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we worship you we worship you we worship Jesus for the most part when we pray we love you we love you in Jesus mighty name we pray I would like you to proceed to the testimony please show your bodies are taken to the glory of God let us please proceed and share your testimony what is that you do something you your life how I see the present [Music] those things to get up on Jesus all the time somebody celebrating celebrate the King of glory I am that I am our healer our we're makeup oh it was tender somebody celebrated in the hallway our God is good and His mercies and young forever our God is good and His mercies and he is good God good God the one who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all after praying or imagine is a good goal [Music] he's able Mauldin able to accomplish what concerns me to do easy [Music] anything [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] too much [Applause] [Music] [Music] holy spirit you are welcome feel this temple which appraiser all this field [Music] feel this time we took bread we went we were [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we were [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] we will [Music] [Applause] [Music] for you [Music] here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] somebody for your father [Music] is happening already [Music] [Music] somebody will commence [Music] exceedingly [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this one is ever [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] he's ever [Music] don't give up on God [Music] somebody throw your hands in the air to this God who is help to this God we serve up for this God whenever somebody celebrate is God we serve oh I love to praise him all the way because I know with my place something will happen which are press something will happen this morning [Music] [Music] [Music] my god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] denim is apply [Music] but the sofa saw Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes that is an excellent is the bow [Music] the patient of yours every star at the mention of your face every time the patient of yours at the patient of yours [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] my boy [Music] [Applause] [Music] - bah-bah-bah-bah [Music] [Applause] [Music] weird [Applause] [Music] if I see somebody policeman [Music] yeah [Music] when you sit me down when you see Peter I don't like [Music] what you'll see I don't like it [Music] I [Music] oh well you see big [Music] you see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] when you see me shower what you see be shot by doing [Music] it is to witness Italian sausage did the winners side that is salted wait see the shop I thought I can we but it's out [Applause] little shout and that is devil yeah you because something is happening is funny they're not has gone up with a sound ladies in the south [Music] listen they're not in Susie go shopping this money firstly will boot what is in your shower this money to break everybody I said where you see the shower I shall I go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I see the walls of pinnacle wanted somebody shot [Music] [Music] I see let's see together and City Nancy divided somebody [Music] I decided the voice and the sound of the voice I said Australia this refer don't bother standing away right now [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] don't punish child [Music] I said when you see me shout I sound like a weirdo [Music] place TV shall I shall I get rid of so I cash out my bodysuit enough showers this money bog is soothing a shower this body for dazzle the enemy for this isn't your shout out this money for your enemies somebody shout [Music] [Music] [Music] why you see me wrong I want to be record [Music] [Music] placing it on TV [Music] your miracle [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] cool [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] beyond cover today let me reveal today by your power by your word by your presence Jesus [Music] this reflection [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus presents today in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and lastly I'd like you to hold someone that is posed to I'm passionate [Music] and the precious name of Jesus and lastly I'm not your servant for my silk if this happens today go ahead and talk to God thank you Father in the name of Jesus lift up your hands and let us appreciate him thank you for answering father we thank you we appreciate you let's serve your name in Jesus mighty name can we put the hands together celebrate the Lord celebrate the mighty king of kings with a shout of victory hallelujah please take a seat in this awesome and glorious presence of the Lord we have so many testifiers this morning as I call Danny please rush to the altar celebrate Jesus as we receive the following 10 is shitara nan ek Daniel walkway Caroline or male mrs. John given him as mrs. Zhang but to Ray Anthony Angela who know Jane only animal animal Anthony Moosa Tina Joseph and Guzman blessing put the hands together as the all-merciful walk again you heard your name quickly come forward let me go through the list again Denis Coderre Nana ek Daniel on where Caroline on male mrs. John battery Anthony Angela who know who Jane only mo Antony Musa Tina Joseph and Guzman lesson hallelujah then his children then is okay quickly now teddy touch your name or what God has done for you my name is Dennis Dara I want to change the law for his goodness of all my life for deliver me from the spirit of masturbation on the month of September on your motor system were in friend of mine invited me over to this church I only told her I wanted period she never asked me which kind of prayer that I want so when I came there was the lady that was testifying go deliver how good the elevator from spirit of masturbation and also spiritual as well so Daddy now meet author Haddad anybody suffering from the same issues who come out so I came out and he prefers so since that be this bridge is now gone five years of molestation shall I went through that challenge but last Tuesday God located him from that day till eternity is that no more of that challenge celebrate Jesus okay second test will quickly secondly after an encounter on Maundy I went to plea my no more football so I find out that from I feel very sleeping so last Friday is the midnight so I came so he son of God now pretty odd anyway that's when you know she Lea aunty then after you Priya the pain is no morning hallelujah celebrated or congratulations confirm your name and tell the church testimony praise download my name is Ania I came to testify to the glory of God and my story I was here to which they got the 19th of September when I won brother was given a testimony concerning what happened to him and there's that little problem that I was passing through the moment she came out what this system does it's in the front of my check or Denise is that this is your turn this Nicole I will not go back with it I claim it I said a member he shot that stud was too much let me do this is that I don't the 4th of July I woke up one morning I was trying to clean my room I found out that I was saying that was his French movements in my hand I continue sweeping try to finish our first phone shop pain in my neck I was wondering what we be the cause of Jesus I don't know so two days after I traveled home I traveled to one of my friend did you know system was Jean traditional wedding that was on the seventh of July so my second daughter was schooling in a B estate federal gudakesa drive visiting so as I said her to come and see me she came home she spent about two days with me on Sunday that was on the night of July she was going back she fell into the hands of the I died kidnapper or fraud no you're telling us anniversary let us go straight spare us those details go straight to how this nicola came on your neck and how God delivered you you're a Tuesday straight to the testimony so did I come here