He Reincarnates as a Level 1 Slime But Becomes The Most OP Monster in the World | 2024 Anime

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this is season three of that time I got reincarnated as a slime the story progresses after rimu defeated Clayman and was acknowledged as a Demon Lord he mentions that after the meeting concluded Leon and Valentine left and they were treated to a meal by G rimu then tastes one of the dishes finding it Exquisite he asks Raphael to analyze the recipe observing milum eating without manners rimu feels reassured that he doesn't need to worry about them he notices milum attempting to drink liquor and tries to stop her however milum explains this is her reward for pretending to be control dagr remarks that Milan could have ended the ACT sooner as Clayman never mentioned the Mastermind milen responds that she couldn't miss the rare opportunity to fight riru rimu comments that it's too early for her to drink but Milan persists in trying to take the alcohol from him Kai wonders if the Brandy was made with grapes from urenia and rimu confirms it he thinks they can produce more now that they have a stable fruit Supply and dagr notes that Valentine is missing out on a good drink rimu realizes he has many questions for her Raphael finishes analyzing the recipes and vulgus comes to an end rimu returns to Tempest where everyone welcomes him with bows Diablo congratulates him on joining octogram rimu wonders why he's there and rigard suggests they continue talks later as rimu must be tired the scene shifts to rimu enjoying tea with Diablo Shen and beldor a goblin brings pudding for them Diablo gives his share to VOR mentioning it's the first of their promise rimu wonders why Diablo isn't eating his ship and Diablo explains that he promised it to VOR in exchange for information rimu realizes that Diablo knows about what happened in vper because Vora informed him and wonders what Diablo traded the information for he finds out it was for three puddings and notes that Vora doesn't need to eat to sustain himself VOR agrees that he doesn't need to eat but still enjoys it he mentions that rimu also doesn't have a need to eat Diablo asks Shin if she fulfilled her role as rimuru's bodyguard and shin confirms she did she wonders about Diablo's Mission and Diablo mentions it's going well rimu is surprised at Diablo's timely return and Diablo explains he was attending to some business when VOR asked him to come back VOR attempts to leave but rimu stops him reminding him not to interfere with others work rimu takes away vora's pudding and instructs the Goblin named Haruna not to give Vora snacks in the future he then asks Diablo if it's okay for him to stay and inquires about falmouth's situation Diablo explains he has insiders managing things in Falmouth and has restored all the prisoners of War to their original condition rimu realizes Diablo is referring to the prisoners tortured by shin and mentions leaving them as they were was inconvenient the story then shifts back to when Diablo was heading to falma he tries to heal the three prisoners but healing magic has no effect on them Diablo wonders what Shin did to them and proceeds to heal one of them using magic hearing their screams aham and the others hope the prisoners will be okay by the time they reach FMA Diablo restores father Rahim to his original state and the father thanks him he then tries to heal raisin but raisin asks him to attend to his King first Diablo warns that favors will come at a cost but heals raisin nonetheless raisin hopes Diablo will allow him to serve as his lowest servant offering his body and soul for Diablo's use and asking for Mercy For King EDM Maris Diablo agrees to the terms but emphasizes that he won't tolerate any disrespect towards his Lord rimu he warns that even a hint of disrespect towards rimu could lead to dire consequence possibly in endangering the very existence of fman raisen and Rahim agree to Diablo's conditions pledging their loyalty to him raisin reflects on his torture and expresses disbelief at the Betrayal of the Royal Sorcerer who served Falmouth for Generations he acknowledges risen's decision and Promises Diablo his full support as falmouth's final King Diablo instructs them to follow his orders assuring them that they won't suffer under his command he relies on his unique skill tempter to prevent any betrayal Gil asks about the hostages and Diablo assures him they are fine adding that they will soon arrive in Felman he resolves to swiftly execute the national takeover upon their arrival as they enter Falmouth the scene shifts to the minister in court who are shocked by the disfigured King they express frustration at their inability to restore the king's normal appearance they inquire about the situation and raisen clarifies that he is not shogo he introduces himself and explains that he worked with the Champions and return with the king the ministers are uncertain If this means that falmouth's forces were defeated and they have numerous questions one of them calls for everyone to calm down and listen to what raisen has to say first raisen explains that their battle awakened the slumbering dragon in the Jura Forest causing everyone to vanish at the time of its rebirth the ministers are puzzled as the Western holy church had declared the dragon dead raisin clarifies that while the dragon