He is the Strongest mage in all mankind but still reincarnates himself to the future #animerecap

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he is the strongest Mage in all mankind but still reincarnates himself to the future to gain the crest of combat and become overpowered The Story begins as we see a powerful Mage gaas fighting against a giant ugly Dragon who is thinking of defeating gaas by just using some Fireball but gaas proves him wrong as he uses the crest of creation and easily destroys the dragon like a mosquito but still gaas is not satisfied as he knows that his crest of creation cannot be leveled up anymore so he cannot gain more power and reveal that there are four Crest the crest of power the crest of creation the crest of Rapid Fire and the most powerful and compatible crest of combat and tells that the crests we get in our birth cannot be changed after telling this gaas uses many powerful spells and vanishes from there then we see a boy named Maas who has the crest of failure the merchant tells mithas that he is impressed as he is joining the academy in his 12 which is too early maias tells the merchant that he is determined to enter the academy and become powerful but the merchant tells him that he has to be careful as he has the crest of failure which is not powerful suddenly maias senses a giant monster who is approaching them and tells the merchant but the merchant think that he is just joking as a Clarity grade monster can't be here but suddenly a giant ugly tiger like face monster appears which make the merchant freak out and hide like a baby but maias easily defeat the monster which shocks the merchant then he arrives at the capital and went into a weapon shop where a girl is requesting the blacksmith to repair his Broken Sword meanwhile maias is dumbfounded by the quality of the forg sword but also disappointed after seeing the weak enchantment on it then he listens to the girl's conversation and she needs a magic sword for the entrance exam to the magic school but the blacksmith refuses and tells the girl that the swords enchantment is difficult to create after hearing this Maas offered to help the girl with casting an enchantment on her sword but the blacksmith said that he would fail to create an enchantment with his crest of failure as it is weak in all crests but the girl accepted the offer of meias after she introduced himself as Alma and meias introduced himself as meias hildine then Alma thanks maias which makes him blush suddenly Alma's friend named luri shows up and maias immediately falls in love with lorri at First Sight and lorri also fall in love with maias which makes Lor nervous and speak nonsense in front of Mias after talking for some time finally the blacksmith repairs the broken sword and maias starts to enchant the sword of lorri so the sword is immediately Enchanted which shocks everyone because normally the process takes much longer lri picks up the sword but mistakenly cuts the table in half which again shocks everyone and Alma stuck in the wall like lizard and the blacksmith is also dumbfounded by the power of the sword and tells everyone that mithas really Enchanted this sword in a very short time the blacksmith is impressed with Mias and wants to hire him the scene shifts as we see the day of the academy exam where Maas also comes here to qualify for the exam suddenly lorri and a lamb show up and are happy to see maias here and ask him that is he also came here for the entrance exam suddenly we see lorri fight against the examiner where lorri easily cuts the examiner's sword which shocks The Examiner as she passes the exam lorri went to Mias and started to thank him for enchanting his sword but suddenly Mias name was called for the exam where the head of the knights was going to take her exam the Knight tells him that he heard that meias Enchanted that sword which means a normal examiner is not a match for you and tells him to give his best in the exam as he wants to see how his father Caster taught him to which maias asked him that he knows his father to this the Knight agrees and tells him that if he is able to defeat him he will pass him in all tests even if his score are low Mathias agrees as he enchants his sword and blocks the first attack of the Knight and starts to fight with him and easily disarms him which shocks everyone as a kid defeated the head of the knights after seeing this Alma and lorri become happy the scene changes as we see lorri giving a casting exam where she uses incantation magic to attack the targets with fire which confuses maias as incantation magic takes a longer time to active and even it is not as powerful as as wordless magic everyone starts to cheer lorri for his crest of Glory as she destroys all the targets so easily maias becomes more confused as everyone thinks that the crest of Glory is best and compatible with magic combat meanwhile everyone thinks that his fourth Crest is the crest of failure and weak among all Maas turn arrived he asked the examiner that as he had to use the same fire arrow spell but the examiner told him that it was not necessary but it was the basic spell and hesitated as he saw his Crest and told meias that if he did well in other subjects he would still pass after hearing this meias tells the examiner to go farther away as he starts to use his magic without incantation which shocks everyone as they realize that maias is using wordless magic which has been lost in ancient times as Mias launches his attack which destroys half of the ground which again shocks them the scene shifts as we see maias and his friends were admitted to the academy and the Headmaster Edward gave them a boring lecture just like my English teacher after his boring short speech Maas is suddenly called to his office Maas is nervous and he thinks that he will get a punishment for destroying the ground but to his surprise Edward doesn't even scold him as he is aware of his power as he doesn't need to recite spells to use magic like other students as maias is asked to teach everyone even the teachers how to use wordless magic Mathias is ready but they have a problem with the first Academy where only Nobles go to study and they even ban the use of wordless magic as they consider it weak but Edward tells maias that he also wants to teach wordless magic to the first Academy with the help of maias as a result they can remove the ban and use wordless magic then maias is asked for his decision as he will help him to achieve it or not so Maas accepts the request and everyone becomes happy the scene shifts as the magic classes start where the teacher introduces Maas who is going to teach them wordless magic and even shows that he is also learning and is now using it as he destroys some targets maias jumped high as he uses Fireball magic and immediately destroys the three Targets in a row and the teacher starts to motivate them and tells them that they can also learn wordless magic from Mias for
Channel: Explainer ani
Views: 4,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AnimeUncle, IsekaiLife, Reincarnation, AnimeRecommendation, IsekaiAnalysis, AnimeReview, AnimeAppreciation, AnimeExplained, AnimeFans, anime recaps, anicaps, anirecap, anime summary, anime, ani, recap, ani summary, explainer ani, Mashle muscle master, animecaps, anime movie recaps, horror anime recaps, best anime recaps, top anime recaps, fox anime recaps, movie recap, aniplot, anime plot, anime in minutes, defeating animes, how to win anime, mr recap, TheStrongestSageWiththeWeakestCrest
Id: O2FH7DCmqcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 11sec (431 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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