beloved i'd like you to listen something is shifted in your life already [Applause] tomorrow wednesday is more like a crossover service from march to april it's 5 30 p.m whatever you intend for god to do in this match that must not cross to april be here sunday morning is easter celebration service it is also three resurrection services in the morning it's also the blessing sunday of april in that service we shall see the power of resurrection 6 am 8 00 am and 10 am don't miss it for any reason it shall be a communion service as well and then coming tuesday [Music] we are trusting the first tuesday of the next month we are shifting levels when you are coming with a bottle of oil is going to be an anointing fire service are you hearing what i'm saying here today that coming tuesday and then tell everyone in town what you are seeing here what you are experiencing here if it is good news it must be shared yes have you heard anything here today i've seen anything here today and experience any manifestation let the handballs of this coming tuesday be available as soon as possible and let it be let this whole place be jammed this coming tuesday it's going to be amazing this is how this man came remove it [Music] all right you have you are healed you are healed hold this mic for me father in the name of jesus thank you for setting him free i command the spine to become normal power of the holy ghost in the name of jesus jesus heal the lumbar vertebra in the name of jesus become normal become natural become adjusted back to normal in the name of jesus in the name of thank jesus jesus thank you jesus [Music] both left our right leg hallelujah [Applause] [Music] that was why he was holding the crotch oh this the right leg okay the right leg is weakened father thank you because it is over come to this chair [Music] name of jesus command strength for that right jesus thank you because it is here it is here [Music] the name of jesus father in the name of jesus thank you because this miracle is done condition she was on admission since december last year 2020. mirail of afflictions that she was even on oxygen sometime in january this year they sent to a text message about her condition and he replied to the fine intervention it was at that moment that the doctors took off the oxygen mask but she also has something that looks like a lumbar spondylosis she has a corset on here the sister said she assisted her into the service this morning wow assisted her into the service but as she declared the word she walked all by herself out and understanding wow incredible and the concert is inside where there's no one can take it can you lose it externally yes that's right swearing [Music] it's removed already here she's crying [Music] our sister came in from germany this morning yesterday rather the doctors discharged her she told them that when she gets to donate me she will be healed and the doctor said i am waiting for you to come from vietnamese if everybody in dynamics gets healed now she couldn't walk she couldn't move any of the legs the legs were weak when they brought up from the flighted like a baby they lifted them from the flight like a baby like a baby when they brought her this morning they lifted her into this walking this wheelchair wheelchair but she now said that she's feeling power on the legs the legs were that were already there no sensation leg dead no sensation now she's feeling power and she got up from the width and began to push it like this same wheelchair that they used to push her she's pushing that same wheelchair jesus never failed forever [Music] okay this is too much this is too much stand up on your feet if you can stand up on your feet [Music] carried from the aircraft like a baby brought in here like a baby leg immobile lifeless she is now carrying pushing the wheelchair the daughter had to give her a bath this morning and that's been the habit and virtually feeding everything the doctor is not here she didn't come with her she should come he lifted her up from the aircraft yesterday and she could only be moved around on this wheelchair the wheelchair she's pushing now mama go ahead god it's your turn it's your turn to exercise yourself the lord has given me victory [Music] you can see how paralyzed the right side is and it didn't affect the the upper limb he did leave this see the hand that was paralyzed it this that is half of the body paralyzed crippled and lifted now two hands the lord victory [Music] it is never just the leg it is the whole side paralyzed and carried like that and now this hand is totally free the leg is coming back alive to the point where she is go ahead and push it on when he told her to lift her hand i remember that it was supposed to be paralyzed [Music] victory everybody lift up your hands where you are and see after me today say in the name of jesus everything grounded in my life is working now everything grounded in my life is working now sir there's one more drastic one then we can lift your hands people yes yes yes go ahead sir 2019 you had a road traffic accident and then all right take your sick people one minute and that left leg was broken and refused to heal the bones refused to fuse despite every medical intervention as you made the declaration this um during the service he said he felt a power a power sensation flowed through that leg and then he said it means this leg is healed let me stand up and check it he stood up and he's able to walk without the crutches walk let us see this was totally impossible what how old were you walking before he's