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you are wanted to be glorified [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] you are [Music] i'm very excited with what god is doing with us in this season very very intense impactful the bible said the lord sent a word into jacob it lighted upon israel the word to one man can lighten the whole nation and what god is doing in your life in this weekend is beyond you it will affect families affect territories affect nations [Music] after the money after the afternoon session we had engagement out of town but we're monitoring what was going on returned back in the night about nine or so eight or nine and then was at the lord's garden again for the prayer night with a prayer band around 11 30 in the night till we into the am and then we are here this morning i believe that something is about to happen with your life and we are so excited with the ministry of ron lewis very impactful impactful impactful impactful impact you are here you will be here again and again and again and until the youth of our nation and our generation is absolutely rescued for the purpose of god go ahead give the king of kings the lord of lords the praise has to receive ron again for this morning [Music] [Music] that button turns it on i didn't take that class in college wow it's so great to be together again this morning [Applause] you know one thing i love about africa is you guys love colors i think americans were all boring you know we just got black and white you look at all the colors you know and uh and i always feel like i'm so boring in fact i look at the screen when they put it on me i'm like man i look so pasty so and and so it's such a pleasure to be here you can be seated we're gonna jump into some scripture this morning but i wanna tell you that something amazing happened in 2019 we did an event first time ever called jesus global youth day and we had 50 000 young people attend from 30 different nations and it was in the philippines okay so listen carefully so of course it was in the philippines so most of the people there were from asia and from the philippines but we had people come from all these different countries well on stage we had worship leaders from all around the world the different continents and speakers from all around the world and from nigeria we had joe praise come how many of you know joe prays so listen to what happened this huge crowd and joe praise gets up with his band and there's maybe 20 africans there and there's tens of thousands from asia and other parts of the world joe praise turned the whole place into africa everybody felt like they were africans for 30 minutes he got them all clapping and singing and loving african music isn't it great how god just gave us so much diversity around the world to appreciate and uh and love let me tell you how crazy satan is how crazy the world is now you probably heard something about in america right now there's a lot of racial tension this is how crazy the world is satan causes us to hate each other because they don't look like us and then he causes us to crave wishing we were like that let me explain maybe you don't know this but in america white people want to go crazy to get tan to get darker and darker and darker and darker they lay out in the sun until they get skin cancer so they can look like you and you were born that way god made you that way so that's how the crazy the devil is he just plays games with your mind how about this what if we the body of christ did this we love ourselves for how god made us and we love other people how god made them it's as simple as that and we appreciate each other so my spiritual daddy is uh was uh and still is many ways miles monroe how many of you know the name miles monroe so miles monroe have been a mentor of mine for 40 years before he went to heaven did our wedding my wife and i when we were married 36 years ago so i'll just tell you the story so you can appreciate what from what i just mentioned so there we are at our wedding 200 people they're all white and there's miles monroe presenting the whole ceremony right and so the very first words out of his mouth he didn't say welcome he didn't say god bless you it's so great we're we're here for the marriage of ron and katie he didn't say any of that first words out of his mouth right now i feel like a raisin in a bowl of cornflakes that's what miles monroe said at my wedding and everybody laughed and it broke the tension in the room and of course everybody loved him and you know he hugged and prayed for everybody and people got saved at our wedding we said miles you can't come and just do our wedding you got to preach so in the middle of the ceremony my wife and i sat down he preached for a while and then gave an altar call and then we finished getting married so uh i just think anytime people are gathered might as well get somebody saved amen so we're talking about exponential church and how many of you are uh youth in the room let me hear you scream real loud if you're a youth and how many of you are old in the room don't be embarrassed shout real loud if you're old see they're so old i can't even shout how many are our leaders pastors and leaders in the room good we've got some so with pastors and leaders we've been talking about this whole idea of becoming an exponential church i learned by traveling around the world the last number of years some core values and practices of churches around the world that are thriving in the midst of all kinds of change and i put them all in my doctoral dissertation and uh in fact i brought some copies of that we're going to give to some of the pastors and leaders that are here and these churches are growing and growing and multiplying but they're doing it by focusing on the next generation everybody in the next generation said amen so we're here to learn to become sons of issachar sons of issachar according to scripture they understood the times that they lived in and what israel should do so we're gonna we're trying to understand the times this morning i'm gonna take a few minutes for you guys that weren't here to review a couple of what i found around the world that were best practices and what it means for you as a young person so the first best practice all these churches that are thriving they're not getting older and older they're getting younger and more vibrant and larger and deeper is that the leader and the leadership of the church is the chief strategist they're the ones focused on growing the church not by just reaching anybody but by reaching those and disciplining those most likely to come to christ in fact this is the statement that probably encapsulates how they do it the best by focusing on reaching and discipling those most likely to follow christ we create a massive pipeline somebody say massive pipeline of young adults emerging as a torrent of firebrands of faith resulting in an exponential church so what they do think deeply about every one of those words they focus on reaching discipling those most likely to come to christ that's under 20 for most data around the world it's not just random whoever you get they're going after those most likely to come to christ they reach them and disciple them you can't just reach them can't just be an altar call can't just be hand up in the air they gotta reach them and disciple them and they create a pipeline now pipeline might be a strange uh set of words to use when you're talking about jesus and the bible and growth but a pipeline is something that takes people takes something from one end and transports it to another so we're trying to take people when they're 13 14 15 16 years old when they first come to christ and transport them so now they're 25 26 28 30 years old and they're strong and the roots are deep and they're on fire it's not guesswork it's not an accident we plan for it we make a process for it so the senior leaders oversee that strategy the best practice number two is they focus somebody say focus on the exchange zone and so we mentioned yesterday to the leaders that in a relay race when you watch the olympics there's always this exchange zone and in a relay race you have to pass the baton you can't pass it before see the yellow parts of the exchange zone you can't pass it before then and you can't pass it after so the the goal is of course that the that the runner is running full speed and by the time he gets there the new runner is running full speed as well and they pass that baton while they're both running full speed and they practice it so many thousands of times they can do it with their eyes closed so when you think about passing the gospel the exchange zone all data around the world every piece of data that i found is the sweet spot that exchange zone is between 13 and 19 years old this is when most people come to christ doesn't mean it's impossible before or after just unlikely so something about us adults something about us you know humans we think we know everything at 20. no one can tell us that we get set on our ways so we're talking about the baton of the gospel so we've got this thing called the gospel jesus just changed my life how many of you say jesus has changed your life like you really know he's changed your life this is not just a message he's changed you're like you got it you got the baton and our job i would say to you as a young person your job the church's job is to make sure everybody in your age group gets a chance to grab the baton while their hands open so what we do is we try to reach them later i can tell you so many pastors like we need to reach those young people and they're talking about people 35 years old because they're 60. and they're and their hands are like this and you're trying to shove a baton in their hand why won't they listen why won't they get cause when their hand was open you didn't care about them you didn't pay attention to them the drug dealers did nike did starbucks did mtv did but the church didn't and we can't figure out why they won't come to christ so we got to go after them while they're young i believe right now is a kairos moment for your nation for nigeria this is a very important moment i do not think it's an accident and i feel so honored that dr paul would invite me to come because you guys in your nation you have been experiencing revival for 30 years now that's older than most of you so you've been in the middle of revival since you were born and you didn't even know it you've been in the middle of historic moment in your nation and you didn't know it but this is why it's kairos because most of those involved in the revival are not youth they're adults they started in the revival 30 years ago or maybe 20 years ago or maybe 15 years ago and now they're on fire and they're filling churches and all of this but the young generation one of the things i mentioned to the leaders yesterday is that so much of christianity around the world is getting older and older and older and crusty and dead and literally like for example in south korea they had a huge revival just like nigeria has had they had it back in the 1970s and 80s huge revival but they didn't focus on the youth and today they went they went all the way up from 2 all the way to 33 christian in a buddhist nation right but today it's 1.7 of the young generation it came in one generation and bam left the next so when i mentioned that story to bishop oyadevo a couple of years ago we were talking about the revival here in nigeria we were talking about what happened in south korea