was indeed slain true dragons cannot be permanently killed they are reborn elsewhere it was unexpected that the dragon's rebirth occurred so nearby and swiftly the knights and soldiers fighting on the land disappeared after vor's Resurrection leaving only them behind the ministers find this difficult to believe as it and the Champions enter the throne room one of the ministers questions why commoners like them are entering the throne room raisin asks Minister Carlos to calm down explaining that this group saved them the ministers struggled to comprehend the situation riim elaborates that it was a fierce battle where both sides clashed with their outnumbering the monster but the monsters had the geographical advantage resulting in significant casualties the chaos of the battle led to vor's Resurrection and facing the dragon all they could do was offer their final prayers raisen explains that rimu the master of monsters stood up against the dragon and persuaded it to calm down the ministers find this difficult to believe but raisin points out that rimu had the support of the dry and collaborated with them to negotiate with beldor the ministers are astounded that rimu also has the dryads on his side realizing that provoking him was a serious mistake if he possesses the ability to negotiate with with the dragon yil assures them that they needn't worry because he aided rimu in defeating the orc lore and rimu is actually a benevolent individual who wishes to coexist peacefully with humans Carlos suggests that Yung should act as their representative and convey their demands to rimu deciding to inform him of their demands at a later time Yung argues that this won't work because Rimer despite being openhearted is currently Furious due to their declaration of war against his nation and the loss of his comrades Carlos angrily questions if Yom is on rarus side and Diablo angered by his disrespect toward his master intervenes this startles raisin who urges Carlos to remain calm but Carlos disregards his advice and asserts that a commoner like Yom has no right to speak on matters concerning the kingdom Diablo becomes even more Furious and raisin uses a spell to immobilize Carlos instructing him not to speak until he comprehends the situation he then confirms to the ministers that yam is speaking the truth stating that they have lost the war King adarus was affected by the Storm Dragon magic and they witness his condition firstand having been held captive and released thanks to y's word as a champion the ministers contemplate yielding to a nation of monsters recognizing their disadvantage with the Storm Dragon on their side one of them suggests accepting the offer Diablo approves of this decision promising to release their King as agreed the soldiers become wary of him standing so close to the king and question his identity Diablo introduces himself as rimus Butler and uses a potion to heal King ADM Maris he then delivers a message from rimu outlining the terms of peace talks scheduled for a week later rimu offers three options the king abdicates and pays reparations they become a vassel state or they continue the war the ministers Express concern about the short time frame for a decision but deblo dismisses their objections emphasizing that rimuru's concerns outweigh theirs Diablo warns them not to resort to any tricks and gives them a weak to respond stating that failure to reply will be interpreted as a desire to continue the war with that he exits the throne room the story returns to the present with Diablo explaining how he applied pressure on everyone leaving rimu astonished that Diablo revealed such a strategy Diablo explains that instilling fear was the most effective approach and rimu is curious about the terms proposed for the peace treaty Diablo reveals that he requested 10,000 Stellas and reparations equivalent to 1 trillion yen rimu finds this demand excessive but Diablo assures him not to be concerned he clarifies that Falmouth has only one viable option abdication and payment of reparations possibly with negotiations to reduce the amount Diablo indicates that they will likely comply with lowering the price and shift the burden of payment onto a third party rimu wonders about their next steps and Diablo reassures him saying he has everything planned he assures that they'll be able to reclaim at least a th000 Stellas rimu inquires about the plan afterward and Diablo explains that once they choose the abdication option King ADM moris will take the fall for the crisis rimu real realizes that he's the third party Diablo mentioned earlier Diablo predicts that without the royal guard the king won't be able to oppose the noble and will have to fulfill their demands albeit superficially rimu understands that without Military Support the king's faction will lose to the Noble's faction suggesting that absorbing Iam's faction is the best strategy to maintain cooperation in this scenario EDM moris would Ally with IIM and others rimu suggests lending some forces to Yo and Diablo anticipates that raisen will contact himself soon rimu questions if this strategy will ensure Victory and Diablo assures him that the next king won't be able to form alliances with neighboring Nations he explains that fuse and gazelle are already leveraging their influence to pressure falmouth's neighbors but he's prepared to handle any