Dr Paul Enenche - You Are Free From Foundational Forces

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come on see the Lord is good he is good to you he is good he a family in your destiny John chapter 8 verse 31 and in verse 32 [Music] then said Jesus of those Jews which believed on him if you continue in my word then are ye my disciples indeed and ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free somebody say I am free indeed say it let us say I am free indeed say it louder say I am free indeed free indeed but one and this is freedom from foundational and ancestral issues of forces our objective first is to identify the foundational issues that we must be free from our second objective is to understand freedom all secrets of gaining freedom from foundational and ancestral causes of forces for somebody here today this is that night you have been waiting for that amen can be louder let that emond row like thunder I start the introduction by saying there are people on earth today in fact many people today piers victims of foundational an ancestral issues that was why Jeremiah said in Jeremiah chapter 31 verse 29 in those days they shall say noble the fathers have eaten a sour grape and the children's feet are set on edge because we have situations we have people are battling with what they know nothing about what tonight is the end of such [Applause] what our foundational issues number one foundational issues are issues that follow people from the foundation or beginning of their lives they followed people from the foundation or the beginning of their lives and there are foundational forces that exist to enforce foundational issues I like to pay very critical attention because in the midst of drowsiness your deliverance may come second foundational issues are issues that come through either the personalities or the activities of our progenitors of one's progenitors there are issues that come either through the personalities or the activities of progenitors father's mother's ancestors I said personalities because I said personalities or activities a person's father or mother grandfather grandmother or grandfather personality because it makes them self didn't do anything they received it from those who gave it to them and I communicate him for example I know a family where the father is a polygamist the grandfather is a polygamist great-grandfather polygamists uncles every we're polygamists in that case the fattest Phyllida most tendency was not even the fault of the grandfather because the grandfather also received it from the great-grandfather am i communicated so there are issues that come from their personalities then there are those that come from their activities what did them said it what they use your hand to bring on their children that is why we are here tonight this is beautiful girl can get married first class degree or the candidature faithful dedicated child of God in church for one reason or another life looks like a reproach but tonight I am anointed to bury both sauces tonight that a man can be better that a mentally better leader writers in the name of Jesus tonight is the end of every foundational force and central issue in my life tonight is the end of it forever I look at four examples of people very very quickly number one Abraham Abraham was a victim of foundational issues at the age of 75 he was in his father's house no result until he hadn't encountered I brought him out from the demonic covering of his father's house and they counter brought him out get out of your father's house only his life made the difference out of his father's house there are people sitting here tonight from your father's house God will bring you out that demon can be better out of your father's house from your compound from your village God will bring you out and it will use you to bring others out if you say nobody important can come out of your family you will be the first one to come out God will bring Nigeria out number two Jacob if you look at the life of Jacob he inherited some things from Isaac his father Baroness of wife lion tendencies and Isaac to inherited the same from Abraham his father Baroness of life lion tendencies hectic to survive what Jacob brought broke it one midnight when they wrestled with an angel in the middle of the night it broke this is another night genesis of a 32 from verse 24 to 28 feet are followed you from your childhood tonight is sharp break I are you saying imagine like you are ready at all anything that followed you from a child this is the night in which he shall break I mean if you know that the power of God is real it's a break it's a break it's a break because the breakage of such what we are doing now nobody from where I came from is permitted those who try to die before their time talking of in the seventies or alive without results only Brooke this is the night in which I shall break somebody liberators in the name of Jesus tonight that mystery around my destiny [Applause] without any doubt light is stronger than darkness Malaga yaga yaga without any doubt your arm oranges and there are demons they'd ever want to make you feel as if your problem is forever no way as if you able to live and die in dust attrition that devil is a lie they will not live and die the situation ulis what freedom is all about you will express was smiling is all about us what celebration is all about Nigeria shall experience joy shall be loudest a man [Applause] Abraham was free Jacob got free there was a man called Jabez is not upon him in frustration 1st chronicles chapter 4 verse 9 and 10 they called his name Jabez because the mother said I give back to him with sorrow this one is a situation where parents imparted something negative get me wrong identity be careful how you raise your children be careful what to do with