and i said we need to make sure and he finished my sentence this does not happen here i didn't say he he just took it right out of my mouth so that's why i'm here to figure out what do we need to do to make sure the tragedy that happened in south korea doesn't happen here the revival continues to the next generation and becomes a model for the whole world can i have an amen somebody you know i'm i'm honestly i'm so ashamed and embarrassed to tell you this when i start talking to people about the revival in nigeria they say what revival what's going on like it's like the best kept secret people don't even know about it around the world and then when i tell them that i said yeah you need to go and see what's happening there i talked about you know daddy adeboye and what happens at the camp and what happens here at dunamis and what happens at uh oyadevo and all of all the different ministries and they're like really wow wow it's like it's like this beautiful thing that i think the whole world ought to learn from i think we ought to give them just another thing to learn so in the exchange zone here in nigeria right now this applies to you with about 205 million people in your country the median age is 17 years old that means half of all those 205 million are over 17 half or under you have a very young country do you realize that and among those it looks like about 42 million [Music] if i did my math right are between 13 and 19 years old 42 million in the exchange zone most likely to receive christ right now so imagine 42 million nigerians pass it to me pass it to me pass it to me pass it to me they're all crying out right now and if we don't pass the baton of the gospel to them they'll they'll receive another baton drugs alcohol sex fooling around you know foolish values from the world this you might have more in your nation in the exchange zone than maybe any other nation in the world because you're so young for example in america we have more people like 350 million but less young people we have about 30 million in the exchange zone you have way more so there's great responsibility also great opportunity think about this if the church here in nigeria really focused on exchange imagine the explosion imagine it making the last 30 years looks like a small bible study compared to what's about to happen come on can somebody have a vision with me here am i talking to the right people this is your nation we're talking about right just imagine if the church like the exponential churches around the world the church in nigeria began to focus here in abuja i'm told there's about two million people in abuja and if you do the math that means there's about four hundred and eleven thousand right here in abuja how many live in abuja shout real loud if you're from abuja there's about hundred and eleven thousand thirteen to nineteen-year-olds in abuja crying out pass it to me pass it to me passing me the baton so can i just tell you this um what's really important to realize is that uh the race that we run is a relay race and the baton that we have is the baton of the gospel getting the message of life to those that are open so imagine this imagine you're running with the baton as fast as you can you're loving jesus you're running your race with endurance you're running and right because you know the bible talks a lot about running your race right and you're and you're loving him and you're going to church and you're praising him are you doing everything and then after you're really old you die and then that moment you die and then you're in the presence of the lord and you say jesus i love you dude i love you too and you're just so happy to see him and you go here here's here's here's the baton i ran and jesus looks at you and says why did you bring it here didn't you realize this is a relay race you were supposed to pass the baton before you came i think too often we get so busy running our race we forget it's a relay race we're supposed to the baton doesn't do any good in heaven now's our moment it's a relay race it's our responsibility and our opportunity so best practice number three is these churches these best practices from churches around the world there's only a few of them but they're mighty is they reach them when they're in the exchange zone in fact you know what i want to do i want to just honor dr paul because he invited me to come to your nation because he realized this situation and dr paul i'm going to give you this baton to represent the baton of the gospel and dr becky and always remember this is our opportunity and our responsibility the baton of the gospel is in your hand my my brother and sister bless you sir it's deployed it's deployed argent hallelujah since they're begging absolutely so best practice number three is a clear and irresistible growth plan so once they come to christ you can't just you know jesus didn't say make converts he said make disciples right and we talked about that last night those of you that were here and so but check out what these guys do it's so different they feed them red bull 24 7 24 hour red bull for their faith not real red bull you know red bull is right um it's like testosterone for your fate they put them on a hyper growth plan they're not gonna entertain them you know so it makes me so mad people think well if you want youth to come to church you got to entertain them that makes me so mad no you don't just give them some potent gospel just give them some of the real thing help them understand what the bible means for their life you know sometimes we make it so spiritual and up there we don't realize kids that are really hurting they need to know the bible has answers for them has healing for them has freedom for them with what they're facing so they put them on this growth plan and and i i don't know how to explain it except like they they scope and sequence just like you know when you're in school they say by the end of grade one you have to learn this grade two grade three and they they do that for their spiritual life by the time they're done being 13 14 15 16 years old this is what we want them to grow in this is how we want them to be strong in the lord so it looks like a can i just say it it's like a growth factory for christ like a like a world changer factory that's what they are like we want to take them really deep and then get them plugged in to their destiny really quick you don't have to wait till you're 20 or 30 or 40 to plug into your destiny can have any men we've been talking a lot about destiny a lot about purpose this week right the good news is you don't have to wait till you're out of university you can start right now in fact you can start to start as soon as you're saved and so these guys have developed things like trimesters this is like the wildest thing trimester one trimester 2 trimester 3 of their spiritual life each trimester is 12 weeks long nothing sounds like school it's better than school because you're learning the ways of life based on scripture so watch this watch this uh um this church one of the churches i found that's an exponential church in los angeles they learned from all around the world and they brought it back home they said ron when someone gets committed to the lord in our church the first two years of their walk with god is like going to youth camp full-time for two years we're not waiting 40 years to renew their mind we're taking them on a deep dive right now so they can start being used by god within a year or two they're deployed as leaders they're all in small groups they're leading small groups this is one of the reasons why it's so important for you guys is if you want a revolution if you want a youth movement in this nation it's not just dr paul it's all of us everyone's got to be deployed right this is uh you know ever you're going to be leading small groups you're going to be overseeing other people that are leaving small groups that are taking people through trimesters of growth helping them to get their roots deep and start being used by god while they're 14 and 15 and 16 and 17. i actually brought some samples because um you know this one church does like this they go well once somebody gets saved they have a first few weeks of welcome to the family of christ and then they invite them to bible school now the way they use the word bible school is different because usually you think bible school you know you go there full time it's like college or university you know that bible school of them is joined trimester one trimester two three four five six of your discipleship of your growth so they have thirteen and fourteen and fifteen year olds in bible school sixteen seventy eight year old oh yeah they go to regular school and they work and they do but they're in bible school are you following me because this is this is not haphazard after two or three trimesters watch this these guys are crazy they encourage them to start taking trimester one of leadership training so now they're doing one trimester of their personal growth now they're learning leadership training so then after they've gone through trimester one or two leadership training they're leading a small group but they're actually in another small group and it's expected everybody's gonna do this why because that's what we do we're followers of christ and we're serious about a revolution that's what we do that's why every one of you guys are important for this now if you're if you've been around church for a while if you're especially if you're a leader of a church if you're a pastor leader i might be playing with your brain here a little bit it's a different way of thinking about church so let's just um dive into it i'm going to look at some more best practices in a second but i just want to play with how you perceive things for a minute so when you look at this picture what do you see how many see a table stand how many see two faces how many see both how many can see the tables down but not the faces how many can see the faces but not the tables down see how your brain what you see what you perceive for all of us is a little bit different now some of us was easy to see that watch this next one when you look this picture how many of you see the old lady how many see the young lady how many see both how many you cannot see the old lady how many of you cannot see the young lady now just study it for a minute like can you see it can you see it they're both there can you see it they're both there how we perceive things is different and sometimes for whatever reasons we perceive things a certain way they ought to be many times this is the way we do church this is what christianity ought to look like so this is an easier one how many can see the white legs how many you can see the black legs okay that's easy okay look at this next one it's gonna be a little interactive take your finger hold it up to the screen right right where the brown and the blue meet hold it so it's right in the middle and look as you hold your finger over the center of that the silver part of the computer look look at the colors the top and the bottom now take your finger away see how your mind plays they're actually the same color you just can't perceive it unless you hold your finger up all kinds of ways to think about how things ought to be look at this one we see things from different perspectives and we both think we're right maybe we both are okay now look at this one real carefully and do what it says can you read it well the top says say the color you see not the word that is written