opposition personally Diablo urges rimu not to worry and agrees to leave everything to him we then see that the Demon Lord kazarin Yuki and the clowns are sad upon learning about clayman's death Kazar confirms the news stating that she can no longer sense him tier becomes emotional upon hearing this while Yuki blames himself for underestimating the demon Lords lapace acknowledges his own responsibility in the matter admitting that he proposed the idea without foreseeing such consequences tier expresses relief that lapace returned unharmed considering Demon Lord Valentine's strength comparable to their presidence she wonders about the circumstances of Valentine's defeat lapace attributes his victory to strategic timing noting that they fought during the new moon weakening the vampires he modestly credits luck and contrasts himself with Clayman whom he considers foolish footman reprimands lapace for disrespecting Clayman but lapace continues to justest prompting footmen to punch him a confrontation ensues halted by karim's intervention Yuki urges lapace to drop the antagonistic act while footman comprehends laplace's intentions and escalates the situation the group convenes for a meeting during which Yuki highlights the losses incurred including the base forces treasure and jewels given to Clayman tier expresses confusion believing the base should remain secure Karm reveals that the base granted to Clayman was swiftly overtaken overnight by a small group of magin sent by the slimes they deduced that the Slime used a diversion on the battlefield to seize the main base Yuki emphasizes the need to reassess their strategy advocating patience for their world-conquering aspirations Kazar agrees cautioning against impulsive actions exacerbating their situation footman concurs with their assessment but Yuki expresses from frustration at being passive targets He suggests retaliating against the Slime for clayman's demise albeit in a limited capacity La recognizes Yuki's inclination for scheming as Yuki proposes needling the Slime the scene shifts to the holy Empire of lus where Hinata describes a society founded on absolute equality under the Demon Lord luminous Valentine their God reflecting on her past encounter hanata acknowledges her defeat only to luminous Valentine contrasting it with her perceptions of shisu's approach as too lenient she resolves to rely solely on her own strength finding a place where she can grow stronger hanat reveals that the Western holy church became her Sanctuary where she swiftly Rose to become a paladin in her first year and eventually ascended to lead the Crusaders in her second year with each step up the hierarchy she uncovered deeper truths she learned that the revered holy Emperor loius was actually Louie a vampire and the twin brother of Demon Lord Roy Valentine armed with this knowledge she confronted the brothers in a bid to liberate Humanity from Vampire Dominion despite emerging victorious she sustained severe injuries in the fierce battle contemplating her sacrifice hanata was visited by luminous Valentine who miraculously healed the vampires and spared Hinata's life luminus posed a profound question about Justice highlighting its inherent complexity and the limits of imposing Ones Will on others hanado was given a week to pass a rigorous trial after which she would face luminous Valentine in a decisive confrontation following Hinata's successful completion of the trial she confronted luminus and emerged Victorious pledging her allegiance to her Hinata then reveals that luminus and her kin do not sustain themselves by tearing people apart for their flesh rather they require only a small amount of blood for sustenance higher ranking vampires can even endure without blood indefinitely Hinata explains that the quality of human blood improves with the happiness of the human race and luminous strictly prohibits excessive blood extraction the nation maintains a high level of order and equality even among Western Nations and to preserve this Utopia Hinata commits to protecting luminus later hanata encounters Louie who informs her of Roy's demise despite her disbelief Louie insists on the truth recounting how an intruder killed Roy upon his unexpected return from bber hanata Ponders whether Roy might have been an imposter Demon Lord as he was as formidable as any genuine one she struggles to reconcile the strength of the mysterious clown she encountered with that of a Demon Lord hanat reassures Louie saying that everything should be fine as long as lady luminus remains unharmed however Louie disagrees pointing out that Roy's demise previously seen as a menace might lead to a decline in people's faith and their belief he also mentions that Vora has been resurrected but the stability of the Jura Forest remains intact for now hanata attributes the forest stability to her decision to let rimu Escape but Louie adds that the forces of the Falmouth Kingdom have also been wiped out reflecting on her actions hanada regrets not eliminating rimu when she had the chance despite trapping him in her holy field Louie questions if her leniency was due to rimuru's claim of being from her world but hanata denies this stating that rimuru's objectives are at odds with Lady luminous' goals hanata explains that she disregarded rimuru's words and attempted to destroy his town to prevent any further interference