children there are children that people speak negative things too until the negative things manifested in their lives later some children grew it very terrible bad esteem no confidence in life because of how they grew because of the environment of condemnation degree that was Jimmy's but he grew and when he became a man you see what my mother did wrong cannot continue to affect my life what is poking to my life at my bed can no longer affect me I am my child enough to change my own history to change my own story to change my own destiny I refuse this sorrow I refuse this low self-esteem I refuse this inferiority I refill this negative labelled I refill this wrong identity ice must change and all of a sudden everything change until Japan became more honorable that is bread when I prophesied to somebody haha shotta I don't know what has followed you from childhood what wrong mentality and wrong mindset and wrong identity that's followed you from childhood tonight he shall expire can somebody say that he may like a believer I said tonight he shall expire I said tonight I shall expire [Applause] lukkage anniversary shall expire look at somebody I shall expire listen take your seat the person standing before you today if I was to follow the events of childhood I'll be walking with heads bowed like this no confidence apologizing for what you didn't do and just mild and timid not interested in anything because of people who saw you coming and you haven't become anything yet and they have concluded I will society because of being overly under retained ignored polarity abused am i communicating at all wait somebody who doesn't know you take you for granted it doesn't mean so much it's only when those in your vicinity don't think you can be anything and it becomes an issue my command many of you here today you are victims of evil rejection from childhood way mother said I wish this child brought me pain this child brought me through a man whose wife delivered and died during childbirth while delivering the last channel and the man any time it sees that child look at you you killed my wife that child to death which I didn't survive there are those who have survived but they are not doing well because of setting things that followed you like Jabez that is why to nitrogen now I told you my story because there is not one today not opposite one white black brown yellow I haven't seen one yet one that you before anything like that one didn't say that for a particular visa we needed to visit coming this road a visa I didn't him your people invited me they need me I'm not the one who needed them I I need to say that no matter where you are coming from you can so break it until you are the exact opposite of what the devil wanted you to be until your life is the exact opposite of the kind of picture they'd ever wanted your life to be I prophesied to somebody today everyone was at the experience of Jabez today I declare that you his brother say that a man like a believer say that a man like a believer lifts aratus in the name of Jesus everything that has followed me from my childhood wrong walls negative or trances the mini no trances destructive or trances that followed me from my childhood today I know Levi I cancel you you can't hold me back I am doing somewhere cheap as Brooke it the man that did cause please take your seat the man that was miserable became honorable it will happen again I will never forget this message how many of you in Dunamis Church when we used to worship in the basement of a real wine church the on the ground that's right in that place I preached a message titled from miserable to all narubu the basement where the school is now was the church Wendy the construction was on from miserable to honorable man was the interior one shopping center there living in one room with about five or six children struggling for food to eat he was in the second eye and this was the passage I read Jabez became more honourable I said he was miserable before it became honorable and the man was in the service all him and all his children in one little room in a shopping conference not a room is tall a few weeks later I came to meet me I was in my bum state hooyo one day for a program then I see a man the man was driven and he came with his police oddly and brand-ne came to me monitor what happened he was in one room nothing was working they sent to him from his state to come and contest an election you see I don't have money they suffered ripping government cowardly profits that is about to be repeated in somebody's life I don't know what I surrendered your life miserable and what has rendered your life upside down this situation is changing today it is changing today it is changing today little wretches say father you are the God of Abraham the god of Isaac the God of Jacob the God of Jabez you are changing my story and you are changing it now hallelujah take your seat the Bible said si passing things in his heart if you think your life can change you to change if you think it cannot change how you think that well abdominal brace and latias change is remain so if Jesus studies in 20 years to come if Jesus doesn't come I'll be looking as young as this or younger his income because for over have been 25 years old for more than 25 if you see the video that is 20-something years ago if you see the video and see me today is the same the only difference is that in those days I used to 200 so you see a lot of that in the video that is in my mindset I came to that program and I stayed there this dance you see is a city captain is oddities let it be owed to you according to your faith unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or imagine I like you to reprogram your mind today that you experience what the devil wanted you now you will Express what God wants you to express