as fast as you can ready go how many felt it playing with your brain while you're trying to do it i'm talking about perspective how you see things and we live in a world and even in the body of christ we battle perceptions people think this is how church ought to be how christianity ought to be based on what the way it's always been how we perceive things determines what we think is real what we sense is real it's our lens to reality but we and we think it's the only real thing how we perceive things it determines our paradigm of life how we see things puts blinders on our eyes this is the way we've always done it and for so long that's why churches and denominations have died is the way we've always done it when we had revival 40 years ago you know this is what the lord said to us this way we're going to do it and with all the blinders on their eyes they institutionalize something that was supposed to be a movement it leads to something called confirmation bias now i want you to remember this you can write it down remember this phrase confirmation bias is this tendency and all humans have this the problem is you don't know we don't know that we have it it's this tendency to take whatever we hear and use it to reaffirm what we already believe so watch this somebody can totally disagree on this topic in this topic and they'll hear somebody preach or they'll hear a topic or they'll hear even a verse or they'll hear some data and they'll use it to re affirm their own belief rather than change their mind it actually arms them and so we're we're so unwilling to change we're like we're confirmation bias like we everything we hear confirms what we already have a bias towards because we're so unopened if we're going to think exponentially think like a revival think like a movement we're going to have to at least identify where we might have confirmation bias you know a lot of times it if someone starts to tell you something that you don't agree with you're already in your mind you're thinking why i don't agree with it and or you're thinking well that's the very point i'm making even though they're trying to help you make the other point in america we see this all the time i don't know how it is in nigeria but in america we see confirmation bias all the time so we have news companies that are diametrically opposed to each other and they'll take the same study or the same story and they'll say that's why we believe this and the same guys will say same study that's why we believe this it's so obvious if you can try to see without blinders so we're trying to go into the future effectively we've got to identify any confirmation bias that we might have in the way that we live and the way that we act the way that we're starting to endeavor to reach the next generation so let me just cut to the heart of where confirmation bias really comes in and that is paradigms we all have them we live with them we didn't have paradigms we wouldn't know what to do so i'm going to give you a few paradigm busters when it comes to youth movements and youth ministry okay so paradigm number one you can tell me if any of these are true for nigeria or not in america we have this whole idea are you in the youth group are you in the youth group but there's a big difference between being in a youth group or even a youth ministry and having a youth movement youth group is this sort of thing where they try to get everybody together whose parents go to the church and like hey let's have some good christian fun and it's sort of like and the and the and the youth leader youth pastors always like come on you guys get on fire get on fire please get on fire please and it's sort of like a car that doesn't start you can never get those young people fired up the car won't start come back next time we'll try to start you again their whole life it's not starting and the youth pastor youth leaders think i lost my job try to start the car well jump started this time in a youth group it's sort of like james bond except they're all sitting in the youth group and they're all double agents and you don't know who's what are they living for the world or not are they really one of us oh they lift their hands they pray they scream real loud for lord but they're living for the world they're all double agents who's on whose side i guess this doesn't happen here in america the youth group idea is this forced group parents bring their kids here go make some good friends and they're like okay i'm in prison so in america they have their church friends and then they have their real friends at school it's sort of like forced camaraderie it's like forcing people to go to a dental appointment pretend you're all friends while you're in the waiting room awaiting pain so versus a youth movement which is a a torrent of rushing water living water flowing through a generation and so contagious is pulling everybody in they can't stand not being in the water how many want to be a part of a youth movement not just some stale old crusty youth group so it's a different paradigm though there's another paradigm buster a youth department versus youth of the focus of a growing church youth department in america i'm just going to use that disclaimer i don't know how it is here but unfortunately we've exported a lot of bad habits around the world um it's sort of that overlooked obligation that the leaders of the church oh yeah i got to have those youth departments here's your budget here's your whatever you want something else what you want to go to camp okay okay you want more money you want and it's like the forgotten stepchild oh you're still here you still live here you want food again it's like the nagging issue you wish would go away but it doesn't go away and the idea in a youth department is trying to keep these kids whose parents go to the church occupied in a nice clean way so they don't get on drugs they don't get pregnant that's the job it's a youth department put a little scripture in here now and then sure versus when youth are the focus of a thriving church that the exponential church is realizing these are the ones most likely to come to christ now i gotta tell you too often the reason youth get overlooked by churches is they go well they can't really tithe they don't have any money yet so we're going to keep the parents happy because they tie and they have money first of all that's a lie youth have money if they don't have it they know how to get it i could tell you about youth like youth church in singapore the church that uh uh exponential church they've raised listen to this it's average age in their church is 23 years old they've raised 30 million over the course of their lifetime all from young people not some rich millionaire giving them money because young people are becoming entrepreneurs they're giving they're tithing they're setting goals they're raising money they're selling stuff online they're inventing things so there's that little myth goes away youth are the focus of the growing church staying focused now there's some things no matter how busy you are you need to make sure you focus on like you can be busy we're all busy but like for example how many of you are married lift up your hand how many of you hope to be married one day okay when you're married one thing we learned from uh dr mrs zanincha yesterday was that um you know to have a healthy marriage you need to stay focused on your spouse you can't go i'm married now i'm gonna focus on everything else i focused on you before we got married and now let's just you know live our life you can be i mean a million things to do but you better stay focused on your spouse or it's not gonna be a happy time there are things in life we know no matter how busy you are you have to stay focused for example if you're driving a car you can be multitasking and listening to music and texting somebody but you better stay focused on the road can i have an amen somebody one thing i noticed this morning is that you guys in in in nigeria it seems like you use horns to talk to each other in america you only use your horn if you're mad but here it's like we're talking hey how you doing oh not bad i don't know if it comes from the talking drum or what's going on you know but somehow it's like hey we're all friendly and talking to each other on the road we could learn a lot from you guys but what we're driving we got to stay focused there's some things like when you're playing a sport if it's got a ball you got to stay focused on the ball people are running people are sweating people are falling but you better stay focused on the ball and in church we need to stay focused on the next generation we lost our focus on it and and as a result the church is getting older and older oh we got departments and this and that activities this man all busy busy music but we lost the focus on those most likely to come to christ so it's like a pilot flying a plane there's lots of gauges you gotta look at all the gauges at the same time and it doesn't count you say well i looked at nine out of ten but what if the tenth one was the gas gauge and you crashed the plane but i graded 90 i looked at all the gauges what if you're just not looking at the gauge on the church dashboard the average age of the church and it gets older and older and older and then it crashes because everybody died and went to heaven and somebody will say but ron don't you know that jesus the church of jesus christ will never fail of course it won't however it might be impotent for a while we might go into the dark ages for a couple hundred years that's happened before we might lose a couple generations of people knowing the freedom of christ that's happened before there's still a remnant around but it's not widespread i don't want to be responsible for that do you so paradigm number three i've talked about this before but this whole idea of reaching everyone versus reaching those most likely to come to christ we want to reach everyone so we try a million different things and reach very few of anybody but we're trying lots of stuff and we want to get rewarded for our efforts it's like the ocean of people and we drop one little drop of love in there and it gets all diluted because it's not appreciated if you walked outside and asked everyone you met today to marry you that would feel so insincere right because you're just like like this is an important thing and you're just like throwing it out there for anybody and i think sometimes instead of waiting to ask that question for people someone that you've tortured and developed a relationship with just kind of throw the question out to jesus whatever you can say really instead of realizing who's the most likely to hear that message and want to receive it this is why jesus said love one at a time love one another find those most likely to receive his love so just real quickly before we close here i want to ask you a couple questions and take you into a couple other best practices were good i mentioned this yesterday if you if i were to tell you a place in the river where 90 of all the fish are always caught would you ever fish anywhere else people would think you were crazy right but that's what we do with the church all the time we have this program and that program and this we put all this money and we got people volunteered to go to the part of the river where there's hardly anybody any fish now there's an urban legend do you know what that means urban legend urban legend in america vernacular it's something that people say is true but it's