Louie suggests that hana's failure may have unintended benefits as it could prompt Western Nations to unite against the growing threat in the Jura forest with Roy's demise the monsters become a convenient common enemy for Humanity to Rally against in the upcoming temo War hanata expresses doubts about whether things will go smoothly suggesting that it would be ideal if the Jura Forest remains stable and if monsters and humans could coexist peacefully she brings up the Eastern Merchant Who provided her with information mentioning their plan meeting from the previous night however she realized the merchants ulterior motives leading her to reconsider sparing rimil Louie proposes using Tempest as a defense against the East until they are prepare assuming rimu survived the vorus county he anticipates lady luminous' return noting that informing her of Roy's death will be distressing despite being siblings he remarks on his lack of emotional attachment to Roy's passing contrasting it with Lady luminous' expected grief upon lady luminous' return she dismisses Roy's actions as foolishness Louie inquires about the events at vurus prompting her to reveal what occurred luminus provides them with all the details expressing frustration that veldor always obstructs her plan she believes she could have revived Roy had he been nearby prompting hanata to apologize for her failure to capture the Intruder however luminus assures her that she merely followed orders and takes full responsibility for the situation Louie attributes the blame to his brother's inability to meet luminous' expectations but she insists now is not the time for remorse with the evil dragon's Revival and the emergence of the Demon Lord Rimer they must strategize to confront both threats Hinata offers to defeat VOR on luminus behalf but luminus warns her of vor's immense power power she explains that VOR is a natural force Beyond Conventional Weapons or magic capable of causing devastating shock waves with his mere presence Louie recalls how night Rose Castle was reduced to Rubble in the wake of vor's power hanat resolves to confront the dragon when necessary but luminus urges her to exercise restraint to avoid losing her Hinata acknowledges this reflecting on the mistake of labeling rimu as a monster in ignoring his words she considers whether this was manipulated by the Eastern Merchant and Ponders if they have their own informant seeking guidance hanata asks luminus what to do about rimu luminus advises leaving him alone for the time being however hanata expresses concern that the monsters expansion into cities and highways might attract the attention of the Angels potentially accelerating their Invasion luminus warns against making enemies of rimu and beldor as it could make them the primary targets of the Angels Hinata suggests that their Town's existence challenges the belief that monsters are Humanity's common enemy in luminism Lou poses enlisting rimu as an ally perhaps as a Sinister figure to serve their interests as an evil demon Lord luminus asserts that rimuru's intentions of building a peaceful nation and protecting humans make it unlikely for him to become their enemy she acknowledges that Lewis's idea could have been viable if rimu hadn't already established contact with humans however their current course of action is to wait and observe she suggests informing their followers of bora's return and capitalizing on rimuru's openness to political exchange to manipulate the Western Nation luminus seeks Hinata's approval for this plan although Hinata expresses concern about rimu holding a grudge for her previous attempt on his life luminus reassures her believing that rimu is rational enough not to antagonize them the scene shifts to Falmouth where adarus proposes paying War reparations to Tempest amounting to 10,000 Stell the Noble's object to this citing the immense financial burden it would impose they discuss alternative strategy including seeking support from the western church and the light speed hero of Gracia masayuki despite their reservations they refuse to comply with the monster's demands ADM maris's brother encourages him not to give up easily but ADM marus insists that they are powerless Against The Storm Dragon he resigns himself to paying reparations and relinquishing the throne a noble interrupts revealing crucial documents from blumen stating their allegiance with Tempest and criticizing falmouth's failed campaign while some dismiss blum's influence due to its size they worry about Doran a formidable armed Nation along lining with Tempest suddenly a soldier arrives with news that rimu has declared himself a Demon Lord the Nobles speculate on the reactions of other demon Lords hoping they might eliminate veldor along with rimu another Soldier reports rimuru's victory over Demon Lord Clayman and the affiliations of Kion and Frey with Demon Lord Milan the eight current demon Lords have formed a group called The octogram the king then informs the Nobles that both veldor and rimu pose threats he emphasizes their inability to contend with these monsters and announces his decision to abdicate in favor of his brother Edward rather than nominating his son Edgar as the king EDM moris explains that Edgar is still too young to navigate the challenges ahead the Nobles agree and Edgar silently welcomes the prospect of becoming the next