A worthless Ugly Guy Eats a Parasite and Turns into a Strong Monster

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hi an aest here this is my recap for the anime Kaiju know if you dig my recaps don't forget to subscribe and smash that notification Bell the story starts in this chill City that gets straight up attacked by this monster called Kaiju the emergency Kaiju alarm goes off all over the city and people got to hustle to safety spots this thing is massive wrecking everything in its path so the Defense Force rolls up and starts blasting at it this ain't the first time Humanities dealt with this crap so keeps watching are waiting to see which division of the Defense Force going to show up and it's the third division and they swoop in ready to wreck that Kaiju one girl from the division comes in packing this huge cannon and she uses its crazy power to straight up blast a hole through the Kaiju taking it out like a boss after all that our main dude Kafka is straight up amazed at the size of that monster body parts scattered everywhere he tells his crew they going to be working overtime for a while that's for sure the nearby citizens cheer for the third division cuz they finished their mission with no casualties cfco walks over Blown Away by the crowd that gathered while the heroes walk away from the defeated monster Kafka heads towards it because his job ain't done when the battle ends him and his crew do the Dirty Work that nobody cares about and nobody appreciates they got to take apart the defeated kaijas and dispose of them Kafka does his thing taking a sample of the monster and stashing it in a drone their job ain't flashy like fighting the beast but but it's a different kind of battle in its own way that becomes Crystal Clear when cfus spots someone messing with something they shouldn't and it freaking explodes hurting someone luckily kafka's dealt with injuries like that before so he handles the situation these dudes got a ton of work ahead of them and Kafka is pissed that the bosses want them to clean up this massive mess in just one week just then Kafka gets told he got to go to a different area cuz they short staffed and he's shocked cuz they sending him to the intestines Kafka gets dragged away and the others start talking about how messed up the intestines are Kafka arrives at the intestines and instantly loses his appetite but he's a hard worker so he pushes through the discomfort and gets the job done that night Kafka gets home dead tired and he tries to get rid of the stench from work he catches a news report about division 3 and their Captain named Mina this girl's only 27 and she ain't just a captain she's slayed hundreds of Kaiju looking back shows that she and Kafka used to be tight and she was all up in her feelings when they made a promise to kick Kaiju ass together now Mina is blowing up big time and everybody's talking about her being a top Contender for commander of the Defense Force Kafka is wondering how the hell he ended up on the flip side of things but he ain't train to dwell on it cause that shit's too damn depressing he tells himself that cleaning is a legit important gig that helps people plus he gets to grub on his favorite foods and has an apartment he's cool with Kafka figures that this should be enough and just goes to sleep the next morning CFA rolls up to work and gets introduced to this part-time student who's joining their crew dudes names ichikawa and he's dead set on joining the Defense Force kafka's cooworker points out that Kafka had the same dream as him but Kafka straight up gave up and became a veteran at the cleaning company ichikawa's wondering why Kafka quit so Kafka admits he realized his abilities had limits dude tried his best but there's always someone who's better Kafka tries to keep a positive mindset but ichikawa ain't playing he straight up declares he ain't never going to give up no matter what so he can't wrap his head around kafka's logic he don't even want to understand so he just bounces to change his clothes everybody thought they'd be tight cuz they shared the same dream but kafka's fuming cuz he knows there ain't no way to answer the kid's question without looking like a miserable wreck kafka's forced to do some soul searching and wonders if quitting is really that damn bad they all head to work and go over the plan for the day they decide which parts they got to keep for research and which ones they got to straight up destroy ichikawa gets stuck with the intestines kafka's kind of stoked cause the kids got a dope attitude but then he realizes he's got to deal with intestines again for the second damn day in a row they say it's cuz he's a pro at handling the [ __ ] so Kafka swears he going to show everyone what he's made of the boss calls out kafa for all his damn complaints but also gives props for being a hard ass worker if he passed the ex amam he would have been a kickass Defense Force officer later kafka's happy as hell to see ichikawa getting grossed out by the intestine mess but he's dealing with the same nasty [ __ ] and trying not to puke that's when Kafka notices the kid ain't brought much grub ichikawa gets all rude saying he ain't hungry but Kafka hands him a vitamin drink and insists he eats and drinks as much as he can otherwise he ain't going to make it through