not the owner of that stick how were you walking with the stick before totally dependent yes how you are struggling to walk with the stick really really you are even walking very fast now yes i am to rest on this you have you have to rest on that stick to be able to move you have to rest on it show us how you were resting on it you have to rest on it now show us how you can work without it oh my god [Music] for how long eight years now lift it up now walk by yourself now is [Music] after last week tuesday i was wondering what else are we expecting to see and after this tuesday i am wondering what else but we have seen nothing yet psalm 107 verse 20. i have a message and i'm not going to be able to finish it because of time so i'll divide it into two and then pre to second half next week tuesday forces of liberty this will be part one many people are trusting god to see freedom in their lives but what are the keys what are the channels to freedom what forces i'm going to enumerate like three of three forces today and then we'll take it off from next week tuesday number one is the force of the word the word of god has liberating capacity psalm 107 verse 20 he sent forth his word he sent his word and healed them and delivered them from their destructions the word heals and the word delivers john 8 32 said you shall know the truth and the truth which is the word shall make you free it is very very important to settle for the ministry of the world there are people who come to church and they say all i'm waiting for is the prayer session don't just wait yesterday i preached a message at the area one church where i was preaching to the youth global youth conference preaching uncreated for a purpose that message liberated a lot of people without any prayer for them i heard from the mouth of several people what it did to their minds and did to their lives we have seen people in church services just got set free by listening to particular messages the preaching of the world every area of your life where you notice there is a challenge look for the messages preach in that area confront your life and the situation with those messages it has liberating power number two is the force of prayer jacob prayed until his name changed from jacob to israel he had been a victim of struggles for life but he prayed until his name changed genesis chapter 32 verse 24 to verse 28. jesus had the situation in his life in first chronicles chapter 4 and in verse 9 and in verse 10 he cried to the god of israel that god should deliver him from his sorrow and god granted what he requested at the place of prayer the bread the place of supplication is the place of liberation the place of prayer is the place of freedom and i believe that god is setting someone free today take time step into the presence of god war on the matter until you void out number three is the force of praise paul and silas were kept in prison they prayed and they sang the prisoners held them acts 16 25 suddenly the prison doors open chains were broken their bands were loosed by the force of praise some 32 verse 7 he said now at my hiding place you will preserve me from trouble you will compass me about with songs of deliverance songs they carry deliverance power beloved today i believe that god has the freedom and the liberty of someone in mind and if you are that one you will say aloud amen i believe that god has the freedom and the liberty of someone at heart if you are the one you will say the loudest amen lift your right arm and say father i receive my freedom and my liberty today everyone sitting here this morning you've seen all manner of miracles eyesight healings ear healings madness healings all manner of deliverances and you are saying to me pastor i need jesus as lord of my life i need to live for jesus i need my sins forgiving i want today to mark a new day for me will you pick your bibles and pick your bags and come to the front quickly i'll give you the count of seven you stand up from your seat where you are and rush forward pastor i need to be born again i believe that that is the beginning of my own testimony only for jesus day after day one only for jesus [Music] i live for jesus [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign everyone who needs to rededicate themselves to jesus you want why do you have to drag her like that you don't have a chair or anything carrier don't suffer like that if you are here you need any yolk broken of your life all right let me say it like this you are bound to tobacco bound to smoking bound to lesbianism bound to homosexuality bound to any lifestyle that has changed and tied your life and you want to be free from that bondage madam stand stand come to the center come to the center here center yes yes then stand stand there lift your hand somebody stand behind her power of the holy ghost command the pain to go the bone to be mended don't don't don't bother with with that be healed me amen [Music] shut up shout out [Applause] don't know where you are this is not the kind of place to do such rubbish go to all the centers whether you do such rubbish don't freak out don't freak out who are you talking to [Music] this is not an abracadabra please don't freak out don't freak out no no no she won't be free this is not a place to save those rubbish so that will be doing drama hey i should do three hours [Music] the devil should know where he is all this useless useless don't free her don't fear i will let her go i will let her go that will not be saying so what so i shouldn't free up why do you say i