my final example is a man at a beautiful gate it was born crippled crippling condition followed him from his mother's womb it wasn't something he did he had no hand in why he was born without legs in fact he had legs the challenge was that the legs cannot carry his weight or could not carries weight it's like having a certificate that can give you a job having could give you a child by communicating you have it but is not producing the result he produced resolve orders other people's legs carried them this man's leg couldn't carry him then one day b1t some rocket apostolic prophets showed up Peter and John that was the end because by profit a lot brought Israel out of Egypt tonight is there is an apostolic and prophetic unction here this vigil was not put together because some people wanted to give themself extra walk is because some Devils need to be checked to him longer wicked freedom must be released and it is happening tonight like the beautiful gate everything around you looks beautiful except your life but number one his life was not beautiful number two big happy name was the name of the man setting money is adversity swallowed his identity its infirmity swallowed his identity they did was more relevant than him the date was called in him the man had no name what changed always that it is a problem that they used to describe them today is the end of it that Amen is too paralyzed click - Hansen shuttle Odyssey man little vs. in the name of Jesus Satan in the name of Jesus every foundation every foundational issue of my life of my family of my destiny today's your expiry date today no expiry date today - expiry date oh you are fliction in the name of Jesus I command you expire by fire expire by fire [Applause] terkoz it anything that started was finished must finish what device your challenge and this is what I mean Papa Ronnie's delicate eyes Oglala I had just now that not only will the situation expire but the devil will be made to pay for what he has done not only will it expire but you shall be recovering their shabby restoration - a be recovering - abhi restoration of the years that the enemy they can't go on the caterpillar Hostin has eaten your life [Applause] look at the never said God will handle the situation and the devil be made to pay for what he did wrong in your life what he did wrong in our land and there shall be recovery and restoration sure the law resume [Applause] I'll give you 15 15 features of foundational issues just 15 out of many I mention kind of situation that we founded in the family of Abraham attack from the roots that this man's life should a mountain of it that is she'll just be counted for census purposes should be around but not be involved but it has my ass tonight it has my ass tonight from for what we call from for which is now SS one from 4.4 second class I heard it from his titled why leaders fail I listened to that tape I think about 33 years ago he was is father sister him somehow going to the next class next class one game from for he was talking with his friends laughing and Justin or one of the teachers look at you say Williams what you are laughing you are laughing - you are laughing you are laughing - Wow he led the a what I shouldn't laugh because I'm feeling he made up his mind that he has filled for the last time it's not open stop them in from fall it came to the front first them from five he was in the front second him by the time he graduated he graduated on tops in his class it's not at home applied mathematics pyramid Madison I think physics or so he got a a a straight went to University of Ibadan to read magnetics BSC graduated in 1968 as the best overall University with an average of over 98% shifted from the back when this the devil said I love you are laughing - okay I will show you that is the kind of a person that should have ended without relevance that's a ministry that has affected who all is still affected your sincerely was once acquire member in that church that is something years ago it's God speaking to somebody here living with any force that wants to render your life useless tonight is the obituary of that force as you make up your mind your voice is the foundational issues aleady was once threatened with that said nobody crosses is it 25 or 20 something between 25 and 30 years nobody crosses a particular age young age not that it not be on 30 no body no no lady why the father was a chief great-grandfather and in those days and I had many wives and in those days if the chief dies they said this youngest wife should has caught him buried alive I show us 25 for something like that and why she was being very she was caution caution what did I do he will I bury me alive that I did one more clearly this family will cross this Ridge traditional issue until that yoke was broke I give me a particularly with the mantle against this power what device programming you all your loved ones for premature death from your foundation today it expires whether you or your family members all your children or your loved ones we are a body of program you I think he went to bed that is why this night is important and that is why I pronounce today let me feel from your foundation from your father's house or mother's house that wants to kill you before your time or kill your children or your loved ones or your family members to take it shall be laid to rest you will not die by cancer you will die by kidney failure you won't die of any pls hepatitis somebody shot ha ha little redness in the name of Jesus I shall fulfill my days shuttle on a CI JA fulfill my day [Applause] whenever God speaks and we take action we see results what you call the preservation service mimics of the first ones you're the man you came because we had one or two very drastic calamities Lord what is it you say please his seal of