not really true it's a legend right and it's this that most evangelism happens with church plants it's great to plant churches if you could say this is a true statement if you were planting a church where there was no church in a village or something however there's no data there's no study that backs this up not one anywhere in the world most people come to christ when they find out who's most likely to come who just like a business owner who's my best customer what's the best return on investment i'm investing time and sweat and love and labor i got to be a good steward of that how sad it is that a business owner might be a better steward of his money his time has swept his staff than leaders of the church our goal is not just to get people in a building we love people in a building because we can create an environment of faith where they get saved right but we want them to become disciples not just come to a discipleship class not just learn a bunch of stuff what we really want them ultimately is to become disciple makers somebody say disciple makers this is the replication this is that and the the the part that becomes exponential when everybody becomes a multiplier when everybody becomes a disciple maker you get an exponential church so how do we become that this is what we want to talk about what this whole idea of an exponential church is fundamentally a different operating system it's a different way of thinking about church going into the future so i'm going to take you into the next best practice here and and just give you some things to think about and some things to do is that all right how many of my how many don't mind doing something for the lord that may be a little different than what you've done in the past i mean think that's okay so best practice number four leaders especially keep put your thinking caps on here these exponential churches measure the right things now what i'm about to tell you things that these churches measure are different than what regular churches measure okay first of all forget about vanity metrics how many know what a vanity metric is vanity metric for example you say have this many followers on facebook or whatever but you know only ten percent of them ever respond to anything they're vanity metrics make you feel good unfortunately there's a lot of church leaders that use vanity metrics guess how many clicks i got they only watch for five seconds but i got a view i got a click they're vanity metrics make you feel good for a second what ought to be a measure that's not remember we want to become sons of issachar daughters of visicar knowing what we should do in the moment that we live so imagine you're in a cockpit of an airplane you've got all these gauges but what are the gauges as church that we ought to be looking at that we're not looking at here's five measurements that that uh exponential churches use first one is a it's all to this agile acronym measure the average age each year the average age of the church 13 and up you measure that now this is not hard to measure we'll talk about how to find that and so g is the growth track remember we talked about having a growth track so you measure once people enter that growth track they come to christ who you measure how far are they going did they go to trimester one trimester two did they did they learn the verses that they apply to their life did they did they assume them into their personality into their their character and we'll talk more about that in just a moment the uh the i i'll go back to it in just a second here this is inspiring future fit vision if i have time this afternoon leaders i'll talk about what it means to be future fit just like physically fit you got to get in shape you got to do exercises we as leaders have to be future fit that is prepared for the future we can learn and they teach us in the science of strategic foresight how to anticipate trends that are coming so we can pivot to them so we can prepare for them and so how future fit are you for your own personal walk with god the trends that are coming how do you make sure you don't get deceived by for example the next social media that comes out that pulls you in and sucks all your time you know um one of the biggest destiny robbers i know we're talking a lot about destiny this year uh this week is um is all kinds of media whether it's social media or television or online videos or youtube or whatever and next time you're watching a video or something that's just random or on social media if you listen real carefully listen real get real quiet listen real carefully you'll hear this noise everybody do that together real loud if you listen carefully you'll hear it that's the destiny being sucked out of you while you're watching somebody else's creativity i'm just saying here it is okay the l in agile is leadership development so you're also measuring the leadership development of how are these they're becoming you know disciples now they're in the leadership training and are they really growing as leaders are they being deployed are they doing well as leaders you're measuring that real carefully and e is the exponential planning and engaging the whole church so watch this i talked to a pastor his pretty big church for america it's 15 000 people i know that's like a bible study for here in nigeria but uh and he's i was telling him about this the first one average age he says ron listen to this he says ron i have 70 metrics 70 measures i look at every week to see the health of my church and it never crossed my mind to look at the average age so what gets measured gets done this is what business people say all the time if you don't measure it it won't get done you don't know how to monitor it what gets measured gets done the hard part for us in christianity is how do we measure intangibles intangibles are things that you know like you know they're important but how do you get your hand on it how can you tell how much somebody's spiritually grown so this is what we do we go well we don't want to judge people so then we don't measure anything so it's all sort of a mystery oh we all sort of love the lord and we come and we praise and but listen intangibles you know they measure in even in businesses they measure intangibles for example this is crazy how they do this um when you go to buy something they have learned how to measure the point that makes you most excited is it when you open the wrapping paper is it when you actually pay the money and you hear the ching ching and you buy that thing and you're so excited that you bought it they measure things that are hard they're intangibles what about us we could do that let me tell you example for 30 years we've done huge events for mostly young people in north america and so for the first 10 years i led the worship myself i'm not a good musician but i love to worship right and so i'd be up there with my guitar and um and we have a band and the crowds got bigger and bigger first they're like a few hundred then i remember the first time we had a thousand like whoa too many people how are we gonna get them all worshipping and in america back then especially people would come from baptist methodist churches all different churches and they didn't know anything about worship so i was so careful like like leave them in so they can really connect with the lord right then the crowds got bigger five thousand and then ten thousand and after the church that i'm talking about every weekend in different cities right ten thousand ten thousand twenty thousand twenty thousand every weekend in a different city and all these different churches bring in all their youth so uh it got frustrating to me i don't know how it is in nigeria but in america we get a lot of this going on we get praise teams on stages in church and they're in their own world and they're just praising everybody and it's really loud and they don't realize it's only the first three euros worshiping and the rest is not the rest is like looking when is this going to be done now you guys are way more spiritual than we are so it probably doesn't happen here but and so i'm these crowds are getting bigger and bigger and i'm feeling i don't want that to happen at our events and you've got the lights on you can only see the first three rows you can't even see anybody else so this is what we did try to measure the intangibles right so my team each week we're in a different city we have a different arena they would draw a hand-drawn map of what that arena looked like section a b c d e each section has a number and watch this we had ushers all over the crowd okay and between every song that i'm leading worship it's all dark the band's behind me we had the ushers look at their part of the crowd and give a grade between one and ten how engaged is that part of the crowd in worship now a ten might be they're on their face and we'd be before god they'll say they're probably really worshiping a one might be you know maybe they're smoking a cigarette or something i'm just kidding but just plain but you know you can tell if somebody's like sitting back and like when's this gonna be over and so they would between every song they would radio in it's a number five and in region a it's a number six in region b and they would and then the head of the usher would write all that down on on the schematic and he would put it at my feet between every song so all i could see was the first three rows but i could see if those guys in the balcony were not engaged so it was hard but you can know the fruit that would come out if their heart was really engaged right [Music] that the guys up there in the balcony are at number three i'll say hey why don't we all just stand up for a moment and i would kind of re re assess and re-uh help them realign their mind and their heart towards worship are you following me so we have to get creative we have to work dr paul said yesterday you know it's okay to work right it's not luck it's work we gotta work on how do we measure intangibles not impossible just not easy we can't just you know well that's too hard i guess it's not possible no it's possible so we had to learn how to measure the right things we're becoming the sons of vis-a-car here's another way to look at this the reason i want to show it to you in a little different ways when you're measuring things like the average age you can some of the leaders that were here the other day will remember this like at this when you're measuring the average age you can remember that the median age around the world of muslims is 23. so you can see where does your average age fit into that is it older or younger a median age of christians around the world is 30 years old you can see where you fall in that spectrum the average age of an attendee of a mega church in america is 40 years old of a small church is 53 years old so one of the things about measuring things is you can see where do you fall compared to everything else that the lord's doing what's going on so you know if you just measure yourself against yourself you can think you high five yourself we're doing great and meanwhile you may not be doing so great after all so just a different way of looking at this agile dashboard so you can kind of compare what's going on in different sectors you can see your data in light of other data so let's go to the next best practice here becoming sons of visicar that's what i want to become agile leaders are the sons of isakar so the next best practice we're going to talk about here uh has to do with something