shouldn't free her useless nonsense rubbish maybe she has practiced it in those kind of places and she wants to come and practice it here we don't have time for such operations [Music] yes jesus asked only one demon what is your what is your name and he told the lie legion says there is another demon what is your name in the name that is above every name jesus the resurrection resurrected lord i prophesy upon you today every agenda of hell every work of diabolism and darkness around your life is arrested forever in the name of jesus arrested forever in jesus name so shall it be so shall it be sister you are free if you are able to walk walk all right all right you can you can you can start with one you can start with one and give a seat nearby there all of you standing here place your right down in your chest and say after me lord jesus i am a sinner in need of hell come into my life make me a new person today i have decided to follow you along no turning back from today forward ever backward never i receive the grace to live for you thank you lord in jesus precious name amen i declare the hold of sin broken off your life and the grace to live for god is released upon you i call it dumb in jesus precious name amen something has happened to you the hold of the enemy is broken of your life the grace of god is released upon you and i declare a new day and a new season in your life you will go and you return back with your testimonies in jesus precious day our counselors are going to talk with you they will let you know what to do to be established in the lord follow those instructions and your life can never be the same can you all stretch your hands in front of you i prophesy upon the hands and i ask that your habits will look for you from the north the south the east and the west what is yours shall look for you i call it dawn in jesus precious name amen pick up your bible pick up your offerings tyson pledge [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh lift up the offerings further multiply the habits of every giver and let it hands lifted never drop down to bed forever in the name of jesus what is yours shall look for you from the north the south the east and the west i call it dawn in jesus name celebrate justly drop your office you're watching online the details are on the script for you as well oh oh this morning stand up on your feet with a loud shout of amen a loud shout of hallelujah lift your hands high everywhere you are father we give you the praise father we give you the praise father we give you the praise leave your hands high pick your bibles and backs and join us forward if you are here for the first time join us forward don't miss tomorrow for anything and don't miss sunday for anything good friday we'll be holding with the youth program on friday that will be the equivalent of good friday but sunday easter morning service in three services here and all our locations easter morning services will be holding in three resurrections here oh somebody say he arose whatever is dead in your life shall arise on sunday morning ensure that you come with your friends and lords all the work members of the workforce mandatory for the 6 a.m service and next week tuesday anointing fire anointing fire anointing fire it shall baptize you with the holy ghost and with fire that is comfortable of oil invite the sick and the afflicted and let us take it to the next level the lord bless you in the precious name of jesus lift up your hands now and i prophesy to everyone here as you proceed the lord bless you can that event sound like fire i now take authority over the spirit of infirmity madness insanity blindness deafness actually the lord healed somebody of a urinary system problem every challenge with the kidneys every challenge with the ureters and the urethra urinary bladder every challenge with the prostate every challenge with everything that has to do with the urination of a person your genital system in the women i take authority over these afflictions frequency of urination diabetes and every retro stricture prosthetic enlargement in every form [Music] of pressure in the urinary system i declare it is arrested in the name of jesus i declare diabetes arrested from the crown of your head to the soul of your feet be healed and be whole in jesus name [Music] i give you the praise lord and i give you the honor because i know you have heard and i know you have answered in jesus precious name somebody who believes god did something in your life today give him the loudest 60 seconds shout out victory oh so shall it be in the name of the father another son and of the holy ghost the lord bless you and the lord keep you the lord caused his face to shine on you and be gracious unto you from this day and forever and now the grace of our lord jesus and the love of god the fellowship of the spirit be unabided us now forevermore amen and surely his goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life as well in the house of the lord forever and ever amen proceed and return back with your testimonies in jesus precious name our year 2021 is our year of worth release and what recovery award and replication so shall it be go forth and return back with your testimonies in jesus precious name amen god bless [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Dunamis TV
Views: 30,086
Rating: 4.9191289 out of 5
Id: TuGtUJb7hwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 224min 18sec (13458 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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