daddy was praying for the was celebrating the life of the other young man were giving testimony and he called me out he called he said that he perceived somebody with Nicola around decide so I was crying rolling on the floor my daughter dragged me up I should come on so I came out with my daughter so when I came I came out she can relate he complimented me I said sir madam congratulation for your healing the Lord has healed you and I claim it he let her ask me to sing the song with my dialect and sanguine let us else you go to the puppet I'll celebrate my healing which I did so after devoting in short it's a terrible experience but today she is here healed resort but to her family part of my life and God is making all the glory having apostles here the witness that's mighty intubation in her life celebrate a king of cakes congratulations it is permanent forever Jesus name compl su-30 surname what God has done for your faces face the Lord my name is Daniel only where I'm here to celebrate the king of kings and the Lord of Lord the Great Seal of the healer the Great Physician the chief came a therapist they king of radiotherapy I want to celebrate God sometime last year that was in 215 I didn't know what was wrong with me I came here I was believing God it wasn't even part of my prayer point that time I will believe in God for a business and a capital to start so it was December I had little pizza but it day before the money came I slept I woke up and discovered I started having neck pain I didn't know what was wrong it was our own much last year horse after going to different hospitals not finding what it was in from one of the hospital had two tablets tuberculosis and start give him any treatment I could expect for two weeks I went for the next body of the treatment but instead of getting better it what was that Emma was not losing my voice so I know I told my dad's travel he came back you know I do he's overwhelmed by what God has done in his life let me continue from there so he said when he went for a test they diagnose him that he had not so fragile carcinoma of foreign telenosis very well said cancer of the nassau friend foreign for injured yes sir yes sir thank you sir thank you sir yes sir who hustled him son so they said that he was going to be put through chemotherapy say he went through it and he was built one on a check and they took him to Ghana when he went to Canada said he said he saw some cancer tissues in that region and that he was going to go to surgery and it the implication nobody knew the outcome but he feared for his voice and so he returned to Nigeria there are three things that have a connection in the center the ear the nose and the truth they are connected at the junction inside where the pharyngeal area is so the cancer is spreading from there true that into the nose at that en loss and road junction it was Britain through here look at that was Britain through that place and it was due for kammo terribly and then it has the capacity to up to kill his voice forever the voice to be dead forever the something will call aphasia where the person is talking about you're not hearing treatment when they fix the pipe I could not talk my talking was a miracle because I was when I was on the bed I do connectivity to nominees I do my service to my phone and Facebook so when they were doing the treatment I did the treatment finish all the I hate that is his father that's your father yes come sir I finish the treatment after the treatment it wasn't much it pains what I was when I finish the radio and came out was too much so they are too he had to take me to Donna when they took me together they did another CT scan right now they're not squaring the not-so-famous they were now saying the announcing something the larynx now they are now saying something so when my dad tried to know what is involved he told me that he can't what he would tell me that they love the world he's seen that it has affected the voice box and they are going to remove everything but first let's let him me one meet the ENT Specialists so what that was he from his own perspective that's what he has seen on the CT scan what happened so after that he was a return to Ghana to meet the specialist and when he got there the present had travelled return to Nigeria came for they choose the healing and deliverance service while the service odds-on he began to make the manticore say father I am more returning to that surgery I cannot lose my points for voice box this voice was glorified Lord handled my sister my situation in this service he said after a service he returned and they went to another test state for two things I told God that if I go back once they do the pure bouncing let them don't see any carcinoma in my truth and true God let clear not remove my voice box so as we went back they took they did a biopsy the to the tissues and everything they didn't see any customers no cancer [Applause] that was how the ENT Specialists not to do correlation and they are to remove in city the passage is free there's nothing there there's no need of that pipe to be there that was how they remove the pipe came back soon the plaza is here for the night do you the plus-sized therefore the neck to heal so they did the biopsy showed no trace of cancer and no need to remove your voice box what she said actually I didn't know he will come up here because all the way we have been watching this program in TV but this one I was surprised I was just around five o'clock my wife told me that Daniel is planning to go to this end I said all the way I have been coming here and he have been trying to meet you well I thought God met him my god will never fail or Noah's God's will my god will never fail the same yesterday today [Music] my god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] taken as a professor [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] whoa [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just litter hey son was this was where he was in the hospital you can see the disseminated things right Oliver the truth the neck everywhere swollen but a mighty immortal God [Music] [Music] [Music] hi [Music] I am I [Music] [Music] [Music] I prophesied every one with every trace of debt anywhere there is a Tulsa kidney failure and stage liver disease HIV positive whatever is threatening your life today it is clear to his roots [Applause] it is kill to his roots I pray for you and I declare today that your testimony will be permanent no recurrence no relapse never imbalance of metastases anywhere you are hiding in these bodies in the name of Jesus from the crown of your head to the sole of your feet desire or the Holy Ghost sweep out sweep out sweep out sweep out whatever is balanced in the body and I speak to everyone here whatever my father in heaven has not planted in your body is uprooted 9 so shall it be let me walk to several people and tell them your testimony shall be the next [Music] everybody's sick thank you for [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] quickly teratogen a man what God has done for you I'm sister Caroline and Emily I also testify to the goodness of God and to the shame of the devil first and foremost for my salvation which I'm not taking for granted because if not for God I don't know where I would have been now secondly I want to testify to the goodness of God what the Lord did for financial breakthrough during the ministers conference on Wednesday after the program during the program's session in the morning when Daddy was declaring I put my two hands to receive and fire dropped in my hands at the middle of my hands shortly after at night after the evening session I had an encounter I was in the midst of some of my friends outside waiting for service to enter mommy came in the revelation singled me out out of the five and say my daughter you've been waiting upon the Lord for long today is your day to receive yours and in the revolution I saw a sticker I have been working with it I never knew have not seen it for once mommy daddy mommy declared and say this favor is sticker appeared on my