69 HIDDEN NPCS In Blox Fruits That You MISSED - The Movie

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in this video I'm going to be telling about every single NPC you missed in the first SE I'm going to be going from the ones that are super easy to find to the ones that you 100% Miss starting off with the boat dealer I'm pretty sure everybody already knows this NPC but for the people that don't well he basically just lets you spawn in boats first one is the dinghy which is free the second one is the Sloop which cost 300 belly the third one is the Brigade which cost 1,000 belly and the fourth one is the grand Brigade and the very first island you can see this guy on when you join the game is the starter island or the Marine starter depending on which team you pick next up we got the luxury boat dealer most people should already know about this but if you're newer to the game this is how he works you basically have to buy the faster boats Game Pass to use him or else you literally just can't he won't even let you talk to him and the boats this guy gives you are obviously way better than the normal guy the first one is the guardian which is a pretty decent ship the second one is the lantern which you can buy from an NPC in the second SE the third one is the sleigh which you only get during winter events the next one is the Beast Hunter and this is very good for ship rids and this is very good for sea events next up I got the Blox fot dealer this is probably the most popular NPC in the whole of Blox fots and you should definitely know about this guy the first island you see on is the pirat start Island but he's found on many other Islands including the Marine start Island Middletown Kingdom of Rose the cafe mansion and Port town and this gu he works pretty simple he's literally just a guy that sells your fruits but he won't always have them in stock and the stock changes every while but there is a rule that he has to have at least three fruits in stock because if he doesn't then the game's just glitched out I guess anyways moving on from that we got the sword dealer and this is the very first weapons dealer in the whole game as the name suggests he just sells you swords he's located at the starter Island for the Marines and for the Pirates he basically just lets you buy two different swords which both cost 1,000 belly those swords are the katana and the cutless and they have the exact same abilities the only difference is that they look slightly different that's literally it and I'm pretty sure you can't miss this guy and I definitely recommend buying a sword from him as soon as you start the game but those swords are literally the worst swords in the whole game so make sure you upgrade when you get the chance next up on the pirat Star Island we got the marine recruiter what this guy lets you do is basically switch your team into a marine so if you're a pirate then you can become a Marine now we're going to move on to the Marine starter Island and at this island you have all the NPCs that I mentioned before except the marine recruiter here he's the pirate recruiter because most people on the Marine Island are actually going to be Marines so this lets you join the Pirates Team without having to rejoin the whole game and we also got a Bonus NPC for the Marine who's called the Marine's boat dealer this is NPC that's equivalent to the boat the this allows both Marines and Pirates to buy marine boats but except the Marine versions of the boat are 50% cheaper because that's one of the huge Buffs of choosing that team and this boat dealer only exists on two islands the first one is obviously the Marine starter and the other one exists at Marine Fortress because that's basically a Marine base but you do have to do some searching to find these guys because they're actually not located at the Port moving on to the Middletown Island the first NPC here is the experienced captain and if you're new to the first you don't need to worry about this guy for a while because this is how you get into the second se but you do have to do a long quest for that and once you actually do unlock a away to get to the second SE this is the guy you're going to be talking to to every time you want to get back and forth from the Seas he's even located in the second SE at spawn to help you come back to the first SE next NPC we got located at Middletown is robot Mega this guy's located in a house which has a green roof over his head which you can actually walk into and when you first talk to this guy he might seem like bit of an NPC but he actually helps you achieve dark blade V2 and the name of the quest you get from him is the sun Quest moving on to the next NPC we actually got another weapons dealer located at Middletown and this guy's name is weapons dealer and he sells you three different guns and everyone knows guns are useless so you mostly don't want to be talking to this guy the very first gun he sells you is the slingshot which cost 5,000 belly next up we got the musket for 8,000 belly and the third one is the flintlock for 10,500 belly and if you want to buy any gun from this guy recommend the sling shot because it's going to help you gather up enemies moving on to the Jungle Island the first and only NPC that you're going to be worried about on this island is the Blox fruit gacha this NPC is probably one of the most useful NPCs in the whole game and he basically just lets you roll a random fruit but you do have to be at least level 50 to use this guy and the amount of money it takes to roll of fruit depends on your level if you're level 50 then you only need to pay 32,000 belly to roll of fruit but if