that every one of us can do this is going to the last point i'm going to cover here this morning and that is these leaders are insistent that lead exponential churches are insistent in finding a joshua somebody say find a joshua now listen carefully it's very difficult to talk about this without feeling god's pain this verse judges 2 10 a generation rose up that did not know the lord so in context and that generation was gathered to their fathers and there arose another generation after them that did not know the lord or the work that the lord had done for israel they didn't know the miracles let me tell you when this happened this happened right after joshua and caleb died okay so let me just bring condom remember josh and caleb led the children of israel into the land of canaan right joshua and caleb were the ones that came back with the good report please note when they came back they didn't say there weren't giants yeah there's giants but we can defeat them remember that so you don't have to pretend like there's not a challenge but you just have your faith is bigger than your challenge right so there's a big generation 102 million young people uh half that are under 17 years old here 42 million in the exchange that's a big challenge but we have a big god so watch this when they died it happened after they died approximately 27 years after they crossed the jordan river so remember the jordan river dried up and they all walked through they fought the giants they fought everybody and they won the territory and they split it all up and gave it to the 12 tribes right after that joshua and caleb died so these guys had seen all the miracles they saw the jordan river dried up in fact remember this the lord told joshua set up some stones here so that every time they walk by they'll always remember the miracle those stones are still there today right now they're there yet the verses were written a generation rose up that didn't know anything about the miracles they were apparently they were walking right by these stones having no idea why they're there i wonder if that's what the young people in south korea think right now what are these big buildings that have a cross on the top our grandparents went to them wonder what they went there for oh there's one million people in one church really what's a church these guys didn't know this is this happened approximately 67 years after moses had led the people out of egypt remember the frogs and the flies and the blood all that they had all of that they didn't remember any of it dr paul i want to make sure that 27 years from now people don't drive by the glory dome and say i wonder what that building is i wonder why that was built doesn't have to happen so what what's the difference what what's the difference between what moses did and what joshua did listen moses knew that sometime his life would be over and he wanted to make sure he passed the baton so he he found joshua and joshua hung out with him everywhere 40 years he went to mount sinai with him went mount sinai again went into the tabernacle with him sometimes moses left joshua stayed in the tabernacle he hung out with him he's like carrying his briefcase he's shining his shoes he's doing whatever shining his sandals remember the sun stood still for that war that that battle aaron and her whole you know who's leading that battle that day joshua joshua joshua joshua joshua and moses all the time everywhere everywhere everywhere ever everywhere so when moses died he goes it's in good shape i got joshua apparently whatever moses did for joshua joshua and caleb did not do to the next generation they saw many miracles just like moses did but miracles aren't enough people forget why they were even there even though they've got a big thing screaming at him oh that's just a pile of rocks if you found a joshua i'm talking about everybody here every pastor every leader every youth you find a job find somebody for a year and if you're older than 30 then you're old to a youth right so your job when you find joshua first of all is let them mentor you a little bit tell me what life looks like through your eyes what do you watch what do you listen to what do you care about what do you heard about what do you worry about because the more you learn about them the more you will care the more you'll pray and then you allow the lord to use you to begin to impart to them just like moses did to joshua coming to joshua find one for a year and teach them to find another do you know if you just did that if all of us in this room if we just did that you found one joshua each year teach them to find a joshua to multiply themselves this becomes exponential on a micro level you keep doing it year after year and you impact thousands you end up impacting if you did it for 20 years you impact like a half a million people if you just found one joshua a year that's something very practical every one of us can do somebody said you pull under your wing pull to your side i want to learn from you but then i want to share with you what the lord has done inside me and wants to do through you you could you know what happens if you do that every year the impact doubles that's exponential so could i encourage you during this kairos moment in your nation this can't just be a message that we hear pastors and leaders we're going to talk more this afternoon about very practical things you can do to begin to implement becoming an exponential church we call it project 13 for the first year of your exponential journey as a church you don't have to throw everything away you're doing in fact think about this pastors your church is a train and you've every train has two rails the one rail is everything you're doing right now that works keep doing that church services ministry times prayer i mean just keep doing that now let's build a second rail this is called an exponential rail and it's going to be reaching and disciplining the next generation after two three four years it's going to overtake the first rail don't stop what you're doing that works let's build an exponential rail so that we'll take the whole church forward into the future on exponential things things that are working to reach and disciple the next generation and on let's keep let's take the old people with us because we need them praying and giving and and part of this ride as well so i'm going to ask you this morning if you do nothing else would you commit to finding joshua would you commit to find somebody say i'm gonna i'm gonna pull them close and i'm gonna allow them to get close to me so that i can do what moses did to joshua so father right now we just come to you and we thank you that we're not here just trying to reinvent the wheel we can see how you're using paradigms and structures around the world to impact the next generation to take the church forward into the future and lord i pray for my brothers and sisters here that we could all be a part of a significant movement forward from nigeria can i just see both hands if you'd say i want to be part of that movement going forward i want to see this this whole revival get to the next generation lift up both hands right now and just begin to cry out to god say lord we want that for our nation for the next generation go ahead lift up your voice he can hear all of us when we pray father right now we're asking for this generation this next generation to experience the life and the freedom that the previous generation has heard lord give us this young generation these 42 million right now that are in the exchange zone here in nigeria give them to us would you just lift up your voice and ask god for them father give us the 42 million let us get the baton of the gospel firmly in their hands so we can die like moses did secure knowing the baton has been passed jesus use us every age is here every leader every pastor every youth every every teenager use all of us lord now if you would commit to lord i'm gonna say lord i'm gonna find a joshua this week this month this i'm going to find someone just lift up your hand to the lord say just commit that i'm going to find a joshua give me a joshua show me who my joshua might be listen to the lord pray for joshua right now lord give us joshua somebody we can pour into somebody that we can minister to one-on-one and give them a a deep ride a deep glimpse of what you've done inside us what you want to do inside of them lord give us a job some of you might know who that person is pray for them by name you've been thinking about them you've been wondering about pulling them closer pray for them by name pray for three or four by name that you think maybe it's that person or that person and father right now we're asking we're asking lord not just for the masses but for this one give us this one joshua that we might see exponential impact for your kingdom in jesus name we pray we thank you amen god bless you all amen hallelujah give jesus the praise one more time for that wonderful word and you might please be seated in god's presence and will receive the ministry of the assa fight come up very quickly so so [Music] [Music] i want to know you more more than anything on earth leave me by the hand oh lord to your holy lord i secretary to know you more [Music] oh [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] me lord as an instrument of love let me be acceptable [Music] let me be pleasing to you is [Music] as an instrument of love let me be acceptable [Music] nothing else [Music] [Music] is for you [Music] oh me [Music] foreign i give it to you [Music] now [Music] me what i want to see me what i want to see foreign oh [Music] foreign i have just one [Music] i had one life to leave time [Music] i am yours and for all eternity i am yourself [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] lift your hands and let it know [Music] [Music] um [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] i am [Music] lift up your hands everywhere you are [Music] father we love you father we honor you [Music] we magnify your precious holy and wonderfully in jesus preciousness leave the hands here i whisper that name above every name is called jesus whisper [Music] jesus just one life to live and this one life must glorify you father help us not to glorify ourselves but to glorify [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you will be done [Music] wherever you are your will be done wherever you believed [Music] oh yeah i am [Music] wherever be done in my life [Applause] wherever you can [Applause] [Music] i will follow you glad i will follow you lord i will follow you down [Music] me me me [Music] [Applause] is me take the leader i will follow you take the lead i will follow you yes [Music] [Music] i will follow you i will follow i will fall apart [Music] oh i will follow you i will follow you i was oh me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh i see a breakout of revival revival a higher dimension we have been in revival for a long time but there is a higher dimension of the move of god that is coming right now coming up on our nation coming up on our youth coming up on our young people i see the fire of the holy ghost that is about to be handed over like touch lights like dutch lights like buttons handed over that will spread around the wall spread around the world for the air shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the lord as the waters cover the seas [Music] [Music] [Music] i will follow you [Music] in the name of jesus and i love that this place the spirit of the lord is moving