forehead I saw it written disfavor backwardness and lyrics or sensing drum things you want to do you see yourself as if you want to receive and that thing will not let you to receive that the strong man strong woman and they've been standing against you and immediately she remove the sticker she lay hands upon me and I fell on that the option and I just wake up from the revolution I saw as if there was an oil on my head I begin to praise God because I worked up with a song and the song says victory the the panel over me is victorious I I took my book I followed the song and I thank it over and over I want to return all glory to go because shut after that encounter the next day family that they've neglected don't remember me to send me anything I saw two of them one from just one from big way they sent me income of four zeros at different times also returned all glory to God totally I last week I was I was yet after the service I sucked and the medical team I went home believing God for my own blessing even when I'm not inside let God look it's me and then in the revolution last week I saw myself in a room a strongman chasing me from my former school I I just told them ok think they privatize this session of Italia Islam and we've been waiting hoping that God will intervene and God meant nothing as a palatal spring so the other religion kicked against the Priya they all team up and they were chasing me and they were chasing me I now run to a Christian home I saw the children Dalia Chris and I run into their home their and behold there was an email from no way now all this is connected to what has been happening to her after that encounter her story turn around she seemed fair for access break throughs and she said this morning to return all the glory to God congratulations Anthony but sorry tell us your name and what god has done for you I'm mrs. butter Anton from DC Cardinal Sentra I have come to return all glory to God I was here during the vigil and even on Sunday we're here with my husband my husband works here why I work in Kaduna so he asked me to wait for him he was travelling to Jersey City they traveled on the away coming but I spoke to him I ran to fight when I was preparing to come to church so after the service I called him he /she just be thanking God what happened that he had accident and when he came back he came back around to twelve he had those bruises on his hand and he hit his head and the hair was swollen like that I remember 2012 when we joined his Commission there in Kaduna then the communion service was on Thursday you didn't tell me that part your testimony was your husband and yourself were here on Sunday and remember last Sunday Kosovan kept declaring that we are blood is wasted yours shall not be wasted they were in the service and that day the husband was travelling to just had that gas limit accident had it was a head-on collision but all of them in dhaka there was no loss he came out himself strength lee norske not knows norske at north car on him he just went to work this morning and let her to go to church to the hospital check himself and the wife is here to return all the glory to God can you say a louder amen yes shall never be Western in Jesus precious thing about what God has done for you praise the Lord my name is mrs. Angela no goo I've come to appreciate God this morning I came to church here second service on Sunday and for the vehicle I was on Winky I was sitting outside in the second service with only wheelchair after the tow service absent to help put me I want to enter inside so they helped my husband and I still have to drag me in and I came here to the service state taught in fourth fifth to the last service I was trusting God for my healing but it all happened Appa week Sunday I came back from church and real ants woke up for my waste tomato was paralyzed I couldn't move so we came for my Oh - PO so when we came and they serviced in the cyst service so they died in our code new timer to come so they tried me and you have to pull me to the front here and that he came and he asked what happened my old man see just like that I couldn't walk so he not prayed for me mash my - Lake I held my hands when he hit my hand I fell down the first time he put me up again second time third time you say it's finished I was sitting there and I told my husband that I felt very light like I am I want to come to the altar here and untangled I stood of myself and I can't and let down and I appreciate God I went to myself and I'm [Music] we have already shared grace in after six service on Sunday right here was anybody still around who witnessed it about you witnessed it about five or so people carried her and she could not stand she had come in according to her on a wheelchair leaver we see went on went down not on the power on the paralysis could you stand stand up again be healed went down again to do Stan third time stand up again went down and then twas declared it is over and I left what happened balance is what I am hearing it's God speaking to anybody here at all even though he's Tommy wait for it it shall come to pass it shall come to pass every you came all the way from multiple yes credible and I love do you feel she has done like this thank God cause I used before I could carry her to the toilet in the night morning and you can see how it that was walk if it was your side we're cutting to be carrying here to hell with your hands I come over here i prophesy upon you today the kamal they will promote to put the pastor of the church where they worship they I know the pastor and he said from charge two weeks ago sudden paralysis that purple is a pastor every strange our own looking for you and we add that arrow came from is return back to Center she'll tell me every demonic are looking for me they'll return it back to center at the cattle three or your minds get one [Music] [Applause] to send up to set up in the name that is above every name in the name that is above every name in the name that is above every name in the name that is above every name there is somebody who came in here cannot work your miracle in suffering right now we see he can stand up and work now and stand up our work now you know it's your crutch lifted out of that wheelchair stand up and walk now everybody who's whose marriage is paralyzed your business is crippled your finances are crippled your destiny is crippled and your favor is crippled [Applause] second house or three block tell them the Europe is broken and you are free please the closet is it a hallelujah Tortelli cha-cha you know what God has done for you this is John this guy invited me to do nummies today is my tots Tuesday on Dunamis yeah she's lucky what give up your son of celebration everybody look cool look [Music] [Music] celebrate [Music] jumping out of a wheelchair financially materially socially and otherwise somebody that is not be not financially jumpy not spiritually jumpy not maritally and we are down celebrate man was on a wheelchair please bring it right because a crotch or whatever it is so that we can understand [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] I [Music] my god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all the way from outside what exactly happened tell us Mama's no walk for 20 years less less deliverance Saudis she began to walk a little and this money be with you at all this morning lordy why just carrying a baby they could not just afford wheelchair you are 20 years 20 years chickens then on Tuesday lasted a little bit more today as immense as a ward came this money the last Tuesday started a little listen today you saw how she walk you walk on reflection leave father thank you for the miracle so perfect a teacher must be tired when she was walking all the way out nobody held her father thank you father thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] yo that count was settled long ago [Music] that was my CI was settled [Music] [Music] she dropped all the way by herself a little bit and sustained but yet if for 20s you have not walked this is a miracle this is a miracle a miracle the name