you're the max level which is 2550 you have to pay 400,000 belly to roll of fruit which makes this incredibly expensive if you're a higher level and this guy's not only located in the first seat he's also located at the second seat and the third seat and a pretty cool thing about this NPC is that that it wasn't actually meant to stay in the game it was added during a winter update but the community loved it so much that they decided to keep it in the game moving on to the next NPC he's located at the pirate Village and this is the sword dealer of the West he sells you two different guns which are the Dual Katana which cost 12,000 belly which is literally just two catanas and the next one is the iron maze which cost 25,000 belly next NPC on this island and this is actually the first fighting style that you can buy in the whole game and he's basically located around this area right here he sells you the fighting style for 150,000 belly and cool thing about this fighting style is that you actually kick instead of use your hand moving on to the next NPC we got here is the blacksmith and this guy basically just helps you upgrade your weapons to grade to and this is something you definitely have to do before you're able to enchant your weapons so this is a very crucial NPC and I don't actually see a lot of people talking about this guy and the next NPC who's located on this island is the rich man and this is actually a guy that's going to help you complete the saber expert puzzle which is actually a pretty annoying puzzle to do if you don't know what you're doing but you don't need to worry about that now it's the only thing this basically helps you with is getting the saber sword and instinct which are two crucial abilities in the game but you do need a level requirement before you can get them moving on to the desert island we got our first first very hidden NPC and this guy's incredibly difficult to find if you don't know where to look his name is Hassan and he sells you this swordsman hat for 150,000 belly and to talk to this guy you actually need to have flash step Aura and air jump and at least 300 stat points on your sword or else he will not sell this to you basically you just have to collect the chest that's located right here and then go down this long tunnel and boom that's exactly where he is see I told you he would be hard to fire moving on to the next NPC we got the abilities teacher and this is one of the most important NPC in the whole of block suits and he's actually modeled after ra from one piece and the most important ability that this guy sells you is the aura ability which is basically called hockey by the community because that's what it's called in one piece this ability costs a total of 25,000 belly and it basically just gives you a shield of armor and it's incredibly important if you want to be able to hit people that have elemental foods and he also sells you air jumps which basically just let you jump more in one place and it's an incredibly useful ability next we got the flash up ability which is taken from bleach and this basically just lets you teleport short distances and in my opinion the most important abilities from this guy is the air jump ability because it lets you get to places that you couldn't before and then obviously the hockey you can't forget about it and next up we got an NPC who's located at the very same island and this is also a weapons dealer NPC and he's called sword dealer of the East and just like his name suggests he sells you two different swords the first one is the triple Catana for 60,000 belly and it's exactly what it sounds like it's just three different katanas next up we got the pipe which cost 100,000 belly and since it cost more than the triple Katana you already know it's better if you're wondering where he's located it's basically right next to this house right here next NPC we got on this list is porus and he sells you the black cape accessory for 50,000 belly but you do have to be at least level 50 to purchase it and it's a pretty decent accessory for the first seat and if you're wondering where this guy is located he's actually very very hidden just like the Hassan NPC from before you have to head over to Marine Fortress get over to this Tower and go down this ladder pretty interesting place to hide next up we got the advanced weapons dealer who's also located at Marine Fortress and this guy sells you a total of three guns which are just better versions of the ones you find in Middletown first up we got the refined slingshot which cost a total of 30,000 belly and next up we got the refined flint lock which cost 65,000 belly and finally we got the cannon which cost 100,000 belly and since it costs the most you already know it's the most powerful gun here moving on to Skylands the very first NPC that's hidden here is the mad scientist I I guarantee you did not find him when you were playing the game normally that's because he's not actually located at Skyland he's located at this rock near it if you come and talk to this guy he's going to sell you the electric fighting style for 500,000 belly and I definitely recommend getting your hands on this because you can upgrade it to Electric Claw later which is one of the best fighting styles in the whole game next up we got the Yoshi NPC who's also located at Skylands and this guy is also pretty difficult to find because he's located at this Tower over here and when most people get to Skylands they actually they don't even have sky jump so they wouldn't even know to check this place and this guy sells you the Tomo ring accessory that gives you 10% more blocks for damage and the requirements