king subsequently Falmouth signs an Armistice with the jot Tempest Federation ostensibly recognizing Tempest as a nation though this agreement is merely superficial the scene transitions to sha meeting raru after returning from clayman's Castle where rimu inquires about hakir whereabouts sha informs him that hakuro remains at the castle attending to some duties rimu realizes that sha is having hakuro handle her tasks benimaru then updates rimu that he's collaborating with jel to investigate clayman's Castle distribute The Spoils of War and manage the prisoners concerned about his presence rimu questions benimaru if it's appropriate for him to be there since he's supposed to be the commander the nimaru explains that with the war concluded there's no need for rimu to remain he mentions having delegated his man to his capable Vice Commander before departing prompting rimu to reflect on both siblings tendency to pass on responsibilities as they gather to discuss further rimu mentions hearing about Gaby ru's return to the battlefield the nimaru shares about his alliance with father mitter one of malan's followers who is assisting in the aftermath of the battle rimu acknowledges the immense effort war demands especially in managing prisoners of War expressing hope for their cooperation in nimaru assures rimu that he has addressed the prisoners easing rimuru's concerns curious about the explanation given to the prisoners rimu inquires about gabaro return the nimaru reveals gabu will soon arrive with the three biscu teers surprising rimu with their inclusion in the group benimaru reminds him that after malan destroyed the capital of urusen they agreed to provide shelter to the displaced residents temporarily since they couldn't accommodate everyone they opted to divide them those whose Villages remained intact returned to their homes only those eager to acquire new skills will come to Tempest while the lycanthropes and strong magin will join G's team to revitalize urania's land reflecting on this rimu recalls that urisia is now under malan's control and during vper he proposed relocating her Capital there as they were rebuilding it from scratch malum approved the idea benimaru adds that some magin prisoners will also accompany the lyen throes and he advises maintaining vigilance just in case hearing this rimu feels pleased that his followers have become capable of making their own decisions though he wonders if they no long longer need him a few days later Diablo returns from Falmouth presenting rimu with evidence of the peace treaty and 15 Stellas as reparations rimu acknowledges that the amount received exceeds their expectations and Diablo informs him that most of it came from King ADM maris's personal wealth the royalists anticipated that without the protection of the knights the Nobles would exploit them regardless prompting rimu to speculate on the likelihood of an impending Civil War Diablo confirms the possibility and reveals that the remaining portion of of the funds is in the form of a loan expressing skepticism about the king's commitment to the agreement to preempt any potential betrayal he orchestrated the king's brother's Ascension to the throne instead of the prince Raphael adds that the faction unwilling to pay the remaining reparations will likely shift the blame onto ADM Maris detailing further Diablo explains that ADM Maris after relinquishing the throne to become a vicount will settle in a Countryside Village near count Earl n's domain where him and others reside in case of any trouble they can seek assistance from n's forces even if the new king attempts to isolate ad Maris IIM would intervene potentially sparking a civil Conflict by exposing the new King's deceitfulness rimu views this as an ideal strategy but cautions Diablo to remain Vigilant he emphasizes minimizing civilian har and assures Diablo that additional funds from the Stellas are available if needed Diablo assures him it won't be necessary and requests permission to engage in combat but rimu declines opting instead to assign Diablo troops to work with and advise him to maintain a low profile which Diablo agrees to recalling the Western holy Church's attempt to contact Raheem and their interest in learning about the conflict with Falmouth rimu deliberates on their response he asserts the importance of not ignoring them and Diablo suggests allowing Raheem to testify a notion rimu agrees with given the church's desire for information particularly with only three survivors from the battle rimu notes the church's monitoring of beldor making deceit unlikely prompting Diablo to inquire about rahim's testimony rimu plans to encode a message into a crystal and entrust Rahim with delivering it to observe the reaction of the church THU arrives and informs rimu that the prisoners of War have arrived rimu observes their entry into the city alongside the lycanthropes and Albus and Sophia Express gratitude for accepting them rimu assures them it's no trouble and inquires about phobia learning that he's been tasked with overseeing the prisoners rimu informs them that housing and employment Arrangements have been made for the refugees and Promises to provide further details later with that settled they depart gabaro returns and raru Praises his performance in battle though gabaro feels he still has much to learn having been bested by father