preservation all the people's life monthly tonight is not such divine orchestration to address what follows follow do if they don't want to transact with your father you want digging from the grave you are not your mother you are not your forefathers you are not your ancestors you are not your progenitors what is the abortion cannot be your portion because the messages you are hearing now they never had those messages the atmosphere you are in or do another the testimonies you hear all the time didn't hear one so you can't enter with the ended [Applause] if you blink you blink again before anybody could wake up it is finish and dedicated and a very wonderful economy we're passing through town the other day and the construction was going on and my wife showed me this is the typical way the kind of building that God did here this is the typical way she should have gone because the block from down had a different color then the one that came on top is a different color I think the down one must have been placed there maybe for the last eight to nine years or something the one that came on top is like maybe five years or so then the order on the one on top is a recent about three or four different generations of blocks [Laughter] or God didn't allow us to follow that way projects it was happy time I'm envious ladies la hands on your life your life can never be an abandoned project if you will take this prophetic word you will see the prophetic manifestation that anything that is currently an unfinished business in your life by the anointing of this night a sharpie completed somebody's building project is about to be completed somebody's academic project is about to be completed somebody's career without finishing what other people get easily got to take a lot of sweat for our brother or a sister to get it today is the end of it Hot Wok is good but unnecessary sweating and struggle easy cuz God told Abraham in this atom in the sweat of your face because see a stallion man diligent in his business he will stand with kings is is good to be hard-working but strong cool and sweating unnecessarily because somebody say Amen somebody say a lot of Amen and today is the end that a man can be better than that everything that has put your life in continuous struggles continuous troubles struggle from one pursuit to another from one business to another from one agenda to another today this struggle is I said this struggle is over we work very hard and you know and God knows what we don't sweat without struggle to see the results take your seat the choice is in that is an order if they wanted would have had crusade in every town on the road watch oka right on the road big dome like this I told them I said our church looks like your own then twin look the spots or future capacity people have said those outside - in my estimation we're more than those inside with your family today [Applause] foundationally she can commence a foundational issue not that everybody was a negative character has about gotta from model follow but there are many who have a drunkard father is likely to give birth to draw the children liars easily give back to liars Abraham said Sarah was his wife ed and Isaac said Rebecca was his wife and then Jacob said in fat heels shifted to another level that he himself as a whole is not Jacob you see boots and us who can get married who can keep a job proud progenitor rebellious mother remember - rebellious daughters who's who is the wife and the wife is the husband she's the man is in charge in every room and when the young man wanted to marry daughter from the house he saw the girl manifest in December she wanted to control and he had to run away for his life to identify it if anybody calls you proud you say son you saw it if you call yourself proud that is reality i I can't I am sensing this kind of tendency in my life you do with it negative character and if you see it in your lineage you begin to fight it divorce divorce divorce divorce divorce around you and you see it coming he said no way Plus everybody - me somebody say a man every negative hold that has been transferred to you from your life tonight by the blood of Jesus that grip is broken they graze to overcome everything negative in your life that grace is destroyed now another one nemesis is attack of fruit they are fruit attack on Jacob Isaac Abraham C truck get give him back to children especially the first one was a challenge but it was broken and tonight for you it is broken in the name of Jesus existence with identity both Jacob and Jabez had the wrong label Jacob was giving it a name that was contrary to his future endeavors to had an identity of sorrow there are people in this world when people see you what they perceive of you is different from who you are wrong identity wrong identity we are in trouble where an old woman stepped out of their body one day how are you the family from the first day I knew you in my mind you are married happy Cherokee vs. unlikely - boy around or something spiritual site it's not physical this is a young lady trusting God to be established maritally and then a young man potential husband is looking at her and seen her and seen ha married country looking for job and they taught you I'm the boss of your own company who came to meet their pawn you that gives you another and not identity other than who you are tonight it is set on fire little writers in the name of Jesus I reserved the wrong identity now I reject it tonight so once mask will come off the face so once name will be changed by God tonight [Applause] as if there is a limit you are not permitted to cross it is ending tonight I'll see people say well if I if it's a job around five million two million I can get contract remember it is over that is permanently who doesn't want you to smile you recover from one