for this is at least 200 stat points on your melee and this accessory cost a total of 500,000 belly and do I recommend this um not really there's better things to spend your money on maybe save up for a fruit you want next up we got the master swords dealer who's located at the top of skyms and this guy sells you two different swords the first one is the Dual headed blade which cost 400,000 belly and the second one is the Bento which cost 1 million belly pretty pricey and you can actually upgrade your Bento by killing the great beard boss with the Bento and I also advise you guys not to buy the Dual headed blade because it is terrible for grinding and PVP anyways moving on we got another very hidden NPC but this guy is incredibly useless in my opinion this guy has the removed bloxs food NPC and he can be found at the back of the prison on the first SE and when you talk to him he's literally just going to give you two options sure and shut up and if you click on sure he's going to give you the option to remove the blockx food that you actually have equipped it which is a pretty weird thing to do if you ask me but if you really want to have the ability to swim over having a Blox fuit then you do you it cost a total 50,000 belly and that's another reason I don't recommend doing this because you're losing money and of fruit who would want to do that and while you're at the prison you're actually going to notice this other NPC who's called a military detective and you don't really need to worry about this guy right now because he's an NPC that gives you a quest to get into the second SE once you're at least level 700 which is basically finishing the first se you come talk to this guy and he tells you to do a bunch of stuff to get into the second scene but if you're a fairly new player or visiting the prison for the first time then you don't really need to worry about this guy next NPC that's incredibly hidden is the living skeleton NPC you literally will not be able to find this guy without help he's located at the magma Village and you actually are going to notice no matter where you search you're not going to find him that's because he's actually located behind an invisible wall which you can literally just walk directly through once you do that and talk to me he's going to sell you the soul cane sword that cost a total of 750,000 bellies and this is the same sword that broke from One Piece uses it's pretty cool and the sword itself isn't even that bad moving on we got another secret NPC that you definitely did not find and it's the same reason for the previous one this is the water Kung Fu teacher and he's located at underwater city if you head right down here you're going to notice you're not going to find him at all but you have to go through this wall right here and boom once you talk to him he's going to sell you water kung fu for a total of 750,000 belly and I definitely recommend getting your hands on this because it's literally the best fighting style in the whole of the first year and one of the best fighting styles to grind with regardless moving on to the next NPC that you definitely missed is the Instinct teacher this guy's located at upper Skylands and he basically just teaches you Instinct SL observation hockey which is literally one of the most important abilities in the whole game it costs a total of 750,000 belly to buy from this guy but you do have to complete the saber export Quest from him and don't wait till you get the Skylands to talk to this guy you can literally access him at level 300 by doing the quest first you can literally talk to him early by doing the saber expert Quest at literally just level 300 so make sure you get your hands on this before you leave the first SE and that's it for the NPCs in this video I'm going to be telling about every single NPC you missed in the second SE starting from the ones that are pretty obvious to the ones that you definitely did not find first up we got this cyborg this is a malicious NPC and he's located at the Kingdom of rose and his whole purpose is to sell you the lantern boat for a total of 1,500 fragments and if you don't have enough fragments when you talk to him he's literally just going to tell you he's busy and then he's going to leave and you can't talk to him any further moving on the next NPC we got here is called Trevor this is an NPC who's located inside Dawn Swan's Mansion which is literally the highest point in the map and he's right here next to the pool and basically this guy's a part of the quest which lets you get into the third SE and he's going to ask you for a physical food which is worth more than 1 million belly and you have to be at least level thousand for this and if you talk to him without meeting these requirements then he's literally going to tell you get out of here before I kill you which is a pretty interesting message and if you prove to him that you have enough power he basically just lets you fight against the dawn Swan boss which is a requirement to get into the second sea next up we got aroy and this guy's obviously located at the second SE and he basically just lets you get race V3 he's located inside the secret area in the tree and according to the dialogue he's one of the sons of rip Indra which is pretty interesting and as everybody knows if your race is not human upgrading it to the B3 form will give you a lot of cosmetic changes next NPC we got here is call saabi and this is actually Sabo from one piece and he sells you the dragon's breath fighting style for a total of 1,500 fragments and if you don't have enough fragments to obtain dragon's breath just like the cyborg NPC from