masha'allah all over this place as the prophet said he should be all over this place there is a mighty revelation on the glory of the lord as the waters cover the sea all over this place the spirit of the lord is moving our let our display [Music] is [Music] the spirit of the lord is for me [Music] [Music] the water covers the sea drink your masters [Music] blessed be your name breathe upon someone today and let not one person live here the same i just feel the move of the spirit of god here spiritual altars have been set on fire people that have been down lukewarm struggling to pray struggling too fast struggling to worship struggling to evangelize struggling to impact your generation there is a break out of this quesadilla there is an impact that's what happened an impartial fresh fire fresh power fresh grace fresh oil fresh action to impact your generation to empower your family to impart your joshuas your mother hey [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign we give you the prayer we give you the honor [Music] we give you the adoration we worship you we are going thank you [Music] [Music] i have a passion is i have a passion i have a passion i had a passion is is i have is i am but i have a passion i am i is a passion is uh everybody's [Music] [Music] [Applause] i is [Applause] father thank you father thank you thank you for what is happening upon our generation in our time we love you we all know just pray the spirit for one minute my shadow come alive [Music] jesus precious [Music] there is something very drastic that god is said to do with the youth the destiny of every generation lies in the hands of the youth population john wesley charles wesley were used in osford university [Music] when revival broke out upon them and they impacted the award out of that group was john wesley charles wesley william wilberforce the young man was under the ministry of john wesley that moved for the abolition of the slave trade in the british parliament they were in politics they were business they were in industry they were in every realm changing generations ron it is not just that the youth are the most likely to accept salvation but the youth have the highest what i call flammability rate highest flammability index flame you know when you have gasoline and have several things their flammability indices are different one you bring a little much close for the adults that are well said it takes so much so much to kindly flame but for the age 12 13 14 15 16 20 21 23 24 you don't need to bring a match close they smell the fire and catch it and they just and they just hit the road with the fire and i tell you something is about to happen something is about to happen something is about i see another wave of revival in a strange dimension strange dimension unusual that what we saw on campus is shadow compared to what this youtuber about to see the fire the flame they did today we had many songs but this type of songs maybe they were there in form of hymns but not in this form something drastic is about to happen and thank god that you are born in this generation we are going to chase the cultists where i went yesterday to preach cultists sent their members to high school secondary school to become students and recruit cult boys 12 13 14 15. the chief security officer of that state told me he said if you see these boys tab themselves to death it just it just makes the blood cold here smashes themselves to death they call it cold war kill police used by some politicians it's a counter revival but we are going to release the authentic revival on our generation and rescue this this boys and these girls from the hands of the cultists and from the hands of the drug dealers and from the hands of the of the of the kidnappers and from the hands of the agents of the devil and from the hands of wicked politicians who don't care for anybody only to look for life to waste [Music] in order to progress the agenda what we are suffering in nigeria today called banditry has been traced directly to political leaders who imported foreign demons [Music] the name of trying to win election or cause the country to blow apart if they didn't win and then they have left a problem that they themselves are not free from but there will be a counter revival an authentic revival to counter this demonic revival thank you jesus lift up your hands and give him the praise father we give you the praise father we give you the all in jesus precious name take your sin [Music] the time is so far gone and all i'm going to try to do at this moment is to see what can be achieved within a few minutes because we need to be back for an evening session for the final session in the evening apart from the afternoon session colossians chapter 4 verse 17 colossians chapter 4 17 and said to occupiers take heed to the ministry which thou has received in the lord that thou fulfill it another way to say it is say to occupiers pay attention to your purpose make sure it comes to pass pay attention to your destiny make sure it is fulfilled we are looking at discovering purpose releasing potential and fulfilling destiny so this teaching is titled fulfilling destiny our objective is to understand what it takes to become everything god wants us to become understanding what it takes to become everything god wants us to become both in this life and the life to come both in our secular work and in ministry when purpose is discovered and potential potentials are also discovered developed and deployed destiny can be fulfilled that is you have discovered your purpose and then discovered your potential developed your potential and you are trying to deploy your potential purpose can be fulfilled destiny can be fulfilled but there are forces that must come to play if destiny must be fulfilled because there are those who discover their purpose discover their potentials develop their potentials and probably began to deploy their potentials yet could not fulfill their destiny because certain things were out of place something new is he knew everything but he was cut short in the middle are you going and on nobody knew his purpose more than judas's carrot who was called by the master and told how he had a place with with jesus in heaven sitting on the twelve trolls judging the twelve tribes of israel but judas is carrot did he fulfill his destiny neither in earth nor in eternity please note two things before we look at those forces the best form of success is success in divine purpose and the worst form of failure is the failure to arrive at divine purpose first the best form of success is success in divine purpose and the worst form of failure is the failure to arrive at purpose second thing to know is that life is not about what we or people feel or say about us life is not about what people [Music] what people what we or people feel or say about us life is about what god says about us it's not what we or people feel or say it's about what god says about us because it is possible to be a success in the eyes of people but be a colossal failure in the eyes of god years ago i said that there are many people that the world is clapping for but heaven is crying for that being the case what forces are needed for purpose to be fulfilled or for destiny to come to pass first number one vision vision vision is nothing but defining the direction in which one's life is headed this is the direction my life is going defining the direction in which life is headed that is refusal to live life to chance the refusal to live by random motion after you have discovered purple's vision is easy vision is the picture man's picture of god's future for man when you get at the picture of the future god has for you it's called vision where is my life headed what kind of outcome in life will i call fulfilled genesis chapter 13 15. he said for all the land which thou seest to thee will i give it and to thy seed forever somebody say aloud amen where people are without a vision they are without a future vision where they are without a vision they are without a future vision is what gives you reason to sleep and reason to wake up you slept because you achieved what you are waking up to go and achieve what you are eating to fulfill what purpose i heard from god servant bishop abueli the other day you say where there is no deviation where there is no definition there are deviations when a man's life has no definition he is exposed to deviations and i have said what can not be defined cannot be discovered what cannot be defined will not be delivered the road you follow determines the place you end if you don't know where you are going you won't like where you will end it's important to have clarity that is a force number one and vision is best when it is stated the vision is unappointed something should define your life why you are where you are headed first number one vision number two urgency we have heard so many things here today and we are hearing and we are knowing that the master's business requires haste destiny answers to urgency it is not only enough to do the right thing it is important to do the right thing on time ephesians chapter 5 15 and 16. see then that your work say come specially not as fools but as wise redeeming the time because the days are evil buy up opportunity using time please understand that the wastage of time is the wastage of life time is the unit of life and procrastination is the platform for stagnation delay brings decay am i communicating whatever waste your time waste your life we live in a generation today where somebody can be chatting for the next three hours wechat facebook twitter for the next three hours aimless aimless aimless adding no value to your life moving your life in no definite direction some of the things that you are discussing are implicating yourself some you are introducing yourself to terrible behaviors you took three hours out of 24 hours that is one out of eight is that right when you are 80 years old you used 10 years to chat you used 10 whole years to just aimless aimless talking less things that have no bearing with your life serious mindedness has drastically dropped with the explosion of technology people are less serious-minded with life like you to rescue yourself from that web off your data for what's happening data for everything for as long as you needed attention to do important things you are to use your phone your phone is not to use you take your sin you didn't you didn't the phone did not buy you you bought it i've seen people say that i i tried to reach you i couldn't reach you i said yes i was the one who switched off the phone i didn't want to be reached i called you there was no response yes i didn't respond it's not it's not written anywhere when the word called i must respond there is no commandment like that i am the one that didn't respond i saw the call but i didn't want to pick it and they tell the quran i may be praying at that time i may be studying the bible at that time i may be happy even my wife will call me at times i say hold on a thought is flowing i want to write it down am i communicating live life don't let life leave you take your seat drive your car don't let your car drive you wear your dress don't let your dress wear you on your phone don't let your phone on you there are many who have they have wasted so much of their lifetime and then they come to the end of their life in regrets when opportunities are misused regrets are inevitable when opportunities and time in life are misused regrets are absolutely inevitable when