of Jesus the name of Jesus go ahead and give him the praise give him the praise [Applause] [Music] let a fire fuel right now everything that is not working in your life they walk now get a lot of praise take your seat [Music] hallelujah quickly let's go buy it your name and what God has done for you mrs. John invited me here today is my tots Tuesday on Dunamis here and by the grace of God I would be a member of this shot because of God's faithfulness that I see the first day that came to June Amissah was sitting there the idea was passing and then he now called me out and he prayed for me he said the spirit of stagnation and limitation is over last week Tuesday I came here for my sister which is a wash I hear he prayed for her there and then on Friday both me and my sister we were called to go out collette's our appointment letters which we didn't know you're gonna apply for we went very fast as she can she was picked out and said the stagnation spell is over that was her first time not that nobody introduced I said this person is not later and then her sister was bred for as well your own prowess when 16th notes was children yes was well she they do it before yes if God says your families you have a visitation Friday both of them employment later of the spa that was why she said I only first time I put this implicit the same place of work visa law application and we take time with the kikou from this is yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] - co-host to see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] shut the house of three people and tell them congratulations congratulations congratulations congratulations congratulations congratulations now he reversed on him I who have been directly ministered to prophetically like that and it testimony happened we have not heard from you in case we haven't heard from you please let us hear it will encourage other people that calling people out and speaking to them is not for fun it produced instant action unction and past the big toe I think you can help us pick up any of those testicles once in a while maybe you were called up and words that nobody told the past was spoken the right to you only broke a yoke it change things let us know now I announce to you what is your expectation today they are released they are released shuttle RS amen congratulations take a decade Decker Decker [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah hallelujah quickly to the church and lay my what God has done for you praise the Lord my name is Jill Unni mahu I was there some time ago and I testified the goodness of the Lord in my life and in the life of my family over an appointment after that appointment came the enemy became angry and it was like okay you were not supposed to add this in I revealed we must trouble you I need the problem kept coming from one to the other then my mother-in-law suddenly got sick on the day my husband was thanking God for the appointments she was rushed from the church to the hospital she became bedridden she who don't eat suku don't move in fact her own children gave up that she wouldn't make it and it was August last ministers conference I told my husband I will go forth at this conference so he encouraged me I came while I was there they called me one morning that my son was really sick in Legos and my mother-in-law was dying daddy and I told them I said no way I meant some of the pastor's at least get here and I told them about my son's condition and what DiFonzo told me don't worry everything will be fine just believe God I said I believed I came to the earth tire and I told God I said God you knew how much they fought your power so that miles I'm gonna get this appointment he got it because of your intervention if my mother-in-law should die then we say she used the mother for this position so for the sake of your name don't let my mother-in-law that and I posted when I was living a doe that I'm going for Dunamis program how would they not call me to say that my mother-in-law is dead so I told God you must prove yourself so after the program I went back home under Saturday it rained heavily don't get to my husband summary is she lives here with the oil placed from this commission and then she hurts her they thought that she she she she registered with rent met the mother-in-law the oil bless here anointed her make demands and gave her that thought that she came from the conference with and she said that's MP the mother-in-law had been bedridden for two months they had advised them take her home and let her die at home because we can't help her that she returned back to life and she is here this morning to return all the glory to God in Jesus name the second testimony she said her daughter who had her EDD had passed entering the ten months she put a call to the church because her maiden picnic God has made a picnic hall and at God's table and to pray for her immediately the prayer was offered that same day she entered the FFO room and she was delivered of a baby and she said this morning to give God all the praise [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh No [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] have enough was remembered assisted that caught deliver from that accident we applaud his way slit your Shabbat be wasted tella touch the name and what God has done for you praise master Jesus my name is Sushma blessing I just want to thank God for his constant Miroku upon my family last week told a I was at home and my mother called me she told me that my that I shoe that something is happening wrong here I say what does it say my father so I put up I would have disappear praise God disappear the right now and eaten is affecting his lower abdomen he knows time he cannot sit down or less by the help of somebody right now that they are planning to take him to the hospital and I'll say ok but when I finished the chorus is something I said for many years my father has been active what happened now that suddenly the network will disappear like that so praise God I resisted I said this must be spiritual and spirituality need to be handed spiritually i I caught my mother not to take him to hospital that we have a to my mother not to say that we have all night in my church so any if the man of God started praying I will call you so that you put the default with my father so that you Recife silly it's ok the stop taking him to hospital so Friday night I was at moussaka tree the IGC moussaka so when the demonic was that I pray like water - preah khan my mother immediately eyes i didn't i used to wake my father he wait my father as the man of one's brain but I say Amen Jesus Amen Jesus no regard is a Muslim ma so and I see same a Napoleon say man - so Friday Saturday around 2 o'clock I call them Adam that how he's deported now my my for you is to ask me / paralympic decoy told me that right now he can stand on his own and he can sit on his own Anna's okay what about the praise God is they easily die one day remain I said well don't worry we have communion service concerning if the if the managua started blessing the convenient then then I taught my Mirada he showed me make simple and keep - jumbo as the monopole start declaring on the commune or disorder then later open the Samba so that the healing power enter - when the Manawa was about to praise God yes [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] give the Lord a loud shout of pain the Bible said you shall be saved with your household the father was not a Christian at all but because the Tata is here connected to God the man was rescued from death she said the man who disappeared it will say became impotent so that is a mystery that is a mystery and it was diabolical because TomTom is bloating his weekly can't work and so on and so forth that was dead that came but it returned back to sender whatever has disappeared in your life before the service is over Ansari appeared in Surrey appear a sorry appear kill the Lord the shadow plays a lot of shadow praise and take your seat [Music] [Applause] I'm a Oh - remember - if Tuesday [Applause] oh it's