before he'll just tell you to go away but I recommend getting this fighting style because it helps you unlock superhuman later on the next NPC we got here is literally named The Mysterious entity and a lot of you guys have definitely seen this guy if you participate in raids he's the guy that lets you awaken your fuit every time you finish a raid with the specific fruit and you meet the requirements he's going to let you buy your Awakening for a set price of fragments which is obviously different for every fruit in the game next up we got the aura editor NPC and I'm pretty sure you guys all know what this guy does he just lets you change the stage of your aura you can change it from anything from Level zero all the way to level five and looks different in each stage next up we got the blacksmith NPC who basically just lets you upgrade your swords or guns which gives you a button of Buffs to them and they can be incredibly useful moving on to the next location on the map I'm going to be telling you about the one and only NPC located at the Coliseum he's called King redhead you can only talk to this NPC if you're level 1,500 or higher and this guy's also a part of the quest which lets you get into the third seed and you'll basically Al teleport you to an island to fight rip Indra which is a part of the quest otherwise he's pretty Irrelevant for most of the second SE moving on to the cafe the one of the most important locations in the whole of the second SE the first NPC we got here is Trot and this guy just lets you change your race without spending any Robux you need to pay him a total of 3,000 fragments and he randomly changes your race to something else so if you want a specific race make sure you have at least 9,000 fragments but if you have the roblo for it I just recommend using that because in my opinion I'd rather pay 75 Roo than 3,000 fragments the next NPC we got at the cafe is obviously the fan favorite Blox fruit gotcha and this guy is's pretty self-explanatory he's in every SE and there's no way you don't know about him you just have to pay him a set amount of money which depends on what level you are and once you do that he's going to give you a random physical fruit next up we got the Bounty and honor expert and this guy's also pretty self-explanatory he just tells you what Buffs you have depending on the Bounty or honor you have which is going to help you a ton when it comes to knowing what your Specialties are next up we got Barillo which actually gives you the colum Quest but you have to be at least level 800 50 or higher and once you complete this Quest he's actually going to give you a total of 50,000 belly 35 million XP the Warrior's helmet and you can also talk to The Alchemist which lets you awaken race V2 next up we got the Awakenings expert and this guy just lets you change the stage of the Awakenings for your food pretty self-explanatory next up we got the color specialist this guy lets you change the color of your hockey which is probably one of the coolest abilities in the whole game it looks amazing when it's a different color from the default black and I'm really glad they added this guy next up we got the title special specialist and this basically just shows you every title that you unlock and lets you equip them and also tells you what you need for the other titles next up we got an NPC called the nerd and this guy's actually extremely extremely useful and the way you use him is by wearing any accessory that you own and you just simply have to talk to him and he tells you exactly what Buffs that accessory gives you so now you know exactly what you're dealing with moving on to the huge bridge on the second seene we got one NPC located here called plester this gu's an NPC that lets you reset your stat points for a total of 2,500 fragments and this helps people a but ton because when you're new to the game people actually end up messing up their stats completely everyone knows the most popular and best way to do your stats is to use it for melee defense and depending on what me you are a sword or fruit or gun but no one likes guns moving on to the green zone the first NPC we got here is The Alchemist and like I mentioned before this guy is the one that gives you the quest to awaken your race to V2 and you need to complete billo's Quest from before if you want to access this guy next NPC here is called the mysterious man who's located all the way at the top of the green zone you literally have to climb to the highest stock or if you're bro you can just equip the light fruit and fly up this guy sells you the true triple Katana but you do need to meet a lot of requirements before getting this and even once you do that you need to pay him 2 million belly to get this next NPC located here is called Mr captain and if you're nearer to the game you probably won't know who this guy is he's basically an NPC who lets you get to and from the third seat extremely useful especially for people that have actually unlocked it next up we're moving to the graveyard Island the first NPC located here is called the crew Captain this guy's an NPC that SS you crew slots and you can only access him if you're the captain captain and for each crew slot you need to pay a total of 2,000 fragments and you can have up to 30 slots and this is only useful for people that own Crews and I'm guessing most of you watching don't actually own your own crew if you are a lower level player it's actually easier to join a higher level player's crew that'll make your life much easier anyways moving on the next NPC locy at the graveyard is actually rip Indra himself but he's not here to fight you he's