challenge another negative news today anyone that has been found in that category the last episode of satanic depressive issue is the last forever in the name of Jesus that cycle of sorrow the cycle of depression the cycle of frustration is broken now by the power of God in Jesus name sorry number 10 existence in pain an affliction existence in pain and affliction the one at a beautiful gate was born with an affliction jay-bez so as God to deliver him from pain there are inherited afflictions some people that have diabetes their mother have diabetes their father has the diabetes some type attend suitable I mean enrolls see that is the business of what we call family and social history when the doctor is asking is taking what we call history taking oh you have had it for how long and it's the history when it comes to the place we call family and so history and because pratima see is anybody hypertensive your family is your mother or father mad in the body diabetic okay okay positive family history of diabetes positive family history of hypertension positive family history of mental illness so it identifies that there are things that are transferable by genetics issues anything that came to you from your mother today is the end of it from your father I am speaking to somebody now cancer will never be a Porsche it doesn't matter whether it affected your mother or affected your father or affected your family members it will never be your testimony tonight is the obituary or hypertension tonight is the burial of diabetes tonight is the funeral of prostate disease somebody shout the loudest a male shout Amen irritable your voice literate and I said father I receive my freedom from foundational situations I receive my freedom [Applause] listen for many of us tonight you may have received ancestral causes from your parents that is canceled today what your children will inherit from you and self AB lessons ah I told God I said anything that is good in my life multiply it in my children anything negative that came to me by any means I reject it and I rejected from my children you know what I'm saying here today we are the generation that to multiply generation a blessing disaster is to come as we have a generation a closest people who come to understudy from us generation up lessons and sense replaces somebody say lrma lift your right hand up and say in the name of Jesus I shall give my children a - generation generation of lessons and sense replaces family blessings everything negative in my life I reject it and I reject it for my children everything positive in my life be multiplied in the lives of my children that you said if you are a children and you don't yet have a child congratulations because as you have said it you will have the children silly shots at the Lord your God and he shall bless your bread our water he shall take away sickness from the midst of you there shall not in cast the young nor be buried in number of your days are fulfilled none shall bury their children didn't say if they have children having children is compulsory say aloud email number 11 is vulnerability to danger that is Jabez pray that it will not grieve him rescue me from what to bring me grief that it will not grieve me there are people their lives are always coming in face with danger escaped from terrorist confronted kidnappers God freedom from kidnappers on his way amra bus on the road dodge from an accident that will never be a story that will never be your story number 12 a foundational issue that was what happened to them today it is set on fire please pegye split begin plate the devil is putting your hands for begging for burrowing to live at the mercy of people it is set on fire it agree upon you and I prophesy upon you the days of God change you come to Israel from person to nation and large-capacity Jabez that will alight my coast foundational things our times make people to be boldly to untie me - not a mega nothing big nothing nothing nothing not insignificant about their life today the barrier that they put around you not to expand them by power [Applause] acceleration the testimony of the man from Europe britches dismissed this point it was in Europe for 20-something years for nine years it was not even able to get his degree certificate because of indebtedness to the school authorities he said anybody who came to Europe you will counsel advice and help them move forward but he was there was foremost technician is when you are stagnated we or the celerity where people come and pass you and you stay there on the highway the highway of Jericho sitting where there is motion hello that was what happened to the liminal a beautiful girl everybody is walking past him to enter the temple he remember that was why when God healed him the temples the first place he went let me go where orders have been going and I could not go hallelujah everyone that is a victim of selective stagnation today is the end of it everyone that is a victim of stagnation in the face of acceleration today the end of it all your friends will not get married and leave you behind the junior sisters you took care of those who bark as babies will not get married I'll leave you far behind somebody shout pow stand up on your feet when we preach and speak and teach it comes many times with prophetic flavor you have grown up you have counseled your friends pray with them they are getting married you are remaining their children that you lost as little babies became mature got married you are a bridle on the braddock train of the appearance wedding they are now waiting you are behind stagnation in the face of acceleration all the people you taught in school have graduated no monitors to school I stand there by the mantle of God if I be of God that plague aspire star he thinks by us now my god fifi Ferrara La