faithful praise the Lord my name is engineer Anthony Moussa I am here to return all the glory to the King of Kings the Lord of lords the healer the Great Physician is awesome in my life outside of him I won't be here today outside a fee me won't be here today is about a month I left my home in Walker in terrible state because of this ordeal the devil inflicted me with all manner of sicknesses when I had recall it I was insane in the process of time I started defecating on my body without knowing unit 8 on my body all manner of things happened to me but a lord ordered my step here last week Tuesday I came I was unconscious I was in the overflow outside there but because of the atmosphere of healing and deliverance [Applause] [Music] it touched me Oh since that time I have never been the same oh that came after he'd I was not sleeping before now I began to sleep I lost my iPad for appetite for food I began to eat I started eating and drinking and the Lord has strengthened me I was left with bad back pain in the waist that came up to all yesterday but last night the Lord touched me and the ache is gone he loves me so there is nothing [Music] oh he's on fire for me he loves me [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus for me and how great is our God how great assist me he's not God he's forever [Music] all across how great is our God [Music] how babies these days [Music] I can see that last week he was on the wheelchair go to the wheelchair and we have to wheel him to that place there was a lot of struggles a lot of violent acts and while we were seated day he was say that something tie him in that lace and I told him those things are going in this environment I hate it actually do Southside things when he came back to himself he said why he was seated outside there is one more ugly T that was going out at the church who was just covering it and letting me live in my body like that then it has a head with eyes like that it was going live in you and they confirm they didn't see what I saw is going going I left Abuja on 11 years now put our coats I was there for four years before the engineers of this structure this particular structure that were in now along with engineer Joe and all at the beginning of the structure and when I saw him I knew that I reckoned I knew that I knew the face and then one of the architects took me you don't remember him as one of the architects Camilla engineers a day of this particular structure that devil is a pastor out of here maybe for 50 years but I got four years there above 11 years and then afflicted and return back to sauce and they'd ever checked back to where he can sell somebody shot fire it is a good thing to be covered I prophesied everyone here today [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] today is Liberty I call it a suspiciously look at your neighbor say you are surrounded to surrender to surrounding by power to surrender in the fight get a lot of praise roughly shows it is hallelujah what God has done for you praise Allah my name is Dena Joseph I want just appreciate God for what he's done in my life and be trusted God for the fruit of the womb from 2010 last year when I sleep I saw our dad a year he did dream February level when I saw how shiny money for people another rock ow I said I'd be wise my home money said no you don't need money you are trusting God for the fruit of the woman say yes I say receive it when I work on my starter pray that is the head of my Baroness is she speaking vernacular did you are you English is it that we are sharing money because some of you now your major need knives that money in fact I suspect that there are many people return it now I see roses where is my own money say no it is not money you need you need fruit of the womb in the dream prophetic operation in the dream the so it we say there is generic generic prophecy there is specific prophecy dearest supernatural prophecy that is that type prophetic encounter that was that type the middle child 2010 to 2016 that is six solid years no child receive your child and and she cannot forget the dead 11 February if it was you will forget is it a forgettable date and this evidence as the same is the end of world okay go ahead maybe she'll finish 2016 dice November three got it or 45-minute Deepika no cry when I just rest my hand I say our daddy said yeah shall be no loss did did not ask me what I drew just said I said why daddy said there shall be no loss nothing we do I for 45 minutes before the baby who cry how can a child be released by professing and be born dead they bonded everywhere [Laughter] that double feet gopanna their new phone Bundy found out the devil not to talk of the mother stand on your feet to the shoulder pain [Applause] whatever the man who brought the mantle keeps that was why when the Shulamite woman's child attempted to expire Elijah said no this is Professor child prophecy brought this child the man who brought this child the man who shall keep this child is God speaking to anybody here for you it is whatever God has done in your life that the devil is trying to reverse it is nullified the Bible said whatever God has done is forever nothing can be added nothing can be taken and God does it that man my fear before him I declare it is dawn help me walk to several people tell them no devil can't stop it no devil can stop it no devil can stop it no devil can stop it remain standing please can you lift your hands for seven and I appreciate him for all that we have just heard this morning give him the praise the glory and the becoming alive [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] get ready to try and repay in the name of Jesus Christ we shall be asking God for the establishment of his rule his authority and Dominion in the month of October Matthew chapter 6 and in verse 9 attend in this manner therefore pray our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven please pray with me say father I ask that you establish your authority and in my life in my life [Music] [Music] [Laughter] in the name of Jesus Christ profit-making say father I ask that you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] Jesus mighty name we have played we are gonna be praying destroying every agenda of the enemy every program of the enemy into the man of a proba against our lives against against [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] tells us that there's no rupologies fashion again so I shall prosper so every plan a plot of the enemy against your life against your destiny against your loved ones against anyone that pertains pertains to you today we are going to declare that the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus today [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] oh Jesus Christ let's lift up my voice and appreciate go on to him the answers all prayers let's give Him praise let's give him a duration let's worship Him father thank you for hearing us this morning thank you for answering us this morning we give you praise we worship your majesty be now exalted Ancient of Days we are grateful in the name of Jesus Christ anybody excited is this morning give Jesus a clap of praise you know that Juana's heavier prayer this morning and you know that if he hears the answers and that means that your prayer has been answered then let's give Jesus a biggest clap and allow - Oh glory be to God please you may be seated in the next few minutes we put in our offerings together you brought something to the Lord that you want to appreciate him with you want to celebrate him about you can have that put together right away and then we'll be taking that offering presenting it to the Lord and we'll be moving further in the service I see some destiny talks about the transactions of iniquity today and what do we have summary you are paying for everything that you are gaining so what are you paying is it worth what you are gaining that is Sunday song in his most recent album plan your life and he says that what you are paying is it what what you are gaining many times people transact and the cost of their transaction