the damn workday Kafka even offers him some nose plugs ichikawa turns them down but Kafka keeps pushing swearing it'll help him out at the end of the damn workday everybody gets cleaned up and one crew dips out first kafka's stoked cause the worst part of the cleanup should be done with then ichikawa rolls up and Kafka thinks he wants a damn rematch from their little wrestling match but ichikawa shocks him by actually thanking him for helping him get through the day before bouncing ichikawa mentions that the Defense Force changed the age limit to join it's now 33 years old iawa knows that it's none of his business but he could tell that Kafka look sad when he talked about the Defense Force earlier ichikawa straight up tells him he can quit if he wants to though but Kafka thanks him and says ichikawa's a better dude than he thought ichikawa tries to keep up his edgy act so he reminds Kafka that he doesn't actually care but then out of nowhere a freaking monster pops up and goes after him Kafka swoops in and saves his ass just in the nick of time but Kafka all messed up icha was shocked by the so-called yaju and Kafka got to save his sorry ass from getting wiped out again Kafka tells him to haul ass and get help but he refuses to leave Kafka Kafka reminds him he's supposed to join the Defense Force but he can't do anything if he's dead Kafka demands again that ichikawa splits so finally he does Kafka leads the terrifying beast on a wild Chase through the streets barely dodging its attacks he manages to get a breather by ducking into a narrow building busts through a pane of glass and manages to lose the monster for a hot second flashback time Kafka and Mina both lost their schools and homes kfco was pissed at the Kaiju but only C they kept him from finishing his Pokémon game Mina's disappointed cuz that's all he cares about but Kafka is trying to stay positive as for mina she's sad cause her cat named Miko died they both get serious as they stare at all the destruction caused by the Kaiju and they both decided at the same damn time to join the Defense Force they start dissing each other for this crazy idea because they're both so damn young but eventually they de decid to have a competition to see who can become the coolest officer Kafka was hella confident they could pull it off and declared they'd wipe out all the Kaiju together back to the present koffer realizes [ __ ] ain't supposed to go down like this but he got to keep hauling ass because the monsters are straight up demolishing buildings to get to him Kafka decides to stand up to the monster thinking he must go for its legs but damn he doesn't stand a chance because the monster straight up attacks him right away Kafka is thinking why the hell did it have to end up like this he screams in pure Agony as the monster Stomps on him breaking his damn leg kafka's lost all hope because the monster's about to eat him but out of nowhere mikawa swoops in and saves his sorry ass just in the nick of time kafa calls him an idiot but ichikawa explains he already called the Defense Force for backup Kafka meant he was an idiot for coming back in the first place but ichikawa points out that if he had abandoned Kafka he would never be able to become a Defense Force officer that's when Kafka has flashbacks to when he got that rejection letter from the Defense Force and saw his dreams go up in smoke he straight up curses himself for being so freaking useless while ichikawa gets thrashed by the monster kafka's pissed cuz he ain't changed at all he couldn't even protect his friend's cat and now he can't even protect the new kid at work his frustration builds up and he lets out a primal Scream Of Rage just as the Beast is about to wipe out ichikawa but out of nowhere the monster gets blown to freaking pieces leaving both dudes shocked then this female voice announces that the target's been wiped out and Kafka is blown away when he sees minor rolling up with the third division crew she has her Squad take care of the injured peeps while she and the others go check for more monsters they check on Kafka but he's in rough shape and not responding that night at Yokohama Hospital kafka's mind is blown by how freaking amazing Mina become she straight up obliterated that terrifying monster in an instant kafa realized izes she's gone to a place he can never reach he thought he was all alone but then he's shocked to find out ichikawa's right next to him ichikawa points out that if Kafka hadn't rescued him and told him to run he would be dead right now kafka's even more shocked when ichikawa says he's cool Kafka thinks about their competition to be the coolest officer ichikawa thinks Kafka should be an officer but once again says it's up to him Kafka snaps out of his negative mindset and straight up punches himself wondering how long he would is going to keep looking the other way he thanks ichikawa and tells the kid he's a damn good person Kafka still ain't thinking giving up is a bad move but he knows damn well he can't fool himself so he steps up and confidently declares he's going to aim to be a Defense Force officer once again but before he can bask in his heroic declaration he gets a rude awakening when he's freaking shocked to see a monster hovering above him this freaking thing says it's found him and shoves itself right