you see a man regretting so much at the end of his life there is only one spot diagnosis like we say in medicine he wasted so much time and wasted so much opportunities that is what bets regrets urgency don't waste your time and don't allow anybody to waste your time for you when somebody walks into your office or your room or wherever you are and engages you in endless discussion get up on your feet and say god bless you oh wow those was powerful stories now please i need to be on my way for something when you visit me and you're taking so much time when i stand up you know i stand up you know that you must stand up and be on your way am i communicating if you don't plan your life life will blind you if you don't know what to do with your life those who don't know what to do with your lives will help you waste your life take your seat somebody tells me i'm coming to see you by one o'clock i said all right give me appointment but i didn't ask for an appointment i'm coming to see you by one o'clock how do you know what i'll be doing by one o'clock for you to tell me you're coming to see me by one o'clock if i had asked you i need an appointment you can give me one o'clock but since i didn't ask for an appointment you can't give me one o'clock you can ask me i would like to see when can i see you then i can find out from my shadow and i said based on my shadow i can see you next week based on my shadow i can see you next month and if anything is urgent you can say it now i'm coming to see you by one o'clock how who what gave you audacity to determine my time i have my shadow you have your shadow you cannot shadow me into your shadow without my permission you can shadow me inside your shadow without my permission i am not to be shadowed inside your shadow your shadow make your shadow i make mine if they will cross at any point let's communicate and negotiate am i coming am i communicating at all if you don't live by principles you waste your destiny take your sin life is is to believe by principles not by sentiments many of us say in our generation we are too conscious about who says he's your friend and who says he's not your friend especially young people i won't be your friend again and some people ganged up and said that we are not talking to her again one two three four five she said we are five together congratulations eagles fly alone [Applause] so that you don't ruin your life by ending up any form of approval addiction and i'm going to come to that later with that we won't be your friend again can i ask you a question before david was anointed who was his friend i need that i need that answer who was his friend even in his father's house he didn't have a friend when they called everybody to come to be anointed nobody remembered to call him nobody was close enough to him to say david come something is going on a very important occasion it was so terrible that he wrote it in psalm 27 verse 10 my father and my mother forsake me then the lord took me up the guy who had no father on his side no more down inside no brother on his side no sister on his side no friend on his side became the reference king of israel you don't need to flow with the crowd to make america you can step out and stand out i see because a lot of young people they say miss your friend friend friend i don't really have anybody talking to talk to god and god will bring some people your way who value you i i pray that this will sort somebody out provided that you are not you are not the one struggling to to to to to be too superior for everybody but you are the one you are just trying to be what god wants you to be and to live your life the way you should leave it i suppose i won't be your friend you won't talk to just face your life somebody said allowed amen that force number one was vision number two urgency so use your life your time profitably if you are going to fulfill destiny number three diligence diligence means hard work hard work is the foundation for high flight every hard worker ends as a high flyer in any realm in ministry in industry in business in politics every hard worker ends up a high flyer christopher chapter 9 verse 10 you say whatsoever your hand finds to do do it with your might give life all it takes and it will give you all it contains everything paul the apostle said i have held nothing back that is i deployed my life's energy and resources acts chapter 20 20. when it is all said and done it will be said of you there was nothing to do that you didn't do having done all to stand stand so do everything you can a wise man said all you can do is all you can do and all you can do is enough somebody say amen diligence is the doorway to eminence you are diligent today you will be eminent tomorrow if you are lazy life will never be easy never it will never i have heard that life is easy on those who are hard on themselves but it is hard on those who are easy on themselves we're here yesterday and i cannot i come back up to tell you how my shadow has been but we're all here yesterday and then i left here yesterday in the afternoon and flew to the south south part of the country where i had a session of ministration playing the instrument preaching the gospel ministering touching lives flew back in the night eight nine terrible going straight to the glory dome where i was meant to join prayer meeting by 11 30 in the night and prayed till cross a.m went to rest and here we are johnny continues johnny continues and you see how refreshed we look you know laziness is more tiring than diligence the lazier more tired than the diligent sleep tired wake up tired go through life tired do you understand that when you you be when you stop walking everything around you stops working pack a car for a while very soon the tire may go flat very soon you want to start it and you can't start it anymore the kickstarter has a challenge the contact has a challenge the battery ran down because the man is not working am i communicating at all and then leave a house unoccupied after a while the wall geckos multiplied what do you call it now the the spiders and spider webs multiply some walls can begin to crack some floors can begin to sink some waters can begin to leak somewhere because everything degenerates around the inlet everything take your seat in the press of the lord today i want to kill every demon of laziness and there is so much laziness among youth wake up young man he has not done anything you see the reason why most corporations in africa don't last beyond the first generation that is a man is a millionaire and when he died everything went down it's because the children cannot pay the price the father paid and most fathers didn't teach the children their wisdom before they gave them their wealth and when you give your son your wealth without your wisdom you make him a rich fool and the prosperity of fools will destroy them so before you know it everything disappeared because the young man lacked the wisdom of his father what made his father his father enacted one of my children challenges me a lot i said take he said who gave you such money at my age i'll get it myself so wow all right go ahead am i communicating at all listen to this your worth w-o-r-t-h is tied to your work if you are not working you can't be worthy they call it the dignity of labor nothing dignifies like diligence take your seat in the presence of the lord contrary come to the point where you are disciplined okay i'm coming to that point later set the alarm for yourself do the things that must be done wake up in the morning i must read a book every every week or at least i must read a page or a chapter of a book daily i must get something that that that that that that changes my life positively i must pray in the spirit for not less than one hour a day these are goals you are setting for yourself i must study nothing less than five to ten chapters of scripture daily these are ghosts you are setting for yourself and your whole day is loaded with shadow i must sit down to think and calculate my assignment for god and my assignment for my life and you are there and you don't have an idol time to waste and i'm not talking about talking i'm not saying there will be no time to rest or for recreation i'm not saying that i'm saying that if eighty percent of your time is recreation is you are in the football field playing you are in the volleyball play you are in the park and garden enjoy your life 80 percent of your life is lived as if you are on a long vacation then your life is a joke am i communicating so first number one vision number two urgency number three diligence number four discipline i heard god's servant bishop david here for defined discipline as doing what is required to get what is desired doing what is required to get what is desired paul the apostle in first corinthians chapter 9 verse 23 all the way to verse 26 saying this i do for the gospel's sake go ahead knowing another day which run in the race ronald but one received the prize so wrong that he may obtain and everyone that strivet for the mastery is disciplined and self-controlled in all things and this they do to obtain a corruptable crown what is discipline doing what is required to get what is desired doing everything that is required of you discipline is the capacity to say no to wrong and yes to write without apology it is wrong for me to sleep for 12 hours in one night it's wrong am i practicing to die you know death is permanent sleep so oversleep is almost like death rehearsal no it is wrong discipline is differentiating between the legitimate and the profitable because not everything legitimate is profitable paul the apostle said all things are lawful for me but not all things will profit am i communicating nobody will send you to prison for eating too much but that can send you to an early grief am i communicating you are fasting and you saw some sumptuous meal and you knew and you had to break your fast that is where discipline is lacking that you are on a journey and you are on a shadow and no amount of food no matter how sm no matter how fragrant or aromatic or no matter the flavoring or the all the look can change your decision talking about some people who will accept to the throne of god you say he does swear it to his heart and change it not that was in psalm 15 if you read from verse one am i communicating yes verse four in whose eyes a vile person is contempt but he honored them that fear the lord he that swear it to his own heart and change it he has decided to do this thing it may be hot in him but he knows it is profitable later discipline is the capacity to withstand present pain in order to access future gains it is the capacity to tolerate present pain in order to withstand to access future gains that is people may think you are suffering yourself why does this man want to suffer himself like that but you know what you are creating for your tomorrow in the words of a wise man it is a capacity to delay gratification today in order to access satisfaction tomorrow discipline you will be able to say no friends we are going out no i'm not going out now one of the worst things that can happen to anybody is the ability not to know how to say no when you need to or to say yes i don't know what is what is the matter there are people they are too afraid of people to say what they need to say when they need to say it and i'm your officer i was in a meeting where they finished the course and they were to do like a course party and they were deliberating they are going to serve alcohol in