far outweighs the transaction that far outweighs what they are getting back in return many times people mortgage their lives market their destinies mortgage their resources their finances their future their inheritances on a platform of a and pleasure but today we've been encouraging traces of destiny that we must ensure that you weigh every decision you take every transaction you make ensuring that it is worth it beloved it is the way you live your life is the way you end your life if you live your life this honorably you will end it dishonorably and if you transact wrongly at the end of your journey you only realize that you have wasted time and wasted probably eternity but that shall not be your portion in the name of Jesus lift up your hands today now before we pray that the instructions or the assignment today says to find out your areas of weaknesses and then ensure that you deal with them and then secondly to avoid the wrong company we realize that many times just one wrong company is enough to terminate a person's life or destiny and I bought their future in gold but today I announce that's every negative company every rung Association every wrong person that entered your life and cut the life of your loved ones and the life of anyone related or associated with you today we send away with the Pretender NC to Pat you from every such rugged situations in the name of Jesus every association that is of the temple to take max is end in the name of Jesus Christ you are going free in the name of Jesus so lift up your hands and let's pray say after me father I ask for the grace to live in your fear and your reverence always help me Lord to transact wisely at all times you shall not trans actor only again no wrong association will have any grip on you again in the name of Jesus you have your offerings ready can you lift it up with a shout of hallelujah amen okay let me pray your hands father we ask that every hand stretch forth towards you is hereby blessed this hands shall not be empty they shall not lack as the soul receives today I ask for a harvest in the glory in Jesus name now I'll lift your fridge wavey to the Lord of the shout hallelujah father receive this of our hands and let the heavens be open concerning us in Jesus name hallelujah let's cut the offerings to the excitement will be proceeding as to receive the militia of Dunamis voice this morning they are singing a beautiful song it was sung for the first time I believe on Sunday it's a song received and written by God seven the senior pastor is a great song it's a great song of worship it's a great song of consecration say great song of dedication and as the minister I believe that you'll be blessed in Jesus name less received two nominations [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that's [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] trying to fit all right you all are here the set timers from who did it quite some time [Music] ha [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] they Lord shall appear [Music] the Lord shall appear [Music] wheeler the upstanding hands up lifter if you have it on your see the upstanding enhance uplift and follow we give you the praise and the honor a shuttle Copa gotta let your hands high [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] get your hands high everywhere you are father thank you for your awesome officials presence here thank you for the lives of the people of your people that can never remain the same thank you master because not one person will live here the same way you have company let your hands higher eyes closed and whisper at me power of the Holy Ghost [Music] Marsha Coco Bella rehearsal [Music] [Music] for a brief upon your people let not one person leave you at the same where they are come in Jesus precious name give a lot the present a classic [Music] I welcome everyone here for this morning's service in Jesus name we thank God for all the things you have seen so far and I know we will never remember the same the book of John chapter 17 and in verse 17 is a bishop charged from John 17 and in verse 17 it says sanctify them through thy truth thy Word is truth sanctify them through thy truth thy Word is truth the subject is the Word of God is truth the Word of God is truth it is not that the Word of God is a truth the Word of God is truth itself the water God is the embodiment of truth there are three implications of that statement number one the Word of God is reality truth equals reality the meaning is whatever is not in line with the Word of God is not real whatever is not in line where the Word of God has no substance whatever is not in line with the Word of God is shadow it means it has no future any experience around your life that does not line up with the word of God it's not real so the Word of God is truth means that the Word of God is reality secondly the Word of God is sincerity is sincerity truth means sincerity honesty the Word of God is sincere the Word of God is harnessed the Word of God has no margin for error in many scientific calculations and those kind of theories and formulations the theoreticians and the scientists they live what they called imagine of error the Word of God has zero margin for error is in errant infallible Word the Word of God is sincerity the window that is whatever does not line up with the word of God that you believe is a lie an example if the Word of God tells you that you shall fulfill your taste and you have received that one and you dreamt in the night where they were burying you in the grief that dream is a lie because the Word of God said you shall fulfill your days in the Word of God said no women that is fashioned against you shall prosper and every tongue - arise against you in judgment shall be condemned and you it had dreamt in the dream that you saw a whip on injuring you or somebody busted I am going to sin so against you and under a few days you are gone that tread is a lie that dream is a lie whatever does not line up with the word of God is a lie from hell and everyone will see with any form of lie you to return back to HK from cellulitis amen take yourself God created them and God said be fruitful multiply replenish the earth that is you were created wired for fruitfulness I came across a scientific study some time ago that every girl was born little baby was born with the capacity of about 240 thousand of them eggs that had the potential of being fertilized I'm not very accurate on the sod on them on it on the statistic no but it is a home result was the to 40,000 adorable eggs that is potential baby every cycle some as an Obama shed what they are not fertilized it continues until puberty I mean until menopause that is you have the capacity to for almost 200,000 and the devil say you shouldn't bring four-to-one that devil is alive I came across a story where the wife of city of vasilyev in a place called Xuan Russia somebody should please remind me of ICT can you try to do to locate that for me the most prolific modern history the wife of seed of Vaseline in schooi russia i think she decided to explore her maternal potentials and give birth to children and mass i need to get the photographer to you sets of twins sets of triplets not one not two she didn't have ten children not 15 not 20 I'll check it for you and the devil showing you the picture he says you will not have one that is alive the Bible said he made them male for every male there is a female for every female there is a male and female your own is more guaranteed because God and shot that Adam was on ground before he brought if that is earring short that husband was around before you arrived so if your husband was not around you wouldn't be born [Applause] and the devil is telling you you cannot be married within the dream of my threat or my cars then that red is alive yes the white the greatest official recorded number of children born from one model the wife of Fyodor Basilio in schewe Russia 1707 to 1782 she kept back to 69 children she get better a total of 69 children 16 pairs of twins 7 sets of triplets and 4 sets of quadruplets that