into kafka's mouth itawa wonders if he is okay but kafka's clearly not good gasping for air and thrashing around like a haunted ichikawa checks on him and he's straight up shocked to find a monster in kafka's bed Kafka just casually looks at ichikawa and then casually checks out his own reflection eventually the shock hits them both so Kafka tries to calm ichikawa down telling him it's just him ichikawa chills out but then some Old Dude shows up and calls the Defense Force both dudes start freaking out thinking about what the Defense Force does to Kaiju so they're panicking like crazy iawa tells Kafka to haul ass and run another flashback shows Kafka teaching Mina how to take down a Kaiju he schools her on attacking the legs and tying the sucker up Mina scared as hell at the thought of fighting a monster so Kafka promises her he'll be right there by her side when the time comes back to the present Mina's thinking about how that was all a lie but then she gets the news that a Kaiju has been spotted at Yokohama hospital and she declares that she'll handle it she's going to roll out with her officers and straight up eliminate that Kaiju once Mina's Squad is all set she gathers them up and Spills that there's a freaking Kaiju chilling at the hospital and it's their damn mission to take it down without hurting the people meanwhile in the hospital Kafka and ichikawa are still messing with the old dude they're trying to show him it's just a huge ass misunderstanding making Kafka look as harmless as humanly possible but that's tough when kafka's got a freaking face like that [ __ ] hits the fan when the old man has a heart attack and kicks the bucket Kafka tries to check on him he puts his hand on the wall and accidentally smashes it by accident he can't believe this crap is happening to him but now the whole damn hospital is paying attention since the Defense Force is probably already on the way ichikawa suggests Kafka bounces Kafka agrees because sticking around would just cause more problems but when he tries to open the window he forgets about his superhuman strength and wrecks more property ichikawa brushes it off and says they should dip since kafka's presence is freaking everyone out so they both leap out through the Wall's hole and head into the city the Defense Force gets word that the Rogue Kaiju has fled the hospital and is heading straight for the city so they gear up to intercept it meanwhile ichikawa's hauling ass through the city streets wondering when the hell Kafka turned into a freaking Kaiju he knows CFA wasn't one earlier today he even turns back to ask if Kafka is still the same person deep down but even Kafka ain't sure who the hell he is anymore his body is going haywire on its own and he even ends up snacking on a random bird for no damn reason eventually Kafka goes back to his less monstrous Kaiju form but there's another issue at hand he's got to take a leak ichikawa tells him to hold it in because they ain't got time for a bathroom pit stop but Kafka says his body prob won't listen and he'll just pee in the road but with that said he ain't got balls right now so ichikawa's wondering how the hell he plans to drain the lizard and then [ __ ] hits the pavement Kafka collapses on the ground embarrassed as hell and wishes he could wipe that moment from his memory but ichikawa reminds him they got to keep moving before the Defense Force rolls in and speaking of that Kafka asks if he can still join the Defense Force looking like this but that's straight up impossible the Defense Force is trained to take out Kai just like him if they find him they'll obliterate his sorry ass on site It's a cruel twist of fate for Kafka because even though he finally found the Mot motivation to give it another shot and join the Defense Force he now forever locked out because of his body itawa ain't got no way to comfort Kafka but he finds a sick Hideout for him to lay low for now but before they bounce kafka's eyes catch something behind them and he knows it ain't good ichikawa asks if it's the Defense Force but no it's way worse it's an actual Kaiju the Defense Force gets word of the second Kaiju attack going down so they split up to handle both situations back in the city Kafka somehow knows if this new Kaiju is the same breed that messed with him and ichikawa earlier ichikawa sees this as their golden ticket to dip since it'll divide the defense Force's Members Plus since cfus already cleared out the area with his presence ain't nobody going to die from this attack they should just let the Defense Force deal with it kafar reluctantly agrees and starts making his way out of there meanwhile there's a little girl going through hell because her family ain't evacuated and her mom's trapped under a damn dress in all the chaos the mom tells the girl to get the hell out of there before she gets herself killed but the girl's determined to save her mom sadly all she gets is a front row seat to more nightmare fuel as the Kaiju closes in and crashes into the room like it's lunchtime it opens its jaws wide ready to munch on the poor girl but just in the nick of time CFA delivers a badass elbow strike that strike sends the Kaiju flying several blocks away and kafka's mind is blown by how freaking strong his new body is but then he remembers there are folks in trouble so