mitter rimu encourages him not to fret emphasizing his potential for growth GDA hands rimu a letter from malan revealing her intention to visit along with some of her followers to learn cooking from rimu rimu questions if GTA understands the significance and GTA explains that according to hermy the dragon faithful abstain from cooked food suggests malan's followers lack culinary expertise rimu comprehends malan's intentions while Zen questions why malan doesn't directly request her followers to cook for her rimu explains that malum has her own unique way of understanding social dynamics He suggests they treat malan's followers with the respect they deserve a sentiment gabaro agrees with a month passes since V perus and the city is bustling with activity jel arrives looking weary prompting rimu to inquire about his condition privately jel explains his efforts in or organizing the prisoners dividing them into groups and surveying the land for clearing however he encountered challenges High Orcs easily communicate telepathically but this method isn't effective with lycanthropes or magin additionally some magins resist Authority hindering productivity rimu reflects on the complexities of managing and educating diverse groups the situation reminds rimu of his time as an office worker He suggests to jel that they go out for a drink later to unwind the scene shifts to a bar where gild remarks on the challenge of ensuring everyone grows at the same Pace triny suggests that it might seem faster if he handled everything himself but doing so would deprive those under him of valuable experience geld expresses concern that at his current rate he won't be able to assist rimu effectively rimu reassures him drawing parallels to his past life as an office worker they spend the night drinking together the next day rimu accompanies raru around town with sheep rigard informs him that Merchants have started returning as fuse has assured them of safety rimu is pleased by the news rigard adds that there hasn't been significant movement from other nations since rimuru's coronation as Demon Lord he mentions that the emperor of the Sorceress dynasty of Ellen elesha elu has officially recognized their relationship with Tempest rimu realizes that ales is eager for the construction of the highway rigard notes that their allies worldwide are diligently fulfilling their duties rimu Ponders over who was overseeing the highway survey leading to a scene where he convenes a meeting with the ogres soy reports that he has encountered any hostile monsters along the projected route and the local populace readily agreed to their plans rimu instructs him to conclude the survey before gel becomes available again but Soy raises a concern he explains that the Kusha mountains bordering Tempest are riddled with treacherous canyons and inhabited by the tangu despite the locals warnings soy emphasizes that the tangu though friendly are a Warrior Race even Demon Lord Frey avoided direct confrontation with them soy suggests seeking Frey's counsel and rimu agreed to approach the Tango though benimaru volunteers to go instead rimu consents acknowledging that a demon Lord's presence might unsettle them reflecting on the numerous challenges ahead rimu resolves to convene a meeting with everyone soon the scene transitions to rimu meeting huro who reports on clayman's territory the puppet nation of daste Hiro explains that the land is inhabited solely by dark elves responsible for maintaining the castle grounds showing willingness to follow orders they revealed that ddave was once an Elvin King supported by the ruins still present in the area these elves consider themselves as caretakers of the graves rimu speculates that Clayman likely gained wealth from items found in these ruins hakiro adds that ancient ruins are scattered worldwide and often targeted by treasure Hunters but only a few have been discovered rimu instructs hakuro to keep this information under wraps until he can inspect the ruins personally later rimu gathers everyone for a meeting to announce his Ascension to Demon Lord which is met with joy he shares plans to expand his rule over the entire Jura Forest anticipating no issues the nimaru inquires if rimuru's jurisdiction extends to the lands across the river to which rimu affirms he questions if there are any objections the nimaru clarifies that while there are no issues the territory Beyond The River Falls outside the drad's demain the dads govern the lands they've cultivated and the arrival of a new Demon Lord would complicate matters for those across the river kaijen finds this development intriguing noting that the demon Lords have acknowledged rimuru's authority over over the forest's resources this implies that anyone seeking to settle in the forest must obtain rimuru's consent gabaro mentions the numerous inhabitants already residing in the forest prompting rimu to realize they will soon seek his approval sha predicts those who fail to pay respects to rimu May face consequence as being under a demon Lord's protection carries significant weight rigard adds that a Demon Lord symbolizes power siding the lizard men's eagerness to align with rimu gabaro confirms his father's intent to visit rimu following his Ascension having informed Shin beforehand rimu questions Shin's failure to inform him anticipating other tribes to follow suit deciding