just here to let you change your dark blade skin everyone knows that the dark blade actually has two different versions We Got The Slayer skin and the default version in my opinion the default version looks a lot better but the Slayer skin is actually harder to get because you have to do a whole quest for it and this rip iner NPC just lets you change it from your default version to the Slayer skin moving on to the Snow Mountain the one and only NPC we got here is the martial arts teacher this guy actually sells you the Superhuman fighting style and for those of you who don't know this is one of the hardest fighting styles to get in the whole game because to actually be able to buy this fighting style you need the dark step fighting style the electric fighting style the water kung fu fighting style and the dragon's breath fighting style and not only that you need a total of three 100 Master you on each of those fighting styles you know how long that takes to get and you also need to be above level 700 to buy this and even after you meet all of those requirements you need to pay the martial arts teacher 3 million belly oh my God that's going to cost you a bot ton of money and even more time moving on to the next island or Islands I guess because it's the hot and cold Islands the first NPC we got here is the arithmetic and a lot of people actually don't know about this guy and he's the guy that tells you to order raid microchip in exchange for a th000 fragments and the order rate is actually law from One Piece if you don't know what he looks like this is it but just be careful when you're fighting this boss because he has a total of 256,000 HP so make sure you get some friends along with you if you want to fight this guy the next NPC we got here is the mysterious scientist and if you don't know who this guy is then you must be a newer player this is the guy that lets you start any raid that you want you have to be at least level 1,100 to be able to speak to this guy but once you talk to he'll give you two options he let you buy a raid microchip for 100,000 belly or one random physical fruit and if you want to start Advanced raid you have to pay him 1,000 fragments or a fruit worth 1 million belly but trust me the advanced raids are worth it they let you awaken overpowered fruits and like I mentioned before you cannot talk to this guy unless you're level 1,100 and the reason the devs added this to the game is because people below that level are usually not ready for raids and trust me because I was one of those players who joined a raid with my friend and it did not end well moving on to the next Island we're going to be talking about the curse ship the first NPC we got here is El Rolo this is an NPC that sells you the bizarre rifle for 25 ectoplasm and he's found at the bottom floor of the Cur ship near the ship Engineers next up we got L admin and this guy sells you the midnight blade for 100 ectoplasm and he's found in the middle row of the curse ship next up we got ELO and this guy sells you the ghoul Max for a total of 50 ectoplasm and if you're wondering the gold mask gives you 35% faster Speed 500 energy and 10% life Lee on all melee abilities but only a 2.5% life Leach on NPCs this is probably one of the best accessories for people who are grinding with the buha fruit because of the speed increase and the life Leach next up we got the experim metric and this guy is located at the kitchen and this guy lets you get the ghoul race and for that you will need a total of 100 ectoplasm and the Hellfire torch which you can get by killing the cursed Captain moving on the next NPC here is called gachim gachim basically informs you on how much ectoplasm you have which is kind of useless because you can literally just open your inventory and check that what a random NPC moving on from the curs ship we're heading over to the ice castle and here we got F the reform and this NPC basically just sells you the dead step fighting style but to get that you actually you need to learn the dark step fighting style and have at least a 400 Mastery on it and once you do that you have to talk to her and she sells it to you for 5,000 fragments and 2.5 million belly damn that is a lot of money and fragments moving on we're heading over to the Forgotten Island here we got dirck the SharkMan who sells you the SharkMan karate fighting style and just like the dead step from before this is the upgraded version of another fighting style which is water Kung Fu so to get this you need at least out 400 Mastery on water Kung Fu and you need to pay this guy a total of 2.5 million ion belly along with 5,000 fragments and not only that you also need to get the water key after defeating the boss on this island which is not an easy task next up I'm going to be telling you about a secret remote island that you guys did not know in the second SE and there's only one NPC here and he's called the strongest god who's actually who I think is supposed to be Usopp from one piece this guy basically just sells you the legendary gun Kucha for a total of 1,500 fragments and fun fact about this island it's actually also called usopp's Island and that's it in this video I'm going to tell you about every single ENT PC in the third Sea from the ones that everybody knows to the ones that are completely hidden starting off at portown the very first island of the third sea we got the experience Captain he's obviously the one who takes you back and forth to the third seene next up we got the blocks for de everybody should know about this NPC he basically just has fruits can buy them if they're in stock next up we got the blacksmith basically just