he turns to the girl and checks if she's all right obviously the girl's scared shitless of him and kafka's creepy smile ain't helping his case one bit but when ichikawa shows up the girl calms down because she knows they're here to save the day they finally free her mom who's unconscious but going to be fine once they get her to safety the Kaiju comes back so kfka tells ichikawa to haul ass with the girl and her mom while he stays back because he wants to lay the smackdown on this Kaiju with all his might ichikawa peeps the lightning crackling around Kafka and realizes he doesn't want to be anywhere near what's about to go down so he skattles while Kafka lines up for the most epic uppercut he's ever thrown that Kaiju gets hit so damn hard it goes flying and then explodes From the Inside Out showering everything around it with Kaiju guts kafka's left dumbfounded because he straight up one punched a giant Kaiju but no matter how badass he may seem to regular folks after that victory he's still a terrifying ass Kaiju he goes up to the girl and tells her the Defense Force going to be rolling in soon to help her out she doesn't got to be scared no more because he's leaving now but as he's walking away the girl gathers up enough courage to call out and thank him for saving her and her mom those magical words hit Kafka like a flashback of the time he spent with Mina trying to make his way into the Defense Force and even with his messed up situation maybe there's still a glimmer of hope for his dream itawa shouts to Kafka and says he called an ambulance so they got a dip before anyone shows up Kafka turns to him after some deep thinking and declares he ain't giving up on his dream of joining the Defense Force because he promised to stand by Mina's side a while later Mina rolls up to the scene but the whole crew's jaws drop when they see the Kaiju already taken care of she goes up to the little girl and asks what went down but when the girl tries to retell it she almost starts crying from all the trauma Mina reassures the girl she ain't got to be scared because she and the whole Defense Force going to wipe all the Kaiju off the face of this Earth at first the girls stoked to hear that but then she takes a second and asks Mina to promise not to harm the good Kaiju guy she says the good Kaiju is the one who saved her mom and off the other Kaiju but Mina is still shocked hearing good and Kaiju in the same breath on the morning news they put together a sketch of kafka's Kaiju form based on eyewitness accounts calling it Kaiju number eight it's the eighth Kaiju ever to get a c name since the Defense Force ain't tracked him down yet the cleanup crew wonders why they still ain't found him while they're chatting it up itawa strolls into the room and drops some knowledge on what's been going down it's been 3 months since Kafka pulled off being the first Kaiju to escape the Defense Force so the officers are using a whole lot of Defense budget to hunt him down the shift lead tells iawa that something came in the mail for both him and Kafka since Kafka already dipped out early to start work he wants ichikawa to bring his mail to him the other dudes already know what the mail's all about because Kafka used to apply to the Defense Force every year and every damn year he'd get rejected so the team had to lift his spirits and cheer him up ichikawa checks out his results in damn he stoked to find out he passed that [ __ ] so he dips to give Kafka his results too but before he leaves he takes a quick look at kafka's results just to make sure he ain't going to hand him a letter of disappointment and when he peeps at it he's all smiles and keeps on hustling looks like Kafka actually pulled through this time and passed the damn test all the homies are hyped for him because they know how bad he wanted it ichikawa reaches Kafka and Spills that he actually passed the first round of the exams this time but when Kafka turns around while grubbing on his lunch ichikawa sees he's letting his Kaiju form show Kafka realized he was in Kaiju mode and could have totally blown his cover if it was anyone other than ichikawa now he tries to switch back to normal but accidentally leaves his mouth unchanged ichikawa goes off on him telling him how dangerous it is for him to get spotted because there are still new stories floating around about him both of them managed to dodge suspicion by claiming they bounced after the Kaiju attack but if Kafka keeps pulling this [ __ ] he's going to get exposed sooner or later itawa hands over his results but while Kafka is still happy he ain't nearly as ecstatic as ichikawa thought he'd be mainly because Kafka always bombed the second stage of the test so the real hard part is still ahead for him while they're on that topic ichikawa asks if Kafka really plans on taking the exam looking the way he does the first part was a breeze because it was just a written test but the second part's going to have officers all over the damn place and they'd straight up wipe him if they found out about his body situation but even with the risk kafka's dead set on taking the exam in the past 3 months he's been trying to find a way to fully turn back into a human but luck ain't on his side but with the age limit this is his last shot to actually apply so he's got to take a chance