to capitalize on the influx of visitors rimu plans to Showcase their town as part of a grand campaign he stresses the need for additional labor and proposes using the opportunity to expand their population rimu suggests introducing visitors to their Town's amenities hoping some may choose to migrate he emphasizes the importance of relaxation proposing a festival to lift spirits and announce his public debut excitement spreads among the group with rimu proposing the festival as an opportunity for his public introduction riamu decides to postpone the discussion about the festival and inquires with soy about any changes in their monster ecosystem soy reports that he dispatched his body doubles to patrol the area and found no major issues except for a sword Grizzly causing trouble in the Northwestern Forest area which he dealt with safely rapael informs riaru that a sword Grizzly is an A ranked monster similar to a night spider posing a challenge even for seasoned adventurers gota expresses reluctance to deploy more troops in such circumstances soy reassures them that managing the situation won't be a problem and jokingly remarks that gapa spoils his troops too much gapa emphasizes the need for vigilance around such dangerous monsters prompting soy to suggest additional training for their forces riamu acknowledges the importance of training but raises concerns about the increasing number of emerging monsters he fears potential casualties if they don't take action promptly Vesta proposes the idea of erecting an anti-magic barrier along the highway to address this issue rimu seeks clarification and kaijen explains that they have developed a prototype for a fully automatic magic generator capable of sustaining the barrier continuously raru questions whether the device operates similarly to Rune magic Vesta confirms the similarity but highlights its Superior performance and ability to function on a larger scale Ken reveals they developed it to compensate for their previous inadequacy during the barrier crisis leaving rimu amazed at their Speedy progress in creating a functional model though BYU shuna and kobai mentioned their contributions to the project prompting Vesta to lead them outside to demonstrate the generator he explains that Tempest being a land of monsters boasts a high concentration of magic hules in the air prompting him to devise a way to capitalize on it the automatic generator utilizes ambient magicals to establish a magic barrier but its capabilities extend beyond this kaen adds that it includes a mechanism to accumulate magic cules which they can then use to decrease the density of magic cules in the air rimu expresses enthusiasm for this feature but Vesta cautions him about its limitations it requires a certain threshold of magule density to function effectively although this isn't a concern in their town in summary rimu concludes that the device extracts Magic hules from the air to maintain an automatic anti-magic barrier kaii explains that while they can use the barrier until its internal magic hu runs out they designed it to refill its energy Source they Incorporated a magi Crystal for this purpose rimu questions the efficiency of using a magi Crystal considering the potential waste Raphael clarifies that converting a magi Crystal into magic energy would result in a 90% loss of magu kaiji reassures rimu that they address this inefficiency using Rune magic minimizing consumption to just 10% while ensuring that the wasted magic ules can be regenerated and reused he further elaborates that this process allows for perpetual motion potential Al leading to a decrease in the emergence Of Monsters and magic beasts due to reduced magic H density rimu Marvels that the invention's potential to mitigate the birth of powerful monsters Vesta adds that the device can perform more than just casting an anti-magic barrier although there are limitations to the types of magic it can cast they can modify its function by changing the magic board engraved with different magical formulas rimu draws a parallel likening the devic's functionality to a record player and he speculates that the idea might have origin ated from a story he shared previously he envisions the potential for scalability and portability to address various situations V elaborates on the plan outlining the installation of devices along highways at even intervals to activate anti-magic barriers with sufficient magic density there will be no need for charging or fuel replacement only periodic checks to ensure barrier functionality impressed rimu appoints Vesta as the Project Lead which he accepts Shelt offers orc assistance due to the devic's weight VOR expresses excitement about releasing his Aura once the barrier is complete but rimu cautions against it as vor's Aura could harm most people VOR admits to feeling drained from suppressing his Aura prompting rimu to advise him to manage it Vora questions why rimu doesn't experience similar issues to which rimu explains that he stores his Aura in his stomach eliminating the urge to release it Diablo elaborates that it's extremely challenging for beings like Vora to fully suppress their Aura noting even benimaru and his group Amit some Vora possesses an immense amount of magic hule requiring considerable effort to contain rimu inquires if this is accurate and Vora confirms expressing his desire to