upgrade your guns or your swords which gives them the ability to be enchanted moving on to Hydra Island we only got one NPC here and he's called The Arena trainer NPC this is a W NPC and he's actually prettyy hidden and not a lot of people know about this guy you have to be at least level 1,500 to access this guy and once you talk to him he's going to give you a quest with the training dummy has a total of 22,500 HP and does around 1,100 damage per hit so make sure you don't get hit by him and also make sure you continuously do damage to him because if he stops taking damage for even 1 seconds he'll regenerate back to Max HP instantly once you finish the quest you get 22,000 belly 40 million XP and 200 fragments and if you're high level this should be extremely easy to do moving on to the next Island we got here is the great tree the first NPC is the crew Captain this is an NPC that sells your crew slots and you can only buy this if you're a captain of a crew you can buy up to a total of 30 slots but they might change this in the near future moving on to the next NPC we got the mysterious force and a lot of people don't know about this guy because he's literally invisible and he's all the way at the top of the great tree but if you talk to him before you defeat the rip Indra boss then he's going to say there's something there but you can't quite place it but once you defeat him he's going to say a strong foe prevents you from entering and that's going to allow you to do the trials moving on to the floating Turtle we got a but ton of NPCs here starting off with the master and he's basically going to open the door to the cryp that's why he's called the cryp master the Crypt is basically a huge Stone structure that contains the cursed skeleton which is a pretty rare NPC and it lets you obtain the curs Dual Katana the yam squirrel and the toua squirrel are also located inside the crib so if you want to get those you know exactly where to go but keep in mind to talk to this guy you have to be at least level 2,200 and you have to have obtained the Yama and tsha sword with the 300 Mastery on both of them and to read the Scrolls you need to have a 350 plus Mastery damn there's a lot of stuff moving on to the next NPC we got here he's called a citizen and you have to be at least level 1,800 or above to talk to this guy and this is basically the NPC that you go to when you want to get Instinct V2 and everyone knows that instinct V2 is a lot better than the first version so you can view the player's level fighting style sword blocks food and gun basically their whole inventory that is really overpowered you also have to have 5 million extra belly to pay this guy the next NPC we got here is called the ancient Monk and he basically teaches people the god human fighting style well it's basically the most overpowered and most difficult to get fighting style in the whole game he's basically located at this tree on the floating Turtle next up we got the previous hero NPC and this is the Rabid NPC that sells you the electric claw fighting sty but you do have to complete a short quest to be able to buy it and that Quest literally just involves getting to the mansion but if you want to cheese it you can use the portal fruit the light fruit or just set your spawn there and teleport pretty simple next up we got the Hungry Man NPC and this guy is also a part of the quest to unlock observation V2 next up we got the horn man NPC and this guy actually gives you the quest to get the rainbow savior Aura color which is literally one of the coolest looking hockey colors in the whole game it literally makes you glow and change colors all the time next up we got the mysterious entity previously known as wedlock toad over Heaven not sure what that means he basically just lets you awaken a move of your food once you're done with a specific raid he's actually located somewhere underneath the Turtle Island and if you manage to glitch into your box you will actually not be able to awaken your F you have to complete the raid and do it the legit way moving on to the next Island we got the haunted castle first NPC we got here is called the death King and he actually exchanges bones for a bunch of random items in the comment here you can get 6 to 30,000 belly or 100 to 250 fragments and onomon section you can get the golden sunad barriers and 10 minutes of Double XP and in the ver section you can get fire Essence and in the legendary section you can get Halo Essence next up we got the ooth NPC who teaches you the dragon Talon fighting style which is the V2 of dragon's breath which you can get from Sai NPC located in the second scene next up we got to weird machine and I'm not sure why this counts as an NPC it's literally a machine and this is actually the NPC you go to for the final part of the Soul guitar puzzle and everyone knows the soul guitar is probably the best gun in the whole game it's the only mythical gun next up we got the ghost NPC and also a part of the Soul guitar puzzle and he's also located on this island next up we got the gravestone NPC and for this one you're literally going to be talking to a random gravestone and you have one option when you come over here you can just pray if you pray during a full moon then you get an option to play a game and after completing it you will gain access to the word machine which sells you the soul guitar so this is also a part of the Soul guitar Quest moving on to the next island or islands should I say we got the Sea of treats and the first NPC we got here is the sick scientist for unlocking the Phoenix raids and six scientists cannot be spoken to unless you have a 400 