ichikawa gets where Kafka is coming from but he makes it crystal clear that if [ __ ] goes down and Kafka is in trouble he's on his own because in this test they're Rivals Kafka reaches down to grab his water bottle but he struggles with the cap accidentally transforms into his Kaiju form and busts the bottle ichikawa takes back everything he just said and straight up tells Kafka to drop out of the exam because he's going to end up 6 feet under but Kafka still really wants to go for it ichikawa gives in but repeats that if anything goes down during the exam he is on his own everyone else is about to roll up for work so he tells Kafka to get his [ __ ] together with his transformation once iawa bounces Kafka lets out a sigh of relief because he passed and he ain't know what he'd do if ichikawa passed and he didn't but now he got to get ready for the damn test on test day Kafka and ichikawa pull up in the parking lot of the Defense Force and ichikawa's mind is BL blown by the massive ass building in front of him he been on a field trip to a base before but this joint is on a whole another level Kafka explains they share this area with some special Defense Force Garrison so when [ __ ] goes down both sides join forces to handle it real quick in other words if Kafka accidentally transforms here he'd be dead in 1 second other test takers start showing up too so Kafka ain't seeing the point in getting scared anymore he tells itawa they should head inside soon but then this rude chick interrupts and calls him an old man Kafka defends himself saying he's only 32 so he ain't that damn old but even ichikawa thinks he's ancient so he got to accept it age aside this girl straight up tells him to move his car even though there are plenty of spots elsewhere just because she thinks she got some special right to it because five is her lucky number Kafka ain't budging for some dumb reason like that obviously so this chick decides to flex her supposed wealth she strips down and reveals feels she's wearing the same battle suit those Defense Force folks Rock but she ain't using it for any noble cause like fighting Kaiju instead she grabs kafka's car with one hand and throws it out the spot thinking she is all cool but it just makes her a [ __ ] but being a big shot apparently gives her the right to pull this kind of [ __ ] and get away with it she introduces herself as karoo and boasts about how she kills kaiju for fun and coincidentally she finds it hella weird that Kafka smells like a kaiju ichikawa breaks it down real quick that they're part of the Kaiju disposal unit Karu straight up loses her [ __ ] when Kafka effortlessly lifts his truck thinking he must have his own secret power suit Kafka introduces himself as examine number 232 and puts on a dramatic show telling the kid to remember his name but his cool moment gets interrupted when he sees karo's Butler taking his damn parking spot Kiku thought this exam would be hella boring but now she's feeling the thrill she swears she'll make Kafka a big joke and bounces ichikawa all pissed at Kafka for already using his powers but Kafka points out that he only transformed the part she couldn't see they brush off some guards saying the noise was nothing but ichikawa warns Kafka that if he pulls any more stunts he's getting sent home Kafka knows this is his last chance to stick with Mina so he promises himself he won't give up this time but moments later Kafka is struggling hard during the exam he's been keeping up with his training and busting his ass doing hard physical work every damn day but right now he just can't keep up flashback to earlier when ichikawa explains the second stage of the exam which has two parts a fitness test and an aptitude test they can't change their aptitude so they got to get the best damn grades they can in the fitness test but Kafka is having a real tough time he's always been below average but shit's gotten way worse he's falling way behind making him wonder if people really get this weak after turning 30 he thinks about transforming but that would be straight up crazy unfortunately Kafka does hella poorly and gets a rank of 219 out of 225 then Kiku comes out of nowhere revealing she ranked five and starts clowning Kafka saying it didn't take long at all to make him a joke Kafka thinks about how he dramatically told her to remember his name but now he wants her to forget it ichikawa's just glad Kafka didn't use his powers and Kafka explains it wouldn't be fair since everyone busted their ass to get there but the truth is Kafka was just fronting to sound cool but deep down he wishes he had used his powers Kafka sure he could have done better but ichikawa thinks there's another reason why he got that rank meanwhile Mina's checking out this year's applicants her subordinate assumes she won't give a damn because all she cares about is killing Kaiju but he's straight up shocked when she's down to hear more while she's working the guy explains there's this dude named isumo who caught his attention he graduated top of his class and is the most promising one in this year's crew ichikawa noticed the dude as well as he just ranked second and the guy who came in third is iaru the valedictorian of some fancy ass University but the one who took the top spot is karagi the rising star from the Japan ground