Raza Natalie teratoma da da da da la cuarta so tardy meet Allah Allah ferrata daddy kurama tengu bada litera tsuki banila settle Amara Hatari aqui por ahĂ­ see me mad Alya it expires you shall become you shall pick up and go forth and ela Donatella Ferrari laferrari scary denial Capello negative Remy Martin Lorena kilometer Amy Natalia Irish Galliano skeletal Selita ferrata Gaza it is not that you are angry that others are going forward no Bobby from Bobby let us go forward together if I was here before let me continue moving while you continue coming if we are here - let's continue going I don't want to remain him and everybody has gone forward and I just remain here I don't want to develop it honest I don't want to develop and he bitterness against God way against mano against anybody because it's not their fault that you are going forward but what is wrong with me I must go forward look at the Gallatin Safari if the Potala ferret escape element on us later odd assuming a tailor see care to feel our HOSA eaten by a Yeti case Agha enemy of Jesus take your seat one minute and the final one number 15 for today like I said I'm out of this but this is what I have a direction to share to the number 15 is their reputation their repetition of negative family cycles or patterns the repetition of negative family cycles or patterns Farah died at 51 the song became 51 and died another one is approaching that and is afraid the mother died of cancer the senior sister died of cancer and now they the junior one and the mother died at forty five the junior there are 25 and knowledge other one that is less than 25 approached 25 is coming up with cancer is afraid the repetition of negative family patterns like I said before what you are hearing now in all probability your model they hate your father didn't hate the annoyed tree you are on the now then we are not indict you are there in church on Sunday on Sunday maybe do NDB Apollo something that is why your life must be different that is why your kids must be different that is why your story must be different somebody say a lotta amen little said my life must be different my story must be different I am connected to something different something higher something heavier [Music] we're having encounters where you are the beaten in soil senior pastor come to pick you out your own father maybe is only encounter was masquerade in any culture cause masquerade and cut was which is our lizards tonight is your freedom I like you to pay attention to what I'm about to say to you see what is the secret of deliver of freedom from foundational issues number one is access access to revelation our light is and fought his ward and delivered them m107 was 20 not him deliver us like this sent toward like reward lemma that lunch only that happens on you and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free I need the sort of man hath made you free you shall be free indeed am i communicating the world went to Joseph in the prison and brought him out Oh put down my eyes someone 9 verse 18 but I may behold wondrous things out of you know the Lord sent a world into Chicopee as magical name is it and it sent light upon Israel it is not a bad prayer to say Lord my eyes to that scripture to set me free to that light and there are many lights Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us as it is written cursed is every one that hangs on a tree in Christ as the miracles and he died on the cross of Calvary no cause from my father's house is permitted to follow me you can touch such a light if we took my scene and he took my sicknesses he also took my classes and it took my poverty he took my debt in hell anything same brought Christ took that includes causes all that you can walk in liberty you shall no more be said the fathers it's our group and the children's teeth are set on edge Jeremiah 31 verse 25 but let it be made known that the person who is the solid grip that is the one who's ticked shall be set on the edge and get such a light said I somebody like I say I call your name I ordered devil [Music] [Music] into your life to affect because you are changing your life shuttle are the same a literacy fiber will not let you go today till you bless me I let you is prophetic impact that was horrible to the mother a beautiful great the time John put their hands in the Muslims and jacked him up and change history twelve thirteen and by a prophet the Lord proteins a lot of eating and by a prophet today i prophesy to somebody by the prophetic and apostolic mantle of God on my life you are chair top of your situation you are coming out tonight [Applause] that is why God uses the face of your prophet genetics of your prophet if you are a son indeed are you are a daughter indeed there is a change of inheritance and this spiritual is superior to the natural what you can inherit from your spiritual father can knock out what we heritage from your father No which in many zeroes no five in many zeros I said don't bother sending and I told him I said no begging and Noboru why should you be on - watch it cover and Ally beggar burrow somebody say no way I want you to understand this point I am NOT just saying that your prophet to rebuke you affliction I am saying that what we hear it and connect the virtues of his life that is my far superior to end me at leave that you connect advantage to be stress lesley disconnected possibility him as my possibility I don't mean you don't need to beg to look like your father or your mother in the physical it flows if they give that to you somebody say Amen my I told my wife something funny about a few days ago I came into the room and she said she thought it was like almost a mite I said well I don't know for you you had the one that decided to murder your husband I look like your son this is the point I want you