is twins 16 3 plus 3 3 3 7 quadruplets 4 4 4 4 4 times between 1725 to 1765 in a total of 27 beds she came back 27 times 67 of the children born with survived infancy Vasilyev also had success of twins and two sets of triplets with another wife for another 18 children in eight beds him for that 87 children from two wives the two wives the polygamous setting is Noah we are emphasizing here I'm a common kitchen but the number of children born especially by the 67 and 69 and you should not be you poor is a lie is a lie I don't know what the devil is and I don't know why you have to come I didn't plan it I didn't prepare for it I didn't think about it but that is a blast against the spirit of barrenness because that the last testimony we heard here was a woman barren for six years until she had an encounter in the night and the water the Lord came to and say what you are looking for is a child not money now and give her a child and the child was born couldn't breathe for 45 minutes after bed but God brother Jack [Music] everything you have ever heard that is contrary to what scripture said is I preach remains Thunder woman intelligence I preach this I preached a message at the dedication of the church the immutability of God the church were all bougie pastors kuronuma one and I said if it is the dead Buddha said it is a lie if it is God who said it it is true so what did I teach you are dealing with find out who said it it is not what was said what who said it if it came out of the Bible is the truth if it is from another source and it is contrary to the Bible is a lie and a lady already in the country of Namibia had had a very terrible breast cancer I think this message was on Friday terrible breast cancer it refined salt mana and she had it where the internet watching Oh devil I catch you now this is a life this year put on my body is a lie she was meant to go to South Africa by Monday for the surgery between Friday night and Saturday morning they busted right out of the barrel out of the breast fell off and disappeared for eternity because the lie has no future true to stand the test of time but lies have no future i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i announced today every lie the devil is telling me life today they mollified they are concerned they are reversed they are neutralized shout aloud as a [Applause] look at your neighbor see if it is from God from his word it is true if it is from the devil or from any other source contrary to the world is the line I just saw somebody's freedom now it changes that broken from somebody aye aye aye aye iya iya just got canceled if it was from your life you said take your seat and round off the water God is truth means the world is reality means the world is sincerity and totally it means the world is often tissa t the world is authenticity the world is authenticity the world is authenticity means the world carries faithfulness the world is authenticity means the world has dependability is real is sincere is authentic is reliable is dependable the award is true here award is true I can hang my life on it your word is true yah what is true here what is true I can hang my life on it you're what is true dr. Lilia Airmen's was a medical doctor in the Second World War and also a healing personnel healing - minister she said that God is looking for people who would jump into the air with nothing on that their feet but the world did you see the picture jump into the air and the only team that is on their feet is what you know what is true we are what is true I will hide my life or need your what is true that is the world will not deceive you the Word of God will not deceive you the Word of God will not deceive you and I announced today the world will not deceive you every area of your life where it appears as if that what is not planning to come to pass i decree it has come to pass it must come to pass it shall come to pass please see the reality the sincerity the authenticity of the world two keys live by the word not by the world by what we see or hear or feel is happening around the world we live by the word by faith not by sight number to hold on to the world irrespective of what confronts it hold on to the world this is what the Word of God said and I am NOT losing the grip on it doctors are not bad people they only say the fact what they saw by laboratory investigations and what they saw by physical examination what they saw by all forms of diagnostic tools and they have said what is scientifically factual but the Word of God is supreme over all here in fact what believe the truth the fact can be presented but the truth superimposes someone say aloud amen maybe you are here today there is something confronting the Word of God in your life that is trying to make the world appear like a lie it is nothing that is a line of the world it is the situation that is in life not the world live by the word hold on to the world irrespective of what confronts it I believe in your life it shall come to pass literature say father I believe the truth and I reject the lie I believe the truth I doubt the doubt and I doubt the life stand the point of it hallelujah a few minutes will be of lift up your hands and I'm just appreciate him for that which you just received I appreciate him for that which you just received lift your hands and say father thank you for your work thank you for the reality of your world I believe in the reality of your world every shadow around my life that is contrary to the reality of your shadow [Laughter] [Music] - Wow precious name lift your hands and say father I believe you wore that it is sincerity it is honesty that is contrary [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] say father I believe in the authenticity of your crew view of my life [Music] Jesus precious name lift up your time uncertainty say father the grace to live by your water under grace so hold on [Music] Jesus precious name lift up your hands I am going to make some very brutal the Krishna and I believe they will come to pass with accuracy what I'm going to lead some people to begin to live by the Word of God first to say pastor I've been living by my own wheel please have rather still remain standing I want you to pray for me I want to live by the Word of God anywhere you are in the calories here the main sanctuary and all the overflows you will place your hand on your chest and prayer to me Lord Jesus I am a sinner I need your help come into my life and deliver me lord from the power of sin today I have decided to follow you Jesus no turning back from today I go for whatever backward never thank you Lord in Jesus name Amen don't sue pray that prayer can you with your heart let me see so many hands I Ament it quickly pick your Bibles and your bags and cordilla be there faster come on don't be the last don't wait for who come out first go eat your Bibles on your backside basically calories overflows as you surrender your life to Jesus your name [Music] [Music] [Music] my god nobody going on [Music] you want [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] why I see you [Music] you are the reason why gee I [Music] [Music] [Music] please everybody be upstanding I am about to pray very target specific prayers with instant action ocean Blitzer right under your foot doctor mr. nature please come forward and if you are here you are bound by something a happy in lifestyle a character trait a tendency something that you are doing are not happy with you are tied down by tobacco by alcoholism by womanizing man isin alcoholism lying cheating duping bad movies blue teams all those kind of things and you want God to set you free from that addiction masturbation and so on and so forth please step forward also and join them right now we want you bus leader you want to rededicate yourself back to God also join them I'll give you the card of seven as you rush forward one [Music] to [Music] [Music] and [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] everybody place your right hand on your chest those all right on your forehead on your forehead runs that's right and