self-defense force and it ain't just them most of the examinees this year are from topnotch universities usually folks like them be trying to become Elite officers not field agents that's probably why kafka's rank is so damn low and it hits Kafka that's why they seem so damn strong ichikawa explains that even among all these badass folks there's one person everyone's got their eyes on she graduated from California neutralization at the ripe age of 16 she skipped grades and became the youngest ever to do it her name's karoo and they call her the ultimate Talent the top three dudes are watching her hoping they can measure up ichikawa points out that it's a group of crazy skilled applicants none more so than karoo Kafka admits he had no idea she was that damn impressive but he catches a Beatdown from her bodyguards for touching her everybody's watching and they just assume Kafka is one of her damn fans Kiku laughs because she's made him a joke again but Kafka declares he's going to make her a joke too deep down though Kafka knows things ain't going so well but ichikawa still has hope the past 2 years the second part of the test has been Kaiju corp's disposal they want to test the exam knowledge of Kaiju and their ability to work as a team they also want to show them there's more to the job than just killing Kaiju that's why ichikawa chose to work part-time at the disposal unit because it's part of the damn test kafka's hope gets back in the game so they decide to go all in on the next part of the exam they roll up to the second training spot and this Vice Captain HOSA from the third division steps up he's the dude in charge of giving them their aptitude test and in this test they got to hunt down some Kaiju Kafka gets hyped because he thinks they just got to find those monsters and get rid of their bodies like ichikawa said but damn he gets a shock when hasha actually drops the bomb that they got to find and take down the Kaiju kafka's mind is blown when one of those mad strong Kaiju tries to attack hasha but luckily the security measures shut it down Kafka is still shocked but all the top guys are straight up pumped for this part of the exam then karoo starts laughing at our boy so Kafka wonders what happened to just dis cling of the bodies the chawa breaks it down that's what they've been doing for the past 2 years and he's just as disappointed HHA explains that this part of the exam is dangerous as hell so they got a rock isumo tech gear while doing it iawa tries on the gear and he's mind blown as it analyzes his body and molds itself to fit him perfectly the suit becomes one with his body and ichikawa can even feel his muscles getting stronger these suits are legit demon Defense Force combat gear made from organic material ripped from the Kaiju they boost the combat power of the wearer like crazy meanwhile Konomi the operator from the third division says she's going to start measuring the combat power unleashed by those wearing the suits ichikawa is at 8% isumo is at 18% kagari is at 15% and IH heru is at 14% Unleashed combat power shows how much of the suits power they can tap into even after mad training it usually hovers around 20% and they're lucky if they get one applicant a year who hits over 10% but these three dudes are all above 10% so HOSA wonders if this year is going to be off the charts then [ __ ] gets real when Konomi sees karo's Unleashed combat power is at 46% everyone's in awe of her and HOSA thinks how she's already at a platoon leader level and she ain't even joined the force yet they assume this must be some kind of record itawa feels down on himself because he's only at 8% but hasha tells him that's still pretty solid for a first timer as long as the examinees ain't rocking a big fat zero they'll pass and HOSA straight up admits he's never even seen a zero before but hey there's a first time for everything and everyone's shocked once again because kafka's unleash combat power is revealed to be a big fat zero everyone straight up laughing at him and even Konomi starts wondering if there was some kind of glitch or mistake kfka tells them to give him a bit more time because he's trying to squeeze out that combat power but damn h can't control his laughing and straight up tells him this ain't like using the bathroom where you can just squeeze it out HHA is starting to like kafka's Vibe but he's pretty sure Kafka ain't going to pass the exam Kafka starts thinking there might be some kind of secret or trick to boosting his percentage so he works his ass off trying to figure it out before the exam ends garu is getting real frustrated with him and wishes he'd just show the power he used back in the parking lot then hoso walks in and announces it's time for the final part of the exam he explains that they got to take down one hanu and 36 yaju spread out in an urban training area these Kaiju caused 16 casualties and they've been captured alive for training purposes the examinees got to fight them with anti- Kaiju weapons while drones monitor their moves if the Drone sense an examine is in danger they'll activate the shield in their suits to save them but that also means they fail the exam this [ __ ] is crazy dangerous so HOSA can't guarantee they'll even survive they got to decide if they want to take part and hosha kicks off the test the