the party and everybody is to donate and the officer christian officer sat in the amazing said oh alcohol will be served in this party they said yes for those who will drink alcohol he said all right i won't be a part of the party and my money will not be a part of it just do your cost party i'm not there after a while everybody looked at each other and said what is the use of the alcohol anyway no alcohol in the party anybody can drink if they want to drink they can drink before they come or drink after they leave or anything that was how one person was able to say no when it when the popular thing to say was yes discipline take your seat my wife says to me that everything i set my heart to do i do it with the rigidity that she has never seen such a consistency and it is true by his message and by his grace and that grace is coming upon somebody now if you are that one say louder amen [Applause] i came across the fact that after after every meal i need to brush so i don't leave debris and leave bacterial degeneration and decomposition and then all that i didn't start it from the scratch i just came along the line and the day i started my wife has been watching when i will not do it or whether how and it is very rigid just finish up i need to go and brush now as rigid as the sun she's saying to you what she's saying is one hundred percent accurate to such a point that brushing facility has to be in the office have to be every single place so that if you have eaten anywhere you handle it there including inside hand luggage i'm a doctor by train and i sharpened my my my understanding with the dentist and and then i were talking and then they said we were discussing is that right is that what people are approving dentistry is not my field but if that is your field and that is what is in your realm that is that is as tiny as that as tiny as that how much more more spiritual things how much more more more destiny matters my wife said let me better follow your example she will do it once or twice and forget you do it once or twice just forget oh i just forgot okay let me try again i don't know the last time she she attempted but she has forgotten and totally forgotten if you are around each other she may remember i just told her now she normally said i'm a normal human being we are all normal too take your seat in the presence of the lord i except it is not it is not known that this must be done and i prophesy upon somebody here today the grace to do what is required permanently consistently that grace is released upon you now it is released upon you now if you are saying amen shall the lord say amen [Applause] take your seat in the presence of the lord that is i think at this rate i'll just remain the balance for the evening let me see the fifth point and then we'll stand up and pray number five is excellence excellence daniel chapter 6 1-3 the bible said concerning daniel you please darius to set over the kingdom a hundred and twenty princes which should be over the whole kingdom another these three presidents of whom daniel was first that the princes might give accounts unto them and the king should have no damage then this daniel was prepared above the presidents and princes because an excellent spirit was in him and the king fought to set him over the whole realm an excellent spirit was in him what is excellence all about stopping at nothing but the best of who you are and who you can be stopping at nothing but the best of who you are and who you can be what is excellence all about stopping at nothing but the best of what you do and what you can do stopping at nothing but the best of who you are and who you can be nothing but the best of what you do and what you can do [Music] excellence means giving the very best to life giving the very best of you to god first and in life because we know that the best of life answers to the best of man being the best at what you do giving the very best to life because the best of life answers to the best of man please understand as i round off in this session everything being a constant impute determines outcome in life impute impute impute impute determines outcome what does that mean quality impute equals excellent outcome average impute equals mediocre outcome impute determines outcome in life whatever your hands trying to do don't only do it mightily do it excellently do it excellently do it excellently the law of excellence says today's excellence is tomorrow's mediocrity what we celebrate today can only be tolerated tomorrow am i communicating excellence excellent law says excellence may cost initially but it pays eventually the cost of excellence is cheaper than the price of mediocrity if you will try to do it very well do it until there is nothing more to be done you couldn't have done that is you squeezed it you squeeze the wisdom you squeeze the idea you squeeze the energy squeeze the effort out of yourself and get it done one day a young man drew a picture of me from a picture a snapshot and after he drew it he placed the snapshot beside his painting telling me something like help me spot the difference no difference it was so excellently done he put the picture by the side put his phone number put everything that is i did it and i stand by it and i am proud of it he didn't go to university it's just naturally talented and i've seen one two or three of such i have also seen others who brought me painting and the question i asked myself when i see it is how did i offend you if i offended you tell me directly instead of painting it you don't need don't turn me into a cartoon just just say it verbally i will apologize i will say sorry instead of giving me a lot of discount some some notes and then give extra allowance for the ear for the back of the head for and i'm wondering please pardon me if i offended you i i i don't have my motive is clear i don't have any plan to annoy you that is mediocrity right there if you don't know how to paint it leave it alone go and learn it well so you don't insult people with your work your work can either make impact of bringing salt to yourself there are people in several of these places today that are insulting their lives continuously bringing shame on themselves continuously i have had people type later for me before and you will correct it 15 times you say go and type it it returns it exactly the same way are you a liability or an asset even in this kingdom assignment let's give it our very best stand up on your feet i have many many many points to deal with but we'll deal with them in the evening evening is fully fully fully loaded all the talent things i want to watch all of them in the evening all the drastic things i want to see all of them in the evening evening we shall also apart from finishing the teaching and also hearing from ron will be having a very drastic impartation service a fresh feeling of fire a fresh feeling of the holy ghost a fresh feeling of the help of god please stand up on that on your feet and if you are watching via the satellite on the internet be here in the evening ron i'm trusting the lord that what has happened here today i'm even trusting god if we can have another youth conference this same year one year is too far no no no no one here is too far no no no the only thing is i want all of us to agree to jam the glory dome look not here now not here now so whatever internet technology will jam the glory down with our joshuas yes with our joshuas the the the twitters they the the the the facebook yes yes yes yes and social media things i mean just just just one person reach 10 people those 10 people are asked to reach another 10 people and then we give people adequate notice this is what it and bring people from all around the world this is what it and let this continue endlessly until the earth is filled with the knowledge of the glory of the lord as the waters cover disease the youth must be rescued from the drug people they must be rescued from campus autism stand up on your feet [Music] if not things like this what are we living for rescue a generation in our university in those days [Music] cultism was starting small but it wasn't pronounced just in our own case it was just my wife preached to somebody she was sister decadent sister becky on campus and the young man said [Music] i am a cultist she said we have killed she said wait a minute i'm coming she came and met me and said i met a man who said they are cultists and they can kill people i say where she bring him to the rescue he brought him i knelt him down head from him cast those demons of death and mother he manifested violently when he came led him to christ god infused the holy ghost he planted him in the church campus fellowship then and then his cult group came to say you think you can leave us you know because you are gone you run to me and i told them one hair from your hair will not drop in the church he was attending i he was directed to a church in town then he met the pastor and the pastor gave him a military officer he said let him meet your cult man so he took him to the cold man and the military guy brought out his pistol he said if one hair fall from this head i will shoot you myself [Applause] hey that is if anything happens to him that is from any source now from therefore the people will now begin to protect the boy because if he dies from another source i will be the one to kill you myself if you want try it [Music] that was the end i traveled sometime late after we had started ministry and i drove the car into a field station to buy fuel and the young man rushed to me at the philly station in the state capital nigeria remember me i looked at you oh i remember you yes the court is yes how are you doing in shape is your spiritual life top shape are they disturbing you again for where let's rescue our generation and i believe it is being done now anybody excited at the possibility of the next one [Music] so we are going to do the talents we are going to do everything inside that um we are going to give full expression to what god put in us how many of you know that serving god does not mean living a boring life even we are higher than those high on cocaine i am high on the holy ghost you know the highest high is the most high high yes feed it high on the holy ghost i'm sure you know the song high in the holy ghost you don't know it [Applause] [Music] i am high on the holy ghost you know it all right go ahead if you don't know it i'll be surprised [Music] the holy ghost oh hey oh are you oh i [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] is oh is foreign [Music] is uh foreign foreign lift your hands and lift your voice and worship in the spirit lift your hands and lift your voice pray in the spirit before we do that if you need to rededicate yourself to god or give yourself a father god you haven't done that before quickly come forward here while we are praying leave your hands everyone yes you need an addiction broken a lifestyle change something you want change in your life quickly come forward here and let's pray for you pick your bible stand back the rest of us lift your voice and pray in the spirit one two go [Music] by yeah [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Music] prayer bridgette foreign foreign foreign [Music] nope
Channel: Dunamis TV
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Id: ocamS39gc7E
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Length: 176min 45sec (10605 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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