release his Aura somewhere rimu Ponders the potential consequences fearing the creation of a hazardous Zone and the birth of a powerful monster like a caribes he advises Vora to delay promising to consider the matter Vora agrees urging rimu to expedite the decision-making process the meeting proceeds with rimu presenting a construction plan to geld for malan's Castle he assigns the task to Guild but senses his uncertainty rimu enlists Ken's assistance to support geld in this endeavor kaien agrees suggesting they include MD in the project for City Planning which rimu approves of feeling confident with Ken's support he reassures Guild expressing belief in his capabilities and offering assistance if needed Guild worries about the consequences of failure but rimu assures him it will still be a valuable learning experience shifting Focus rimu asks Diablo about his progress Diablo explains that him might face difficulties negotiating with royalty directly so adaris is teaching him etiquette rimu sees potential in aligning with EDM Maris Diablo reveals Edward's covert actions estimating it will take several months for him to gather his forces rimu acknowledges the need for Preparation and the importance of time Diablo reassures rimu mentioning he's already instructed benimaru to organize the deploying forces benimaru confirms he's ready two units one for public operations and another for clandestine activities Diablo then informs rimu about rahim's absence suspecting he's still on his mission to deliver the message rimu considers if Rahim faced trouble on his way but Diablo dismisses this explaining Rahim was escorted directly to in graci's capital with a crystal ball however due to the city's barrier Diablo's men couldn't infiltrate it rimu questions Ran's choice to go to ingracia Diablo clarifies that in Gracia houses a Teleport gate to the holy Empire of lus where the Church Headquarters line Rahim used this gate to reach his destination rimu expresses surprise at the lack of reports from Rahim and speculates about his fate diblo assures him his tempter skill would have sensed rahim's demise establishing control over his soul upon death rimu acknowledges that rahim's safety is Paramount emphasizing they lack sufficient information to fully understand the situation soy expresses concern about infiltrating loas but rimu reassures him it's unnecessary considering Hinata's presence there reflecting on his mess message to ran rimu recalls urging for resolution and adding some provocations he believes the best outcome would be peaceful coexistence banking on Diablo's plans if the church remains passive Zuna informs rimu about recent attacks during his confrontation with hanata suspecting a connection between them speculating on a mastermind hinted by Clayman rimu stresses the need to anticipate their next moves noting hanado might act if this figure is involved detecting inconsistencies he Ponders whether hanata acted independent dependently or under orders benimaru seeks clarification prompting rimu to doubt Hinata's subservience and kaijun to support this citing only God luminous as her potential Commander shunna considers whether the timing was coincidental rimu suggests that hanata might be manipulated leading Diablo to infer rimu doubts the masterminds authority over her they speculate on the implications with Raphael suggesting multiple motives are at play linking the events it suggests these events aren't orchestrated by a single entity as unifying everything under one Mastermind seems unlikely rimu finds this explanation plausible realizing Falmouth and Clayman both had reasons to oppose him aligning with Hinata's anti-monster stance he believes these motives converged leading to the events he assumes The Mastermind suffered losses and is now rebuilding forces likely avoiding direct confrontation Raphael agrees suggesting the masterminds power may not exceed claimant rimu concludes there's no immediate threat but rapael warns of other players in the background rimu speculates events will continue regardless of Hinata's intentions Diablo advises against assuming Hinata's decisions are soul given various interests involved rimu suggests multiple masterminds might exist conflicting interests causing the current situation they agree this theory is plausible emphasizing the danger of acting on assumptions due to lack of information Diablo pledges to investigate further starting with the merchant who supplied adaris Intel rimu notes War often involves money suspecting merch merch seek profit behind the scenes he tasks Diablo with identifying Falmouth Affiliated merchants and Sho with scrutinizing clayman's Castle records rimu delegates Festival preparations reinforcement selection and security arrangements to various individuals he assigns rigored Festival preparations huro to assist benario jel to focus on his duties riger to enhance Town Security and Gaby to Aid riger unsure of Chin's task rimu assigns ranga and Chin as his bodyguards believing this covers every meanwhile in the Holy Empire of lbl hanata holds a meeting with fellow Knights this bring an end to our episode 4 if 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Id: ZOgHF0iiuA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 39sec (2379 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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