to see I am I am connected to an unction that forbids frustration that's for B stagnation many of you jokin connected to this charge and since you connected to this judge the judge has been going forward from level to level in every room so let me announce again by prophetic the prophetic mantle upon this altar whatever grace is found on virtue and possibility found on this altar that is needed in your life is hereby released it doesn't matter what you you inherited from your earthly lineage the spiritual inheritance knocks it off now take use it does not make any sense to anybody we shall be free in a moment number four access to Revelation alight was number one number two desperation in prayer number three prophetic impact number four divine encounter divine encounter of visitation when God stepped down to pull Abraham out of his father's house that was a divine encounter it wasn't just prayer it wasn't just a revelation of life it was a direct encounter when God and get Jacob and Jacob said I would not let you go until you bless me that was one of the signatures of this of God in this ministry is not when you have talked about density of divine presence and then the intensity of praise and worship and then the numerosity of songs and hymns and so on and then the intensity and force of world deliverance of all sorts you are then talking about diverse encounters before began to hear what we hear in this place I haven't had it nowhere when somebody said I drank and a pastor came as a young man in one of the states in the in the north-central was Bream intensively asking God for his spiritual father and things like that suddenly the voice of the Lord said stop praying now look at your phone he looked at his phone and saw my name's crawling on the phone mysteriously with the number he said that is the name of the person that is your spiritual father that is his phone number call him the man sent me a text message opposed to somebody I called him back tested myself are you saying the truth he said sir can a person lie against God and they gain the kind of unction you carry and survive that was his answer then he said when he quickly wanted to type the number in urato savvy he pressed something on the phone on the spot the number had already saved with the name by himself geo volva do extra do supra do mega do-over do and you can also undo the devil I never heard so we have a God who can choose to move in diverse and cultures and bring you a change of story let me announce tonight in the course of the prayer now and in the course of your rest after this video you will have an encounter to change your story that a man is to paralyze will you stand up and shout aloud ima stand up and show the Lord as he may remain standing everybody be up on your feet and shouting loud most amen another Amen that you mean from your heart please mastani are you convinced that tonight is your night right the number 5 which is the final while standard its aggressive warfare prints it can deal with Foundation's aggressive warfare praise only God can give us a stadium that we can do all night wait and not be afraid of rain Cayuga do square now for this kind of program now or the studio National Stadium god be praised aggressive they found this also jericho wall shifted by the shuttle priests Joshua chapter six verse 20 the foundations of the prison was routed by Paul and Silas Acts chapter 16 verse 25 routing Paul and Silas prayed in the cypresses and the prisoners hurtin suddenly there was a grit at all so that the foundations of the prison were shaken and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone's times we're lost everyone's balanced tonight every band on your life shall give way this last Sharpedo fest we'll start with this one I want you to do angry praise and let me appeal to you until the grace is shared this money don't Russia does God is up to something I want you to do and grip with as if you are for Allah militant brace let it break less something finally break in my life tonight with that kind of mentality and it will break lift up your hands everywhere give a lot of praise for his one get the Lord is in place rise the only person I cannot guarantee whose salvation I mean whose deliverance and liberty I cannot guarantee today is that person whose life is not surrendered to God yet you need forgiveness for your sins you say pastor I don't want this night to be wasted I must be saved I must hand over myself to go anywhere you are please sir right under your chest you want to give your life to Christ you want to rededicate yourself you want tonight to mark a new day for you blister right on your chest and pray this prayer out on your cell or jesus prayed loud a lot Jesus I am a sinner save me long from the power of sin thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] all of you in the frontier you place the right down on your chest you want to rededicate your life to God the flow is also open you want to hand over completely to Jesus the flow is open let's right under your chest as you pray this prayer with me say Lord Jesus louder I am a sinner in need of your hand come into my life Lord make me a new person today I have decided to follow you Lord no turning back from today for whatever backward never the grace to live for you the grace to go forward I receive it now thank you Lord in Jesus name Amen I pray for you today I declare the hood of the enemy broken fresh grace to live for God is released upon you I call it dawn in Jesus
Channel: Glory Rain TV
Views: 92,495
Rating: 4.8222222 out of 5
Keywords: Dr Paul Enenche, Dunamis, foundational forces, curses, deliverance
Id: UzlnL1B6TYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 37sec (5917 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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