Mastery on your Phoenix fruit but keep in mind if you want to awaken your Phoenix fruit you do need a lot of other requirements next is the cake scientist and this is the guy you need if you want to unlock your D raid everyone knows that the dough fruit is one of the best PVP fruits in the whole game so if you're really serious about getting better at block withth make sure you get this food awakened the next NPC we got here is drip m and this guy basically just tells you how many enemies you need to defeat in order to start the cak prince or do king raid and fighting the dking or the cak prince is probably one of the hardest things to do so make sure you have a squad with you next up we got the sweet crafter and the only reason this NPC exists is to let you craft the God's chalice who is basically going to upgrade the Cake prince to the D King which is incredibly difficult to get moving on to the next Island which is the castle on the see the first NPC we got here is Len and to talk to this guy you have to defeat at least five Elite Pirates and he basically just sells you the pretty helmet next NPC we got here is pler and you should know what this guy does he can basically just reset your stat points for a fixed price of 2,500 fragment which is not that easy to get so you don't want to be resetting your stat points too often next up we got the Butler and this guy basically just gives you info on how to get observation V2 the PIR raids Elite Pirates the toua and the yamama sword next up we got the mysterious scientist and this guy basically just lets you start raids he's also located in the second C if you fit the requirements you can also start an advanced rate from this guy next up we got the takamura NPC a player the jaw Shield after completing five player Hunter quests next up we got the Ora editor and this one is pretty self-explanatory he just basically lets you change your hockey color next up we got F the reform this NPC sells you the dead step fighting style or lets you equi it if you already have it unlocked next up we got the water Kung Fu teacher you can basically just equip the water kung fu fighting style or you can buy for 750,000 belly next up we got the dark step teacher buy the dark step fighting style for 150,000 belly or equipped it from here if you already have it unlocked next up we got the mad scientist and this guy can teach you the electric fighting style for 500,000 belly or equip it from here whenever you want next up we got dir Rock the SharkMan and for this one you can buy the SharkMan card at a fighting sty next up we got martial arts teacher and this guy just lets you equip the Superhuman fighting stal next up we got Sai and this guy just lets you equip the dragon birth fighting stal or buy it for 1,500 fragments next up we got the elite Hunter NPC and this is the NPC that gives you the Yama Quest next up we got the player Hunter NPC this guy just gives you a quest to kill any random player on the server and you get a small reward for it next up we got the remove block food NPC whose name literally explains what he does he just removes your blocks for but you do have to pay him 50,000 belly I'm not really sure why anyone would do this though next up we got the Temple of Time and a lot of you actually don't know this island because it's located pretty far away the next Island we got here is the tiki Outpost and the first NPC we got here is shafan who actually sells you the sanguin art fighting style and let me tell you this stuff is not easy to come by but the fighting style is 100% worth it still not better than God human though next is the dragon Talon sage and this is an NPC that just lets you craft Scrolls and enchant your weapons happens whenever you want next up we got the Beast Hunter NPC this is required to obtain the Leviathan Crown as well as the Leviathan shield and the Beast Hunter Boat and everyone knows this boat is incredibly difficult when you're hunting seab Beast next up we got the Shark Hunter NPC and this guy lets you craft different accessories the first accessory is the shark tooth necklace the second one is the terror draw as well as the Monster Magnet next up we got the Spy NPC who sells you clues about the Leviathan for 1,500 fragments and currently in the game this is the only way to summon the Leviathan next up we got the SHP right teacher this guy just teaches you the shipright subclass moving on to the next Island The Mirage Island which is an island that has a random chance of spawning in and on this island we got one of the best NPCs in the whole game the advanced Blox fruit dealer and you might be thinking wait a minute don't we already have a Blox fruit dealer well this guy is a 100 times better he has to have a minimum of seven fruits in stock the normal one can only have three and he has a way higher chance of having legendary fruits in stock and he also restocks every 2 hours compared to the 4 hours of the normal blo food dealer moving on to the next album we got the kitsun island and the NPC we got here is the Kitsune Shrine and this was obviously added during the Kitsune update and that's pretty much it
Channel: Hans - Roblox
Views: 26,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, blox fruits, roblox blow fruits, roblox hans, hans blox fruits, roblox blox fruits, hans roblox, hans roblox tiktok, tiktok hans, hans, roblox hans tiktok, roblox hans revenge, roblox revenge, revenge roblox, blox fruits revenge, roblox blox fruits revenge
Id: JaJezfU9EsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 34sec (1774 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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