those of the frontier the woman of God will lead you to Christ I would like the the the the council is to please do a very excellent work on these people to the establish and I want them to work in concert to the home Church this mass crowd of people giving their life to Christ only Tuesday morning for every single one of them to be established and not why should miss Road and walk out a meeting with me and them this coming Sunday possibly give the Lord a big drop upon please share icon Lea finally do the handoff I come to you today I realize that I missed it I sinned against you and I am sorry I have now known that I am to come back to you and as I come to you today I know that you will forgive me all love I surrender my entire life to you Jesus forgive me my sins come into my life be the Lord of my life wash away my sins make me a new person make me a new person from today I turn my back on sin I refuse sin every addiction I refuse you I refuse sing I refuse to surrender to setup anymore in the name of Jesus I receive you now Lord Jesus as my Lord and personal Savior I am now born again Jesus is not a lot of my life thank you Father in Jesus name lift up your hands as senior pastor prays for all right this lip you have pick one hand on the head the other hand lifted up and this is for everybody right now after I prayed this prayer I would ask us to join our hands together and establish it will be here this evening by 5:30 p.m. as we continue to delay encounters pray on Sunday and sorry tomorrow we are here for the midweek destiny preservation service for the first midweek service of the month of October is a communion of escape and oil of preservation we come with both communal materials and oil and then toss the Friday ditalion contest continue Saturday the home church on Sunday we are here for 19 service connecting the spirit of Revelation now please write on your forehead and lift the other hand up as I speak the power of God may come upon somebody anywhere and just open your heart and just whisper that name Jesus that's right help help in the middle of the crowd that person without knee affliction Dario Kenya we today Daphne affliction is arrested forever they left me they write me that person that much Chad and it's 40 near land it is returned back to hell the spirit of stroke the spirit of paralysis is arrested right now [Applause] [Music] huzzah huzzah I take authority over the Sabbath day spirit that's right the spirit husband spirit wife spirit children that's right that's right duster it's all over the place the leg erotica cicadas spirit from the waters depressive this part is yes yes yes yes yes they are success fear of failure at the age of retro the spirit of protection on this fellow the snail spirit you are going avocado tree in the name of Jesus I take authority over every form of affliction every witchcraft affliction inherited affliction and central affliction of blindness or deafness of dumbness of cancer of trouble breast cancer ovarian cancer prosthetic cancer Nessa pharyngeal cancer AHA Cydia brain cancer liver cancer you are arrested you are arrested cervical cancer I rebuke you I arrest you your tenure expires bronchiectasis bronchitis asthma tuberculosis I take authority myasthenia gravis systemically lupus erythematosus disability lupus erythematosus I take authority over chakras syndrome I take authority Vitus I take authority disseminated intravascular coagulopathy I take authority over every form of Kaposi's sarcoma Hodgkin's lymphoma non-hodgkins lymphoma I take authority over speed diseases in digestion lupus in the name of Jesus lose your grip now lose your grip now at the count of three you are living this people in the name of Jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh Jesus every other athletes are not the admission that is in your life right now the asperity has come and the spirit of the Dead that the Lord showed me that is trying to ravage your family that father still been seen in the dream dead relations people sit in the dream graveyard symmetries skeletons I take authority over every spirit of death and the spirit of the Dead a flippin anyone here today your tenure expires you are going to go free in the name of Jesus the Bible said no weapon formed against you shall prosper on every tongue that rises against you in judgment - a condemned I speak against every weapon every manufactured orchestrated got that equipment from hell including the rising of the including the voice of accusations and London scandal around your life and around your destiny [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] everyone trusted for the fruit of the womb let me or that form of fruit goodness you are trusting God for by fire [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's right that's right I prophesied 100% fruitfulness for 100% of the women here I know the men here I know the relations in Jesus name - Martin's platonically Giovanna there are angels on this in this ministry that are responsible for encounters when somebody say I saw this new pastor I saw God's hand meeting is because the one of those angels went into operation using the picture of the servant of God in the house under the next 24 hours 48 hours and 72 hours and Counting [Music] you don't need to sleep in the night at all not be your dream at all while you are sitting like a trance while you are walking on the road even in the physical life and counters that you change your life and change your story [Applause] [Music] and finally the angels on assignment that are responsible for instant action that bring the world to pass evil right now there are sooo filament of knew of a prophecy there are miracles right now we may not have the time but I want to say to everybody starting from this opinion I want you to start testifying what will be happening tomorrow next tomorrow you specify the median statistics s if I try to eat on Sunday you return back here we are here for an emergency service everybody's invited with a bottle of oil you come unless experienced God like never do on Sunday and coming Tuesday we are shifting levels completely and then you come with your testimony of divine encounters now i prophesy the angels on assignment that make the word cannot instantly they are released right listen to this prophecy before one week is over God will confirm to you that his word is reliable that his word is dependable that this war is trustworthy you believe that shudders [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] Jesus precious soon at the end the earth shall distribute this a special form to you on your way out the daily divine encounter what we are expecting for the amount of October one more time hold the hand of that person unlit Atty now brutality say father this your child [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] oh Jesus tell you little things that you go praise but I segmented listicle thanks for hearing on answering us the Lord bless you can I see you MA they'll not keep you they're not cause his face to shine upon you in the mighty name of Jesus you are returning here with your testimony god bless you and God keep you God cause his face to shine upon you in Jesus precious name if today's the first time was to be with us please elect you to come forward we want to receive you we want to welcome you god bless your seducin today so first time yet please I'd like you to take your bags and whatever you can to touch with please you come to the altar we like to receive you and welcome you god bless you you are coming back here with your testimony god bless you bless you please those of us over there can you give them the privilege of happiness it would like to talk to them god bless you those of us about that please I'd like you to give them space and let them sit down god bless you see you soon
Channel: Dr Pastor Paul Enenche
Views: 7,213
Rating: 4.7954545 out of 5
Id: 08xMB9bu_V0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 221min 9sec (13269 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 03 2017
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