examinees rush forward with mad eagerness but everyone's stunned when Karu jumps ahead and easily takes down to yaju she's straight up amazing everyone Kafka declares they need to push ahead or they'll fall behind but ichikawa points out kafka's the one holding them back Kafka defends himself by saying the weapons are heavy as hell without the suits help he tries to sound all cool by saying only he the zero can understand this but ichikawa ain't feeling it cool at all things ain't looking good because ichikawa's pointing out they don't have the same offensive power as the others just then hhaa drops a bomb and reveals that Mina has shown up to watch the damn exam cfer remembers their challenge to see who can be the coolest Defense Force officer and he calms himself down he stops giving a damn about being a zero and reminds himself that this is his last chance Kafka figures something out and asks ichikawa why the hell they got drones watching them if if they just want to keep count of how many Kaiju they've taken out they could easily do that with sensors but it ain't about that besides testing their skills they're also checking how well they can adapt to the situation Kafka and ichikawa realize that since they ain't packing the same offensive power as the others they got to focus on supporting the attackers as best as they can they spot a fight going down nearby so they position themselves to lend a hand Kafka notices the Hooves of this yaju and remembers it from one of his cleanups his experience pays off because he knows stun grenades mess this yaju up big time it's got weak eyesight but crazy good hearing once it's deafened it's an easy target but Kafka ain't done showing off his expertise he tells isumo to aim for its stomach because that's its weak spot the attackers follow his lead and are shocked when they take the Beast Down they thank Kafka for the sick support but kafka's pissed because he calls them kiku's fan in the observation room they actually start paying attention to what C kfka and ichikawa are doing Kafka points out to ichikawa that they've taken apart more Kaiju bodies than they can even count he's feeling confident now because they can use that knowledge kafka's relieved because he don't need his Kaiju power anymore he's finally stoked because he can make up for all his screw-ups but all that optimism comes crashing down real quick because a Kaiju pops out of nowhere this thing sends Kafka flying into a building and Konomi detects that he's seriously messed up he can't keep fighting and the damn yaju is closing in on him they get ready to activate his suit Shield Kafka knows they'll probably use the shield but he also knows that means he fails the exam he's aware that Mina's watching so he tries to force himself up he refuses to embarrass himself in front of her anymore but this damn Beast is about to Chow Down on him Konomi starts activating the remote shield and hasha thinks about how he knew Kafka would be the first to drop out he finds it a damn shame because Kafka was a hilarious dude but just then the yaju gets blown to pieces and Kiku points out that she's made Kafka a joke for the third time and she straight up declares that as long as she's on the battlefield nobody's allowed to quit Kafka is blown away by her but before he can say anything she cuts him off she announces that she's going to keep kicking Kaiju ass and tells him to just lie there on the ground like a damn loser the other dudes can see she's going for the main target but they ain't just going to let her have it karoo easily takes out another yaju and ihuru thinks she's just way too powerful and wonders if she really has the same suit they do cfco wants to go after the main target too but his legs busted and he can't even stand up hasha explains kafka's got multiple fractures and might even have organ damage cfco wonders if this means he's got to give up but he refuses to let himself think like that he remembers how shitty it felt to see he had 0% combat power like he could never stand by Mina's side he gets pissed pissed off thinking about how Only The Talented ones pass HHA suggests Kafka just drop out and explains the suit Shields ain't foolproof but Kafka ain't having it he thinks about how he's the one who decides if he gives up or not he declares that even though he's too damn old for Dreams And even if he looks like a total idiot he's going to bet his whole damn life up to this point and Chase his dreams again as Kafka makes this declaration everyone in the observation room is straight up shocked to see his combat power go up by 0 1% Kafka declares that this time he ain't giving up no matter what and Mina takes notice thanks for watching subscribe to not miss the next part
Channel: AniQuest
Views: 10,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime recap, anime recaps, best anime recaps, anime recapped, top anime recaps, anime summary, anime recaped, anime, anime recap isekai, anime recap reincarnation, recap anime, anirecaps, anime plot, Anime Recap Harem, Ani Recap Isekai, Anime Recap Demon, Ani Quest, Anime Quest, Anime Quest Recap, Ani Quest Plot, mr recap
Id: gWkyOxSQ0TA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 10sec (2110 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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